"Turned Down For What" - Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III - January 27, 2015

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uh the kind of last introduction i want to do of him he's going to talk about me tonight let me say this to you um dr frederick douglas haynes iii fd3 as some of us call them is truly a gift to the body of christ a gift to certainly our church family to the nation and to the world some of you came up to me again said pastor you know we see him on cnn we see him on msnbc we see him doing this and doing that he's building a new office of international office of social justice in dallas he pastors a mega church that is insane he is a wonderful husband and father and he's just a good brother but to us he has been a preaching giant a preaching machine he has given to us this week in ways that are profound his energy is crazy uh the profoundness of his mind is incredible the memory is magnificent and the way he has poured blood sweat and tears into this congregation in this community deserves a demonstration of our what appreciation for his proclamation for the last time this week can we just demonstrate to him how much we have really appreciated his preaching as it comes to us [Music] [Applause] amen god bless you shall we pray god you are so good you are indeed our fans omega you are worthy to be praised you are god of history and you continue to write your story upon our lives and through us thank you so much that we don't have to be defeated by giants thank you so much the giants do fall thank you for this profound and prophetic challenge to get up off the bench to make ourselves available to be used by you to combat the goliaths that are attacking your people in this world thank you for warren stewart i thank you for his strength for his ministry thank you for using him thank you god for frederick fairley for how you used him in a powerful way sunday and monday night to bless us to teach us and to preach to us you've been here all week and for that we thank you and now we're just asking you to do it again please have your way i make myself available to be used by you as your instrument so please feel free to take over my mind and my mouth give me your word and wisdom you know what we're up against what we're going through what we're dealing with we need a word from you we need to hear from you if we don't hear from you what shall we do so please now have your way have your way you are the potter we are the clay mold us and make us after your will while we are waiting yielded and still in jesus name we pray amen and hallelujah what almighty god we serve god is good and again god is worthy to be praised i i thank god for uh this night and for this wonderful uh time of sharing and revival i have been richly blessed by the warmth of your fellowship and especially the kind-heartedness that starts literally at the top coming from the gregarious and gracious uh pastor of this church the one and only pastor sherman ford i thank god for him i thank god for his spirit and i thank god for his witness i thank god for his witness don't take for granted uh the fact that you are blessed with a preacher pastor who is who has shown and is showing us the real measure of your faith is not how well you do and how happy and holy you are when things are going well but when you go through your own season of challenge and conflict and crisis and yet you hold on to jesus christ that my brothers and sisters is a witness of what it means to be a child of god so man i salute you for your faith because your faith is working and i thank god for you you are a blessing and your witness is encouraging uh to me and that's the good thing i have to say about him the bad thing is this how you gonna put me after warren stewart uh it's already jacked up i had to go after my man frederick fairley who just got up and calmly and that's the trip about this thing so fred fairley gets up and just comes calmly opens up the text and gives us a verse per night and so uh that was absolutely phenomenal and man you're a bad negro okay uh so i thank god for him and then you know i've been really praying because last year uh pastor and i as he said uh he's a big brother to me and we go way back and so i heard about uh his you know vocal cord challenges and so i reached out to him and uh i mean i was just really feeling bad for him and so uh i mean i and he's been on my prayer every day i call him by name in prayer every single day i'm serious i call my name in prayer and so uh tonight when i heard it was on the night i said well bless his heart god please just just give him strength and you know he'll be okay and i mean i was really praying hard for him and then the negro gets up he got more voice than i do and uh so and so i'm not praying for him no more i'm i'm stopping no i'm kidding but was that not a powerful challenging word you talk about comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable warren stewart is a real gift and and don't take for granted and especially if you ain't been in phoenix a long time you need to recognize the paths that have been blazed for you because of the progressive and prophetic ministry of warren stewart sometimes we get amnesia and we forget about those who brought us over but let me tell you something he has been battling uh on the front lines and he has he has he has and and pastor fort and i were talking about him i guess it was yesterday before yesterday about how he harmonizes and embodies that ee concept evangelism and emancipation because he recognizes the kingdom