Destined At Christmas (2022) | Full Movie | Shae Robins | Casey Elliott

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's cold out see one for me it's cold enough to be tempting yeah yeah it is I can't tell if it's really late or really early right now either chocolate I'll take a cup 250. [Music] there you go I got some quarters in here somewhere I accept tips if you want to round up dude thanks thank you yeah just a couple of quarters I'd still appreciate it interesting wallet Choice it makes me look like a little kid doesn't it I mean who doesn't love dinosaurs you'd be surprised but they're my favorite so you do this every year the Black Friday shopping oh no no no no if I had it my way I'd still be in my PJs so what's on your list to bring out the cold pretty much everything my niece wants my sister-in-law but guilted me into coming ah did she dangle the favorite ant title no I'm the only Aunt so so no need what about you what brought you out here well my uh my brother and his wife are watching my daughter so I can shop without her oh that's nice of them yeah her mom and I split up years ago so the extra help is always appreciated well make sure you do a good job of hiding the presents otherwise guys it'll all be for nothing well she has yet to find where I stash her gifts gym shorts for my brother does that count not really yeah on that case I still have a lot to get well make sure you prioritize what you pick up first you know based on what's most likely to sell out at least that's what my sister-in-law always tells me yeah I will ladies and gentlemen we'll be opening the store momentarily please be patient and enter the store in a nice orderly fashion thank you opening up early looks like it well good luck shopping thanks you too [Music] foreign [Music] thank you oh excuse me sorry all the stock we have is out here [Music] oh hey where did you find those this one's mine okay [Music] there you go happy holidays thank you next [Music] you're right sold out oh no what were you looking for oh it's this doll thing on my daughter's list I should have gone for that first I'm sorry hang on a second was this it yes yeah these were pretty popular this year I know here oh no no that's that's yours or for your niece I have a really long list of other gifts for her so don't worry I couldn't I take it really are you sure yes yes how much do I owe you I don't worry about it I can't not worry about it first the hot chocolate now this it's no big deal can I at least buy you breakfast there's a diner nearby that's open 24 7. all right I'm Theo Kim [Music] so my roommate would set up this tent over her bed and would like go in there and zip it up like all the time what was the reason like germaphobia agoraphobia well that's what I thought at first but no shyness turns out really thank you you bet let me know if you need anything else uh yeah yeah I guess sharing a room in college scared her but the crazy thing was is I never knew if she was in there or not there was this one night it was getting late and I was worried that she wasn't back yet and then all of a sudden she pops out of the tent it scared it up merely but you wanna know the funniest part oh don't keep me hanging she is my sister-in-law now no my brother came out to visit they totally hit it off she came out of her tent and then out of her shell surprisingly she's the most outgoing person now but the good news to put away the tent when they got engaged so no king-sized bed tent on their wedding registry no thankfully so is she the one who guilted you into coming out today the very one she's probably buying out a few other stores across town shopping is very much part of Thanksgiving weekend to her how about you what would you prefer to be doing today uh decorating my own Christmas tree maybe grading a few papers just to stay ahead of things teacher yeah but uh other than that I'd be spending time at my parents place nothing exciting really well uh I will be spending most of my weekend building the best gingerbread house possible oh your hobby or your daughters uh both last year we entered this contest of the City Art Museum and it was such a hit that she's already sketching what she wants to do this year fine that too yeah I'm sure she'll be ready to jump into it as soon as we get home but I'm really hoping I could convince her to watch a movie so I can catch up on some sleep good strategy yeah so what's your daughter like ah she's nine years old smart and she knows it creative um mischievous in a fun sort of way he makes me laugh a lot oh she's always curious well that's good depends she has a tendency to wander off yeah I've had a few heart stopping moments losing her in stores thanks for breakfast you're welcome so what else do you have on your list ornaments oh well I did break one off my mother's tree last year shameful I was helping to put everything away and I don't think she really noticed maybe you should get her a replacement well it was a dog ceramic one I think what type of dog I have no idea but this one looks close enough oh hey look this one's perfect for you I actually have that one already you would but good choice oh hang on I will get it for my niece so she will think of her aunt each year nice and for you see we should get something oh what about this one the gingerbread houses we make aren't that fancy ah but it's perfect oh you don't have to fight no no I want to that's just what my tree needs [Music] there's a jingle in the air it's the best time of the year whenever you're here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I'm ready to get out of the culture me too how about this one there's something kind of disheartening about all of this isn't there how do you mean I mean go get my wish list from the store there's no magic or thought or sincerity I see your point I'm being somewhat of a grinch aren't I oh I I think Christmas can feel like that but I guess it makes you search for ways to add the magic back in the one you do that how like traditions maybe or just spending time together my mom does insist we go see A Christmas Carol the play we go every year