Overcoming the Silence of Heaven by Dr. E. Dewey Smith Jr.

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I'm late to share with you today and it's recording the Book of Psalms and we have one more Sunday perhaps in the Psalms and there's a message God has given me for this occasion it is recording the Book of Psalms and the twenty-second number of the Psalms Psalm number 22 or salam some selection 22 some selection 22 some selection 22 some selection 22 some selection 22 and for the benefit of brevity i want you to notice two verses with me psalm 22 verses 1 and 2 or Psalm 22 and reads thusly my God my God why has thou forsaken me why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring o my god I cry in the daytime but thou hearest not and in the night season and I'm not silent god bless you you may be seated what an intriguing passage of Scripture I want to read it again I want you to read along with me Psalm number 22 verse 1 my God my God why hast thou forsaken me why art thou so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring oh my god I cry in the daytime but thou here is not and in the night season and am NOT silent a man I'm let talk about this morning simply from this thought overcoming the silence of heaven overcoming the silence of heaven overcoming the silence of heaven my brother my sister's there is a period that is in between the old and new testaments that is called the intertestamental period it's a very unique dispensation even now 2,000 plus years later it is a very eerie eerie season this time is an eerie season because it lasted for four hundred years the interim in between the old and new Testament for centuries long season it is not Airy because of the number of years it is not even here because that was a paradigm shift in Palestine that saw how Hebrew culture totally transformed to Greek culture Greek language Greek speaking Hellenism it was called but this four hundred year period in between the old and new Testament it is an area dispensation primarily because for the duration of this period there was no inspired Word from God there was no theophany there was no profit minor or major who spoke a word on behalf of divinity for 400 years is literally the heavens shut up for 400 years there was no word from God my sisters and my brothers can you imagine life lived for four weeks without hearing from God can you imagine life lived for four months for four years without any direct contact or visitation from on high what was the primary characteristic of the intertestamental period that God the cause of the apostasy and hypocrisy of Israel decided that he would no longer speak to them until he got ready to send forth his son Jesus in the fullness of time what a blessing it is that God has allowed us to live in the 21st century that we don't have to be the recipients of such a dreadful and a deplorable moment a 400-year season when God is silent however my sister my brothers although there are times that we can celebrate the fact that God has blessed us to live in 2007 there are precarious predicaments that will arise that although we don't live in that intertestamental period there are times that even right now when it seems that even heaven may be silent and our individual walks with the Lord my brother my sister's has there ever been a moment in your life when you've called for God to intervene has there ever been a time in your life when you sought help from on high and yet it seems that the answer to your prayers is so evasive and pervasive my brother my sisters have you ever really got on your knees and ask God to bring something into fruition in your pilgrimage only to discover that what you've been asking for never seems to come to realization [Applause] recently I found myself and that type of predicament when noticing the rapid decay of my baby brother's body when seeing that just look in his eyes I began to pray that God would touch my brother and give him long life and give him health and body and when God decided to call my brother from labor to reward it it made me ponder that theme again with God did you really hear me praying I was taught as a boy that if I would ask it would be given my Sunday School teachers told me we're a collaborative if I was Sikh I'd find and if I just wouldn't knock that the door would be open I was told that we have not because we ask not I was told that we can always come boldly before it's throne to obtain mercy and to find grace to help in our time of need what happens when we've come boldly before the throne what happens when we've asked what happens when we sought and not but yet it seems that it happened does not have one answer to your petition and perhaps I'm speaking to some people in this room today of those who watch me right now by television who may not want to agree publicly but privately you've pondered that reality of this rather forbidding and foreboding analysis of the Christian condition and that is is it possible for me to pray and God never responds is it possible for me to ask God to give me a job and yet I still find myself jobless is it possible to ask God for a spouse but yet I'm still lonely is it possible to ask God for college tuition but yet it seems like the financial aid department has lost the last piece of everlasting mind what what happens when I've been asking and praying and seeming that the answer to my prayer is so evasive and so pervasive such as the case in our text this morning for all probability David found himself in the wilderness of may on as a student fleeing for his life because of the assassination attempts of that first monarch of this was history by the name of Saul David writes here in his work is not only poetic but it is deemed as being prophetic and that Charles Spurgeon says there's none like this Psalm in all of the songs for David prophetically gives us a photograph of the Lord's saddest hours that here David writes from a poetic perspective for himself but from a prophetic perspective for Christ this Psalm is so powerful that David is wondering why does an anointed king find himself without any help or any answer from heaven and so the words that he initiates this Psalm worth of the same words that Jesus uttered on the cross David says my God my God he uses that word a which was a Canaanite term that was used for the head of the Kenya Canaanite Pantheon it was a Canaanite phrase that David borrows from a poetic standpoint to lift God y'all way over in here or the monster Canaanite Pantheon he