is both spiritually social and socially spiritual and so i thank god for your amazing ministry man god bless you for your witness and for your strength and uh i just uh i you you've just been lying man about this whole voice thing i just i don't get you man i don't get you about that so you need to stop okay you really need to stop i want to hear no more about your voice cause you threw down tonight it went down like four flat tires i mean he did that thing so i thank god for him i thank god again for the warmth of this congregation the fellowship of my colleagues in ministry i love them and thank god for them they've been so amazingly supportive i'm so happy to see my brother of long-standing pastor david wade we go way back also a good brother who i loved so much that's my brother and i thank god for him and for his presence well uh since warren stewart preached like that i'm going to do what i should have been doing all week i'm just going to give the benediction in ephesians chapter 3 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20. it reads now unto who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or imagine according to the power at work within us i want to put a tag on this text and for a few moments with your prayers i want to talk about turn down for what turn down for what that's that's for my hip-hop crowd we're going to have to help them uh who ain't got this okay turn down for what turned down for what reynard good to see you man this this is a bad brother right here y'all make sure you hear him preach he's a preaching machine and a real gift to the body of christ pastor pleasant thank you for your friendship and kindness always turn down for what it's it's hard to think outside of the box when the box is always telling you what to think and you do recognize that the phrase thinking outside of the box is something that reflects that there are those who maintain it's our responsibility as people of faith to have an allergic reaction against comfort zones why because there is something antithetical about walking by faith and then living in a comfort zone and yet if you are not careful life will because of what people have to say the experiences that we have had the failures that we have experienced life will put us in a box i don't know who i'm talking to but already i'm in your kool-aid i'm calling out your flavor because you want to think and act outside of the box but the box is always telling you what to think you didn't feel me paul lawrence dunbar can testify about the box telling us what to think hear his poetic wisdom as he talks about a bird in his po in his poem sympathy and here the poetic wisdom is he declares i know why the caged bird sings ah me when his wing is bruised and his bosom soar when he beats his bars as he would be free it is not a carol of joy nor glee but a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core but a plea that upward to heaven he flings i know why the caged bird sings do you not hear in each lamentable let yet luminous line the sorrow that is being sung by a caged bird a bird that has been divinely designed and cosmically created to soar in the skies and yet the cage is telling the bird what it can no longer do how do you think outside of the box when the box is telling you what to think the bird didn't get you maybe beyonce's husband jay-z can get you jay-z puts it like this blindfolded expected to walk a straight line mind molded taught to love you but hate mine y'all didn't get that but check out the imagery that is so insightful and illuminating blindfolded and expected to walk a straight line ain't that jacked up it speaks of expectations that are imputed onto you by others outside of you and yet the expectations are impossible how do you walk a straight line even though you are blindfolded he didn't stop there blindfolded expected to walk a straight line mind molded taught to love you but hate mind how profound is that as he speaks of the predicament of people whose skin has been kissed by nature's son as we have been so taught to hate ourselves that we not only are victims of racism we are hunted by colorism colorism in our community causes some to look down on others because you are light or because i am dark and as a consequence it's a reflection of what freer called internalized oppression what am i saying it's hard to think outside of the box when the box is always telling you what to thinks think with me for a moment about the boxes that are telling you what to think maybe it's the box of someone in your past who in a real sense you look up to but they looked down on you and told you you would never amount to anything tell me about the box that is telling you what to think is it a dysfunctional educational system that we find in this country that continues to mis-educate our children does it not blow your mind that when it comes to public education and funding the have gods get more and they have not get less but they gotta pass the same test i'm preaching y'all not getting this i'm trying to let you know the box will try and tell you what to think what box is telling you what you can and cannot do i'm not coming through like i need to let me illustrate this idea i read last year a wonderful book uh entitled the rebellious life of mrs rosa parks it's a profound book i hope you pick it up because the author does a brilliant job of recapturing the identity of rosa parks rosa parks just like martin luther king jr has been victimized by identity theft in a real sense there are those who have tried to make her palatable in history