Reported Speech vs Direct Speech | Advanced Grammar Lesson

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hey everyone welcome to today's lesson my name is Wes this is interactive English which if you want to practice and improve your English then you are in the right place and that's what this channel is all about and today I have a grammar lesson for you and we are going to talk about direct speech versus reported speech and I'm gonna give you some different examples and talk about well when to use them but also how to change back and forth between direct speech and reported speech but Before we jump into it if you are new here and this is your first time watching one of our lessons please write to me in the chat or write to me in the comments tell me your name where you're from because I just love I love hearing from everyone especially people who are new to the channel but I want to give a quick shout-out to those who are with me right now hello Gladys Angela Sam Sam well Samuel Lally Hawaa your Lea Abdullah Murillo Mary Jane Garcia thank you guys for joining me hope you help everybody is having a wonderful weekend Gertrudis of the Rahman I understand Michael Angelo I'm gonna try and throw in some more shout outs here and there because I am going to have you guys practice a little bit today with reported and direct speech and changing back and forth between the two so let's just go ahead and begin and really define well what what are these what does it mean direct speech and reported speech so direct speech is talking about the actual words that a person says and this is when you would have quotes around the words it's really what the person says and you could think of it like well what are they directly saying reported speech which is also called indirect speech they're they they're the same it's a description of what someone else has said without using the exact words now the reason why I chose to say reported speech instead of indirect speech because I think most of the time if you are looking up about this grammar in particular I think often people are going to use the phrase reported speech instead of indirect speech but they're the same they're one in the same because in this case you are you are reporting what someone else has said it's not direct you are reporting this information to someone else and because you're reporting it often you're talking about what someone has said in the past they have already said this thing and you're telling this to someone else so it was something they said in the past so this is what that means direct speech and reported speech so let's now look at let me give you some examples okay this is this is a conversation that using direct speech you see I put it in quotes this was a discussion that I had this morning my wife and I were talking and I said I'll just read it for you and he well it's talking about me so I could say he said we need more wine I thought you bought some she replied I'll go to the store he said can you also get some Nutella she asked okay so this is a conversation a real conversation that my wife and I we had this morning talking about getting some wine my wife she loves Nutella so she asked me to get some more Nutella now this is direct speech these are the exact words that we said now if we're gonna change this if if you were you heard this conversation and then you were telling someone else like whoa whoa what what did they talk about this morning what was their conversation we can change that to reported speech and it would look something like this he said we needed more wine she thought he had bought some he said that he would go to the store she asked if he could also get some Nutella so in that case is the same conversation using reported speech now I'm gonna talk about specifics of how we change that right now I just wanted to give you a little bit of an example of when you well what direct speech would look like a conversation and then what how we would change that to a reported speech so the first thing that I want to show you is this little graph right here and I apologize because you're gonna see me moving all around the screen today so if you're talking about direct speech this is a graph wait it's up here that you might see in grammar books if you're changing direct speech from reported speech if the direct speech if it's in the present simple it's gonna get changed to the past symbol if it's in the present continuous it'll get changed to the past continuous if it's in the past simple you change it to the past perfect present perfect past perfect will gets changed to wood and can gets changed to could now we're gonna go through there it is we're gonna go through each one of these and I will give you an example and show you how it's changed and then we'll practice it a little bit because like they say practice makes perfect so let's start with that first one and we're going to look at we're going to look at present simple indirect speech getting changed to the past symbol alright so here we go I'm big again alright so if we have direct speech and says something this is just an example she said I go for a run every day all right this person she's making this statement these are all statements that we're talking about just simple statements I go for a run every day it's in the present simple I go for a run if you change that to report its speech we're going to change that main verb go it's going to get changed to the past simple and we'll say she said she went for a run every day now I will say that this is just me this is how it's would be presented in a grammar book the appropriate grammar present simple to pass simple I think you may hear people and and I'm guilty of this too I may not change