says my God my God why hast thou forsaken me why are you so far from helping me he says god I'm crying to you in the daytime but yet you don't say a word it's not because I'm not anointed you sent your son you sent the prophet Samuel to my father's house and the anointing oil will not pour on any of my older brothers it poured on my head I know you anointed me it's not because you have not been with me it was you who kept me out in my father's sheep ashes that day when the lion came to devour my father's sheep and the bat came to devour me you gave me help from on high to kill the lion and the bear you empowered me to kill that great Philistine giant from Gath by the name of Goliath so there's no doubt about the fact that you're with men God I know you're with me I know you call I know you anointed me but yet why is it that I called you and I can't hear a word in response is it because I like faded but is it because of my sin what is it David and some type of hyperbolic prophecy suggest that they are timed in all of our lives when you may feel that heaven is silent we pray we pray for you to heal our land we pray we've been singing since we were kids to bless america we've said that through song god bless america God and the best you can do is bush obviously [Applause] you must be silent let me ask you a question let me just let me be real man the man man the woman straight straight have you ever have you ever wondered did god really hear you at time have you ever gone through something that was so difficult and so debilitating that it made you wonder is prayer really powerful does prayer really work have you uh prayed about something until you were blue in the face but yet it seems that that answer still has not come yet and the question I want to raise to you is this what do you do in life when you find yourself dealing with the silence from heaven what do you do when you ask God over and over and over and over and over knowing over and over for one thing and yet that one thing is so evasive and pervasive it seems that heaven literally in silence how do you overcome the silence of heaven are you interested well I hope you're interested if you're not too bad I'm gonna preach this one for me what do you do when there's no way from on high now for things that won't live and then I take my seat my brother my sisters whatever you've been talking to God and God has not been talking back to you whatever seen my sister my brother to heaven inside and the first thing I want to tell you this you got to decide to give the file the worship I said you've got to decide to give the files off worship look at verse number one my God my God why has thou forsaken me why are that so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring oh my god I cry in the daytime but thou here is not I cry in the night season but I'm not silent I I can't find the rest God I'm the crane I've been praying silent I can't sleep I'm upset you're not talking back to me but in spite of that verse three but I wish I had a Bible reader here that's a problem for pure when they push out but hold it in other words can't hear from it oh no you're not answering me that still has nothing to do with the fact that you'll stay out my has nothing to do with your position I am frustrated I don't understand but guess what you're holding so I lift my hands even with unanswered prayer and just say what to add Oh is there anybody around this house even when the heaven has been silent on you you made up in your mind that you're not gonna look at God based on your circumstances because although you're broke he's not tough although you he's not tough all the EULA told me although you may be crying he's still sovereign and I've learned to say you know what pray that's what I do even when I'm going through I love to praise him the good of the bed what I'm happier when I'm sad as a matter of fact I'm old magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mind my soul shall make her boast in the Lord the auto shop here that I'll and be glad make a job for NAS or all year and serve the Lord with gladness come before his brother saying why don't you shake somebody's hand say he's still whole he's still on the throne he still got the power he still [Music] can anybody ask your blessing if he answers me our friendship if he's sorry I worship [Music] [Music] stop looking at social situations not looking at him don't matter who's in the White House he's still holding the Angels cast up crown before the great right well you know what they cry don't you holy the hair products they hold hold hold y'all don't feel it in me here roster [Music] [Applause] well heaven is salad you've got to decide to give the father worship your Holy Name of worship but not all your holy Davis says you and have it the praises of your people that means wherever praise goes forth in Hebrew that I mean God makes his throne on top of praise he sits on top however he finds praise if you want God to sit on top of your home if you want God to sit on top of your finances i double-dog daddy to lift up some praise because when traders go up not only will do blessings come down but the blast saw [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so if you go overcome though the silence of heaven you've got to decide to give the Fatherhood worship but once you've made a decision to give the father worship secondly you're gonna overcome the silence of heaven the second thing you got to do is this don't let folk determine your worth don't let folks determine your worth look what he says he says he says he says in verse number four and five our fathers trusted you they trusted you deliver them they cry they got delivered they trusted you they would not confirm confounding you know other folk they trusted you they got blessed but look what he said in verse number six but I am a word it's about a fact not only does he call himself an animal he says I'm not even a man David is so confused that he voluntarily relinquishes his old man who's not normally the manhood is something that Lord there man what fight for if he ain't got nothing come on help me hit somebody I mean when a man is so proud sometimes we hold on to manhood if we ain't got nothing but Davis says I'm a word I'm not even a man and I wanted to know David why do you call yourself a word why do you relinquish your own manhood he says in verse six I'm a reproach of me and I'm despised other people verse seven all they that see me laughed me to scorn they shoot out the