and have reduced her don't miss this to some tired seamstress instead of the rebel with the cause that the home girl was understand rosa parks before she took the stand by remaining in her seat she was already the secretary of the state branch of the naacp which had been outlawed in the state of alabama already rosa parks had responded to the plight of a sister in 1944 that had been gang raped by several whites who saw her after church and raped her one sunday night and so rosa parks had been on the front lines well in the book check this entitled the rebellious life of mrs rosa parks the author provided an insight for me that blew my mind and that is that montgomery saw itself as a cosmopolitan city and as a consequence they did not have don't miss this on the buses any of the signs of jim and jane crow the signs of jim and jane crow that said colored only and white only signs that blatantly told you where you could not go and what you could not do rooted in the 1896 decision by the supreme court plessy versus ferguson which let us know that everything that's legal ain't necessarily just always bear in mind that when some politician has the unmitigated guard to get up and talk about we are a nation of laws you better come back at them and say we need to be a nation of justice because we've had some laws that were downright unjust slavery was legal but it wasn't just the black holes were legal but they were not just depressed scott decision was legal but it was not just plessy versus ferguson was legal but it was not just the gutting of the voting rights act and the proliferation of voter id laws across the country disenfranchising people they are legal but they are not just three strikes and you're out it's legal but guess what it ain't just mandatory minimum sentencing is legal but it's not just i'm trying to let somebody know everything that's legal ain't necessarily just and with that being the case my brothers and sisters on the buses in montgomery don't miss your shout right here there were no signs there were no signs that said colored only and white only because everyone knew their place one day vernon johns the immediate predecessor of martin king at dexter avenue baptist church boarded the bus and when he boarded the bus this brought this prophet without fear was told by the bus driver get off of the bus he paid your fare but now you've got to get off the bus and enter the bus via the back door well vernon johns didn't have a backdoor mentality and he then told everyone on the bus whites and blacks get up off this bus because this is unjust let's let's let's defy this segregationist and get up off this bus and do you know warren nobody moved nobody moved the whites did not move why because that was going to mess with their privilege the blacks did not move because they had been down so long until down didn't bother them no more and a few days later one of his members that had been on the bus said to vernon johns you should have known better and all i'm trying to say is that there they were living in an unjust system but they had all acquiesced to that which was adversarial to who they should have been and could have been i'm trying to say you can't think out of the box when the box is telling you what to think and the box of an unjust law was telling them what to think i'm still not coming through because y'all not feeling me like i need you to i guess i'll give it to you like this last year last year right here in finland's do you not know air force two air force two uh illustrated for all of us the wisdom who is it of howard thurman howard thurman speaking of you can't think outside the box when the box tells you what to think insightfully insisted here's your shout right here you may want to tweet this thing and that is here it is what happens to you cannot defeat you unless you allow it to get in you you're still not shouting and so last year that's what happened last year air force two was here carrying a vice president joe biden and check out what happened joe biden was ready to take off air force two was heading back to dc but they discovered that the engine was not functioning properly why because on the way from dc to arizona debris in the air had gotten in the plane's engines and as a consequence air force two is grounded right here in phoenix y'all missed that in a real sense it could not do what it was made to do because what was around it had gotten inside of it it could not do what it was supposed to do because the box of the atmosphere was telling it what it could not do and all i'm trying to say there's some grounded folk in church tonight god meant for you to take off a long time ago but you have ingested the debris of negativity the debris of folk telling you what you can and cannot do and as a consequence you've allowed the box to tell you what to think well i've got some good news not yet doc i've got some good news and that is i serve a god who sits high and looks low and god wants me to let you know that the god above you that lives inside of you is able to give you power to rise above the box that's around you y'all missing your shout let's jump into the text because by way of context the writer of the enlightening emancipating epistle known as ephesians is writing the people of god there in ephesus most scholars agree this is a circular letter and the brilliant african-american womanist scholar mitch c smith has sagaciously suggested that ephesians don't miss your shout right here is up is a book that deals with second class and first class citizenship in the church because