Repentance Coop Bug #2 - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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what's up you guys i'm here with some victim we're back again and sin victim wants to go dogma so we're gonna go keep her lost dogma i'm ready to go for the further for the record i didn't know if the if that bug had been patched it was told to me by reddit um on the isaac subreddit and they said that it had been patched or at least rumored to have been patched but apparently it's not so and then ed has had responded uh to the to the tweet that hutz put out at the time this recording he said it's a well-known bug i know sin knew but it was going to happen i don't know how he knew that i knew because i didn't know until today when i when i went to read it so we're going to go to dogma [Music] if you're ready to go i didn't even tell him though that there was a bug i just said i'm trying true co-op uh yeah i don't know i don't know what huts was talking about either though or what what i was talking about either yeah he responded to me just saying i'm playing co-op and he's like that's a bug co-op in in general rigato thank you so much all right here we go i appreciate it okay got him all right let's roll so you don't even know like what the whole dogma thing is i do not know what the whole dogma thing is no i say that we do not go on the alt path i say we stick with the normal path i i think there is no rule about dogma which one you do um okay i'll go ahead and reroll that yep epiphora's just does it doesn't get me up in the morning but i let's reroll it well we can just take it too if you want to it's yeah but i feel like a run with it is kind of the same as a run without it unless it's been buffed or something it could have been changed i don't i don't know if i don't know if that before has been buffed could have been changed so yeah i don't know what the i don't know what dogma is i don't even know what dogma looks like i don't know what the true ending is i'm not sure of all that so for me to experience that with butts and the mosh pit and the butt hut that sounds like it sounds like a good time maybe you honestly want that because you sit there and fire in one direction for a long time you know what i mean okay yeah see what it does is it do the exact same thing yeah it looks like it's the same it's still a pretty good tears upgrade though especially if you walk into a room while you're firing did you know that you can hold the tears up if you just switch the directions whenever you're going through the doors it's in tim oh boop thanks for the tier one seven crispy toast rat ten months pettin's hype that's correct school bag would be really great for either one of us honestly i highly doubt we're gonna get the money i'm gonna open this sucker sure nice nicer it's so floaty to play loss on controller and with the delay chewed pen a chance to slow enemies i believe uh i'm not gonna bomb this because we we can get uh the school bag from one of us okay ready nope i gotta wait on it can't stop watching your youtube thanks ghost cube little horny boy oh it put you it put you as a lost oh wait no the door trick doesn't work apparently okay the fire bombs how it used to work is that you couldn't even touch the bomb itself probably the same now i like how they change it though the fires are easier you can determine if it's a enemy fire or if it's your fire yep that is you since you're at 0.9 health is no one cares you want to do the 10 10 thing or should we just have at it sure i think the 10 10 thing breaks any amount of us arguing over like well maybe this and that and that's what five yep six siete seven seven eight i got a nut got your nut right here not not scanning nine 10. that's your size up look at my eyes they're all dilated it's two that's a three nice health upgrades that's a four nice health upgrades that's a five don't you get more health nerd six there we go oh there we go eight oh he pulls it out in the end nine okay how about you leave come back in and i'll take the pills while you're taking that okay okay how do i take the pills again range down bad speed down that's really bad oh that's bad hey held up nice congrats that's two that's a three four hey okay if you see a speed up you better give it to me six six mystery moisture thanks to the prime sub seven there we go nice nice nice nine ten apparatus remember how i was being a good friend and like and saving you the time to walk to the door too thank you fat portrait line 653 for the sub and travis i missed when am i gonna play the flipped characters flip characters eight no spoilers nine ten i think i think that was ten i could take that if you want and not like that you should um minus movement speed i i'm at point six eight i need it fine all right i'm back after one one three we're good oh go out full health that's good hey that's good let's go money hey we don't bomb the machine anymore yep what are you at seven uh sure eight nine six five fire right that's pretty good marbles anything good here um this isn't bad jawbreaker myocytosis i don't know what that is job breaker has a chance