CBC: Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes III "Free to Shine While Haters Throw Shade"

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[Music] [Music] opens door can I see she does I'm about to swish myself happy since y'all not filling me yet and so look what Jesus says to this woman Jesus says to this woman woman you are set free from your infirmity Jesus speaks it to her before it happens to her she gets the word in her spirit before it heals her body because freedom has to come from the inside out and not from the outside in [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen shall we pray God we thank you and praise you that you are the source of our strength you are the strength of our lives and for that we give you total praise you are God and you are so good you are faithful you are merciful you are gracious you're the source of our strength and the strength of our lives so we can't give you half praise we have to give your total frames you are God and you are so good and now god we thank you for keeping us all day for bringing us safely via traveling mercy to this sacred space so we could experience your presence praise your name and yes hear from you in God you know what we're dealing with what we're going through what we're up against how we feel where we need to grow God we need a word from you we need to hear from you we don't hear from you what shall we do so please God remove any distractions that may divert our attention don't let me or anything in me or about me get in the way of what you are up to and what you want to say and accomplish through me hide me behind the cross and help us to see Jesus and we'll give you all glory and honor so stand in my body take over my mind and think your thoughts take my mouth now and speak and give power to your word bless your word and give such power to your word that none of us leave here the same way we can give such power to your word that you revive us a game village heart with your love may each soul be rekindled with fire from above hallelujah dime the glory hallelujah our man hallelujah dime the glory God revive us a game in Jesus name we thank you and praise you amen and hallelujah what a mighty God we serve our God is good God is indeed the source of our strength and the strength of our lives we praise God for the praise team assuring us into the very presence of Almighty God for god inhabits of the praises of god's people to gain on Peacock proud and honeymoon happy to be here in the apple especially at the Calvary Church in Jamaica Queens pastored so brilliantly and capably by the incomparable dr. Victor T Hall my homey from Dallas Dallas Cowboy fan and all-around great man a man Vic they didn't really Hollow when I said Dallas Cowboy fans so I don't know what's up with that but I will pray for y'all anyhow but it's good to see and greet each and every one of you I'd do it with the love of the Lord and the joy of Jesus Christ again I think pastor Hall for so graciously and kindly allowing me the privilege to come and share with you during these days of renewal and revival pastor Hall is a big ball and shot caller homiletically and so he knows all of the homiletic Alevi weights in the world and could invite any of them and yet he settles for me because the friendship and so I thank God for his friendship his big heart and allowing me to come and share with you it's always exciting and energizing for me to spend Holy Week here in New York with Calvary so thank you so much for this privilege and again I I salute past the hall for being who he is not just a great preacher but a good man with a good heart and that's the beautiful thing I think it was dr. Howard Thurman who labeled his own autobiography with head and heart and I love that because that explains in a very real sense the essence of dr. Vicktor T Hall he loves God with head and heart he has a heart of compassion and love but he also is astoundingly brilliant and so I thank God for him thank God for again his amazing family Queen Marvel ahall and my beautiful God shield Rinnai thank God for each and every one of them now I gotta say this the office manager here at Calvary told me to share this with you okay so this is from the office manager the office manager called me up and said daddy have you seen mommy I said no I said Albany where where is mommy where did she land a date she said New York I said so who lives in New York she says aren't Marvella I said so no I have not seen her and so I'm just privileged now my wife landed at two o'clock today and this is it's eight o'clock and I'm just now seeing her so good to see you dev what a blessing it is to see my last and up dev I just want everybody to see you because I'm just now seeing you and the office manager told me to say all of that the office manager for Calvary said be sure and give that to mommy or that you haven't seen her because Marvel is in town and that's but here's the deal when when Marvel comes to Dallas same thing Abby says where's mommy who's here okay so that's what's up so I'm glad to see I'm glad to see my wife Thank You Marv thank you so much I appreciate it good to see you dead where is the office manager she I'm looking for the off the office manager in here hmm have to do have to dock her some money all right praying for the office manager no she she went to go clean up her apartment in case we went to see her tonight so I had to oh boy I'm telling everything I got I got the Victor hall the spirit of Victor just came all on me I'm glad to see pastor Patrick Henry young in the house that's my son in the ministry and home I'm well pleased glad to see you my brother I want to call your attention tonight to a passage of Scripture found in the Gospel according to Luke Luke chapter 13 beginning at the tenth verse we find the words of our text for this message Luke chapter 13 beginning at verse 10 from the New