the weekend before Christmas see a good example oh do you hate it no I I suppose it gets me excited for the holidays but my favorite is Christmas Eve we go to this Christmas themed Village every year for the Santa send-offs have you been no oh you should it's this quaint village with all these different buildings and Christmas activities and food and of course Santa leaves and everyone cheers and waves my niece loves it it's it's well it's magical wow that sounds amazing so what else do you do besides gingerbread Creations we have some epic campouts under the Christmas tree oh Christmas stories at bedtime we do this uh 12 Days of Christmas thing where you send like a gift or a treat to somebody new each day and we serve meals at the shelter oh that's nice oh and sledding of course so what do you do if there's not enough snow ice blocking what yeah it's this thing I learned in college you buy an ice block from the grocery store put a blanket on it to sit on and then [Music] I have never heard of that before you should try it I'm sure your daughter loves it loves all of it it sounds it sounds perfect I'm sorry oh I just have one more thing on my list yeah I mean great I'll grab it real quick [Music] okay [Music] Theo this is the part where you ask her out no big deal just hey hey hey hey hey you just what would you want to go grab lunch in six more hours [Music] hey would you want to come check out my gingerbread house that sounds really sketchy [Music] Kim thank you [Music] Theo [Music] Theo Kate there's no need to panic please be careful as you're moving around sure that the power is going to be back on soon [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me sorry our our registers are down so we can't process any sales thank you for understanding oh okay Theo [Music] thank you [Music] thank you hey can someone pick up all these ads please Bill honey there's whipped cream in the fridge too all right Thanksgiving leftovers my favorite are you all hungry moms we haven't even fully digested Thanksgiving yet yeah about that shopping you did built an appetite hey they are in my car I just wanted to get you excited we beat you home oh I did take a little longer did you get everything you circled in the ads that would have included every toy for Mia and a vacuum she marked I don't think she knew what it was but it was pink it wasn't so long ago you were pouring Over All Those ads too Glenn that was Kim actually uh you had a colored marker of your own so that what you wanted didn't get mixed up with my choices I was 13. did you use a green marker this year because I see a lot of circles here enough of that you two fine oh leftover pie so pity we didn't have a larger party this year have you heard from Zach at all not since we broke up and that works for me besides aren't I special enough alone of course no babe it's not really Kim's fault he didn't want a future together of course not thank you no pretty special guy though [Music] hello where's Hunter and Clarissa sleeping oh great babysitting dude get me less presents none whatsoever who's there see you yeah morning yeah it is Ashley are you hungry I think Clarissa's gonna make pancakes Clarissa no no don't bother you're okay right Ashley it's no trouble I'm sure you're hungry besides Clarissa's sister is coming by for breakfast Sharon mm-hmm is Clarissa still trying to set me up with her oh what's so bad about that would you appreciate it if our situations were reversed actually I kind of met someone last night really that's great when are you gonna see her again I didn't get her number Theo come on hey Theo hey Clarissa how was Ashley for you an angel of course anytime you need us to babysit we're here thank you really though we mean that could be good practice for us what are you we're expecting congratulations thanks oh you're gonna have a cousin Ashley is it a girl uh we don't know yet oh that's Sharon Just Go With It Goes what nothing if it's a girl you have to name her Ashland Ashland and Ashley I'm sure Grandma wouldn't find that confusing at all oh no morning you're just in time he's how do I look great to come help me make pancakes I always burn them we'll just hold the flipper thing and look like you know what you're doing and I'll handle the rest good morning hey hey Sharon hi Theo okay time to put that away but I haven't had my time limit then save some for later today then come on oh Sharon there's some berries in the fridge how is Thanksgiving for you all always great we had a feast with my mom how is she doing oh good fine you know same as always wait did you tell Mom about the baby I did yeah sorry you're the last to know better me than her how excited was she very so Theo do we get you for Christmas this year I mean you and Ashley with our side of the family ah you know my mom would be all alone so I actually I uh invited mom to come along so I'll be together then sounds like it come in you're awake oh fairly what is all that presents for Mia and Glenn and your parents is it okay if I stash them here sure but do you really need to worry about Glenn and my parents snooping okay first of all your brother has gotten worse even me has more self-restraint and second of all we can have a huge gift wrapping party before Christmas you mean an all-nighter with eggnog and gift wrap that's exactly what I mean what are you doing I'm grading papers on the Cretaceous Period which one is that the one after Jurassic you could just wait till Monday too much to do hey did you end up getting that doll that me and wanting I yeah no peeking and yes actually gave it away Kim she really wanted that doll I can get Mia another gift on our list besides I met someone who desperately wanted one for his daughter and I felt like it was the right thing to do okay Black Friday Shoppers are the worst they're so manipulative you played right into a scheme there was no scheme he was nice and he didn't even ask I offered who is this nice man Theo they are who just Theo [Music] is it holding yeah if I don't move take another minute or so I want to make it like a fairy house okay so like Tinkerbell no like Mrs