Unlocking Tainted Eden - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up everybody welcome back to repentance what are we gonna do i i'm honestly i've just been feeling it out and everyone wants me to do this everyone wants to do that i wouldn't even be against like a random run i think we're really gonna do this right with all the dogma runs and all that bs we should probably think about um just playing it out like if we have a really really really good run think about doing dogma if we have a dog [ __ ] run we shouldn't do that because dogma is incredibly tough and repentance is so punishing another attempt at lost what's dogma if you haven't seen dogma we'll probably see that tonight at some point in time hopefully [Music] a full random b-side run i only have isaac unlocked on the b-side um we have to fight dogma we have to get there at least in order to unlock them all so that's another thing even if we don't kill dogma i think we still get the unlock for the b-side which is cool is dogma a sticky we'll talk about it when we get there huh i'm kind of thinking what if we did like an eat and run that sounds fun to me that is mind blowing we do have to do a lot of unlocks with beth that's true box of spiders 295 damage 250 fire rate strength guard not a very strong start we have the uh the box what's it called mom's box mom's chest little chest little chest right not a strong start you guys not my favorite thing megalopolis says let's go mom's chest is in her bra get out of here health up range that's what i said range up i called it because i'm telepathic a box of spiders got a buff it seems like that was what five spiders i didn't know i could do that many i mean i don't use it that often so i could be wrong but bad hair d7 i [Music] we could just try to farm consumables i guess with the d7 d7 on the chest is very very strong you can write the game with e7 i've done that multiple times extra key it's working close this again you try to find like a secret room with this brisket this help but okay it worked [Music] this man's a genius greg greg gag greg prime sub thank you for that i don't know if i could be any smarter to be honest box of spiders does seem pretty strong though doesn't it especially before boss we got an extra key out of the d7 i guess it wasn't a complete loss i said i want this thing charged up for the boss and i didn't know if the boss is going to be next it's not great trinket all right it's looking up if we can maybe start firing some soul hearts from uh poops then we're on the up and up i need a health upgrade here from this boss we're talking uh blue mushroom can we get the blue cap got my list i wanted to ask you because you are binding of isaac expert i wanted to ask you from a guy like me a guy that doesn't really like the gameplay super much i'm i like it but i'm not crazy for it but i love watching it and especially love the lore of the game would you recommend it if your response to this [Music] if you respond to this thank you um if you don't like the game like that's totally fine you guys don't have to like the game you can just like the show right this is basically a show you can watch dragon ball z without being a super saiyan but uh game is really punishing you gotta be uh gliding for punishment i don't think i've ever seen a champion one of those hyper spiderlings pog i have an issue if i made an isaac repentance chat room for a few weeks so we can try to keep spoilers and stuff separate from people trying to get help with the game or whatever yeah that makes sense to me squat famine okay blue famine will get a soul heart here and the orbital orbitals have been nerfed big time i find it actually very very difficult to use the kilometer ball bandage now that it moves a lot faster i'm gonna keep my strength card just in case there's any way that we could she's a deal the devil and i'm not sure if the the prices of the deals the devil would change anymore they probably i think they do i think they like if you take it with all your red hearts the red heart other deals change so well [ __ ] that was a tough one by the way you guys have a discord golden heart and there's my blue cap kidding because it has to be a ball bandage or a cuban meat [Music] dog i just said that all path isaac or eden rather probably yeah i mean i got to do the unlocks i have to do it uh nemesis nighthawk thanks for 10 months how goes the runs this is not the strongest eden oh god that would have been super cool had we had red health it's my time to shine though show how good i am b-side eden is hell missing no effect on hit rip spoilers d ross good chest i don't like bomb upgrades how many flat out [ __ ] some decent fire in a mango i gotta hand it to [ __ ] special dross clotties have orbital shots oh oh wait i'm into my eye ah [ __ ] you i'm itching my eye ed [ __ ] looking dippers that show up later it's loki hell what is for pens ongo is pretty nice to see him [ __ ] can be it's not my top choice is repentance completely out yes this is repentance completely out hey wow a rare soul heart in the spike room what are you just coughing me what the i didn't see that i didn't even see him did he come out