International Version translation of the Greek New Testament here now the living word of God on a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogue's and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years she was bent over and could not straighten up at all when Jesus saw her he called her forward and said her woman you are set free from your infirmity then he put his hands on her and immediately she straightened up and praised God indignant because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath synagogue ruler said to the people there are six days for work so come and be healed on those days not on the Sabbath the Lord answered him you hypocrites doesn't each of you on the Sabbath untie your ox or donkey from the stall and lead it out to give it water then should not this woman a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years be set free on the Sabbath date from what bounder when he said this all his opponents were humiliated but the people were delighted with all the wonderful things that he was doing on the protagonist text and for a few moments with your prayers I want to talk about free to shine while haters throw shade free to shine while haters throw shade there are some shady people in this world shady people can't stand for you to shine and so they throw shade on your shine some people are so small that they don't feel tall unless they cut you down in a real sense you have some sick people who can't stand to see someone else healthy why because there are some shady people in this world my sisters and brothers fannie lou hamer illustrates this idea powerfully i believe the date is june 9th 1963 and fannie lou hamer had returned from south carolina where she was in attendance and had served as a speaker during the citizenship education project or program that was sponsored by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference it was held on the East Coast in South Carolina and during this citizenship education project or program their objective was twofold on one hand their objective was to ensure that the people of the south whose skin had been kissed by nature Sun would find themselves and liberated from being programmed by James and Jim and Jane crow apartheid as a consequence of all that they had experienced that said to them they were nobody the citizenship education project or program reinforced in them a sense of somebody reinforce within them a sense of somebody Necedah defining themselves for themselves I like that because Audrey Lord says that you have to define yourself for yourself or you will be crushed into the fantasies of others and so here they are my sisters and brothers they're in South Carolina they are flushing from their system all of the negative programming that has come with being black in these yet to be United States of America to use the language of Maya Angelou and as they are flushing racism and white supremacy out of their system they are redefining themselves but they are redefining themselves in order to see themselves here it is as agents of social change it's not enough for you watch this to experience your own liberation but none of us are free until all of us are free and so Vincent Harding raised the question do you want to be free or do you want everyone to be free that is what Fannie Lou Hamer experienced and was exposed to during the Southern Christian Leadership Conference assess citizenship education project or program and she was noted for her leadership so much so that septum--ah Clark decided that Fannie Lou would be a leader of that program Fannie Lou and her crew now head back to Mississippi and once they get to Mississippi here is what went down they are stopped their bus is stopped in Wynonna Mississippi and when their bus was stopped checked out what happened they were arrested and taken to Wynonna jail and according to the testimony of fannie lou hamer one by one they were beaten severely by the vicious racist white jailers it was Fannie Lou's turn and by the time was her turn the white jailers were too tired from beating the others and so they brought in some black inmates and told them that they were to beat fannie lou or they would suffer themselves and so their Fannie Lou is in what was known as the bull pen in a Wynonna Jail and she is being beaten severely by black men inmates in the prison who were not free to stand up for her free to stand up for their rights and so they beat her severely they beat her for 30 minutes consecutively until she passed out in the process of being beaten her dress blew up and trying to preserve her dignity she put her dress down which angered the white jailers they pulled her dress up and then they began to sexually assault her imagine that the indignity of it all she is being assaulted and she's being abused she's beaten so severely that she testified her skin was as hard as steel her skin had turned the color of purple and Vienna to make matters worse they burst a vessel in her eye and it caused her to experience my sisters and brothers temporary blindness I'm not even done because Fannie Lou further testified that her finger was broken she testified that she was in such severe pain that when she came to watch what happened she could not move get the metaphor Fannie Lou is in jail and she's in pain she's in jail in that she cannot do anything beyond what of the say she can do but not only that she is a prisoner who is in pain so here she is a pen prisoner but she's also in pain and the pain reinforces the internal incarceration that she finds herself experiencing I'm not even done because you understand that the real pain was not during the beating but the lingering after-effects it was what happened afterward that she had to live with and for years she lived with the evidence of what had happened while she was in jail don't forget the metaphor she's in jail but she's also incarcerated