The Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby - Preaching with Power 2019

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it's preaching time now said it's preaching time anybody here to hear word from the Lord next thing on our agenda is to have the presentation of the preacher we've got a giant of a preacher in the house tonight and giant on the preacher in the house tonight not I would have tried to introduce some but if you got a giant of a preacher then he needs a giant introduction yes hey man I'm looking at this program is five lines just to present the presenter hey man versus the Reverend dr. Wayne E crop senior pastor of the st. Paul's Baptist Church of West Chester PA the Reverend dr. Jeremiah a right senior associate professor at United Lutheran seminary I'm not getting backing up we're gonna have a sermonic selects it out the bed took all my breath away doctor all of his points [Applause] tonight we are blessed to have the Reverend dr. mark is the cosby with us he is a homiletically Gnaeus we are blessed to be in his presence and blessed to have him you need to put on your seatbelt as he comes before us he is the pastor of the wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in Houston Texas if he held service like I'm sure he did yesterday he doesn't have four services already as he does every Sunday it's a church that has grown phenomenally when we thank God for him he is biblically sound theological he grounded and socially conscious and we pray for him as he delivers God's Word to us the Reverend dr. Marcus D possible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so God be the glory for the wonderful things our God has done god is great and greatly to be praised and on this Monday evening as we gather together in this wonderful space we are grateful to recognize a fresh there is absolutely no one like our God thanks be to God for this privilege to share together in worship as we community join with a great seminary United Lutheran seminary share in partnership as preaching with power is presented during this week to all those who share at the seminary and leadership especially the president green god bless you sir to the entirety of the administration and faculty of the seminary to one who has been our worship leader on liturgist for this evening of the barns god bless you dr. Robertson who shares with us in the pulpit and who has been friend and brother of mine since our seminary days in Atlanta Georgia dr. waincroft my brother beloved how I thank God for you sir I thank you for your very kind words of introduction to all of the Reverend clergy who are in this place my sisters and brothers and what dr. James Perkins cause the fruss or 'ti of preaching god bless you one and all I praise God for your presence and prayer support tonight I'm told that the first african-american bishop of the ECL a is in the house tonight tonight after Devonport is here when's dr. Davenport yes you god bless you praise God for you what a joy it is to see you there she is a man praise God for the bishop god bless you ma'am and to all who walk by faith and not by sight it is good for us to be here I want to thank God for this music ministry and it's rushing us into the presence of God on the wings of song god bless you and this host pastor who has kindly and graciously opened the doors on this wonderful church for our worship tonight there's a word from the Lord tonight and is found in the New Testament gospel is recorded by the writer mark in Mark's Gospel at the fifth chapter and the 34th verse mark records a unique verse subscription from the lips of our Lord and she'll guide us as we share together tonight there's so many friends of mine in this place god bless you one and all mark chapter five beginning at verse 34 although each of the synoptic writers tell this story I'm drawn tonight to Mark's Gospel as in verse 34 of that fifth chapter he records these words from the New International Version of the word of God he meaning Jesus said to her daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering that's enough amen praise God for it's only when you may be seated daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering permit me just before beginning this message to likewise recognize the presence of dr. Joseph Connor the president of the Hampton ministers conference he is in our midst and I god bless you mr. president it's good to see you tonight as well daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering for these moment that we spend together tonight I want to talk simply from the subject faith to fight on faith to fight on was during the first week of June 2018 that our nation was forced to wrestle again with the reality of death by suicide in that one week the nation was arrested if you believe and our attention was turned to two individuals who in that very same week chose to take their lives on Tuesday designer Kate Spade took her life and while we were still grappling with that reality on Friday of the very same week CNN's Anthony Bourdain did the same these two individuals who seemingly had it all together these two individuals who seemed to be at the top of their proverbial games these two individuals who most folk would want to emulate decided because of some pressure in their life some would suggest demons with which they wrestle others would suggest some weight from which they could get no swift release these two individuals decided they couldn't go on any longer and so that week and weeks thereafter we were charged to deal with this reality of death by suicide some of us in our own congregations decided to have conversations about this very dreaded reality well and it's