Revenge of the boxes! | Cartonfall

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live live indeed it is Thursday edition of GT live we made it looks like we made - Thursday - Thursday which into Thursday which is almost - Friday which means it's practically time to party for the weekend it's not much of an accomplishment really like congratulations we made it to Thursday like it's not Friday it's nothing ouch it's known attitude like that it's not you know we made it I guess we made it over Wednesday the hump day congratulations we made it over the hump day we're here we're excited to see we hoped we're on the couch talking to you guys and we are happy to be you uh hey so today I don't know what Jay's so Jason's in charge today yeah this is what this is the Jason show so just expect everything that would come with that green eyes we might just want to click off now this is on vacation and so fair warning Jason is in charge which is why the cameras and focus probably shots fired at Chris who can't defend himself for Chris because he's there in spirit he's here look who's here in our hearts hey Chris buddy Oh drama llama yeah I'd like to say for yourself he has nothing nothing to that you can't defend drama llama and Chris are good buddies fondant uh so that being said with it being Jason I expect nothing less than an artful game that he selected that is probably terrible from a live-streaming perspective but looks pretty is the art style great Jason uh sorry to disappoint but I still allowed Chris to pick the game the new young I get like I don't know hey who's me let us know in the chat who is the worst they're gonna be like you it's gonna they're totally gonna pick you spoiler if you have enjoyed a livestream phone Chado says we at least have Chris Paul I know right yo man I'm Chris but we have Chris Paul lives on in our heart and on our shells on the shell on our backing shell what are we playing yeah what are we playing today Jase according to the title of this video it's revenge of the boxes carton fall I am I am a lie and a fair warning I am a little bit groggy today I have I I slept for an hour at lunch underneath the table because I had to pull an all-nighter last night to reprise something that I had done in the past ha ha ha that had really long hours but thank goodness you got out of there when you could play well done again a little bit groggy and nonsensical that's what comes with literally like I was wrapped up in a Harry Potter like hogs need robe underneath an Ikea table that we use is like our conference table I turned off the lights and just huddled under there and slept for an hour and so that's not a good way to get the slumber that you're needing nope nope that's where I'm at right now how are you doing Steph ah I'm doing pretty well I'm wearing a happy cat sweater which makes everything a lot better um you know what I maybe that's what I need more of in my life more happy cat sweaters it really does make a difference I have to say you know we should just not do like game theory themed merch anymore no no more Theory where it just do like hang like animals cats camels okay we can have one that's all about hump day I think that one may have been done I think someone may have put a can - tag original thought original property of me Jason no really what is carton fault kargh and fall is a game where you're like painful by an older gentleman um there are a lot of boxes stacked up wait maybe reminiscent of another game I was gonna say is this a troll are we just playing hello neighbor you're deciding on it sleep that we're playing like a hello neighbor ask game as a reminder I did not choose this game probably gun if it was up to me it'd probably be GT nap time - would you watch out like no they'll be so creepy that'd be so creepy to watch someone nap watch someone music we probably get we probably get demonetised like they would have to turn off the comments you would have like weird comments right like he turns over uh you can engage with what promises to be a stream one using hashtag TT live over on twitter where where's Jason where Jason is crawling around Jason this is still the T from Tuesday this is still Tuesday's tea time this is GT live this is what you can also engage in you can also engage in the stream and the chat the chat is already going they're saying things like make a five seven theory that was from moody Jess oh it's and hi I'm from archival and says feel talking forever 22 Jason Chris goes away for like a day and Jason Jason what are you doing what do you mean you're changing out the book go back to your like we're illegal a hand that was like stretching Jason literally decide to pills this at right now I look at this look at this playback playback it's literally just your arm coming out of nowhere [Applause] he's jealous that Chris get so much screen time I know he's got a make up for it great will you dye your hair even blonder first are you done ignore the creeper in the background says Jordan as I totally agree get back to work says JX junk honest achievement no keep them in line derpy the cookie says Jason face well let's play let's get carton fall which is in no way related to hello deeper later box stacking simulator fantastic Revenge of the boxes alright oh there's a sandbox mode there select the love wooden Wow new game yeah yes okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one of the most sir let's analyze different types of cardboard like you know I I gotta say congratulations to the game theorists community like let's give ourselves a clap and a half I would say relatively few online shows out there would be able to deliver over a million views on a video dedicated to the various great to analysis of cardboard box of cardboard box and their physics and their constructive yeah like ABC grades the level of actual like waviness is the music's too loud by the way Jason casino okay cool