First Bethany Run - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what's up youtube we are here back at it i'm gonna jump in bethany hard mode i don't have a set path of where i want to go after bethany we're gonna do that weird mode for isaac whatever that is let's do it [Music] let's go okay here's the things to note oh eaton's blessing by the way gave us raw liver which is really really good um we have a soul heart counter we can't take soul hearts eternal hearts black carts i think they don't count they they actually get added into this like pool right underneath my keys and from that i can use this book of virtues to spawn these fires that shoot with me and i'm they're supposed to be like over 100 items that the book can work with that change my fires in some way shape or form my fires shoot they also can deal contact damage when they deal contact damage they die rip deal with the devil yeah it's very difficult to get a deal with the devil as bethany he's a tough character immortal hearts instead of eternal arts maybe eternal arts still do work but immortal hearts don't i planned that better to get that card i guess so well so we don't want our pliers to block shots we don't want them to hit enemies only when they have to we'd like to save them up do the extra firepower [Music] let me use one more okay that used all four of my soul heart charges because before it was two charges for one fire now it's four charges for a fire that's expensive black hearts get used by the book yeah they make black part or they used to at least speaking on what i didn't know owns tooth damage up arcs and secret rooms owls turn the bombs that's a very silent explosion i kind of wish i ate two pieces of pizza still hungry smasher with 100 bits in the bible it says something about war between good and evil for your soul maybe we seen isaac beating the devil and sprouting wings and going to heaven and the voice was his dad in his personal heaven could be yeah oz eat more simple on fight red haunt tough tough stuff you want to stay like right about here but when he does this shooting thing red hot it's pretty easy pretty simple stuff really starts to explain how i'm going to defeat them han say hard noises okay that's how you really feel so delirious 10 gifted subs thank you for that also ron kelly says uh i saw the interview ed was talking about angel deals have you gotten one yet nope have not seen anything with the angel deals um we've been playing really well though i'm not like regretting not going for angel try the dark room well yeah we don't really have a specific place to go as bethany we can go anywhere we want to it's in a book take a look don't want to go alt path or not all path is very difficult as bethany if we want to go dark room i say maybe not doing the alt path no no no switch it up past the alt all right let's go dark room no all path all right you know i feel bad not seeing all like the new stuff in the all path i don't think we've seen most of the enemies but we haven't seen darkroom either so we gotta pick one thing at a time i keep saying it [Music] aim for angels too angel deals can now be guaranteed that the first seen devil deal is skipped without entering it they're guaranteed imagine getting a deal with the devil and then skipping it you know what it actually says 100 angel right there because of bethany all right looks like we're going angel then lost to fire though fire's gonna blow up the tnt no [Music] look at my houndstooth pretty good pretty smart pretty worthwhile uh we're spawning flies every room because of our rotten heart by the way like a free passive tammy's head charge or not tammy sorry guppy's head you know what i mean i'm tired of you guys acting like you don't know what i mean i believe that you you do know what i mean more trinket realm we got a free trinket that's kane's eye i believe that's a chance upon entering the floor to see the map wait what do you mean did beth fire shoot an anti-birth yes so far it's been exactly the same besides the fact that it's now two charges are four charges instead of two rather lemony two months just want to say thank you you helped me get through depression and some really dark times greetings from brazil thank you so much the kind words appreciate that lemony and thanks for uh supporting me [Music] 15 cents back i like the coin noises said it before i'm gonna say it again at the first shop is free now i could be wrong though yeah i think the first shop is free you gotta take the pills hey i don't mind being tiny bethany bethatini paralysis paralyzed beth range down that's that's about as bad of a pill spread as you could ask for right there that's bad that is bad ron kelly with a hundred more bits and work schedules and saying this the first stream i've been able to get to in almost a year your content has helped me through so much keep up with all your youtube videos thanks for thank you and keep being freaking awesome man thank you thank you thank you for supporting me pills are all good now by the way literally nothing different about