Don't Trust Anyone! | Secret Neighbor (Hello Neighbor Multiplayer)

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[Music] [Applause] hello internet and welcome where is it where's the Internet wait I don't the Internet I forgot what I was gonna say where is it hello internet welcome to where was that Wow what's this what's my house did you take your medicine no I did not you became somewhat British oh southern it's alright all these newfangled internet machines what where is the machine hello Internet I guess I could give you a word there's original butterscotch candy I would do it oh it's a hard candy it's good for the gobblers and for the souls of scotch originals you're not nonsense it's not good for tagging up sponte know what a hashtag is I'm just gonna I'm gonna take a tissue and help me out there I keep it here so I don't forget it but then I also have whole pockets Oh pockets full of the tissues so you have as many as you want I'm better in here in my sleeve but keep them in my sleeve that way I don't forget them happy Halloween everybody's welcome GG live hey guys let us end the ruse yes ladies and gentlemen you have Matthew and Stephanie here on the couch today it is actually us I would have pull off the way that sabbatical feel except in a crucial miscalculation on our part we put the nylon stocking onto our heads to get a shape that we can then glue the kind of cotton balls to create our wigs we glued them directly to our head not realizing that the stocking that was serving as our wig caps porous has pores and that hairs and blue it straight through yeah so at this point for the remainder of time you may see these caps on our head they might just never leave thereafter they are literal they're like they're stuck they're not these are really not coming off nope I can feel how my hair is now just a mass of glues yours glued to your ears mine is also glued to my ears I can't even tell what might not everything is this was a really bad I think it turned out really well but the hair was like a terrible choice yes also these are our real glasses that we like super glued things to Oh everything is good luck for that getting it all done it's all over we're we're old people for the rest of her I mean we were already old people in the eyes of the internet now we are just ancient people through the eyes of the internet half past dead ladies and gentlemen hey so welcome to duty live this is also gonna be what he's gonna be an old lady to a little bit later on we had the foresight to not glue the wig onto his straight on that would have been traumatic yeah we sacrificed one of his little baby hats to to the cause and glued a bunch of cotton balls to that and then that'll sit on his head the littlest grandmother we're glad you're here with us today on GT live I suppose you who took the MapQuest directions and printed them out and followed them here so we're glad you could make it good posting this all over Facebook along with my Flat Earth conspiracy hahaha so anyway hey speaking of the littlest grandmother in terms of Oliver today we are playing as the littlest neighbor he's not a good neighbor I was not even remotely a segue come on now I mean it come on anyway it wasn't necessarily a good but it was a segue so I don't know you know you guys know we have a complicated history with hello neighbor we were big supporters of it and then we played the full game it was like here and it was like oh my gosh come on and then the Box stacking unbelievable so apparently hello neighbor has just continued on in the background there is not just one new game that's coming out by the end of this year there - I think yeah which you know the first one wasn't the most gameplay sound but you know what if at first you don't succeed crank out two games in a year's span of time yep definitely just just up the frequency and quality to the wind right our co-op quality to the roof so today we're playing one of those so the firt one of the games that's coming out I think it's before the end of the year it might be February I'm not sure one of the games that's coming out is a prequel I believe - hello neighbor that's telling like the origin story of the neighbor and what happened to his family and this and that that's coming out later the one that we're playing today is in alpha mode because we know tinybuild loves to release their game oh boy alphas does run well it's called secret neighbor it's basically as I understand it profits where if you're not familiar with prop 1 we've never actually I've never actually played it I've watched a fair amount of it on YouTube though where you are disguised as either elements in the world around you or other characters or whatever to try and fool your teammates into you know a false sense of security so you can capture them right so that is the premise of today's game secret neighbor where you are playing as a bunch of kids and one of the kids is actually the neighbor out to capture all the other kids actually yeah dun dun dah and for everyone who's already blowing up the chat about it we know that Delta rune is a thing we saw a lot about it today we are already concocting ideas for a potential theory on it and we are thinking we're not gonna die damn I was oh are you alright great and I think we are going to try and play it Friday so yeah we will not be able to play it today and we don't really know if there's like that it's not a real 24 hour embargo obviously but uh you know yeah we're gonna wait a little Toby Fox already doesn't really like us all that much because the whole Santa's nest thing and also the fact that we played like Earth is like earthbound Halloween hack so you know ladies get we we gave him free promotion I think he should be yeah I like that I gave his game to the pole I don't know if we have complicated relationship Toby Fox night and so when there's replicated he hates us for no reason sure maybe now that's maybe he doesn't hate us maybe he loves us and it just sends us angry kind of snarky tweets but anyway the long and short of it is we don't want to like step on his toes anymore already Friday's website has said don't talk about the game for 24 hours we won't join more mobs that are already talking about it immediately on the internet and yeah we're gonna give it the 24 hour embargo that is requested I don't know if it's real I don't know if it's supposed to be just like a joke joke or whatever we're respecting at a time so be it we can't stream tomorrow on Thursday so we're gonna stream it on Friday so if you want to see undertale - AKA delta rune that is coming on friday / toby fox's up up you know his suppose it embargo or whatever all also fun fact delta rune is just under tailed scranton anagram yeah I didn't know if anyone had put that together and everyone must know that right I mean come on it's a good it's a good anagram no that's a good yeah that could