Reset Your Gaze w/ Liz Wright

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[Music] i am liz wright welcome to live your best life the only thing that matters now is living by the power of this wonderful new creation life we're going to become an undefeatable force of radiating glory and we are rising up strong now in this hour welcome to live your best life with me liz wright and for today's conversation i wanted to share with you guys um an invitation that i have been feeling really strongly in the lord's heart an invitation and then also i'm going to share about a recent encounter that i had with jesus and it's all to do with where he's taking us now as the bride that i really felt that this was um such a holy personal invitation for you to step into now and so if you can just for these next 25-30 minutes if you can stop what you're doing and just take this as time for you and jesus and just listen with your heart because i know that as you respond to him you hear him through what i'm sharing and you respond to him you're gonna go into a different level of experiencing his love and an ability a different level of ability to walk with him in this deeper deeper place that he's inviting us all into now so i'm just gonna begin by reading from you the invitation that is within the uh the word of god in chapter four song of solomon so just listen as i'm reading this just listen with your heart holy spirit god i feel the presence of god really strongly right now and i just do as you're as you're opening your heart and you're turning your attention onto jesus right now i just pray a fresh grace that you will be able to really experience jesus speaking to you that you would experience his presence and that you'd move through right now in these next 20 minutes into an encounter with him so this is the shulamite speaking [Music] in rust to to jesus obviously i've made up my mind until the darkness disappears and the dawn has fully come in spite of shadows and fears i will go to the to pop with you the mountain of suffering love and the hill of burning incense yes i will be your bride and then jesus speaks back to her every part of you so he's saying this to you right now every part of you is so beautiful perfect is your beauty without flow within now you are ready my bride to come with me as we climb the highest peaks together come with me through the archway of trust we will look down from the crest of the glistening mount and from the summit of our sublime sanctuary together we will wage war in the lion's den and the leopard's lair let's watch nightly for their prey for you reach into my heart with one flash of your eyes i am undone by your love my beloved my equal my bride you leave me breathless i am overcome by merely a glance from your worshiping eyes for you have stolen my heart i am held hostage by your love and by the graces of righteousness shining upon you how satisfying to me my equal my bride your love is my finest wine intoxicating and thrilling and your sweet perfume praises so exotic so pleasing your loving words are like the honeycomb to me your tongue releases milk and honey for i find the promised land flowing within you the fragrance of your worshipping love surrounds you with centered robes of white my darling bride my private paradise fastened to my heart a secret spring are you that no one else can have my bubbling fountain hidden from public view what a perfect partner to me now that i have you your inward life is now sprouting bringing forth fruit what a beautiful paradise unfolds within you when i'm near you i smell aromas of the finest spice for many clusters of my exquisite fruit now grow within your inner garden here are the nine pomegranates of passion henna from heaven spike nods so sweet saffron shining fragrant calamus from the cross sacred cinnamon branches of centered woods myrrh like tears from a tree an aloe as eagles ascending your life flows into mine pure as a garden spring a well of living water springs up from within you like a mountain brook flowing into my heart i've come to you my darling pride for you are my paradise garden what i feel deeply in jesus heart right now is this drawing this invitation for us to come away with him again come back to his feet again and to move into this mature life of utter abandonment surrendering all that we are to him and trusting him moving in like the word says through the archway of trust just choosing to trust him choosing to surrender to the supremacy of who he is and moving deeply into him holy spirit [Music] particularly i feel the lord's invitation to trust him in the midst of suffering to whatever you're going through right now whatever situation you face whether you are in a difficult relationship whether you're sick whether you have people around you that they're in impossibly difficult circumstances you know financial pressure whatever it is jesus wants you to experience him afresh in such a way that he becomes the solution for you so right now i encourage you just instead of looking at that situation that's overwhelming for you and it might be just the overwhelming circumstances of of our worlds right our world right now it might be that you're not particularly suffering in your own life that the situation you know what does the future hold the difficulties the implications of decisions that are being made by governments or whatever it is that is that you're finding difficult i encourage you right now to reset your gaze so to to to do ephesians 4 23 and 4 which says where paul shows us the secret the key to living this spirit-led life right to live sensitized connected into in the interior life in our interior life to the presence of holy spirit now within us so he says we are our lives are changed by every unfolding revelation we are transformed as we embrace the glorious christ within and live in union with him so i just take take hold of this moment take hold of jesus's hands how do we do that we we embrace the glorious christ within instead of looking at the situation start to turn the attention of your heart fix your gaze onto your spirit go inside so to speak instead of being looking having our attention drawn to everything that's going on in our natural life in our circumstances in our world in our relationships in our bodies in our emotions in our soul realm go inwards let let the eyes of your heart begin to look at your spirit within where christ is right so christ in us the hope of glory that is