necessary isn't it for us to even have these conversations in the Lord's Church well let's be clear there are some persons in the congregation that we serve who deal with pressures from which they can get no swift release demons that plague them and burdens that weigh heavily upon their shoulders there are persons who sit in pews each and every week listening to our prolific sermons and they cannot get any release from the pressure the weight the demons that seemingly hold them hostage so my friends I thought it was necessary for at least us to deal with the reality that there are some among us who loved the Lord and loved the Lord's Church but have pressures and weights and demons from which they can get no swift release and there are some in the church tonight who understand what those pressures feel like there are some sitting among us right now who have had to make the decision whether or not to take their own lives there are some sitting listening to my voice right now whether you believe it or not who've had to grapple with the reality that sometimes life just isn't fair that sometimes life will try to knock the life out of you you have to make the decision which way will I turn and I'm so grateful tonight that no matter how hard the wrestling match may have been you did not choose to take your life as is evidenced by in Europe in Europe by your presence in this place tonight because someone found within them the tenacity the temerity the audacity to go on when they felt like giving up somebody figured out that if I can just fight on a little while longer and as our him suggested hold to God's unchanging hand something just might turn something just might switch something just might flip because I have faith to fight on well my brothers and sisters someone tonight is listening to me and you know well of the story that is before us in mark chapter 5 because in mark chapter 5 we are there we are just lovingly introduced to a woman who understands what it means to have tenacity temerity and audacity to fight when the odds seem to be against her here is a sister from which about whom we know not much we don't know much about her at all as a matter of fact to be sure she is known to us in the church by the challenge she has in her life we don't know her name she is unnamed yet not unnecessary because this sister teaches us through her journey how you can fight on even when you feel like giving up that she is a name but not unnecessary she at the time of the text is drained she is depleted and she is detached by law from everything that is near and dear to her she is a sister don't miss it who understands what it means to be weary weak and worn she knows what it means to be drained depleted and attached by law from everything that is near and dear to her and no we do not her name we only know her by her circumstance the church has attached to her this Monica a woman with the issue of blood that's how we know her isn't it shame for dr. cross that we only know her by her issue isn't it challenging that we only know her by what is wrong with her and all too often the church has labeled folks just like that I mean beloved saints of God have labeled people by their issue that's the deacon who had the drinking problem that's that's the choir member who got pregnant before marriage that's the preacher who got caught dot dot all of us know something about being attached to stigma and stigmatism that disregard our humanity and we are only known about what's wrong with us but my brothers and sisters I like this sister because even though she's drained depleted and attached by law from everything that is near and dear to her and she has that kind of tenacity and audacity that refuses to sit silently by when she knows that she can have her issue resolved she has heard about a man named Jesus and that man named Jesus is able to do for her what no one else has been able to do I like this sister and maybe there's someone who is already tuned out on me tonight because you're saying preacher I don't have a suicidal ideations preacher I don't have an issue with which I'm wrestling in my physicality I don't have an incessant hemorrhage that will not leave me alone maybe that's what you're saying tonight and so you're thinking this sermon has no use in your life well just before you slip out the door just before you hang up on me may I please suggest that even if suicide or this hemorrhage is not your issue one thing I know about being insurance can everybody here has got some kind of issue be real clear it does not matter from which you have come it doesn't matter how well you can hide it how well you can cover it up everybody in here has some kind of issue for some it's an occupational issue you don't like the job you have to go to tomorrow and for some it's not an active occupational issue it's a lack of an occupational issue you don't have a job to go to tomorrow you're underemployed or unemployed completely and that is yo that's not your issue okay maybe your issue is a familial issue you tidy everybody in your house and they're tired of you okay okay that's not your issue let's go ahead and say in some marital issue you are just not happy at all with what's going on in that spouse of yours oh that's not okay you maybe your issue is a lot of a marital issue you thought by now Jesus I would have that boo that I could come home to and now you're wrestling with okay that's not your issue or maybe your issue is a financial issue you don't have enough money to meet your monthly obligation oh that's not okay maybe your issue is you're the only one in your family who has money and they're always coming to you to get the money that you have or all of us