Tainted Blue Baby to Mother - Hutts Streams Repentance

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all right i hit the record button i have no idea what we're actually going to do we are going to do do do do blue baby to mother he also has to go to uh delirium on hiroshima thanks for the eight months i appreciate it nuclear dragon thank you for the two good subs thank you thank you thank you judged guilty 100 how you doing hot saul and you are awesome i'm doing well even better after that compliment nuclear dragon getting another sub thank you for that we're caught up let's do it full sense i missed him this is embarrassing let's go only going to be partial hell blue baby is doable blue baby is definitely doable come on my itchy nose these guys on the other hand like anything not doable look at me we can take pills we're going to take pills fight states thanks to the bits tentacles thanks to the tier one sub mitchie banez also with another two gifted subs thank you for that two months for light link welcome back started watching you on youtube many years ago it has gotten me through some tough times nice to be able to stub after all this time keep it going thanks for everything you do thank you for supporting me how does he watch and he also plays there's no way gotta be pre-recorded guitar 55 months what a flex bow down mr sandwich i see you i can smell you most controversial but enjoyed sandwich topping go something you would actually put on a sandwich at least once a month not like i had it one time when i was a kid olives spread that muffalata right yellow mustard get out of here pickles get out of here carrot now that actually is weird it shouldn't be weird but i guess that kind of on upon me jalapenos [Music] bread is an instrument we're going mother we're not going dog muscle we ain't gonna skip [ __ ] skip [ __ ] uh we got a bomb upgrade good stuff good stuff everybody i don't know if it counts but peanut butter on burgers i've had it it's not my favorite i do like peanut butter and burgers too oh bomb upgrades yeah blue baby doesn't he i mean he gets like the bomb i don't even know if they will work though the glitter bombs but the type of bombs that he gets i mean it could be a regular secret room actually a weird spot and was that a key that just popped out i don't know why i grabbed that i should not have that can actually burn that guy so it's not a wasted top secret room where would you be very many locations for you [Music] when are you playing with alexa again i have like lots of people that want to play it's nothing against alexa if i'm not gonna play with alexa immediately right now um it makes me sound super full of myself but at the same time i gotta be realistic gotta be realistic here i'm gonna save that waste that part there waste that do that found it first deal the devil that would you know actually it would not kill me i don't think it'd be very smart though right rip angel first angel [ __ ] it that the other one um what does it do let me look it up i gotta remind myself of all this bs especially the new ones of course i haven't had them enough heartbreak gives you a damage up for every broken heart that you have gives three broken hearts when picked up does that work would it just slap three broken hearts on the top working our time to have containers my character probably wouldn't it will kill you it will kill you you will die okay fair enough baronoosh you know i feel like there's got to be like an act of contrition in the deal with the devil i guess there's what duality wouldn't that be like really cool if like uh eucharist actually showed up in the deal with the devil pool and that would be quite interesting wouldn't that be really cool if eucharist was a random drop from bombing a demon statue wouldn't that be cool if bombing demon statues gave you angel precedence hawkeye thanks to the five gifted subs i really appreciate that irvine of war with a gifted sub [Music] i would like to get that tinted rock like really badly but am i going to be able to get that tinted rock probably not what do we got here if i could fart in that area that i could maybe i didn't mean to do that i meant to save that one [ __ ] you said [ __ ] save that one waste that one the health is gonna be like super important so i think it's going to be worth it here to do that uh the glitter bombs is working bad lamaal thanks whoever gifted i missed some other stuff from there let me read these off you guys before they disappear herbinova with five more underneath that thank you for that banned babe and cheeser thanks to the bits shenanigans 27 months welcome back tales of the prime sub welcomes your first sub 13 for week old meat thank you for that staff of war thousand bits don't know if it counts but peanut butter i read that one already smasher thanks to the bits 15 months for in sukuru papa reinhardt 15 mitchie banazz with three months sentinel with some bit ccm with a thousand bits thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you killer cav 9000 three months i'm ready for some pain bri with six months to stop and bye for the video i want to say keep up the good work and appreciate all that you do thank you thank you thank you silent karma the prime sub f rig with the