for tooth shot this is me right yep i won feels oops sorry dude feels sef man welcome to the monster thank you for the tier one song yes speed there you go that's like five yo yo seven off daddy why do we keep getting puffed daddy here's the oh uh that's a reroll don't you think yeah yeah yeah yo and that's my 10. i don't think there's epic shot anymore with the the fruitcake i've tested it multiple times and i've never bombed myself once with it so i think it's just good okay yeah this is a perfectly normal run what are you guys talking about immediately blows up need uh yeah you need a little fine fine fine a little destruction i haven't since i'm not i'm never going to change my spacebar item safe that's safe i can just take the spacebar item then yep aquarius it's the age of aquarius yeah if i'm in trouble i could just sit still anyone uh upset about what they've got so far nope i i'm considering it because it could be wackier but uh you could be you could be wackier that is true might not leave though i think that just kind of seals the deal what my nod leaf i think that on the uh the dogma fight i'm just gonna literally have to sit still i don't think there's any way i'm gonna live through it where do we go for dogma then where do we go now we have to make it all the way down to depths steps too so just no normal route then yeah or do we need do we we don't need the knife pieces do we nope okay you have like 20 hp ups you know that's that's a good point i i could have rerolled my hp ups into something better but yeah i also have like a ton of dps upgrades i'm pretty much max fire rate and i've got a ton of damage so the chance i get something that's balls still not leaves still pretty pog yes for the loss for you for your unlock specifically friendzo actually we probably should give that to you that i think about it would not leaf but you know it's like we both made mistakes any orbitals would be nice man if you run into lag how is the lag i i am not playing from remote so huts would have to tell you that about a point five second lag uh it's a little floaty i'm not used to controller anyways so it's you know it's whatever there you go leprosy that's not useful for you at all uh whose turn is it uh devil deal bro i get free [ __ ] in the devil deal oh yeah you're the loss that's right i'm not taking dr fetus yeah no that wouldn't be a a smart thing to do at all how do i uh how do i switch my my thing re-roll i got a book reroll there we go i got it cookies trash right i think it yeah but an active item no it makes it makes you proc fortune cookies and then like the the paper like or the you get the fortune messages that like spam across the me the screen it's pretty annoying yeah so we're just going we're just going normal path right yeah but we're not that strong well i mean we got plenty of bosses freaking curse of lost me huts that's a devil deal i'm sorry you know devil deals are oh oh you know what they're they're for money because you're the keeper oh yeah yeah see so you can't yell at me anyway we couldn't afford one anyway so there yeah but what if it was like a 15 cent some really amazing like godhead or some [ __ ] i mean that you wouldn't find god in there we don't have 15 cents yeah but we could have gotten it you know i mean we could have tried harder okay ow i'm dead nope playing the loss on co-op is this there's it's it's too chaos too chaotic too much of the chaos nope good god i can't it's so hard to see incoming enemy projectiles that we want to get the ms loot to the fellas thank you very much for the prime gaming sub i'll go back and get that i'll just probably net you more coins in the future well i don't know my outside totes though could also give you you know what it does no i don't any consumables left on the floor will appear on the first roam in the next floor oh that sounds pretty cool so there's a bunch of coins that we left we can get them back chalky um i i'm i like chocolate milk but i don't like using chocolate milk on a controller not gonna lie i will i don't mind using i don't like chocolate milk but i don't mind using when i've got multi shots okay and it's uh re-roll yeah you want to use it once nope okay nice did we find the item on this floor no should we uh i mean i'm sure i don't i don't know how hard dogma is so now tough we're pretty freaking tough so we gotta get pretty we gotta get pretty strong then stronger the better i think we're already up here oh yeah maybe down through this room imagine getting hit yeah imagine kinkys thank you so much for the sexy tier 2 sub for 41 months wonderful stuff it was i don't care about this i'm gonna re-roll that yep um i could probably actually just take that instead of my yep i don't know though which one's better i wonder if this opens the the door without us having to go fight mom yeah that's what i was wondering i'm just trying to try for science reasons i mean if i find a better active i'm gonna take that instead but that's gonna that's that's trouble let's get a charge or not let's just not get a charge what the heck is that that gives you two curse rooms per floor hmm all right i'm probably