just wanna let you know thank you for calling it out Chet uh-oh it says play me please God we're already off to a great start press X or e to pick up and put down object objects oh boy it's proof read you just have to read your work got first thing objects yeah would we would we like do notes on game theory episode it's always like the first thing I look at every turn of the bike and yeah sometimes things slip but usually your word put the video tape into the video okay all right here we go hey what's up did you sleep well no I didn't I said an hour and evil today we're going to play and play and play as much as we want to the end you and me weird let's think in a balk maybe in some big white curtain with the key drawn on it why I bet red herring in the next where I feel like this is a VR like I don't know what yeah but it's like totally a VR game with you know the kind of lame but slightly endearing horror villain that is haha guy with box on his head an amazing it would also be fun I hope I don't think the game's gonna do this but I if it does it'll just get infinite points for me if he turns the box on his head and each side of the box is a different face on it that would be awesome a face and it would be like hexadecimal yeah back in reboot or in escape the night where like there is people like a house change yeah well we got some zoom on ooh oh I like the front side of the Pumas it's the Zuma's with the frog jumping over it very clever cuz we've got okay we have to get the key and unlock it great throw the box to release the key okay okay we try it with one of these boxes we try it at the bottom right here will will it here's my question will the record player make trees grow or shrink her down objects that hold and release the throw Wow whoo oh that's cool and you don't pink one balls great for the environment this pair of their big bug ball packaging materials unsafe environmentally unsafe approach blue spheres they're great baby toys yeah all he has a big foam thing like a big foam Packer thing look his favorite toy ever we have people who give him these like be really beautiful like handcrafted wooden toys and stuff like that and he's like I would like this piece of styrofoam please and I would like to bang it against the wall whoa [Music] once I've let the cat out of the bag Matthew you can only do it with an object not an object sorry you silver objects what am I thinking this is a giant soccer ball right but it's enormous for relative to my size hey I'm not complaining I think giant soccer balls and giant like sporting equipment don't lie right beach balls rates certainly better than regular size [Music] boom jump jump to a knife roach [Music] nail men did it seamlessly it got my ball okay question mark laughs hey yeah oh this is really satisfying actually press f2 actually vision mode what this is like a combination of like Angry Bird fixed with like a portal mixed with like some other stuff maybe there are extra secret things in all these other boxes we throw these other boxes like what's in them maybe that's why box unboxing videos are so popular on YouTube because everyone needs to know what's what's in the box whether it's a snap or box here we go oh that was just sort of a dusty explosion man oh no I think that America I know you just look like you're spreading allergens now right this is actually what our walls look like when they hammer it into them do not throw this box too bad whoa this is what you get okay oh man dirt no box resists my throne boom all right never mind we can stop doing this I know but this one says something it says [Music] men it's a Facebook profile it is somebody's buddy it's just like can you just put my canoe advertise for my Facebook and your David of all the things to advertise for in like indeed like a little indie game about roughly right yeah absolutely facebook i just wants more friends you know that I respect that desire doesn't want to be lonely anymore I get that hashtag relatable yeah let's got here I think we've wasted enough time okay okay crazy just like in a fairy tale is it [Music] [Music] hurting way so quickly oh man got blood on his hands right hail in the crucible blood on his hands mr. Danforth the aesthetic also does remind me a little bit of duck hunt Nazis duck season our game I I actually agree on a percent I don't know why exactly it it feels a little bit like it but it's a bit of animation style or like the dividuals yeah there we go it make any difference no absolutely no Nate when I get my hands on it all boxes crumble their hands are wet probably that's but it was so thin agree opening the boxes woo box stacking simulator we should launch the soccer ball wasn't it a ball that came out or whoa thankee sneaky platform heyyo because that is how I do I don't know where you going all right all right right it is it doesn't have a little bit of an element of Angry Birds - it doesn't Oh totally tear down the tower boom boom nice oh the tennis balls great we should go pick that up again does it come back oh no oh there we go nice yes yes Queen awesome okay good I love that all these boxes have different [Music] Jason what are you doing I just see this arm come up from behind me well best time we sped run this oh yeah next level whoa but buddy you don't have to self insert into every stream I know geez it's got nothing else to do apparently okay all right bring it oh boy are you right I love that this has kind of like a portal Sensibility oh it totally does well you said you didn't want anything to fall it there [Music] alright I'm gonna read some stuff in the chat while you avoid the puddles of goop Stark Pete says stuff we weren't noticing jason until you pointed out well fine i I'm sorry when a creepy guys hand just lurks up from behind the couch it's startling imagine you were sitting there watching a movie and a big big hand just like creeps up behind you in the couch yeah