the pills [Applause] this is possible to do without taking damage possible with asterisks see the appendix that should be our health back for free speed is not what i need and angel room i'm gonna go shield here probably they buffed the pills [Music] is this the reverse run no this is just normal bethany i don't have a bomb i can't bomb them oh that's a tight shield i don't know if it's because i'm tiny that's really close that's good um yeah it's a shame i can't it's bomb little early though and it would have been kind of difficult with the purple fires it would have been probably pretty bad for my health [Music] bomb the statue bishop bonsa which game you consider was a waste of money at the point of regrets i think there was a couple of games that i bought with the idea of playing with friends and they never did probably would be that rock and stone no i love that game my hero's a slap another library is this count as a book it counts as a book [Music] oh it's a double book [Music] look at the little cross what this one also it leaves a a fire when i jump i might say that this one's better that's weird though we don't get the health right right we don't get any health from it [Music] we got the the upgrade the bookworm which is good love the book synergies you got two soul heart charges use it three times get one free take jump i don't know i feel like i want to know what the crossfire does i feel like i get what the jump does and and using that is very chaotic in a room you're going to throw yourself into some spikes or something like that it could get us to areas it's cheap man's flight i don't know beyond that though is the cross shooting i don't think the cross shoots at all depression i guess i'm going with it [Music] wow wow wow that a permafire yeah see that's i don't know it's a six room charge it's not shooting what's the catch right what's the catch gunfire is also shoot by the way tinted rock i don't know i don't have a bomb even if there was one right so i'm not sure what you expect for me on that one maybe if you have enough they will activate yeah i don't know i'm i want to find out though so [Music] how's your day been exhausting i got up very early edited a video sent another video i recorded twice edited one of them which you guys probably saw and then sent another one off to my editor for tomorrow hopefully and then i had to wait even longer than that for all the videos to be uploaded and done and now i'm here i've been non-stop isaac all day i keep putting out my fires by spawning on top of them you figured out what the mirrors and the white fires do yeah chad spoiled that one today's a big day for you yup that's why i'm doing it lost another fire go good good hide behind my did he get quieter because i'm smaller i hide by my shield better this way the canes either gave me mapping i think so three larger pills gives you stompy three smaller pills should give you some sort of special thing i guess smaller hitbox is just worth it in general maybe i'm asking too much i know that ed and vin don't like transformations crossfires auto shoot i don't know no not seeing any auto shooting they could just be like stronger defensive like maybe they can take a lot more hits before they break so maybe i won't get the offensive firepower but i'll get the defensive the blocking and i'll be able to stack them up a lot easier [Music] bombs yeah i get the secret rooms there jeez you can creep through little holes yeah if you get enough small pills i guess you get the benefit of something between rocks and [ __ ] [Music] double tapping that's a good idea nothing nothing's happening though not working like where your head's at though you know it's it's like a tighter ring so maybe that's just all it does right is it gives me like a a an inner ring essentially 200 bits from time lilati gotta go since this 4am get the rest of my bits first though thank you appreciate that i have a book on top of a book yeah so synergy's book synergizes let's say synergies book bethany's book synergizes with a lot of other things not just other books key keybomb i just started kibo has been buffed us you should know is he listening to me i better type in all caps yo i got a tinder match too today how do you like me now now that i'm on maui seven hours so what or we've been going for seven hours yeah we've gone separate seven hours tinder match with bethany phone lights up isn't bethany a kid [Music] auger is tinder match you guys back up please there's no blood in the corner hearts did you know look at all my crosses this is like book of the dead good yeah more charge is better got a bomb let's use it how do you like me now now that i'm on maui you think i'm crazy standing here today [Music] very interesting we could go curse room after we fight the boss and then he'll back up with the numerous red hearts on the floor or with the rainbow poop if we need it but uh we lose our rotten heart wiki says that when cross wisp dies it spawns a harbinger familiar tell me dad well i was wondering what do the mirrors and white fires do