prime sub beside down 11 months dropping by to sub bit too much apple juice good luck good luck with that five months bloody panda the lamborghini had to drop the subs because money issues but good thing i got a job not long ago also i found out the isaac four souls requiem kickstarter charges on my birthday which is on july 1st can't wait for it thank you so much for resubbing i appreciate you a lot z heal for 21 12 months year old you're by far one of the best people ever recommended to me on youtube and i'm happy to stick around keep up the good work love y'all thank you ton detail with 100 bits thank you hawk guy with five gifted subs just now and you are g executor with four months thank you guys you're so generous right now just absolutely popping off the top of this esophagus i'm not a water dwelling mammal that's moved to the metropolis and been taught how to dance where'd you get that preposterous hypothesis you guys haven't seen flightly concords at least their first hbo special that's that's the one that's near and dear to my heart show's cool and stuff with the first hbo special vinnie thank you vinil roscoe at two months off below the prime sub and christ chess checks that uh little dc reference there there's a bucket boy here too i didn't even notice him until he chucked a bucket until the bucket chucking [Music] oh my god this is a loaded room [Music] you'll never take me alive coppers he jumps into the fire we i kind of wanted to try to find a top secret or a regular secret room there rather but he didn't blow up close enough to it just in 57 months that's a lot of months welcome back still weaver with 38 hey hutz boy another month aggressive meadow with two months you guys are just going absolutely nuts right now level four hype train let's get there let's do that pulling into the station my god holy butt nuggets there are certain words that i feel like i should probably just not attempt to say really really quickly on stream and nuggets is one of them could you imagine if i had some sort of stupid freudian slip or some [ __ ] i've never i mean i don't know i don't remember any time that i've ever said the other word that i'm thinking of so that would be a really weird one but could you imagine strength theorists two months done nothing but binge huts and nuts to the last couple months i need help here's help more videos sharky dragon prime sub frog two months loving the streams and the videos keep it up love you zany won five months and nation with two months you guys are crazy crazy generous right now what is going on the subs just popping that's gay if not why not um no i don't want your penis in my mouth or your vagina i guess i don't want you or anything in my mouth because i don't know you but uh i'm not sexually turned on by male genitalia i guess it's the definitive thing there right and of course you can be asexual but then that's not being gay is it again why not oh i think i just explained it to the like the most just like straight up like there you go then i that i could possibly think of so there you go and some of you guys are probably feeling really awkward right now there's nothing to feel awkward about we should actually be able to be open and honest with each other about our preferences it's actually pretty important it's very normal too very normal being gay ace is pog what's gay ace unless you're talking to ace you're not being gay because you're not gay because being gay is gay i'm not following that one gay asexual well i bet you there's somebody out there that's like i enjoy the company of my own and maybe i'm that makes me gay i don't know what even is anymore who cares in the end who cares that's why i i preface it with i don't want your penis in my mouth because i mean that's really like there's no other reason to ask right or or to care you could ask well why care [Music] can we just not care what do you guys think contagion or question mark aromantic scott huxby himself [Music] contagion question mark question mark question mark contagion outbreak is it outbreak not contagion what's it called what's the real name for it it's contagion contagion outbreak is like the subtext [Music] left you know yeah we'll we'll go with contagion i think it's pretty okay imagine getting like the bean on the other one and my luck probably would give me the bean golden keys there's no reason not to check out this room it's a four which is a re-roll which could have been nice to know before we but you know contagion still is okay i'm fine with it do i sound fine because i'm fine chat i did not mean to waste that that's just that's a good shot min min is like uh 100 uh straight see i i stopped scraping there for even a little bit midman is either the easiest thing you've ever done in your entire life or the hardest boss you've ever faced ever and ever will in any game yikes dude yikes bro that hurt well i guess we don't worry about poops anymore booms and head pats are working again i see after me doing nothing to fix them wonderful wonderful we got a tears upgrade too that was pretty important because blue baby tainted blue babies tears are probably the worst stats poop horns went i'm gonna get right on that i'll press the wrong button i keep doing that we do [Music] if