Reported Speech - Smrt Live Class with Mark #17

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hey everybody welcome to smart live class Wednesday I am your teacher Mark Roberts today we are going to talk about reported speech I also have my phone in front of me here so if you're watching on a Facebook hey Tonya hey Abdul cram guys come to YouTube and you can see the lesson you you will not see a green screen behind me so you know if you are new to the smart livestream in YouTube you can send us questions you can send me questions or you can send Zach questions and Zach his job he will make sure that I answer the questions because sometimes I'm busy and I can't look at the chat so that's Zach's job and he'll help me thank you guys for for supporting us and coming every week we we have big plans for the smart livestream we would like to add more classes so if you if you like what we're doing you can support us with donations if you have any questions about that about how to do it let me know in the YouTube chat or let Zach know and we can we can show you how to donate we we do this for free but we would really appreciate your support so that we can we can add more classes one more time if you're watching on Facebook come to YouTube and you'll you'll you'll see that the class is much much more interesting Aaron the sound should be working now hopefully the the sound is working let me know if you if you if there are any problems Thank You Bikram Bikram where are you are you you sound like you're in India are you in India this is really cool we have students from all over the world and it's I'm in Vancouver Canada I'm a teacher at the Canadian College of English language so students come here from all over the world to study English and my co-worker Sean he is also a teacher here so let's get started we had a we had a request a request a request right somebody asked asked me on our Facebook group she said I think her name was Madeleine she said you know mark I I she said well let me let me do let me do this here she said she didn't understand reported speech very well yeah she said she didn't understand reported speech very well and she asked me to teach it in today's class so you can do that guys that's what's so cool about the internet you can join our Facebook group Zac we'll put the link there Madeleine Velasquez it's me yes where are you Madeleine are you in Venezuela I think you're in Venezuela right anyways Madeleine this class is for you thank you for the request repetition Rosa I don't know what you mean anyways let's get started she said she didn't understand reported speech very well well actually this sentence has the grammar that we're going to study today she said she didn't understand reported speech very well now you guys you know my my class is usually at an intermediate level intermediate level so I know we have some more advanced students a little bit higher level students so if you have learned some more advanced rules of reported speech that's great I'm not going to talk about the more advanced things today do you guys understand what I'm saying advanced I'm not advanced means really high level okay I'm not going to I'm not going to talk about the the high level stuff today so sometimes we don't use reported speech and I'm not going to talk about that today if you guys want me to I can I can talk about it next week but today I'm going to teach you the intermediate level rules for reported speech okay the the most important rules for for reported speech okay so let's go back to this sentence she said she didn't understand reported speech very well now reported speech means we use special grammar to talk about to talk about what did someone say what did someone say now when we when we talk about what did someone say actually in English we we have two choices we have two choices okay if if I want to talk about what did someone say okay we have two choices we have something called direct speech speech just means speak okay and then we have reported speech now which one which one is really really easy well direct speech is super easy okay direct speech you guys probably have studied direct speech direct speech means we do not change the words we do not change a person's words okay we do not change them at all okay so Madelyn Velasquez hopefully you're still there how are you how are you let me know in in in in the chat Madelyn how are you right let me know Emilio hey how's it going we're Amelia where where are you from Emilio where are you from um vikrum vikrum is from somewhere I saw somewhere KY sorry K sorry K sorry okay so we have Madeline's answer in the next can you change the time of lecture please because we're fasting yes some people are Muslim but not everybody and a lot of people and our students are not fasting so it's difficult to change our lessons we're going to keep them at this time and remember Ramadan is not forever so so it'll be easier in in July for you okay I always pronounce a direct speech I didn't know that it can be pronounced like in front well Rosa let's let's let's keep talking so Madeline if you guys look at the YouTube chat guys if you're on Facebook come to youtube right come to you - I asked Madeline Madeline how are you in Madeline so Madeline remember Madeline is the person that asked me to do this class Madeline I hope that's spelling of your name let me yeah it is maybe the pronunciation is different in English I don't know she said this I am great okay so here is here's Madeline's answer I am great okay so direct speech means we say Madeline's words okay we don't change her words and also with direct speech we need quotations quotations in in English maybe you guys I don't know have seen this but we do this right we do this well these are called quotation marks not mark but marks okay these are called quotations and here I'll just write this word here quotation marks there we go okay these are called quotation marks okay so let's let's talk about what Madeline said Madeline said okay and then what we do is usually we use a comma space we always need a space after a comma a lot of students make mistakes about this but this is a really simple rule if you have a