not gonna get it then yeah i think we just we just go yeah we do need a teleport card but there is a guaranteed one on the depths if we okay want to do that you want that trinket what do you want the myocitosis uh i don't care use your nickels this ghost cube just for that i'm not going to why aren't you going to use your stuff nope now that someone has said that i'm not going to use it for much this run you know what i'm also not going to move in protest okay you're like good good less stuff for me to worry about it is just it's so chaotic of course it wouldn't be nearly as chaotic if we didn't take every single upgrade in the entire world hey look if they didn't want us taking every single upgrade in the entire world sharp pog sharp pog is pretty pog pog straw yep we roll yep that's that's a good one okay it's different now it's it's enemies close to you will get zapped and i should take it 120 volt it's pretty insane you should take it's different though what we mean is different you should i guess yeah yeah yeah i'm saying it's not the same one that it was in anti-birth but you didn't know what it was in anti-birth so yeah so nod leaf um i i sit still they come close to me and they should get real real jacked up yep 120 volts incredible um blow him up for devil chance we have 75 angel though now 90. bro what do we have angel chance uh because we left we we left without it's a guaranteed angel chance because we left the second floor without even entering the double deal [Music] if you enter the devil deal then it goes to normal but if you just leave without even entering the door then it doesn't that's pretty dope you should have used the barrels nope said why don't you use your nickel you kiss your mom with that nickel if i see if i just sit still and get him shocked [Music] who needs other items we're done we're done here um that is probably better for you i could just sit still okay meanwhile you can deflect that might be really good for dogma do we want keeps or no doesn't matter um i like angel rooms i think anger rooms are pretty good the defensive items might help us out it seems like we don't need offensive items so yep and we don't have the money to spend on devil deals so angel pog angel pog i could have just rerolled it that is better for you tight tighter spread it doesn't i thought it just it doesn't put them all in one one lane now it should isn't that how it works no no i didn't want that why wouldn't you want that because i like i like the spreadshot yeah but now you get triple damage it's not triple damage yeah cause all three are going to hit guaranteed that's you crazy why would you not want a tighter spread and guaranteed damage i like the aoe this guy think about your uh single target foes though your bosses that we've been struggling with you gonna reroll that no i'm taking it okay i mean actually i could i don't think it ever procs for me to be honest yeah right now you can reroll that that's pretty good all right better for you you're gonna have more split okay all right is my turn to take 10 yet my ghost brethren oh morrigan poor man's guppy i like it key bum is just i don't care but he's a [ __ ] a [ __ ] for keys um we need to get a charge we want to re-roll yeah we can get one [Music] sends a bad influence i thought my keybegger should like do something with that keybagger that would be cool you should like work together there's a high five or maybe he automatically pays out or something all right so one for one right because it's like he's on our side i don't mind the map yeah how am i a bad influence breaking the game hud is the one who wanted to do co-op [Music] hey man i'm just reading chat yeah that's that's all you i'm still on my like seven or something hey i like popcorn buddy what the heck is that blood puppy what a cute little thing what does it do is it look at him he's so cute oh look at him he's so cute i think that's my last one no you you take demon baby too paparino look at the dog does it look like a little pepper pepper uh pepperoni when you know the re-roll or uh yeah let's do it i think we should we should take advantage of it as much as we can right while we're doing it that's it well i mean no other people are avoiding the break it's up to the players that they want it fair look for unlocks all bets are off for me anyway i did another like road to 3 million series it would already be over one one episode we're done yep [Music] it doesn't even tell me what i pick up [Music] nice i might pick that up beat cleaver it's another active yeah let's go let's we gotta backtrack too much all right boost thanks to the hundred bits he breaks everything the huds does break everything priestess uh what are we on right now absolutely steps one i think yeah not excel how do you feel now you don't have to no it's not exo now you don't have to fight bumbo for the coins feel pretty good you gonna go into the curse room i can i most certainly can do that first i i'm gonna sacrificial i'm not getting rid of my blood puppy you can get rid of your leach me bro you have that dagger no well no you're right i definitely should add both though because