of the poop bucket he must have came out of the bucket i had no clue what's gonna do it again so excited for all characters do we have to do every single oh my god every single one of the unlocks every one of the post-it note marks on alt characters i'm not impressed he just removed woo from the title i i removed uh co-op was invicta from the title all of them have unlocked yes let's try not dying see how it goes it might be worth it first time being in dross where i'm actually affected by the water i had flight last time i think we were lost this might be the only like the second time i've ever been to dross i remember the call apart a while back oh okay wait i didn't read it who is this why is that poop in a plastic bag is it a doggy bag speed on this dude okay the gas i'm running full speed a head captain i can't even dodge it what the absolute [ __ ] am i supposed to do about that what was i supposed to do about that that's a butt we lost all of our health dude [Music] we're getting annihilated cracked crown is pretty dope but it gave us no stat upgrades because we have no stat upgrades i have nothing god's taking my bird and my bush hey speed up money goes power pog strength filigree feather oh it's too late for that i mean we could have just walked out and tried to go angel and then filigree feathered it but i need my damage dude i'm going really badly verb range up um yeah we're hurting we're hurting big time oh what are we gonna do about that oh i spot for that what the hell spin down dice minus one ed's like you gotta just use it first re-rolls all pedestal items into another item new items can be chosen from any item pool this not just the one relevant to the current room rerolls all pedestal items into another item new items can be chosen from any item pool that's dope it's a d6 that that uh expands through multiple any it's like a chaos d6 right that's really good it doesn't look like a d6 at all looks like a d20 or something different okay yeah right bastard dice i'm gonna use it here holy [ __ ] this is the best thing that's ever happened to me i don't know how i could be better off than i am right now this is peak living the tower may not like it it did nothing you got nothing done cecil two months thanks to content dad thanks for the support obey i'll get there to sub this sakari mice dockery mice in that correctly okay with the spin down dice there's a chance that we're gonna get more guppy items right that's pretty good that's pretty nice battery it says pedestal items does that mean unbought items in the shop because they're not technically on a pedestal they don't count shiny rock for money uh the shiny rock doesn't give you money it tells you if there's a tinted rock or a crawl space okay that was worth it that was really cheap lucky rocky was money it's a shiny rock i guess we could walk around and see if there's a crawl space that to me i don't know does that scream top secret to you it kind of does to me blank card plus all runes no longer work not seeing any shinies could be some rocks in here there's a rune mimic item now yeah i don't know what it is though all right i'm going for top secret do you think you're funny though do you think that you're really funny game you think that like you're like really funny got your top secret room right here bro i know actually it was over there where i thought it was yeah we found it it was over there you're curious oh this d6 by the way pop am i forgetting something i don't think i'm forgetting anything is i holding a card or a pill or something what are those hearts those are called uh rotten hearts i think i don't know if they're like really called i guess saying here let me just get the naming right um it does not say zombie hearts rotten hearts they spawn flies every room that you walk into kind of like uh northern line saying uh spirit hearts instead of soul hearts where was i getting flies from i don't want that guy at all please no oh my god he's head that i use that makes sense to me yikes thanks max dabber i wouldn't be surprised if backstabber got updated and was better but i think it's not a very good you know what why don't we save the d for it am i gonna get the knife pieces um as of right now it's not a very strong run but i guess i wouldn't mind the extra items there's only one way to get stronger right i did not pull my full art secret rare galerion mole trace and it was your bumbo's fault well you know that sounds like something you should take up with bumbo almost doing his damn best okay don't forget there was a couple items that i was like no no tank and then you took it happened pretty sure it happened what song should i learn on keytar i don't know no idea all of them gotta watch out when he flushes his own poop and catch you off guard okay watch out for those eternal fly poops as well it kind of shoves you into them there we go there we go 30 chance to get that and we got it and we got a barking snack too got your snack right here now that is interesting think of the potential maybe mark are packed i mean tears plus damage but hearts it's been nerfed you don't get health back do i get health back do we know anybody have any