gentiles were treated as second-class citizens and as a consequence you had a church don't miss this a church that had big eyes and little use a church that in a real sense that said if you had a jew a jewish or hebrew background that gave you first class status in the church if not then that meant because of your race or ethnicity you were second class in the church and so mitzy says that the writer of ephesians is writing to deal with this heresy in the church where people were outsiders and insiders y'all missing your shout right here i'm trying to let you know when you look at ephesians by way of context it deals with first-class and second-class citizenship and maybe ephesians needs to speak to the united states of america because the sad reality is when you call the names of eric garner and oscar grant and as well as trayvon martin not to mention michael brown and i could call the roar all of them are symptomatic of the fact that you still have persons in this country who will look down on you who will categorize you and then criminalize you they will label you in order to limit you if not eliminate you preach freddie haynes you know i'm doing that thing i'm trying to let you know they will put you in a box and then if you jump outside of that box they will deal with you accordingly and yet here's what the writer does the writer is awesome as he starts out in chapter one chapter one is really enough to make you shout because in chapter one the writer simply begins by saying we have access to every spiritual blessing in heavenly places y'all didn't shout i gotta break that thing down for you when you hook up with jesus it's not just about dying and your soul being taken to heaven but if you know the lord for yourself before you die every now and then god will bring some heaven to your soul you have access to every spiritual blessing in heavenly places have y'all thought about that access to every spiritual blessing in heavenly places that let you know that whenever somebody preaches a prosperity pimping message and they equate blessings with money they missing the whole thing about my about blessings because blessing ain't necessarily bling-bling but when you know god for yourself er now and then god will give you some blessings that money can't put a price tag on god will give you some blessings that the irs can't even tax i guess y'all ain't had no spiritual blessings from heavenly places peace you can't put a price tag on that joy you can't put a price tag on that a good night's sleep you can't put a price tag is there anybody here that's got your health and your strength you can't put a price tag on that our ancestor said the lord is blessing me right now wait he woke me up this morning that's a blessing he started me on my way that's a blessing so so he says we have every spiritual blessing in heavenly places but wait the shout gets deeper because still in chapter one he says we also have access here it is we have access to the same power that raised jesus from the dead i'm trying not to run out of here but i'm close you have access to the same power that raised jesus from the dead i think fred fairley already quoted the lady a lewis patterson whatever your jacked up situation if it's not greater than a dead jesus then god says i've already raised a dead jesus if i can raise a three-day day of jesus i can deal with the haters on your job if i can raise a three-day dead jesus i can deliver you from addiction if i can raise a three-day day of jesus i can set you free and so wait so that that's chapter one chapter two messes me up further because in chapter two here's your shout right here he says we are saved by grace through faith not of our works lest you get beside yourself and start acting like you better than somebody else ain't nobody in here better than anybody else the bottom line is all of us are here because of god's grace and but for the grace of god hell wouldn't be good enough for us but god's grace looked beyond my faults and saw my needs god's grace saved me and because of god's grace here's your shout we are now god's masterpieces i am a masterpiece in progress you didn't shout i am god's workmanship i ain't what i'm supposed to be but i ain't what i was because i am god's masterpiece in progress i'm close to shouting but i gotta jump to chapter three because now in chapter three he talks about how god through christ jesus broke down the wall of petition god has broken down it is the wall of segregation so whatever else you need to know right now is that god is so amazing that what god did for us in jesus christ is tear down any walls that separate us and keep us from loving healthily one another and so the church of jesus christ is under indictment in the united states of america because we have allowed the nation to dictate us as opposed to us dictating the nation the nation ought to be able to look at the church and discover how folk love one another the nation should look at the church and discover how people are all first class and nobody is second class the church ought to be that model i'm preaching huh but here it is how how do we get there we get there because i can't love you if i ain't secure in who god made me i'm about to get you but when i know i love this whose i am and it informs who i am i can relate lovingly to who you be you didn't shout uh uh my my favorite athlete of all time is muhammad ali i love mr muhammad ali muhammad ali was cold because muhammad ali in the ring he had so much flash and dash float like a butterfly sting like a bee nobody could do it like my man ali