i forum you think i can change the unbought pedestal in the shop okay it's up you can you can change the unbought pedestal was that always a thing i felt like maybe you had to buy it first before i could be wrong d pockets is a letter 11 out of 10. yeah but i can can't afford it okay let's go [Music] i don't understand tea blue baby instead of bombs we get this uh list of poops that we can use to reverse the bomb button i grabbed the poop this one's uh a poop that spawns flies i'm just gonna try not using poop ever again though because screw that i have brimstone oh yeah suck it maybe have you tried sucking it these guys are stressful [Music] i don't need two bombs by the end of this and what does that mean that means i'm gonna have to like probably use up some of these things that worked out quite well that could have been a bomb i guess that i used of course as could this but maybe i'll just go for the bomb and use these to do that that's not a bomb that is a diarrhea we could save that for the boss still not seeing the poops that i want though can you get regular bombs nope not a thing with tank to blue baby no more regular bombs that counts as two bombs it could have been when you fart this little fart cloud right here you can ignite that with fire and it explodes all right let's let's go fight the boss diarrhea stan in the diarrhea and it gives you a stat boost and it deals damage to enemies that was pretty good um i'm gonna maybe save that waste that waste that waste that that's a bomb farts pull out the fire throw that there we go we figured it out yo the devil um hoping maybe it's krampus lovers card ace of sp dudes that gives you bible effect for a moment which could be nice giving flight for one room but i think i'm gonna maybe just ace of spades this room i don't know though because ace of spades enemies sounds even better don't it free room oh god you gotta [ __ ] and ball tease me like that gust of wind you get a speed and tears up every time you take damage i believe and then mom's knife of course you know what i like brimstone better than brim knife i'm gonna just be i'm gonna just say it i'm gonna just say it do it agreed nope you can't let's let's go i'm leaving i need some keys though gonna need some keys of course we have to do the flip side am i gonna do the flip side and try to fight turtle it again we'll see i can save some diarrhea again that that worked like a charm and you know what maybe i should just start ripping through some of my um oops try to get that diarrhea unlocked before we go that is a fart cloud rock there we go i pressed the wrong button because this game no i did press the right button i just didn't have my hold thing oh jeez i hate this character i mean i hate the idea of putting active items in my q slot i actually hate it i actually don't like that there could be a better way to do it why don't you just use the jacob and esau thing where it's like hold control or hold shift and then you can use the other one right why can't we do that at least you got a key yeah but i could have gotten like 17 keys so yay pisses me off dude am i late bomb the item room oh yeah we can bomb through we do have a bomb of course i'm gonna waste this hollowed ground poop but it is what it is sacrifices must be made got a crack i was already bombed it was literally already bombed and i'm apparently just dumb because i bombed the the corpse guy and didn't even look arts i hate you you're so dumb people are forgetful and if you're going to try to just get up someone's ass because of mistakes that i guarantee i care and [ __ ] tea that you make the same exact mistakes sometimes then you're not very nice i'm just gonna just gonna like serve that out freshly served just for you candy heart every half red heart you pick up gives nope that we can't pick up half red hearts so we're going to take this one not leaf well that could be a thing i suppose if we had the poop that generates flies we could just shoot that out and not leaf it up and let's do the flip side my father says i was a mistake you had mom's knife [Music] dd maxie two months welcome back all right wish me luck on the flip wish me luck going to flip while i'm flexi doodling keys please good good wouldn't that be cool if candy heart allowed blue baby to just even pick up red hearts much like the lost can pick up soul hearts you're welcome for these ideas and a pec chable of a check payable thanks brain i'm just i'm really happy that you have my back all the time and you never make stupid words up later really make up words my brain does packs chairable you okay huts i do this all the time that means i'm not okay then i'm never okay and okay is not a thing to be had look at all that diarrhea look at all those chickens midnight snack midnight snack midnight snack who would ever dream of a thing like that of the stash shots thank you i got a few compliments on my stash over the weekend felt pretty good it's not for everybody though and i think we all understand that i'll take my compliments when i can get them you missed but that was pretty cool if people baby is pain imagine t-pain huh yo what i don't have flight anymore hero nation 39 months doubt i'm the first to ask you this but you see zelda breath of the wild 2 