HOI4 Old World Blues - NCR #1 - Nostalgia

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g'day mates and welcome to something that always rather up up they've done the thing again I've just noticed clever bastards welcome to old world blues children of the apocalypse the fallout mod 44 it's really good I didn't touch it at first because I thought it was the old one and if any of you recall I think I might have played it at some point actually the old one was really bad I don't know those the same people I hope not well maybe I do because if so they've improved but yeah I'm actually give this go cuz I feel like playing something a little different old world blues atomic fire scorched the earth in the Year 2077 and humanity is yet to fully recover desperate struggles erupted across North America as the same fight for their lives against aught of insane in deprave the Raiders monolithic giant such as the new California Republic and Caesar's Legion seek to expand their grasp while the technocratic and secretive brother of Steel scale the ruins others forget despite all the chaos one thing remains certain war war never changes so let's just have a look at the map one thing to say is I [ __ ] love how many people are like sort of standing out here and although we look at those few things I'm a bit weird on obviously there's all the Canadians who are weirdly started out like the dredges here with our old Pete yeah we were obviously are the best nation the gamed is obviously new Victorian there's a lot of weird [ __ ] that doesn't actually exist in the game but there's a bunch of obviously cool people and there's one thing I'm gonna do a little video and over here but we'll talk about that later so I thought the Triads oh hang on oh yeah does this weird bug where people seem to be leading other factions just ignore that but also weirdly enough the the desert ranges who are the NCR's special forces have taken over here it's like if the Navy SEALs just sort of owned Hawaii it's a little bit confusing but anyway we'll be playing is the NCR let's actually get into we can start showing off what the games about it's apparently pretty well made so apparently why so apparently I've played it apparently the fractions rather pretty all made like you can actually play a game and it's challenging without being too too easy or too hard I say that because I've only ladies new vegas so far and new vegas is very very strong they have a little little focus you can do that gives them a lot of very overpowered units bill you can see there's a few kind of cool things here it's done the similar thing to the game of thrones mob where the inland rivers are actually seized i believe the game of thrones mod did this only in a few places though so you can see like there's a port in reading obviously new resources focus trees everywhere even the default focus tree is very impressive i did want to give NCR a go though and we have obviously i think one of the biggest armies if not for caesar's legion how many they got a eighteen to forty six or as we have 32 alright so we got near on comparable but manpower of course is very low we actually have more than him currently and oh we're currently undisturbed isolation however oh boy alright so let's get to this as the player old world blues NCR combined campaign anything early game may seem overly easy for the conquests and trials the NCR facing the only game before facing the legion this is due to the timing and sequencing with the AI who should even struggle with some of the base conquests at times enhancing these nations with which will be on the warpath may in fact provide a much more enjoyable campaign as NCR without providing news on the NCR zone power it is therefore recommended that you enable the following option if you have any substantial high4 experience whatsoever I'm aware there are thanks no no alright um whoa whoa I'm not gonna hit the bull because I want actually like a fair fight only one enhance the others so we can get to see everyone else being that's really strong wow see I I'm never a fan of buffs like this essentially in games my my experience with games is basically soak my sort of preferred way for a game to be balanced is if the enemy has a gun that is better than mine I want to be able to get that gun and that's why I don't like this so if the if you give them a gun that does twice the damage that my gun does that's fine by me as long as I can eventually get that gun or kill them and take that gun or upgrade my gun to be as good as their gun the problem comes when their gun is twice as good as mine and there is no physical way for me to get that gun that they have that's when it feels like just AI cheating and that's what hearts of mine does a lot it's like I hate mods where the the black I say [ __ ] hate black ice it's like oh yeah the AI just gets 50% increase to building any armored units like all I physically can never get that there is nothing even close or comparable all of the AI just get that for free I'm always just gonna disadvantage I'm always just gonna have 50% less mechanized students than their which sucks like it's stupid it's not fair and so I I don't like this but I'm gonna do it anyway because I figure it'll be more fun because I the way that will probably steamroll it there is something that I'm going to I already know there's something that happens later on a little