aggression was an aggression that wasn't even a micro aggression Holly Warren says hashtag love Jason Miep 5560 says again Jason Y and Shane Dahl says Jason stop ruining the immersion for everyone right we're all being immersed in this box delightful box filled world yeah you are but not immersed in the poison goo because that would kill us in this box filled world whew that was nice to see the muffle okay I will say this is a satisfying game to like I'm not feeling too pressured on a time scale no there's doesn't even be any time constraint at all it's really just like hey let's shift around some boxes fun key right it's like things that are a bit satisfying when they tumble over and best of all nice the platforming mechanics work really nice yeah they actually look really sharp the very good oh right I feel like I have a level of control that doesn't exist in other similarly minded box related games yeah no there's the key Oh keys in the water whoa means goodbye cruel world Wow dark okay we're well-equipped soundbox head over here is lying there the lame version of GLaDOS right I'm not that menacing I kind of see menacing but I'm really just a dude with the Box on his head and a scary face on it it's like the equivalent of the happy deathday bill you know he's just wearing a baby face right like it's it's moderately creepy but on the other hand you're like whoa whoa no way oh no that was that was neat come on that was unnecessary toplin there guy right there's some sabotage going on there Wow awesome okay ready boom so we have to make sure it's almost like Jenga - right which one is gonna make it fall whoa okay okay hook no you gotta get one more anyway one more oh no Jake okay we're good we're good we're good we're good you made it Oh poop I'm coming for you key come for ya curses for drinking you know what I [Music] and then just catch it yeah good idea no no wait cuz we don't think this sink oh wait do they know we're thinking with poor wait wait do they do they think look look look you're making no difference no you're not looking at the hold on just watch watch for a second they know they disappear [Music] can you get have to be really fast about this or something I don't know no they're all disappearing little fade we have realistic observations what's more important Stephanie objective fact or blind faith boxes I think boxes are the thing to focus on right now oh geez oh wait I've survived no yes yo man oh man it's a ship and you're sinking slowly it's like quicksand oh you're not getting out of there told ya this was a bad start yes I'm not sure about your strategy I don't need this going anywhere he's good stuff I think we have a winning strategy are you just gonna take stuff out from the bottom until everything falls cuz that's all it's gonna happen here all right wow you are really strong to be able to throw a bowling ball that far I'm just saying very late for four pound there does it's like the bowling balls that I where is it where is it there it is get get where's it gets in there I know it's under there oh shoot no you got to pull it out oh wait before it sinks in oh no you're eating very live you're totally getting very live this is this is going nowhere fast sandwich between boxes and poisoned water see where is it oh no gently gently go okay okay good good okay okay yeah that was totally the way that you were supposed to complete this level you're welcome dear GDQ please include me in your next speedrun event carton ball I could totally see this being a cool speeder this would actually be a fit it would be great it would be great you get so creative experience be daydrian like Texas Ranger what oh whoa oh man that's no good uncalled for [Music] camera I was looking more like portal like a camera throw in the whoa it's using keys to get other keys BAM that's called double Q that's my double keystroke I'm gonna have my old I'm gonna switch over to Twitter or visual Twitter okay at trans is the plastic kids toy bowling ball I think I don't know I think Matthew was just really miserable at casual g-g-gee Stan says I don't know who is the worst at using games but throwback to oxen-free where matpat GT just refuses to participate in any dialogue with the NPC you know you may I come from a theatre background and sometimes you make choices sometimes those choices are you know you make strong choices individual just sayin ATS Eric open says I don't know how you guys find this game satisfying Ginga is stressful Ginga is really stressful but it's really fun this is not so I anything because it doesn't matter if the boxes fall like in Ginga it's bad if the boxes fall here it's good if the boxes fall so everything is great that did not work I thought maybe I could like shake it loose from from underneath but alas twas not to be at Sofia Vagner got a PIPA too to keep me company during the streams that's awesome very cool so I have this stick of dynamite right Aaron get down there I'm slowly moving these alas the actual odo at Stephie edit says I love this stream I don't get to watch often because I live in Europe but when I do it's always upside so thank you for joining yeah load me up [Music] Dubey if we just ignore him it'll go away yeah what are you are you pretending to be a box so what's going on here are you pretending to blend into the game by being a box he's hiding his life he just ashamed of your hairy arm he's like the Internet I'm sorry Jason I'm just I think I just said your arm was big as in as in bump not I think Matthew said hair although you do have a little peach fuzz going on there man to be fair just to be fair ash dukkha one says spring cleaning on GT live right this is to try not to get satisfied live stream there we go insert text here the arm is back I don't know yet a good run right next level before oh hey no way lying through this awesome ok good at viola dreams 12 says I just got my chaos theory hoodie and I love