Pullman's Garden all right so garden gnomes and fairies yeah all right I will get started on an awesome Toadstool down oh and and right away oh actually I got us a little something what happened the new ornament for our tree I love it can I hold it yeah it's a quick try I got it I got it foreign [Music] okay that is it for today but fair warning your in-depth papers and sauropods are due in a week I appreciate any early papers turned in not that it'll happen but just throwing it out there all right that's it thank you thank you Dr fennek you're welcome thank you see you tomorrow I don't know why but I've always loved you in the lab coat how are you I'm good what are you doing here I wanted to see you is that really fair you broke up with me months ago and I regret it what I know what I said a few months ago but I was wrong you didn't see our relationship going anywhere I was I was scared these past few months apart I I missed you oh hang on not on the skeletons please really I thought it'd look kind of cool yes but they're you know kind of fragile thank you all right how about this could I take you out again you know start over we can't just erase the past sack well then let's pick back up where we left off do that either not there Kim please just give me another chance I have to get back to work at least have dinner with me [Music] fine okay I'll give you a call yeah [Music] no but these would look awesome stegosaurus upstairs especially not there I'll go take it down thank you [Music] I don't like this this year I put it up and I've taken it down three times it's just it's not working so don't use it you have to do a Garland okay let's buy some new Garland then nope I am determined to make do help me out here I thought I was done decorating when I left work uh let me try something how was work today fine I guess Zach came by oh Mom do not get your hopes up sorry so what do you want he wanted to I don't know start things up again I guess what'd you say I think I agreed to go on a date with him but that's wonderful but that's so sudden of him I mean I'm not surprised at all because you're amazing but how do you feel about it I'm not excited I feel more nervous because he hurt you before yeah and there's someone else there is kind of I met this guy the other night shopping oh the dog eye Theo he likes dolls what no he was shopping for his daughter think there was something between us and I I can't stop wondering about it probably just the holiday spirit Mom are you saying that because you think Zach is so wonderful he is wonderful although I do think I need to give him a Stern talking to about dumping you oh I hate that but Kim you know Zach whereas with Mr Dahl guy Theo you only had a brief time with him so you're probably remembering things in a rose-colored way yeah I guess but he was when we talked everything was so easy every word he said I drank it up he made my heart melt you know does that make sense so why don't you call him we got separated I lost him and I don't have his number I don't even know his last name [Music] you're gonna tell me to forget him are you [Music] no do you want to see him again [Music] then find him I would love that but how well you said you hung on his every word right what'd he say [Music] don't drop it I fault [Music] we've had so many entries this year I'm just amazed at everyone's creativity no kidding yeah I got it I got it well this is beautiful I can tell you worked hard on it thank you my dad helped good well this will be on display with all the other houses till New Year's and the contest the winners will be contacted December 22nd did you fill out the form so we could reach you here it is perfect well good luck then thank you wow holy smokes that's made out of pure chocolate look at that thank you ah don't trap me can I put on the cool ornaments only if I get to put on the ones you've made oh um we just made a new one in school really let's see it [Music] oh no my field trip you have to decide this permission form all right all right let's see I have to turn this in tomorrow or I can't go got it and my homework I forgot my teacher wants us to figure out what our parents want for Christmas really yeah she wants to make it a money problem for math hmm see ah a good daughter dad come on okay socks then why do you always say that because you can never have too many really I just want to be with the people I love and the answer to a math problem for that is priceless I'll tell her socks that [Music] wow it's quite the collection this year isn't it I had no idea people took these so seriously oh yes we've got kids adults and even amateur Bakers who participate do you know who made each of these we do but it's kept confidential for the judging process and people's privacy of course is there any way you could tell me if there's someone named Theo who brought in a gingerbread house that doesn't ring a bell in a name like that I think I'd remember but the winners will be announced just before Christmas you should come back then okay thank you looking good deal hey I got a message from some shop hey uh how's that Rodriguez order coming great Thomas ready for standing oh good and uh Clemens order a little behind nice so impatient and he wants it installed before Christmas do you want us to work overtime on it no I'll take care of it tonight myself all right I have my credit card [Music] man Merry Christmas thank you hi I got a call about my credit card being here Theo Hall oh yeah ah sorry buried under a pile of receipts it's been crazy I bet Christmas rush yeah thanks for keeping us safe you're welcome Merry Christmas Merry Christmas hey um I was here on Black Friday with someone and she bought one of these ornaments is there any way you can look up her name you were with her but don't know her name it's Kim something please okay nope I can't look up customer info it's all hidden I think it's part of a financial security thing right thanks anyway yep actually I'll take this one sure [Music] thank you Kim a dinosaur I love it you couldn't find something less tomboy nope and besides Mia loves an early Christmas present