the other one doesn't activate for you what other one oh yeah empty vessel is like super pog for loss i want it flying yeah but you have to get down to no health and you can't do that you gonna go through the door or no not anymore well i guess we're just sitting here then yeah i guess so i wanted to sink in a little deeper nope you should be faster look you got sac dagger i want to hear it oh you're going to hear it how do we get rid of this giant map we had some kind of mapping besides the blue map yeah we get rid of the giant map make it smaller again i can't they can i can't i'm hitting tab it's huge i know i cannot move i cannot remove it christavio thanks for the 5 000 bits very awesome of you because new eyes again it's my birthday well happy birthday for savio i literally am i'm doing tab let me see if i can do it i don't think it's it's the specific per person i think it was just blocking out on your side okay i would have had to hit the back button before to activate that um i'm still gonna say you because you you have all the splits right you got compound fracture now you got the parasite let me see shoot the wall oh it splits into its own self because that's awesome look at the concentrated damage in that thing oh it's lagging the game dude it's lagging because there's like too many okay it could handle like seven bajillion bubbles but this no yep game is literally [ __ ] itself that is nuts we can leave coins on the ground too if you need to come back for them later we'll never get hit let's leave that charged key in case i need another reroll oh man filigree feather super dope it's nice to see this top secret room no wait wait wait i could have rerolled it to an angel room item yeah we we're gonna we have angel deals though i thought yeah no if we want to have a slightly higher chance for angel deals that's fine doesn't matter recreate oh it's charged key you know that the regular keys now sparkle yep everyone was just like going nuts saying like you missed a charged key um i don't think that really matters who takes it 10.5 is pretty pog yeah it's nice yeah that is probably i don't know wait a second what is an active item no it's not never mind called giant cell and i'm sometimes shooting out an orbital shot got it do you already have choco yep i say that you take the other charged item then because like i said with the with the joystick charging items it's just not fun look at your mouth i guess i could take that oh that's the item that i thought it was yeah many eyes i mean definitely you they always go forward right oh god let me see they might go sideways because i actually had a combination where that tractor beam did not proc properly but this one looks like it's it's working you want to take that freaking item too god dang it god damn it [Music] um this is really good i would say you i really like bird's eye the fires it shoots out they're just they're just constant ain't no reroll yeah sparkly keys look like charge skis now because they sparkle and everyone was just losing their goddamn mind get damn minds i don't know if that matters does it matter uh no i don't think so nancy bombs splitter boobs 20 20 to damage down i don't know if you want to take that hit i don't you don't i do not all right screw it i'll just i'm just clearing out the garbage basically now at this point that's good well up to you get a charge or not oh no i think we're good this is defs one right correct can we confirm this okay good one so we have to go down correct we have to go down and then we have to get a teleport card i thought you said there's a guaranteed one we there is we'll have to find it all right there's our door we need the polaroid okay we need the polaroid need the polaroid so that means we have to get into the mom fight and then we have to leave the mom fight with the polaroid which means we have to have a teleport card what just hit me i don't know ah that's a black oh cancer probably probably you yeah i mean i give you the spike and get it what's your fire right now uh 1.98 too damn high honestly you should probably have the cracked crown but i mean i can't just give you everything all right we're looking for a cross on a skull oh okay look at the blood puppies like dad where are you dad i can't get to you he's going he's why does he have oo face i don't know oh let's try the dad's key right right i totally forgot about that i would assume it works but nope it did not work work worked so well i mean i'm not surprised if it opens mega satan though you would think that it would have a chance thank you by the way for causing my entire chat now to go into the hulu face you're very welcome active chatters baby bull father thank you so much for the 5 000 bits you're gonna make me put on more glasses and sir make friend sub i see that you know if i just stop playing i'm safe yep there you go there's your double decker glasses chat i hope you're happy for making me look like an idiot um yeah whatever i guess i guess it doesn't really matter have you found the tinted skull yet nope ah wait why was that gonna explode explosivo uh i didn't all right tinted skull or any teleport