it it's genuinely really good quality definitely worth it awesome we're so glad you like it we we love those Jason Jason is showing it off yeah but but hey way to go wait a sport merger no well done actually good good rub in the brands [Laughter] [Music] that's do not quote of you saying using heat using keys yet other keys xever right sometimes in life you just stand a little bit too close to T's that's not a box stacking factory that's hosted by some weird creepy Joker s villain such as lace yeah it's very hashtag relatable this is a very patch tag relatable game it's a game for modern society perhaps you know what stuff I think I finally realized what's going oh what tell me have you unraveled in the strength of this game do you have a theory I have a cure oh so here's my interpretation right uh-huh I think what we're point [Music] 2018 and then we all have too much stuff but we all carry the boxes of our life here with us we are all burdened by the stuff that accumulates as representatives game by the boxes and similar to Marie Kondo on her Netflix special fighting up with my condo yeah he's the only selected things that make joy those are the keys to our life and in this game those seas are made literal by being actual teeth oh my gosh so and so we must thank the keys thank you thank you key you bring me joy no no no thank you box you do not bring me joy I was gonna only thank it when you're done with it you're only you only think it what your knowing that it would be like I would be like thank you for your service people - goodbye even though I would never say that to people to pursue the Super's enjoy thank you it's it's you have to pick it out some hold it in your nuts in case you've no idea what we're talking about by the way uh and if you haven't seen the Netflix shows tidying up basically there's this theory that everything you own in your life should be something that gives you joy and you can kind of get rid of everything else and so in the show she makes these people who have like lots and lots of stuff in storage or their house is really messy or whatever they need to tidy up she makes them physically hold like everything that they own in their house I'll like every article like everything and and ask themselves does this give me joy does PIPA to give me choice right and if the answer is yes then it stays and if not it goes so here toxic waste box do you give me joy no thank you thank you hello p-box do you bring me joy yes yes you do I like it it's like sort of in in some world like maybe this is reminiscent of hello neighbor but I really like the present solving adventure of hello neighbor but I like this kind of puzzle solving to where it's like it's straightforward you understand the mechanics of the game and then you just solve the puzzles like that's awesome right so this I I kind of like that right things that are just you know where you could make it but it's so like obviously over the top that it's it's clearly just okay gently gently okay good thank you for your contribution to my life okay last night we did this we died a horrific death right violently to poison and we don't want to do that again three okay this up okay thank you thank you for your service thank you for your service I will gently put you down over there thank you BAM thank you for your service oh my gosh you're serving us a bit too well right now yes we wrote in it nice but up up up cuz you just make an error in the audio and then just he's going just one take my god yeah you know what in life there are no Ricans again again step a simple o of life in 2018 but there are no redos you know what if you make a mistake in your evil villain bottle long now worth going back Batman's not giving you a second chance life isn't giving you a second chance you just gotta say thank you that really does give people a lot of second chances though stick is like yeah waiting around forever like a joker never dies like oh man the Joker did something bad again and put people's lives at risk again wow I guess I'll just turn him over to the law right it's almost irresponsible of me to continue looking for the other way in these situation but he had a rough childhood so I guess it's okay but but wait Louie so then how do you explain the typo just our our world is riddled with problems like that is that what it's supposed to be is that it's supposed to be that like this bull oh no you don't write you don't get to write your story exactly the way you would hope you don't you don't get spellcheck in life spellcheck doesn't know what you actually do let her spin it so you get it it's like you get it pretty much everywhere foam who does it for you it's literally in built into the phone you want it to not smell taken away what what yes okay talk to me he shoot that's one cold getting up there why would you betray me like that I love that these are empty toilet paper rolls no they're the large cargo I think we're really tiny and these are empty toilet paper rolls I mean that's a theory too Oh wrong oh no we're gonna blow up as well yeah well then they shouldn't the button shouldn't the key be on the floor now there it is one would think it thank god this is so good at this were the best at this game I don't know if you've noticed this but all our hell annoyed neighbor training has paid off in spades [Music] best at this game [Music] [Music] we pushed him too far easy right it's there's no stigma around it anyway and you can also tell you know he was the one who needed a vacation not less she should we have sent him away instead what no just keep fiddling with your books back there man we're fine don't worry you're outside of the box fart radius wait Jason if you're here and Chris is in here or is he is Chris here in spirit Chris Chris are you where has the spirit answer me vo Ouija board tap the wall three times that was just once all right guess not I mean we're playing a game where