idea still gives two soul hearts take it figure it out i assume not give me black cards thank you platinum god for nothing you've been worthless i'm gonna try to see if there's a secret room in here i guess ah i can't it's like three pixels worth all right you could have taken both how how about i take both of them there's a battery in there that's important don't you see it's a mimic ah that's an angel item not the one i want though remember you need two bombs freaking blank rune or blank card rather frick fracking blank card frick your frack all right i'm going to see what the sacks got let's do the white fire thing get our key piece shoot these poops i can't get those i still can't get the bombs by the way which just pisses me right off wait a second i get free curse rooms right yeah he's a genius i just basically doubled my health because of how smart i am because of how massive my brain is you can see how big his brain is because of the way it is more cursed from watch me die now though six total what's up thanks to resub friend oh it's blank okay balanced enemy part of a balanced breakfast this is a weird looking loss with the eden swirl i've got like double ghost tail volume's still good you guys how we doing looks like a genie true you get that eternal fly out of the way might be my biggest threat good on sound it's good rushed it consolation prize we can reroll it was there more to take no we took the rune bag i think the other side has nothing on it so i think that consolation prize what would it give me what would it give me probably shot speed probably some stupid that i don't want more music volume that'd be luck oh i've got negative luck i should probably roll then huh shazam i don't even know what that is that angel pool revelations we just unlocked that two immortal hearts gives you spectral tears homing tears the ability to fly range down shot speed up gives the brain worm trinket effect which causes misters to be redirected and travel sideways towards enemies wow wow wow wow wow wow the plays wait what am i charging are you gonna let me know about that one they're uh platinum god are you gonna maybe kill me into the uh the fact that i have a laser holy brim that we were just talking about i was like man holy brim would be really cool bro i have holy brim a holy brimstone all right chris aigon can suck it um are we good to go then i do believe that we are top secret maybe cross in the charge bar you would think that it would tell me about that you know you think that revelation would tell me about the holy brim okay wait a second it says gives you spectral tears homing and the ability to fly we do have flight but we don't have spectral something tells me that maybe it does something different per character or maybe it does something different her let's hear it oh this info is from anti-birth i got it so repentance platinum god is drunk it's been changed we'll have to see if we have any of the other stuff that it mentioned because we didn't get too uh immortal hearts either all right let's do this [Music] use isaac wiki i just like platinum god i like the layout of it okay is that too loud now because that's incredibly loud for me he didn't take the item room i'm pretty sure i did that's how i got the um the rune bag i'm pretty sure i did though health's up look at my health baby a little loud too loud all right it's like a brim that i can start shooting immediately after i fire it it's like what we wanted brim to be all along it's hot yeah no homing no spectral no hell anus in the world card the same thing huh it's a good spot to run into an addicted pill with flight i say we do this old yeah yep i'm just hungry for item pedestals now that i have this awesome d ladies i wonder what it does with ma oh that's creepy as hell better than brimstone it's okay ouch there's no telling if it scales with my damage it probably does not sure if it's better than better than brim be a tough call i'm gonna go ahead and re-roll health upgrade doesn't sound horrible but my active item is a d6 but it re-rolls into other pedes or other pools rather that's how we got this angel room item in a boss room [Music] doesn't have the brim physics those guys have a lot of hp though and we just took them out so that's pretty good pretty strong dudes uh yellow yellow i think or orange orange good enough to fight dogma i think we're i was gonna say i think we're going witness i don't think it's dogma i don't see us beating dogma i don't know you keep your normal tears so it's better that's very true we have to decide soon if we're going dogma dogma's pogba [Music] link to the future i get the reference battery in there that's important there's your ma well what does she want double charge items is is good especially if they charge the same rate i'm in for that i don't want to lose my day guys i might just pop it just in case we teleport out gulps are good shot speed downs are fine six nine shot speed it's perfect legend foretold of this [Music] nothing special besides just being special i have a holy and evil laser what more do you want that's some sort of holy brim i bet your sweet ass it is what really happened was ed heard me