Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III "It Goes Down in the DM"

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[Music] that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose for those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and those he predestined he also called those he called he also justified those he justified he also [Music] what they shall we say that easy it is for us he who did not spare his own son but pay them up for all of us graciously give us all things in charge against those who God has chosen it is who justify who is he that condemneth more than that who has raised is that the right hand of God interceding for us so who should separate us she'll trouble dangerous sword it is written for your sake we face death all the day long we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered no in all these things we are more than conquerors [Music] [Music] in all creation [Music] that is in Christ Jesus Lord let me search say [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yeah she's realized none [Music] our God's great too and our God strong [Applause] - TARDIS you shine out of the ashes we rise the stove [Music] [Music] into the darkness you shine and out of the ashes feel the rise [Music] Oh and hip out our water that else [Music] [Applause] haha [Applause] [Music] we're the way you're No [Music] [Applause] celebrate our God celebrate our God one who is perfect in all his ways the king of glory the mighty God good God will you celebrate our God all day Wednesday night his house yes it'd be the name of our God well aren't you glad to be in church tonight on this second installment of wimzie's in the word I'm excited about the great things that our God continues to do at wheeler Avenue Baptist Church and I'm so delighted to be in church on another Wednesday evening our God is an awesome [Music] [Applause] let's stick together yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come [Applause] everybody [Music] [Applause] Oh God name how to do unless it be the name of the Lord what a joy it is to be in the house of the Lord this 11th day of the month of May 2016 to celebrate our God to celebrate what God has done is doing and will continue to do through the life and Ministry of wheeler Avenue Baptist Church is Wednesdays in the word anniversary edition and we're headed toward 54 years of life as a church family can somebody celebrate 54 years first Sunday of June 54 years old and we are looking good and we thank God for what we look like at 54 hey man and we thank God all the more that the man who got his started right there in his living room with just about 13 people on the first day is here with us tonight will you help me celebrate our founding pastor where you matter gently Lhasa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just the coolest dude in all of Texas all of America just so cool how you put that yeah you put that together man that's pretty good that looks good look at the ankle game neck Oh game is always on point come on check him out check him out come on go ahead cross your legs Brassica here we're gonna see if we need to see it come on daddy [Applause] that's so cool that's my god praise the Lord for past the loss of the Lawson family who I am in attendance tonight god bless you our church will be 54 next month but that distinguish generally will be 87 88 next month 88 next month June 28th June 28th 88 years old hey man great man of God great man of God we're so delighted to have so many who have come from varying locations to be with us tonight all of our members we're delighted to see you but there are members from other congregations who join with us every May and every October when we have these services and on our Wednesday evenings and we're so excited about all of our sister congregations who come to join us will you please wave at me if you hear from another congregation god bless you I see back for a second week in a row god bless you praise God for all those who come from sister congregations be careful coming here multiple weeks in a row man I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying somebody better tell you better this this place to get you hook but if you hook gonna be careful you better be careful and sitting in the same seat - oh man you already acting like a member you better be careful man praise the Lord - those who in the overflow thank you so much for your forbearance we're delighted that you are with us even in those satellite locations god bless you and may the Lord continue to use in the fellowship hall god bless you thank God for those of you who are with us and worshiping with us in the fellowship hall and there many who intentionally tuned in tonight because of this preacher who is here tonight from all across this country god bless you praise God for you but there's so many who have tuned in we saw a report and we are delighted that this preacher is here he is the inimitable Reverend dr. Frederick Douglas Haynes the third and he is back at wheeler Avenue Baptist Church all the way from Friendship West Baptist Church in Dallas Texas where the Dallas Saints come on down to st. represent there they are and we are delighted that he has consented to return and share with us a game this year in this experience of Wednesdays in the word he's been coming here for several years for quite some time in his return he's been absent for a little while but we excited that he is back this year to preach the Word of God to us and we are grateful for the privilege of being blessed by him we'll be blessed by him in just about 12 minutes in just about 12 minutes but now it's offering time in the house of the Lord we're excited about the coverage of giving man our credit co-op members are coming forward to receive the gifts that we bring to the Lord's church tonight we praise God for their service in the house of the Lord we have some of the most dutiful rushers in all of the kingdom of God and we praise God for asurs who served the Lord with gladness serve the Lord with gladness even when we don't obey them they keep smiling and I'm so grateful for them thank you so much for your spirit of hospitality Rush's we appreciate you those who are in this space those are in the overflow spaces thank you so much for your service we appreciate you get your offerings many how many we're not here Sunday you were not here Sunday go ahead raise your hand it's okay yet being all tentative right now why not [Applause] love real for real but why weren't you here sir my brother just said we were getting married all right oh that's so sweet that's so sweet hold up I did the wedding and I came to church so what now man don't holler at me from the balcony I'll play come on with 4 days of marriage under your belt stand up these newlyweds praise the Lord praise the Lord god bless you glad you're back daddy ensure tonight we appreciate you one of our other musicians under the roles among the thorns and our music ministry got married about two weeks ago Kiana and her husband will you please stand please stand both of you they got married two weeks ago she ain't sung since she got married she just keeps hitting it shan't had a microphone since lord have mercy have mercy look praise God for you since Kiana and your husband thank