have some kind of an issue that's not sure is okay maybe your issue is like my issue I have a political issue every time I look at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue I'm like what in the world is going on how in the world do we get to this place we're in come on Lord give us some relief from these issues with which we're wrestling egomaniacal narcissistic and he's an absolute maniac sitting in there and every time he's opening up his mouth he's telling everything but the truth here alive they're alive everywhere Malalai 1600 got some lies II Oh [Applause] all of us all of us all of us have some kind of an issue all of us have some kind of issue and tonight I draw our attention to my sister's story because she seems to suggest that even when you have an issue that drains you deplete you Andy touches you by law from everything that is near and dear to you if you've got enough faith to fight on our Lord has enough power to release you from the issues with which you deal I call your attention afresh to this story may I please wrestle with it for about 17 more minutes because it seems to me that our sister understands and that you and I have to have faith to fight on and despite public perception yes despite public perception may I remind you that my sister is drained she is depleted and she is detested I mentioned this by law from everything that is near and dear to her she has an incessant blood flow and a hemorrhage that will not cease and by Levitical law she is not supposed to be in the top populace of the community and she is to be ostracized she is to be put aside she is to be marginalized pushed away from the community detached from everything near and dear to her but she heard that there's a man named Jesus who is able to do something about the issue that she has and despite what other people think about her and she has made up in her mind she's going to press her way to the Lord Jesus Christ so that Jesus can resolve her issue I don't know where she heard it I don't know from whom she heard it but she heard that man was able to do something about your situation as a matter of fact Mark chapter 5 opens with Jesus working out some situation it's a man who's got an issue he's sitting in the cemetery in Ghaderi and he is out of his mind deranged as some would say and he is unclothed screaming at the top of his lungs cutting himself with rocks Jesus makes his way to where the man is that interesting that the Lord Jesus doesn't wait for us to get to the places where we need to go he'll come find us where we are he meets the man in the cemetery at Ghaderi he asks him what is your name and he says my name is legion for we are many I got a whole bunch of issues Jesus you may not want to come over here because my issues are in the multiple and Jesus says no problem I'm not intimidated by your issue and by the time the text comes to its conclusion the pericope does your bible says that jesus now has him clothed and in his right mind isn't it good to know that the Lord Jesus knows how to regulate the mind our ancestors in the black Baptist Church used to say he's a mind regulator and that's what Jesus does for him he regulates his mind he gets into a boat crosses the water and when he crosses the water your Bible says that he now gets out of the water and is met by a throng a crowd a multitude of brothers and sisters who've been hearing about what the Lord is able to do and when they see him they gather all around him and in the midst of that crowd comes a big baller shot caller by the name of Jay ires ires comes into the crowd he's usually has everything going well in his life I've mentioned he's a synagogue ruler he has money he has means he has men and women under his authority but he's got an issue back at the house and that issue is he's got a 12 year old baby girl who is sick and lay at the point of death and your Bible says he comes to Jesus and falls prostrate before Jesus and says Jesus I need you to come to my house and lay your hand on my daughter so that she may be healed and live and by cheong textual implication we can deduce that that's exactly what Jesus decides to do he consents to go to the house and now when he and Jay IRA's go to the house the whole crowd goes to the house and because everybody wants to see one of those miracles they keep hearing about and now intensity has been heightened expectation is all abuzz because everybody is about to see what the Lord Jesus is able to do catch you now see him the smiles on their faces because they have heightened anticipation it's similar to those smiles on your faces right now while I'm preaching God's gospel because you know that God is up to something in the moment and for those who haven't smiled all service and that was your cue right there to put a smile on your face and you can't talk about Jesus for 20 minutes and not smile one time and it's so here they are they're making their way to gyruss is home and while they're going everybody's excited anticipation is in the air as a matter of fact I think there's a Millennial crowd maybe not so millennial but there's a crowd in that back end that says go Jesus go Jesus go and everybody's excited because they're about to see what the Lord Jesus is about to do and as they're going and being on the agenda the one item agenda is to go to gyrus his house and heal that daughter and so she may live but while they're going and here comes this unnamed yet not unnecessary sister pressing her way through the crowd and she touches the hem of the garment of Jesus and when she does that everything stops hold up wait a minute flag on the play something not right hold on Jesus you told me you were going to my house it's