it to the past simple I might just say she said she goes for a run every day that is something you might hear now I'm not gonna I'm not putting that on here because I want to stick with what the the grammar would specifically tell you if you were to research this in a grammar book present simple gets changed to the past simple now the other thing I want to point out is I said she said that in this case the reason why I put that in parenthesis is because that is optional all right you don't have to say it you can omit it if you want this is your preference she said that she went for a run every day that's fine or you can take it out she said she went for a run every day the one thing I will say is that I think it's more common that if you're talking about verbs like very common verbs like say I think it's common that you will omit that and you're not going to use it that's just my opinion I think it's very common in that case you would omit that when introducing when it's introducing this relative clause so if you say something like common verbs like say she said she went for a run or common verbs like no instead of saying I know that you would just say I know that I know she went for a run every day so keep that in mind and I will come back to that in in just a second so again present simple gets changed to the past simple let's look at present continuous gets changed to the past continuous an example we were taking a vacation my parents said we're taking a vacation my parents said in this case I'm actually using the the present continuous to talk about future time and I know that's confusing I apologize if it is but the rule still stays the same if we change it to report its speech my parents said they were taking a vacation present continuous gets changed to pass continuous all right now let's look at past simple gets changed to the past perfect he said my I met my friend for dinner I met my friend for dinner is in the past simple if we change that to report its speech and you're saying it to someone else he said he had met his friend for dinner he said he had met his friend for dinner it gets changed to the past perfect so again I just really I'm doing this because I want you to think about the changes in the verb tense right now from direct speech to the reported speech okay the next one is if you have the present perfect it also gets changed to the past perfect she explained I have witnessed a crime that's in the present perfect I have witnessed a crime if we're going to change that to report its speech it's going to be in the past perfect she explained that she had witnessed a crime so I have witnessed a crime she had witnessed a crime in the past perfect now the one thing I would say is I changed that that reporting were changed that verb instead of she said I used she explained and because I'm using explained here I felt it would it would be better to keep that instead of omitting that I'm going to keep it I'd say she explained that she had witnessed a crime instead of said which I told you if you're using a common verb like say you might omit that for example I said she said she had witnessed a crime so again I realize I'm throwing a lot of different little things at you and I may come back to some of this a little bit later and do a more in-depth thing but I wanted to try and just focus on some of the basics about when to change these things so for example very simple will gets changed would we will help you move tomorrow my friends said alright we changed that to report at speech and we're not going to use will we're going to use would my friends said they would help us move tomorrow my friends said they would help us move tomorrow alright that is reported speech you're talking about what this other person said will gets changed to wood and of course can indirect speech is going to get changed to could he mentioned he mentioned she can drive us to work tomorrow she can drive it he mentioned she can drive us to work tomorrow remember I said mention so now I'm going to keep that he mentioned that she could drive us to work tomorrow alright instead of she can drive us she could drive us excellent well hello seung-ki Park thank you for for thank you for becoming a member excellent so let's let's practice this a little bit and now you get to you get to practice your your typing skills because I'm going to give you a sentence and I want you to change it from direct speech to reported speech alright so here is this one all right Wes said reading is a great way to improve your English skills and Here I am up in the corner of I told you I'm moving around a lot how would you change that to report its speech Wes said reading is a great way to improve your English skills and again the thing that I would tell you to focus on is that that verb how are you going to change the verb in the direct speech okay so I'll give you a moiety if you can write out the full sentence what would you say Wes said reading is a great way to improve your English skills and I think yes that is something I always say and I truly believe reading is it's it's a great way to improve your English skills so what do you think getting some answers yes Katie WD all right he said that yes go SIA excellent it's in the present simple so you're going to change it to the past excellent NAT rock odd and Tunis perfect Carlo West said reading was a great way to improve your English skills I'm changing it from the present simple to the past simple and again I've omitted that in this case I just I didn't say that it's your it's your choice you can do you can use it you can not use it it's up to you let's do the next one if I were to say she proudly proclaimed I was the best student in class all right what do you