ali was cold in the ring he would prophetically and poetically pronounce the round his opponent was going down i sound like ali ali would do it like that and then ali watched this was cold in the ring but my real love for him was his courage outside the ring because ali recognized that when you are blessed with a platform you don't just use it to aggrandize your own riches god gives you a platform to be a voice for those who have no voice god gives you a platform to speak up for people who don't have a platform that's why i love and respect richard sherman because richard sherman exposes the hypocrisy of the national football league i like when folk are bold enough and bad enough to speak truth to power and tell it like your ti is and ali did that and paid for it because whenever you speak truth to power power will come at you he had to pay a price what was the price ali lost his title but when he lost his title watch this he lost his title but then he went on a lecture tour of ivy league schools he didn't shout ali did not graduate from high school but he went on a lecture tour of ivy league schools talking about the war in vietnam you still didn't shout ali is speaking one check this he's speaking at at harvard university speaks at harvard students go crazy after he finishes speaking he says before i entertain questions from uh the media because the press was there i need to ask the students at harvard check this who's the heavyweight champion of the world he then held up his hand like this and the students began to shout ali ali ali ali and the first question from the hadoration press was this how you gonna make the students live you don't have the title anymore and ali responded i did not ask them who had the title i asked them who the champ is you see a title is what you give me but champ is who i am [Applause] and i'm trying to bless somebody right now if they take the job from you you still a child of god if somebody walks out on you you're still a child of god if people take all that you have you're still a child of god so so turn down for what turn turn turn down for what my hip-hop crowd already knows what i'm talking about because year before last one song was about being turnt up and turnt up had to do with being in the club and of course you're getting a high on the spirits and and they talked about being turnt up then last year somebody came back shouted turned down for what and you'd hear them shout in the soul turn down for what and so y'all it hit me they ain't the only ones that can get turnt up because when you know the lord for yourself you don't need spirits when you got the spirit and somebody came to church tonight and you want to share with me turn down forth turn down for what because i know who i am and because i know who i am i can embrace who you are in love and so with that being the case i want to unpack this right quick i'm almost done the text says now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or imagine according to the power at work within us y'all didn't shout i talk so fast let me slow my roar i talk fast like warren stewart let me slow my road the text says now uh the word now is a conjunction i ain't smart like warren stewart fred fairley players and david wade so i don't always know what a conjunction was wade and so one saturday morning back in the day i'm watching cartoons a song came on song taught me what a conjunction is conjunction junction was y'all saw that thing didn't you the function of a conjunction connects what's before with what's after the word now is a conjunction that connects here's your shout right here the doxology i'm preaching from with what the writer had declared by way of breaking down the wall of petition by way of the grace of god that makes us a masterpiece by way of god showing up in jesus christ and giving us access to resurrection power by way of god saying simply check this we've got access to every spiritual blessing and heavenly place is now unto him who is able to do y'all didn't shout i gotta do one more time he says now it is unto him [Music] you didn't shout on him y'all must not know who him is i may need to take some time to tell y'all who him is i am talking about him yeah yeah that's him that's him who spoke the universe into existence that's why scientists don't scare me when they talk about a big bang theory if there was a big bang theory it's because god said bang bang i'm talking about him i'm talking about him who hung the stars that protect the heavens as swinging lanterns of eternity i'm talking about him who situated the sun to reign as the monarch of the universe i'm talking about him who gave the moon its shine i'm talking about him who scooped out the basins of the seven seas and piled up the great granite mountains until they appear to kiss the turquoise sky i'm talking about him who covered the valley floor with carpets of the softest green glass and tacked it down with lovely lilies and dazzling daffodils anybody know him i'm talking about him now unto him wait wait wait who is able i'm trying not to shout but he is able to make a way out of nowhere he is able to open doors no one can shut he does anybody know him he's able wait wait wait wait wait he's able to do to do that's what i've been trying to get to in this line right here he's able to do a question in front of dr warren stewart so doc i did my homework and etymologically excavated the word do in the original greek language it's about to mess you up the word do here it is it literally means it means to construct oh that's good it it it mean it means