she's in jail but she's also in pain and suffering from the lingering after-effects I hang out here homolytically because of my sisters and brothers if all of us are honest something happened to us back Vienna that we are living in the after-effects with right now it happened back then but it still haunts us and handcuffs us even right now and as a consequence we know something about anger and anxiety guilt we know something about shame and trauma all of that is reflective don't miss this of something that happened back then that has left us incarcerated even right now is that not my sisters and brothers metaphorically a segue into what is happening in our scripture because the Bible lets us know that there is a woman who for eighteen years has been bent double evidently 18 years ago something had happened that had left her broken and bent something had happened that was evil Jesus said it was a spirit an evil spirit that had attacked her 18 years ago and now for 18 years she's been living with the lingering after-effects of an evil that had occurred to her 18 years prior apart here parenthetically because it happens does it not my sister someone is looking at me right now I'm in your kool-aid I've called out your flavor because if you let me keep it 100 it happened back then and guess what it still haunts and handcuffs you even right now back then you were violated physically and as a consequence of that violation at handcuffs Anna and Hodja even right now I'm still not coming through you were told you never would amount to anything and you spent your life trying to prove that person wrong or were slipping down to their expectations it happened back then but you're living with it right now that's what's happening in our passage but the beautiful thing is that the cinnamon colored Christ our Savior skinned Savior from the streets has shown up in the synagogue and the book lets us know that when Jesus shows up he shows up with the track record of making a difference show mister chef I'm talking about Jesus Jesus the penniless peasant who had become the Pied Piper for the impoverished I'm talking about Jesus the great physician who seals as as a healer was so powerful that those with pre-existing conditions receive free health care and healing and they didn't have to pay the premium I'm talking about Jesus whose culinary skills were supernaturally empowered so much so we took the two-piece and five biscuits and multiplied them and we had a pop up banquet in the wilderness for the whole community I'm talking about Jesus who as the lord of life was able to stop a funeral procession of sorrow and grief and transform it into a festive family reunion I'm talking about Jesus who did not have an optimal logical degree and yet he could open up the eyes of those who apply Jesus who majored in ministry to those who are on the margins specialized and here's your shout right here and always going to the back of the line of significance and status and providing an upgrade to those who were left behind and down and out and here's where you missed your shout because if you're not careful you will leave this miracle simply in the realm of biomedical and shared my yourselves you've got to put the text back in its context because text out of context become a pretext that con people which retains I'm doing the best I can and so check out what happened shared Meyer says when the original audience hears this message of what Jesus did they don't simply stick with a biomedical miracle of impossibility but they recall the fact that this woman because of her medical condition because of her crippling because she was been double the book lets us know that she was a she was socially here it is dis valued that's what my yourself socially dismally you'd an Eddie Glaude jr. of Princeton University african-american studies says the problem for black people in this country is that we have been victimized by what he calls the value gap I gotta stop right there a value gap in that black lives don't matter as much as white lives y'all should be helping me along through here I guess you need some evidence let me see if I can give it to you do you not know that John Adams one of the founders of our republic whose signature is on the Constitution and Declaration of Independence say it to King George we're not going to let you us like Negroes recognizing how they were treating know mistreating us and dissing us because in the founding of the country there was a value gap I'm reaching y'all still not getting it and so when they wrote the Constitution how did they define us they did not label us whole people but three-fifths of an individual there's a value gap in this country I know what you're saying that's way back then Freddie Haynes it ain't happening right now well I gotta keep it 100 because y'all know it's happening right now how do I know does it not blow your mind that since the opioid crisis has hit but all of a sudden but you're saying that when people are addicted to these painkillers but guess what it's a public health crisis and they deserve to be treated and y'all I think that's right but where was that sentiment in the 80's and 90's when they flooded our communities with crack cocaine instead of treatment they criminalize us and as a consequence mass incarceration was feared by criminal injustice breech Freddy I'm doing that thing I'm not even done if I think God for the kids in parkland Florida because the kids in parkland Florida recognize in this country I'm about to shout you the economy of the gun overrules the effect of the bullet I'm gonna do that one more time because have you ever wondered why it is but after we had kids killed in a Connecticut kids killed in Colorado and kids killed all over the country and yet they will not pass a meaningful gun legislation it's because the economy of the gunner is more important than the effect of the bullet