don't you Mia can I open up more no so how'd the gingerbread thing go not so great I I keep thinking about what we talked about and I realized that he didn't share as much as I did it makes you wonder if me looking for him is a mistake I probably bored him all night I doubt it but I'm willing to bet that you remember more than you realize here okay let's think what do you know about him well we know his name is Theo and he has a daughter he's divorced um he camps under the Christmas tree with his daughter every year oh I know and they volunteer at a shelter ah this guy's a seat okay what else he talked about his mother and his brother his sister-in-law beyond that I really did do all the talking I'm sure it's not as bad as you think yeah but I have nothing to go on there okay where'd you go together I mean we were at the shopping center on the toy store but separately oh he asked me for breakfast okay good then the ornament stand and this store we got separated in perfect how is that perfect go back to a place where you guys had breakfast ask for the waiter who served you and then ask them if they remember anything about him or if they knew who he was same with ornament stand or the last story you visited well the machines were down so people couldn't really buy anything I'm willing to bet they have security footage that's a little extreme isn't it depends on how badly you want to find Theo excuse me grab a seat wherever you want hi uh actually I'm here to talk to you I was here the morning of Black Friday sorry I don't remember anyone from my last shift much less back then right um okay uh but I I was here with this guy and I hoped maybe you recognized him maybe he's regular here describe him uh his name's Theo he's tall handsome you you actually winked at him huh uh I don't oh you two Sat over there yes he's a cutie okay so you do know him no but I won't get all the cute ones right so have you seen him here before no are you sure he knew this place maybe he's been in before but it doesn't mean it was during my shift I I guess not any way you know his last name like did he pay with his credit card oh I remember he paid cash left a good tip sorry get you anything to eat while you're here no I think so sorry I don't have any of that information thanks anyway hello sorry I I lost track of time I'll be right there even though everything you see here is from a long long time ago there is still so much for us to learn what we do here is we study the fossils of plants and animals to better understand what life was like millions of years ago yes do you get to dig up the bones I have before and I still do every so often but most of my time is spent here or in this lab yes go ahead what's your favorite my favorite dinosaur Triceratops definitely although there are other types of dinosaurs in that family with similar features they're called ceratopsians and they are pretty cool yes the T-Rex's sea walk but that's what they do but my mom says they don't [Music] um hi hi want to know my favorite dinosaur I do what is it Brachiosaurus good choice my students are writing a paper on brachiosaurus and other sauropods how can I be a paleontologist like you wow you can study in college like at this University or there are other universities with a paleontology program it's a lot of work but it's fun do you think I might be able to discover a new dinosaur maybe you never know what's still out there for us to learn have you gotten a sticker yet no here I'm on it favorite thanks doctor oh FedEx okay bye bye hey Zach hey how's your day going fine field trip day but otherwise the usual oh good you love those yeah so what's up I wanted to ask about dinner how's this weekend oh um I I already met already made submissions at your favorite place for Friday and Saturday you pick okay um Friday then perfect and then the Tin Soldier melted down to a small lump the next day the servant came and swept up the ashes and there found what remained in the shape of a small tin heart wow I don't know why you like this story it's like the most depressing one ever no the ballerina too they both get burned up or melted yeah but they love each other they do uh are you turning into a little romantic now Clarissa red Pride and Prejudice to me oh I'm so sorry oh don't be I liked it oh my okay quick tell me about your field trip we went to a dinosaur museum it's really cool there's huge huge fossils oh like a sticker nice do you think we could go sometime maybe make it like a Christmas tradition or something maybe it just doesn't seem that Christmassy I actually heard about a family who goes to see a Christmas play every year as a tradition we could maybe try that out yeah [Music] hi hi you ready to check out oh no sorry but uh I do have a strange request do you still have your security footage from the day after Thanksgiving oh you're in luck another week and these files would have been archived I wouldn't know how to find them at that point okay so what time are you here uh Before Dawn 5am oh maybe six [Music] hour before that are we here during the power outage yes um I think that may have messed up the files before and after that it worked fine but with the power going out I don't know probably surged and damaged the videos before they could really save sorry about that good luck Bill okay thanks for trying yeah oh hey in case you don't find them um I'm Dan thanks Merry Christmas Dan Merry Christmas [Music] [Applause] [Music] come in hi hi too much no these are great let me put these in a way so we can go that was the best comedy show we had such a good time together we sure did we should go to one of those again Maybe so how's work I got promoted congrats uh what are you doing now senior claims manager basically overseeing elevated Health claims helping keep claims reps in line that sort of thing good for you do you like it still work but it's a nice change for me well I'm glad I also bought a house I'm remodeling it right now but you should come see it sometime Zach that's great I I thought you loved your apartment though I wanted something more permanent when we broke up I was a little