comma you need a space after the comma not before the comma gosh I see so many mistakes about this on the Facebook group or in my class with writing come on guys this is an easy rule Madeleine said no space comma space and then we start the quotation King and we don't change her words I am great now how do we finish this do we do the quotation first in the period or what do we do the period and then the quotation well what do you guys think in the YouTube chat what do you think do we do period quotation or quotation period let me know in the YouTube chat and I'll wait to give you the answer mo toki Tom Oh Daesan my old student how you doing buddy long time no long time No long time no see well I can't see you maybe a long time no chat moto key if you are going to stay for the class I know it's like super late in Japan right now right it's like maybe one o'clock or two o'clock in the morning but if you want to join the class come to YouTube you can see Zach's link above Mary Ann's here Mary Ann welcome back yomaira is here so what's first well I'm going to trust Mary on because Mary Ann's always right we put the period first and the quotation okay now look no space no space okay so this is called direct speech direct speech usually we use this verb said we don't say told we say said okay now ask me a question guys ask me a question in the YouTube chat ask me a question anything is okay well not anything but but ask me a question about maybe ask me a question about my baby or ask me a question about Vancouver or ask me a question about my school anything I don't care I just need an example man Oh Ella how are you you're right model Ella yeah period and then quotation it's only 115 in Japan that's pretty late that's that's late for you Zack I know Zack goes to bed early how old are you okay how old ru Thank You Abdul creme how long have you been teaching okay good blue guitar 77 you look familiar um okay so let's look at Abdul creams question first okay so mark are you saying I love Mary Ann okay Abdul difficult name for me Abdul creme okay um why are you not you why are you not wearing a hat today um it's a good question I'm sorry I'm not wearing a hat today okay let's let's uh it's okay says our it's okay it's okay what did you do today good question but in Vancouver right now it's 9:15 in the morning so my day just started okay let's go back to Abdul crams question what did he ask me again I forget oh how old are you okay so how old are you okay so let's use direct speech what did he say well okay maybe a little strange What did he say we would say what did he ask right what did he ask so before remember Madeleine said I am great Madeleine said I'm great but what did Abdul crane ask right what did he ask okay same rules he asked okay he asked , remember no space he asked now remember quotations now quotations no space here okay cesare no space now Rosa usually we don't say he asked me just we say he asked okay so he said or he asked hey panty panty panty agua pani I don't know your name hey how's it going come to YouTube he asked now no space after a quotation here so he asked how old are you okay he asked how old are you now remember here we have a period no space and quotation well questions a little bit different we just need a question mark no space quotation okay he asked how old are you he asked how old are you now you know like I said like I said today's class we're just going to talk about the basic rules okay we're not going to study advanced things okay Rosa you're you're a higher level student so you know maybe you have studied this before but let's just let's just focus on the basic rules right now so direct speech basic rules right let's just review don't chain well okay let's try again don't change the words okay we would use these verbs say and ask example he said comma quotation but a bit a bit about right do-do-do-do-do-do-do to do marathi a question for marathi why did you not choose a grammar topic today why did I not choose because Madeleine asked me to teach this you guys you guys if you have any anything you want to teach me join the facebook facebook group and ask me there you know I can teach many different different topics he said or he asked ok of course we can also use she okay so remember he asked we need a question mark and he said we need a period yeah Vikram's right the period is first right or the question mark is first thank you Ayman okay now this is direct speech direct speech is easy right I love you let's actually let's let's let's let's do some examples to make sure you guys understand okay I love you I man I love you Vikram I love you Marathi I love you Mariana I love yo Mara I love you right Rosa I love you hey hey how's it going me grupo de inglis welcome back guys I love you what did Mark say please write direct speech in the YouTube chat okay make a use good punctuation capital letters mark said what Mark said what Oh Alejandra you have one mistake blue guitar 77 perfect Joe say welcome back buddy how's Mexico today good job blue guitar Alejandra look at blue guitars a sentence do you see a difference do you see a difference mark do you speak Spanish no no hablo espanol Mark said I love you Allah good job good job good job perfect Alejandro do you see do you see the mistake you just forgot the period right you forgot the period good job Aaron good job say czar Abdul cream my name is Mark not market and also Abdul cram why why you that's that's not cool that's not that this is not this is not facebook chat this is real English class don't use don't use that that's right that's not that's for text messaging Mexico is cloudy this morning yo Mara good job mark said I love you okay Rosa what's your mistake look everybody look at Rosa's sentence can you can you oh pass Goya no no pass Goya welcome back guys pass Goya was really nice and he donated to us we really appreciate it pass Khoa thank you very much but everybody look at Rosa's sentence now this is a really common mistake right what did we say about spaces what did we say about spaces everybody look at Rosa's a message in the chat and please fix it what's what's the mistake what is the mistake thank you pass Goa yeah yeah