talk about holy bram and he's like oh oh yeah that's a really good idea i'm going to add that in last minute and then last minute just for huts only we go up to the cracked crown by the way which is really good don't walk into the spikes [Music] worth cuts makes a deformed laser dick you know and every comment is a winner oh god [Music] movement speed in this guy is too damn high i actually i wouldn't mind the hp save my reroll for over here [Music] do boss rush i'm not even going to put the timer on the screen i don't even want to look at it [Music] who wants to go dogma any dogma takers i'll buy that get a little bit of that emperor not bad let's go what's luck what were the trinkets on the floor i don't remember we've seen some decent trinkets this one what does this trinket do i always forget i always confuse this one with science shot which is a very similarly looking thing [Music] oh yeah pogba or extra shot chance for a rotten tooth shot is this one pretty good [Music] i'm ready for my third shot right now hell hmm why am i not wearing my horns holy brim let's go baby you still can't really appreciate it right now but they're there they exist holy brim horns i already got them baby nice rip all my bombs give me something worth it um why would you even put that in there there a reason that i hurt you in some way how do i get in there mystery [Music] i like the speed at which you can change your outfit x-ray lets you see the unknown items does it really shoot i have no idea anakin thanks for the seven months appreciate that and five in a bit from some random zealot thank you for that odd stone five bits thank you other than the new shop hard mode is balanced imo i'm gonna bitchin moan because i don't know the attack patterns of mostly enemies but my win rate speaks for itself i think allsp hd i don't know this false phd okay you can still bomb in i think i told synvita earlier that you can't do that anymore i mean it just gets locked once the door is already open and you leave and come back [Music] bombs for you please accept my gifts oh stupid fly blocked it [Music] holy brimmed him holy brimmed his butt off three bombs to bomb rape creep that's a pretty good deal laser [Music] bro this is strong i'm loving it double tap does nothing i just tried it pool card emperor doesn't matter you know the eraser works on hush [Music] does he does a tron dusty does a drone thanks to the tier one sub in a prime sub from mother monster thank you thank you we keep getting teleported in here with one charge left oh there we go we ended up getting it fulfilled obviously because of krampus good deal good deal cause i'm gonna reroll this satanic bible that'll give us a deal with the devil for our uh boss pool i'm gonna i'm gonna do that i think that getting rid of red health could be a strong play and we could get something really spicy son of a [ __ ] i should have waited i don't have a bomb for that if x-ray allows you to see unknown items did i just walk into a fire did i just really do that what's that if x-ray gives you the ability to see unknown items that's a pretty good buff for x-ray appreciated it hurts taking damage causes isaac to fire a circle of tears around him similar to tammy's head effect i should take a damage you also gain a tears up for the rest of the current rum i probably could do better but we can come back for that let's not forget not forget about our mine cart duties it should be pretty easy though with flight pretty good stuff it could be good for a dogma fight yeah i guess with single rooms yeah it could it could help i mean i already have a pedestal to re-roll oh my goodness that is tight oh it's just you push the button and everyone dies that's what they were trying to get me to do and i'm just killing them the old-fashioned way oh my daddy did it america does it [Music] i might save this for the deal with the devil first there's a 72 percent chance we're not going to be able to get a charge up anyways for the rest of the four rooms i don't think you get charges for doing the the mine cart thing [Music] cool if you did you've been in the devil room already and yes that's exactly how i know there is one item pedestal to go satanic bible [Music] if you're a member i wonder if it hurts works with a dull razor um yeah let's roll oh it's this battery full battery great gideon that immediate clear when enemies spawn around you boy howdy is that good this is an eating run correct it's looking like a dogma eating run uh a guppy piece uh have we touched guppy at all during this run maybe once in the beginning wait did we not get a deal with the devil for real it's 75 you kidding me right now yeah you touched guppy's head yeah i think i remember that that's expensive to do that but whatever 15 keys with guppy's tail not the best not the worst more items to potentially re-roll that's pretty good i was able to get rid of my last red heart i would have been able to sleep in the bed rip this is the uh what's it called find it again it's called the spin down dice rerolls all pedestal items into another item new items can be chosen from any item pool it's pretty dope i thought there was gonna be some sort of