the pure gospel right so just begin to do that just begin to look at him pay attention to the reality that already is that we are living in union with christ he is within us and as you do that just begin to let go of whatever it is that's difficult for you or impossible for you and trust him in this moment just choose to trust him even if you don't feel that you have capacity to trust him with that difficulty that you're experiencing but take your eyes off it focus your gaze so to speak you're like i'm using metaphorical language but it's like turning inwards and seeing yourself on a path your gaze has now become a path straight into the presence of jesus within you and the circumstances of the natural realm of your life are like peripheral vision so as you choose to just look at jesus within you letting go of the pressures of this realm trusting him relinquishing control trusting that he will be wants to be the solution for you for every one of those situations this is what he's inviting you to experience of him right now this is the deeper life trusting him with suffering trusting him in the midst of that impossibility and as you do this and as you turn your heart's gaze back onto jesus in this way and you lock on and you let go and every time those demanding circumstances distract you let go of that peripheral vision so to speak and lock back on and just let go let everything go so i just encourage you right now take this moment and let go just bring these situations as you're looking at him and you've gone inside as you're looking at him let the situations go and remember whose strength you're now leaning into who is within you christ right christ in us the hope of glory and what you will find starts to happen is the divine exchange you'll move out of any place within you where you're living in your own strength so this is how we reset back into a spirit-led life so instead of trying to cope with that situation trying to figure it out and solve it in your own strength and being led in your decision-making by how you're feeling in response to that situation as you look at jesus and you gaze and you go within and you let go of that situation what will start to happen is that christ's strength within you will begin to rise up and free you from the exhaustive process of trying to cope with life in your own strength you will that this is the this is the the life we see model for us through the life of the shulamite cha lu song of solomon chapter eight she comes out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved she's learnt the wisdom of the posture of leaning and this is what happens to us as we let go we move through the archway of trust we trust jesus within us that god is now within us by his spirit he has become holy the strength of your life of my life and that divine exchange starts to happen the issue i think that faces so many people all the time when i'm i've been traveling for years and obviously engaging with the body of christ all over the world and what i see is that people believe that they think that that jesus is out there somewhere we can we can do this we have a tendency to go here right so we start to think jesus is out there somewhere that one day we'll experience and we can do intermittently but it causes us to strive we keep thinking we have to go somewhere to experience jesus and what's happening now is jesus is inviting us to reset back into what the early church knew which was having relationship with with christ who is now within us separation is a deception right we we are not separate we are one with christ and he's bringing us now to be able to experience experience our union and live out of the strength of that union of god now within us the one who is our healer who is our redeemer who is our king every need is met right through his riches in glory in christ jesus the fullness the treasure chest of who god is like paul tells us is within us in the center of our being and many of us have not known how to live from within we've not known how to remain sensitized because i think that's the issue it's it's ha we've we've lost our um we've either lost or because of the pressures of life or we've not learned how to keep re-sensitizing to the reality that christ is already in us to let go and to live in the strength of god in our daily life so we're struggling along dealing with those impossibilities gritting our teeth trying to trust him because we're doing that and it's you know it's a noble intent but we're doing it out of our own soul strength so much of the time we don't even realize it we're gritting our teeth and trying to live a good christian life and what jesus is saying now is let go let go and trust me and so the key that i have found more effective than anything else to remain sensitized to the reality of christ within me is exactly what i've just shared is to turn inwards to gaze and there is a grace for this at the moment there's a grace to reset into the experience the early church knew and that was the encounter that i had over the last few years some of you will have already heard me sharing different experiences i've had with jesus visions encounters with jesus as he's brought the apostle paul to me showing me something different levels of some of what he is now bringing forth in the expression of the bride of christ worldwide the most recent of these experiences was last saturday and for the holy spirit wow and and in the experience he showed me in part that what i've been what i the invitation i've been extending to you from his heart is the experience that we're now going to live out of so paul came with jesus in the spirit i was fully immersed in this encounter he took hold of my hands and as he stood there holding my hands i could feel the apostolic investment of paul getting expression through the bride of christ now in our day in a way that's relevant for all the time that we're living in that as supernatural as the walk that we see paul walking so the way he knew him the gospel that he preached the supernatural way that the early church lived they were living out of the new creation reality all the time they were living sensitized paul kept them on track kept them out of error by by disciplining them in the ways of the truth the pure the pure gospel of christ in us what actually happened now because of jesus's finished work on the cross and so i came out of that experience and i am consuming paul's letters again just looking at the life