time to get to the house but now Jesus stops to deal with this unnamed yet not unnecessary sister because she's got an issue of blood from which she can get no swift release but when she touches the hem of the garment of Jesus your Bible says immediately oh that was a good spot to say Amen right there the Bible says immediately her blood flow stanched it became Moustakas Tilton and now she is able to feel in her body that something has changed this is good this is phenomenal this is amazing only problem is she's not supposed to be there she's did text by law from everything near and dear to her and now people are looking at her and talking about what are you doing in this space how in the world can you make your way into a space like this when you know you're not supposed to be here you're supposed to be ostracized marginalized colonized you are the pariah of society you are not supposed to be here how in the world did you make it here you are not supposed to be in this crowd and she has chosen not to be concerned with their public perception because she recognizes that the Lord Jesus can do for her what no one else is able to do and sometimes perception my brothers and sisters can stop us from getting what God has for us and becoming everything God has for us to be but I wonder if there two or three people in this church this evening who can testify I cannot be consumed or concerned with what you're thinking about me right now because I have an issue that only Jesus can resolve and I came to church tonight because I can't get away from the pressure to wait the demons and I needed to reach out and touch him that's why we come to church though don't get it twisted friends that's why pews come becoming packed more and more because brothers and sisters have heard that there's a man named Jesus who is able to resolve your issue and we've got to be real careful not to put up perceptions that seek to turn people away from the Jesus they're coming to meet would you believe that there being there are people sometimes in the church I caught him earlier professional church people who like to tell you what your place is what you can and cannot do how you can and cannot respond and you know when some people jump up and sit out all through church they're not trying to be seen and just trying to reach out and touch him and we made reaching out to touch him we cannot put up perceptions let's say that's not welcome here I suggest tonight dr. Robertson that some Christians need at least to deliverances we need to be delivered from sin and we need to be delivered from the Saints yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes sometimes sometimes your Saints put up more of a barrier to get into Jesus that seeing will can I find three people in here who say I can't be bothered with what you think right now I need something from Jesus that nobody else can provide and I got to reach out and touch him oh let's be clear she's breaking the law oh yes yeah she's breaking the law and she's doing it on purpose yes she is cuz every now and then you got to have a Rosa Parks spirit I'm gonna sit right here and I'm gonna sit right here until I get what I need every now and then you got to get a little Fannie Lou Hamer spirit about you I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired and I'm not gonna be bothered with whether or not you like it I have to reach out and touch him okay here it is I love it but still civil disobedience blessings me pastor friends why because she shows to anybody who's looking that even despite the persecution she could get and it's possible she could be persecuted for this she could be stoned by law but she understood that even though persecution was a possibility so was healing mm-hmm yeah and the question becomes which is more important to you getting what you need from Jesus all the perceptions of possible persecution from others and I like her she says I gotta reach out and touch him and she does it despite public perception but may I suggest that she likewise just so despite persistent pain may I suggest tonight my sister is in pain she's dealing with an incessant never-ending hemorrhage a blood flow which has left her drained and depleted weary weak and worn can't you see her emaciated body bent over as she's pressing her way through the ground can't you feel her pain her pain is real her pain is persistent her pain is physical this is wearing her out and is not a pain that goes away with a pill no no this is persistent pain every day of her life she wakes up with this pain she goes to bed with this pain all through the day she's dealing with this pain as a matter of fact it's so rough that now you can feel her with her weaknesses just trying to get through this crowd that's strong in Jesus can't you feeling you ought to feel her pain gotta experience her pain she is dealing with something from which she can get no release and it's not just been about a year and a half or two years of this faith your Bible says for 12 years every single morning she wakes up every night she goes to bed all through the day she's dealing with persistent physical pain this hurts your Bible tells you that this is taking her life away because life is in the blood [Applause] her life is ebbing away she's at the point of death but here's the miracle of the story for me the miracle is not just that she got healed at the end of the text the miracle of the story for me is that she's still pressing with persistent pain well you missed it I said the miracle the story for me is she's still pressing with persistent pain Bishop she should have been dead here one she should have been bed no later than here two or three but my sister has