I Want All The Smoke - Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III

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around skip down over to chapter 4 of nehemiah nehemiah chapter 4 and begin reading at verse 7 of the fourth chapter of the book of nehemiah and i'm going to read in your hearing from the new living translation of the 11th century text a vowed hebrew masoretic text it reads but when sambalet and tobiah and the arabs ammonites and astradites heard that the work was going ahead and that the gaps in the wall of jerusalem were being repaired they were furious they all made plans to come and fight against jerusalem and throw us into confusion but we prayed to our god and guarded the city day and night to protect ourselves then the people of judah began to complain the workers are getting tired and there's so much rubble to be moved we would never be able to build the wall by ourselves meanwhile our enemies were saying before they know what's happening we will swoop down on them and kill them and in their work the jews who live near the enemy came and told us again and again they will come from all directions and attack us so i placed armed guards behind the lowest parts of the wall in the exposed areas i stationed the people to stand guard by families armed with swords spears and bows then as i looked over the situation i called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them don't be afraid of the enemy remember the lord who is great and glorious and fight for your brothers your sons your daughters your wives and your homes i want to put a tag on this text and for a few moments with your prayers i'd like to use as a subject from which to preach i want all the smoke i want all the smoke it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under [Laughter] it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under and then of course those of you who know grand master flash and the furious five know that he then shifted into don't push me cause i'm close to the edge i'm trying not to lose my head understand the grand master flash in that relevant and revelatory rap song those luminous lyrics speak of the reality that every now in this life life becomes so much that we feel close we feel pushed close to the edge and guess what as a consequence there is a psychic assault on our mental health and we feel like we are about to lose our head why because it's all too much of course if you can't handle grandmaster flash and the furious five and you're more sophisticated literarily surely you can appreciate shakespeare who sagaciously suggested that trouble seldom come as single century men they come in battalions when it rains it pours i hope you're getting that because those image the imagery that is so insightful is of the fact that in this life we find ourselves in a fight and in this fight we're not just dealing with one soldier that comes for us but there are battalions that come at us and before you know it we are pushed close to the edge about to lose our head i believe that's the testimony the transparent testimony of that fierce freedom fighter tamika mallory tamika mallory who has just come out with a powerful book entitled state of emergency in which she brilliantly cast a vision of where we can go while looking in the rearview mirror of where we have been as it relates to why we are where we are but then this past week she was on red table talk and hear her transparently testify as she says you need to check on all strong people because strong people guess what we hurt too there are people in your life who you have labeled as strong and yet you've got to understand they're strong and yet human and because they are human they also hurt and suffer listen to what tamika mallory goes on to transparently testify when she says understand that i find myself fighting against the giant of white supremacy only to turn around and discover that black men are talking about me in a negative way to make matters worse it's not just what i'm catching from black men i've got black women who say i'm clout chasing and so listen as i freddie haynes remix what tamika mallory that fierce fighter for freedom who stands up for justice and righteousness tells us tamika mallory in essence is painting us a picture please don't miss it she is fighting the giant of white supremacy in these dis united states of america i gotta park right there because she fights a giant of white supremacy in a country that spends most of its time in the 51st state which is the state of denial how do i know because in south lake the board the school board had the nerve to say that they will not study here it is the critical race theory the state of the state legislative body down in austin even decided that there would be no discussion of racism in our school textbooks or in our educational process in this nation ain't that a trip here it is we live with racism every day this nation was born in racism shaped by white supremacy and yet because of the 51st state the state of denial the nation refuses to deal with what continues to sicken the body politic and so here is tamika mallory saying i love it i'm fighting the giant the goliath of white supremacy but wait while i'm fighting the giant of white supremacy i'm also dealing with my own people because i've got my own people who are coming for me who are attacking me lying on me making up stuff about me i can't get a break anywhere and then here's what tamika mallory adds as she says i've already got to deal with my own guilt as a mother guilt as a guilt as a doctor i've got to deal with my own inner issues of insecurity and then she added these words that literally captured or arrested my