God for you thank God for this majestic brothers the majestic men's ministry of music ministry the brothers of our church are phenomenal they sang all day sunday came right on back Wednesday evening and sang and we're so grateful to them for their ministry of music if you've got your gifts ready let's talk to the Lord Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we say thank you for giving us something to give [Applause] [Music] we're extremely grateful then all we have needed your hand hand provides provided thank you for your faithfulness thank you for your love for your care for your generosity towards us thank you for your benevolence toward us thank you that we can depend on you and we thank you that you supply all of our needs according to your riches and glory by Christ Jesus now we return to you what you first placed into our hands and so we thank you for the privilege of giving back to you through your church so that the church might continue to thrive for your glory we give you praise for the opportunity to worship you through the presentation of these gifts tonight and I pray that no one who gives will go lacking as a consequence of his or her giving tonight but you'll return to your people as you see fit so that we will always have the testimony of our elders then we can't beat God giving no matter how we try we thank you and we praise you for this moment of worship receive our gifts and the strong and precious name of Jesus Christ we pray that Thanksgiving and all the people have got together said amen amen let's give unto our God the men are going to sing dr. Haynes he's going to preach and we're going to be revived in this place tonight [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah hardly let me [Applause] we [Music] [Music] they call me [Music] [Music] [Applause] for the change [Applause] Oh Oh [Applause] who yeah Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah sure we'll play God we thank you and we praise you that you are in the business of making a difference as a matter of fact their witness is all out throughout this house who testify unashamedly you made a difference in our lives thank you for healing you made a difference thank you for setting us free you made a difference thank you for making a way you made a difference thank you for keeping us together when everything was falling apart you made a difference we thank you and we praise you for bringing us now to this sacred space to experience your presence to praise your name and yes to hear from you we thank you and praise you that in your omniscient under competence you know exactly what we're dealing with what we're up against what we're going through you know where we need growth you know where we need revival we need a word from you we need to hear from you if we don't hear from you what shall we do so please now remove any distractions that may divert our attention don't let me or anything in me or about me get in the way of what you are up to and what you want to say and accomplish through me hide me behind the cross and help us to see Jesus and we'll give you all of the glory and all of the honor so please take over my mind and my mouth stand up in my body speak teach and preach with power anointing and authority through me I'm available to be used as your instrument so in the name of Jesus have your way give power to your word speak to us right where we are do exceeding abundantly above anything I can ask or imagine and revive us again yes Lord may a spirit of revival be unleashed in this place this night in Jesus name we thank you and praise you amen and hallelujah what a mighty God and he served all know about evil we serve a mighty good God who was worthy we pray so if you know what God has done for you my Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so says let everything that has breath praise the Lord you got breath ago body and he made a difference in your life go ahead and give God some praise god is good God made a difference in my life a man god bless you you may be seated in God's presence listen it's been a while since I've been here two wheeler so allow me to reintroduce myself my name is Hannes H to the a why in the es no seriously I am too excited I just can't hide it to be back at wheeler Avenue as far as I'm concerned wheeler Avenue provides us as a community and as a church with what it means to experience success and succession and it just tripped me out as I thought about the fact imagine having a basketball team that after Jordan retires Michael Jordan retires then Steph Curry steps up it just don't work like that but y'all have Michael Jordan Steph Curry right here at wheeler Avenue that's a gift that's a blessing that's a blessing that's a blessing dr. Lawson the pastor emeritus is a legend in our time and there are many doors that we've been able to walk through because of his anointed activism and prophetic witness and so we thank God for you God and he's still on the case he's still on the case and sugar sharp and Clorox clean in the process and so I thank God for the pastor emeritus and then I thank God for his wisdom his spirit of sagacity in knowing that if wheeler Avenue was to continue a wheeler Avenue needed the kind of gospel genius and giant that is Marcus D Cosby a man dr. Marcus D Cosby again he's he's Steph Curry in the pulpit to hear him preach and y'all get this Earth Sunday to hear him preach you recognize that you are watching a gospel genius at work I mean cuz the Negro can flat out for each deacon freaky I understand that you got to stand in line to get in church but once you get in here you know what's going down like faux flat tires because he the devil in hell knows he can preach the horns off a billy goat he is a brilliant preacher creative and phenomenal pastor and I don't think we ought to ever take for granted the gifts we have right now right now and right now y'all have one of the best preachers on the planet today in dr. Marcus D+ now bless you I admire him I appreciate him and I thank God for his amazing ministry and for all that God is doing through him I also got to say the brothers have been throwing down tonight yeah yeah I'm in Houston so I can say this y'all slay y'all slay so they've been slaying all night long and so I praise God for them on a Wednesday night and then I praise God for y'all y'all are a great church this is this is tripping me out because you know I'm a cookie monster and so it's real it's a real difficult thing on Wednesday night about this time and so I'm I just admire y'all for being in church tonight it's going on right now going on right now and so but I DVR'd it i DVR'd it so but I just want you to know I'm trying to get my mind straight because I've got a cookie consciousness on me right now so so but I got to give it to you I got to give it to y'all came out I thought it would just be me and Marcus tonight and y'all are here so god bless you and again I'm honored to be here and I celebrate this great church this great ministry and all the goddess don't I have some members who are here I'm glad to see them in the house I love them so very much god bless you thank you I want to call your attention tonight to a passage of Scripture found in the 107 Psalm Psalm 107 and there in the 23rd verse we begin our reading from