be a completely standalone thing okay it could be but it's also undertale written so anyway that's what we're up to later this week no stream tomorrow Friday absolutely undertale - we'll be there but in the meantime secret neighbor we have all sorts of classic games that we plan on live stream coming back in force so secret neighbor today it's Steph and stuff actually gets yeah we actually need multiple players for the game so we're going to be tapping myself and a couple other people who are hanging around so that we can yeah so we can play there it is so if you want to engage with the stream you know two ways there's two whole ways to do it what are those two way Stephanie well you could send us a letter you write it out envelope postage make sure you give it to the mailman and then herobrine is called the postman the post what is the mailman the postman and he'll ponies are trapped in our way such a sweet boy oh yes and also the milkman Wow geez all sorts of exciting people you can notice up on Twitter using hashtag do you live you can notice up in the chat Chris is back slim considerably what is this Chris you were doing so well that's such a good Street going and then you just load any videos on it humming channels today my god what's your Excuse young man it's a holiday I I took the day off holiday get out of here and that makes it even more important because guess what the people who are here chose to spend their Halloween with us right which can I just say I'm surprised there hasn't been a whole lot of like Hollywood I don't know on social media there hasn't been a whole lot of Halloween talk today I don't know I've seen I've seen some costumes I've seen some fun costumes going around today's your last day to tell us what you are being for Halloween this year and and yes let it also be known that I'm sweating through my cotton balls oh my god is hot grandmothers are so warm it's cold in here some this they're hot and not in a sexy way unless you're into that sort of thing love is love you're never too old to get frisky hey so golden girls away ladies and gentleman here we go let's pull up a secret neighbor let's do this so again this is an alpha I won't find out how stable it is I don't know we got earlier accessing it not very um so we have Amy who you saw during the merge pushes um she's what works on the team so she is on our little like gameplay stream today as well as the mysterious Dan ooh the mysterious dad all right uh really not really no one's ready no one's ready well I think we have to we have to pick our look first right we can pick a look yeah go to load out load oh yeah I actually I have some really good ideas for my look ah okay I'm onto some sweet pairs of overalls here I'm going camouflage personally I'm looking to blend in as much as possible and also i'm i'm a hoodlum so you know oh oh i've got these cool rain slicker boots those are fun oh yeah those are neat okay Jason mask oh that's very nice you go barefoot that's pretty cool isn't too bad yeah different hair styles oh I'm like a I'm like an androgynous Jason I love it oh I like that nice yeah okay and here's me all right there okay this is good I like that boom oh I don't know I'm so dark what's what's cooler the overalls or this just like you sure sure they're shorts with suspenders I think it's shorteralls I think you go with that is that an actual clothing item a shorter role is this a closer and I'm not familiar with at all sure yeah okay great cool I think yellow put so it matches my boots oh nice there we go all right are you gonna stand out like a sore thumb I'm just one of the kids Stephanie well I'm telling you it well if you're hiding from the neighbor that's gonna be a problem I'm telling you trust me the neighbor better be watching out for me unless I am the neighbor dun dun duh let's do this ready all right and you get to choose your loadout items chair you can block doors wait chair flashlight no geez flashlight makes everything lighter I love that they have to explain what a flashlight is box you can throw it there you go those are three options ladies and gentlemen so I'm going since boxes you can throw it but you can also probably throw a chair I'm going chair flashlight and then here we got pumpkin mask sonar you can see children walls Wow change the state house secret doors and a mask you can steal other children's looks oh that's cool and pumpkin man alright okay here we go alright let's do it so I'm ready let's begin please let's get down to business the capture some innocent children oh we're going to capture them and then we're going to pinch their cheeks yeah maybe this is less secret neighbor and maybe this is more secret gross secret program grandmother oh man Pressey okay oh my gosh secret grandmother I'm gonna go around and give you on a big ol smooch little guy oh oh my where are you fellow children you know wait I am a fellow child I'm not the neighbor at all we are you the neighbor I don't know you don't have to fight that out jeez oh man my hands are covered with glue from all of these stupid cotton balls I can't move the mouse ya ass is covered in glue your head I know it's really mad at some coffins so as their lower implications to this or is this just like a fun side game Chris woo you know good question I don't know it isn't alpha so they might be building in some lore stuff so it looks like the house has taken a pretty dramatic change at this point which is kind of cool that's very exciting and are the so Chris as someone who has been like researching this is there oh no I lost my flashlight so I can only hold two items that sucks is there an eyelash light there are a mission that we're supposed to do yeah so you're more so this game in time takes place before the events of hello neighbor or at least that's how I understand it okay ash what it's all of your like inside okay oh hey me paper oh hey I don't know are you are you a good person or a bad person well you'll have to find out how are you a friend or a foe maybe I'm going in here to go to my secret neighbourly lair what's this are you I don't know I'm in the bathroom right now I just have to potty okay at my age I'm lucky to be going into the bathroom hi block the dormitories I got all these jokes today already oh now I'm in a different room oh I didn't block the door with you inside ah you found the secret exit apparently the very obvious door on the other side of the room the secret neighbor is a secret exit apparently oh shoot delicious obviously wasn't there shoot I was trying to protect myself in case you were evil I was making sure thank you I'm like a hive outsmarted you Oh jazz record really I remember back in my day I would listen to the Thelonious Monk the old jazz club jazz that newfangled stuff we were to hang out we would go down to the old sock up me and the greaser boys oh that was after the war I would show off my