can you elaborate you were wondering what they do um spoiler alert anybody that doesn't want to know what the white fires do well there i mean i kind of just said it out loud but if you don't want to know how to get to the key piece and therefore to the alternate final boss not including the whatever dude close your ears for 10 seconds starting right now you walk into the white fire and then you turn into lost and then you go to the mirror and then you have to fight the boss all right we're good got it tell me when i need to unmute i waved dude look at all my crosses this is crazy this looks banging though with all the crosses in my shield thanks to the wave we did it on stream so i don't feel like i'm going to hold back from saying the spoilers of what we previously have done but i did allow right there specifically people to not hear it if they didn't want to can't guarantee that on everything though extra item rooms with the bloody crown asus 20 total welcome back killer d nasty with the prime sub thank you um if we capped or did we have five and now we have six we might have capped on the crosses it kind of sucks that we can't make like non-crosses can we close the book can we switch books is that a thing is there a button for that squat says he can't watch everything for a few days because he wants to experience everything for himself yeah i think he mentioned that bell that's it is what it is no you can't double tap nope nope old r comedian you guys real comedian real funny guy some pretty funny stuff there there don't you know their guy oh give me a real hunting and hollering wait till it charges green i don't think it matters with the blue or green the blue just means i'm using soul hearts as well as the green charges which is totally legal if i want plus 10 luck perfection or do i want to oh i have room for both double tap the active item key i did didn't work you have to wait for the double charge alt f4 cookie smash or four months what's up you guys are just full of [ __ ] you're so full shut your eyes around hold control it would seem to me that there just isn't a way to do it dogma balls i did control i hit shift at space hold your horses all right i'm leaving i think i don't think i missed anything put your pc out the window that might work what are you trying to do i'm trying to see if i can't switch the the book of rev or like close bethany's book and you know like switch it so i can spawn the normal blues fires am i locked into the revelations fires or whatever it is whatever you want to call them explain how to get the dogma please i'm trying to remember to be honest once i remember i can tell people to not listen i don't even know yeah it looks like we're capped at six okay how did we even get that door oh i don't think it's spoilers to say it but you have to kill the witness i think [Music] they might get these guys to blow up my secret door [Music] that's why it's not really a spoiler saying you have to do the thing and then you can do more things i even did the tell you i was gonna say something you guys are watching me do all this [ __ ] as spoilers the spoiler has been in front of you the entire time [Music] i was just trying to get rid of a couple of them all right we'll wait for a full green oh hey there captain omega 10 gifted subs with the tier 1 yourself thank you for that appreciate it very very much so seasonal comments with five months thank you does it take my uh rotten heart if i play the blood donation machine i think it does fairly certain can you give me a bomb you know this even with 10 luck even with 12 luck spoilers you're watching huts right now the spoilers were the friends we made along the way you guys i'm hungry for some more pizza the fact that it's just sitting there on the floor next to me it hurts [Music] see that was the same blue charge red charge it's just telling you how many solo hearts you have backed up i suppose if we don't need to do anything we should just keep saving up the uh the soul hearts we get use it at the full green we put a soul heart into our chamber and keep doing that even though we're not gaining anything it's still worth it good it's a good pill you know what i'm gonna take it in case we get a phd or something let's just eat get yourself some more more pizza no i shall just eat just eat it just eat it open up your mouth and eat it have a banana have a whole bunch it doesn't matter what is fun lunch ian's okay one sub thank you i feel like they went for a really like a more simplistic design on the bomb flies i don't know it's weird kinda just eat it eat it open up your mouth and eat it [Music] not my favorite sticky bombs ended cobalt stream streak rather how about streak streaks strict streaker streak it's tricky sack bombs nope no idea what the secret miss by walking into an enemy with the holy fires maybe i don't want to risk it though because one damage it's gonna happen somebody will walk into me but one damage and i lose that on my angel chance i don't want to do that he popped up into my depression idiot [ __ ] worm plus range