I'm not coming through yet and so you understand the kids in parkland Florida when they have their press conference on purpose they say it black community have been suffering from gun violence long before it came to Parkland but you ignored them and this past Saturday an 11-year old girl got up and stood before the country and said I'm going to speak on behalf of all of those black bodied women who never will make the headlines of the newspaper why because there's a value gap in this nation y'all still feel like Dell ain't feelin me I gotta help you right here go to your job and some of y'all have worked on your job a long time as a matter of fact you trained someone and now you report to the very one that you're trained because there's a value gap in this country black folk are not valued as much as white folk black at the bottom but all glory to his name Jesus comes along and goes to the back of the line and says to everyone victimized by the value get let me upgrade you I thought I had some queen bee folk in here because Beyonce said when I love on you I'm gonna grade you you may have gotten with me in coach but once you kick it with me I'm the upgrade sure will Queen be as bad as you are you didn't die for my sense and so as even their Beyonce may upgrade sure is there anybody here who knows that what you hook up with Jesus that's when you get operated operated you're the light of the world upgraded you're a child of the King do I have some upgraded Saints in the house here it is well since you've been or upgraded if God has upgraded you to first-class why you picking it with coach people preach Freddy I think I'm reaching y'all just miss your shout right there but here's the good news the good news is that Jesus approached this woman but I love this woman there's something I love it womanish about this woman that's what woman is scholars would say she's real woman ish why do I say that because she has the anointed audacity to be living with this problem for 18 years and yet she still shows up for worship you missed your shout right there she shows up for worship now let's keep it 100 if you had been bent double for 18 minutes you may show up for church on Sunday maybe 18 hours you'd show up but what about 18 days you prayed and ain't nothing changed what about 18 weeks you pray but you still have the same situation what about 18 months you pray but nothing has changed no y'all 18 years she's been bent double but she shows up for worship anyhow and y'all it don don't mean that's the real test of your faith the test of your faith is when players don't get answered the way you'll want them to but you still loving God anyhow do I have some anyhow Saints who can testify with the old folk if the Lord don't do anything else for me he's already Donna enough and so y'all the Texas for 18 years been double but she shows up for worship anyhow whoo I love that right there cuz some of us don't show up if it rain some of us don't show up if the weather ain't right but she shows up for worship anyhow because she recognizes God is worthy of worship if it rains if it don't rain God is worthy of worship because God is God you're not feeling me are you because I guess in capitalist America we reduce God to a slot machine where the only time we praise God is if we hit the jackpot but God says I'm not your spiritual slot machine your sanctimonious Santa Clause I'm God all by myself and sometimes I need to know do you love me for me sometimes I need to know what the devil asked God about Joba will a man a woman solve God for nothing oh all went quiet on that one because it's easy to praise God when you were upright and all is going well in your world it's easy to praise God when you have food in the refrigerator or in a job that you enjoy going to it's easy to praise God as if long as everything is good but can you praise God when you're not up can you praise God and say with the Apostle Paul I know how to be up I know how to be down I know how to be hungry I know how to before I can't do all things through Christ who strengthens me okay I ain't coming through let me help you with this I was in Florida recently and what tripped me out was this sign you may not be familiar with this but but go with the flow okay the sign was an advertisement for Bermuda grass Bermuda grass that that's kind of a Texas Southern thing okay so so google it or ask your neighbor who's from the south about it okay but when you check out this sign the sign said of Bermuda glass here comes your shout the sign said Bermuda grass grows in a drought okay the sign said Bermuda grass here it is is drought resistant meaning Bermuda grass is not dependent upon the weather in order to be what it was me to be but muta grass says I don't care how the climate is I'm gonna be what I'm supposed to be regardless of the weather I wish I had a Bermuda class but you know glass believer who has made up your mind if it rains go praise God if it doesn't rain I'm gonna praise God because I have a drought-resistant faith and when you have a drought-resistant faith you never know you show up in the synagogue show up for worship and God will show up and that will be the day we're instead of breaking down you'll experience God's liberating breakthrough here's what happened I love the text the text says when God blesses you with a liberating breakthrough it's rooted and here's the first shout right here it's rooted in the fact that Jesus wants you to be woke to who you should be in spite of your predicament of non-being you - yeah Jesus wants to awaken you to your possibilities in spite of your present predicament I'm still not coming through my favorite zero of all time is Harriet Tubman and Harriet Tubman was cold because Harriet said this this messed me up Harriet said true freedom begins the day that you look beyond everything that you can see and believe in something better ain't that good