ankles and the boys would gas me a sidelong glance you hussy granny was a little bit of a player Oh what do we got this is cool I like the Halloween theme right this is awesome super cool and loving the wallpaper so did the ELSA just come out today Chris or is this like something that we specifically requested or how how did how did we come about this and can other people play it the Alpha became available last week and other people can't play it after today it's it's it's only available if you ask for it and it's only a limited time it's only available if you ask for it and it's only today it's only like some day last week - today today is the last day Wow all right Wow all right I like I like just exploring this new house and now like this is Wow right this is really fun oh man you can get all the way up to like the third floor the third and fourth floor this is really cool you got a little garden section up here a little home and Gardens it looks like the neighbors really been taking his green thumb seriously right is horticulture no I don't want a plan give me my flip they really should just make the flat and like the flashlight shouldn't take up a whole item spot cuz it's so dark you almost need that you need the flashlight constantly granny what are you doing Ranieri all right hold on look see I'm gonna I'm gonna read some stuff from the chat for a second since we're just exploring the house let's see Vincent crisis over line those who are you not the evil neighbor then ah I don't know you let's find out maybe I'm sane break maybe maybe that's why I feel so good like going into the chat because that doesn't matter I can just uh I can just do whatever I want I didn't find a gun whoa the gun so the neighbor better watch out if he comes after me cuz I will shoot him and he will die that'll be the end of the game Rossum cat says I keep missing brother the stream because I'm handing out candy that's okay that's what's important today hand out that candy right yeah that Hey you don't you don't want oh there's a you don't want the kids to egg your house right not giving away the candy narcissist II I can't believe that kids in your neighborhood would do that that's so rude yep happen to live next to delinquents nice I guess is ready it was a little bit of a player my brandy good she and she know how to get down with a bad stuff every once in a while wasn't she wasn't ashamed very Fox already are they thanked people for Halloween this is great yes we are both grannies hey I found a key by the way our baby is also going to be another granny oh wait we can unlock the basement I only have a crowbar so I have a crowbar and a key whoa quit Barton says I'm Captain America my boyfriend is Iron Man and my best friend is being star-lord that's pretty oh that's a good combination the way it come down to the basement huh where's the basement you're on come back okay uh Crimson D says we need Grand Pat uh let's see something tells me Dan the villain here we think yeah he's being awfully quiet what oh there are so many locks on that of your evil whoa there are so many locks okay fine so I got so we need to find more keys huh yeah here I'm gonna circular aces tell Matt Pat that you can kill the neighbor you can kill me you see I wasn't joking about that that I can literally kill the neighbor great Danis Akal says OMG just turn in I took my nephew trick-or-treating the old people costume is so cute thank you thank you so much thank you Sonny uh let's see I don't like to think of myself as old I like to think of myself as forever young oh and dingo says they sound like the aunt from Fran bow and dark ninja tweeters uses floating smoke is awesome the notice monk really knew how to get to make music that really let stirred my loins my Lords were appropriately stir pretty much ever okay live stream over don't Olli don't let it make you nervous there ah young woman okay that's all right get them keys yeah Devki SM Keys first stream can I get a club and a half or a stab and a half says Jennifer IDEs in its Sala ween so you kept this tab and a half just happen so okay so I got the crowbar partner oh wait I heard I heard something unlock a red K sweet alright I have okay so I'll look for the red key I have um do we need a crowbar in any way shape or form because I got it we do I also have a hammer or at least I have access to a hammer well then Abby McHugh says oMG gran-gran dad is that you do we need a do we need a blue key or did we already use all the blue keys guys yeah alright well we got it I got a blue key if need be Johnson story says wait is that a costume no this is just me we just we've gotten old before our time hashtag woke up this way hashtag woke hashtag I don't even know what a hashtag is hashtag every day I wake up I find I'm just continued to wake up wait wordsworth wait we're still need to understand the layout of this place um kiss joke Ranga fan says what is the worst Halloween candy you guys ever got as kids Mary James were my least favorite they were absolute bottom of the barrel very good you couldn't trade them for anything oh did you see I saw this video circulating online the other day yeah that for Halloween Reese's peanut butter cups are giving over they have vending machines and this is obviously a gimmick but like certain areas they have vending machines that you can put in your like really bad candy and it will spit out yeah it's cool it's really bad let's $3 talk to your camp oh it's the best it's Reese's and snicks twists Nix Nix oh yes the classics Nick's bars Twix our top tier for me um I mean I do like some other stuff like those mini packs of nerds are also the on point yeah they're great so we need a yellow key guys speaking it looks like we're going to have a hard candy Christopher would you like a hard candy I would love one oh yeah there you are dear okay yeah Chris are you our golden girl - it's a Werther's original original like me yeah I was gonna say I was there back when when they didn't even need to qualify that where this was the only butterscotch in town do you have any do you have any peppermint - starbursts as well Oh peppermint peppermint what have you got they open this Elizabeth and engines at ingen since the yes Twix crystal is the worst Halloween candy you got I've never been a fan of whoppers whoa iron whoppers are like a very clear second-tier for me I like first year being like only a couple and then whoppers are like a close follow for me we would have been good trade buddies oh yeah well cuz I'm really into the whopper here's the thing I'm not entirely oh no I think Dan's evil still Dan are you evil are you gonna try that are dan are you gonna Dan or Dan ru evil ru cornering me in this murder Shack right now you didn't win the game you're literally just standing there with your flashlight don't you dare don't you dare murder child get out of here I'm watching you I'm stalking