Dry Brined Ribeyes | Steven Raichlen reverse sears steaks using Cold Grate Technique | Project Fire

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[Music] [Music] this is it folks the stakes you've been dreaming of monster thick rib eyes dry brined and grilled using a unique two-step cooking process reverse searing and cold great grilling step number one dry brining now dry brining is a fancy way of saying season the steaks with coarse sea salt but instead of grilling the steaks right away you're going to return them to the refrigerator what happens is the salt will draw the juices out of the steak flavoring the meat of course and those juices will be reabsorbed actually brining the meat dry brine the steaks for as little as one hour or as long as overnight obviously the longer the dry brine the richer the flavor meanwhile make the anchovy crema place the heavy cream garlic and anchovies in a saucepan and simmer over medium heat until thick ten to fifteen minutes puree the mixture and return it to the pan whisk in butter and lots of freshly ground black pepper keep warm over low heat but do not let it boil now reverse searing is a fancy way of saying indirect grilling at a low temperature to cook the steaks I'm using the ABC slow and sear with easy spin great take your coals and dump them into this charcoal Corral then fill this water reservoir this creates a moist environment which is so essential for smoking the steaks place the grill grate in the grill now for the stakes here are your dry brine steaks you can see the meat has absorbed the salt blot off any excess moisture then generously season the steaks with coarsely ground black pepper arrange the rib eyes on the grate away from the fire you want to reverse sear the steaks to an internal temperature of about 110 degrees so how do we do that we insert the probes of a remote instant-read thermometer in the side of the meat through the center and then finally we have a probe that clips to the grill grate and this will tell us the internal temperature of the grill now the last step is to put the wood chunks on the coals close the lid of the grill adjust the vent to obtain a temperature of 250 degrees the display panel gives me a clear read out of the internal temperature of each steak and the temperature of the grill you want to cook the rib eyes to an internal temperature of 110 degrees that will take about one out okay it's been an hour these rib eyes you can see their beautifully bronzed with wood smoke internal temperature is 110 degrees what you want to do now is pull out the probes [Music] and transfer the stakes to a wire rack [Music] brush each stake on both sides with extra virgin olive oil this will help give you a nice sear turn the steaks over add the coals to our charcoal Corral close great here's the key to cold great grilling I can actually put my hand on the grill grate arrange the steaks when the pool section of the grill and then spin the great so it's over this hot section the idea here is you don't want to put on grill marks you want to get a complete even sear it's been just about a minute and we'll spin the stakes the flare-ups died down and now we'll turn the steaks and they go on to the cold section of the grill again so again do the seer turn the sticks over the rib eyes sure look done but just spin them for the cool side and then as always I like to check the ribeye 135 it's a perfect medium-rare take a steak then we'll carve the steak you see you have a beautiful rosy color evenly cooked from top to bottom and here is your anchovy cream sauce and then we can sprinkle with some chopped fresh chives now the moment I've been waiting for what's really interesting here is the smoke flavor this is a steak then in effect is smoked as well as grill great beefy flavor nice crust on the outside moist inside that salty umami flavor from the anchovies goes great with steak now you know the secret to a perfect ribeye dry brine it reverse sear it with wood smoke and Grill it on a cold gray [Music]
Channel: SnS Grills
Views: 97,252
Rating: 4.8451796 out of 5
Keywords: Dry Brined ribeyes w/ anchovy crema | Steven Raichlen w/ Project Fire Reverse Sears using Cold Grate, dry brined steak, dry brined ribeye, ribeyes, steak, Slow 'N Sear, Slow 'N Sear ribeye, steven raichlen, Steven Raichlen project, Steven Raichlen steak, Cold grate, cold Grate technique, Steven Raichlen reverse sear ribeye, reverse sear ribeye, Project Fire ribeye, Project Fire steak, Steven Raichlen Slow 'N Sear, anchovies, crema, dry brined, steaks, grill, how to make perfect steak
Id: LJENvR_28dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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