Kingdom Covering | Bishop Tudor Bismark

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[Applause] [Music] kingdom covering I'm gonna go for 45 minutes and a few pointers some of the stuff from my heart but a lot from my experience I better move this because it will be wine when I'm finished I'm a lot more comfortable being there because it's taking away my attention we're going to start with Kingdom covering scripture reading is first Corinthians 12 verse 28 and God set some in the church there only some data set first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that after that miracles then gifts of healings helps government's diversities of tongues there is a very key verse because that is apostolic order first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that then that's not me it's God's order so here are responsibilities assistant brothers the first responsibility we have is we must build apostolic centers because if we have the supernatural the miraculous that work outside of an apostolic center you will have a phenomenon of Corinth where you will have miracle signs and wonders around immoral people that have no order no structure passes are doing swing I was at a conference many years ago and my assistants in the United States whispered in my ear he said please be careful bishop these guys do swing I thought it was you know this fast rap thing they do in Cape jamun you know but I had no idea that swing actually meant that the pastor's they put their keys the wise put the pastor's put the keys in a hat and then they draw a key and whoever's key you draw you spend the night with that person's wife yeah I've been there I've seen so much I've seen so much besides losing my hair because of Mugabe I've lost my hair for all kinds of other reasons I've seen it I've seen it I've seen so much and that night there the guys were doing swing and I just found their places I vowed I'd never ever ever ever go there again and so the the supernatural is extremely important South African needs that the United States needs it Zimbabwe needs it every way you have a human being we need it but this is God's order firstly apostles and the Apostles job is to build an apostolic center where we train and develop gifts of individuals that are under command God uses somebody in this church to in miracles in healing people or even raising the dead the way things work in Africa and in South Africa is that that fruitcake suddenly thinks that because they have performed a few miracles that that's the license to start a church what stupidity is then your gift has to be under command I may never perform another miracle in my life leading that church in Harare that doesn't disqualify me from being the leading or possibly in their church now these guys that do stuff they people get healed and stuff like that and that's wonderful they must but they are after that people they're not first people they are after that they are then because if the golden start a church and you see how they do they start off with the somebody ghana thing then they give him a few months they fizzle out with the emphasis on out some of the greatest ministries of the 21st 20th century were power leaders and they produce many many incredible sons the late great Lester Sumrall from a little town South Bend Indiana went around the world stories of the supernatural in his life how he was in a certain place in the Philippines and his bed started shaking and Arara and this demon appeared and when he looked up his oh it's you and then the spirit left and he called it back and said dad will come back he said when you came before you came into this room my bed was against the wall put it back I mean you gotta love darkness the summer roll is probably one of the greatest part of the greatest of the last century but his church in South Bend wasn't significantly big but he was an apostolic Centon out of him he has produced huge sons and ministries like rod parsley and they stole know their place and so function in that place so this great church the center it's an episodic hub it is an apostolic center out of which he will produce sons there will be greater than you Jesus said the works I do you shall do also you don't know if you have if you are jealous you don't know that because right now you don't have competition but the manager could competition are you willing to say the works that I do you shall do also and greater works than these shall he do are you happy that somebody will do greater works will you be jealous or will you not be jealous you don't know that until it happens so your prayer now is Lord don't let me be jealous as long as you saw bullying your church in your apostolic centre you know and you know there's a new chicks are they dancing now they start writing songs it's a feat 10,000 so 1000 ah David's ten thousand but your name is Saul you're burning your Center you you didn't know you jealous until they start singing songs just check your neighbors say your flesh responsibility number two I'm just supposed to breathe through these responsibilities number two first one is building an apostolic hub responsibility number two is building a loving Center where the church is vibrant it's an organism growing expanding life where Rhema is the flow where Rhema is the flow but Rhema must be anchored in logos because Louis is fundamentals and so when people come in they come into a system of an apostolic house that have gift under command but we worship our worship is Judea Davidic in expression based on many of the Psalms and things that God requires the protocol for church is enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise clap your hands all ye people Shelton - those are the protocols for worship God tells us how he wants to be worshipped so then we then create the living organism it's not clap