ah this is the hard pass on the hookworm oni ronin with 3 000 bits thank you for that hope you're loving repentance so far glad to finally be able to catch a stream from you since i work night shift hours hudslav absolutely thanks for joining do we know that pill dog's tooth go howl oh you're saying i should wait on dog's tooth to tell me where the secret room is because i'm a dum-dum got it that's a tinted mush [Music] it looks like our shield pops out over our fires i don't know if that's because i made myself so small i tried to time my meat a lot harder to time the meat yeah the shield blocking before the fires proc is that's pretty good some good business [Music] us did you know the one that the house two dog house did i need that maybe maybe later we're gonna get crushed i'll need all the charges the funkiest the dog in the megaphone it's pretty good wait on that one [Music] rag mega tough fight not gonna lie very low health though i didn't get my angel room ah health up though store key automatically open store doors up i'm i'm fine i think with not having that ah tough fight not gonna lie i mean if you can time a bomb correctly you know what chat hey where's my how how for me ain't nothing but a hound oh yeah crying all the time okay it was a weird spot for the secret room to be in everyone could just shut up [Music] ain't nobody don't forget the heart what heart anything over here excuse me what's the text on that one run that one by me again please it feels empty sodomy apple want to put the apple in my where oh the eternal heart right anal apple when isaac has full hp one to four blue spiders will drop when picking up red hearts really when i have full hp how do i pick up red hearts you're saying i can just grab them [Music] yo all right oh okay getting tons of [ __ ] [Music] devon tater tots tier one sub thank you appreciate you [Music] look at all my spiders a spider [Music] all right we're looking good i'm actually just gonna buy that key we're kind of we're not low on keys we're not exactly high on keys either keys are my drugs all right let's roll pronounce devin well then why'd you put a dev on all right the existence of dev on suggests the existence of a devil off got some needles eternal heart don't let me forget you can let me forget i'll forgive you please i prefer div out just got it pins and needles my voice you just tell me you don't like me okay i want to see some more book synergies please i mean i'm i guess i'm happy i saw one two for that matter but more please jumper cables how many enemies we have to kill now in order to get a charge back i bet you it's more than what it was before we aren't getting them i'm seeing them every now and again sure back up sir please six feet sir i'mma place a bomb here what does the synergy do it spawns these uh these crosses and i'm not totally sure what the crosses do if nothing else the crosses are like super tight to my body okay holy light when they touch the the crosses holy light and they're they're super tight in so they're like really gonna block and [ __ ] um lg war machine two months wow i've never gotten this far alone and lord pirales thank you for that the prime [Music] oh god it's hard to see that guy in the darkness flies you're like i'm like murder them just having a dance party in the dark yeah gosh i love this item that was almost jingle bells there i was like jingle bells jingle don't get forget the red hearts give spiders right new tech noise dope or annoying chat dope or annoying oh it's there both dope okay it's about 50 50 there uh the graphic the new laser graphic dope are not dope oh dopelicious graphics are dope great yeah i knew that you guys were gonna say it was dope it sounds more lazary right if we're talking about what sounds lasery that sounds pretty lazy laser-ish anymore that black laser-ish in germany it's delicious delicious pick up red hearts ah right like the red hearts that i picked up those ones uh i don't think it's increased angel chance if i blow him up i think it's increased angel chance if i get him to pay out and i could get him to pay out i don't want to mess with those spikes that sounds like a lot of pain there's a bunch of spike rocks in the back too kill him i don't want devil rooms blow up the rock and just stand next to him yeah but you still have to kind of play you know because you touch him and you get hit up and down but it is it is the way it's the way to do it poop just explode it's like what 10 angel chance if i get a payout i mean they might have fixed that but i thought it was we're at 62 right now tiny kaboom okay you're an idiot nothing nothing happened there was no ups or downs what a waste of money at an absolute least i probably should have waited till the boss fight to come back for those but dude yeah that was a tough one he dropped the the bomb right on him it didn't even go anywhere there was no way to like knock it out i'm hearing the whispers in the background of the music you know it's like and because i've got surround sound system it sounds like there's somebody in my