curse with this but no it's just good no why are you yelling are you yelling at me chaos d6 yep just stop yelling there's a bomb chest in the curse room i don't feel like i don't feel like spinning the hell hi i'm tyler durden prime sub thank you for that appreciate you guys golden bomb he might as well depths instead of mazzo now is the time okay so it's mines two if we went to mazzo one and we tried to go to the normal path we wouldn't be able to is that true oh the minecart true yeah minecart too but here's the deal if we're gonna go dogma then we don't go with the minecart we don't care about the minecart if we're going dogma i think we're going dogma and i'm trying to remember the the order of the because they're a little bit offset from each other quiet 30 months thank you for that yeah yeah you're right i could just grab the knife if i wanted yeah you know the knife the damage with flight probably should i see your point so depths then mazo like i'd have to i'd have to go now right down to depths oh we don't get flight we don't have any of our items gotcha mazo one is equivalent to depths too so i'd have to go now i end up bombing myself before the end of this the spikes come up i don't even see the spikes the knife is not helping he shoots he scores i don't know what i'm doing with this one go to the left maybe maybe there was a shortcut and i missed it two hearts lost you guys is it worth it [Applause] all right who doesn't want to go dogma anymore edmund og no one knows i'm here edmund m-o-g is that you real ridiculous not me yeah is that you let me put you in the address i heard you in my address book is uh edmond mcmillan i'm sorry no one even knows i'm here ah i'm typing on the wrong keyboard oh i'm dropping bombs yeah i have two keyboards what of it there we go energy to my address book now i should be able to see you more easily tries to type on my freaking keyboard it's gracious so yeah uh this is eden and uh we're gonna go to dogma potentially i think maybe a bed hi ed no one even knows i'm here notice me senpai i got my holy horns on because we picked up this uh was it revelations what was it called [Music] seriously i'll give you something next time you re-roll just give me a sec to do before you reroll he'll give me something what's that mean in game give me something in game before i reroll go find an item all right that's not item room i don't i don't know what the blue is red's boss the blue chop blues the secret room oh yeah yeah yeah i think i did it before it's too late now but i think you're right oh my god in a full charge of the dice find an item oh you can do diagonal shots that's my oh i don't have a bomb i don't have a bomb to get that tinted skull oh wowzers professor puke thanks for the five gifted subs i appreciate that and jt bia thanks the tier one sub quasimodo with a 10 munter genghis khan the two tinted skull yes correct all right i got a full charge but i need an item that's good that's good does edmond stream on twitch ed you did stream at one point in time right you tried it you dabbled thanks to the content i'm a fan says professor puke i know you're a fan my wife did the shops count ed does that count i stream on youtube oh sweet i think i can make shop works i mean i can go to my item room i don't know what's happening so this part is this is part spoiler i'll give you hive mind on discounts as edmund how does that work go ahead like reroll now and you're gonna guarantee hive mind use the dice are you testing something out i told you that ed could hack my game you guys i knew it you called me crazy you called me crazy direct control i mean i don't even want that i want the other one i don't think we're generating flies or spiders for that matter all right now and godhead go it's actually a wtf coin bongo gaming gifted a sub to edmund ogee seeds aren't real anymore ed has full control go get it charged i'll see what i can do i knew it what if i don't have enough rooms to get it charged oh god ed's been cocking us oh that's nice the battery not with what you said um yeah we need the health kinda i've learned that health upgrades in revelations has been pog ed how long have you been here i yeah i think i like that too actually just a bit chaos boat seven months you're the best love watching vids and streams best way to relax after house hunting want something different uh i mean yeah my on my my shop pool the seven cent one what do you got hide mine is just it you know it's great it don't get me wrong i have a fly what is the fly from though i don't think i'm generating flies seven cent godhead or bust i mean it is a chaotic d6 so i um you know is this something that you like coded specifically i can buff your familiars um bff [Music] yeah bff is not bad if i went to the item room instead could you do more than shop it almost seems like maybe oh yeah no that's not a shop item so it is it is pulling from any pool or what an iv bag work all right i'm starting to get the idea you have limited powers or you're just messing with me here do it i don't want ivy bag probably looked into my seat or something maybe i don't even know how he knows my seed though is the problem it has the