you're just throwing around toilet paper roll so would this be so much fun in real life oh my gosh this would be amazing I feel like as a kid oh this is the bad love playing with cardboard boxes and cheese and so this idea of being able to do ah and just roll around and climb on top of a bunch of boxes actually did your parents ever buy a like an appliance or anything that was big enough to come in a really big box because my parents once this one time they bought must have been something really big like a refrigerator or a washing machine or something cuz that I had this enormous box in the garage for like months and I colored it with chalk and markers like I decorated it I made it into a house or something and I was like it was like one of my most treasured possessions for my money I get that sure a good box is hard to find oh yeah a big one yeah you can stand in as a child that's awesome so apparently the what he's in the room if you know I have to find that she like I think he just wants my I didn't see yeah it's kind of like Saul he's like exalt activate at blackjack to two to three services hey guys just watched started watching snap theories and they are amazing oh that's awful yeah oh no I think at clockwerk fool on twitter is referring back to our like the Netflix show about tidying up with Marie Kondo which said I would probably end up naked I mean clothes do not give me happiness but a bunch of people yelling at me because I'm naked would not make what would make me not sad so watching that show and maybe you got like what would you like I agree like a lot of clothes like a couple of my jackets maybe like I like jackets I have like one or two t-shirts but if I were to eliminate all the clothes that don't bring me joy many closes I think a lot of people just have a lot of like clothes that they've only worn once or that they like that doesn't fit quite right but then who that's been sitting in their closet for like a decade or something with Matthew and I really enjoy like purging stuff yeah big so we don't collect a lot of stuff I mean we purge things frequently like we go through all our closet and get rid of stuff like once a year and so we we tend to throw out the third not throw out you know you donate everything but we tend to donate the stuff that doesn't work well like pretty frequently so we don't have like years worth of built-up stuff true that's it I mean I think you're right like it's hard to have a a sentimental attachment to everything but I think the idea is that if you like something you're more likely to take better care of it and so she's trying to get people to like not not keep stuff that they're not gonna take care of or like aren't inspired to like look after I don't know I think that's what it's I think that's what she's going for I don't know but yeah it is I might have to kill myself ah by stepping on oh no here I'll read on Twitter then Stephen Baker says he just turned up since the photo bomb now jason has invented the stream ball 3 Bob alright I'm back over in the chat I know Turner uh says Matt I love your white hair I know you're doing that Oh Maj so the purple has faded and now you're doing is Oh Maj the link and it's from rhett and Link I think you've got his like gray white swoop going on Matthew does not have any gray hair like at all not even sinless Brian but this purple is like fading integrase oh you're getting a preview of like what your hair's gonna look like gray that's kind of crazy how do you feel about it there's more like adventure with the hair for fun I'm so glad that I mean I'm but I love that we made dyeing hair because it's encouraged me to do it and I gotta say like the people like people are just so much friendlier I like a lot of strangers have come up to me and they're like you know nice hair oh yeah they're just much more active like they're much more eager to like get to a regular conversation just as a stranger which is cool yeah you get people to talk about it all the time or like oh how long have you had it dyed or like what other colors or just like hey I like it and stop it not people who watch game theory even just like random people yeah on the street yeah so you have that and then you couple that with I just I think it's a lot of fun for someone who had never done anything remotely interesting with yeah has it inspired you to branch out it's just been like it told me that it's eaten first off it's easy to do no because it's just hair it just grows out in that way right that's that's the other thing is part of me was like I didn't happy with my hair it's the way it's always been done and it looks okay so why my kitchen you know tinges scary but it was nice yeah looks good looks good man job thanks guys the shy guy says where's Jason we need his hairy arms back Ronnie to his hairy out-of-the-box against the fence thank you yes although again similar to hello neighbor if we're in a box necking game oh god Matthew you don't have to do it like that says Christian Walker fine just push it just push it oh hey oh oh that's cool I like that move the table Oh boom Oh Oh boom nice boom alright well we got through that part of you apparently it was inefficient however you did that sorry ah what school school LD animations I found this channel through film Theory loved it yeah oMG Gerry whitey wants a working Morty theory we have several of them in case you haven't seen them over on Phil theory we do have a few Rick and Morty episodes up to 250 203 yeah yeah so they're worth checking out Oh going on here No yes sweet activate noscope fly in sky challenges oh I like that I like that broken glass is the villain right he certainly it's more menacing than the guy with the box on his head I just I can just hit the button did you know that I think you can just to the bat when you disturb all this stuff I was I just thought you were having fun I didn't want to ruin your good