room like over there whispering it's freaking me the hell out [Music] freaking my beans man being in my frick dude there's no whispers in the music huts converter how the hell would that work do you think it would work i think i could make some red hearts out of my soul heart um out of my like 20 that i have loaded up who's that behind you huts it's me in the blue suit one way to find out right because that's what it normally does right two soul hearts for one red heart it's tim oh what the heck it even goes in my book though is it supposed to be put into my book does every active item get put on my book it looks glitched i don't it's not doing anything it's possible it only works on like a red heart on the floor or something or i don't know solar on the floor maybe they change the item altogether maybe converter is totally different i don't know every item has a book of virtues thing converter was buffed and is now one soul art one heart uh every active gets put on your book just to answer that question one soul heart equals one red heart it's not working yeah nothing happens how far down are we that's one stay back sir angel room level two meet um i mean full mapping is great but i'm gonna go with the holy shot holy death shot this is a much better room to fight this guy in that's for sure new sound effects there sounded more holy love the new sounds dope that's pretty good that we got that i mean we're almost out of angel rooms but one more could make a huge difference we're in good shape i think to just finish this normally dark room you have no more of the little fires you should just run into enemies to test out the crosses i mean we know what it does now i guess they haven't broken which maybe it does something new um yeah harbinger right there look at that son of a gun another rotten heart that's pretty dope too cool and now on to the next floor eternal art eternal heart eternal heart [ __ ] that's way back there and now to get the eternal heart that i totally remembered and didn't need chat to tell me [ __ ] about yup just another day me superman rememberer guy big brain huts um you know i could go curse room but once again i think i will actually lose my rotten hearts if i do that watch the red hearts too late i'm just thinking about pizza that's the only thing on my mind let's go into town at least having two more slices of the pizza after this how's it going chad how you guys holding up people be dropping just eat people probably going to bed sir if you don't eat munch the pizza f sleep i'm feeling exhausted my mouth feels tired from moving from talking all day today my mouth is tired surprisingly my voice hasn't given out i'll probably have a sore throat tomorrow though [Music] just hum to us no hum item oh wait no that's not what he said drink water my jaw my jaw but yeah you know generally drinking water is just a good thing and i probably have not taken a sip for a while hironaka thank you so much for the 1000 bits i appreciate you bringing day one to a close here soon kiranaka's words not mine i'm thinking i'm gonna go like get an energy drink here i should just be like pounding that right now probably that's uh crawl space arf yo there's a crawl space i don't know why the dog turned into shaggy like zoinks scoob there's like a crawl space that was like shaggy mixed with morty come on rick it's like morty goes to puberty shaggy's morty holy [ __ ] never knew radioactive radish thanks to the prime sub my friend great va lol like zoinks rick let's split up the gang [Music] geekies glass of milk it looks different what are you gonna do milk surprise me free shot in the boss that's really good uh with bethany that's pretty good that's okay all right we end up using that in this floor ease okay yeah i do want to get okay it's pretty easy now that you mention it i did get hit because i'm an idiot i didn't lose my angel chance though so you know gotta look at the bright side chat rip rotten heart that's why i didn't want to do in the first place i got a little too risky a little too comfortable i was like oh this is actually really easy game was like remember when you were an idiot oh wait no that's right now [Music] oh hi did you know that that skull is a tinted skull hearts you should get that hot see that skull go back tinted skull boom right there damned you just got timed get time dude freaking called it y'all just got time was there some weird thing about picking up red hearts when i'm not full tim is misunderstood i think i understand him perfectly anything but tim oh i just can't pick up health period neat now i can holy shots just good it's just super dope we got super holy holies i mean you should it's bethany i mean she starts the 100 angel chance so a good doy am i right [Music] that's another one remember how i said you can smell secret rooms how do you think the dog knows where it is you know what boots go on feed excuse me um i think we're ready uh well yeah we did hit the shop we're good i don't know what kind of up or not up loads or updates so what kind of unlocks is the word i