the New Living Translation of the 11th century vowed Hebrew text here now God's words someone off to sea in ships plying the trade routes of the world they too observed the Lord's power in action God's impressive works on the deepest seas God spoke and the winds rose stirring up the waves their ships were tossed to the heavens and plunged again to the depths the sailors cringed in terror they wheeled and staggered like drunkards and were at their wit's end lord help they cried in their trouble and God saved them from their distress God calmed the storm to a whisper and steel the waves what a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbour let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them let them exalt God publicly before the congregation and before the leaders of the nation you may be seated in God's presence I want to put tag on this text and for a few moments with your prayers I'd like to use as a subject from which to preach it goes down in the DM it goes down in the DM it goes down in the DM if that's if that's to new school you can also call it set up at wit's end that's that's for the old school but if you new school it goes down in the DM both of them I will explain as the message unfolds it goes down in the DM or set up at wit's end whenever you are trying to make things happen that's when something happens called life that obsess what you're trying to set up just when you're trying to pull it together that's when everything has a tendency to fall apart and already I'm in somebody's kool-aid I've called out your flavor because if you're honest with yourself you were trying to make things happen and then life happen upsetting everything you were trying to set up the queen bee just left Dallas on Monday I was in the audience and blown away as the queen bee gave us I'm talking about Beyonce if you're playing a hole again and Beyonce my brothers and sisters dropped recently a super bad masterpiece of an album called lemonade on this album lemon album lemonade she has has a luminous bow lamentable line that blew my mind so may amazed was I by what Beyonce said I had to share with with you check out what Beyonce say is in lemonade I tried to make a home out of you but doors led to trapdoors in a real sense she's trying to make something happen but then life happened upsetting what she was trying to set up let me exit G that moving metaphor an insightful imagery I tried to make a home out of you but doors led to trap doors you're playing holy like you're not getting it doors are symbols of opportunity and yet she said and trying to make a home out of you what I thought was a door of opportunity was a trap door of heartbreak I park here parenthetically because the queen bee ain't by herself all of us know something about going through a door and instead it ended up a trap door you're playing like y'all are not getting this in sub-saharan Africa there is a snake known as the Sidewinder the snake known as the Sidewinder is shrewd and slick in its capturing of its prey because the Sidewinder snakes submerges its body beneath the sand prey comes along the sand but sees watch this the tail of the snakes sticking up out of the Santa the prey sees the tail and the tail looks good the tail is hot and as a consequence the prey decides it's got to have some tail it goes after the tail and once it gets the tail it does not know that a snake comes with the tail y'all playing holy but is there anybody here you've got the good looking tail but a snake came with that tail since y'all playing holy imma keep it moving but understand Beyonce said I tried to make a home out of you but doors led to trap door speaking of the queen bee I believe jay-z puts it like this when he talks about here it is trying to make something happen life happening upsetting what you're trying to set up jay-z puts it like this my whole my pops got a liver disorder my whole living is disordered I just got his living room ordered did you get that jay-z saying I'm trying to pull it together with the relationship with my dad I ordered his living room but he's been diagnosed with a liver disorder and now my whole life is in disorder somebody is in church tonight I just pulled up to your address because if you're honest with yourself your life is in disorder even though you were trying to put everything in order just what you're trying to make something happen life happens upsetting what you've been trying to set up y'all still not feeling me let me see if I can illustrate this idea we have a program I'm extremely proud of at our church called thrive thrive was birthed in a response to the injustice that was added to injury when Trayvon Martin was killed and then George Zimmerman was acquitted what could we do besides person the darkness we had to light a pendel and thrive is our response to it through thrive we have been able to employ every summer over a hundred and fifty young african-american males making $10 an hour at companies downtown Dallas and in North Dallas and they get hooked up with companies as well as with a mentor we provide the job training and the financial supplement because they have to make a minimum of 10 dollars an hour if they are going to be hired through our thrive program it's a hot program some good things have come out of it but what blessed me is when the program first started check out what happened I get a call that a brother who owns a sleep of offices downtown Dallas on the 60th floor of a high-rise wants to employ several of our thrive in terms I respond cool in the gang but he wants to see me in person and so as a consequence I make my way downtown I'm escorting up to the 60th floor I am tripping on the 60th floor a high-rise downtown Dallas and I must said even if you don't belong act like you do so I stepped off in there like I do belong and as I'm walking around enjoying the scenic view all of a sudden the brother his name is Craig invites me into his massive suite I am blown away and I cannot even allow Craig to say hello without saying Amen you got to tell me how did you get it hooked up like this and then Craig shared with me his testimony so blown away by his testimony I had to download it on my mental computer and now I'm going to sermonic Lee print y'all a copy check out what Craig said Craig testified that he was able to start his own business because here it is he had been set up when he was at wit's end he said pastor it's my testimony I was at wit sinner but God sent me up I said how did that work he said pastor it was several years ago I found myself Awakening on a God kissed morning to the sunrise raising its head over the eastern horizon after an early morning workout in a scrumptious breakfast in a nice development I had just moved into where I was the only one in that development that looked like me light was golden yeah I could identify with maguro Jill Scott I was living life like his golden golden and with that being the case I had finished my workout I it showered enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast I made my way to the office because we were about to close on an account that my company had been trying to get for years and under my leadership we were about to close on that account and pastor when I arrived at the office that morning all hell broke out till