your hands all you okay knees it's all he people not just the youth and so he's the exercise of clapping of hands to make noise oh it's the coming together of hands both so there's some point when the church starts off in a house you know and we're sharing oxtail or boxes or whatever you all eat and then the church starts moving to effluence Range Rovers Italian suits invisible socks where we used to come from a family of 10 kids now we have 1.8 children we've developed an accent and all of those things now that now starts coming in as an external subculture to influence the culture of the church media internship that's way here we are saying are you where say some markup no we come here and we make the church a living organism you can pull up here with your mercedes-benz but in here you follow I pray for you to follow get it down you can go back under the influence of the service going back home but you leave your culture there white culture your indian culture your colored culture your Zulu culture your effluence culture your poverty culture your vast rap culture it stays at the door when you come in here you are entering into a place where it is a body a living organism this all the body and eye is all the body and knows what if the foot shall say to the hand I have no need of it so we are a living organism and your responsibility is to keep the church a living organism that's why everybody that comes must serve in some way number three the responsibility of the house is power and authority it is the leaders responsibility to ensure that the ministry has power and authority and it's tough in my context as a Zimbabwean based on the challenges we have in our incredible country Zimbabwe is the last on the table of Nations with a lost and we try to pride ourselves and not feeling too bad that the first I'll be lost it's like Mugabe man he just yes and so because of the challenges and the struggles unemployment at over 90 percent and the finance and and all of that all of those things we have tended to as a lot of African leaders tend to we tend to preach a gospel of empowerment where we want people to have a certain quality of life you don't see so much amongst Caucasian leaders Caucasian people because your quality of life has been up there especially in South Africa for many many years and so then you get especially amongst black leaders we tend to preach quality of life you will get there so we teach prosperity and so on and we have to be careful because now in our prosperity get a better house a better school a better car you know many don't have a passport they've never traveled they don't go on holiday so you go to the airport you don't see them there you see your people there and so what happens is our message then to improve the quality of life of individuals we then tend to preach materialism and what we tend to do is to get people to live quality lives I went for my medical annual medical as I always do in November and we were pushing for the all our members thousands of people you must have a major you must have a medical and I said it was not even a miracle but yours and then when I had my medical I realized his economics cost a lot you have a miracle so what we did then we then we have registered as many as forty seven doctors in the church we set up a two day free miracle for our members anything that was above a certain thing we would then recommend them to go to a formal thing I think we have over 50 something lawyers in our church and so we then four guys that are in business from informal sector selling stuff on the street we then once you help then go formal so we then got them to meet our lawyers to help them formalize help you with your companies so that we're giving ministries to that cluster now when we doing those kinds of things we tend to substitute that put that in place of the power of God it takes time to do miracles you know do you know long it takes to do miracles signs and wonders and so we then tend to rush through that piece so that we can teach people that are coming I think it's like 75% of our church maybe 60% of our church coming by combi and so now we're trying to teach empowerment alongside that so a lot of our miss by the way dr. teach that was one of the best teachings prosperities I've ever heard in all my years was it a gripper that said to Paul much learning has made the mat and so as an apostolic father leading this house you have to be amphibious knowing that you have leaders in your group that are teaching people in high-density or Township areas and that their responsibilities there is to make sure that the quality of life is there that the kids are walking to school they're walking to school they're sharing hand-me-down clothes they are eating meals the average earning for a lot of people in our church is three to five dollars a day so we have to be cognizant of that and so to improve the quality of life we tend to substitute the power of God for it the power of God solves a lot of lives but the power of God does not create a strategic life plan for a person let me give you this example John chapter number five froggie John five this one or should I say slum John 5 verse one after this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went to Jerusalem bus - that usually comes after verse 1 now there was introduced with the Sheep gate a pool which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda having five porches each porch for a 5-4 monastery gift each porch alright verse 3 and on these five porches apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher on each of those porches they lay a great module of sick people blind lame paralyzed waiting for the moving of the water for the collective function of the fivefold ministry and then the angel of God would gone a certain time the pond stir up the water which is