right there I guess y'all not remembering the context Harriet is enslaved and Wow enslaved she said she was free before she exists were before she exited to head up north because freedom according to the late Adam Clayton Powell jr. is an it is an internal achievement before it's an external adjustment and if you're not careful you'll wait for an external adjustment but never have the internal achievement and not experience the freedom that God has in store y'all still missing your shelf I'm simply trying to say Harriet says freedom begins the moment that you believe beyond what you see and believe in something better and she did that Rowling's slave how do I know because her timoni is that Harriet and here's your shout right here got between a runaway and the overseer the overseer hurls an iron object in the direction of the runaway it hits Harriet in the head and she passes out for the rest of her life inexplicably unexpectedly sleeping sickness would hit her and she would pass out and y'all it never got cured why because there was no Affordable Care Act that would deal with pre-existing conditions but y'all attest that next time and so Harriet would black out but one author says when she blacked out look what God was doing because Harriet's testimony was the moment she blacked out and watch it she blacked out while she was leading people from enslavement to emancipation up north ain't that jacked up she just blacked out and then she'd come to and proceed like nothing happened and the author Sarah Bradford said that Harriet testified that when she blacked out God was giving her directions where to go next where to turn next y'all missing your shelf she didn't have GPS she didn't have a map but she had God and so when everything went dark that's when she saw the light and every now and then God will let your life go dark because God uses the dark so you can see the light you didn't shout okay that really wasn't my point that was just a good thing to say my point of it is and here's the shout right here is that Harriet Tubman my sisters and brothers testified here it is that that that when she looked in the mirror while she was enslaved the the iron piece that hit her in the head it left a star the star I'm about to run in shell the scar was in the shape of a meaning she's enslaved but every day when she looked in the mirror she saw on her forehead a bowl that was free and that let her know that she was not going to be enslaved always and you can hear Harriet singing before I be a slave I'll be buried in my grave go home to my god and be free you got to be woke to your possibilities regardless of your past and your present predicament that's what God is saying to all of us today I guess I'll give it to you like this dr. a Frank Thomas was in Dallas this past weekend he he has a ph.d program at Christian Theological Seminary in black preaching the first of its kind and so we were discussing all of those in the homiletic Oh Black Hall of Fame and so of course we could not help but come and talk about William Augustus Jones and check out what the late great dr. William Augustus Jones said according to Frank Thomas William Augustus Jones declared that the chief sin of black people is a lack of black pride you're not feeling that are you because we've been taught to hate our sales and as a consequence we denigrate anything that looks like us because we have allowed the brainwashing of white supremacy to declare that what is right is right and when it's black let's get back and dr. Jones said we ought to have a sanctimonious arrogance and when you have a sanctimonious arrogance applied in your Africana t you recognize that when God made you God step back and pet it God sill on Raja istic back and God said that's good I'm gonna do that one more time the next time you look in the mirror just recognize I don't care what other folks say about you when God made you God said that's good you may have thick lips and heavy hips but God said that's good put your nappy hair God say invest Buddha God made you and God said that's good well I'm about to push myself happy since y'all not feeling me yet and so look what Jesus says to this woman Jesus says to this woman woman you are set free from your infirmity Jesus speaks it to her before it happens to her she gets the word in her spirit before it heals her body because freedom has to come from the inside out and not from the outside in ain't coming through huh uh-uh uh-uh woman you're free from your infirmity sex-ay is he then touches her with his hand and and and and here I'll show you what happened okay maybe y'all can they didn't fill me let me do it like let me do it for y'all so so she's bent double 18 years [Music] Jesus says woman you're free touches her and she rises palm not coming through here it is hideous watch this I was in I was in Miami on my way to of the Bahamas earlier this year and so we land in Miami the flight is delayed because of weather there's lightning in the area so we can't take off even though we're on the plane they're about to have us get off the plane but then the pilot says we've been clear to take off and here's what happened I'm sitting next to a young lady and the young lady I'm sitting next to has to be eight nine years old and sitting next to her here's what happened it blew my mind and made me shout I had to pass it on to you because she is very disgusted Eve depressed as we are sitting on the plane and ain't going nowhere don't forget what it's like to be eight nine years old knowing you want to go somewhere but now you can't and so she's seated there and she's got a head her head in her hand and she ain't feeling the delay and then all of a sudden here's what happened it's gonna run you out of here shouting here's what happened at the pit the captain came over the PA system and announced this is your captain speaking we've just been cleared to take off