invasion of sorts that will generally [ __ ] things up so I'm hoping that's gonna make things nice and fun and by the way who does want to play a [ __ ] double-headed bear this is amazing I really like this let's let's go so this is fun the the actual the first part of the focus tree is seven days four times and it gives you a bunch of choices to sort of change your nation I really like this a really really nice starting thing among the stoical records remember figures who stand out who will be the most celebrated in propaganda or an education so who stand out who appear on the most important piece of currencies be mentioned in speeches and standard buggers above as the figurehead of the NCR so this is like just propaganda choices the technology in this game is very weird basically you go through tribal civilized advanced and then unique areas so I can't actually get unique gear yet because I'm not advanced or I'm not you know I don't have scavenged power armor but I could get super mutant clubs for some reason I don't really want those you can actually go down melee weapons as like your tech or you can go down guns we're get obviously going new being the NCR of course we're gonna go down the standard service rifle so you know we'll get to get range agir eventually screw energy weapons what's the actual difference here one's cheaper but has significantly more soft attack well also more reliable I'm kind of surprising to him like more piercing maybe or like maybe these have like less heart attack or something or maybe these be like more heart attack and piercing and these more soft attack I don't know I just feel like guns are just the worst choice but I'm gonna make the choice anyway I'm I'm aware of it I'm a good old roll player here you know come on now I'm Danny we have Special Forces we can go for different training which gives us Special Forces organizing organization plus a zero oh oh I see whoa it gives you huge bonuses god [ __ ] dead it oh my god we have to we have to go down there and just get a bunch of uh stuff yeah you can go down here obviously NCR riot suppression armor look let's let's get some trained for a special we have special forces don't we what's they look at our Army's yeah oh wait oh my god please tell me one of them no where's my new kill away no line you [ __ ] hey sir most harbors Lynch agent alright fine whatever look let's uh I feel like the Rangers have like the Rangers are actually fully made up of Special Forces but I don't really have that many on my own yeah I only have one as far as I can see alright let's just bring all my boys together shall we and we got three companies or I'm get I'm definitely like build more companies of Rangers let's get huge chief Hanlon turned into a field marshal will probably use generals as well because having ever and the wire isn't a great idea but we're gonna call this one the NCR and no no no no we're gonna he'll is on the sweet mmm I kinda want to go like a nuclear winter joke but also let's let's just go for like oh of course the two-headed bear lovely and when it call this California Gurls of course can you girls so radioactive it alright perfect that'll do I don't actually wanted like practice with anyone cuz I'm afraid that'll burn through my manpower outposts are the forts there is also bunkers so you can go even high you have super super like entrenched areas which seems a little overpowered but this is three thousand five hundred per bunker and outposts are even stronger than regular forts so it feels like if you can like defend a line you can lay so if you can build forts on a line rather you can defend it really easy do we have any sort of we do have a naval bases good let's just get some cheeses where is where is like any infrastructure Oh God down here perfect we're just gonna boost some infrastructure around here like get it up to a lot of reasonable levels here we go not done it Kuwait can we even access this area hang on a second I realized is it anyway I don't think there is oh my god we act oh no it's all all this whole thing's impossible ah how cuz Mountain isn't it nice alright cool let's go we've got basic firearms as our weapons we don't need basic let's look at okay let's look what a what our troops into I don't always like these because you have to look like I came for tripping 25 what do you guys need infant equipment 50 ng tanks 422 anti-tank super company in support and motorized and we need support okay motorized divisions obviously motorized and support and you guys just have everything right cool let's figure it out from that so we're gonna go where are we you know I like settled he's crap up on the way back cuz he's pretty uninteresting like once like actually figuring out what I need alright welcome back so let's see what we've got set up here we've got firearms being set up obviously we've got support equipment scrap trucks crap motorcycles anti-tank and pipe machineguns now I'm starting on those because those sort of work like artillery in this mod as you can see here they give you massive defense and a massive soft attack so we're gonna use those on some like station what I think I'm gonna do is unlike most mods since you have very limited manpower divisions in this game I feel like the best way to sort of play it is to have specific divisions so you have obviously you salt your Special Forces to attack with you have machine