card at all it doesn't really matter there was one in the store hang on hang on there was there's a card in the store we didn't pick up i know there wasn't i was kidding april fools april fools tinted skull up oh whoa tea twee okay it's gotta be somewhere in here does it somewhere in here this floor in here there it is there it is there it is all right to the item room all right so i can go ahead and take it i don't know maybe you should take it because then you can guaranteed see it on the screen for you know feel good reasons yeah i like that kind of stuff um do we want to save the re no we don't need to save the reward for the polaroid we need the polaroid so i'm going to go ahead and [Music] this is good that's really good should have black ruined it honestly yeah i don't know why you didn't all right you ready to fight the boss uh yeah let's just do it yeah i'm in all right ready yeah your cars and pills are under your active item oh the tiny little guy up there i see it now i didn't see it under the giant map wow this is even stronger than last time all right i'm going to go ahead and pop my phone or you it's your full card rather now we touch the door should i should i turn the game audio up is it some kind of cut scene there's cut scenes and there's audio on some of the floors so we're going to want to just hold steady okay i'm going to remove i'm going to remove the overlay real quick everyone so you can all so we can all experience this this is a big moment you guys i'm turning up my volume as well if you haven't seen this i have not seen this so here we go volumes all the way up here we go [Music] [Music] hannah i don't know why we do this floor first but let's you know it is what it is okay so we have to do this floor first yep okay it doesn't seem to fit the whole vibe of what's gonna happen but i might just hold steady and not mess things up since it's getting a little chaotic okay i'll get your passive lost unlocks space cat thanks for the four months i appreciate you whoa for you yeah yep plus five damage that's very nice okay here's the boss i don't think i've ever been to gahanna all right all right here we go i'm gonna i guess we can just turn up for the boss fight boss fight should not be special oh wait what what is this oh my god what is that dad's note oh i spent it it's gone just get over it you mean it's gone how can you have spent our savings oh interesting [Music] and then they can theorycraft afterwards okay wait we can go back what hang on volume up you guys want more you should take that oh icicle babies real strong go ahead freezer baby this is my brother good joy what a joke i mean yeah i love good stuff oh fire it up get in that too you're nuts you should take no you should take that because i could just go invincible that is i could just take that i don't even care laz rags you have lazarus unlocked yeah yeah i'll prevent you from getting conjoined by taking that oh and i'll reroll this well let's get a book touch off both of us we got a demon [Music] all baby don't worry chad i'll turn the volume up even more for you once we get there i don't know are they gonna are they gonna speak throughout this entire thing i think it's like every other floor but whenever you hear it or i mean it's a secret ah you'll hear it when you hear it you'll know it you dropped your you dropped your trigger all right well if you wanted to crack around now or whatever yeah i'm probably going to set still for most of this so i guess you can take the better stuff i can't see it ready uh yes i just cranked up the volume here you go three items i said every other floor so you did you did mean every other floor let's see if we can reroll this thing phd yo bomb immunity that's definitely all you black stone what do you know okay it's gonna split every single time it bounces for you though you know what i mean the game's gonna crash dude wait it looks like it's been changed maybe oh god it's almost like a brimstone made of bones it's getting crazier yeah that means it's a crawl space yeah i know all right the brims bone stone there's nothing do we want to reroll the boss item or just go um it doesn't matter honestly it might i mean if you end up blowing this then that's not on me the stupid fly is causing 120 volt to just to just i can't hear them talking what do you want me to do you can kill this stupid fly how it's friendly it likes me okay i don't think that's going to be worth it for anybody right no because get this freaking fly out of here here fly go over here let it die no daddy there it's dead thank god i cannot see anything so we're climbing back out of we're climbing back out of every floor so far wait it just towards me it's like golden horseshoe hang on hang on there we go what wait what happened to what happened the crack crown there wait i want the cancer yeah i get it hang on hang on hang on wait wait we gotta sort this thing out first you get the cracked crown i get the cancer now we go there we go now it's back to normal okay okay i don't see anything here i'm gonna reroll that the volume is turned up so we can hear the cut scenes chat calm down yeah so we