antsy all the minute I was unhappy and then I got promoted and I thought that would fix it and then I started to feel like something was missing someone and I know I was a fool but I'm humble enough to admit it and and I'm hoping that you'll forgive me exactly of course I forgive you but I met what I said before I'm not ready to pick back up where we were no no of course I get it I had to move on are you do you mean to say you're seeing someone else no okay we could look we can take it really slowly I just want us both to be happy and I think that can happen if we're together okay excuse me hi hi are you here to volunteer oh no I'm I'm actually here to find out about someone who did I don't follow here let me I have a friend who volunteers and I think it's at the shelter but I I don't know his full name your friend I know I I just was wondering if you knew him his name's Theo doesn't sound familiar to me but we get a lot of volunteers this time of year most of them aren't regulars it was a long shot if you did come here he might have signed the log the lock let's sign in over there foreign can I take a look at it go for it thank you [Music] anything no nothing thanks though well have a good night actually can I lend a hand be great foreign [Music] is almost done we are installing the cabinets next week oh perfect hey why don't we plan to check it out uh once the countertops are installed just make sure everything's okay okay would you mind closing up tomorrow I just uh have some plans sure thing thanks what plans I thought we were grabbing a bite to eat for lunch today yes talking tomorrow taking Ashley to a play I thought you didn't like Blaze I wanted to give it a shot [Music] and Kim said she goes every year no last name Kim yes still thinking about her yeah and going to the same place she might be at hopefully the same time is the best plan you have to find her well I've tried searching for teachers in the area named Kim so that seemed even more far-fetched yeah it's probably a lot of them yeah I even thought about going to schools and asking around but I can see the strange man arrested at elementary school headline now all right where are we going to eat I'm just thinking tacos always on right ah here we go Hey where's Glenn he's running late again Vicki texted 15 minutes ago and they're on the way is Zach coming I can still get another ticket no Mom he loved it last year oh here you are hey sorry were you all together yes these seats right here oh thanks for getting the tickets yeah mom what is Addy I don't feel good she looks a little green oh what's wrong my stomach hurts maybe we should take her home but to play maybe just give her a moment come here oh she feels a little warm I guess we better pass on tonight it can be a home and get her ready for bed oh no I can take her you guys have a night out is that okay Mia let me go now are you sure yeah so MIA you asked Aunt Kim to call us if you need us to come home early okay thanks guys no problem thank you looks like I have two extra tickets oh do you want me to see the box office we'll issue refund it isn't worth it Catherine I'll take care of it you settle in how's your tummy can you walk to the car all right I think so okay foreign [Music] let's get some tickets excuse me do you need tickets oh we're just waiting in line to get some well I ended up with two extra please oh really yes how much do I owe you no no I already paid for my daughter and my granddaughter had to leave so enjoy the show thank you okay thanks Merry Christmas Merry Christmas all right you're dead come on catch [Music] I like to play a lot yeah me too gonna be warm enough I think so okay did you brush your teeth yes good so Dad hmm do you think your phone welcome why do you ask Uncle Hunter and Clarissa talk about it a lot well how do you feel about it I don't know it's up to you isn't it partially but you come first I do of course well it's okay as long as she likes me well that will be very easy then because everybody um so Do You Wanna Fall in Love do you asking or Hunter and Clarissa me okay just checking well I haven't really thought about it like that but yeah I guess I do have you met anyone there is someone I'm just having a hard time finding her again you just have to occur yeah I guess I do [Music] I do [Music] hey hey I come bearing gifts not that I want to turn these down but why for taking care of me uh how is she gosh so much better good so I never got to hear about how your day with Zach went uh trying not to think about it what are you thinking about instead you could probably guess Theo you know the more I say his name the more romantic it sounds so no luck no dead ends everywhere I go honestly I I don't have much else to go on I mean what more can I do you could hire a skywriting plane yep no okay not to confuse you further but while you're trying to track down this mystery shopper man do you risk missing out on a second chance with Zach do you seriously think I should consider him no well yes if you still have feelings for him right now all I feel is awkward he asked if I forgave him and I did I do but that doesn't mean I still see a future with him yeah makes sense what would you do if you were me would you give Zach another chance or or what or ignore that crazy hope you have with someone you barely know but feel like you've known forever I mean I wish it was easier to compare me and you but with Glenn I mean he was my first love he pulled me out of my shell if it was me I would probably go back to Zach but that's just me right old shiny if I was you really you I'd hold on to hope that I'd find your Theo [Music] this looks nice hey what are you doing here we get lunch today no I mean we can but you know what's up okay uh I've been thinking what do I know about being a dad oh you're having your freak out moment did you go through this with Ashley yeah you get over it how you just read the parenting manual really you figure it out as you go you may not know everything but you make up for it by how much you love the kid and you will love him or her more than you can imagine the second you hold that