stirred up to fight for monastry gift to function in its order verse 5 go back to verse 4 if you look at the listing of diseases and sicknesses there they are 5 because each episode each fight for ministry gifting has to deal with a grouping of human diseases now go to verse 5 now a certain man was there and he was there for 38 years verse 6 when Jesus saw so Jesus now walks in it's his church it's his final ministry gift Hebrews chapter number 3 says he is the chief apostle so now the fivefold ministry is not working so Jesus steps in as the chief apostle to get this thing working and he comes into the first place where there's a man that is sick for 38 years he's sitting on the Apostolic porch he's sitting in the pots of apostles first apostles so he is going to address the deficiency of apostles when he gets that one right the others get right so he comes in steps overall here 88 steps over overall comes to the Apostolic porch and addresses the man that's 38 years ago the Apostolic porch was working well it stopped working as a result people are not moved for 38 years verse number 6 he was lying there seven next verse verse eight Jesus said to him arise take up your bed and walk well don't say Jesus yet arise pick up your bed and walk he had already told Jesus I have no man to help me here so arise pick up your bed and walk go away you have no man where are you going he was probably got sick on his 30th birthday which is called the queers of God the matured son which is the prodigal son who wanted his inheritance Jesus said this word was this my son whom I won't believed well pleased it was on his 30th birthday so it's possible that this man got sick on his 30th birthday thirty-eight is now 68 you are 68 you have no man all you have is a bed no house no money no bank account no children no family no uncle no auntie so as we heal people as we raise people from the dead why do you want to raise somebody from the dead why in Zimbabwe why do you want to raise somebody from the dead if they are going to be with Jesus why I have to first ask the question what caused them to die first if it's typhoid which is bad water or corner waterborne disease why do you want to raise somebody from the dead to bring that back to that rubbish isn't it more better to clean the water pick up the rubbish a lot of times raising people from the dead as we saw some food kids doing in this country only here it's more a publicity stunt than actually a ministry to people when Jesus rose from the dead Jesus gave them an instruction give him something to eat which means if you raise somebody from the dead they have to have at least something to eat so why you want to raise somebody where there's nothing to eat so as we balancing the power of God there are many things we have two parents opossum Niki your job is an apostle is a lot more than a title for the people you've drawn you are going to have to be highly skillful and highly amphibious because not everybody gets equal play time guys that in Tanzania Malawi in Mora bungee land there I was in Malawi a year and a half ago with out water no traveler preaching for the Assemblies of God 70th anniversary at Silverton university it was jam-packed my father Beirut comes from Malawi and so they won't Bishop you coming home we believe we know enough to us Marie pointed out and so on we then went to the stadium and I'm standing on the stadium there and I was crying because in the stadium it was a massive meeting over 3,500 pastors and churches there but of all those buses only I did was like 95 or 96 percent of those pastors at an actual church bowling the rest of them were having Church in grass huts in villages 70 years they bare to vote your way to a grass at so you have a colleague here who was sharing his amazing story in Madrid you can treat this one the same as you are treating somebody that's here from Malawi I was in Ethiopia last month or the beginning of the month and they were passes I admit that was smuggled through the border from Eritrea and in Eritrea they are passes that I in jail on a little island there it's it's not Robin it's Robin's cousin same island and these pastors in one pass has been in jail there because it's the pastor for 14 years and these guys when they saw me happy ship it's so good to meet you and we watch you on television on YouTube and so on and they were smuggled through and they were sharing some of their struggles but in that same meeting I was at I was sitting with President Obasanjo Prime Minister of Swaziland various heads of state and so on that were there at the meeting but at the same table in that same area were little guys from Eritrea were struggling to fight and so the key then is going to be balance because not everybody is the same you are waiting to have people that will come here that are going to give a Widow's mite get happy about the waters might because the waters might is she might survive she might not she might play a screw fish she might not she might buy groceries she might not and so yes she's given everything but we can't old buildings and buy property on widows mites so don't criticize the guy that's got the big bag of money there it's about attitudes and so we then have to realize that there are people that come to church that they say silver and gold have I none and such as I have give ID this doesn't people's responsibility number four this responsibility number four is receiving higher Kingdom thoughts that's revelation knowledge higher kingdom thoughts and so then one of my responsibilities of the chairmen of African apostles is yeah we want the super enhancing the power of God we must do that and more but now we're dealing with human rights issues definition of democracy this year there are 21 African countries going to the polls including this one this one this country will go to the