I was a twin sinner because I discovered through 20/20 hindsight that someone on my team who had been a part of our effort to get this account did not like me I'll be honest he hated me and the thing that caught me off guard is that he was the only of the brother on the team that meant that he looked like me he was in my camp but he was not in my corner he was he was by my side but he was not on my side y'all not getting this everybody that is by your side ain't on your side there are some folk that get close to you but they can't stand you in a real sense pastor he was jealous of me ain't know what I had been blessed with ain't that jacked up that people who I hate on you because of what God has given you how you're gonna hate on you because of what God has done for you if they had what you had they couldn't handle it anyhow and they don't even know the price you had to pay to get what you have because if ever you were looking at somebody else's green grass on the other side I promise you they've got a higher water bill preached but it hangs and with that being the case understand he is hating on me jealous of me that's what's happening with the queen bee when she dropped lemonade is it not all kind of hate is coming her way including one Pierce Morgan who needs to go somewhere enjoy his retirement and just sit down do you know what Piers Morgan had the unmitigated gall to say that he preferred Beyonce when she was doing the love pop songs back in the day he does not want to give her the space to grow and evolve as and artists a park here parenthetically that possum folk can handle you on one level but the moment that you start to grow the moment that you start to exceed the job description that they have designed for their life then all of a sudden they start tripping it because they came to handle your growth and Piers Morgan is upset because Beyonce won't stay in the place that he thinks she ought to stay in it he must not know black women because black women in this country have never ever stayed in the place that folk tried to put them in it is anybody glad that Maya Angelou didn't stay in her place is anybody glad that soldier of truth didn't stay in her place anybody glad that Harriet Tubman didn't stay in her place anybody glad that item B whales did not stay in her place is anybody glad it Rosa Parks didn't stay in her place anybody glad that Ella Baker didn't stay in her place anybody glad Michelle Obama doesn't stay in her place anybody glad your mama didn't stay in her place anybody glad your teacher didn't stay in that place is there anybody here who wants to celebrate black women who don't stay in their place oh yeah they don't stay in their place yeah I'm glad Audrey Lawson don't stay in her place I'm glad sister possibly don't stay in her place matter of fact look at every black woman in here and say I'm glad you don't stay in your place I'm trying to let somebody know that he is upset because Beyonce didn't stay in her place because people will hate whenever you elevate and that's what's going down with Craig Craig it's catching hate on the job and he's undermined by someone on his own team it's real jacked up his own teammate undermines him and Craig is trying to put the pieces together but it's not working the end of the business day is the unfair deadline that he has to meet the deadline passes Craig loses the account and then Craig says his boss put him on probation even though it was not his fault Craig is in a jacked-up situation undermined on this job by hateration and Craig gets in his car to drive home to that new development where he's the only one that looks like himself Craig while driving discovers a flash flood has hit Dallas which you can identify with here in Houston and the flash flood is a torrential downpour the Lightning is playing at zigzag games the Thunder is rolling and Craig is trying to negotiate the storm he finally pulls into that gate at new development he then pulls around to his garage and at that moment the power goes out in the whole development he hits the garage door opener no response he has to get out of his car and in that torrential downpour make his way around in the front door where he would then open up the door with his key but the moment he put the key to the lock guess what happened the lightning flash that scared him it's so jolted him he dropped the key in the mud he reaches down to pick up the key puts in the lock turns it and then he hears the beep beep beep sound that lets him know the alarm will go off in a matter of moments if he does not press the right button on buttons on the passcode on the keypad he gets to the keypad but then his mind goes blank because the Thunderer has shocked him again his mind has gone blank he pushes some buttons on the keypad and nothing happens he does it again and nothing happens now he's petrified and terrified because he's the only brother in this new development and he knows the Popo will be there in a matter of moments and so he presses the buttons desperately still nothing happens the alarm goes off when the alarm goes off Craig is scared and in 30 seconds you know it's not the hood in 30 seconds the police pull up and when they pull up they rush into the house they see Craig they cop their guns he's being treated as a villain in his own home Craig is being treated as a villain in his home because there's a history in this country of policing that does not serve and protect black bodies you've got to understand when you see what happens to Eric garner and Walter Scott and Tamir rice and Renisha McBride and sends our planner none of that is new it just got caught on camera that's what's new but the history of policing in this country has never been about serving and protecting black bodies it's about the social control of black bodies because it goes back to the slave patrols and in the Black Codes and then the convict leasing system and now what is known as the new Jim Crow according to Michelle Alexander not to mention Bull Connor and Jim Clarke in the 60s the history of policing has never been to serve and protect black bodies and so here is craig who is successful but catching a hey in his own a home I gotta stop right there because he's being treated as a villain in his home y'all didn't get that have you ever felt like a villain in your own home have you ever felt like if you drove up to the house and the garage door open and you saw the other car it's like why you didn't want to go but cuz you feel like a bad person in your own home that's how Craig is being treated no mistreat did they carry him outside and creig his handcuff being drenched in a storm why because he was pushing buttons in a storm that did not work I got to do it again he's pushing buttons in a storm that do not work I got to do that one more time because that's a moving metaphor it's insightful imagery but what goes down and somebody's like who's in church tonight and that is you're in a store and you're pushing buttons that used to work but they're not working in this here storm that somebody that's been pushing the buttons of Prayer the buttons of worship the buttons of praise but the storm is still raging and the buttons are not working and Craig said at that moment he was at wit's end I got a hang out right here because I love the