trailer from nintendo yet no unless i mean i saw an old one zarvon 14 glad your powers back on wondering if your what your favorite reversal card is do you like them even though they're time limited reversal cards are time limited are you talking about like you get this effect for 30 seconds because there's some that spawn golden chests and that's justice question mark phenomenal um the tower question mark where it spawns a bunch of rocks a lot of them being tinted rocks just great handy some of them give you flight there's more but wait there's more yeah i didn't really think that was gonna work i don't even know if that hit the spot where it should be i got three keys though in 17 cents so let's set up our shop let's stash is that an emote yet it will be very soon card against humanity is probably going to be the way to go here then we go get the thing back and the trinket would be very nice to have as well i'm going to take that please sit in here trying to get humanity is always a good idea with brimstone too nintendo if you need me for a gannon laugh if you're gonna do like a super mega triple time remastered of uh over enough time this guy i don't know if i dropped the trinket yet if the trinket was dropped we gotta maybe explore a little bit on the other side sooner we get that the better if they remastered ocarina of time again on the switch would you buy it ganon is canonically dead though on the party pooper drew's eight total what's up drews oh sexy awesome amazing two three sub thank you dude knight with 200 bits thank you for that i'm up or i saw your bit what does hutz mean what the frick how did i get myself here mega cheese eight months yo just watched your youtube video and came by to say hi it worked thank you mega cheese i appreciate you forgotten rengar two months you're a really handsome man sin viktor [ __ ] thank you for the compliments orange with 16 months phenomenal stuff like i said i should probably chase after each line that i snort i mean blow i mean shoot just for the trinket chance makes such a difference in this room it's not that we're not like raking in the dough you know without it still going well nothing no trinket so i'm gonna go back by mom's key this is delicious and i love it when will huds thus is my name fool zach's on galaxy 100 bits there was a new breath of wild 2 trailer today it didn't show much but it was still cool you know i think i just heard about that bifinator sexy awesome amazing tier 3 sub 11 months almost you're excited for another one thanks for everything you do thank you so much for the tier three so so generous vinos with uh prime sub welcome very generous of you guys did i leave anything in the shop i didn't drop anything for that card against humanity right no i didn't moving box is a it you know it exists i wanted to take [Music] my priestess is pretty good high priestess is okay devil card with a bible effect for one room we could kill mom with it we could get flight to grab some cool stuff you could voice gannon and breath of the wild too i would love to just do some voice over work in general movie box is good for breaking the game no wait yes if it's gonna call me sexy and also awesome i'm a tier three next sub um lovers card i think they patched the thing where you can go into the top secret room and get soul hearts and eternal hearts from the lovers card i don't that's a thing anymore someone corroborate this in chat [Music] sometimes if you use bible and mother insta kill they didn't they didn't patch that i thought i used it early on the whole thing in certain rooms there are some rooms that like only spawn black hearts only spawn eternal hearts only spawn soul hearts so when you drop a lover's card it spawns the corresponding whatever heart and it's like super smart it's patched okay so i have a yes it's patched and i know it's not patched consider me compuzzled [Music] that's changed i'm pretty sure if you ever been to europe yes and uh france germany spain italy uh actually you know i've been to the uk and i've also been to ireland it's stone pog if i made some sort of stupid territory whatever [ __ ] white people be bored mistake then whatever ireland's actually actually northern ireland that's part of the uk but then regular ireland is not and then scotland is nobody cares about your boring life britain's we're in italy just rome i mean we were uh we did like a three-day in in uh really popular cities hitting the big ones way back in the day [Music] northern ireland is not a part of ireland for now that's so weird because it's almost like i said i didn't care [Music] to be honest i mean people should care right like let's say that you're a part of northern ireland and there's like some really big [ __ ] going on which it sounds like they believe that there is i don't know anything about it so i'm not telling you that your your lives are not important that's just telling me that i'm not important pretty good plays how american of you sure did your breath okay i gotta get back to work cpk watching the video congratulations on your win spoiler i'm from northern ireland and i don't even care like i'm sure there's reasons to care i don't know what they are though that was top secret room for sure are you aware that that was