think if you want to change that direct speech to reported speech she proudly proclaimed I was the best student in class now the one thing I will point out with this I wanted to use that proudly proclaimed because I feel that that it's a little bit of a collocation these are words that you may hear use together you might hear that adverb used proudly proclaimed all right you were very happy about it so if you don't know what to proclaim means it means you're stating something kind of in an in an excited way you might proudly proclaim something so what do you think she proudly proclaimed I was the best student in class the directs to direct speech is in the past simple so in that case we're going to use change it and use the past perfect she proudly proclaimed that she had been the best student in class so the verb to be was is going to get changed to the past perfect had been all right the the past simple will get changed to the past perfect and again this is another example in my opinion I do think you may hear somebody change it to reported speech and they may also just use the past simple and say she proudly proclaimed that she was the best student in class you may hear people say that but I'm just gonna stick with what a grammar book would say that you're going to change the past simple and you're gonna change it to the past perfect all right she proudly proclaimed that she had been the best student in class excellent whoo let's see do we get some of you guys are rocking this yes NAT perfect Andreea yes lolly again yes that works if you want to stick with the past simple in my opinion I think that works Rose Claire yes it's a she had was she had been remember the the past participle of the verb to be I have been I had been in that past perfect all right excellent so again remember had been is what we're looking for now so far we've talking about statements in just taking a statement and changing it from direct speech to reported speech now not all sentences are statements so I have another I have another chart for you to look at all right so here is another chart and hope I hope that this would make sense that down below me you can see statement question and command and when you change it the sentences are gonna change a little differently when you change it to a reported speech because that reported Clause is going to be that that's going to change so for example let's look at the statement and I've used the same context about somebody being tired so the direct speech in the statement I which is right over up top there he said I'm tired alright if we want to change that to report speech I am tired present simple gets changed to the past he said he was tired now when we're talking about statements we're going to use the that clause and in this case I said that you can keep that or you can omit it and take it out he said he was tired he said that he was tired all right both of those that's fine if we're talking about a question and somebody says are you tired she asked are you tired she asked if you want to change that to report its speech you could say she asked if he was tired so instead of using that you could use an if clause if we're talking about a question with the verb to be are you tired are you happy are you basically anything are are you confused I'm sorry sir if you're a little lost I know I'm throwing a lot at you right now so if somebody's asking a question are you tired and you want to change that to reported speech you're going to use an if clause she asked if he was tired the verb is still going to change the same we're gonna change it from the present are to the past what was she asked if he was tired now I just I know it could be a little more confusing you could use an if clause or a weather clause so for example I could say she asked if he was tired or I could say she asked if she asked whether he was tired now another type of question would be those WH questions who what where why when and in that case you're just going to use that question when you change it to reported speech so everybody look at the question who is tired she asked who is tired if we change that to reported speech she asked who was tired we're changing the present to the past she asked who was tired all right now if we're talking about a command because in it with a command you're talking to another person you're giving another person a command go to bed she said so if somebody's like oh I'm tired just said go to bed she said that is a command if we want to change it to reported speech and this is definitely more advanced she told him to go to bed so if you're talking about command you're going to use two plus the infinitive to go she told him to go to bed now the other thing that I would say that is a little challenging is because she said go go to bed she said when we talk about say it's this you say something but when you're reporting the speech you're going to change you're going to use tell because you used tell you say something you tell someone so when you're giving a command you're giving a command to someone so that's the reason why the verb changed instead of you're not gonna say she said him no no she told him because that's the difference between say and tell you say something you tell someone so again this is a lot more advanced when you're looking at that command go to bed she said change it to reported speech she told him to go to bed alright I know that this is a lot I know that this is a bit more advanced I hope that the chart can help a little bit so before I choke I showed you where was it this chart right here of how to change things alright in the direct speech we were looking at those verbs all right present simple to past simple I went through these different