to here it is produce god is up to something in your life him is able to construct him is able to produce okay him is able so so god is up to something in your life i make it real plain make it real plain construct construct construct construct have you seen a construction site one construction site had a message that made me shout it said pardon our dust his line the next line said temporary inconvenience for long-term improvement meaning right now everything around you is chaotic and confusing it's going to inconvenience you for just a season but the inconvenience is temporary but the long-term improvement is on the way and somebody you're under construction that's why your life has all this chaos and junk going on you're under construction it's a temporary inconvenience for long-term improvement i have i have a daughter you know my daughter my daughter my daughter y'all been with me a long time dave my daughter is 22 years old about to graduate from howard university in dc hu you know about to graduate from howard university and check this out uh uh that this little boy eddie just go go get you albany today called me several times and and yesterday she made me feel so good she said daddy i wish you were my age so we could be best friends because we talk every day that just messed me up i want to be best friends but but i miss i mean i'm loving now but i really miss when she was growing up little kid like and i don't forget one time deb is out of town and when dad was out of town i was keeping our choice myself so it's just me and albany and so i knew that when dave came back she was expecting the house to be a hot mess i decided to fool her and so i cleaned that house up speaking span i then went to go get albany from school brought her home i said albany i'm tired i went upstairs to go get a little nap and then i came back downstairs i was gonna take her out to eat but i was awakened by an aroma hitting my nose so i got up ran downstairs and sure enough there's albany in the kitchen i had cleaned up the kitchen real good i mocked the floor and albany is in the kitchen and she's cooking and i ain't feeling that thing because you got flour on the floor you got sugar here and it's a hot mess i don't work hard to clean that place up and now i walk downstairs and it's a hot mess in the kitchen and deb is on her way home as i look and i said albany what did you do she said daddy what are you talking about oh you worried about all that mess don't worry about the mess daddy i'm making something for you you focus in on the wrong thing daddy i'm making something for you and god sent me to tell somebody tonight i know you got all this mess breaking out in your life but god is standing in the midst of the mess and god says don't trip on the mess i'm making something for you i'm holding y'all too long i i think i talked about right there the incredible product now under him who is able to do i got to move from the incredible product to the ineffable power he says now unto him who is able to do here's your shout exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think god will blow your mind but too many of us are guilty of handcuffing god one steward prophetically denounced the church for being weak and wimpish why because we don't realize the power that we have we have allowed the world to pump us and when the world pokes you it's because you don't know what god has done in your life you don't know how awesome god is and you do know you can handcuff god the bible says jesus could do no mighty works in nazareth because of their unbelief the savior who had healed the sick and raised the dead walked on water could do no miraculous things in nazareth because they put handcuffs on him but here it is he says now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask but think y'all didn't shout has god ever blown your mind has god ever done something for you that you never thought about has god ever blessed you with something that you didn't even ask for god will blow okay okay i'm i'm still talking too fast because you're missing your shout uh oh is this this is real good uh uh last last what september denzel washington had a movie come out what was it equalizer so i had to go see it had to go see it not because i'm all into denzel my wife is and so so so i have to take her to see denzel and and it's safe because he's on the screen but she's crazy about denzel so so i've seen every denzel movie because i got to take her to see denzel it's real jacked up i got to take her to see denzel because she got to watch denzel walk and all that so anyway but but you know i ain't hating so so so so i take her to see denzel but before that denzel was on a tour and on this tour he's interviewed interview killed me it messed me up interview ed gordon raise the question denzel what's your greatest movie your greatest performance and y'all i'm tripping because i can i've seen them all because i got to go with dev so i said okay it could save glory because he won the best supporting actor award he could say uh philadelphia because he did real well there with julia roberts he could say it was his performance in malcolm x because he didn't just play malcolm he became malcolm you've been had it you've been hoodwinked bamboozled run them up run astray by any means i mean he was cold in malcolm x he could have been a hurricane he got i told you i saw i gotta take dave to see uh uh i gotta take them to see denzel and so i'm trying to race ahead to announce before him what his best performance was and then denzel shouted me because the man