was reaching for there i wonder what kind of unlocks we're gonna get is bethany that's a perma harbinger for the entire room that seems like really good for bosses oh he's yeah he's actually switching like a harbinger i gotta i have a war fly good oh yeah perfect than i wanted [Music] okay a lot of stuff there not the thing i was looking for the uh the soul is just wonderful the soul is a great item but eucharist would guarantee me two more angel rooms what does the bible do the bible will kill mom or mom's heart in one charge one use also grants flight go for you eucharist new shooties eucharist for sure bible with beth though bible synergy maybe die hard gamer prime sub thank you for that synergy bible fires [Music] it's very split i see a lot of people going for eucharist those 40 soul hearts though bible beth holy fires maybe you don't even know you're just guessing i want to see the new [ __ ] they said they added some angel room stuff and i want to see it damn it i don't need to blow this guy up but i might as well fight mega satan if we're going to be strong enough right get those marks on bath mark me up buttercup just to say you whoop something something worst of all you never get the bible synergies when you say you will but i love you still we can get the bible in any old library you guys come on get out of here with that oh it's cringy when you sing uh yeah let's go and massacred my boy oh boy wallace performance that's hey remember how we have uh item rooms on the womb that's probably gonna pay out oh you missed it oh you're dumb get damn done versus the labyrinth xl oh we lost an angel rum ah the game knows dude the game knows ed's back there like [Music] get a life ed stop hacking my game atlas gifted a sub to teleport master awesome and also also atlas with the 12 month i've missed you butts dad i missed gigantic crab as well welcome gigantic crab appreciate that you guys have been so unbelievably supportive today i appreciate all of you we've been having a good fricking good time i could be sitting here if i was playing this alone i'd be probably raging my face off but instead you guys are here to keep me company and i'm having a good time and i have pizza i have pizza y'all bought me pizza i can't be mad that's a rule of life you imagine someone buying you pizza and then you being mad at them for no reason i don't think the universe works as such that's illegal actually i think that's like punishable by death in like five different states i still want pizza think about how not warm my pizza is going to be now because i waited because i wanted to give you guys content grm terror gifted a sub to julie julie look at all my holy shots another joker ha that's another angel room and i'm glad that i took that key piece suck it chat back to two more angel rooms confirmed deck five range is good probably the best part about tech no you suck it i want there's a lot of bass to this track i'm feeling it on my toes eternal heart don't let me forget oh there's no blood in the corner jared a sore two months mainly youtube watcher for years but recently got more twitch looking forward to all the repentance content hell yeah don't take the eternal heart huts there's a library as well i'm liking this build i i just can't imagine it's going to be very strong against like final bosses but we'll see acid boobies not my favorites pills pills pills get the bible back i want my baby back baby back baby back baby back cheers bobble back ribs the rib of adam [Music] i think i just grabbed that heart before it hit the ground even though it was supposed to turn into spiders book of the dead synergy with this telepathy for dummies what do you do a homing fire look at the dead though i probably have to kill somebody first let's try it out book of the deed look at the mr deeds homing fire sounds super good with a two room uh recharge on that sucker that yeah but we'll see look at the dead see what it does um just it's just more or i mean look at like it would be impenetrable i'd be unstoppable deathbook got nerfed i've already used it it's very good still stack max homing fires there is a tiny there's a tiny little skull oh god it's so cute he's like no no no why is he shaking his head he shoots a tiny bone ah it's like the mario wrenches on when you're on the freaking like floating ship and there's the stupid pieces of [ __ ] that throw the wrenches that's what it looks like okay never mind we need to buy the dead yeah i you know yes well yeah all right now we're losing all of our like super things though yes tiny bone i wish i could have both of them but lose your soul hearts i'm fine i mean i just did there so i'm gonna maybe go into this other big room and see if we can't fight a lot of enemies or the merrier those tiny skulls look like they're from skull like the game right it reminds me of which is a pretty neat game if you ask me look at me right now the hell out that bomb come out there who's knocking my bomb around oh it's it's they're sticky bombs they're sticking to the stupid faces they're dumb he just walked