brigades to hold lines and then you have very rarely motorized and tanked to sort of trying it the surrounds that you can get but the low infrastructure makes movement in general just a pain in the ass so really any war you can actually infrastructure up alright here we go let's start making some choices so I'm gonna read all this because there ah you know what screw it I'm doing a campaign in this a might as well among the historical records of the NZ are there a number of figures you standard it's quintessential to the Republic yet among those is most of a yet who among those is most celebrated in propaganda and education hoosh oh wait we've all read this [ __ ] basically go our adesh who is from fallout one Seth the first Ranger it's really good oh that's really good Tanny the mother republic it was also informs giving us even like better spec ops Oh god that's really good although political power was nice their play isn't that hugely used in this so let's go Seth sure Seth so he's Tandy scheming she devote her life her ideals faded and she was faced with honest pragmatism she made a series of hard choices most of which did not necessarily earn the adoration of her people all right let's see the most notable are the water distribution act so we are they get monthly population art that's really good the NCR Draft all that's even better oh man yeah that's really good then about a trade agreement that's not amazing yeah let's go and see our draft [ __ ] yeah I mean sure my pop my it's called you you'll go down but monthly pop going ups nice but I don't think I'll ever take over 2% more population I mean in total my arm my what's my total population doesn't actually say oh wait my total manpower is 40,000 oh no they work out of eligible core populations 800,000 right so it's yeah we'll definitely go the NCR Draft [ __ ] yeah cool so it's already given me a huge boost that's actually am NCR investments the NCR development plan was one of the most hotly debated subjects in NC our political history as it called for centralization ah communists of what I'd to have been at that point a largely diverse agricultural nation debate raged for months about whether or not should even bother with plan originally decided the bill should focus on the development of a specific area of the economy by the be at the reconstruction of the roads subsidizing select local businesses or additional funding towards arms manufacturing now that's nice that's four arms workshops that's nice that's four sorry that's eight civilian workshops that's really nice to infrastructure I don't know though I feel like almost subsidizing a local business is the best choice here because infrastructure is really nice but those subsidies should build me local should building more infrastructure in the time wall tank so we're gonna go for local business subsidize local business which yeah that really boosts this up holy [ __ ] alright knowing at the last one the battle for Navarro this was when we fought the last let's go yeah we we backed up the bug Brotherhood of Steel and we fought the Enclave who are apparently out here somewhere or it necessary they were out there in the ocean somewhere that was there off offshore oil rig was their main base on the evila final assault the acting general the NCR's army Alexander Drummond received a personal visit from present herself tinny made it clear to him that the NCR could not afford a slaughter and advised him to hold back the majority of his troops during the assault meanwhile the commander the Brotherhood of Steel had already gone and improved plans with Drummond a joint attack that was dependent on the NCR providing a sizeable distraction all the while Drummond had grown increasingly to frost over the entire situation and knew that he might regain much of his lost honour it had he ordered I knew he might have regained much of his lost honour he ordered an overwhelming charge and claimed the majority of Navarro's treasure for the NCR reckless move that would save his career I think that was like he could do that or something oh he might I'll [ __ ] Christ I can't read never mind okay he pushed for an overwhelming NCR revolt either Wow lazy muskets and production cost goes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] this is why the NCR's and go for laser muskets holy [ __ ] goddamn equal assault NCR assault so the Brotherhood loves us and laser muskets and robot equipment get cheaper you know what I'm gonna take the hit he was a hero he was the bravest of us all he recklessly pushed for an overwhelming NCR assault booyah boy no all right lovely lovely lovely so I wonder can we like ally with the western Brotherhood at any point let's just look down here hang in there buddy but right before to find the capital beacon of democracy mayoral the sea bear a destroyer named the sea bear of hazing a glow oh my god I want to do that so bad baseball on the radio is there anywhere the new hardline the new heavy core Oh gives me power Dharma yes yes man I know there's probably somewhere but I'm really not sure the steel deal here we go so gives mother the baron's where all is good The Mercenaries barren unwilling to gauge a buzzer sealer so the reclaiming the land so wait is this like what is happening down here it emergently council okay I assume it's like a revolution or something I don't know like I'm trying to see if there's any