polls if you don't vote you don't have a right to criticize the government everybody must go and vote YES on vote of course I've been smoking daddy stuff for too long please don't buy this DVD because people were just wrong but South Africa you guys are too insular it's just too isolated as a country and as a church in particular for the rest of the body of Christ if you have a thousand people here or whatever it's assumed that you think we are a big church no a small church in the specs of the things we've seen on the continent I have friends who have churches of a hundred thousand two hundred thousand been to their conferences I was at a church three years but one that means four years ago in Tanzania and in my message there was an a a an atomic explosion they were about a hundred and fifty thousand people in that meeting and when their explosion took place for over an hour they were people running and throwing money on the stage over 50,000 people were running money shoes closed there was a mountain of stuff that was thrown and then we had the Council of African apostles in Tanzania and the Apostle that was hosting us there has three auditoriums that run three services on Sundays each and each tour auditory emcees 20,000 so your $5 in membership church is a small it's a toy let's not speak it's not peak because when you're standing in a room what the man has built an auditorium that's three kilometers long and you are preaching to 1.8 million people and they are apologizing that the attendance is bad that night it's like I need something from above from Mugabi quickly this bishop I apologize the attendance is bad with that bigger so I thought well the attendance is bad because I'm here because you can take it personal and so we we we should be thinking human rights democracy the rule of law human trafficking money laundering corruption housing infrastructure securing our major resources the most important of the resources is fresh water so apostolic leaders we must be thinking on that level yes you want to build a bowling ball the church you must and you should but our responsibility now is 10 years from now you'll be 10 years from now so what does this country look like 50 years from now so you need a minimum of a 50 year plan I'm concerned about the size of the car the City of Johannesburg swanny I think it attracts almost 20 million people right between here to other sides yes there's going through that way it's almost 20 million people in that whole scope of things Boxberger Benoni is no longer it's all part of a huge huge huge metropolis and it's likely that the city will be the size of Mexico City in terms of population in the not-too-distant future 30 million people and so on you have traffic issues and so many other issues and so what's this city gonna be when you have 30 40 million people way in the future go look at Lagos Nigeria as an example of the challenges they have within that concentrated area as many as 30 million definitely not less than 20 and how with a move of God certain many many challenges have come so all of those things must be considered and apostolic leaders have to think futuristic think what the country and the church and the thing is going to be so you have to open yourself to Kingdom thoughts so your responsibilities Kingdom thoughts you will say things that the average person will not understand because she'll be living a leader of tomorrow leads three years ahead a leader of the future leads 10 years ahead ask mercedes-benz they don't want to sell the average person a little car master that pocky that's come off for mercedes-benz the 350 and the two something that was on the cards for mercedes-benz ten years ago so there were always 10 years ahead so are you a leader of tomorrow or your leader of the future and some of you are the leaders of yesterday you're just taking yesterday's meals and heating them up in your microwave are you sure that's the right time you guys are adding time there I thought I was done by now your responsibility number five is the gifts of the Holy Spirit the gifts of the Holy Spirit are different to the supernatural in a long time that we are tongues an interpretation breaker in our church a few when was I taking the supernatural and it just kind of like happened in prophecy and stuff like that we tend to lean more towards prophecy but the gifts of the Holy Spirit must be functional and we have to encourage those to work the word of wisdom the word of knowledge discerning of spirits discerning of spirits prophecy songs an interpretation divers kinds of tongues and then here the power gifts the working of miracles diverse gifts of healing gift of faith gift of faith is that our groundbreaking on the trough of August last year sorry the 12th of August last year the 12th of August I pick up one of the groundbreaking shovels and the gift of faith hit me boom the gift of faith and within a few minutes we raised a million dollars 17 million rand 14 million around no it's coming down or Zuma's norma this so it's coming down so zimbabwean Smith Summa because we'd love him to say something then the rates go up and we benefit we miss you jack or we miss you Sorry Sorry Sorry that's why I told you to you myself in the front row to help me control massa but that was the gift of faith because a couple of weeks later when we went and had ordinary services offerings were again down but in that moment with the economy what the challenges right that we just been taking place after the elections but all of that boom a million dollars the gift of faith it works across the board the gift of faith does healings miracles all of those things it advances people people get properties businesses open money moves in suitcases aeroplanes tickets come visas come amen your permit to go live in New Zealand permanently comes through sound