over the spikes too are you that stupid consolation prize that's a plus one's my lowest stat which is going to be fire rate great i mean it's about time look at how like look at how surrounded with love i am let's head for the other item room lower right boom boom boom so skellyboy army we're doing it i hate these guys so much literal worst at the wrong way oh god this floor is huge yeah top secret room here too still to guess where it's at though lost damage suckers no that's plus range i think i read that wrong minus luck oh great last spot i check nope just the way i like it all right last time i think but a plus fire that is a crossfire when you want to get really fit you sign up for crossfire it's not a very funny joke my dad just crossed minnie can kick your butt i think it's time to let meat boy go you're a grown boy you can go off on your own now don't get caught in the crossfire meat boys just up in that [ __ ] he's just smiling the whole time even worth dodging with all these things around me whisp baby [Music] whisper baby circle protection that's pretty dope i need to fight the angel anymore i mean i feel like i should try and just see what happens right yeah the same had to test poseidon eight months got me some prime back greetings from lumi land and you're also in the never never land our warren with the tier one sub thank you r warren did we do everything that we came out to do i think so so we're going down going down read my first message fam cheer one cheer one cheer one cheer one cheer one is there a different one did i miss it all these be posting huts too yes they will rip your eternal heart oh well about time have you lost one of them learned about you s this is r warren i'm sorry armhorn i don't see any other if you said it after the cheers it must have cut it off because all i see is cheers uh a perma harbinger holy water holy [ __ ] it's so good holy water let's go what hit me i didn't even see the tape worm didn't even see it throw your hollywater if you double tap the shoot button but it's still the same size um it goes automatically without double shooting like old bob's brain black good old bob's brain i'm locked out of the room now i have never seen those those are mausoleum whip boys r warren get this up the magic gems awesome learned about from synvictus channel sorry mobile sucks oh i got you i never thought the day would come when holy water and dead bird be picked first i've always liked dead bird especially on greedier dead bird is very good tier it's kind of like revenge fly you guys like revenge fly dead bird is literally the same thing so we shoot holy water out now it breaks it lands on the ground then it freezes enemies i'm not exactly sure if it does damage or if it just freezes them yo need some [ __ ] oh the holy light shots there in this okay i gotta admit the angel rooms right now have been pretty defensive and they said that they were defensive but like good and look at us right now we're surrounded by so many different things we have uh the skulls we got the cross fires we got the the bones and now we have a circle of protection of course book of the dead was not part of the angel room but revelations is an angel um circle protection is in the angel and then uh yeah spacebar oh we have the shield too right yeah we have the shield which is angel how much longer you streaming i think i'm gonna stop still got the timing baby no holy light is tearing him up look at those chunky beef legs devil's been working out devil went down to georgia and he found a squat machine he was in a barn because he was way behind and he was willing to squat [Music] it looks like mom thick beside alan thank you so much for the five gifted subs i appreciate you um yeah let's keep it moving right he's jacked [Music] earn of souls appeared in the basement unlocks challenge 38 baptism by fire i think victory lap does anything i'm not a huge fan of the victory lap mechanic oh [ __ ] oh it's different now but we have curse of the blind that's such a horrible time for curse of the blind that is a huge rip on curse of the blind but hey i like this now i asked for this i was like one last deal with the devil please ed jingling and lingling too hard probably take the two our deal i like it she's in she's part of my in-crowd uh we gotta fight uh the lamb first for the marks we'll see if we can get there i don't know if mega satan's gonna be in the cards i don't know depends on how well we do i have a feeling this is gonna be a very very tough floor black demon two months a black demon widow speed boost though get a health boost though oh god oh geezers oh wow wow wow wow fiera the red chests i wonder if that's like it's always like that it's not just because i'm bethany and the fact that you get chests makes it yara a bowl right if it was just deals with the devil you couldn't hear them because they start off as chests you can manipulate that i wonder if all chests give devil deals no that may not be bad i'd rather have it this way of course mom's razor black hole try it out we'll see what