way we can we can get the such a big tree Big Jim I mean the new Ranger Corps obviously I want all of this but it's like I might just be missing it I really do want to see if there's a way to get to get them under my control or at least get them like in an alliance with me because there's very few actual alliances here look we'll have a look as we go on we only have one choice right now so let's go look at the alliances real quick we obviously got caesar's legion the NCR right the brotherhood of steel who isn't actually yeah again there's no one here and then at some point the mormon alliance shows up also the Northern League who starts at war with the cause and is a choir nation with a cause all right well weird people all around let's let you get playing shall we let's go bye bye guys I'm going to start to push into the scorpions the NCR are quite nice is like the only civilized people in Fallout basically I always do enjoy the actual like people who are trying to get a to get a government going alright pushing you boys this way does it Rangers declared war on the Vipers lovely and we to put my Rangers in here in this little gap they can they can push through bravely look at this three prong push bring it on boys oh my god are they wearing oh god that looks like the em like the security guy from from a vault oh yeah vault cities around here as well somewhere I've also did more north what city there yeah how is vault city anyway oh well vault city does indeed have a what's actually not that big though hmm beside a nuclear plant right let's see yeah we're we're doing okay so we have the choice here we can go down this stuff we can expand all that stuff and got into beacon of democracy that's all just nice or boosts we can go for Wendel Peterson's war which is get all the man who's he who's he go to I assume this one ends up with oh yeah ends up at war with the Caesar's Legion we can go down the boneyard which looks to be ow yeah basically just another sort of what do you call it industry tree the Barons of NCR gives us my god look another sort of a hub crime oh nice yeah basically gives us sort of more industry and stuff and more choices mayoral victory speech who is our mayor right now is that wendell Peterson right just like sir Caesar's Legion so this is actually more events down here different things happening and then the bars are booze which is I assume do we do either choice I don't know at colonization the bar joke an insular which ended badly a conflict even now ambitious Raider gangs gather to threaten the borders right so basically this one's like I guess it I guess this one can end up going down into the emergency Council but you need it's like sort of dealing with with colonization I feel like we're gonna want to start by just going down wendell Petersons of war and then we can go down i don't know we'll see where we go Wendell big is another popular president by any means but he does have the military's loyalty working with the express goal of expanding the NCR's borders and permanently removing rate of threats Peterson has begun planning a large-scale expedition however to do this he needs the approval of Congress which means pandering to maggiore out to a major political group right here we go who do I go to I love this l oh god falling in Vegas is such a good game do I go big jim marshall here of nevada the Barons choice also we just got dogs and stuff so you know they go down basically deletes the people or the intellectuals the military's choices general Drummond which means you go down old war military which is planning and planning speed he becomes a field marshal we've done this one between military factories so that's the Baron or we can go down the draft end which means better division that's nice okay and then either way we can know we can make this issue so what do we want to do we want to go I like either old-world military or the Ranger general hmm if we weren't intellectuals would be the old world party the boneyards separatists and then the barons I think I think let's go the Ranger general yeah we want to go Rangers we'd have good divisions all right we want to have strong boys who are very strong we don't to be that numerous planning's nice but I think good divisions will be better we'll lose a bit of manpower but we'll make up for it yeah big arranged general so uh the unassuming range of Mossman de ellos choice there we go beautiful beautiful beautiful all right let's uh so here's the text me when I'm going down logistics because obviously supply in this game is horrific I'm going on reconnaissance anti-tank trained mongrels so we can get dogs healing powder and then we get actual machine-gun brigades cuz you can actually go and take support but you can get machine-gun brigades they're different things they're a difference we're also gonna go down weapon mods maybe I don't know that's six hundred days god it's also fun in the future let's just start with like planes for oh my god yes let's just start boosting our Special Forces just stupid oh no oh no no why can't I research these ah you're kidding me is this like you can only the Special Forces no apparently anyone should ever do this what game did you realize those which will have a power or something ah game game I wanted stupidly overpowered divisions all right well the mod is like an alpha game game alright let's just get some militia training