lip they shake their head saying he trusts in the Lord that he would deliver him let him deliver him sing that he delighteth in him he says you know why I fear I'm a word you know I fear I'm not a man he saying because I'm so messed up it is and people are laughing at me he says talking about me they're putting me down their shoe talk about oh he's probably a Christian he's full of trust in God he's supposed to believe look at mine so when David heard what the said about him in response to what people said now he said about himself I'm a worm I'm not a man let me say something to you when heaven is silent let me help you here don't ever view yourself through the lenses of others and part of run around this church today is a lot of us base our value and our worth upon all those estimation but one of the greatest things you can be delivered from after you've been delivered from sin is when you delivered from the diseased please and you understand that your destiny is not tied into other people's understanding and estimation of your worth and so you've got to get the strength to say I may be jacked up whoever may be silent but I thank God that I'm not what folks say I am help me Holy Ghost when you look real down deep and say God I know what they're saying I know they're talking but I'm so glad that I am what you say I am they say I'm jacked up they say I'm nothing they say I'm told from the floor but you say I'm an air you say I'm a John air you say I'm a holy nation you say I'm a raw your preach to it you say I'm a peculiar people you say I'm a Christian you say I'm your child you say I'm the head you say I'm not the tail you say I'm blessed in the city you say I'm blessed in the field you say I live on top and not the bottom is that everybody around this house thank God that I'm not what other people say I am [Music] because it like no matter what you do somebody's don't have something to say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's specially in the church nobody could be more crude in church folk I think our God has let me develop some thick skin and now I know who determines my worth in my value and that's not people so you do what God has called you to do help me hear somebody sometimes when you're in the church and you see the church door you say we got too many people in the church but nobody John they say you ain't doing nothing [Applause] y'all don't feel me here huh when you're single they said y'all to get mad when you get mad and so you met their own somebody don't have no kids they say you're not family-oriented get three or four kids and say you got two minute y'all ain't feeling me here we're all suit they say you're ragged about a new suit they say you're flamboyant driving old car they say you're represent us wrong by new content so you're still in the churches mother you just plain satisfy people but they anybody around this house learn to finger on that you our God says you are why don't you shake somebody's head as a name maybe you don't like it but that's your problem go get you another seat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't let other folk determine your words if you can overcome the sadness of heaven number one decide to give the father worship number two don't let other people the other folk determine your worth but they're gonna overcome the signs of heaven once you decided to get the father worship once you understand that you don't let folk determine you were thoroughly determine who has favored you the whole way I said determine who has favored to you the whole way I don't get to do it he's right here in the text look what he said right here in verse number 7 and verse 8 all they that see me laughing it's gone they shoot out the lip they shake their head saying he trusted on the Lord that the Lord will deliver him let the Lord the liver him now sing that David delighted in him he says we do what I did verse number nine but thou art he that took me a loon you are the one who gave me some hope when my mama was feeding me he said you know my problem I kept looking at what Davis said and I lost my manhood I consider myself to be an animal because of their masquerade and their last thing but then I thought about it after I relinquish my manhood and thought about what they were saying you know like then I look back I say you know what well my daughter Jessie and my mama came together that night Luther Vandross was playing at one tweeze on Bethlehem Boulevard my daddy got a babysitter for my older brothers it took my mama to dinner that night he said to my wife baby he said to my mama baby would you have an objection if a man of my complexion came in your direction and offer to be your protection y'all ain't feelin me here y'all help me appreciate my mother my daddy came together that night they produced and conceived me y'all ain't feelin me here between their union formed a zygote the zygote became an embryo the imio became a fetus I went to the first second and third trimesters and then God gave me a prenatal connection but you know what I thought about why the people are laughing and why the people are stop talking I look back over my life and I said to myself about what they are saying because it was you it was you my mama was breastfeeding man so what I'm gonna start doing is looking back over the past of my life before haters came along critics came along to create the jealous that came along you been with me all the way so I'm gonna do I'm gonna look back over the trash shock of my life and say to myself it's been you all the way nobody but you and me so I'm not concerned about what they're saying because they didn't bring me they didn't keep man they didn't watch over there they didn't wake me up this morning do I have a witness in here next time somebody looked at you funny when you go up in praise tell them if you don't know my story don't criticize my praise where were you will help us kitchen hey where were you I'm shouting for you [Music] [Music] tears are not the same for you the same for you the same for you to say for you to say but it's to give him glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so David David said that you gonna overcome the silence of heaven number one you've got to decide to get the father worship and then once you've made that decision to give the father worship David says don't let folk determine your worth thirdly they even say if you're gonna overcome the silence of heaven you've got to determine who's favored you the whole way that's