right Rosa so okay okay she missed the period Rosa missed the period let me check here anyways Rose I think your I think your mistake you said this Mark said comma quotation whoops and space okay I love you okay so you see guys look look even here I'm using Google Documents and you see you see look Google is confused right here there's a space so Rosa don't use a space okay yeah you're right Allah yeah you're right Abdul kayum yeah Alejandra no spaces right it's okay that's okay we're all helping each other right so Mark said quotation no space I love you and you see here Google is confused because Google thinks I'm I'm starting a new quotation you see you see that quote it's going it's going this way right but we look if I if I erase the space and I put a quotation now it's going the camera is opposite so now it's going this way know what you guys can see don't worry it's it's I'm confused okay Rosa now let's look at Pasco as let's look at Pasco as sentence because this is also a common mistake he wrote this or he yeah mark said and then he did this right I love you now this is not okay this is this is not okay usually we we we fix it we just use it comma and then we use quotations okay pass Goa and guys remember it's not before the period it's after the period okay mark said I love you yeah thank you thank you grammarly up check that mistake it's really good out oh is it cool I I never use it because my grammar is perfect I'm sorry but no III students tell me it's a really good app hey everybody on YouTube guys come to excuse me I'm confused it's nine o'clock in the morning here yeah if you're on Facebook come to YouTube and you know you'll understand why why there's a green wall behind me cool pasta Thanks thanks for your support so that's direct speech direct speech is super easy but unfortunately in English we have another way to talk about what did somebody say we use reported speech now what is reported speech let's let's let's take a look at that sentence again can anybody can anybody in the YouTube chat can anybody write this and reported speech so maybe at U is you right you rose I love you Mariana I love you Paz Cola I love you Marathi I love you Allah I love you right blue guitar 77 I love you right so what what did Mark say what can you guys use reported speech before before I teach you reported speech let's see what what do you know what do you know okay Alejandra he said that he'll uh okay mark said that he would love you untrusting hey Omar how are you doing from Jeddah right what did he what do you say for Ramadan Ramadan Mubarak Omar you're feeling left out Zak he said that he loved you okay now Abdul creme that's direct speech remember use a capital what's before I forget Abdul cram we didn't talk about this but guys in your quotation use capital letters okay he said I love you okay but when you use when you use different words right example he said he said the water right you see we use a capital here okay all right so here here is here is the problem now I see a lot of students are changing changing the verb so with reported speech number one we need to change the tense of the verb we need to change the tense of the verb okay tense means the the time you guys we're going to talk about tenses a lot today so number one we have to change the tense of the verb and number two we have to change the pronouns I you he she mark we have to we have to change the pronouns okay so reported speech we have two things to think about and actually we have another thing to think about sometimes we have to change the time words okay so reported speech we have to think about different changes now reported speech we we can change the person's words we can change the person's words remember direct speech we don't whoops we don't change the person's words I know my head is there I'm going to put it up here but reported speech reported speech we we we need to change the person's words okay we don't we don't with reported speech we don't really we don't care about the words so much we care about the meaning okay the meaning is important now also with reported speech we do not use quotations we do not use quotations and we do not need commas okay okay yes Madeline you're right you're right simple present teint changes to simple past so Madeline is a little bit ahead of us she's talking about tenses okay but before I talk about that Madeline guys look at this again we do not need quotations and we do not need comma whoops we do not need commas with reported speech is that clear so I'm going to go back up in the YouTube chat Oh iris beautiful perfect sentence yeah Mariana perfect sentence mark mark said that he loves me perfect sentence yo mera okay now off that's direct speech Abdul claim that's direct speech but Abdul cram you have some mistakes with with your punctuation with spaces okay let's let's just take that one more time I know I'm going back but I just want to fix your mistakes so Abdul creme wrote this he loved you okay what are the mistakes here well quotations this is direct speech right so we need a comma after said we have no spaces here and finally we need a capital here okay finally another mistake direct speech Abdul cram direct speech this means this means don't change the words okay Abdul crammed there you go your sentence it's okay now let's go back to reported speech now we need to change the sentences now we have a lot of high-level students in this class Mary Ann for example I think yome era is pretty high level if you guys can understand Sean's classes well you're you congratulations you speak English really really well so Mary Ann and yo Mehra understand understand you know sometimes we don't need to change the tenses but in today's class let's just learn the basic rules okay the basic rules tenses English has 12 tenses probably five or six of them are really really important and you guys have studied now I always say present simple some people say simple present I don't know whatever it doesn't matter present simple example he plays soccer he plays soccer in reported speech we need to change present simple to past simple like Madeline said right so he plays soccer what is the past simple of he plays