game let's also get some industry training up so gonna want some of this we're working and then oral instruction lovely obviously we're gonna break away from being a undisturbed isolation as soon as possible but we can't do that just yet Wow holy shows just gonna say wasteland constant Wow oh hello old guard original country-western Brotherhood oh this this is all for Western Brotherhood right okay man scraping battle is 55% of your population holy [ __ ] Wow our Army's a really good army offense genius army defense genius okay let's just get army offense genius oh my god you can get so much the NCR is so [ __ ] strong holy [ __ ] improve draft standards obviously we're gonna want to put some there we go put some machine-gun brigades in with Aaron see our troopers here we go this is our new NC upgrade let's look soft sack up way higher defense up yeah this is this is a good choice here suppression up as well then we're gonna put dog's support okay we are gonna put medical camp company in first because that's the most important right the point Ranger general Mossman know that's obviously you get building some dogs cuz apparently we can train mongrels there's apparently a thing that we can do want to cut back on a motorized and mechanized which I assume what I don't know either way they're the same thing sort of build some more dogs build some more machine guns and build some more guns lovely and actually build more of these no template for the dogs yep most likely that correct that is let's build some more arms workshop around here once we get things done lovely this is all terrible infrastructure yeah I guess when you put one in here as well cool Oh another one yeah yeah I mean I really like this let's see whose range General Mossman what's he like whoa hello general Mossman yeah you're taking over you pretty [ __ ] alright we can either push for Colorado or open the long 15 so scorpions or we we go down Rapids exiled and we basically just an axe the air the rapids founding fought ardèche a harvey subjugation I feel we're gonna go down this one of course oh nice oh man old world wall founding the River Patrol that's kind of cool here are the mojo be mojave rather my Javy Marvy spawns two power units whoa yep going down this line as soon as we can but I feel like all this focus doesn't really do anything so I'll maybe it will do someone we actually capture it but I feel like this one's cool opening along 15 what is so I guess you had to go this way or you go north only go this way so we can go threaten new vegas sure opening the long 15 let's go let's like sure get my special forces under a general they'll do better that way got this music's very angry here we go we'll get you under lieutenant Ghorab it's sure you special [ __ ] and college boys the Special Forces lovely all right sure what do we need here is there anything reduces attrition nope nope flare guns increase reinforced right these are all actually pretty nice nothing too bad down here let's say we'll find mixtures not bad we can go down okay so what is the difference with these two scrap truck what are you I see your motorized infratry are you just like a better version of motorized I'm not entirely sure like what's the difference betwee like is there a separate thing I don't quite know that kind of annoys me go ahead scrap cars as well wasteland a pcs all [ __ ] you because these are all so far off that we can still get obviously doctrine let's go for mobile assault cuz I want that population [ __ ] yeah all right we also have a lot of bloody research holy [ __ ] now you boys hey almost makes you wish for you kid the winner right let's see what are we doing opening long 15 let's go rebuilding the long 15 as well long 15 gate 3 infrastructure the war will be over by then that'll be fine Wayne NCI Rangers hello oh no hang on you've always got to join why I'm a ranger boys here we are let's declare the war they're currently doing lightning raids no chance for it mate let's slow down a bit and off we go oh okay hold up real quick when where we can pull back where we can't holy [ __ ] holy losing this weight how is only one guy defending this our guys okay oh it's bugged oh it's bugged quick fix that [ __ ] and also surround them Oh javi base up [ __ ] hang on I was gonna say just you boys what are you doing how you boys us holding there for a moment on your way through all right go take run oval no idea we go beautiful beautiful beautiful it is it is indeed glad prison Campbell's here personally to to lead the assault nice little surround there I'm glad to see things going just as well as normal in a enhancer vine for here we go hey careful now don't waste our gear off come on moving round UT full ah what a cut off what a beautiful surround as my oh yeah my murderous has not yet made it let's just cut off them again Caesar's Legion has killed the twisted hairs let's go take Baker and that should hopefully do it man you take Landers you go for bast ow God look at how quickly the 32 percent attrition hang on what does that that's desert and very hot and also the shitty infrastructure but there we go you fall before me a minute sure the new California Republic helps the scorpions to see the true path of people make your government people and not lizard - people yeah I don't know what that is but I'm should take your territory I kind of like the idea that they are that