what old Dicky was saying lord I thank you lord I thank you for my journey [Applause] Wow cuz you brought me [Applause] I said you brought me [Applause] you brought me from a mighty long way my granddaddy was saying Lord you brought me from the rocking of my cradle ah [Music] you brought me from a matter long way do I have a witness in here once you've decided to give the father worship once you don't let folk determine your worth yeah once you determine who gives you favor the whole way falling deep it says if you're gonna overcome the silence of heaven you've got to declare that you'll speak a word you got to declare that you'll faithfully speak a word what do you mean do it they even said in verse 19 be not thou far from me my lord and my strength he said hurry up Lord to give me some help he says deliver my soul from the sword deliver my darling from the power of the dog save me from the mouth of the Lions and you've heard me from the unicorns horns David saying yeah that if you would deliver me hey if you will be close to me oh if you were hurry on up to help me and deliver my soul from the sword look at verse 22 hey David I promise declare your name unto my brother in yeah yeah yeah in the midst of the congregation will I give your name the praise do I have a witness in here David says when you make up your mind to deliver me yep be holy goes to preach away Whitney you hurry on up to help me I [Music] promise you Lord that when you bring me out now declare your name before the whole congregation he says now I used to be scared of the crowd I used to be offended because of the folk cup but what you bring me salvation I'll go back into the same place before the same people who called me everything but a child of God and soon as I get into church I'm going to plum fool and worship as soon as you bring me out I'm gonna give you a name to praise is there anybody in the room today expecting God to open up the heavens is there anybody here promised alone that when the Lord brings you some deliverance that should not gonna be sitting here who's wah and dignified but when the Lord brings you your deliverance you're gonna praise His name before the congregation do I have a witness in here why don't you look at a neighbor and say neighbor I'm looking for God to open up the heavens say neighbor I've been praying for one or two things and say neighbor wouldn't you see me run around this church one Sunday or wonder we instead you will know I got my answer top I'm gonna declare his name before the whole congregation is there anybody here who's looking for God to do a miracle looking for God to bring you some breakthrough look why don't you lift your hand and say Lord I'm ready to declare your name before greater Travelers Rest I don't care if I got a new outfit on I don't care if I have a new makeup I don't care if I got new clothes on I'll tell the whole world [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tales about a watchman [Music] do me a favor my breakfast is on the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen if you in this place when I say do what you're talking to me seem like having this been styling [Music] [Music] y'all forgive me I'm fine how'd it go this five minute [Music] I'm talking somebody say preachers thing like seemed like heaven has just been silent I can't seem to hear nothing it seemed like God I answered my prayers anything more I try the more I pray the worse things get well whenever heaven is silent God is up to song you may not see it [Applause] but y'all just tell them Lord I promise you that once you do it I will declare your name no matter what people say I'm gonna tell her if it had not been for you who was on my side sometimes God wants to see will you trust him and we love him even when you don't get what you want if you're in this house today you say preacher you've been talking to me God since you I wasn't supposed to preach this message like this but you're saying preacher you're talking to me how would you get the result in now and you get the desalter now do you felt that God was speaking to you through this message how won't you get the result in now [Applause] he's bringing you out he's bringing you I don't know what you been gone what I saw he's brain [Music] don't figure out what's going on like this [Music] he's bringing you so I don't know [Music] [Music] bringing you but rattled [Music] it's bringing you back [Music] [Music] come on say it one more time say one more time [Music] I don't know [Music] is bringing you back he's bringing freedom ships afraid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for a new verano the Jabberjaw the houses no be soul the healing I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your father divers temptation knowing this to the tribe your faith is working connections for you good things come to those who wait keep mixing it somebody said patrons of the virtue [Music] [Music] I'm about at Edison [Music] [Music] [Music] father ever hand that's now been pale you know I thought Smurfs are all your work tells you know that on my hands upon my hands you know what you know with me even before we ask you so now long we come today as conduits of your favor lo this hand that will not touch we squeeze a breath now the same way that we feel the touch of this man we want to feel the kiss of your favour he wants you to speak away from on high somebody's been waiting a long time for you to move right now so every hand that we're touching don't just bless us but bless our neighbor take our neighbor to another lamp give them what they need we don't send selfish bless everybody left press it out on my right open up the wonders of heaven pull us out of blessing open up the floodgates of heaven [Music] we don't want to leave the same way we came and we promise you right now in advance when your blessings will give you glory we promise you with you give-give deliverance we will give your honor we promise you we will not be ashamed of your gospel so touch and a person rather need let them know in the next 7 days that you've heard our prayer let them know the next 7 day that you granted our petition let them know the seven day that your will will come to pass in our lab in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: ROHO
Views: 39,551
Rating: 4.7131782 out of 5
Id: 1sZT12ykGXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 47sec (3347 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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