can hear hutz's freaking 120 volt oh good they're all charm now great wait what why i don't know one of us has the elves above i think let that troll bomb take him off well i can't turn it off so turn that off turn you off you both do i believe is chat i know they're all oh that's going to hurt that's going to hurt in the morning here comes the next cutscene too or not cutscene but voiceline no so i don't know if you heard that sin um dad i didn't called mom maggie okay did something along the lines of like shut up maggie okay all right volume's going back up zap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap yeah so you can hear huts goes zap zap zap need to zap you need to confess your sins and become saved let his light inside you cleanse yourself insane you are taking this pray with us isaac yeah i i don't know if it counts as music or sound effects the voice lines i don't know i don't know i turned down the music that might turn down the voice lines oh my god i'm unsure get out of the way some enemies are like super forms of themselves like one time i got super maggots he counted that guy oh yeah no daddy oh good these are look at that super shooter thing look at that fly it's a super super blood pooter they're all charmed [Laughter] aren't we just there yet though what are we on right now what floor yeah we're there we're there or no basement next right i don't know we'll go yeah basement i'm sorry basement now do you care to keep going with items or should we just uh i think i think we can just send it oh you're oh you're right about fortune cookie this is an active item that was my fault those guys are super leapers there they are they dabbled up all right well the game is thoroughly broken imagine that i don't even know where the enemy come towards me let them come to you when you're standing next to me it seems like a great idea with them being leapers i guess goodbye like just bye okay i don't know if sin wants all the spoilers i can spoil more things for you all right i'm gonna turn it back up apparently it's tied to the music so let me turn off the sound effects i don't know though because what if it actually is sound effects the chat's wrong i hear nothing i'm doing more harm than good i just can't do this anymore i'm sorry please don't leave us i'm sorry isaac yeah so chad was 100 wrong because it's sound effects so good job chat uh okay are we ready yep is there how many more is it how many more is there this is basement one right uh yeah so this should be the last one okay [Music] april fools you guys you guys got a bunch of [ __ ] george garland over there so he flies ready here we go [Music] home we're home uh here's the laundry room [Music] the tv wait [Music] what the hell what happened to the carpet wait he breaks everything i broke everything [Music] okay this is mom's bedroom oh [Music] you better watch out for those bomb flies when [ __ ] hits the fan okay there's another there's another secret where it's like if you don't know the secret you're not gonna find it naturally for like some time probably and i could just tell you what it is right now if you care if you don't care then you don't care i don't care you want me to tell you what the secret with the right key is uh sure all right come to this piece of the wall you see a glowing red door there you go it's green what i unlocked the keeper all right you want to take your thing back down no oh oh yeah [Music] i got achievement that says the miser uh what the heck i'm gonna hold still it's all you baby ah what what in the world for the feathers [Music] [Music] hello [Music] authority whoa let's do it what the heck's going on hey i gotta turn down the volume cause holy crap i gotta turn up the volume this is pretty metal but what's going on this is so busted your combination is so unbelievably busted look at my dog he's in the lava he's like help dad there's war popcorn buddies like this is fine why am i forced to pick up items whoa i wonder if it's gonna force me to move on the moving screen no i'm good is this isaac that's not even fair i'm inside of it right now he saw his mother mourning the loss of her son he saw his father leaving them without turning to say goodbye he saw his mother sleeping and his father taking money from her purse he heard the late night fights they had that kept him up at night and the guilt he felt for what he believed he was causing he felt the pain in his stomach during those sleepless nights and saw his shadow in the closet waiting for him as he rose he felt his fears drop from his body his shame his worry pulled from his being as he became lighter his ascent became faster he saw his one true companion alive and well he saw his mother and father together again holding each other he felt his mother kissing him on the head after he had said his prayers and the comfort in knowing someone was watching over him he saw his own birth and the faces of his parents filled with joy and optimism and then he saw nothing are you sure this is how you want this story to end isaac you're the one writing it it doesn't have to end this way here how about we tell it a different way maybe