examples so if you're a little used hopefully you can rewatch it again and see how these sentences got changed because basically what you're talking about is it's a sentence transformation you're just changing the sentence from direct speech to reported speech or indirect speech you're just changing the way the sentence looks you're saying the same thing but you're saying it in a different way so the last one I wanted to do I wanted to do another little challenge another example so is this one wait we did this practice and I just showed you this so here is one more all right that I wanted to give you and I want you to change it to report its speech can you also get some Nutella she asked all right it's a question I don't know if you remember that about how can you change a question to report its speech let me let me go back somebody s show the slide all right so here is if you have a question you're gonna use the if Clause all right now I think I you kind of have a hint because this is the question in the conversation that I showed you at the very beginning and I changed it to report its speech do you remember what it was can you also get some Nutella she asked so when you're going to change it to report its speech start with she asked that's sure that's your starting point we're talking about can can gets changed to could now the other thing about a question remember we're going to use an if clause she asked if he could also get some Nutella because she was talking to me she asked if he could also get some Nutella excellent um let's see she asked yes Mina excellent Robi Ricardo very nice excellent you guys seem to get that sir hey also yes she asked yeah you just need the if if you could say you you know she asked if you could get some also get the but remember if it's a question she asked if he could get something so I know that this was a lot to throw at you today I wanted to try and start out I was hoping that it might be a little easier if we just start with some statements and that's when I wanted to show you this and go through each one and change the statement from direct speech to report its speech if you're still a little confused this is what I would recommend go back through these examples and look at these changes right here because this is very useful if you want to understand well why do we do this we do this when you're writing if you're writing a story you will want to you might want to say things using reported speech you're not always going to use quotes or if you're telling a story to somebody else and you're telling them what another person said that's when you're going to use reported speech so if it helps go back through these statements and look at about about how they were looking at how they were changed alright I think that would help you this right here this chart was definitely a little more advanced because we're not just using statements I was also talking to you about questions and commands so I think that we may practice this a little later on it's a lot of information to go through there's a lot of little grammar changes that need to take place mostly today I wanted you to focus on those verbs and see how those verbs changed from direct speech to reported speech that was the main thing that I wanted you to take away from this lesson I hope you enjoyed the lesson I know that some of you may be a little bit where it found it a little confusing that's okay just keep at it just keep practicing also if you guys and then we had a new member today welcome saw some other members sue ray with us other patrons like Vicki and Aiden I saw you guys in there if you want to show us some love if you like what we do and want to sponsor and support interactive English there are links down in the description to become a member or a patron we offer some different rewards for example one thing I'm gonna do which I haven't even put up there as a reward do like a sneak peek at a future lesson so Tuesday's lesson which will come out on Tuesday I'm gonna put I'm gonna post that today I'm gonna get let the members and patrons you can have a sneak peek at Tuesday's lesson I'm trying to get ahead with my lessons but sometimes it's difficult because there's so much going on right now thank you guys so much for joining me I hope that it made sense a little bit I know it's a lot to take in but it's always good to try to practice a little bit because I think that's the best way to learn and I love doing these live lessons because it gives you an opportunity to try to practice some of this grammar so thank you guys thank you kamila iris ami Amina Lali Ethiopia great to see you I'm just trying to throw out some more names get some names out there Wilbert Hani Marta münster sireesha Luna Anderson so ray Nats Thank You Abdul Rahman thank you guys so much for joining me we will be back next Tuesday with a regular lesson and then next Saturday with another live lesson in please if you are new write your name tell me where you're from in the comments I just want to hear from you you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend and I will see you next time so long
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 20,240
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Keywords: interactive english, learn english vocabulary, learn interactive english, english grammar, learn grammar, learn english grammar, of meaning, of preposition, how to use the word of, how to use the preposition of, how to use of in english, how to use prepositions in english, english grammar rules, grammar rules
Id: YaCbx5GLGfc
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Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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