How to Cook a Steak in the Oven - Cote de Boeuf

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welcome back to another episode of barbecue in bottles and today we are gonna be searing this beautiful 3.8 pound bone-in ribeye we're gonna be searing it off in cast iron first and then finishing up in the oven so this process is great if you've got a really thick steak because you can't just sear it off in the cast iron because by the time the inside of the steak is done you're gonna have an absolutely scorched exterior it'll either be burnt or it'll be well-done and so this process really allows you to get that crust that we know and love from cast iron and seared steaks but also will get you a wall-to-wall medium-rare or whatever doneness that you're looking to cook your steak to so first what we did was we did a 48-hour dry brine with this steak so we just salted it very generously as you'll see here with kosher salt and because this steak is just so thick you don't have to worry about over seasoning it there's virtually no amount of salt that you're actually gonna be able to put on this that's gonna make it too salty in the end we've got probably two two and a half inches of thickness here on this steak so the 48-hour dry brine also allows the salt to really absorb all the way through your roast so you get more even seasoning and it also helps to tenderize the meat as well put a cookie sheet underneath it and drop that in the fridge leave it there for 48 hours and then you've got this kind of beauty on the other side so all we're gonna do to prep in terms of our cast iron cook here is get a few garlic cloves ready so we'll just smash those with our knife just a quick tap really releases this little paper shell that the garlic's are in and then just peel that shell away so now to preheat the cast iron pan so we're setting that to medium medium-high and what we're gonna do is we're gonna first sear the steak then we're gonna get that beautiful crust that we know you can achieve in searing steaks and cast iron and once we've got the desired crust we're just going to slide it into the so that's the next thing we got a preheat here and we're gonna set this nice and low and slow at 225 Fahrenheit and the reason we're setting it that low is we want this to cook nice and gently so that we get that perfect wall-to-wall medium-rare or whatever doneness that you're shooting for keep it nice and low if you've got the time and you'll get that perfect outcome so while we're waiting for the pan to warm up and the oven to preheat we're just gonna prep a little bit of garlic like this and we're gonna roast this along with the steak so we'll just chop the top off like that and then just make sure you get any of this loose covering just off the side you don't want that coming off in your cast-iron pan and then boom just like that you're done so we're just gonna check the temp of our pan here and we've got what we're looking for is somewhere between 450 and 500 Fahrenheit and that's what we've got first step I would recommend you crack a window open your door just make sure you've got some good ventilation in there in your kitchen now next we're gonna add some avocado oil and this has a really high smoke point I think it's just over 500 degrees Fahrenheit it's perfect for searing steaks get that going and now for the star of the show now we'll leave this here and just sear away probably for three or four minutes on this side and then we're gonna flip it and hopefully believe accomplished a really nice crust on the bottom side now that dry brine what happened while this steak was sitting in the fridge for 48 hours is the salt made sure we had a perfectly dry surface on the surface of a steak which allows all of the heat energy from the cast-iron pan to transition into the mired reaction and give you that really Brown dark rich crust that we're looking for so now we're gonna put this guy if you look at that what a beautiful fear now we're gonna get the other side here while this is here in the way we're gonna add a little bit of clarified butter we're gonna take some of that garlic that we smashed up we're gonna take some rosemary and just rough up the sprigs a little bit before you drop them in the pan here and that is going to just help to release more of the aromatics of the rosemary into the state and then finally we're going in with the garlic now we'll put that head down now periodically you want to be flipping your garlic like this just to make sure that doesn't burn all right now we're gonna flip this one more time and we're gonna get these edges just look at that beautiful crust that's forming here so you want to render the sides of this don't forget to get those nice and caramelized you also want to render down some of the fat on the edge of the steak here and now let's take out some of those garlic chunks that have really seared up nicely those will pair perfectly with the final stake here all right over these garlic all right a little bit get this side as well you can see we've really rendered that fat half nicely and now we'll get the last side now we're gonna take out these garlic's here as well and that will take out the rosemary cuz that's done imparting its flavors and we don't want it to burn so now what we're gonna do is insert a meat pro on our thermometer into the thickest part of the steak you'll see the interior temp here is still 68 so we've hardly touched it the internal temp of the steak so we're just gonna drop it into the oven be careful of that transition and now we'll let this finish off so because we've got a really thick steak here what we're gonna do is take this off at about 125 Fahrenheit and then we'll just let it rest for 10 minutes and we should have somewhere between you know four five six degrees carryover so that we try and finish this off at 1:30 or a perfect medium-rare now while you're waiting for your steak to come up to temp in the oven you can make some compound butter now we already have this butter pre-made and we just have it in our freezer so what we're gonna do is just slice off a little bit of this now this recipe it's super easy you can actually do it if if you've got ten minutes while your steaks coming up to temp we'll drop a link in the description down below but it's just butter a little bit of garlic chives salt pepper and that's it it's that easy and it adds a really nice extra layer of flavor if you just put a little one of these medallions on top of your steak while it's resting and now we're just getting the garlic cloves that we had seared in the pan and while they look a little burnt on the top you'll see here as you poke them out these are beautifully roasted on the inside now we like doing up a whole bunch of these cloves because you can use this you know even if you want to put it in your compound butter you can go right ahead and do that we put them in a mason jar and they store for about a week they're even amazing to eat on their own frankly and if you don't like those burnt ends then fine just go like this boom you're good to go so you see here we hit 125 on the thermometer so now we're ready to take this out of the oven [Music] right now we'll go ahead transfer the garlic over here transfer our steak over look how beautiful that is now we're gonna let this rest it's a bunch the compound butter on top perfect and that's just gonna provide a really nice extra layer of flavor and just make this absolutely glistening on top so now we're just gonna let this rest and we're gonna leave it unattended don't cover this in foil just let it sit here ten minutes and then we'll come back you can see all that butter is just melted on the top here now time to carve in what a beautiful state now this took us from start to finish about an hour and a half from the time that we pulled the steak out of the fridge that's just to give you a sense if you're doing a steak that's this size which again was about two and a half inches thick now we've got the spinalis muscle here which goes around the main part of the ribeye so we're gonna try and carve this up in a way that gives everybody a taste that spinalis just beautiful and you can see with these cuts we've got that wall-to-wall medium-rare that we talked about we've gotten a small little gray edge here but then it's just beautiful evenly done medium-rare steak on the other side I wish you could smell this one day YouTube's gonna come out with a feature where you can smell what's on the other side of the video camera let me tell you this is absolutely outstanding just beautifully done now what we're gonna do is go in for the taste test all right now we're just gonna snake a piece of the spinalis here that is absolutely wonderful great crust evenly seasoned with the salt all the way through you can get that rich flavor from the butter the garlic the rosemary this turned out exactly how we planned so now let's just transfer it to a cast iron pan and we'll serve it that way beauty most of that came over got these last few pieces here so how about that for some presentation so if you like this video consider giving us a like below maybe subscribe to the channel because we've got lots of more steak videos grilling and barbecue to come thanks for tuning in
Channel: BBQ and Bottles
Views: 461,352
Rating: 4.8335061 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ and Bottles, BBQandBottles, How to sear a steak in the oven, how to cook a steak in the oven, how to cook a steak, how to cook a thick steak, how to sear a thick steak, how to sear a cote de boeuf, cote de boeuf, searing a cote de boeuf, cast iron steak oven finish, cook steak in cast iron finish in oven, cook steak in oven, cook steak in oven and skillet, pan sear steak and finish in oven, cook steak in oven then sear, cooking steak in oven then pan sear, gordon ramsay
Id: vw4S2X9jep0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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