guys help me in this class please let me know in the chat what is the past simple of he plays soccer what is the past simple of he plays soccer please change that hey Victoria how are you today how's Taiwan come to the YouTube YouTube video ya played ok so he played soccer ok so guys please write a reported speech sentence remember reported speech no quotations no commas no capital letters right so I play soccer I play soccer what did Mark say what did Mark say what he said that okay look at Joseph's beautiful almost beautiful sentence because he has no capital letters no period but the grammar is good Joseph a good job but I play soccer look at Joe so a sentence he said no comma we only use commas with direct speech okay no okay now we have that that that okay with reported speech we can say that whoops we can say that it's not necessary but we can say it okay lots of good answers Allah that's direct speech we're not using direct speech right now mr. white is that a is that a Breaking Bad reference or is your name actually mr. mr. white yeah lots of good answers I'm going to choose iris our eat I don't know how do you say that in Spanish Zack how do you say iris in Spanish IDI CDs in English is very different iris yeah he said he played soccer yeah now that is not necessary okay we use that you can use that if it's not a question no I just like how do you say iris is it Eadie's is that correct I'm a Breaking Bad huge fan you should say I'm a huge Breaking Bad fan do you guys know Breaking Bad Merion do you know Breaking Bad Breaking Bad is like a really famous TV show it's finished now but it was it's a very big part of English culture Breaking Bad yeah okay Edie's okay so my Spanish is good so Madeleine yes I do speaks about it okay guys look look look look look look look at these two sentences now mark said let's let's use direct speech mark said I play soccer so direct speech here's the first example Mark said I play soccer but reported speech let's just use he the same here I can't okay here we go mark said that he played soccer now look look at the difference direct speech we need a comma we need quotations we need a capital letter but reported speech no comma we can use that if we want to there's no there's no there's no rule if you want to that is a little bit more formal okay so if you're writing an academic essay you probably use that is more common okay but look we need to change I to he we need to change present simple to past simple okay Oh Breaking Bad Thank You Zack good job but I know the mr. white and Reservoir Dogs oh very nice Marion Barry you don't know Breaking Bad though Mary huh come on come on come on Mary on you got to watch that show you've got to watch that show you got a you got to watch that show what does that mean guys what does that mean I've talked about this before in my class you got away I got you bro okay you got to watch that show what does this mean guys what does this mean in normal English this is not this is not beautiful English this is just kind of like slang right Mariana understands slang yes mr. white you have to you have to you have to I'm mr. pink yes have got you O'Meara you must yeah you don't know much about TV shows TV shows are getting really good in USA I don't know about France but now TV shows are actually really good like Breaking Bad is incredible yeah you have to watch that show it's available on Netflix and Canada I don't know about France but you can watch it on Netflix here you have to watch that show so yeah like when we're speaking in in in USA or Canada we say this a lot guys this is not good English don't write this in academic essays okay but when we're speaking yeah I got to go to the bathroom I got a I got a I got a go right I love Grey's Anatomy cool yeah I've never seen that show but a lot of people like that show to Saudi Netflix is terrible oh well you can use a VPN Omar oh no that they stopped that didn't exact you can't do that anymore oh I'm sorry Omar if only there were there were a way to to watch TV shows and movies from USA without Netflix hmm I wonder if that's possible anyways so look okay all right let's stop talking about TV let's let's continue now present simple present simple Madelyn is waiting right she wants me to teach reported speech she doesn't want me to talk about TV shows so present simple we changed past simple okay boom easy all right now what about present continuous some teachers say present progressive I hate this word I have written this word maybe maybe 20,000 times in my life and I always forget this you I always forget it oh okay anyways which which words do you guys hate to type or write let me know in the chat anyways guys we have a lot of a lot of really really good our favorite students that come every week right like Mary Ann or Aaron or Madeline or Omar and a lot of them like Mariana and Paz Goa and Rafael you guys have made donations and it's really helping us it we really appreciate it Mariana thank you so much Rafael thank you so much so if you guys if you guys if you guys can if you if you like what we're doing here please support us and please click the donation link and Zach can help you with that if you don't understand how to do that present continuous what do we we change we change it to past continuous Thank You Aaron yeah we change it to pass continuous okay so example example Mariana is smoking what kind of cigarettes do you smoke Mary Ann ji smoke golden wazoo the French French cigarettes really famous because they're super heavy so right now she is smoking a cigarette she is smoking a cigarette are you okay there you go okay so I I can I can I can I can see Mariana hey Vincent how you doing buddy come to YouTube come to YouTube no that's disgusting what's just Oh golden laws the the crazy French cigarettes yeah yeah anyways Mariana is smoking a cigarette this is present continuous what did Mark say what did Mark say let me know in the chat what did Mark say Oh Rosa has already done it okay Rosa don't forget a period at the end of your sentence I'm a little bit worried about Rosa's punctuation okay Rose I am worried about you because you are one of our best students and you're on the facebook chat