in the book of acts and looking at the life they lived what they knew how they lived vibrant alive able to endure persecutions able to enjoy the time that they were in suffering and in the midst of that suffering resting into the strength of christ and that's the invitation we are going to begin to be an expression of church of the bride of christ in this hour that looks like the supernatural church at the beginning we are going to live in the strength of the spirit of god in in the midst of us no longer desensitized disconnected but living out of union living out of oneness completely engulfed with the spirit of god dispensing through us all the time and meeting the needs within us and the needs that we see around us jesus wants you to experience him as the divine healer as the one who is your deliverer and whoever if you're wherever you go as you turn your gaze inwards relinquish control trust him that doesn't mean abdicate all responsibility it means shift in your internal posture so that the eyes of your heart are looking at jesus and you eventually get to a point where you do this all the time and you start to live from within your spirit and your spirit operating like a doorway so the presence of god just cascades through you through your soul through your body and out into your world and every person you meet and every place you go you begin to see jesus as the solution flowing through you more and more comprehensively and this is what we are going to look like satisfied in him so the issue really i believe has been sensitivity it to the to the reality of our union and like i said it will if we can just gaze we just take moments through the day and set our gaze upon him seeing christ in the center of our being the magnetism of who he is will draw you to himself as you turn inwards the experience of our christian walk becomes supernatural we know we don't have to imagine ourselves into a christian experience we we have to look at jesus we can do that entering in through the word you know like i've just read there you just start to use the word of god fix your eyes on him go in through the doorway of the word or worship but always turn inwards don't look for jesus out here and there's a grace for you to go into him holy spirit wow into experiencing with him him like just like never before like the early church new and remember that it's union that enables encounters is not encounters that enables union so everybody can have encounters it is supposed to be the normal christian experience for all of us not intermittently randomly not self-generated that our normal experience as we gaze upon him as we look at who he is and you'll find because he truly is within us he the supernatural uncreated god is within us then his his love for you he loves you so much that he came and dwelt within you because he doesn't want to be separate ever and he can't be separated from you so we relax we relinquish control we choose even in the midst of excruciating suffering we choose to give those situations to him we let them go and we keep our eyes fixed on him and as we do that he draws us into himself his spirit begins to dispense through us releasing fresh life and healing and power and wisdom and being the solution to every situation that we face he becomes glorified his testimony increases in our life we become a living epistle of hope and everybody and everything around us become begets gets bathed in light as we consciously abide this is the life of abiding right john 15 we are the branches he is the line as we literally let our roots the roots of our heart go down deep into him as we gaze upon him we become consciously aware we are who we are the life of jesus will flow through us and we will just produce fruit without effort we can simply enjoy him so in finishing a lot of a lot of what i have just shared has been happening in the context of our international mentoring community which we are opening the doors of again for one week today so if you want to experience more of this you feel this would be a good a good place for you to be to grow in right now we would love you to come on board and be a part of our international growing family we've so many people have been just transforming in their relationship with jesus on the journey with us this far they've been have some encounter i've been having encounters for the first time in their lives and so so many hearts are being healed and just transformed and untangled from religion it's a really loving very special very holy safe place and so at the end of this show if you'd like to try us out just click on the link below and jump on board or just jump onto this and we would love to uh to welcome you into our community so in finishing i just pray that everything i've shared today you know you can just listen to this back a few times until it really drops in your spirit the deeper christian life is not complicated to access it's simply about turning inwards and gazing like i have said looking at christ within you who abides within your spirit and not allowing anything to distract you don't try and fix yourself in these moments just give everything to him and you will start to move from a natural experience of christianity to a supernatural experience of jesus as your normal christian experience this is what he is doing now we are going to look like the church that we read about in the book of acts but relevant for our day absolutely on fire living in his strength dripping supernatural power everywhere we go shining the nature of jesus irrespective of the suffering we're going through in the end even fear no longer counsels our heart it can't grip us we might fear it but in this place we so trust the strength of our king we so trust the victory that he's going to bring out of every situation we face we trust in his faithfulness and so this is the glorious gospel this is going to be our experience now so i just pray that this week you will be rocked by jesus you will shift into a whole new place as you just apply these keys that the lord has taught me down the years so it's so good to be with you today and i yeah jump on board the imc if you want to try this out and i look forward to seeing you there or i look forward to seeing you again next week god bless have an amazing week you
Channel: Liz Wright
Views: 8,101
Rating: 4.9387755 out of 5
Id: bJNYoneU-ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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