you kami and says stuff has to be the neighbor I don't think I'm the neighbor right I feel like stuff is the neighbor and doesn't realize to use the neighbor stuff is absolutely the neighbor and I came here funny the steppers absolutely the neighbor that's totally the neighbor I just saw it over a shoulder so we're missing a yellow key is that what's going on here no it's yellow you're colorblind Dan which doesn't really help in a game that requires us to match colored keys to colored locks and not colorblind in like the fake YouTube way we're like Jake and Logan Paul were colorblind and then they're like let me put on these glasses oh my gosh cuz they're not colored by now you see lots of colors you just don't see them exactly the same length right oh wow you have found 90% of keys even a color blind squirrel a squirrel finds the proud oh my god Oh me I need more dance oh I found an umbrella that's always excited umbrellas and you're really talented sure noise oh yeah here I have this I'm gonna drop this robe are here at the entrance gate just in case we have bow guys we have 30 minutes to find the yellow key we've had all this time to do it because Stephanie didn't realize that she was the villain me yeah I really didn't know I was the neighborhood now I'm completely lost I'll never find you so if we're not if we're not finding our way into the basement this round guys it is it is Bad News Bears let's see Stephanie can barely figure out thinking stephanie is literally a grandma playing this game I know how this machine works lwas what now yellow key where are you come on come on gotta be somewhere we have two minutes and how do I get out of here okay granny is so lost right now guys are you whippersnappers you torn this this new fashion machine just wanna pinch your cheeks and give you a check for your birthday don't spend it all in one place it's ten whole dollars oh you got ten oh man I got five can I break out of this this room yeah did you trap yourself in a room I did great I'm a prepper fantastic good work I can't break the windows of the pumpkin Amy maybe got a wrench I mean it can maybe not in this game but a wrench technically because where are you I don't know where is this cave oh that's damn Oh No ha ha run away dad throw something at him her it oh wait wait I'm trying to capture you dad she's never you if she captures you dad just say it takes away all gamer cred right now cuz it's Stephanie let's be honest come on hey hey man Wow insult Dan wait and then sult me overall it's a red cage garbage yeah where you go that could be it cuz I found a blue key and a red key where Dan go Dan where'd he go how do you add this room I want I won't eat you alive or whatever I just want to get out of here you've been bested stephanie has been bested you except it didn't help because we all ended up outside of it safe anyway so do we win the game by surviving again later creepy Motel wait is the neighbor behind me where's the neighbor no she said there's meat paid which is me were you at were you where are you where are you at where you at neighbor I'm trying to come at you just so I can see what's going on oh my god I found a way out of the room oh no neighbor campers nature was really a victory for the neighbor I think it was a victory I think it was a victory for the door dan was totally right he did all the work well are you guys doing I didn't realize that there was a door that we had oh my god these excuses here have a tissue crime here one second I need to like release my wig slightly so that blood can flow back into my brain I know I'm cuz there are two missteps would we made this costume one was using glue literally on our head to I guess was that it's really hot and three is the fact that like the stocking that we built all this on top of is really tight on my head oh my god it's so good so like and we're never gonna get along during the period of these of this gameplay I'm literally slowly passing out from what my brain is slowly dying I am literally slowly dying in front of your face during this live stream yeah oh oh sweet blood to my brain oh it's great oh sorry it's like absolutely becoming conscious again it's fantastic right oh man who needs drugs when you have nothing on Halloween costume wig don't do it it's dangerous oh yeah as we okay so we're gonna restart the game maybe this time the neighbor will actually know who it is God's it says okay but now think about it first if naff game then bending the machine now hello neighbor and undertale is next what a time to be alive righty a new smash game I'm excited I'm thankful for every day personally every new day that I wake up and then I'm not in though the arms of our sweet lord yikes sorry that got dark in a hurry I apologize literally literally count my breasts you just die at the end of this livestream I mean based on the how tight this wig is yes for another 36 it doesn't even know they were in the neighbor ah perhaps they did not for 90% of the game maybe not so much just wait until I'll get you next time I'll get you next time a pretty sorry I need to get blood into the back of my head as well oh you get blood in the back oh oh no I can't really lift up the wig back there because that's where the glue is really tied into those back hairs oh if I'm bald when we come back on Friday for undertale two ladies online you'll know why and it's because I had to shave off my head in order to get this wig off Oh what else is going on on Twitter stuff ah let's see you call out a couple more while we load that mattress says it's been a great three months since I handed in my first paper class and it still hasn't been graded so I'm handing out KitKat's for next class that's exciting this is so sneaky so it's a cold one a colons his neighbor show yourself I did eventually I was trying to engage with the stream were you was that what it was oh so much glue in my hair oh it's ripping out oh oh no the live stream in SpaghettiOs so that helps a little that's nice why do we need to kill in the end all those futile oh man oh that's deep yeah we're getting deep yeah oh so tight gesundheit there make sure you put that back in your sleeve so you don't lose it later back during the Depression we could only afford one tissue and I would have to recycle all my floss fun fact I know my grandparents watch this live stream every once in a while this is not a recreation of that however I will say one of my most vivid early memories of my grandparents was the fact that my grandpa had this habit of hanging floss from the bathroom doorknob Oh God or like from the shower handle so he could reuse it I don't like really flood of all the things that you need to reuse floss my grass was really that costly hey man you know you only use a tiny bit that actually makes it between your teeth your teeth are really narrow you can reuse those things oh no your hair's falling out