all the time and you you come to my class every week so I really really really want to help you so Rho so so Rosa don't forget a period okay and Ahmed use a capital letter man guys why what's what's wrong with capital letters why do you why do you hate capital letters right okay Mariana stop smoking Alexandra Mary Ann's brother but let's look at Alejandra's Surdas almost beautiful sentence she doesn't have a period but Mary Ann mark said Mark said mark said don't forget Alejandro mark said Mary Ann okay mark said okay we could just use she yeah good mark said she now remember we can use that if we want to it's not necessary but it's a choice so I'm gonna put that here mark said that she was smoking a cigarette there we go okay so you guys understand now how we're changing the tenses we don't need quotations we don't need commas we don't need capital letters here right come on guys use capital letters to start your sentence right mark said Mary Ann was smoking a cigarette yeah Abdul kram good good okay let's anybody tried shisha before good question Omar okay so we talked about this present simple goes to pass simple let's let's go a little faster here now present continuous goes to past continuous let's keep going now let's talk about past simple if I say past simple example I went to the store what did Mark say what did Mark say I'll give you a hint the tense starts with past it starts with past but it's not the same it's not the same right mark said that key what Mark said that he mark said that he it's about it's about five or ten seconds behind past perfect Oh yo Mara that's present perfect not Pat look at look at Duggan's answer or at Rico's answer Oh Eureka it's an interesting spelling of God mark said that he has Oh my guru Buddha ingress that's present perfect guys we need past perfect past perfect good job mark said that now past perfect what's that past perfect really easy well it's not easy but we need had not have yo Mara not has me grupo de Inglis we need had plus a past participle okay so mark said that he had and and went we change to PP so gone to the store okay let's keep going let's keep going past continuous pass continue Oh see look I did it again oh I hate this word I hate this word I've always forget to you oh okay past continuous so it was raining at eight o'clock in Vancouver what did I say what did I say what did I say what did I say what did I say what did I say mark said what did I say what did I say you guys let me know and that in the chat let me know in the chat let me know let me know in the chat let me know in the chat it was raining at 8 o clock yes Andre bondarenko good job oh no pass Goa we have to change oh maybe Pascal is talking about a different sentence past perfect but it's optional yeah good point model and I'm going to talk I'll talk about that but we should use past perfect continuous yeah so Mark said it had been raining at 8 o'clock thank you model and I I should talk about that now guys Madeline is the teacher assistant today and optional what does that mean it's optional optional means it's your choice okay so if if I say if I say I went to the store I went to the store mark he went to the store is okay is okay Thank You Madeline or we can say this past perfect Mark said he had gone to the store yeah so had gone had we can change to just this mark said he'd gone to the store yeah mr. white thank you it's not obligatory which means you don't have to okay so also so the past you don't have to change it okay because a lot of Canadian people a lot of American people they don't know past perfect some students know grammar better than better than Canadians better than Americans so I think I think like you know a lot of a lot of people now they just they don't know past perfect so they just they don't change it right so it was raining it was raining at 8 o clock you can change this mark said it had been raining it had been raining at 8 o'clock but I think I think Madeline's right I think you know it is optional mark said it was raining at 8 o clock so my advice really my advice is just don't change it don't change it if it's the past okay what's Jeff teach Jeff is not teaching Jeff is helping me make a hell to helping me helping Sean and I make a new course Omar sushar thank you for your kind words okay let's keep going present perfect present perfect we need to change okay so example I have seen avatar unfortunately unfortunately I have seen avatar oh I hate that movie oh it's such a terrible movie so bad why why does everybody like this movie Mark said now how do we how do we change present perfect well present perfect also we use past part perfect cool movie no way Mego I think I think I think avatar is terrible gosh Mark said he'd seen avatar yes Thank You me grupo de Inglis thank you thank you for agreeing with me mr. Roy why why capital S Abdul creme I agree with you good thank you mark said that he had seen avatar Rosa no space before period no space it has a great message yeah whatever I don't care about the message it's three hours okay just tell me the message I don't want to see avatar three hours of the same story in every Hollywood movie gosh avatar sucks Thank You Omar you guys you don't have to agree with me okay zach has to leave guys so it's okay I talked about this in my class Dances with Wolves it's the same story Dances with Wolves thirty years ago a movie about a guy and he I don't want to talk about this and it was Dances with Wolves yeah it's the same story Deanna welcome it's funny to hear mark speaking Spanish I don't I tried I tried to learn Spanish but I if you're on Facebook come to YouTube guys why are you on Facebook come to you too all right it's my keyboard knocking okay all right okay let's talk about modal verbs somebody asked me about modal verbs well will example I'll never watch Avatar again and you know what guys you know what you know what you know what avatar sound is working it's not working sounds not working test test test test test okay Julian it says they can't cure your mic yeah can you guys hear me now so Jeremy was right Jeremy said he dropped the mic and I thought he was just joking guys can you can you hear me now Julian thinks