a happy ending okay daddy good are you getting sleepy yet yeah okay so isaac and his parents lived in a small house whoa jesus wow heavy huh so they really did just upend everything so isaac isn't dead [Music] that's that that's it's a confusing thing right because it's like we were like yeah isaac's dead but then wait now he's in the closet fighting christianity and i mean we should have known because isaac has always been it's always been on notepads and notebooks so he never actually died it was all just it was all just a story that he and his dad were working on pretty messed up story don't you think his dad was letting him that's that's the tie into bumbo his dad was letting him craft the world that he wanted and was taking a hands-off approach until it got too until it looked like it was too much to uh for isaac to handle and his dad finally stepped in because he was poisoning himself maybe or what if isaac actually did die there right and like the devil in the closet and then he finally gave in to the dogma and then the the devil was like one last chance to try to take his soul back that's what he just fought there and then he actually did die and he went to heaven and in heaven in his perfect world his parents were still together and he had a chance to rewrite the story with dad [Music] uh i don't know i don't know if i don't know if i believe that because i think that because that said that showed isaac dying in the chest during that cutscene it showed it said he saw his mother mourning the loss of his of his body and everything and then but that was part of the that was part of the the cut scene that where isaac's dad finally jumped finally he steps in so you think that all of it was just made up i think the entire thing was made up so isaac made up a story about how mom was abusive in his dad and his dad is also abusive no i i think that that was i think that part all of that part was was true up to the point of bumbo and then his dad is the one who who gave him the option who showed him that he can be through through the cut through the dioramas and stuff and with his dad secretly visiting him his dad opened up isaac's isaac's mind to the idea of having a happy ending no it just opened up his mind for his creativity and then that's how isaac started telling these stories and he would he would make these he would make these stories and tell him to his dad and it looked like he he finally said no enough's enough and uh said he asked him are you sure you want this are you sure you want this to be the the story and he's like you want to try a happy ending now maybe [Music] or what if it is that all that happened and in the end ed's just like you as the viewer has a you have a chance to rewrite your own history but isaac less so oh the save file is now a house our house don't do it trap what i don't know if you saw my tweet today i said what do we call on the other side of the post-it note surprise what the heck what does it say on keeper i've only unlocked isaac better shops great is good interesting breed is good it looks like each one of them is going to have their own special thing oh my god it makes it harder this is your ed mode we have so many things that i'll never get back to the to the eden street there's so many things to unlock there's another hard mode and another greed mode oh this is this is everything from from dad's side now that's why you can hear matthias in the background instead of a female voice alt eden streaks chat says tougher eden you gotta want it you want to know what alternate eden does i can find out easy enough famine famine wow well i guess uh we have a lot more to explore here in repentance mm-hmm for sure are we uh are we calling it i think so it was it was an all isaac all repentance show i mean i guess you would have you should have probably known that was going to happen with repentance coming out just two days ago what that we were going to break the game or that we were going to finish it no that was going to be all repentance that's crazy it was a pleasure uh sharing that with you butts even though we did we did break the game to uh break the game but you know what if we hadn't done that there's no way in hell i would be able to see this today so now i say that we from here on out do it legitly right now sounds good to me thanks to people on youtube for watching see you next video thank you for watching everyone remember if you want to see hudson's point of view make sure you go follow huts and subscribe to us on hutch2 and also don't forget to come check us out live every thursday starting at 5 p.m central 6 p.m eastern 3 p.m pacific standard time huts gaming thank you to hutz thank you for showing me all the new stuff and uh thanks to the mosh pit and the butt hut and we will see you all for the next last miss thanks guys
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 72,780
Rating: 4.9494357 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: qChYMS3w6kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 58sec (3598 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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