phrase at wit's end I'm reaching in front of a genius called Marcus possibly and of course our found that our a pastor emeritus dr. Lawson so you know I did my homework and etymologically I excavated the phrase at Witts in in the Hebrew it's gonna mess you up at Witts in here's your shout right here means all of your wisdom is swallowed up at wit's in means that all of your skill everything you think you know has bumped into a sign that says no exit it's not going to work today all of your wisdom and skill is swallowed up this is only for real Saints right now because no matter how big your Bible is and how many times you can speak in other than English earth now and then no matter how much you think you know you're coming to a situation where you don't know what to do because what you've been doing it is no longer working you're pushing buttons in a storm and nothing is working and if that's you and you've come here and whips in I got some major shouting news for you and that is when you are at wit's end that's when God steps in and begins to show a power that you wouldn't have experienced had you not been in Wilson y'all miss your shop I'm gonna give y'all one more shout opportunity and that is if you have ever been at a whip scene and you couldn't do nothing else you discovered that when you discover God's address it's at the end of your rope that didn't come out good i'ma do it one more time you found out that God's address is at the end of your rope when you ain't got nothing left that you can do when you've done all that you can and the buttons aren't working that's when God says I'm ready now to step in and do what only I can do and somebody came to the Avenue tonight and wit sinner and God watch it here because God said when the buttons ain't working that's when you call on the God of the buttons and God will come through I like that because when God comes through it's gonna result here's your shelf in a only god testimony [Applause] okay I'm not gonna shout yet but I'm showing up close to because I just had a flashback to some only God moments in my experience with the only way to explain how I got out of when I got myself into was only God the only way I can explain how I kept it together when everything was falling apart only God the only way I could explain how a door opened up for me I didn't even knock on only God the only way I could explain how I'm sane though I've been through some crazy situations only God do I have some only God witnesses in the house who can testify if it had not been for the Lord that was all myself only God only God only God so so how how does this only God work so that it goes down in the DM I gotta help y'all with this it goes down in the DM number one your setup at wit's in when you discovered the only way you're going to advance is to take a chance I gotta do it again cuz you miss your shell if you want to advance sometimes you gotta take a chance thank you because there's no such thing as safe Christianity as long as you are trying to play it safe you ain't a saint because real faith has an allergic reaction to comfort zones I think I'm preaching y'all just myth you see in a real sense you can't walk by faith and be stuck like Chuck in a zone of comfort where you feel I can't do no more because I'm feeling real good just as things aren't no when you walk by faith it's because you can't see where you're going and you can't see where you're going because God now says hold out your hand and when you paint see I'll take your hand and take your way from where you are to where you're supposed to go and somebody needs that word tonight God is trying to break you out of a comfort zone because to be a saint is to not play it safe you can't play it safe and claim you know the Savior y'all not getting this one poet put it like this I'm tired of selling my little boat far inside the harbor bar I'm gonna go out where the big ships float out on the deep where the great ones are and should my frail crap prove too slight the waves that toss those billows or I'd rather go down in a stirring fight then drowned to death by the sheltered sure y'all didn't shout maybe Jay Z can help y'all out jay-z puts it like this son said hold how you get so fly I said from not being afraid to fall out the sky and then he goes on to say I'd rather die enormous than to live dormant that's how we on it and I came to tell somebody you ought to have that spirit in you and that is I refuse to play it safe I'm gonna attempt some great things for God and then watch God do even greater things for me y'all didn't shout I gotta help you I wish I could say I was making this up but check out the text the text says that these are merchants I'm a shout ship who do their business on deep water these are merchants who do business not in the shallow not not in a stream but on deep water and on deep water they got to see the power of God because you can't really see God at God's best if you hanging out in shallow water but the moment you make up your mind to attempt some big things for God then God says now I can show you how awesome I am okay okay okay okay I ain't coming through like I need to but you know who really gets me with this and that is I am so excited I just can't hide it because what three weeks ago secretary of the Treasury doctor should have blessed you I know it blessed me announced that in a few years $20 bill Harriet Tubman yeah I can't wait to get my Tubman's up I'm a load up on toughness when I get to the bank I'm getting rid of all of them Jackson's because I want me some Tubman's get give me some Harriet Tubman's I I can't wait to get my Tubman's in and y'all look at God Andrew Jackson was a slave holding genocidal racist who thought Harriet was less than human Harriet an ex-slave is now going to be on the front Harriet is going to be on the front and Jack got to get on the back y'all missing every shot bomb I just dropped on you Harriet the ex-slave on the front Jack got to get back I'm trying to say don't even worry about your haters trying to hold you down God will raise you up and in their face I'll give you the Bible the Bible says he prepares a table in the presence of my haters Freddie Haynes remix God is about to throw a blessing party in your honor but the party came jump off till your haters RSVP so watch this Harriette it's gonna be on the front Jack on the back I love that so much and that ain't the shout that was real good but that ain't the shout because as soon as I got the word I studied me some Harriet Tubman in college she and King were the persons I studied most in college along with the person for whom I'm named Frederick Douglass I studied them Frederick Douglass Martin King Harriet Tubman one of her earliest biographers wrote this piece it messed me up I shouted as I got a shout you with it Harriet Tubman check this I reread it three weeks ago it's gonna mess you up Harriet Tubman I love this hey I'm about to shout Harriet Tubman here's your shout right here Harriet escaped from slavery to freedom but once she got free she was not content to just be free herself she went back she went back and and now now you got scholars arguing over how many times she went back some say 13 some say 19 I don't care she went back and see that's what black folk gotta learn to do in 2016 we got