baby in your arms yeah yeah what if I mess it up oh you will I don't want to that's life brother hey could Clarissa and I watch Ashley more you know practice some parenting if you realize you're having a baby not a nine-year-old please well Ashley is home from school on the break I could drop her off in the morning before I go and install these cabinets thank you okay one condition anything stop talking about my love life in front of her she has ears understood it's gonna be late after work sir no hopefully not you okay being here today yeah just ask them I'm sure Hunter can dig up a sled somewhere do you think we'll win the gingerbread contest oh I don't know honey there are a lot of good houses there already I hope so well if we don't hear in a couple days that'll be our answer good morning hey Sharon hi Theo what are you doing here oh Clarissa asked me to get the door great uh are they ready for Ashley yes come on in both of you oh thanks but I I got to get back to work okay have fun be good of course actually feel free to give him a hard time today what I forgot I love you bye Dad see you later bye Theo I think we make the baby room blue and pink that way we're just we're ready for the next one whoa let's focus on the first baby for now okay we don't have to rush we still have months let's just wait till we know what this one is well all of my friends say the due date just sneaks up on you and then suddenly you've got all the stuff to do to get ready and I really don't want that to be us Clarissa will be fine I promise what if I get sick my mom my mom had morning sickness and she said that she could hardly get out of bed for months well so far so good right we just we just we just don't know and it's not just the room okay we still need to purchase the clothes and and the stroller and uh these harnesses things and I'm not even sure like sweetie breathe okay you're gonna have you're gonna have a panic attack I know it's it's okay a lot it's okay okay [Music] oh hey hi remember me yes Brachiosaurus fan yeah my name's Ashley good to see you Ashley no school today huh um we have Christmas break oh lucky wait don't you eat Christmas break I do but today's still a work day but that's okay because I like to play with all the dinosaur bones I wish I could do that well I'm sure you could you know we do have a summer program you can just come on by and see what it's like to be a paleontologist really just tag your parents check it out on the University's website yeah so where are your parents I'm actually here with my aunt and uncle they're at the top this Let It Go ah those silly grown-ups they cut the line to sled down too huh yep so do they know you're here I'm not sure but we walk back that way just to make sure okay how's your day going good yeah that's better looks good it does hey glad you like it uh if you notice anything I missed just give me a call but everything should be in top shape excellent well any specifics in terms of like cleaning whatever yeah let me take this uh Ben can walk you through all that okay yeah so the best thing to use is just a damp rag hey what's up ah minor snag but we can't find Ashley what I'm sure she's around here somewhere we're both looking I just thought you should know where are you I'm at the sledding Park okay I'm on my way over right now yo I am so sorry I'm sure she will be fine I just heard Less Talk More searching for Ashley okay yes got it did you know crocodiles are like dinosaurs oh oh there she is you got her she's she's on her way back right now at all fine here uh sorry about the worry just make sure you don't get too close because the good thing about fossils is they don't bite anymore especially Ashley let me guess you're at an uncle yep I am so glad you're okay we've been looking everywhere for you before talking I just went to the playground you need to tell us next time we are the worst future parents ever thanks for watching with me of course it was good to see you again I've been begging my dad to take me back to the museum well you both should come you could show them all the sauropods and your Sarah chopsies good memory thank you so much of course she is a great girl bye see ya have a good afternoon [Music] hey Zach tomorrow uh yeah I can come by what time sweetie we've talked about the wandering off thing I know but I know I was the whole time yeah but Hunter and Clarissa didn't I left them in charge they were responsible for you while I was gone or supposed to be sorry at least I found a nice person to talk to a stranger what if they weren't nice but she wasn't a stranger she was the lady from the dinosaur museum okay I'm just glad that she brought you back safely to Hunter and Clarissa hide me to come to me I don't know girl for taking such good care of me while I was lost I thought you knew where you were the whole time hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think this is beautiful just how the walls painted and the kitchen cabinets are new attack I didn't know you had such great taste I even had a designer come in and coordinate the colors I was thinking of changing up the flooring this is what it was before but I'm gonna try something new it's nice you think so yeah but if you could pick would you change it Zach I don't know this is your house you nobody care about what you think especially if everything here could be yours too Zach I know but what happened to taking it slow [Music] just wanted to show you that I've changed I'm serious about this how about us [Music] I'm not running away this time uh this seems like a really nice neighborhood it is I don't know what he was thinking a house a house yeah it's a little bit much it's kind of flattering though if I felt the same way sure was it nice the house yeah but this is just so complicated Kim I hate to say it but maybe you should consider going back to Zach no I I can't because of Theo no because Zach feels this way now but what if he suddenly changes again and he's not paying attention to how I feel so Theo really has nothing to do with it I keep wondering why did I even meet him you know why would I just lose