they're like I don't know what that what that puppet government be like I wonder what the ultimate names for the different governments are like what if the new California Republic went like intellectual would it still be called the new California Republic I wonder also wow this is gonna suck for attrition long 15:17 in it ah just got twenty six up here let's just hold back our boys here for now we'll get our ranges up to here just start something got abuse Turton's but you got to be starting something clean we run jackal and mojave regions nice putting skulls on sticks an excellent piece of technology I'm glad the birth of evolved to that point reviewing the long fifteen lovey-lovey looks like just for my boys outs that are nutrition done there we go oh we can actually do both oh [ __ ] and realize another choice [ __ ] whoops let's uh let's go pushing for a lure on it real quick yeah yeah let's do that sure and we'll what take it we got here what else is there power stations purification oh yeah go bees you get water you get power and then you've got to smell trees down here and we can also go in the I get the good old haunts of mine for tech tree you know we go let's let's get these boys here just on the edge because I know I think we'll Otto an excellent but just in case just in case ease loss and algo doe knows lovely it's a lost brother city of Los Angeles and these are all geniuses let's get is there anyone that has like normally just accessor trician down but it's only an expert man still that would be really good I'm offense/defense recover right let's just oh wow genius done yeah get that attrition down holy [ __ ] we need it what do we need so far we're upgrading basic firearms we need more guns we got mutts get old mutts I love it's sues the Legion too clever weren't hanging dogs no please tell me they start with like a fuckload of dogs that make me endlessly happy tribal huts increases monthly population logging cams increases resource gain alright I like how we haven't even vented clay working yet we're firing machine guns we haven't invented clay working holy [ __ ] alright here we go oh yeah by the way I'm sorry I haven't made the joke yet I'm just gonna just yeah yep anyway so Vanek's to them yeah there we go we now get a bunch of coastal forts port our adesh fort our adesh now let's just go down the mojave subjugation lovely so we got all all this land now we now have a border with the caesar's legion as well which is a bit unfortunate also one of our towns certainly named after Kem's lovely what the [ __ ] is this what am i listening to alright let's get these boys on here and ready to invade I know it's gonna be a Tricia nee but we'll have to deal with it for just a moment we're gonna have to build the trip the infrastructure up around yeah I'll sue the dam 6 infrastructure god damn good job damn hey troll Rowlands declare war America's who the maro drink is the neutral Warren's are like you again maro drinkers yeah yeah they're just weird because they're troll Warren's are super mutants the first and Betty I think they also have a focus trees all those super mutants which is nice oh yeah we mill planes as well one of no planes I want to go planes littles and [ __ ] planes sure and also let's get some infrastructure in the long 15 here we go an offer from the Brotherhood they're willing to exchange a large number of pre-war military disks and training guides in exchange for a series of pre-war industrial machines located in our territory hmmm lexicon of tactics means land doctrine goes down Shore let's do it information is power we wouldn't we couldn't get them running anyway lovely what is this [ __ ] music I'll be honest I'm not a fan [ __ ] off much better Caesar's Legion declares war on two sons they don't love the full of music as well let's go get some good [ __ ] in it come on then to do actually here's a question there's no engineers in this are there and there are there's no way to dig in well [ __ ] me sideways we can get explosive support halima support well that's cool that's cool or heavy muskets and fall out no I just want to go play [ __ ] fallout goddamnit do what stat pseudo APCs what the [ __ ] battle wagons man we could be the octal dogs or dogs Ranger Harley Davidsons super mutant behemoths wait you can build a behemoth why does that look like it's a factory [ __ ] what that's amazing oh my god we'd also get robots in here mmm can't get securitrons as a new Vegas only but I feel like we do want to get some some robots in at least maybe now I feel like let's go like mechanized and light [ __ ] he's got some scrap trucks in here but everything just takes so long wait why might what I'm doing like did I lose a research slot I swear I had five before this uh-oh I'm going mad I'm going mad recruitable papa population nice nice nice here we go declaring war and the Raiders all right so they're not attacking me let's just rush them down all my god Novak fell in a [ __ ] day hello oh god oh god they're holding their rifles sideways that's how you know they're gangsters we're [ __ ] [ __ ] I love this song doo doo doo doo doo turning that [ __ ] up hello hug bills right what are we doing next after this the old walled sure let's just get out guys ready like [ __ ] a little bit for let's music on my a my phone I don't want to set the world on fire and what's the other song is oh god I'm blanking on it