attention when she said sometimes it's literally just too much i gotta park right there because already god has been somebody's kool-aid and tamika has called out your flavor because maybe you're not on the front lines that's a fierce freedom fighter but you understand what it means to every now when then reach the conclusion sometimes it's literally just too much it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under sometimes it's literally just too much it's like i'm in a fight shakespeare according to shakespeare and i'm not just dealing with one soldier but a whole battalion continues to come at me when it rains it pours listen y'all sometimes it's just too much i won't forget this for quite some time i was checking out roland martin unfiltered and rolling martin my sisters and brothers about a month ago shared with us the story of how this particular person was found across the street from the home where vice president kamala harris is and when they searched his car they discovered a rifle as well as a lot of artillery artillery he was right across the street from vice president kamala harris's home there in washington d.c and here is what roland martin labeled or captioned that particular news story he said under constant threat i gotta park right there because that's how i feel every now and then under constant threat and with tamika mallory i've got to testify sometimes it's just too much and somebody's listening to me right now and when you look at all that's coming against you all that you were up against going through and dealing with sometimes it's just too much ibrahim x kennedy puts it like this when he says researchers have discovered that whenever there is a police killing of an unarmed black person it immediately unleashes a psychic attack on the mental health of black people in that we find ourselves experiencing heightened stress anxiety and emotional exhaustion are y'all getting that i'm simply trying to say sometimes it's just too much and my sisters and brothers i think that's what's going on in this profound passage right here because in the book of nehemiah we've already discovered that nehemiah has used his platform in order to discover what god had called him to do i love it because nehemiah has a job as cup bearer to the king but once he finds out his community is suffering he surrenders to his calling i gotta go back and get you because a whole lot of folk have settled for a job but they never surrender to their calling it's one thing to have a job that pays the bills it's another thing to surrender to a calling watch this where you find yourself surrendering to a purpose that gives you the stuff that money can't buy i gotta do that one more time because a job will pay your bills but a calling will give you what money can't buy a job watch this make pay for you to buy a house but it's a calling that will give your heart a home a job my sisters and brothers will cause you to buy a bed to a bed but it's your calling that will give you a good night's sleep and somebody has tuned in and god wants you to know that your life has to be more than a 9-5 your life has to be about something that's bigger than yourself and that's what nehemiah does he discovers that his people are suffering that his community is broken and the book lets us know that nehemiah becomes an anointed urban planner nehemiah becomes a a nehemiah becomes a spiritual community organizer who god uses as a redemptive revolutionary against the status quo right there in jerusalem because the book lets us know in chapter 2 that god answered his prayer in chapter one and the king there of persia then gave him reparations and resources to go back to jerusalem and begin the process of rebuilding the city and the bible lets us know that when nehemiah arrives he then surveys the situation i love it he does not immediately act like he has all the answers he has to sit where the people sit and survey the situation and once he does that the book lets us know that he organizes and mobilizes the people unleashing them in chapter 3 after motivating them at the end of chapter two and the bible says now when chapter four as the construction is going on and things are going well it it they discovered that there are those who are not pleased with their progress i got to stop right there because every now and then you'll discover that there are those who are not pleased with your progress because it is not in their interest for you to progress it's not in their interest for things to get better in your life and as a consequence they will come at you and do everything they can to block what god is up to in your life that's what's going on in our text in chapter four because the book says that sambalet and horonite and others have gathered now and the text says that they are displeased with the progress everybody ain't happy for your happiness preach freddie haynes everybody is not excited about god doing for you what god is up to other folk may sometimes every now when being a secretly harbor resentment against your advancement preach freddie haynes i'm doing the best i can and understand my sisters and brothers that is what is going on in our text they come for nehemiah and do all they can to stop nehemiah but the question becomes why are they doing this and nehemiah evidently is feeling it's just too much i think nehemiah can feel what fanny and tish must have felt in the classic by james baldwin entitled uh if bill street could talk because in if bill street could talk you remember that funny and tish had fallen madly in love in a world that hated black people how sad that is to try to experience love in a nation that hates you because of how god made you and