the chance of it being something more it's like I'm being teased what I want is kept Out Of Reach oh Kim I'm sorry I wish I had the answer I bagnog give me something to wrap still there yeah I'm here oh good I just got a shipment in I think it's a special I'll be right there uh hey let's uh clear space for that shipment thank you I'll look at the teeth on that guy look at that holy smokes how does he brush those this is where the actual paleontologists worked like Dr fenning really that's neat oh is that her [Music] no she might not be here today well you've been here before you could give me the tour okay come on this way I'll show you [Music] come on let's go Dad come on okay okay there's this really cool skeleton it's huge what's it called Brachiosaurus you got it yeah [Music] hey you okay yeah I'm good [Music] hey be sure to finish your milk I will and then where does your bowl go a dishwasher hello hi hi please regarding the gingerbread contest yeah hang on she's right here okay we're listening I'm pleased to inform Ashley that her fairy garden gingerbread house won third place this year really ten everyone that's great news we'll have a little ceremony with the winners this afternoon at 3 P.M do you think you can make it yes yes yes we'll be there thank you we're delighted by all the holiday spirit Sy in this competition the entries we saw this year were top-notch we'd like to acknowledge two entries with honorable mentions Candace Perez with her marshmallow snowman Cottage [Applause] Jimmy Alto with his army man gingerbread house now for our winners in third place Ashley Hall thank you with her imaginative fairy garden gingerbread house Ashley wins a gift card to the mall congratulations actually in second place to have Samuel Haslet okay you ready yeah one two three cheese got it going to take it home now oh no we have to wait till January so everyone can see it all right coat so do you want to spend that gift card now or wait a little while no I better wait till January I don't want to buy something I might get for Christmas good thinking all right get your certificate let's go I don't want to go to the museum sweetie you'll love it I promise Mia we're gonna go see some cool gingerbread houses yeah and hopefully find out Kim's soulmate very funny and then tonight we're gonna go have dinner at Grandma's and then the rest of the day will be fun I promise all right okay girl wow see not so bad right look at these These are amazing I know you know Glenn and I tried to make one last year he ended up eating Mr candy how typical what did you guys make I made a campsite with a tent you are never gonna let that go nope hey look honorable mentions uh let's see Candace Perez Jimmy Alta winners Ashley Hall Samuel hazlitt and Elena Ellis no Theo Theophilus Theobald nope Theophilus I don't know well I'm sorry his name's not here yeah at least it was worth it for Mia Mia so tell me about the house Zack I think you should come and see it I can't do it justice love to that's Kim I'll get it you're funny hey what's Zach's here what it's kind of my fault also Glenn's I was talking to him about Zach and the house and your mom may or may not have been right there when we were talking about it and she got really excited by demo for dinner I'm so sorry [Music] hi Kim hey Zach so Zach was just telling us all about the house he's remodeling yeah I am so glad the carpenter came and installed the cabinets on time you know how construction is I how did you like their work because Bill and I are thinking about remodeling this kitchen no we're not uh yes I've wanted to for years and you always talk me out of it it's because there's nothing wrong with our kitchen think of it as an early birthday present they're great I'll give you their number it's Theo Hall something or other Theo the whole carpentry that's it I'll look it up Catherine thank you so much Zach that's great Catherine excuse us [Music] it has to be him oh I want to believe more than anything that that's true but there's probably a ton of Theos out there I seriously doubt that you'd be surprised what did you Google him or something not important oh sorry Spell carpentry yes are there any pictures uh Cabinets furniture none of him well I mean it's his business so he's probably gonna be a professional look it's in town you have to go what if it's not him well I mean he never hurts to call or you know show up in person [Music] hello I thought the store was closed today it is hi Theo Sharon Hi Clarissa said you were catching up on some work today and with it being so close to Christmas I thought well that's no fun so I brought some lunch for you and Ashley oh thank you that's nice of you uh come on in thanks dad that looks good come eat I'm hungry this looks great Clarissa told me you'd love fried chicken she did huh and Ashley loves brownies here grab a plate [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you for lunch that was very thoughtful of you I'm glad you liked it maybe we could do it again sometime uh [Music] uh Sharon I value our friendship and I don't want to jeopardize that we're practically family in a that's enough oh I see sorry don't be would you do me a favor though of course if you change your mind tell me Maybe you never know I will see you later bye bye Ashley bye [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] no just one honey we always open one tonight how about this morning instead ah if I let you open why don't you let me sleep yep fine [Music] wait don't open at it I have to prove which one nope not that one no no no this one this one or we can wait till tomorrow [Music] cool thing thanks Dad you're welcome there perfect which one are you gonna open oh I don't need one I have to get something do I [Music] hey what if we did something fun tonight for my present you could go back to his work after Christmas what would be the point to chew him out for leading you on maybe he was just being nice besides he would think I was obsessed for dwelling on this so long but after all the searching are you really satisfied to just not know what he felt when you met a month ago no