sorry yeah there's yep it's fine oh no I got a bald spot right here oh no all right when you're old your hair just starts to fall out that yeah he would hang floss and I was oh I always thought it was weird I thought it was like I don't know how people used to tie string around their fingers but no it's to actually reuse it the next day well fun fact my grandmother definitely used to me use on aluminum foil look at that I don't laugh I get a black foil or like bag like ziploc bags if they haven't been like really badly done orally or um takeout containers oh absolutely containers are great to read i used to use those in um grad school and I couldn't afford to wear cuz who can afford Tupperware that stuff is so expensive a couple more is only for like the real I know those are for the Richie like you know I know you made it in life when you can afford tough yeah when you bought Tupperware whoa it's true hashed it like we need to upgrade our Tupperware actually I don't know we can't afford that because we have to pay Chris we got we had to get married get Tupperware yeah well hitter Chris are you willing to sacrifice your paycheck for a week so we can buy Tupperware gets up or we're yeah okay that's the sort of look I what a good guy here yeah let's play again let's play again I'm around um yeah that's that's so sweet of you Chris what a good guy man yeah I've been meaning to lose some weight so dan you should join the game and Stephanie should also join the game oh wait remember the game is on the other window Stephanie hi I'm trying to engage with the street we're trying to continue this stream though baby I'm ready already let's go there we go is that me one ready good okay we're all here alright oh no dad yeah dad where did you go why did you leave okay dad come back to us dan don't be sassy yeah and you're gonna get a very big trouble mister a woman you gotta get it gonna put up a whooping stick and snap your bottom no dice which is an employer that would be a terrible idea just see that's a lawsuit are you wearing great okay hey let's actually get into the basement this time shall we that would be great let's get down to the base meds to defeat on la neighborhood secrets did they send me daughters witness I'm a child but last time that wasn't really true what do I do yeah is that what it said step it did okay I don't know I looked like a child I did I did not change I'm apparently not the neighbor is this why is this random ladder so bloody on the outside like there's a bloody ladder on the inside - someone really liked like dying on the on those latter oh I thought that this was okay so there's a hammer and a crowbar we haven't needed any of those yet have we glue Oh Dan that's so funny did you smack it I did you Oh God what are you guys doing Oh Dan service ID sir well empty box at you you threw your flashlight at me can I throw it wait hold on okay hold on I'm gonna chunk a pumpkin at you wait no hold up hold up shoot oh I can't throw that there don't harass Aldrin bullying is bad bad bad Stephie poo bad bad Stephie poo ah ah oh shoot wait wait oh shoot wait you stole when you stole it you stole my chair oh we don't steal don't throw my yeah are you the neighbor no bigger than a underneath pain you're the neighbor why would you assume that I'm the neighbor wait what happened what happened I threw my flesh oh is that what happened yeah watching you I've been watching I was busy exploring the so it doesn't really seem like there's anything in the toolshed outside like if we need a hammer or a crowbar it's out here so far it looks like Amy's the neighbor right don't watch out for yeah what's a baby I don't trust her no ha sure yeah actually Matthew guys don't worry oh yeah I'm sure it totally is you it's totally stuff I've tried pressing jeans it's definitely it's definitely not stuff let's let's be honest it's not step oh wait did someone get work on the door where's the door I for the life of me okay that's why I went in last time I don't want to go that way anymore if we really need to get familiar with this Oh like Cinderella way all right where what's in here wait the door oh I just put myself in like a Harry Potter style broom closet oh here we go hey Dan yeah we uh Wow we've already locked two unread unlock two red locks well that's great hey what happened dan I'm watching you I'm watching you Dan did you I think it is - she's why because it's a it clearly it's you yes thank you clearly it's me aha tonight it I said early on that it wasn't me I don't know oh wait I found a yellow key I think I found a yellow key does that help does it yes yeah we don't have do we need a yellow key where do I go here we go go back down to the main room the main room here this is the main room this the main room No where's my robe it's your right sorry I'm screen looking at you yeah it's to your right and then I keep going in here no that's that's the garage okay keep working your way around that hallway you'll get there eventually yep yeah uh-huh down here yeah you're getting closer yeah it's it's at the base of two of the stairwells keep going around over here oh I was stuck in oh don't don't go that way go through I think it made me go straight through that way I'm still I'm still kind of learning what the this one over here yes there it is okay oh there we go yes okay I have this yellow key I will use it ah wait wait wait wait wait who is that wait no get out of here yeah it's totally Matthew sterling Matthew he was one who knew where I was we knew it all along how dare you stuff how dare you guys use me like you guys what I'm just trying to look for keys okay gee what you guys I'm telling you I'm telling you you get the door unlocked before you were caught yes did you know that why would you lie because I didn't mind wouldn't like I was Stephanie yo yo your microphone I don't know how this how this invention works I can't hear anything anyway okay how's that boy fixed be careful Matthews definitely the neighbor don't believe her lies she has no clue I have no motivation like it's not a me it's probably anything definitely not a me you can't trust oh man primary it says hashtag cheater oh yeah is it a cheater isn't it strategy isn't that the whole point of the game hashtag cheater Pat oh yeah come on happy Halloween GT says grim Hades happy Halloween in Hades gonna be Haiti sneak path says Norbert fast kiss why Chris says Phoenix hash I cheat Pat says Alba Pearson oh come on sam harris and says Steffes telling the truth Steph is totally telling the truth I don't live Sonny run run run nope you some pumpkins infested me okay dammit Oh curse you pumpkin you guys run no where did you go dad dad dad I just want to give you a big old sloppy kiss oh and in a strictly platonic way oh man he can see you through walls guys come on buddy I'm just looking I'm just looking for my [Music] you should you still need the blue