time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now what are you doing what's it know oh I get it okay kind of so I need to do this so I need to activate this guy nice Chris oh oh oh my crit oh I was just like oh it's always with that Chris is sneaking up up hey man held vacation it's really great you guys are the best bosses ever Oh Chris shucks matter what so that I she Chris go on come on now you must want to see your family at some point oh wow Cheers yes come on your family sometimes watches this I know right honestly Oh Chris Chris well thank you for being PC about it but I really appreciate that but just go enjoy your vacation man exactly go on go on [Music] oh come on Samira our says Chris is so sweet today save your friends and stuff I love your catcher thank you so much I got this someone actually got this for me on my trip last trip to VidCon Australia man Chris is amazing says Bobi bill the shy guy says Chris Gregory elementos says oh my gosh Chris that's the sort of positivity we need I know right Jason Jason Jason new level you know why have you were a true speedrunner yeah you'd be done vo already oh I'd be what done you'd be done already oh man that's fired shots fired he's four and a half seconds ahead of world-record pace I'm saving frames left and right you just don't understand that as a boy the most important thing is that he goes for a PB personal best okay electricity would kill me what little did I suspect you know yeah we take what we can get Jason Oh have you thought about that one Jason no no you haven't because you don't think of stuff like that do you Jason sometimes success isn't measured by the numbers it's measured by your own personal goals and abilities only measure yourself against who you were yesterday what other fortune cookie glories can we throw our Twitter hahaha so good when measured against other people though Wow ouch whoa Jason Jason what are you saying yeah say oh is that a guy people are not as good as I was yesterday ha ha ha ha ha look at him Jim Oh curse you box man oh yeah think we may need to get down kurosu box man boom I think it's hitting the ceiling is hitting ceiling no it's hitting an invisible Oh crazy that's wild oh hey oh wow hold up look it's heavy in front of them there's a whole big man what they're all fake versions of him oh why it's like bending the ink machine where they have the cardboard cutouts of vanilla oh I see got it yeah I hope yep bill didn't play me please wow this is a lot of videotapes this is pretty demanding it's all lies that oh look there's his face hey Oh play me more like slay me good we've unlocked the door now like trying to look at anything around oh oh okay oh oh hello oh the trash god okay okay it's unwrapped where's the door I think I have to go back the way I came really was there door back there and see it well now that I've lowered the electric fence I can hop over the electric yeah I know that's I'm trying to see him riding a unicorn huh no it's us I'm getting out of there by riding a unicorn anything so we had to visit well no but no but no but in the beginning when those tutorial signs were on the wall for us we also had a box for ahead yeah but it was a tutorial showing us what to do it's all box yes I think you're missing the nuances plot I think I was battling against evil box man I think we're fighting against the evil box man for our own safety but he similar jigsaw okay here we go there's a there's a debate going on on Twitter and in the chat about the lingerie shoot those for and against seeing the pictures the lingerie shoot I really came up out of nowhere uh yeah but the yeah we've taken the photos they are they do exist they are they are out there and he was trying to find a time when people would be slow least likely to what he's likely to see vessel yeah Chris uh Chris was very adamant about taking on the other oh yeah oh yeah Chris was like very concerns that we had not taken the lingerie photo shoot yet and so he was like we are doing this and and then it happened they haven't and I have seen Matthew in some very diverse costuming over the years and I have to say I may not have been ready for that one oh okay well mall somebody bowl bowl nice nice oh no today no no no no no place to go no go oh yeah yeah well windows all right windows media helper boom go go go be run yeah wait wait let's make up in play some more you're not going to the cry like a baby are you cleaning come on never in such a week I think he's building ha I think what we're seeing happening right now is what we call fantastic oh no I don't know if you're familiar but more building as pioneered by games Oh what whoa come on oh that's nice shooting gallery so can we do a shout out real quick yeah all right so Becca wrote it's their second time on the live stream and it's past 2:00 a.m. there in South Africa whoa oh man I saw her circulating uh it on live stream the other day as well I is there a story I'm not really sure about it I feel like it's a good time you know super late at night high school day rest is important for brain development you and your Loki judging right now no judging my car oh my god poor poor Becca row high school kids she'd be in bed yeah clearly being irresponsible right she deserves yeah I mean I have no good but you know what you know clapping hey hey one qualified clap and a half on what for whatever time you go to bed right you know with Jason dictate your life like he dictates ours yep he gives us a to-do list every night he's like this is what you have to do well you Pharrell yeah if you don't do this the entire channel structure will collapse and everyone will go bankrupt and no one will be able no one will have the time so right we're jammin by the way this is your 15-minute warning before you go to start recording for that oh wow thanks buddy brutal I'll be recording tomorrow Jason's cracking the whip wait pajamas what do you have special snap