pressed persisting for 12 years with this physical pain that's what blesses me about serving the Lord's church every single Sunday I get to look at people who have pressed their way into the Lord's house and they are dealing with persistent issues that probably should have taken them out years ago but God has sustained them through it all and they're able to stand up as warriors and testimonies of the goodness of God in their life do not take for granted that everybody who comes to the church got it going on and has it all together and some folks are dealing with some persistent pain and they need to know there's a man named Jesus was able to do something about your persistent pain not only does she has to deal with physical physical pain but I submit that she's likewise dealing with persistent financial pain have you read this text the text says that she went from Doctor to doctor and she spent all that she had never got better only got worse yeah that's what the Bible says he never got better only got worse and she spent all that she had now I know I'm dealing with a wonderful crowd of affluent individuals in this church tonight but there may be one or two among us who knows something about being broke and maybe you don't want to testify about it because you don't want your pew partner to know that you've ever been broke but someone in church tonight can testify and pardon the vernacular broke ain't no fooling broke is not fun at all when you have to deal with the reality of being broke it does not feel good at all when you got to choose which bill you're gonna pay for the muck and it does not feel good when you have to decide whether you're gonna pay the rip or get your medicines this does not feel good people are dealing with financial pain she is now depleted all of her resources she has no money left her only recourse is to get to that man named Jesus and so despite her physical pain despite her financial pain and despite her personal pain I submit she has personal pain from which she can get no swift release this is the only time in all of your Bible that we are confronted by a woman with an issue of blood to suggest to us that this is the only time at all recorded Scripture that anyone has this issue suggesting that this issue for her is personal that no one shares this pain no one else has this issue no one is going through this circumstance this is personal to her you cannot walk up to her and say I know what you're going through you cannot walk up to her and say I feel your pain and God deliver us from insensitive Christians who tell people just pray about and I know what you're dealing with know your own know their pain you may have gone through a similar situation but you did not go through the same situation that sisters and brothers are going through and we've got to be real careful with our pseudo spirituality acting as if we know everything about everybody's situation I don't know exactly what you're going through but I do know there's a man named Jesus who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think so watch what Mark says mark says in spite of her pain which is physical and financial and personal I dare say emotional and psychological despite all of those issues she thought to herself if I can touch the hem of His garment I'll be made whole I know there's some New Testament scholars in the room you know all about all about context I don't need to deal with that tonight and if you don't know it you're in seminary study and so I love the way I love the way he says she she she thought to herself that's Mark's Gospel but Matthew puts in a different way dr. Paul Matthew puts it this way Matthew says she said to herself bishop st. Louis felt not like that she said to herself she didn't just think this to herself she thought that there is a subtle difference you know and I know there's some people are gonna be now saying you crazy when you talk to yourself oh no no no no no you're not crazy when you talk to yourself you're crazy when you say the wrong thing back to yourself something sometimes you have to talk to yourself because there are some seasons that you're the only self yourself we'll listen to it sometimes you gotta talk yourself off the ledge sometimes you have to be your own life coach and sometimes you have to tell yourself get your stuff together sometime you gotta tell yourself get yourself out that bed put some makeup on get yourself together are your shoes put a towel on your neck get back into the world because greater is He Who is in you than he that is in the world [Applause] or sometimes you got to talk to yourself did anybody in here learn how to talk to yourself and you tell yourself weeping may endure for a night but joy will come in the morning tell yourself I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me encourage yourself getting the Lord well didn't intend to get this happy mr. president I apologize I know how I'm supposed to preach at the seminary but I just got happy because I recognize that there's a man named Jesus who is still able to meet you at the point of your knee I think I'm I don't think I'm by myself tonight somebody in these chairs knows that when you take your burden to the Lord and leave it there some kind of way the Lord will work all things together for you jewel this is not an academic exercise although I met seminary this is a faith procedure she said once that I can just touch so if his government I will be made whole I submit tonight and my sister have enough faith to fight on despite public perception she had faith to fight on despite persistent pain I leave you when I tell you that you and I have to like she have faith to fight on until the divine