ADHD Child vs. Non-ADHD Child Interview
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Channel: My Little Villagers
Views: 16,004,174
Rating: 4.7562351 out of 5
Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition), ADHD, Kids with ADHD, Health (Industry), Child (Literature Subject), Children With ADHD, ADD, Interview, Kids with ADD, Children with ADD, Depression In Childhood And Adolescence (Risk Factor), Anxiety (Symptom), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (Disease Or Medical Condition)
Id: -IO6zqIm88s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I'm a 30-year-old man. I never thought I could identify so much with a 6-year-old girl.
All ADD people wondering why six short lines of text scroll for 30 seconds before the video start
As someone with ADHD this broke my heart. It hasnβt affected me as much as Iβve gotten older, but as I reflect on my past I can see a trend that I was following along with other children with ADHD.
For those that are suspicious of whether or not they have adult ADHD, here is a link to a test to self diagnose and see whether you should seek advice from a doctor.
This is not a self-diagnosis chart and testing high does NOT mean you have ADHD. It just means that it may be in your best interest to see a doctor so they can help you diagnose anything that might be going on. It is always healthy to have an outside perspective.
Edit 2:
There is nothing wrong with having ADHD, and taking the test does not guarantee you have it. If you do have ADHD it is important to learn how to use it instead of letting it take control of your life. Simple things like having tasks written down and completing them in order of when it was written down or due date can make a big difference.
I was this little girl. Didnβt get diagnosed until I was 25. Thank god for therapy and support. Rx stimulants helped as well.
How do I know if I have ADHD? I relate to that girl's uncertainty in her answers.
Forget the answers, look at the eyes. That girl's eyes are all over the place.
There might be a variety of causes for not having friends at that age (I didn't have many, but I most definitely did NOT have ADD/ADHD, just introverted) or else having confidence issues. ADHD may well be one.
But holy hell, that poor girl is clearly getting distracted by every minute detail in that room.
"Do you think you are smart?"
"Do you think you are handsome?"
I could never and still can't answer yes to these questions. I think it's so weird how people can actually love themselves and answer yes to these seriously. Loving myself is an insanely foreign concept to me. I still can't believe it's the norm. I'll probably never be able to love myself. Oh well
I can attest to this. Iβve been teaching for 10 years and the kids with ADHD struggle socially. Their classmates get easily irritated with the outbursts, with the erratic behavior, and the confrontational attitude that is characteristic of ADHD kids. Classmates often donβt want to work with them because of their ADHD behavior. Iβve seen eyerolls and sighs from classmates when placing them in partners and groups.
My sister is also ADHD and growing up with her was a trial. She was on medication and my mother used it as a crutch; instead of giving my sister tools and strategies to be successful, my mom would medicate her to get the attitude to go away.
I can only encourage other people (especially teachers) to be patient with these kids and not to write them off. They are smart and talented and have gifts like anybody else; you just have to know how to get it out of them.
Jesus that hurts. It reminds me of my childhood. I have failed so many times, because of the disease and partially from the medication (Adderall and Vyvanse did not work for me). But after years of struggling I'm almost through school and on to my life *knock on wood*.