one I think right did you guys get the yellow one back darn it oh man The Crow marks the key oh no oh no Dan Dan how do you save someone you can't really you can't really save someone stuff when you're already out of okay the the spooky missing posters the spoof missing posters are really cool man oh man's down - down - Matthew and Amy oh man it's only you Amy can you do it crow marks the key oh it's Rick I love the fact that you're uh I think it's Stephanie's flashlight was just left here by oh yeah which is which is pretty compelling cause it's just like sitting here and it's all sad it's very dark and spooky oh my hair so you need one yellow key and one blue key Amy just so you know you're just gonna camp there man no I pulled out my little camping Annie oh I can look at what I can do Wow how cool is that that's awesome Oh buddy run run Amy we were yes wait what did you do wait what'd she just do no what did you do I'm so confused [Music] he's in a room yeah sort of where'd you go Oh get out of there get out there you know yeah they're all right I smoked oh yeah come on smell shine oh my gosh get faster yeah you're tunneling so quickly oh no he's gonna throw something at you dodge dodge me Dottie weave yes yes he's still behind you go I am so slow my faster as a kid yes yes I am faster as a kid Oh naho keep going it's the slow speed chase oh come on where'd you go where'd you go he's gonna throw a box mommy daddy grams it's worse stop stop being a troll damn it Oh keep running keep running Oh maman just give in just give it no just some time I assume up there you know I'm there get on there just owe them or something they have the TV being so darn glass show you lost them for the moment oh I hate this TV being too dark I can't see a thing that oh I'm done completely lost now shoot good job baby Suggs hold up this is so unfair hey nice now yeah play nice is being able to see the screen of context it's not she's not need to find out flashlights or something that's why I was so reticent to throw away that flat I know you never throw away a flashlight because at least on the TV as as we see it you absolutely need oh yeah you totally need a flashlight four minutes left Amy what are you gonna do he's just sitting there camping the spot man God why did you let me have a strategy Stephanie god you're Burt you may have someone on the inside Amy it's like man it's like it's like you're playing in the old n64 era and you're the one who is like scream scream peaking yeah scream peakers were always judged heavily and harshly yeah no don't throw don't throw this stupid thing oh that would be great if you could transform into a child but your shadow was still the name it is look I'm in the oil well but you're oh yes I'm not yeah your shows that would have your child no an awesome right that would actually be a really cool way to tell oh yeah it would be great you'd have to pay really close attention but you could do it are you where are you Amy no really you should tell me you should let me know where you are maybe I can help you unlock the basement cuz I'm just really curious what's in the basement sure you are I just want to know all what there she is Bonnie me run no bathroom Amy Amy you're caught on the coat rack don't do that oh come on oh come on give up right she's very nonchalant gosh right the neighbor is actually really scary up close MVP's dad is dead what about what about NVP the guy who captured all the children how about that is an MVP also worth noting it says children hits well I guess I oh I guess I hit you twice yeah what about children captured neighbor give me some credit old granny gave all in it okay this big sloppy wet kiss is this Halloween and also where there's originals here let's do one more way to do one mine crushed you guys that was good would you like a hard candy I have a hard cab would you like to trade a hard candy for a hard candy hard candy bar oh thank you here alright I it's funny I I you know we got these for our costume the Werther's Originals they're so good as a G look I wouldn't pop in these all good they're so good so if you come by our house this Halloween you can expect some Smarties somewhere there's original yes I love Smarties so we always get smart knees even though everyone else hates Smarties no Smarties are really good we also got Laffy Taffy what did what do we get we got Laffy Taffy we got nerd nerds we skewed into the like sweet candies not the chocolaty candies this year which I don't know I was kinda sad that we didn't end up going the route of either skittles or Reese's Cups skittles are great but the problem with skittles enemies is causes that I'll eat all of them going back to what Chris said earlier about least resistors going back to what Chris said earlier about whoppers I will say this whoppers are very hit-or-miss a lot of a hyper an abnormal and abnormally high percentage of whoppers are stale no they're not they are not then that person just uh like then that person just like you know we did a job for Halloween they're still no it's not it's it's the fact that like the candy company I don't know like they just reuse a lot of Werther or they reuse a lot of this stuff so I'm not the neighbor so you can all put your like suspicions aside probably dan coz Dan's walking around very suspiciously right yes oh there's Stephanie too so watch out one of them might be the neighbor look at him look at him walking suspicion each other like I'm like what do you do again look at these two what are you doing I think it's Dan I think it's Dan he's trying to blind me with his flashlight right dad's totally the neighbor oh yeah dance totally avoid him I would I don't believe you for a second you know well if you're not the Weber then start unlocking doors since you're errantly the MVP in every game that you play get in there Oh Stephanie the neighbor yes Boyd are I'm going after you this time No how do you run so fast why am i controlled so bad like the kids are really the kids are a bit too fast okay also I don't have an external do we have an external mouse press because my on my mouse trackpad is actually really bad do you happen to have one in your office no there's oh there there probably isn't one is in the room upstairs yeah I'll take a I'll take a quick gander here we go what do we got shoot there's nothing there are no keys or useful devices in the bathroom why I ran out of pumpkin cuz right now I can't turn yes that is that your goal yeah you're just smacking people with pumpkins oh come on I can't I like literally I cannot turn at all so I'm not much of a threat but like do you see what I'm doing here have we found any keys what color yellow okay so we need a couple more keys oh come on just turn her oh my god this is so frustrating you're expecting us to pity you neighbor I can't do anything huh haha oh no wait she's gonna come back stronger faster better oh