for Nassau Bahamas and the moment she said that he said we've been cleared to take off from Nassau Bahamas do you know that girl nearly burst out of her seat there she popped right back up and then she said yes now listen it was still raining outside but she had gotten word from the captain that we were on our way to Nassau you didn't shout imma give it to you one more time we were still in Miami and had not moved but the captain had delivered the word and the world was we were on our way to now we weren't in Nassau yet but she had just gotten the message that we were on our way to Nassau and in spite of the storm we were still in in spite of the rain that was coming down because she got award from the captain it let her know we weren't gonna be there forever may I go ahead and give you all away from the captain and this is your captain speaking if the Sun has set you free you are free indeed this is your captain speaking weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning this is your captain speaking you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free this is your captain speaking no weapon formed against your shell this is your captain speaking this is your captain speaking and at the mention of the captain speaking it should change your disposition I got a hurry on here the text goes on to shout me because the text says here it is when shady people come for you Jesus will come for them Freddie Haynes you just preach right there but somebody tweet that for me because that was real hot right there when shady people come for you you ain't gotta say nothing you ain't got to defend yourself watch Jesus come for them you didn't shout okay I gotta show you what happened Aubree you feel me don't you because Aubree wouldn't let me know here it is operatives for you right here and that is that is this woman she starts to praise God because she is moved from victim to taking a victory lap Aubry Nipsey Hussle Nipsey Hussle he Aubry is working for the church so he can't act like he knows Nipsey Hussle but Nipsey Hussle watched this is a hot hip-hop artist who was doing the doggone thing and nipsey hussle his latest piece is called what victory lap I'm loving right that right there because Nipsey Hussle has come up the hard way and been through a lot he's been to hell and back but God gave him a roundtrip ticket and as a consequence now he's taking a victory lap but when you take your victory lap you always have some folk who wanna hate on you when you take your victory lap look what the text says happens the text say is that the synagogue ruler is ticked off that the woman got healed and here's what he does he begins to talk to the crowd but not Jesus he says y'all got six days to get healed don't get healed on the Sabbath ain't that wack y'all got six days to get healed let no he is too insecure to come straight at Jesus he's passive-aggressive he's talking about Jesus without addressing Jesus because passive-aggressive insecure people they won't come for you because they dick ain't handle your plant back and so what happens is he comes for Jesus without addressing Jesus and then Jesus press back we got a clap back in twice I'm glad Jesus will clap back with my haters come for me Jesus says let him pump for you you ain't got to pay him back imma stop and give y'all time to shout the Bible says vengeance is mine saith the Lord you ain't got to pay anybody back God has already written their check and we'll handle them you think I'm making this up oh no the Bible says he prepares the tables before you in the presence of people who can't stands you I gotta give y'all the Freddie Haynes remix God will throw a blessing party in your honor but the party can't get to kick in until your haters all rest VP party over here the roof the roof the roof is on fire I knew y'all been in church all your life God will bless you in front of people that paint stands you and they came to anything about it that's why you ain't gotta paint nobody back matter of fact what you ought to do tomorrow go to some card store and and go down the greeting card section get two categories one category I'll thank you cards another category sympathy cards sin all of the cards to all of your haters that thank you card say thank you for what you did for me because if you hadn't done me wrong what you meant for evil God wouldn't have worked out for good but then make sure you send them a separate the quarter because the separate decor says I'm sorry for your loss Ayana was a and so watch this my sisters and brothers I'm trying to let everyone know right now let them come for you Jesus will plant back on them oh yeah he will clap back okay so y'all y'all didn't get the first one here's the next one Joseph was sold by his own brothers into slavery not others brothers cuz all of your skin folk ain't your kinfolk everybody your color ain't your kind folklore by your side ain't always on your side and so here's what happened Joseph gets sold into slavery by his own but they didn't know they had kicked him upstairs I'm gonna do that what I didn't even plan on saying that was good right there folk will kick you not oh and oh and the only thing they know is they kicked you what they didn't know is they kick you up and so here's Joseph 20 years later and text says his brothers are scared cuz they know he's gonna do a man and Joseph says y'all chill you meant it for evil don't read the Bible but God meant it for good y'all don't shout I talked too fast don't let me slow my roll you meant it for evil but I've been coming to Calvary a long time y'all know where I'm goin don't you but is a conjunction I didn't always know what a conjunction was tonight smart like your pastor but one Saturday morning back in the day I'm watching Schoolhouse Rock and they taught me about a conjunction conjunction junction was young y'all say that function did you and the function of a