that's what happened with fannie and tish and if bill street could talk and the book and and baldwin lets us know through tish as she testifies that fanny i love this right here had found his center i got a part right there and asked you a question have you found your center you know what your center is your center is your core your core is the source of your strength your center is what the sun of your internal solar system around which everything in your life ought to resolve because revolve because it's your center that gives life to the solar system of your internality once you find your center here is what tish discovers you become a danger to other people why because those who did not found their center can't stand your security they can't deal with your center and so fanny had found his center and there was a wicked white police officer who could not handle that and he lied and fonnie is arrested on trumped-up charges he is eventually convicted and sent to prison for a crime that he did not commit and when tish goes to visit her beloved in prison understand she had had it once everything to look forward to she was pregnant and they were expecting a great future but now everything has fallen apart i gotta stop right there because you can look forward to something only to discover that life will have everything you've looked forward to fall through that's what happened to funny and tish tish goes to visit funny in prison she's trying to keep up a happy face and wear her game face but look what happens when she does she sees her beloved behind the glass and she makes love to him with her eyes and and they have something that is a deep connection but hold on it still hurts because he finds himself incarcerated by injustice but wait look what happens upon leaving here is what tish says she says that it must be so crushing to find yourself up against it all of the time and here is how she puts it that she's concerned because it's hard to keep it together when they keep throwing this kind of stuff at you and she didn't use the word stuff and that's what i'm trying to say when stuff keeps coming at you it will cause you to be ready to lose your mind it will cause you to be pushed close to the edge it will cause you to say with tamika mallory sometimes it's just too much is that not how the palestinians must feel over there in the gaza strip because they've got to deal not only with a country israel that is a settler colonizer that literally has stolen their land and while stealing their land they are engaged in what desmond tutu and president jimmy carter call apartheid thank god for tutu and jimmy carter having the courage to call it what it is and that is israel is engaged in apartheid against palestinians who have who have found themselves now living in a home that has become a hell because imagine having to make your way home and stop at checkpoints and have yourself checked out imagine a propaganda system that is all over the world where israel has convinced people that they are the victims even though they are firing missiles and killing hundreds of people and hundreds of children and israel has the nerve to play the victim and act like they are the ones that are suffering and hurting i know some of y'all are upset like why would you go there given the fact that that's way across the world but i stand with malcolm x who teaches us how important it is for people of color around the world to join hands and link arms against the tyrant of white supremacy because our destiny and situations are interconnected and rooted in a white supremacist determination to take over the world it sometimes gets to be just too much but i gotta shout for you and that is when life is too much for you it's just right for god and god has a way of ordering into your life through what i call a divine conspiracy a word and instruction that will give you the strength to rebuild yourself from the inside so you can deal with the hell on the outside and before you know it you come out swinging and saying i want all the smoke preach freddie haynes i'm about to do that thing i want all the smoke is reflective of course of the brilliant creativity of our culture and its ability to communicate in language that is colorful and language that is image field it's the poetics of being black i call it in the poetics of being black every now and then we come up with language or phraseology that speaks to our condition and one of my favorite now is all the smoke or i want all the smoke oil you don't want no smoke i want all the smoke simply says listen i'm ready to come out swing and you came at me and i did not send for you well come on bring it on because i got what it takes to deal with whatever you bring in my life i'm ready to fight i'm ready to come out swinging and that's what happens in the text the text says all the stuff that came at them and yet here's what they were ready to do and that is they said in essence i want all the smoke and that's my word to every child of god tuned in right now you got a week ahead of you where you have hate on your job a week ahead of you where you've got to deal with racism who that's ready to come for you and sexism that's ready to sink your dreams here's the word the word is you leave this broadcast you leave this stream in service and declare i want all the smoke because even if i'm backed against the wall i'ma come out swinging it because i want all the smoke i want all the smoke i i want all the smoke so so what does that mean i'm almost done i love the text the text me the text says when you want all the smoke here it is when you really want all the smoke it's because i love this in spite i love this of the confusing