systems shoes socks all hair grows hallelujah John King come on as our responsibility then is to make sure that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are functioning and working from when the kids are small all the way to adults just looking across the body I can see individuals that the nine gives the Holy Spirit are sitting on some you know it's like my sister here with the exquisite red blouse is that from true with the Woolworths which word is it be careful with what you mentioned because that then tells us of your status amen that's the first time I got your man to smile on you is the gift of tongues and interpretation I just see it I can see it and prophecies there some of you have the gift of miracles working of miracles healings they become dormant because our leadership as a whole has suppressed it and we don't suppress some have done it deliberately some have done it purposefully and so our responsibility episodic house to add those there I'm not even at my presentation yet this is crazy I suppose we talk about kingdom covering responsibilities number six the responsibility of governing regions for this church your apostle is rising to become a principality the way principalities function a way principalities function if you can imagine a triangle all right right on the top so just hypothetically just names that I may be familiar with in South Africa just for examples sake there's the lake Penghu and then there's Nicky's late dad there's ray McAuley and others others then I'm not very familiar with they would be right on the top of the triangle as the Principality now this is one of the most important things you'll hear from me there are individuals that have rank and grace rank and grace then the individuals who have rank but they've lost their grace Saul had rank and grace then he had rank no grace David had grace no rank their individual have grace with no rank and they think that the grace is rank and then the worst these are the people you have to train are those that have no rank and no grace so they marry a woman called grace ask our friends Gigi just make sure I can get back into the country you could be sitting here under the tutelage and leadership of a boss of Nicky and you have no rank and no grace you will grow in rank and you will grow in record grace because you'll serve rank and grace comes because of serving you don't start as a channel no you start down there pouring water on vite you are increasing in grace and in rank the saddest thing is when you see a leader who has rank but he's lost his grace sir is that so when we dealing with principalities in zimbabwe the highest rank in my view would be probably like archbishop ezekiel gucci maybe around the archbishop of the catholic diocese there there are spiritual ranks when the apostle paul was the highest-ranking apostle higher than that of pizza when he passed an accusation or comment against the high priest he then had to apologize because you know the high priest ship had changed within the hour from and a nice back to Caiaphas and they slapped him on the mouth and said rayless now the high priest and he said I didn't it was high priest because in terms of rank the high priest of the Jewish system in rank was higher than Paul and so there might be people who have sinned and disqualified themselves that's between them and God we have a handbook that governs the way we govern conduct based on the scriptures but somebody may have fallen from grace but they haven't fallen from rank when a person falls from grace they don't fall from rank arc so he fell from grace but not from rank I mean so what King David did was a big big mistake he was in a cave and Saul was there he cut a piece of salt garment just a piece of Saul's garment just to prove to saw that I was in the cave with you and that moment of immaturity and insensitivity that moment what David did there when he cut a piece of Saul's garment he made a hole in the rank of soul to open the door where he'd be challenged in the future he should have just gone on the other side without touching sauce garment and said hey Darla Darla I'm here I was in the cave with you this is what you were wearing but when he cuts that piece of the of the Kings garment he just created a little crack there for his rank you be challenged in the future if I was in Cape Town they'd be singing here lashauwn please make sure my medication is ready for me when I tell house must identify the gifted people in your church and help them with the grace but school them in their rank and so you are still lower in the pyramid of rank in the country you're going up you're going up and so in our country Archbishop Buddhist on the top and people regularly say you know they want archbishop to say something about the the country and the church so I say to them because people always criticize me for not saying something so I asked some of the guys that said bishop you're not saying anything so their view is I must say something to make a headline in the newspaper oh I just pick up the phone without anybody knowing even to the head of state but I'm not gonna stand in judges that I phoned a prezzie today Prezi Prezi Prezi press press press press I know just crazy praise oppressed don't you never say he's really tired now from my heart for the next four minutes we'll go away from the presentation from my heart as leaders number one as a leader never be hungry never be hungry as an apostolic father Nicky never be hungry because if you have hungry father's the sons are in trouble hungry fathers in Africa have caused so much problems because a lot of the organizations that they set up as founders have to do with money's coming to them and let you to my scriptures on tithing and giving where you've got to give to me number two if you are a hungry son make sure that you have a full