wait is this a key no that's a banana sorry oh thank god oh hey arm it was a banana oh thank god okay oh no and I've lost my oh shoot I lost my flashlight no it again it is completely pitch black I can't see a thing I'm just gonna carry around this lamp this is nice new strange no let me carry your own lamp I need laughs all right no I'm coming for you Sonny good luck fight good luck seeing me I know there's no way you if you don't have a flashlight there is no way you're seeing me I can't even see myself I have a flashlight well then come find me so I can steal it from you neighbor back in my day was candles and churn and butter wah aah dan dan yes are you I'm coming for head oh yeah what's going on Ryu's Oh got caught a pumpkin if I grab a pumpkin maybe that'll help maybe they don't light up the world around me why is Dan the only one I've seen it all right you see damn the bait that you're just sending to like have me like run around and chase and then you guys are just like opening the basement that's actually a great strategy I just want to see what's in the basement personally right if anyone has a flashlight that they want to donate to me let me know I've got one come over and see me wait is that you are you at the front door you are behind me good you're not what's out there she is yeah I can't get close enough to them to eat them ah I waited they have saved me save again get behind you go yeah shoot all right I tried to like one I really wanted in my perspective now if you want to oh that you already are ha ha oh man I really want to know how many laughs to unlock Wow dad just smacked you with this flashlight meanwhile eat honey oh the crow is out Amy ha ha because you're not in any like useful places Dan still around I'm still chasing him hey so Amy you should go into the top floors cuz the top floors are where a lot of the stuff is hiding don't give her hints geez this word is original is so delightful I'm just saying whether it's I I don't think you do brand deals you might not even know what the internet is but if you do brand deals where there's we're here for you hmm oh my god I can't even keep up with Dan Dan how are you running so fast Erin will check on the action of the end beaver top-down like that and it's just like smacking you in the face and it slowly like luring you away he's just taunting you at this point dan is literally on to you what a jerk so unfair I'm just a sweet old neighbor you know what I find super helpful is transforming it to another kid or into a pumpkin but you didn't load out with the pumpkins they shoot yeah other kid even though it's labeled as Steffi puso they know exactly right I know no there's no way that's gonna help me the kids do run faster though it seems like what it does okay oh yeah you can if you it's so if you get close to Dan next time and use the math you can transform into Dan Wow oh that's cool meanwhile Dan is just hanging out in the the old security closet out back now what are you guys doing I'm waiting to kill you where are you oh yeah who's the dirty camper now hull step nuts I see how it is you you can't shame me you can't shame me and then when it's your turn to be the neighbor you're like I'm just gonna hang out next to the door that's this or in the bathroom cuz I got a poop cuz sometimes when you're old if you're not taking your proves regularly you got your laptop's up you're an app pooping I mean come on where's Amy who knows Amy's off in some random corner the hello where are you Amy Amy keep going up keep going up stairs where are you knows no no that's oddly dismissive of you Oh Amy I'm coming to find you right now now Stephanie's coming for you so you might as well go upstairs where are you Rangers just so Dario how are you as your sonar 300 family extra for sorry for is your sonar and then you click it so you can see so you can operate the door whoa oh there you go Amy oh wait she's mad you with their pumpkin I told you to go upstairs madam is she kidding BAM well then Dan I have just under seven minutes to find you know Oh what so if you click on the gates it'll open and shut them oh that's so cool and then yeah you like you saw you could see the kids Daniel where are you I'm on the second floor just so you know I'm gonna find you oh no damn go go where is the boy oh goody where's II got smash go Dan go where is he go Dan go oh there yes haha man look at that smooth running animation right there that is like butter like butter frosting animation great the neighbor just clobber it along here it's man vs. pumpkin oh my god dad you've literally just been running away from me this whole time I'm a slow old person okay I can't chase you oh yeah you're you're gone he's so fast yeah it's really get away so fast like the slowest both start and stop eversion of Halloween ever beauty beauty beauty beauty beauty it's ready yeah ready don't ready to go dad uh-oh dad yeah you got to get back here and I don't appreciate what you're doing right now I'm you're just going around in circles find the keys then find the keys Dan oh it's definitely you don't have to worry about about oh my god says the person who I totally killed I totally massacred you're a small child form Wow I know I know shoot I lost him alright nevermind come on use the green record player to grow the plants that'll allow you to unlock the windmill that you need to freeze the globe and put it into the globe stand so it unfreezes water room and then security shark comes out in attacks security Chouteau check your new job beware his jaws of justice oh where are you Dan let's check in with Dan dan what color key are you looking for Dan the fourth floor or the third floor whatever the top floor is had a lot of keys dan time I was up just just a minute you're never gonna find that key in time just just come over here and embrace the embrace embrace death like a man like and like old patty over here I did that a long time ago got down Stephanie oh stop it's a slow speed chase not since oj simpson has there been a chase this slow wait wait you're just on guys in the other side of the wall are you in the bathroom this is no time for a shower are you screen for don't be screen peeking I said no don't be screened people there is okay good that's all right so anybody Oh where'd he go oh you're getting dirty there neighbor no he's right there don't know finally all right all right I've got him very well done paper victory over three oh it's gonna shake your hand oh thank you dear MVP was a me again me again Amy what about the neighbors you got one more than her okay that's actually that's a good point in point a fair point area don't celebrate someone who ones chill right that's that's okay that was fine I support that all right oh that was a good time those get to wait we said we got to get to the basement here friends no all right okay get into the baby this is a team effort whoever is