power ah he's fake right in the seat do it again do it all right yeah yeah it's got to be my seed bff would be solid kale burn what's up or maybe he could take hive minds why do i want hype mine though i like extra large knife the knife does a lot of damage bff that's an even bigger um rotten not rotten crybaby look at how big that boy is it's gonna be good neatly literally if anybody else is here from the crew i apologize if i'm if i'm not seeing it i only had a few names to put on my address book van can you give him a guppy item in the shop oh i didn't mean to shoot that panicked a bit all right now everyone just be quiet and pretend that we like the game okay we love your dlc guys perfect timing guppy item any would help one guppy item would be very very big for me but i think i needed another charge right and i'm not gonna get that charge something's wrong something's wrong guys oh i don't mean to go over here again i'd have to hope that there's a fight in the secret room i guess honor of a bomb buying the charge the charge is your job i i i'm out i used it all i have like nuns have it or anything like that i could buy a bomb i guess i don't know where the secret is going to be cursed room yeah yeah the cursed room could have some spiders in it but at what cost i have a full car but i need to use that in order to do the thing emperor is not good enough shoot man all right you got the charge the i mean i got the charge period all right i need that guppy this is a must guppy right now kill mom you'll get a charge yep i just needed the one extra oh you meant like kill the mom's heart heart i can i do yo oh sorry you're on discord ed that just that just showed up right now i just saw on my phone um can i do dogma if i kill the heart right here right i mean i don't need to anymore but i think it's an important question to ask i could just find out i guess that's my deal with the devil i don't think it matters which one of these i take correct oh you know what we can't because the dogma and the the i the mom's heart corpse thing they're on different floors oh you need the polaroid right i've never actually tried it with a negative i don't know to be honest but what are we thinking what do i got to do what do i got to do to get a guppy item huh aki i'm a two one sub i appreciate you reroll wait did i just draw my full card where did my full card go it's in mom's room okay i just i did that automatically you could get a mega blast if you want says kilburn oh yeah megablast would be agreeable but you're like wait you got to tell me before you do it is that because you're looking into the seed do it you know this is you know i'm giving up a lot of life here but i think mega blast if i saved mega blast that it it'd be pretty good on the last fight guppy would have been probably the best thing for me but ask for something unique so they can't just look at the seed this should be the last of the items that we really get correct so that the d can go it was a very good d though i really enjoy that item the chaotic d is top notch ask for a million dollars if i had a million dollars if i had a million dollars you a monkey oh i thought it was gonna take it there for a second it was debating whether or not it was gonna give it to me i'm gonna last minute check my top secret room so you can't if i can't pull off some health i'm i'm thinking i'm gonna need some help on this fight i'm not confident right now in my abilities to fight dogma we did not set out today to fight dogma [Music] he's done it he's done it last minute last minute top secret room check he does it i'm like yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and like maybe check the top secret room i don't know there's a random answer and i'm just gonna go ahead and pop that we never know what could happen ah maybe rigged there that guppy item then you're like oh yeah i planned that i planned that i i did that ed's like i i did that that was me by the way you guys my lights are off because i'm showing off the the light up brimstone horns because we have a holy brim right now um complete coincidence by the way drop the trinket drop the trinket what do you mean drop the trinket you know ed this is how he gets things spoiled drop the trinket in the item room should i not listen to him it's already been ruined and yo i got a new match on tinder just now coincidence i think not put a trinket in the item room yeah sure okay was i so is that something i'm supposed to know about here we'll do that like that that was ed too oh ed said that ed spoiled it i don't know what is it doing i don't know what it does drop the trick it gives you cracked key you're saying ed was tinder a match to add on tinder and now you're gonna match you're gonna match somebody on tinder what's that you don't like brenda try re-rolling it now it's felicia all i do is hack your game i'm getting i'm getting ahead of myself i'm sorry too hopeful the new chris angel looks at the camera you do need a cracked key uh gehenna one there is an item room and get a one am i am i not wrong about that that should take me right so we did get more items and i maybe you know losing the d wasn't the best idea