happens holy [ __ ] i don't see any special fire stuff but we did get the black hole a hole fire no i don't see anything like that ducky 27 welcome back ducky oh this is gonna be a good rim good eatin on my book of the dead it's a blackfire oh yeah yeah okay i'm still thinking the same book i've got for protection reasons nothing else i appreciate the light that my face is putting off thanks curse of the blind unfreaking believable yo okay wow wow wow wow wow that's a big wow for me what would that look like if we didn't do that stupid acid baby give me a [ __ ] raw grapes tear one sub thank you for that look at the holy water freeze you guys god it's good i was not the right room to use the book you know well i'm already surrounded fully i think lamb fights clam visually looks the same oh god harbingers are out i got hit i got hit made a captain my isaac's heart's charging up you see that it's got a charge bar to it yo alabaster box okay satan or void all right well uh i don't think we could probably handle delirium to be honest i'm not even sure we can handle the freaking satan i'm going to drop both my trinkets for that matter um i want to be able to grab red hearts i'm thinking stan i think we make our last stand on stan but i honestly at three red hearts i feel like a full clear is in order we've been doing well on floors let's give it a go yeah my heart's been like grabbing on to me and then it charges up and shoots shots out it's very interesting i think that we were getting so many items that so full clear might might be the best idea but i said we were getting so many items oh clear full clear shut up thanks me boy oh you son of a you son of a hot dog licker if we have empty red hearts it's probably better to just buy the deals of the devil huh oh this is gonna be good this isn't the best setup for me don't forget about the whoo hey here oh thanks chat really helpful [Music] uh good stuff where is the other art wool room yikes oh god how did i take damage i don't even freaking see it dude damn it well top secret room top secret on first yara rip to my yara hope for another chest drop we didn't get it [Music] was awful it was terrible so he sees this delirium is bugged right now he won't even die after his health bar is fully depleted so delirium is a guaranteed loss didn't we fight delirium today and win yara work on deals no void no no you're a monster can't believe you are still playing oh hey we could shovel up the remains over there what does that do again why didn't i hear it hey that's good my voice is getting raspy now can you hear it you're stupid that's why uh do i have a shovel wire flying around me i got some other weird-looking heart you see him rotten baby and the goop is oh god we could have started with that oh no oh no my hands are frozen would black hole help um yeah you know black hole might actually be better whenever he spawns anything we just black column the blue one's a shovel dude yeah the black hole gives you a strange attractive fire i don't that's good or bad first bethany run going to mega stan absolute nut job it's hiding cry in the corner three hits wow look at dick death the bony boy is taking a bunch of shots for me i split him once first then oh it was a little too late but it's still gonna work in these guys freaking pog on the black hole did not take damage though didn't happen you're a liar yeah i'm seeing the suck fire doing its thing everyone's all over the place oh i took damage because it's isaac's heart don't forget it's kind of lagging behind me a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah shut up always supposed to dodge this with isaac's heart y'all some kind of sick joke suck his own tears back up into him you suck that's my last one though all right it's it's show time baby show time show time i can't see where the stuff is my eyes just starts deflecting tears somewhat stand in front of it stand in front of it and don't move yo he does it steadfast uh delirium god damn it ah once delirium shows up he won't show up ever again the shield this shield too but my body is a shield delirium's bugged don't go i mean i already got all the achievements right it doesn't matter if i go and die but i thought we fought delirium maybe it was on the second recorded video but i'm pretty sure that today i fought delirium and it was fine just take the damn win take the w buddy i don't even know i don't even this is a this is a weird situation to be in right now where i think it's okay to go to delirium and at least try it because there's nothing to be lost and everyone's like just take your win stupid head don't even try extra hard fine more time for pizza for me [Music] trust chad i guess bastard box you got it william baby cool gg bethany too easy gg
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 44,085
Rating: 4.932353 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: te9wGLPtE88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 45sec (5325 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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