top secret room for sure how are we going to afford to get into the mausoleum that's gonna be a difficult one that's gonna be a hard pill to swallow gideon of course it's the one boss i can't use the high priestess card on huts had never seen such [ __ ] before pokeys horns is not the worst thing i've ever seen is it luck based some things like weren't locked based on are now luck based and always should have been luck based hard to keep up with kind of like territories in in europe every time that i just send a butt baby shirt out and someone's like yeah i'm from poland and then it's like the the website's like which province or state of poland and i'm like [Music] 13 minutes of google searching later i just take a guess who's still here by the way oh you little shits which providence is poland to the polish sausage polish providence of poland and nobody no now a single person filled up providence information signing up for goddamn t-shirts you ever ordered anything online you should know i need your state slash providence keep your sausage to yourself you nasty lucky's horn is 100 proc rate at 15 luck denmark we don't have states and american sites always want an answer but do you have providences still weaver it's a silver ecstasy three months welcome back skanos sweet sweeto like prosciutto skanoshutto two months maybe karanaka 63 happy tuesday hurts only two-thirds of a buck baby to 69. retro robin three months wish spa wishbone greco prime sub turreted penny four months welcome back and pragbert with seven hi dad i've been watching your content for years totally love to keep it up purple eyes with eight months we do a little isaac i love repentance so much shot my hours played from 330 to almost 600. oat fist prime sub what is going on all right what are we doing what's up what's the happy haps i think we're just leaving i think we're just gonna go nothing nothing to do nothing to see here folks i'm so happy you're alive you're live i need you right now it's like alive i was gonna say i need to be alive to be live but that's not even true [Music] i appeared in the new video the new new youtube videos frogs congratulations not a naughty mouse two months what up dad yo best toaster five months came from the youtube video finally have some time to catch a stream love the content keep it up we're doing one of the last unlocks for tainted blue baby right now for those of you who are just joining us we're gonna try to go to mother which is why i'm going alt floor and um [Music] ash pit two so that means we have the second snipe piece for a second there i thought we were in mazzo or something and i missed it had a little mini heart attack i'm okay probably should see a doctor ask your doctor if your heart's healthy enough for a hot stream [Music] fufu cuddly buns two months yayt welcome back three months for eric to one just saw the youtube video and had to pop over and catch the stream thank you so much for the support get your prime sub thank you for that [Music] cold lasagna here what's up welcome welcome welcome welcome very very uh very nice of you sub how you doing i'm feeling okay how'd you guys like today's video was it good some people like really don't like the twitch highlights and i honestly think that like some things are worth highlighting so it's kind of an awkward situation to be in they're for sure of a different energy i don't think they're bad [Music] can we get that guy let's see if i waste a lot of stuff but that's fine fix that place that the high priestess [ __ ] you and your little q slot hold [ __ ] i hate you [Music] definitely by the health buy this it could be cool but whatever mcnug the toilets are fun though great for those who can't sit through a full duration of every stream mcnug prime sub thank you for that molvadar with four months [Music] welcome back sakura wrs prime sub welcome still watching otherwise i do not intend to return you need to heal me favorite new repentance brimstone synergy chat go you like this character it's not my least favorite it has like a brand new thing very unique doable you get enough poops right you just get poops on poops on poops it'd be really really tough if you only got like one poop per room hip a cat brimstone brimstone plus all the worms soy milk soy milk chocolate milk soy play-doh cookie chocolate uranus azazel pop almond milk is too nutty [Music] fizzle with uh or is it tizzly prime sub thank you for that quasimodo 11 months can you make up a funny gibberish word asking for a friend gersh blobbity [Applause] let's was frustrated with the new tainted jacob so much so that he took a gershwin by gersch blobbity on his sprunky doink sounds like something from uh rick and morty gonna try to save my health here because once again we're gonna need it to get to the mausoleum [Music] oh food tuts stopped my foot thanks to the tier one sub and weenie 37 here's to the bestest streamer on twitch let's love huts hype supports [Applause] that's a weird room room repeat plato [Music] i hate this part always loses all my health stuff about to dodge the mom how about an item though last spot that i checked sweet deal you got yourself a deal partner that could be a better trinket but um sometimes the child leash can be game changing i