but but piercing is good piercing is really good [Music] i yeah i don't have my d [Music] i can't think like i'm gonna re-roll it i don't know what these guys are well they're nothing now you dropped the spin down so we can no longer get our hands in your game is that like it is there something special with spin down are you messing with me right now of course you don't want to tell your secrets but first of the darkness it's kind of a bummer but uh at least the holy brim really looks cool of course there is how badass is this music though you know i could come back for that i could just blast this sucker and then come back for the batteries oh you know what i don't really need to oh yeah we could use that that's nice nice nice nice um i don't need to fight a boss i just remembered fire is a missile i'll come back for that mega mega blast me i'm liking the like little like wiggliness with the laser floppy it's a floppy laser almost got this thing charged back up uh just doing that probably not going to be using that a sense in saving money right hey those are the floppy ball physics that uh we've been talking about right right right right [Music] he played the good use see kilburn i'm gonna if i can't get more items here it's not exactly the well i don't why don't i black ruin it i got excited i got it who had him ahead of myself there yeah i don't think there's a way to use that what if i black ruin this oh it happened ed chat what do you what do you dare me darren and black ruin this soft lock curved horn when you guys see curved horn did i miss a curved horn i can't leave now you get the ed boss fights spent it it's gone just get over it you mean it's gone how can you have spent our savings i have questions about the storyline too i'm one of those stupid fools that like to have everything explained to me that might be good [Music] wait what's the teleporter oh i don't know why i'm trying so hard to break the game brainworm is not exactly homing though right what a waste i can't stop addicted pill [Music] when we're fighting the witness is it double damage does it full heart damage item room hots right key this is the crack tea i want to save for the top right that was so close okay wait a second because last time i just got those anyways they were just always there on the floor you're telling me that i have to leave things in the item room that turn into the cracked key shards now huh okay i didn't know that we just got lucky the last his time look at who he has to look up to shut up shut up just keep pushing me like this i'm leaving good please we'll be fine without you sorry i was holding a baby i couldn't type back you're good you're good imagine having a baby uh so our brain worm actually does work wait does it work on all swarms too our brain worm deflected to try to hit the enemies no that doesn't work whoa [Music] chunk mega mold okay so mom's name was maggie the entire time and i was thinking that dad was a hero that was kind of a dick too i mean how is he a hero already if he disappeared it's not a lazy ending i i know i've seen the ending i i'm just like confused like like he did die or he didn't die it was all made up or it wasn't all made up and i'm i'm feeling like you're probably sitting there like i really love that it's just kind of you don't know like people are saying that it's all made up and it was just a story that isaac made and then people were saying that it was a happy ending right but i don't understand what's so happy about isaac completely making up the fact that his parents were abusive and his dad's like yeah okay how about this story maybe if it works out you can rewrite your life that was okay you know when i said that when i was playing with synvetta earlier with the co-op mode and i was like you know what maybe it's saying that like it didn't really work out for isaac but you can be in control of your own life and rewrite a happy ending if you what yeah he actually did say that your statement hey cancer trinket um yeah that's pretty good what is this hell well i don't know though do you think that it's better to have brainworm than cancer trinket can't drink it's cancer trinket right it doesn't make my lasers fire faster or charge faster but we do have 11 damage we're popping out brain brain nothing as isaac is as little as it seems in isaac i sure as hell wouldn't end it with a literal ending a literal ending of like everything was fine and isaac made up the story brain is cooler all right we'll try the brain but if i die it's your fault chat i was gonna not take it i was like ed's watching oh god that's watching take the damn pill if we die with uh two or less hearts the storm could be good too [Music] all right hang on quick break i gotta pay the guy i gotta pay for parking hang on get more hp you know i'm gonna probably oh my god he's also psychic i love the super enemies when can we get a mode where they're all super enemies isaac is more than just straightforward a to z story wise it's like yeah you were saying it's a pocket in time i think that a lot of people they just like they have to have some sort of happy ending and like a closure to it so i think a lot of people