I'm stupid okay he thinks I always asked Julian for help and I don't know why but always it's a stupid reason that I made a mistake so he thinks I'm really stupid but actually I'm not I know about computers okay anyways let's stop talking about reported speech and let's just talk about avatar for the rest of class okay guys do you is that okay with you no I'm joking I'll never watch avatar again so what do we do with will what do we do what do we do with will yes good job me go Marc said will becomes wood wood so Marc said he do what does this mean well sometimes do means had and sometimes it means wood so here it means wood Marc said he'd never watch avatar again because it so no I'm joking alright I don't want to talk about this ok good job let's keep going now what about wood if I say wood what do we do like example I would like a small coffee please I would like a small coffee please what did Mark say what did one change anybody know anybody know in the YouTube chat because no amigo no we don't change wood for reported speech ok would have is for conditional okay amigo so that's third conditional modal's are really confusing because sometimes we sometimes we change them for this but sometimes we don't change them for this yeah so yo Mara is right it's the same we don't change it Mark said he'd yo Mara do you like Avatar you're very quiet about this topic mark said he'd like a small coffee mark said he would like a small coffee Alexandre what are your what are your thoughts on Avatar do you agree with me or do you think I'm wrong no Jose don't say i right mark said he we have to change the pronoun let's keep going what about should what about should Lukas look at go up the chat on Facebook go up the chat and you can see you can see the link to the YouTube channel gift come on join us ooh gift loves gift loves this gift come to YouTube I I want to talk to you I haven't talked to you in a long time he does he would yes I don't know how to say your name tastes tasty your tastes okay amigo your homework is to write three pages about why you think avatar is awesome and why you think I'm wrong okay I never remain remember remember the names of movies I've watched are you serious you've never come on yo mera avatar is them is the most successful movie in the history of stupid movies this movie of course you've seen this alright here we go let's go back should do we change should no change no change you should not watch avatar what did Mark say what what did Mark say tell me what is it about it's about every movie that you've ever seen okay a white man saves the world that's all you need to know right why only white people can save the world in Hollywood movies for some reason right the black people die the Asian people die the Arab people always die only the white person can save the world anyways you're mean mark oh okay I'm sorry let's I'll stop sharing my opinion avatar is cool mark said yeah we don't change it Mark said we we we write because I'm talking to you I'm talking to you oh you America ja good I like your opinion mark said we we shouldn't watch avatar okay don't change remember we got to change the pronouns okay what else must what do we do for must example I must I must disagree with everyone who likes avatar what do we do what do we what do we what do we what do Will Smith has saved the world a few times Oh good point good point okay Will Smith is OK all right um I must disagree what do we do with must what do we do with this but as I welcome come to YouTube gift where are you I want to see some messages here yes me grupo de ingress it is your right must weed must we should change to had to write so mark said he had to now do we do we change disagree no because because it's after a modal verb or it's after 2 so we don't change it mark said he had to disagree with everyone who Oh what's this what's this this is present simple past simple who liked Avatar ok a little bit different Omar a little bit different ok I have to sleep now it's 12 o'clock in Vietnam 12 o'clock come on 12 o'clock that's not late ok I'm joking go ahead go to sleep don't watch avatar alright um ok so must what else guys can what do we say for Ken what do we say for Ken well can we change to could what else other modal's could what do we what do we we don't change good ok we don't change anything else I'm am I forgetting forgetting a modal verb oh may may we need to change too might might doesn't change doesn't change so example it may rain tomorrow it may rain tomorrow what did Mark say mark said it it well I don't know why but we have to change me to might so mark said it might rain no here's a problem now we talked about this at the beginning of the class sometimes we have to change the time so if tomorrow here is the same like how do I explain this like like maybe tomorrow now is not Tuesday or tomorrow's Wednesday right so I said tomorrow and my meaning is Wednesday but then in the future we talked about Oh mark today's is is Wednesday and it's it's it's not raining you were wrong you said you said it might rain tomorrow well no because now is tomorrow so now we change it today right it's very difficult what which one's difficult POSCO at the time or mayor might maybe tomorrow was two days ago yeah so if here is easy because now tomorrow is today but somebody wrote omelet thank you the next day the next day yeah so like maybe last week you know example example I don't know so so example Alexandra Alexandra Aleksandra is speaking and he he said here is his direct speech I'm I'm going to Canada tomorrow and Alexandra I believe is in France with her sister right not with her sister but Mariana is in France right she's probably watching avatar right now Alexandra said I'm going to Canada tomorrow and that was last week and now I'm in France and you know I see Alexandra and I'm like Alexandra you're in France still you're in France you said you said you said you said you were going to Canada tomorrow no because tomorrow now is it so now we need to say the next day okay or like Rosa said the following day this is not this is not a really big problem how did it let's let's let's think about times right now and then we're going to talk about