praises our perseverance until the divine that's more until the divine praises our perseverance watch what watch the text she presses our way Jesus says who touched me and here go all these weird disciples talking about you Jesus you can't ask that question to so many people listen cry out everybody's pressing on you no no no somebody had intentionality somebody left home determined to touch me somebody came to church to touch me somebody's sitting in these pews intending to touch me who touched me she finally identified herself and when she does Jesus lovingly looks at this sister and says to her daughter your faith has made you whole has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering and if I was at the church where I serve I'd say you just missed your shout to you that was a shout cue right there even if you doesn't say Amen you should have looked a man right there right there I said he he looked at her and in loving tones the Lord said daughter your faith has healed you made your home go in peace and be freed from your suffering you know why you ought be celebrating right here because all my New Testament scholars know that this is the only time hit all of recording scripture that Jesus calls any one daughter and I love this because what Jesus is doing now is leveling the playing field he is equalizing the structure he is making sure the Empire does not think they have all the power and those in the Lord status of life have no power at all Jesus is saying wait a minute I will stop the procession to the big ballers house and deal with the sister who has no money at all because when you come to Jesus there's no such thing as big eyes and no use is there anybody in here who is grateful that when you come to Jesus you do not have to deal with the click the club or the crew that Jesus says all are welcome all are invited everybody has access I need two or three people in here who ever been kept out who ever been ostracized to help me close this message and begin to testify I'm so glad when I came to Jesus Jesus says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you [Music] [Applause] daughter I know that there's a crowd looking at you because they say you're not supposed to be here I know there's some gender bias because I stopped going to the man's house to deal with the woman's issue I know there's some issues going on in them just like this um issues going on in you and I need to wrestle with all of it right now and let everybody know that you are included last time I checked your Bible the Bible says and for God so loved the world that God gave God's only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and I need to check the house tonight is there anybody in this room who is grateful to be a part of the whosoever yes that's Justine that's me I'm glad I'm in the whosoever your faith I'm done has healed you now go in peace and be freed from your suffering he says go in peace and be freed from your suffering I love this because what he does now is give to her not simply what she asked for but more than she ever imagined that's so so that Greek word therefore be go in peace and be freed be healed and be made whole that so so is the word that means save it is a comprehensive word that says I'm not just going to give you a physical healing I'm likewise going to give you a spiritual reassurance I'm I want you to go in peace that's spiritual and be freed from your suffering that's physical he said you only came asking for one thing but because I love you so much I'm gonna give you more than what you bargained for and is there anybody in church who's ever come to Jesus and found out you didn't just come to get peace of mind you came to get some joy in your life as well when you came to Jesus he gave you more than you but anticipate it that's what I like about the Lord that he is he's so so loving so amazing that if you have enough faith the Lord has enough power to give you much more than you ever bargained for I closed the message but I've intentionally restated a verse of scripture but I hope you've heard while I've been trying to preach this little message because I want to close with that very special scripture because the Apostle Paul says you can't get so caught up on what you see that you don't believe God can do more than what you ever imagined so I close at this first night of the preaching with power comfort to say now under him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think according to the power that is at work within us to that Lord to that God be glory in the church by Christ Caesars world without him now and forevermore and if you believe that Jesus is able to fix your situation heal your body give you peace and joy and stabilize your mind I wish you'd give God glory in the church I wish you'd find a way to celebrate the God who is still working miracles in your life who is still able to fight battles they're still able to calm the storms in your life still able to say daughter son go in peace and be freed I need some fighters in here who are going to fight on till times get better fight injustice fight brutality fight oppression and believe that if you fight with your faith the Lord has power to turn your situation around in Jesus name Amen you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: United Lutheran Seminary
Views: 59,372
Rating: 4.7294331 out of 5
Keywords: Preaching with Power, The Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, United Lutheran Seminary, Urban Theological Institute, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, Houston, Texas
Id: aadcesiVGRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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