right now [Music] shot game and we've often rewound the clock yeah so that song [ __ ] how did I blank on the name so hard I [ __ ] love that song holy crap well what is extra music settings enable extra music yes what are these whoo oh [ __ ] they're awful that free music and noise enable all mm-hmm please tell me somewhere in here is what do you call it oh my god bingo bango Bungo odd I want to go the Congo oh no no no no no I don't want to leave the Congo that's right also we need to get Zeppelin's what are they wait what is it oh my god Zeppelin tell you paratroop can I get these gunships what does it take it requires to be advanced oh my god Chinese fighters what the old world war NCO Scouts for now I defined a vast structure bringing Mojave bridging Mojave and distant Colorado the Hoover Dam hold a large reservoir of drinking water and the current occupants have proven the dam is a great source of electricity thank you very much what is this song is this I swear I remember this this is M this was full it falls in it god this is such memories oh [ __ ] I'm probably gonna boot up full-out after this I'm gonna put on a bunch of mods oh that's the best way to play it putting the imperial guards and mods [ __ ] yeah alright be honest we've got we've got a super-heavy barge we actually have a super-heavy battleship for some [ __ ] reason you Vegas to Glaber on the Great Khans we have a heavy cruiser barge we have destroyers lovely lovely scrap dive bombers beautiful Salvage bomber oh my god I remember that mission the bomber in the new Vegas is so much fun but yeah the UM the dlc holy [ __ ] can i just say the dlc of a full and new vegas was amazing bloody Lonesome Road was a perfect to wrap up to the game it gave me so much story dead dead money holy [ __ ] amazing big MT was one of my least favorite everything was just super like ok I'll be honest with two things here he's my one of my favorite stories at new Vegas like big MT not my favorite interesting though what is what is this ok it's a little bit loud let's just how about how about instead we go keep a knockin which I'm pretty sure I've got an electro swing remix over on my phone anyway if this is I'm this is the song yes yeah oh my god I love this song doo doo doo de doo doo doo doo let's do the Baja blue showing anyway so Rococo tell my stories so only sorry I played it right I play bleep a big empty not the best one pretty like a lot of Units loose tanki it was it was kind of interesting very nice new place but like I know yep this is the song well keep a knockin but you can't come in keep a knockin but you can't come in come back tomorrow night and try again anyway um so I was playing what was called honest hearts which is like the caravan DLC for the game where you went into like a different sort of you should go you went it's rent here isn't it grab a territory no hang on Frisco cities it's somewhere you go to maybe it's like maybe it's like Ashton Hope no I know it's you go somewhere I can't quite remember it's like around here sort of north maybe is it the sorrows or they just part of that era I think it might be part of that area but anyway you go there and and you basically like you met with me with a caravan but you get ambushed you do want your tribal [ __ ] but fun fact during the ambush once it's over someone runs up to you and they meant to be like the person who starts the main quest like are you okay you got ambushed I shot that person because I went oh a radar um so fun fact if you shoot that person the DLC ends and instead you get an immediate quest to go and kill the main boss of the area and leave so I went like everyone in this in the DLC area was hostile to me everyone so I just killed literally everyone and it was like the whole time like what the [ __ ] is happening who with these people like and like someone walks out tunes like I'm glad you finally arrived it's time for a showdown like who the [ __ ] are you and it's like I just had to kill everyone and then I walked out I did the DLC in one quest I failed every single quest but the last one because I shot that guy that rocks up in the first thing and I was like what the [ __ ] happened here and so I was like okay I reloaded and then I played the DLC and was like oh oh there's a deal see here I just killed everyone what the [ __ ] happened it was amazing it was thought it was such a weird like glitch not really it was just cuz I kill one person suddenly the entire world was hostile to me and so I just I just had the quest to kill everyone and escape and I was like okay anyway you know what I think this is a good ending point I'll see y'all next time I [ __ ] love this game I you know what I was a little bit hesitant on how much fun the actual fighting and like roleplay would be here it's amazing this mods great someone sir haven't play so much of it I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rimmy - Downunder Gaming
Views: 217,628
Rating: 4.9318342 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, D&D, Rimmy, Downunder, Aussie, Auzzie, English, Australia, Australian, Grand, Strategy, Fallout, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, HOI, HOI4, Hearts of Iron 4, Hearts of Iron, Old World Blues, Music, Paradox, Mod, Mods, Modded, New California Republic
Id: 4oFDfQPlZIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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