circumstances around you there is a connection with the divine in you that orders your conduct in spite of the circumstances trying to defeat you i'ma say that one more time because that's some fire right there and that is there are confusing circumstances around you that's what the text says the text says in verse 8 that that the haters tried to stir up confusion you know folk like that you see there are some people who can't handle your peace because of their own inner demons oh freddie haines you preaching there are some folk who can't handle what you have going for you because of the fact that they keep getting in their own way because they are in essence against themselves and when you are against yourself invariably you're going to be against everybody else y'all gonna get this in just a moment watch what happened the text says they were stirring up confusion veto i did an etymological study of the word confusion it also means disturbance i discovered that in me in meteorological circles there is something known as an upper level disturbance i'm about to shout y'all an upper level disturbance is the movement of wind at 18 000 feet altitude and above and the sudden movement of wind is an upper level disturbance that eventuates here it is in sudden storms and so it's a storm that was not predicted it's a storm that no one saw coming it's the result of an upper level disturbance and that's what's going on in the text there's an upper level disturbance that unleashes a storm in the lives of the people and some of y'all are dealing with an upper level disturbance in your own life here's what the text says happens the text says nehemiah says we prayed and i set up armed guards and that was for our protection i got to give y'all time to shout but you're not going to shout till you get the point he says we prayed and we set up security why because for nehemiah prayer to use the language of harry emerson fosdek is dominant desire prayer is not just what you say with your lips but prayer is what you do with your life prayer is not just what comes out of your mouth but prayer is what is the result of how you live your life y'all still not getting this thing because if you limit prayer to just what you say to god then you have missed out on what real prayer is because if you're not careful you can pray with your lips but contradict your prayer with your life whoa freddie haynes i'm doing the best i can to preach this thing here is what will shout you you see jesus told a parable uh when when his disciples saw that jesus had a connection a divine connection i think it's luke chapter 11 read that thing when you get time and the text says when they saw him praying they said lord teach us to pray we want that same connection that you have and jesus then gave them what we call the lord's prayer it's really the model prayer and when he does it you can sense connection in there because he begins with the personal relationship that one has with the creator of the cosmos he uses the masculine for god father he could also have used mother but the idea is not so much the masculinity of god as it is the personal relationship that we are called to have with god because when your thing with god is personal that's a connection y'all not getting this i guess you ain't never had a connection i mean for real come here let's talk about it for just a while have you ever hooked up with someone and had to conclude we got a connection a connection is what baby face called whip appeal because whip appeal is when you've got something that's better than words you got something that's deeper than language it's a connection and y'all come back don't don't don't go back to looking and thinking about all that other stuff because my main thing is when you know god for yourself you ought to have a whip appeal connection and that whip appeal connection says that god and i have something personal father mother who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven but then jesus messes me up because pastor dirk jesus now tells a story about a friend who had relatives or friends to come and visit them and it was late and he had nothing to give them what did he do he goes next door and knocks at midnight knocks at midnight and says listen i need to keep knocking it even though the person behind the door said it's too late i'm not opening up the door but he kept on knocking he said it's too late i'm not opening up the door but because he kept on knocking jesus said the friend finally opened up the door gave him what he needed why because jesus was saying that prayer is your dominant desire prayer is not just your communication it's your conduct prayer it's not just the words that you say prayer is the life that you live no wonder frederick douglass put it like this he said i prayed for 15 years to get free but i didn't become free until i prayed with my faith it's about your connection and all when you have a real connection with god that connection then informs and inspires your conduct so you can withstand the confusion that surrounds you pray and oh when you pray make sure you perform pray but when you pray make sure you practice talk to god but then make sure you walk it like you're talking talk to god but make sure that you pray with your legs pray with your feet pray with your body because prayer is not just the words out of your mouth but prayer is the life that you live oh okay i got to keep this thing moving uh i could tell you something but i i got to keep it moving it's getting late so i got to give you something else watch the next thing that happens the text says after all of that look what happens i think it's in verse 14 where he says here's what you do remember