questions and then we'll we'll finish class let's let's let's think about times let me go to smart here because I need some help here let me go down down down down down oh my god let's let's just make sure we talked about everything here tenses yes will we say would be going to I am going to we we changed to was going to if you can't see this it's because you're not watching HD so turn on the HD can we change to could could doesn't change must we change to had to we talked about all this should doesn't change would doesn't change may become so this is let me maybe comes might I should change that he said that the tape me okay may you don't need to change I said change it to might it's okay if you change it to my but you don't have to change it say or tell now let's talk about say or tell before we finish remember direct speech we need to say or ask but reported speech you can you can use told me okay you can say said or told me or asked or asked me remember Rosa you you said asked me well that's for reported speech okay I wish I were in Canada I have my exams this week okay I got to go you guys alright Omar enjoy Ramadan probably it's dinner time right so enjoy anyways okay so let's let's we talked about that Oh questions I want to talk about that but time expressions okay so again if you can't see this very clearly turn on HD guys we have weird we we bought like a crazy computer because you know we need to stream high quality so people can read this so you can watch this and crazy crazy crazy quality and you can you can see mark and really amazing beautiful detail which is probably not a good thing but anyways today we change to that day now we can say then or at that time okay looks very informative can I click can I go to that website well this is smart yomaira and smart is what we use to teach English in our schools many many schools around the world use this program to to teach English so I can't really give people access to it I can just show you in the in the video every K saw this yesterday in his English class I love online English courses in your place any opportunity what do you mean any opportunity I don't understand what do you mean what kind of up Jannetty yesterday the day before okay three days ago well we would change to three days before so I met her three days ago Mark said he met her three days before okay last week we changed to the week before or we can say the previous weeks all right next year we can you say the following year tomorrow we say the next day or like Rosa said the following day the following day here and there I would like to ask you what is the difference between direct speech and reported speech did you just join the class did you just join the class go back to the beginning of the class in the in YouTube go back to the beginning of the video and I talked about it for a super long time this becomes that these becomes those thank you very much I have to go now okay Rosa me too what about later later later doesn't change laterz is okay later doesn't change okay last thing guys and then we're going to finish class now this is a little difficult example why do you like Avatar are you crazy I'm sorry if you like Avatar many most people like avatar I'm strange not easy to change a question to report it speech we have many things to think about first of all this is present simple so we have to change this to past simple but if we use reported speech now let's mark said or asked which one asked this is a question but if I do this it's not a question right mark asked is this a question mark asked no this is a normal sentence so this is question grammar but we have to change question grammar to normal grammar and normal grammar in English when I say normal grabber I mean not question grammar we always need this order subject plus verb subject + verb example I love you or I am teaching right and not question grammar sometimes we have a helping verb here right example unfortunately I have seen avatar unfortunately whoa me grupo de ingress you're right you're right Omarion mistake I'm gonna tell Shawn that you made a mistake because this is a very rare thing lots of mistakes mr. right educe Edie's beautiful very good model and don't need capital don't need capital W if if no no no not if Omar okay look at what I talked about I have seen avatar now it looks like you guys understand this we need to change this mark asked why now subject verb do you know that's questions mark asked why you like but remember we have to change the tenants and then we write the name of the stupid movie and this is not a question Madeline it's not a question meatball date oh maybe we could have put in English isn't it's not asking no do please don't tell Sean well maybe if you make another donation Mary and I will not tell Sean no I'm joking okay Edie's look at EDC's answer okay mark asked why you liked Avatar here no no do why because we need do in questions but this is not a question so goodbye do are you crazy you like Abbott - OH mushara no did no question mark no space before the question mark are you crazy this is a question right but when you do this mark asked this is not a question so we can't use we can't use the same grammar we remember how do you how do you say this like normal English like not a question how do you say this right Oh yo Mara she's worried well not a question you just say this you are crazy right but we have here mark asked why now this this word y means okay it was a question it was a question now are you crazy mark asked now look this is called a yes-or-no question a yes-or-no question we use if Mark asked if now what's the other word we can use well we can say whether whether it's the same pronunciation as whether you know outside weather how's the weather okay Madeline but you're forgetting if okay and Danielle I didn't ask Danielle how are you doing I didn't I didn't say why I just said are you crazy you like Avatar are you crazy so mark asked yes or no so mark asked if if I was crazy if I was crazy remember are we change to the past you we have to who is you me i right so let's let's do another example let's do some more questions where are you going where are you going where are