recording pajamas now never mind it's not getting behind schedule that's gonna make us go bankrupt it's Matthew's renfa's pajama collection you know what brings me joy snaps pajama top would you two clearly do they bring your nightmare the most joy Stephanie Marie Kondo would be like yes well done Matthew Becca roses thank you Jason for nosing me thank you everyone for helping me and thanks Matt and stuff for a clap at a half thank you for bringing me Julia Becker booth joy like the joy of my uh review this latest gr mood sahlan uh says I thought you were the boss right I thought I thinks that but no I think that I Jason's just chuckling in the background you it is as I will say though that is that is sort of a funny thing were you you do like if you're gonna have someone help you like you hire someone to help you and a lot of what they do to help you is help you stay on track you sort of hire someone to be your boss to like be in charge of like everything they're trying to figure out like things that you need to get done and then either helping you do them or being like hey you need to do this and this is the order of things that you need to do them in right like if you hire someone to boss you around it's basically not this one or the way you know like for instance right like you you put people in the places where they're most necessary yeah and so for me one of the things one of the areas right like I am most necessary scripts obviously with like voicing stuff Reese you know researching don't we have a library of Matthews words that we have digitally recorded at this point can't we just can't we just like digitize Matthews voice can we just digitize and pull voice and then just every time we have a new script just run it through Wow I think they'll be great [Music] AG item well ya know it's one of those things like like that boss could I do that yeah you know but at the same time it's like you wanna hire people who are better at whatever thing then you are like like with the editors the editors are a really good example like you used to edit game theory videos but like the people we have like the team that we have of editors are amazing they're wait no offense but they're way better as well then you are right because you haven't spent years just doing editing that they have and so you hire people to do stuff better than you would be able to do it right but part of like hiring someone is recognizing like hey you're better than me at this thing right one of the things that Stephanie is far better than process and so for her being able to set up systems in place that help everything they function smoothly normally like is so tremendously valuable but she's also like she's also the other me a lot of times and so she's able to slot in and do a lot of different things well yeah so Matt like Matthew and I Matthew and I can swap roles sometimes and so for us we serve as each other's backups oh my gosh oh my gosh it's still think it's helding that was so cool mmm BAM nice okay you got the other one that fell over yeah where was that no I think that there are two more locks gimli it says it's Jason single Jason is Jason are you single Jason you mean what a happily married you were married by training you're in a singularly excellent married relationship look well no the adult life is like a labyrinth it has so many timers in road Hey oh man look I told you this game is a metaphor life is a highway I want to ride it all night luck I want to ride it so this is all a commentary that used to be a channel that was one of the ones that really people have been trying to point out to you for the last few minutes actually it for a while back but a bunch of people are calling it out it is just that where your cursor is is where the box lands I think you know that but they seem to think you're aiming your cursor is yeah where your curtain where the DA theater your cursor is is where the Bach plants you know that right yeah I also love that this is amazed but at the same time you can just like wrap apartment me right this is kind of fun I don't know like what's more fun actually doing the maze the way it's supposed to be earth that's why I love that you can tear down every box wall that you see I think it's so cool it's really fun it's very satisfying very satisfying yeah we buy some in truth are you sure you don't want to claim this one as your own Jason all right sure buddy ah usually like to take credit for things whoa oh I can't believe that Fox is still intact no part of my plan nice oh nice expert plan my expert planning and gutting now if you'll excuse me I need to leap up this giant mountain of cardboard so environmentally my all-news are clearly recyclable boxes at only four DC liveses Matthew just the other day I officiated Jason's wedding the chat is Jason single Hey you know people don't watch every livestream and not every marriage lasts that long so you know he could be single again Jason you're laughing about no everything's fine Jason and his wife are a nerdy match made in heaven when you ask like single there's a couple different ways you could look at that is there either yeah there's one of me I am a single entity not a twin even twins are single entities right no they're not all these sides are unbox man box man can't escape there's a lord here Stephanie oh my smell game theory fodder do you I was like cardboard we were talking about recording and digitizing Matthews voice and shoot someone in the tattoo said in the future Matthews that not gonna be necessary alright sorry won't be needed for game theory and I read that and I was like oh man that'd be amazing if it just happened there's so much work that goes into those things and if you are needed for game theory they'd be a vacation ha ha ha ha at major Wan bold says I not that I here you are between diet colas at the moment oh yeah have you considered pay go just say go do a Cola the only