to learn to go back to our schools and help our kids who are not getting educated we got to learn to go back to the hood and be a blessing because but for the grace of God we could all be jacked up Harriett went back and went back and went back and doctor you know what when she went back she wanted her parents to come but they were too old to travel and they couldn't make the journey but then Harriet because of her DM relationship with God Harriet Harriet got a vision that her parents were in trouble and God told her go get your parents and the money you need you can get at the office of Oliver jumps and the noted abolitionist Harriet takes God at his word goes to Oliver Johnson's office the abolitionist and she says mr. Johnson I had a vision that my parents were about to get sold for the south into slavery they're in trouble and God told me to come to you to get the money I need to fund the journey back down south to get them and Oliver Johnson said hold on get help me you said God told you to come to me to get the money to help your parents get from slavery to freedom yes God did okay tell me how much did God tell you you needed to fund their trip $20 [Applause] [Music] you're gonna shout by the time you get home $20 that's all I need it's $20 that's that's all I need it's $20 that's all I need is a $20 bill and and y'all do you know what happened he laughed at her and said what God ain't told me none of that so so so I ain't got it and I ain't giving it to you and she said well God told me and since you God told me I'm staying here i'ma goin a hunger strike until I get what I came for i'ma going a hunger strike until I get what I came for and she's advancing to take her she's advancing by taking a chance y'all gonna shout in a moment and so Harriet takes it goes on a hunger strike and goes to sleep on the floor Johnson leaves his office and when he leaves his office he goes to a pub have some drinks and people are talking to him he says you know that woman called Moses Harriet Tubman she done lost her mind she come telling me her parents are in trouble because she had a vision and because she had this vision of parents in trouble she needed some money guess how much money she needs she need $20 and she said God told her to come to my office to get the $20 and so I'm just thinking she didn't lost her mind but the more he talked because he kept drinking it and he kept talking and drinking and talking and drinking blame it on the out out out of alcohol and so he's talking and drinking in town while talking and drinking suddenly word starts to get around town that the woman called Moses who they respect needs $20 and they decide to take up an offering in town and they all go to her office and they go to the office where she's laying down sleep and they put the money in her belt where she sleep and when she woke up she woke up not to $20 but to $60 because when you take a chance on God you'll experience an advance of God here it is now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can have is there anybody here who knows if you take a chance on God God will come through the Texas the Texas I love it they they did business on great deep waters and this is significant because biblical scholars reference the fact that the Jews in antiquity were deathly afraid of deep water that's why in Jonah it says there will be no more sea because they were stirred of the deep water but they took a chance on deep water and that's when they saw God do great things and what did they discover that what is overwhelming to you is an opportunity for God for reach Freddie Haynes I just did it's overwhelming for you it is it's it's too much for you but it's tailor-made for God it's more than you can handle but if you put it in God's hands God is able to handle what you paint handle I love the text because the text says here's your shelf they were at wit's end om to the GC they they were at wit's in then they cried to the Lord it is cuz I've been trying to get to this because I know my folk who ain't quite hip-hop savvy are trippin on it goes down in the DM it ain't from me it's yo got it yo gotti has a song called it goes down in the DM my daughter hit me to this she said daddy you oughta preach it goes down in the DM because daddy isn't that what prayer is I said well I don't know what the area she said daddy come on DM is direct messaging a direct messaging in social media you see in social media you have a watch this a public page everybody gets to see that but the DM is your personal private conversations and that's what prayer is prayer ain't for everybody prayer is when you start talking to God it goes down in the DM so here it is here it is the text says they cry to God it goes down in the dear they cry to God and I love it because they they cried to God now here's what messes me up and that is and please forgive me for this if you ain't filling me just go with me okay the Texas they say experience God's power on the deep because God spoke and the storm happened now I gotta keep it 100 that messed me up because I have a hard time explaining theologically God creating a storm that's jacked up god I can't get with that why would you cause certain things to happen and I wish I had an answer for y'all I talked to dr. Cosby or the or dr. Lawson after church I don't have an answer I've got to go with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel who says we have to learn to worship God through our questions that means when you don't have all of the answers you worship God any half that means when you ain't right quite feeling God on Sunday morning you make up your mind I'm going to church and praise God anyhow all my bills ain't paid grandma worship God anyhow that's when you know your faith is growing when you can worship God through your questions and y'all the text says God spoke and they're on a liquid roller coaster that their hearts melt they're ready to give up on the inside and the text says they cry to God that's D they direct message God they they went on the DM and called out on God now here's what message the text says they cried to God and then God calm the sea now I need a little bit more than that I need a little bit more okay you cry to God and then the sea is calm yeah I need to know how and the psalmist said you asking too many questions because if you look back over your life there are some things you don't know how but you do know who I guess I'm by myself but is there anybody in here who can testify I don't know how that door open but I do know who can open doors no one can shut I don't know how I got back up but I do know who raised me up I don't know how my body got here I know who's a healer I don't know how but I do know and the text says they D and God they prayed and they give us what prayer is all about prayer I love this when you DM God hears your shout prayer is personal you see God is not simply some distant deity or detached divinity God is a personal God so jesus said when you pray don't say our uncaused calls don't say our unmoved mover when you pray you need to pray our Father because your father is your daddy and God is a personal God but that's enough to shout you're right there but since you didn't shout I'm gonna keep this thing moving because the text says when you pray not only is