father that's feeding you because if they're a hungry son you will sell your birthright to a brother that has food and if you are a hungry father you give the birth rights to the wrong person so in that one families a lot of hungry people Esau is hungry he sells his birthright I think he's hungry he passed the wrong one Jacob is not hungry for food he's hungry for power it's all around food there are people in your church they are here they are hungry for your microphone they'll kiss them mother-in-law to get this microphone we always ask people what can I do for you I learned a number of years ago that's the wrong question we have to do what David did to Abner he said what can you do for me it sounds something arrogant but no what can you do for me because if we ask people what can I do for you I need a house and his school fees I need a car I need a spare wheel I need counseling I need a hair piece I need precision Hey I need a ticket I need you to contact somebody da da da but when you ask them what can you do for me it's for your corporate vision what can you add to what we're doing and to encourage you make sure that to satisfy your hunger that you eat the right meals don't eat from anybody because the monasteries don't they that look attractive because they have a lot of cars but it's just McDonald's the fact there's a lot of cars at the McDonald's doesn't mean that it's good food it just means it's fast and cheap so to satisfy our hunger we all have hungers I'm 63 years old almost I still get hungry for ministry things but now in my strategic plan they are only a handful of people that I preach for and a handful of people I spend time with as it pertains to ministry because my appetite and my hunger is different don't just add people to your ministry so that it looks good on your books yes Dania whena you're just adding people we don't research where they come from what they've done you know so eat the right meals make sure you know is feeding you I love Miriam there are certain things you know we have this terminology the Lord spoke to me you know the Lord spoke to me and it's become so cliche but really the Lord has not spoken to you what you actually have is what I call spiritual instinct let me explain explain the Lord did not tell Moses mother to put that baby in a basket it was spiritual instinct the Lord didn't tell David go find five stones pick up a stone and hit the giant urate it's spiritual instinct and so there are many things that we do are just spiritual instinct that we function in be careful because the point I want to drive very closer to here is that whoever's feeding you their hands must be clean because sometimes a possible Eden we get attracted by the rib eye steak and we forget that we should first examine the plate I would rather have a clean plate with a handful of vegetables than to have a big steak on a on a plate a plate that looks like a toilet manage your meals for the younger guys here manage your marriage first and most important responsibility is wifey it's almost the same as Wi-Fi because sometimes the Wi-Fi is slow speed and sometimes it's broadband ah is a woman my most important responsibility is chichi as my most important responsibility if you're a bishop at home you can be a bishop in church if you know the bishop at home you can't be a bishop in church bishop at home means wife and children guru so how you gonna bring order here so important love that girl take us shopping spend money take it on holiday go to Mauritius go to shake Seychelles amen take that wife of yours amen go to Hong Kong eat vegetables when you get there because you never know what you would eat I just didn't say that oh my god some of you have small kids love those kids look after those kids invest in those kids take them on holiday if you are living on the side of town and you can't afford to go to the ocean in the Zimbabwean context you can't afford to go to the ocean just take a trip to end it there before the toll and go on holiday they buy an idea because you can't afford to pay the toll it's the first step why are you laughing I remember that's another country that your number three love your leaders love your leaders love your leaders look after your leaders point your leaders every year we send people on holiday to to buy we give tickets close all my leaders get suits they get suits every year cost me a lot but they - it's about trust and confidence love those leaders build into them we send families on holiday out of my own pocket we send them families to Devin come to your village pooch I just celebrated but it means a lot to them because they take a bullet for you because they know this person is looking after me love your leaders love them table to love these leaders and if you have people that are letting you know this there will be cyclic moments where people that you sent on holiday that you've paid school fees you put them a car you paid their rent you have that wife with Brazilian here now suddenly they want to say let's stone David there are those moments but in those moments it's an opportunity for you to sift and see right the next level of where we're going these people they want to cast the first stone cannot be part of it so if they're gonna cast the first stone we're not going to use them as a stone in the next boarding they cannot be a living stone because they disqualified themselves by throwing a stone so betrayal is wonderful it's a gift it's a gift because God is showing you who you can build with in the future right I'm done [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Five-Fold and Leadership Conference
Views: 17,729
Rating: 4.8963733 out of 5
Id: _vtCMlq1bgE
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Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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