but what if talking about it makes it worse I don't want to risk getting hurt again for what it's worth I wish he was everything you thought he was going to be thanks [Music] seeing how you feel though I do need to give you a little heads up again what now so your mom asked me if she thought she should invite Zach to the Santa sent off tomorrow and given the latest with Theo I told her that I thought it was a good idea really not that I'm falling in love with Zach again but I might as well make my mom happy I think she likes him more than I do you're supposed to go to Clarissa's parents house tonight now you want to go to some Christmas Village thing yeah come on it'd be something different is this just some way to stay clear of Sharon no we talked and we're on the same page ouch hey I was nice and if you want to blame anyone blame you and Clarissa for encouraging her but now this is something else what Kim let me guess this is another place she's supposed to be if you can just happen to be there at the same time she said they go every Christmas Eve and that the best time to go is this Santa send off thing she mentioned great so better odds this time she really got to you huh it's been a month and I can't stop thinking about her okay it's not like I bore my soul to her or anything but the way I felt around her I can't leave that behind all right I'm sold but what am I gonna tell Clarissa or her mother or our mom she was looking forward to a night in where she didn't have to do the cooking just invite him along not everybody's gonna go for that look we can come back after but I have to try okay we start with Clarissa if we can get her on your side the rest is easy great [Music] this is impressive I never knew about this I heard they do a Christmas thing every year where's the center send off I don't want to miss it probably this way but we got a few minutes so have you been here before no first time I think Mom would have really liked this oh except the cold but maybe next year we'll see if she wants to come along can we get a treat sure [Music] Merry Christmas Zach thanks for inviting me we're glad you could come on I wonder if they have anything new in the village this year [Music] are you warm enough yeah thanks can I have a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows make that too that'll be 250 each all right so five dollars we accept tips too back I accept tips if you want to round up here I've got you covered interesting wall of choice yeah it kind of makes you seem like a little kid doesn't it that sorry thank you hey Ashley the uh the woman from your field trip what [Music] what's that Santa Curry oh Merry Christmas [Music] thank you for coming to see me all nope that's close enough I hope you've been good look at all the presents no tonight is a special night the busiest and one I treasure my reindeer take me all around the world and sometimes I need some extra help do you know what that is you your belief in me and your excitement for the big day tomorrow so let me hear your best train whistle two-tone [Applause] one more I'm ready Merry Christmas to you all [Applause] conductor if you please [Applause] [Music] okay drink that up now before it gets cold it's warm oh actually I was gonna ask you the woman from the park that was also at your field trip what was her name Oh you mean Dr fennick yeah but what was her first name I don't know do you remember what she looks like the the dinosaur lady not the best way to describe any woman pretty she has really long hair I could describe half the women here anything else she looks like like like her dad that's her that is her can we go say hello absolutely just a couple moments folks we need to wait for that bar to go up is that really her ah come on hey enjoy okay come on [Music] let's you go [Music] oh there she is Ashley wait for me [Music] Ashley hey did you lose your aunt and uncle again no um I'm here with my dad Ashley [Music] Theo I can't [Music] ah it's really you I have been looking everywhere for you since that night you have ah yeah not in like a bad creepy way I don't think no it's it's okay I I've been searching for you too really yeah yeah well I'm I'm really glad that I found you here tonight I this was kind of my last chance why well I I sort of didn't have any more clues after this I know what you mean so you know my Dad yeah I I do uh Ashley this is Kim Dr Panic yes this is my dad Theo Hall oh nice to meet you yes we found it [Music] there are two things I I wanted to do a month ago before we got split up and what are they ask you for your phone number easy enough and the other [Music] don't be [Music] let's go see the reindeer come on [Music] shall we yeah [Music] hi baby Victoria Merry Christmas oh Clarissa she is adorable thank you so oh little baby's first Christmas Treasures grab that one for baby Victoria [Music] and have a present to open oh here thank you sweetie Santa Claus what do you think it is this one's from my dad's oh is it um and this is from Kim to you oh I have no idea what do you think it is well first of all we gotta work your handwriting a little bit babe okay if you don't like it we can return it honestly it doesn't matter what it is well I wish you would have said that before because I went to four different stores on Black Friday for this I will love it because it's from you really really well I suppose I'm lucky then because a pair of socks well what do you think I got for you it doesn't really matter to me either because I have everything I want Merry Christmas then Merry Christmas [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 4,506,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, Destined At Christmas movie, Destined At Christmas trailer, Destined At Christmas 2022 movie, 2022 movie trailer, christmas movie, new christmas movie 2022, christmas rom com, hallmark movies, Great American Family Christmas, Shay Robins, Casey Ellioyt, Eve Ellioyt
Id: qLuS6W6Mw5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 58sec (5158 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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