the neighbor in this round ready out set neighbor ready said neighbor okay come on Stephan poo I know I'm getting in there I'm getting in there okay all right we're working together Eddie all right team effort find the keys all the basement real quick because is there is there a gold beyond just getting in the basement is there a basement beyond the base Wow it's probably just given to the basement that's why I'm assuming I was gonna say how much can you do in seven minutes it's a all right I'm not I'm not I'm also child let's got my dad and Amy also spawned right next to me one of them is the neighbor but he it is EO all right good to know let us get into the basement at least yeah let's get let's get into this and everyone and and then you can play your little mind games oh wait there there aha there's the record player the phonograph all right I'm looking at drawers on the graphic machine found another flashlight if anyone needs them - lord knows this game is very difficult to make out anything without a flashlight one - Oh Bobby yellow key all right good I'm gonna let go of my chair whoa an outside on the upper floor we've been out here yet Wow I know you can jump everywhere which kind of renders them a little bit useless than epic whoa look at this holy cow going up the outside on all these like planks I know the outside is great I showed it in the first time the first level for the first half later guess what I got yellow key come on oh I got blue keys man true to form hello neighbors musician ed continues to go okay gesundheit right thanks I mean listen to that rockin soundtrack we got going on right now it's stellar fab oh I got another blue key you got another blue key crap yeah I got him all right oh and there's a crowbar up here - yeah and the hammer like I said ever there's a lot of stuff that has been hidden on the top floor for the life of me I can't figure out the layout of the house and no there we go nowhere to get to that front room here we go if you're in the room with all the bookshelves it's that back corner a door go through there and you're in there watch out there's Dan but I know you did here we go come on I'm gonna go good luck come on hurry up there you go so we need a red key and you have two blue key idea use the second blue thing on this guy so we need a red key hold on wait where's my other key ah oh yeah you didn't grab that yeah oh come on curses all right all right chairs back upstairs come on NVP Amy what you doing Aria are you finding keys well then earn that MVP title right let's go you got you into this basement unlock whatever murders exist child kidnappings like have we been in this jail room up here yeah then whoa okay oh hey me pee oh man this is the soundtrack that I could rock out this is like the five-second loop okay all right this is my mood this is my mood music right here yeah we need a red key where'd you find how are you so good at finding the keys to him right the keys to navigate towards Dan weights okay wait before you address the basement let me come down eight pounds weight that all we know that we have this last blue key up here though grab the blue Oh grab the blue key I got it I've got it all right you got it yep got it let's go so let's go downstairs just jump over this balcony and then down through the hole yeah there we go and then okay then where's the door oh jeez dad dad dad hosing it it's a big neighbor right yeah he's being all neighbor hey don't be neighborly won't you be my neighbor no put away put away your car to get mr. Roger here we go come on I'll unlock ah I can't get like in the right angle to like unlock this look it's just do you have the key I have the key equipped it's like right in front look I'm holding it and then are you clicking left clicking it I'm trying to get it to appear even there we go okay let's go so wait now Frankie all right can you open it or do we need yeah let's go whoo children go to victory all right good Sabo that that was it that's great I was hoping that there would be a little bit more that's okay children victory whoo all right guys that was fun that was fun this is good it's oh it's it's a it's a good game yeah it is it's a it's a bit you know it's still an alpha and I get that but oh no it's my hair falling out in the back it started no my hair small yeah just over on this side it's you're starting to get a little bit messy I'm uh starting to get messy though you're good you're good I've worked on my perm for days all right guys we're gonna we're gonna end it here too just because it's Halloween and it's all pictures of Oliver before he goes to you have to do something like 6 o'clock yeah we have to get Oliver into his costume so we can get pictures with him and then we also need to uh so you can celebrate his first Halloween we also need to get to Chipotle to do our burrito yeah you don't know yeah for those of you don't know our Halloween tradition is going to Chipotle because they do to $3 burritos burrito burrito yeah super two burritos coming costume and it we've been doing it since we lived in New York and you know where we could jobless and we couldn't afford food so it's our Halloween tradition to remind us of kind of all those Halloween's past yeah so we got to do that before they it gets too late I have a meeting at 5:30 going on and then we also got to get back for trick-or-treaters because we don't want our house egg yeah exactly we got a handout that can a so so we're gonna have to end it there but we will be back on Friday yep Friday and will hopefully be playing some witch Macaulay undertale to undertale - I always tell Emma grant anagram Delta rune that's on Friday have a great Thursday have a great Halloween stay safe grab a ton of candy watch out for stale whoppers all aboard the train for Reese's Cups just throw back any Mary jeans that you get just throw them bad I know like what do you don't even accept it really and watch out for razor blades and most importantly of all remember that's just a stream on Lime Street Mike what do you say life is an ice cream man scream hey oh right say goodbye dear apologies headphone users samandar my boys a dead mean by mark howard says bye guys tumblr tear my back albany blue goodbye oh I remember
Channel: GTLive
Views: 310,589
Rating: 4.9390841 out of 5
Keywords: secret neighbor, hello neighbor, halloween, secret neighbor multiplayer, secret neighbor dantdm, secret neighbor dawko, dawko secret neighbor, dantdm secret neighbor, 8 bitryan hello neighbor secret, hello neighbor hide and seek, secret neighbor hello neighbor, multiplayer, scary games, horror games, hidden agenda, halloween games, gtlive, game theory, game theorists, matpat, gtlive hello neighbor, gtlive secret neighbor, game theory hello neighbor, gtlive hidden agenda
Id: IfwzBm8CnJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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