don't know montezuma it's another brimstone that comes out of my butt hell is it going to charge the same rate not even close it's firing out both ends though man that that's a proper flu if i've ever seen one fitting for blue baby what's for days 12 months thank you for that there should be some synergy between the two of them i'm not gonna lie denver wolf thank you so much to the 1500 bits i appreciate that y'all just wanted to say hello well hello to you gosh you with the prime sub thanks for that food huts with five gifted subs zucchini with a hundred bits back from the stream what if you did every item is fat buddy what's fat buddy [Music] marlo's back gotta be patient in the shadow chase chat gotta be willing to just take it slow and let the shadow get intro into an easier position to deal suppose if i if i do it right oh oh oh okay it's almost like this boss is difficult if i do it right i can hit him with both the lasers that was really tough and there goes all of my health and now we're gonna go into an extremely difficult floor with what with what i ask you pain and suffering i don't have enough bombs queued up to try to make some fancy stuff happen so i think i'm just gonna leave boss is ridiculous up food huts with a thousand bits you are on fire right now thank you for that dark devourer 12 months welcome back toshiyara with the prime sub welcome citrus corn three months welcome back mausoleum for health really good it's not even four health though because the boneheart council only has half a red heart okay there's a thousand bits coming in thank you for that um probably spend my money here that's cool birdcage i like birdcage when we take damage he slams down in the battlefield we get him permanently now why don't you read chat only bits i don't know i don't know what that means i don't know what you mean by that jacob's fia with two months mike maron 13 months thank you for that yeah we'll go with this last chance to spawn spiders upon dealing damage put up chat and huts now we be doing i'm gonna save a little bit of money there is a shop so let's find the shop it's all hearts in the shop could be big plays forget only bits i want only tims i think i would like to get those but how waste of diarrhea we have a lot of these like bs things here okay didn't even get a flame one all right then using it three times it broke after three anyways is perfect it knew what to do [Music] that'll be perfect with the spiders from laos make them deal five times damage at two and a half maybe nom nom 24 months that's two years here's my coffee do you hex it with prime sub half d with a prime sub thank you for that welcome welcome welcome and before a bombs are key i'm pretty sure bombs are key just ruins everything just does not work this takes everything from you i'm gonna go for the golden chest over the secret room oddly enough all right this one we're gonna do we're gonna part there we're gonna bomb there we're gonna fire bomb there don't need it sure that's not eight um we can still if we wanted to bomb this area as well [Music] secret room red hearts useless second steam sale maybe hang wangler with a thousand bits thank you for that are you a beach person or more of a pool person [Music] this is nice hit a bomb um i i think i would uh enjoy either i mean if i'm here in minnesota there's you know the beaches are it's a lake beach it's not like the cleanest thing it's sometimes smelly real beaches are pretty dope though i just don't get to see them very often so i'm i'm totally fine with just enjoying a pool someone's got a pool here it's special about to take a pool or keep a pool up and running with all four seasons thousand bits from foot again thanks for the contact it's great keep it up man contactor content both thank you for the awesome support that you're showing me right now wouldn't that be really cool if you could just shove a red heart into this guy like you could drop a lover's card and you just push it in he would grab it checks payable to huts gaming please bill don't 36 months welcome back three years ed hiram i spit out like maybe four ideas today that were just fire so far that's what i'm looking for that's the stuff [Music] that would be cool please damn right the guts aiming here we go protect it with this look at that another one spawn a fart that was uh very underwhelming oh because it spawned another chest risk it can i somehow like push it into me while i'm the whatever form no okay that was dumb i ended up bombing myself because that did not work out though nearly the way i wanted it to not even close but we did get the chest for free afterwards so counting that one is a victory [Music] zach's with two months hell yeah 100 bits from purple eyes happy pride month everybody you're all valid heart stitch inator with 26 months and galaxy with a prime sub welcome galaxy free after the damage we already took what do you do i mean what do you want me to put like some subtext in there huh free like twitch prime courtney murder 49 months what's up courtney how about an item room gotta be the last room i find every single time it's a law besides health this run is okay [Music] acid baby i'm a pill popper so [Music] get rid of the non-bomb dudes [Music] get some bombs ready super