conjunction is to connect what's before with what's after and if you have the adversity of conjunction but yet however how be it it means whatever is on the front side is about to get overruled by what's on the back side and somebody has a conjunction testimony I was sick but God healed me I was down but God raised me I was broke but God supplied all my needs according to his riches in glory you meant it for evil but God that's all right there but God but God will make a way out of no way but God will open doors no one can shut but that ain't the shell the shell is but God meant it for good meant preaching for victory also I had to come correct do my homework because he's a genius so I did my homework and the word meant in Hebrew here's your shout we get our word weave from weave keep looking at me don't look to see who has one look look my way look look my way look my way you meant it for evil but God we did we did for good God worked the weave you've seen folk go to the beauty shop with a hat on but they come out went away and and and and Deb's sister my sister-in-law patty told me this and it blew my mind this happened true story in Detroit the sister I was waiting for the bus in Detroit and she got shot in the head shot in the head fell down got back up and she's okay because the bullet got stuck there's power in the way and the power in the weave allowed her to bounce back when she could have been taken out and that's what Joseph was saying Joseph said y'all thought you were taking me out but I bounced back because God is unbelievable and since God is unbelievable you meant it for evil God weaved it for good is there anybody here you should have been down you should have stayed down but you bounced back up because God is unbelievable when folk come for you Jesus will clap back on them I'm loving that right they have I told you all about Howard Thurman Howard Thurman are a wonderful wonderful mother lived on a county line in Florida and behind her there was this mean white woman who had a neck problem it was red and she couldn't stand the Thurman family and because she couldn't span the Thurman family every day what she would do she owned horses she would take the manure she would take the the the excrement from from that home from her yard and then flip it over into the yard of mrs. Thurman did it every day but y'all know God don't like ugly ain't too keen on pretty and she got hit with a stroke she got hit with a stroke went to the hospital her first visitor was mrs. Thurman mrs. Thurman shows up to visit her when she comes to and when she comes to she looks and sees the neighbor she's done a lot of dirt too and the neighbor she's done a lot of dirt too has flowers and so when she sees the beautiful bouquet of flowers she says mrs. Thurman it's so sweet of you to come see me as long as I've been to you as dirty as I've been to you you still are bringing me the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen but you gotta tell me where'd you get those gorgeous flowers from I've never seen flowers so gorgeous in any florists shop I haven't seen flowers that that good and mrs. Thurman said you know that manure you've been throwing in my yard I used it to fertilize my flowers and so these flowers are courtesy of the manure that you've been throwing in my come here because when you know God for yourself when other folk don't even knew it you just Botev ate what they send you and you make sure you blossom all right I've heard y'all too long let me go ahead and quit in the final analysis watch the text the text messes me up the text says that when your identity is informed by your history you can inherit your legacy and walk into your destiny I just preached in your mission Shep look what Jesus says Jesus is how y'all gonna talk about her like this you upset that she got healed but looked at your blatant hypocrisy you are so hypocritical that you will have the nerve to untie your ox or your donkey but here's a woman who's been tied up by Satan for 18 years and you hating on her there's something hypocritical about you I need to park right there because Jesus may be saying about this nation there's a whole lot of hypocrisy going on right now there's a lot of hypocrisy when you have preachers who will pray for a president whose policies then prey on people there's something mighty hypocritical about people saying they are pro-life and yet at the same time they are pradhana there's something real hypocritical my sisters and brothers about a lot of these light evangelical preachers who are more white than they are evangelical because there's nothing but hypocrisy in this democracy because you can't explain to me how the same preachers who were anti Barack Obama if Obama had just done one thing that was done by 46 and minus one can you imagine how these white preachers would be going livid and losing their mind it's because they're more white than they are Christian because of their hypocrisy and ain't said a word about what went down in Sacramento the other day they haven't said a word about what happened to Trayvon Martin they haven't said a word about Alton Sterling's murderers getting off and not being held accountable and yet they call themselves pro-life that's hypocritical well I guess but but the thing that shells me right here is that Jesus says this is a woman who's a daughter of Abraham oh you didn't show a daughter of Abraham here's a woman who in that society is a second or third class citizen but Jesus upgrades her and says she's a daughter of Abraham the one you say is the father of your faith that's his daughter right here and because that's his daughter she deserves to live healed and I've come by to talk to all of the black daughters of Abraham in the house because y'all I'm so proud of our black women brothers I think every now and then we gonna go old store because there's an old school song that says give your