you going I'm pretty good how about you I'm pretty good I'm pretty good where are you going where are you going most people are crazy and like avatar I know I know right sometimes sometimes I feel like the world is crazy and everybody likes avatar I'm busy you're supposed to be teaching here yeah is it not I were no I was only for conditional Madeleine conditional if I were if okay ooh it is Alejandra Andre where you were going okay maybe I'm talking to Andre so where I was going but Andre no problem Andre did you change your youtube name so now I can read it be careful Abdullah claim we have to change to the past good job mr. white except mr. white come on I you need capital and going you need a period students always they you know they think oh I don't need to do this because it's just YouTube chat but see the problem is then they write an academic essay and they make the same mistakes so fix your mistakes right he asked where you were going good Madelyn yo Mehra where yeah I missed your your answer right so so if I'm talking to you right mark asked me remember we can say me we don't need it where I was going mark asked where I was going okay Madelyn I was in a rush okay mr. white I'm just I'm just trying to help you guys right Jose you don't need to you don't need to okay but come on mark abent oh yeah it's terrible Mary Ann is terrible alright okay uh where are you going mark asked me where I was going okay let's do another yes or no question yes or no question hey do you know Sean do you know Sean do you know Sean by the way hey Mary Ann and yo Mara and everybody else sean is not doing a class this week or next week because we're super super super super super busy here I'm super busy but I'm still doing a class because I don't know why but you know so Sean's not doing a class interstellar was awesome today's class is crazy okay the special effects are so bad the story is so bad but interstellar amazing literally avatar amazingly terrible movie all right all right let's stop yes me grupo de inglis yes what I know Sean or yes interstellar is an amazing movie anyways let's stop talking about movies I'm sorry do you know Sean guys guys guys guys guys guys guys yo mera Enrique guys do you know Sean this is present simple we have to change it to past simple right mark asked if or whether I know new Sean Maher cast if I knew Sean Ruben good job buddy yes interstellar me grupo de English I love you I don't know if you're a man or a woman I don't care but it's an amazing movie mm-hmm Mariana's is is she's you know she Marian is strange so yeah Oh knew mark asked if I knew mark asked if I knew Sean or Mark asked me if I knew Sean well guys it's 10:15 that means the class has been super long today do you know why it's been super long it's because it's because you guys keep talking about avatar it's not my fault I I don't know why you keep talking about avatar but I'm joking but yeah I think we had a good class today we just talked about the basic rules we talked about changing questions we talked about direct speech so go back to the beginning of the video if you don't understand direct speech unfortunately like I said Sean is not doing a class today we're super busy he's not doing a class next week I am doing a class next week but Sean will be back in July and yeah you can say that at read yeah you don't need or not you don't need or not but if or whether both are okay what do you think about my advice what's your advice I missed your advice where's your advice I think you should wear an avatar costume to the next class Oh which one I have many I have I have well they're all blue of course but you know I have a woman avatar cost you might have a man's avatar costume I have you know so please be more specific okay I don't think they're completely the same whoa Oh what's happening here we have a question here what do you think about my if is is it weather and if the same here it is exactly the same it's totally the same if we're using if we're talking about reported speech questions it's totally the same okay if whether they're totally the same okay you know we could say if doo doo doo doo doo doo doo we can say if doo doo doo doo doo today or not we can say whether duta-de du-deta duta-de or not we can say whether doo doo doo doo doo doo today or finally we can say whether or not dee dee dee dee dee to do today here are your choices now I mean the meaning is exactly the same but when you're using yes or no questions example mark uh mark asked me let's do the first one if Mark asked me if I knew okay next one let's just copy and paste because we don't have any time here mark asked me if dudududud it or not so mark asked me if I knew Sean or not okay next one weather weather did it or not so mark asked me whether I knew Sean or not is this interesting guys because it looks really boring mark asked me whether nothing okay so mark asked me whether I knew Sean these are all fun these are all the same meaning and last one we can say whether or not so Mark asked me whether I knew Sean let's just type this mark asked me whether or not I knew Sean or gay perfect timing you just joined okay there you go here are your choices mark it's 10:17 I'm hungry I know me too we have to finish class weather is more polite nope nope they're totally the same I'm not going to say that anymore they're the same that's it all right guys please donate if you like what we're doing here otherwise see you next week join the Facebook group and let me know you what you want me to teach and lookout because maybe we will add new classes soon at different times and different subjects but you know keep keep supporting us if you can all right we really appreciate it see you next week and keep studying English bye everybody
Channel: Smrt English
Views: 22,069
Rating: 4.8046513 out of 5
Keywords: English, English Lesson, Live English, English Class, Modal Verbs, reported speech, indirect speech, english grammar, learn english, mark roberts, smrt, smrt live class, smrt english
Id: 2XwXRZa6GuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 51sec (4671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2016
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