the lord oh my god you didn't shout remember the lord okay okay uh remember the lord okay remember see see i've discovered i've discovered this and that is when i have worship and ain't nobody around as much as i love our praise team because they're the best as much as i love our choir they're the best as much as i love hearing a word from great preachers oh my god but here it is sometimes i can have private worship myself not a praise team around not a preacher around except for me but i get my praise on anyhow because of the fact that to praise god all you need is a memory because if you have a memory about what god has done if you have a mind that thinks about god then you will be able here's your shout right here to get your worship on right by yourself you need praise here's what you do make sure that you have a good memory i got a memory because my memory says when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul shouts hella i've got a memory my memory says for every mountain you brought me over for every trial you've seen me through for every blessing hallelujah for this i give you i got me a memory through many dangers toils and snares i have already come it was grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me on i've got a memory that says if it had not been for the lord on messiah where would i be is there anybody tuned in right now who says that's where i get my praise from i get my praise from my memory i remember how god brought me over i remember how god opened up doors i did not go i remember what god has done for me i've got a good memory he says he says remember the lord remember adonai that's the word there for lord adonai the sovereign god i know you got haters coming for you but remember adonai the sovereign lord remember adonai oh my god i'm getting too happy let me see if i can bring it down and give you my last piece because my last piece is what really gets to me he says remember the lord and then come out swinging he says fight for your children fight for your wives fight for your husbands fight for those around you you have something to fight for and that's what god does god gives us something to fight for and y'all when i get discouraged and i ain't gonna lie i get discouraged sometimes and it seems like it's too much but then i look at my little daughter and i recognize i got something to fight for when i see our children going to school and catching hell i know i've got something to fight for when i see people being exploited by the payday and cars had a long industry i've got something to fight for when i see state legislatures trying to suppress our vote i've got something to fight for i remember the lord but then i come out swinging it and oh once i come out swinging i got a word for you you don't want no smoke i got the smoke i'm bringing the smoke i'm bringing the smoke in the name of those who brought smoke in our history thank you for bringing the smoke harriet tubman harriet tubman blocked the smoke and she conducted passengers on the underground railroad and then built a community there in auburn new york because she brought the smoke thank god for frederick douglass he spoke about the smoke with elegant eloquence thank god for i to be whales because she used her pen as a sword to cut down the lynching ropes of the south and she brought the smoke i'm glad for those who brought the smoke like w.e.b du bois and paul roberson zora neal hurston and rosa parks they all brought the smoke but oh ella baker brought the smoke and organized for it martin king brought the smoke and died for it malcolm x brought the smoke by any means necessary tamika mallory is bringing the smoke because here's what she said at the end of that wonderful post she said after all when i feel like it's all too much then she said but i wake up in the morning knowing that god woke me up that god is on my side and i'm ready to bring the smoke is there anybody out there who can say yes it's too much for me but it's just right for god since it's just right for god i'ma do what i can and watch god do what i can and when god does what i can i'll say with my ancestors sometimes i feel discouraged i think my work's in vain but then the holy spirit revives my soul again there is a bomb in gilead to heal the sin sick so there is a bomb in gilead to make the wounded y'all i'm bringing the smoke y'all i got the smoke all the smoke i got all the smoke because if god is for me who can be against me i got all the smoke because no weapon formed against me is going to prosper i've got all the smoke because i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i've got all the smoke because he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies i've got all the smoke because god is good i've got all the smoke because the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid i've got all the smoke because the lord is on the throne i've got all the smoke because god is my refuge and strength a very present help in the time of trouble i've got to smoke because i've seen the lightning flash i've heard the thunder roll i felt sin breakers dash trying to conquer my soul but i heard hey i heard the voice of jesus telling me freddie fight on he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone hallelujah i don't know about you i want all the smoke
Channel: Frederick Haynes
Views: 3,046
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: FDH, Ministry, Dr. Haynes, Dr. Freddy Haynes, Dr. Frederick Haynes, FWBC, Friendship, West, Baptist, Church, Friendship West, Preacher, Dallas, Christian, Freddy Haynes
Id: qa4Wi_agA2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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