baby a standing ovation we ought to give our sisters a standing ovation why because it's our sisters who down in Alabama say we gonna make up our mind that there will not be a pedophile in the Senate and black women voted and as a consequence a pedophile didn't even make it over and against the endorsement of 46 minus one we ought to give our babies a standing ovation because these are daughters of Abraham know y'all the daughters of Queen in zynga y'all at daughters of queen hatshepsut y'all as if the Queen's coq10 DISA beat the epiha y'all if daughters of Sojourner Truth who declared ain't our woman y'all let daughters of harriet tubman y'all the daughters of either be whales y'all are daughters of Rosa Parks and Fannie Lou Hamer and September Clark y'all are daughters of Coretta Scott King I want to salute you my sisters because you can rise up because your daughters of Almighty God and here's her testimony she rose because she showed up at church only to discover Jesus was there and when Jesus is present you can rise now quick with this I guess I gotta testify I wasn't gonna do this but last night I was blessed one of the members came up afterwards I was talking about me and was saying such nice things about I'm this that and the other and says his Tris not because cuz you preach all that sermon without a note and just tripping out cuz ain't nothing up here and and and she was tripping and was so graciously generous with their compliments I couldn't even take it why because a it's a gift it's a gift just like handling a manuscript is a gift I can't handle a script and preach but I can read but if I'm up here I made getting lost and I'll lose my way and so I've had to learn how to preach without one but but if I tell you and let me keep it 100 my first time speaking publicly was a disaster my dad was pastor in Jerusalem Baptist Church in Palo Alto California and I was in the in the church play and my role was that of David the shepherd boy and all I had to do was recite the 23rd psalm and so I'm about eight years old and so I got to recite the 23rd psalm I won't forget what happened this is what went down Ayana I went to recite the 23rd psalm it's my turn the crowd is looking at me like y'all looking at me but I'm eight years old and y'all win the was looking at me like y'all looking at me I forgot the first word of the 23rd psalm which is the and because I forgot the first word I couldn't get to the second third or fourth word and I ended up standing up there tears welled up in my eyes I began to cry I then turned to run off the stage running off the stage I stumbled and I failed that's one thing to stand up there and mess up your speech but then when you run off the stage you fall but look how good god is my daddy was the pastor of the church and he was standing off stage and when daddy saw me running toward the off off stage daddy went to me so when I stumbled I didn't hit the ground I fell into his arms y'all miss just shout right there I was embarrassed and I ran off the stage I stumbled but when I stumbled I didn't fall all the way down because I fell into his arms I guess I got to give you all the text and now unto Him who is able to keep you from y'all about to catch this thing and so my daddy called me and he not only caught me he picked me up in his strong arms and carried me off stage and I said daddy I'm ready to go home he said no son you ain't going home you gonna recite this song but I know you know and I said no daddy I can't do it in front of all of them people I can only do it at home no son you gonna do it you are Frederick Douglass Haynes a third you my son and you don't go out there and recite that song I said Eddie I can't he said well guess what you gonna do it and I'm gonna be right there with you in the next scene i'ma tell the director we gonna do your part and this time when you go out I'm gonna be behind that prompt on the stage that is made into a cardboard tree they won't be able to see me but you don't know I'm there and y'all that's what happened I went back in the next scene when I went back in the next scene what they didn't know when the curtain went up that my daddy was standing right behind the cardboard tree and my daddy then said son repeat after me the Lord is my shepherd and y'all once I saw how this thing was don't go I got some confidence I say it the Lord is my shepherd and once I said that my daddy then messed me up by saying he makes me lie down in green pastures I'm feeling that thing I went he makes me to lie down in green pastures and y'all by now the crowd is going bananas why because the pastor's kid who had just blown it the same before had come back with the fury was killing it in these streets and when they saw his son killing it in these streets what they didn't know is I would not there by myself but right there where they couldn't see on the stage beside me was my daddy giving me my lines what y'all don't know when I stand up at Calvary I ain't standing here by myself I've got my heavenly daddy standing with me and my daddy is telling me what to say so y'all going to work tomorrow and when them haters start to actin a fool just let your daddy give you your lines I've seen the lightning flash I'm hold the thunder roll I fill sin breakers - I'm trying to talk to my soul but I heard the voice of Jesus telling me still to fight onna he promise never to leave me never to leave me alone no never alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Calvary Baptist Church Jamaica, NY
Views: 24,461
Rating: 4.7021275 out of 5
Keywords: Holy Spirit, Revival, Calvary Baptist Church, Jamaica New York, Holy Week, the cross, Freddy Haynes, Worship, Jesus, Savior, Shine, Haters, the Bible, Blessing, Renewal, Church, Easter, Gospel, Harriet Tubman, Freedom, Free
Id: vXLcWkZghF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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