said what's your best performance denzel shot back my next one [Applause] and and all i could do was ask god well god you my denzel i need to ask you god what was your greatest performance because surely it had to be creation when you made something out of nothing and cosmos out of chaos surely it had to be when you did that gosh that was kind of good wasn't it but that wasn't my best performance i got i got your performance when you took an old man like abraham with his old woman named sarah and made them parents of a nation before there was viagra and god said that was kind of hard right there pun intended but guess what that wasn't my best performance i gotta what about when you made a way out of no way at what tradition caused the red sea that was kind of hot right there but that wasn't my despot all right god what about when joshua fit the battle of jericho and the walls came tumbling that was good right there but that wasn't my best all right god let's go to jesus how did you have him born of a virgin there in the hood and he grew up in nazareth god said yeah that was kind of good right there but that wasn't better all right god what about when you got him up from the dead on the third god said yeah that was good but that what my i said god well what is your best performance god said eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men the good things that god has it you ain't seen nothing yet the best is yet to come so wait so so that that was on my way to my point that wasn't the shout the shout is in the movie equalizer choice is going to get you and when we equalize y'all's equalizer and the movie equalizer there's a girl who's a victim of sex trafficking human trafficking and this girl denzel's meets her in this little diner i guess it's on the east coast boston perhaps and denzel talks to her she talks to him and then goes about her business well one day denzel discovers through conversation that homegirl has aspirations of being in the music industry and to which she to which denzel says well you ought to do it and she responds not in my world denzel said change your world and that's what god sent me to tell us tonight we got to change our world we got to change our world because there's too much injustice in the land we got to change our world because economic exploitation in the land has in a real sense bank services for the up and in and payday loan and car title stores for those who are down and out we got to change our world and equalize education we got to change our world because nigeria has girls who have been forgotten but we got to remember them in the name of christ we got to change our world okay i i'm gonna shout you that much i'm gonna get ready to quit let me shout you right quick because because you got excited about who rosa parks that that book is hot but here's what messed me up i read the book it shouted me on this point right here and it's going to mess you up rosa parks boards the bus that day december 1st 1955 takes her seat when she takes her seat the bus takes off begins to fill up when it fills up and there are no more seats in the reserve white section where the bus driver turns around all the blacks get up but rosa and when they got up rosa didn't move the bus driver told her to get up rosa did not move now she had seen this clown bus driver before but she went ahead and boarded the bus anyway they had had a run in before but she boarded the bus anyhow and now he's going to come at her wrong and so he told her to get up and she refused to move he then gets off the bus go to the pay phone didn't have cell phones in 55 and called the police the police came when they got there they asked the bus driver here's your shout do you want us to arrest her or to just put her off the bus if he had just said put her off the bus then everything would have stayed the same but he got real arrogant and said arrest her and arrested her in the destiny how do i know because guess what rosa parks has a statue in statuary hall in washington d.c i went there for the unveiling as a guest of the president and when i went there and they unveiled her statue guess who they don't have a statue to the bus driver they don't have a statue to the police officer and y'all that had me shouting but wait wait wait i did this illustration in in ohio last june and an old school brother came up to me and said young preacher that was that was nice he called me young preacher he said young preacher that was a nice illustration about rosa but i was there i was in montgomery you didn't even give the shout line i said the shout line i did give the shout line the folks shouted he said no but that wasn't the real shout line the shout line was we stayed off the buses 381 days and we shut down the montgomery bus system until the united states supreme court ruled in our favor i said that is a good shout he said that ain't the shout line either young preacher wait one second i said well what's the shout line man he said on the last day of the boycott we won and then the next day we had to go back to get on the buses and we decided since rosa had paid the price that we would let her ride the bus first and so we stood at the bus stop waiting for that first bus to come and here comes the bus when the door opened guess who the bus driver was the same clown that had put her off now had to drive her where she wanted to go is there anybody here who knows god can use your haters for your elevators god can use your enemies to drive you now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or imagine here it is according to