are making sense saying like oh yeah okay isaac totally made all that [ __ ] up but like once again then like i don't know that that makes me unsettled to think that isaac i i like the idea that isaac is you know as innocent as isaac can be and uh not that he just made up stories about his mom wanting to kill him and aaron's getting into a flight let him have it it's fine let him have it i think he was talking to vin who went to bed he said let him have the game mode where everyone's super hard do i want to pop this now or do i want to wait for um the next fight to blow my my mega load wait there we go oh ed official name is there an official name for the other side of the of the post-it achievement unlocked was that let's say no challenge i call him tainted okay because i was like i was writing i was like typing up um like the title of one of my videos and i was like i don't know what this like call it is it altside is it b-side is it we call it maybe tainted isaac tainted eden i feel like there needs to be some sort of like rule about like this is what we say and that could i wonder if that works with mega blast especially when i write their names on four souls cards they'll be called tainted okay are you ready for this tainted eden super funky i'm not the call i'm about to hit up my uh thumbnail guy and say i need uh 17 more dogma more like dog [ __ ] more like your trash oh yeah that's right this is a pretty dope attack pattern not gonna lie i've got a better holy brim though dude you want a sword fight you got smashed on you guys this is such a good combo we pulled this out of nowhere my design doctor called abused got it all the male vocals are mathias okay dad closeted is a fun title [Music] if i'm reading that correctly isaac finally gave way to the christian broadcasts but then the devil was like uh uh not so fast oh did i just fall into the lava i felt like i kind of got sucked down maybe i'm an idiot this is so strong what is that free stuff i didn't want it that got close rotten baby that's right we get to sit behind him i love this this bending brim is hilarious i don't know if anyone's getting uh a kick out of that as much as i am there's a riot rotten baby no dry boobs sorry dry baby i'm a little busy i'm flustered okay all right you said one thing wrong oh god i think the death fight's the most badass when it goes dark [Music] um i killed him before he did it [Music] oh nice little big gospel there i should just be able to let her rip right let her rip yo look at all my flies bro i almost forgot that i was guppy oh i don't think i had time to dodge that one i'm shooting behind me and it's it's knocking down these uh these things it's pretty good the sky above cracked open and a white beam of light reached down into the earth smiting the mother of harlots asunder and setting the blood lake to a boil as the beast descended down into the lake of fire isaac ascended towards the crack in the sky and as he flew he could see echoes of his past before him he saw his mother more cat always gets me her son every time he saw his father leaving them without turning to say goodbye he saw his mother sleeping and his father taking money from her purse he heard the late night fights they had that kept him up at night and the guilt he felt for what he believed he was causing he felt the pain in his stomach during those sleepless nights and saw his shadow in the closet waiting for him as he rose he felt his fears drop from his body his shame his worry pulled from his being as he became lighter his ascent became faster he saw his one true companion alive and well he saw his mother and father together again holding each other he felt his mother kissing him on the head after he had said his prayers and the comfort in knowing someone was watching over him he saw his own birth and the faces of his parents filled with joy and optimism and then he saw nothing are you sure this is how you want this story to end isaac you're the one writing it it doesn't have to end this way here how about we tell it a different way maybe a happy ending okay daddy good are you getting sleepy let's put some more sick ass unicorns in there okay so isaac and his parents lived in a small house he didn't even draw any boobs son everything jar i don't know what that does sounds pretty cool though awesome good run good run everybody look at my stupid hair now mustache though perfect [Music] yeah uh we could do a tainted eat and run you're absolutely right about that i just want to look at it before i end the recording for youtube whoa ever changing oh that's yeah that's right people already uh people already spoiled it for me that's right we know what it does how cool is that transition yeah i know that's really good i like it got your taint right here assistant baked it pretty cool stuff all right everyone on youtube thanks for watching in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 86,185
Rating: 4.9529028 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: yPXf710eb1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 30sec (5430 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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