thing I really know about Faygo so that I've tasted their cream soda which unfortunately is not my favorite cream soda but I don't know that I do they do it cooler oh oh my I'm kind of creeped out by I know right for these right there I like to burn things but one must be careful because you can burn yourself and then you have a scar okay and then you have a scar but you know all that so there is there is Laura being seated out into into this game right variant right it's very interesting okay there we go slowly come on all right okay I had to look the other way [Music] get away from the fire but apparently that was not the pace I made a little game for myself I created a little sense of urgency that I did not need to have that's okay okay so here we go we got a button over there we got okay my box [Music] what you know crazy oh yeah no just straight up oh nice whoa he's not burning okay if I turn the other way okay back burning awesome I like the love and my fart all right bingo within a single iterate a big old dad if you're watching this live stream I I don't know don't blame me [Music] okay seems like he's not I don't blame it I don't blame you I wouldn't you you'd be in trouble at night if Stephanie went around talking that way right I don't know how nobody Chris is like I thought we were the dynamic duo Jason saying they're single a lot of warning things presses mouth today what you can't tie this down oh my thinking highly of himself come on burn burn baby burn the box you'd be I'm sorry all right come on there it is apparently not go and then it should create a kindling oh yeah seriously okay here it is all right you get to finish this level by the way and then we have to we actually do have to run Mattie was a lot of recording to do unfortunately and my dad is visiting in town so we are going out to eat some dinner thought that that's it that's dude let's do it why aren't you on fire burn for me okay oh there there that's gonna be that's gonna be it oh we're looking for a disco inferno and you can you handle that come on what why will you set be set on fire [Music] yeah wait can we stack boxes really closely against it mean that is what I've been trying to do no no I'm sorry next to the button to hold it down yeah okay this is what's right on top of it now so it should create a chain reaction that sets all the boxes on fire but it's not apparently so I'm just gonna run it over here and set it on fire like I did all the other challenges sure I I have a feeling that this one was meant to be set the Box on fire which then carries through this like box chain of fires which is cool as a mechanic now all right there we go there we go it's right so weird you worked in Reverse you know great there we go so that's what I was going for here friends right come on little kiplyn party this little really unsafe environment here right I feel like all these giant flamethrowers in a box Factory they've got some workplace violations going on here oh sure he's gonna wag its finger okay no also we died of smoke inhalation long ago on this stream if we're honest it's fun I like this right this look it's a fun game it's very simple but it's effective I like I like the acknowledgment of more huh nice all right so this one's gonna be thrown in there you go nice yeah okay okay that's a nice stick oh that's a nice for bike Wow wait you filled up check out of that's your burden under there all right this guy but a big boo-boo [Music] yeah they're Yeltsin okay okay oh that's amazing burn baby burn burn baby burn there's a party going down a ball look how cool this is this is great wow this is a really satisfying way to have a stream burn it all down burn it to the ground a song of ice and fire but really only fire so there we go it's just that what just the one yeah oh dear those 13 levels not bad yeah oh there's wetness no no we gotta go we gotta go on this Thursday auxes you guys think so much watches eight five straight blue back Monday next week have a wonderful weekend we Matthew everything I do yeah I know yeah yeah up here the water I know it is actually about really we have to stop at this point Matthew is pretty tired he's got a lot of recording to do I've got a lot of emails to write back to my house Matthew is gonna go take a nap and in the meantime guys after dinner then I get to record and then after I record yes we we will not be streaming on Monday or Tuesday we won't oh because I'm gone Matthew is is attending a special event next Monday and Tuesday gonna be exciting it will be exciting it should be really fun hopefully it'll be really cool we hope you guys will be excited about it as gamers and as people who like to watch YouTube videos so it's top secret but um it's really cool but yeah you actually might be able to see something that you do right I'm gonna hear Tuesday maybe I think so maybe wealthy well we'll tweet out about it or whatever to make sure that you guys know and then we'll definitely be back Wednesday and Thursday next week so in the meantime remember that's just a stream a live stream see you guys next week have a wonderful wonderful weekend maybe will spill the tea next Wednesday well maybe it'll be tea time Wednesday throwing things in the chaos artists think about your Wednesday uh Julie Rockwell says new shadow DeVoe devour says love you guys bye Jordan sour says yeah boy what hell says lit box sahlan shadow says more goodbye my little bit okay
Channel: GTLive
Views: 163,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartonfall, cartonfall game, carton fall, carton fall game, cartonfall gameplay, carton fall gameplay, cartonfall game ending, cartonfall level, box stacking, puzzle game, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat
Id: AhY-8rxDzZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 26sec (4886 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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