God personal but prayer has got to be passionate you see when you're showing up pray you recognize if you want your player to mean something to God it better mean everything to you ain't talking about some empty ecclesiastical expression I'm not talking about some pious perfunctory phraseology I'm talking about when your heart is broken and you need God to come through because every now and then there's nothing else you can do but pray but all when you pray you discover if God is all you got God is all you need and in prayer is powerful watch this I ain't making this up I'm justifying that this happened y'all it messed me up and it took my whole testimony to another level back in February check this out I had to prior to speak before the house the congressional House Financial Services Committee against the payday loan industry the paid a predatory industry that has in undated and targeted desperate communities they prey on the desperate and I don't care how much you lipstick you put on a lion it's still gonna eat you up and of course the debt trap is what happens you get caught up in a debt trap because you borrow this small dollar loan and before you know that thing you're caught up in rollovers and they start to prey on you and they target poor communities so they asked me because of our fight against the industry to testify before the Congressional House Financial Services Committee congresswoman Maxine Waters called me and asked me to testify and so I said I would do it but check out what happened I get there and once I got there I'd had quite a flight and so once I got there I stood up and I took the oath to testify but I was up against it because I had some things going against me and that is number one they told us to submit our testimony to be read before the republican-dominated committee I had to submit it upfront and then read it to them that's not how I roll I can read but I'm like your pastor dr. Cosby I like to look at you in the eye when I'm talking to you I want to see you I want you to feel my passion so I ain't gonna read nothing i'ma look at you while I'm talking I'm gonna memorize and internalize and extemporize until I get my message to you and so y'all they said I had to read that thing and so I had to read it and I'm at a disadvantage because that ain't how I normally roll but guess how good god is because what happened was is that there were four who were tested I in favor of the industry it was four of them to one of me it looks like I'm outnumbered does it not but when I found out it was four of them to one of me I went back and excuse myself and I asked if I could go back in the little room to the side and I had a little talk with the Lord and I told the Lord I said Lord instead of these folk down here I'm a little bit nervous and so I need you just States to stand up with me so I can speak truth to power I talked to God I had me church right there in the Congressional building I had me some church all by myself it got good to me I said alright God let's go get him now and y'all I got out there and that's guess what the first one they had to testify first for testified against me and I had to go last that was cool and the gang that man I got to respond to everything they said because here's what happened you thought I had to read it well the first one was a white man and the white man testifying for the industry he puts his nose to the side and just talks it's deeper a Gnaeus Lee I said thank you Jesus I tore up my scrip and y'all I wish y'all let's eat me because by the time it got to me I cooked every single thing they had to say and when I finished my last line it was this it's gonna mess you up I said because the United States does not want to appear before the bar of justice and have Jesus say I was hungry and you gave me a payday loan to check this out check this out when I say at that Maxine Waters and all the black people in the room began to shout and scream Maxine said whoa and other ones were screaming like I just got through preaching I did and when I got through with that y'all all of a sudden the four of them came up to me I thought it was about to go down it's about to go down and so when they came up to me you know what they said they said you know what we will never do that again it was unfair for us to have to testify with you in the same room I said we Chum by this four yard or one of me they said no it was evidently somebody else with you when you stood up to testify and they never lied it is and here's your shelf that was good but that wasn't the chef you see God had shown off on my way to DC I caught an early 6:00 a.m. flight from Dallas to DC when I got on the plane I sat down and the person next to me wanted to talk which I did not want to do it's 6:00 in the morning I'm not talking at 6:00 in the morning can you feel me dr. Cosby 6:00 a.m. no conversation and he wants to talk I know you want to talk because he says hello my name is dr. so-and-so well first of all doctor ain't your name and ain't on your birth certificate your mama did not name you doctor that's your title you got identity issues because you identify yourself with what you do as opposed to who you are ain't impressed with your title your title don't impress me I can show your titles my savior has no titles and you can hand them I could call the role of my Savior stuff do y'all know my save just title Jesus Christ that's his title hard fix a minor regulator burden bearer heaven Lord sheriff rocking or we're Atlanta sheltering time I store you don't impress me with your title I'm doctor so himself what's your name now I want to tell him I don't want to tell him and so so I say putting in pain I'm lying I didn't say that I don't say that I said I wanted to say that I wanted to say putting in pain but but I didn't say that so I told him I said my name is Freddie Haynes for the aims and he said he said so what do you do I don't want to tell him what I do because that's more conversation and I want to talk and sorry I lied I lied I went partner Taylor I said I'm gonna turn II cuz I do I do argue my case I'm gonna turn it and and he said oh really for what law firm God and son he said you a preacher and so he said yeah he said preacher let's talk he says your Bible I got issues with your Bible cuz cuz your Bible got all these contradictions and then and he just gone off about my Bible and nine and then and I Bible five things God is love and loves you God sets free and sides with the oppressed God is good and keeps getting good God is worthy of our praise and God embodies God's best in Jesus Christ period yeah but what about this what about this what about about that time thank god particle PA system and says believin sitting on the runway for an hour which is ticking me off cuz that's more time for him to talk and the pilot says we have mechanical trouble we're gonna have to take the plane back to the gate area and change planes I am NOT happy and so he pull into the gate and we gather our belongings we begin to proceed off the plane and right in front of him because he gets off in front of me as we get on the jet way the man in front of him grabs clutches his heart and passes out when he passes out the doctor doctor so and so that's his name he then looks at me I said you the doctor and so then he