k is this still a spiked door on this side town stubbing from the eu is more expensive do streamers actually get more money or is twitch just being twitch um yeah if like what you end up spending is the equivalent of six us dollars worth i don't get that extra money i still get my same percentage i think i think there might be actually a thing up here this is a risky one though i don't know if i want to pop this one i'm gonna end up hurting myself in a small room i might pop it here and then do a safe play here oh could you please not you just changed the rooms on me yep okay good stuff use this go use it again go use it for another time go because my heart and soul what does he knows about the creep synergies please stop bringing it up i do know about the creep synergies what does one do with that it shot its own thing [Music] huh freaking pretty frick frick frick boss you frick better fire rate good talk thanks loved it and with that i'm freaking out here you little frick actually i almost forgot this good place we needed that take bobby or wally i see you moon man 11 months what's up bub snyder sexy awesome amazing two three sub never really know what to write on these things so here's to reading this out loud blah blah blah you turn into the count the left hand could be good for soul hearts true but mom's key could also be good for soul arts and money so with that i must go my birthday today there's no stream right now to spend it with happy birthday blob hammer [Music] mega peacocks sub welcome really appreciate the support you guys thanks for making it to the stream steve's sleeve three months brixie a little bit of this maybe neat not really anyone but i hope you know how much you and your content means to me and everyone else in chat you've helped me through some very difficult times and i'm extremely grateful love you please keep doing what you do purple eyes i wouldn't say you're nobody purple eyes every single time that someone helps support me and what i do here it allows me to do this as a job and put out that much more content amnesia duders i'll be okay sharp straw any big sharp straw fans here or should i take question mark i know some people like really love sharp straw i love sharp straws to squat yes yes yes yes no no sharp straw is neato who talks with another thousand bits keep up the great work and you just made my day better i don't have the game i want to get it so can you please tell me how much it is isaac we talking about isaac plus after birth plus plus i think is after birth to pay dlc i think so and then uh repentance all together i don't know how much is that chat fifty dollars with all dc dlcs sharp straw no longer gives you soul hearts damage is only like six yeah i think the sharp straw would be pretty lame but might be able to buy a bundle on steam cat's saying probably only gonna use sharp straw on bosses i honestly think sharp straw is just trash some people think it's like the second coming of jesus so i'm always willing to give it a shot it takes a portion of enemies health i think right now it's faster to just kill them all right like that comes back and i go oh he's dead i guess spider got him or something i don't even know not trash it just goes well with good damage but good damage speaks for itself doesn't it you're saying with really good damage with you could just kill somebody really quickly it's really cool to have sharp straw that does that damage while you have to hold there and sit there and not shoot for two seconds [Music] what can you used to play before isaac i think it was mostly minecraft 10 of your damage 10 plus your damage make me smile and i'm not a smile type person it's really nice to say let's save that and use this gonna pass on that one did we hit the shop up yet that was the shot we were just in the shop [Music] around super quickly because all you need to do is press space but okay but here here's 10 [Music] 20 percent [Music] 30 super quickly but are you okay just because you didn't follow what the conversation was about doesn't mean i'm uh dumb or not okay pay attention bro that's pretty good at least you get the vibe while you're doing it but not leap it's basically a free win i'm pretty sure you go out of nod leaf here we'll try it you know i'm gonna take damage immediately like [ __ ] immediately when i tried to do that i it just hit me right in the face it's a really good thing that we have sharp straw though save it wasn't my brimstone it was the sharp straw [Music] damage could totally be good but um i think the the iframes zombie zenya uh 12 months full year welcome back boppin bussies with 100 bits straw in the couch ed neller i wish i could support more thanks for your content thank you for every little bit all the little bits matter edixo with uh 69 bits food hut's a thousand bits again now i read that one straw is not that good it's just good if you have so much damage you can one shot everybody without using the straw wait yeah do you hear yourself sometimes maybe it's good on delirium right i dropped the poop that's such a tough fight i don't think we're gonna make it you guys i'm gonna be honest with you bob snyder with 25 gifted subs that is unbelievably generous of you to do that thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you anybody who just got to get that sub from bub snyder i hope you see that and thank bub snyder look at all that healthy got my gosh [Music] that's dead we're fine watch me do [Music] rip my highlighted message just sent before that sub dono sharp straw is good on rooms with a lot of enemies when you have no crowd control area attack but high damage your current build it do be kind of garbo [Music] once again though i i just feel like when you have a build where sharp straw is good you don't need the straw games like hey kill yourself think about it peanut beans two months hot straw yo lutz from uk can't watch stream often but thought to give free prime and head back to youtube thank you tina beans i appreciate it scrooge mcwhill prime's up thank you king shady prime sub thank you a lot of new subs today and i appreciate that a lot feels pretty good sharp straw with car battery double charge and double a battery is bomb whoa wait guys if you had sharp straw with every single upgrade you could ever get on sharp straw then sharp straw is still worse than every other item that you could possibly have with all of those upgrades that i just mentioned but it's still oh it's better than what it is now slow clop golf clap everybody if you quadruple its effect it's four times as good how many other items are still like so much more amazing with that with the things that you just said go for the bomb i might actually be able to you fart when you do this no the diary is not fart that is a fart unnecessary though really hoping to get some health out of that [ __ ] three dollars hey it's lovely content keep it up and going through a lot of tough times lately so thanks for keeping me happy during my evenings off lobby hudson chat going through a tough time lately sorry to hear about that i can keep your mind off it or cheer you up in any way i like that sharp straw is s here [Music] when they're feared and they're just randomly running around how many chests do i gotta open up to try to get some health i wouldn't mind sharp straw if it automatically activated the fact that i got to spend my time not shooting or charging to use it shot speed up range down that's fine i mean it's it's nothing it is a large bag of nothing oh i can't really bomb i mean maybe this guy gives me something other than spiders but oh still spiders i had to check you get a oh you can't even play a bomb beggar damn fox prime sub thank you for that tom tool with uh prime sub as well on some new subscribers welcome to y'all just in time to watch me die andy guy five gifted subs thank you for that i need bombs to the bomb beggar huts oops switch they take the place of your bombs and i just thought that you know it would do something but i guess it's not yet implemented maybe don't have bomb beggars spawn on your blue baby or a tainted blue baby right that'll be fair they should make poop beggars there you go click sale 49 months you can easily win with this run with sharp straw only that's tim anyways best of luck here's the 49 months like in light rush prime sub thank you bop and bussies tier one sub friends network unreachable thanks for the warning guess who doesn't have a bomb i have a fire this is what i gotta do i gotta waste this waste that hold that fart here use this he's a genius [Music] i'm a problem solver i'm a problem solver i'm a midnight soaker he nearly died god freight flipping polyp tried to get me i sure don't want to hurt no one i'm a joker i'm a smoker i'm a midnight soaker okay give me uh a fortune telling machine go wheel of fortune [Music] now give me soul hearts that i can year of oh you will die you will die okay oh that's a double you were born wrong follow the dog use bombs wisely i'm okay i'm done reading you just give me the stuff that's pretty good of course uh double damage spiders are also pretty good rabinovor gifting a sub just search chompy thank you binabore well this is rough all righty then strength guard does that give us a perma soul heart strength no i sure don't want to hurt no one should have saved that for the boss oh help not that health don't forget to switch what if i took the panic button and auto activated my sharp straw no take vibrant bulb garbo doodle do [Music] that sounds cool and all with sharp straw not that good i have no idea where the um top sticker room would be but i do have a feeling it's right here fart there place that fire bomb it um kind of a big deal maybe there [Music] interesting it's not enough hey bolicker i think i need to do this i need to find it it's got to be right there 100 i know it in my heart it's right there it's probably off this room somewhere just buzz off dude last time no scourge dangerous a dangerous enemy oh i didn't even see those guys um [Music] so [Music] tough that was tough there was a spiral of tears coming in right and then they put tears in the middle of the spiral and i'm not sure how to dodge them i don't know no idea that really hurts that hurts a lot i am in pain
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 26,332
Rating: 4.9408417 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 8sec (4508 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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