the power at work in you you didn't shout you didn't shout because i just gave you what wasn't the incredible product and the ineffable power but now here's the improbable process how does god get this thing done how does god turn the world upside down god does it through us the power is in us the power is at work in us you got the power baby baba to make this world a better place you got the power to turn darkness out because you're the light of the world and when light shows up darkness got to get the stepping you've got the power because the power is in you i'm done i quit here it is i'm done here it is i'm done here it is watch this watch this watch this this is a doxology it's it it's a doxological benediction that's what it now under him was able to do it see anybody of all it's a doxological doxology has to do with what praise praise that's what born stewart closed out on giving god that kind of praise it's about praise so i'm trying to close this thing out shut this thing down but we got to give god some praise so so how do we give god some praise well but the way by the way let me tell you how we gonna do this thing in case y'all don't know my 40th birthday and my 50th birthday i had special guests maize featuring frankie beverly they did my birthday they did my 40th and they did my 50th don't hate don't hate celebrate and one day you may participate so so so maze they did my 40th birthday they did my 50th and frank did that thing frank shut down my birthday with joy and pain like sunshine and rain frank shut that thing down we are one southern girl he shut that thing down with running away we needed some rejuvenation running away to a new situation i mean he shut that thing down with happy feelings in the air oh that thing makes me shout because he said i've got myself to remind me of love oh my god he's shutting that thing down y'all and frank messed me up because while he was there we spent a lot of time together and when he shared with me says you know what i don't trip anymore over the fact that i've never received a grammy award because he i've discovered that when you serve the man upstairs he may not let you get awards but he'll give you rewards i said preach frankie beverly and so three years ago three years ago frank text me and he said man you won't believe it but d-e-t is going to honor me with a lifetime achievement award i said man that's what's up you deserve it it's long overdue and that night i watched with baited breath because frank got the bet lifetime achievement now you know how the thing went down don't you when they gave him the lifetime achievement award first they had witnesses to get up on the screen and testify as to what frank meant in their life and so beyonce and others got up on the screen and talked about frankie beverly i mean they testified about the goodness of frankie in their lives i'm about to get you y'all missed your shout right there and they kept on testifying and then they began to play frankie's music and the next thing you know they said ladies and gentlemen the the b-e-t lifetime achievement award goes to and before they could say his name that whole crowd was up and going crazy they hadn't even gotten to his name yet but before they got to his name they had already played his music they already heard the testimony of faithful witnesses and the crowd was ready to go in and when they said maze featuring frankie beverly i mean it was all over it was peddling in the house i was in my i was in my living room going crazy because they called his name as the recipient of the lifetime achievement award well y'all i can't give god the lifetime achievement of the world because god deserves better than that so i have come here to canaan baptist church and tonight i hope y'all don't mind if i give god the eternal achievement award i hope you don't mind if i give god the eternal achievement award because god is worthy of the eternal achievement award well first of all i need some witnesses because we had witnesses who testified for frankie i hope there's some witnesses in here who can say he's a hard fixer i hope there's some witnesses in here who can say he saved my soul i hope i got some witnesses in here who can say when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul shall do i have a witness can i get a witness hold on not just the witnesses but then they played his music you know god got some music just open up the book of psalms the lord is my shepherd i shall not want that's his music the lord is my life and my salvation that's his music god is our refuge and strength a very present help and that's his music we think may endure for well we've heard his music we've heard some testimonies of witnesses and so ladies and gentlemen the eternal achievement award i'm about to say his name ladies and gentlemen the eternal achievement award can i say his name ladies and gentlemen i'm about to say his name ladies and gentlemen i'm about to shout his name ladies and gentlemen yahweh elohim el elyon el shaddai jehovah jireh jehovah neesee jehovah shalom ladies and gentlemen alpha and omega ladies and gentlemen the roles of sharon the lily of the valley ladies and gentlemen emmanuelle ladies and gentlemen the bread of life the living water ladies and gentlemen jesus jesus we're talking troubled waters jesus hey hey turn down for what you
Channel: THE WORD Church Mesa Arizona
Views: 972
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: #TWC, Mesa
Id: sdwhSo68IoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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