begins to do what doctors do when he's doing all of that stuff and he says this thing I think I've lost him at that moment I hold up both of my hand and I just start talking to the Great Physician I called on another doctor and y'all I talked to Caudill right there as I'm holding my hands all of a sudden this hand gets dragged and this hand got grabbed and I'm talking to God and they talking to God and the sister on my right all of a sudden says in Jesus name that's a mighty good name right there and when she said in Jesus's name do y'all know what happened the man on the ground began to come and he began to cold and the doctor looked up at me and I looked up at God I said you better get to know him we just got a second opinion I'm just trying to let somebody know if it's too much for you it's just right for God what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry everything to God in prayer yeah yeah [Applause] I'm so glad God will and so prayer God will make away God will okay okay I love it I love it I love it I love it I love it I'm preaching my heart out I thought y'all over and shouting by now cuz I gave you all my best but y'all not shouting yet and I know why because dr. Cosby dr. Lawson and their preaching genius have created such a wonderful preaching environment that you know how to homiletically respond to messages you know how I know because good preaching congregations know how to listen and shout some churches they listen but ain't got enough sense to shout other churches shout and you're not ain't listen but when you really hear we're serving you listen and you shout because listening means you're thinking thinking you're thinking about how the word being proclaimed up here applies to the world in which you live you're thinking to make sure that God has a revelation that speaks to you if not today maybe tomorrow you're thinking about what God has already done to confirm what the word is saying you're thinking while the word is being proclaimed and really I've discovered that fakers paint help but shout because here's your shout thinking invariably leads to thinking the more you think about what God has done for you that you know you couldn't have done for yourself the more you think about how good god is the more you think about the last time God got you out of a situation that you know you couldn't have gotten out of yourself anybody ever had God gives you another chance I didn't say a second chance I ran out of my second chance a long time ago but God keeps on giving me grace keeps on giving me favor and when I think when I think of the goodness of Jesus okay okay so here it is y'all wanna shout but you thinkin I know no no no shouting Freddie until you tell me about prayed I want to shout but you ain't told me what happened to clay you left Craig handcuffed in a storm with buttons that didn't work and I go shout and leave with the Avenue tonight until I know what happened I told y'all he was on the 60th floor now you don't know how he got to the 60th floor but you know who got him to the 60th floor and the fact that he's owned the 60th floor is shout enough you see some of y'all if folks knew what you had been through to get where you are right now they'd run out of here shouting for you the fact that you're here the fact that you're still standing is shouting material by itself so here it is cause y'all need to know I leave you with this and I'm done Craig said pastor I'm standing in the rain drenched and I start calling on God in front of the police officers they tell me to shut up I said you arrested me for something I didn't do you can't arrest me for praying and he says lord have mercy on the souls of these police officers and the moment he said that his neighbor drives up his neighbor he had been trying to meet because he's one of 25 billionaires in Dallas who owns a corporation headquartered in Dallas he'd been trying to meet the neighbor the neighbor pulls up gets out of the car in the drenching rain the billionaire does and the billionaire says what are you doing to my neighbor Craig Craig says how do you know me he tells the police officer take those cuffs off him that's my neighbor the police say but he was breaking in how's he gonna break into his own home is that what y'all do to blackbook in this community I'll be and then he used some words I can't say right now if you don't do that on my watch unruhe I'll take your handcuffs off right now i'ma have your job and the police is now scared to death because he's in the presence of another power and then the police begin to apologize profusely and Craig is tripping because does this man know me and the man says we'll come on over to my house so I can get help you get dried off I want to talk to you because I appreciate what you've done for my son my son told me how you play basketball with him when I'm traveling my son told me how you spend time with him my son told me how you do this for him my son Billy thinks the world of you my son talks about you all the time and I've heard of your good work I did my research on you because I know you've been hanging out with my son and upon doing my research I heard about the job you do it you ought to have your own business and I if you don't mind and go connect you with my bank and my bank is gonna fund you and you are gonna open up your own consulting business and I am your first punch wreck and I got a friend of who you're gonna get this punch track he and Craig said what Brenda's death it was the account that has been sabotage play God better tell and play got a new business how did it happen because when he was handcuffed at Witts in in a trenching rain and he said lord have mercy and all of a sudden the father pulls up and the father says because of the relationship with my son [Applause] the cause of your relationship with my son don't take away the close of your relationship with my son don't raise you up the cause of your relationship with my son I'm out of here but is there anybody here who knows the sauna I know the son he walks with me he pumps with me he tells me I'm his own if you know the son the father will take care of you you see you throw it goes down [Music] [Applause] little chocolate Jesus he will wipe tears from your eyes he will make away I don't know way it goes down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's good neighbors head I want a break if you don't know your neighbors hand the head the names of the two people use hand you're holding get their names very quickly that's all I want you to get get their names no extraneous conversation just get their names just get their names how to get there now for the next 30 seconds I want you to pray for those two persons whose names you just received pray for that it goes down and direct message I want you to talk to God right now it goes down in the DM pray to God for those two hands those two persons whose hands you're holding [Music] glory glory thank you lord thank you lord over to God she wears University
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Views: 7,930
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Id: 4Q-Rr7sozD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 19sec (5959 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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