r/IDOWorkHereLady - "Dude, Let Go of That Man! He's Our CEO!"

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hello my wonderful beautiful lovely friends guys welcome back to another episode of our slash i do work here lady where you'll hear stories about people who actually work places getting mistaken as not and the stories are super entertaining guys i've had a little too much coffee this morning [Laughter] so guys in this episode i've actually got stories that have been emailed to me by some lovely subscribers so we're diving into those stories today there's gonna be three of them the first story a new employee attempts to throw out a ceo of a company oof the second story is a mishap at a clothing store and we'll finish off with a student teacher who's mistaken as a student guys i'm too excited i hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories let's dive in this first story is titled when the boss looks like a random i witnessed this happen a little while back and i thought it would be funny to share so i've been working at this office for about five years now and have built a pretty good rapport with everyone it's a medium-sized company with about a hundred employees spread between three locations and we get to interact with our executives once in a while they're super friendly people and take the time to get to know you so last summer we had a new hire in the office for the sales team we'll call him tim for storytelling purposes he was younger maybe early 20s and was brought on by the sales manager rick who was his uncle though his uncle was manager tim was eager to learn and prove himself always wanting to be more confident and sure of himself so he ended up portraying himself a certain way which came off a little arrogant especially when it came to meeting customers but he was working on that when he was hired it just so happened that many of the employees were on summer vacations with their families so tim here didn't fully get introduced to everyone because most people were away tim also helped the sales team cover a lot of the sales calls such as walk-ins phone calls emails etc now our office was also in an industrial area so it's happened in the past that someone off the street has waltzed in and stole laptops or computers in broad daylight we've also had some sketchy looking individuals come in to use the bathroom and then they destroyed it one day tim and i were in the showroom taking a look at new products and familiarizing ourselves with it i went around the corner to look at the computer to print out some info when i heard the front doors open and tim greeted whoever entered i took a peek and saw the back of an older gentleman who was wearing a worn down polo khaki pants a shabby fishing hat and some runners i didn't think much of it and went about my business on the computer after a while i heard tim say aloud you can't go back there sir that's for employees only ah the old man tried to go through our employee doors good on tim for stopping him then i hear ha you no you don't some mumbling response that i couldn't hear to which tim responded are you trying to be clever i know everyone here you're just trying to steal stuff aren't you uh oh that didn't sound like a friendly conversation anymore so i poked my head out still only able to see the old man's back and tim pointing at the door saying sir i'm gonna have to ask you to leave now i got a little closer and heard the old man reply young man i'm the ceo of this company get your hands off me i felt my stomach not up a little as i recognized the voice i quickly ran over there to witness tim holding the old man by the elbow and forcibly leading him to the door i shouted at him to calm down as it was totally the company's ceo his name's david a gentleman in his late 60s i'll never forget the look on tim's face as he realized his absolute mistake and how quickly he let go of david's arm and started to profusely apologize his face beat red it turns out that david had just returned from his trip and needed to grab a date book from his office or something and on his way home from the cabin decided to drop by the office smelling like fish and all so he totally looked like a questionable individual in a professional office and poor tim thinking the guy was pulling his leg was just trying to make sure nothing was being stolen after that we never let it go always making jokes about tim escorting out the ceo showing our ideas to him to prove our identity and stuff like that oh crazy tim guys i don't understand why people feel the need to grab others to forcibly pull them places if i don't know you don't touch me is that just me or do a majority of you guys feel that way as well this next story is titled i'm not a kid i work here right after i graduated high school i took a job at a mall clothing store it's a popular chain and the dress code was pretty casual the only way to identify a staff member was by a bright yellow lanyard that we wore around our necks and had a big name tag on it we get all types of people in here young and old and most days were drama free one day i was putting clothes back to the racks and there was a middle-aged lady looking at her clearance section which was against the wall it had closed near the bottom then closed near the top the top was usually a little too high for some people to reach and typically customers would ask for assistance i glanced over from my task and saw that this lady was having troubles she was trying to take off a few items from the higher rack so i walked over and said here let me help and grab the item she was aiming for she thanked me and kept looking through i saw later on that she needed help again but she went and waved at one of my co-workers instead i took the initiative and helped the lady as i was pretty close to her she seemed flustered at me and thanked me again this time she said oh that's very kind of you i don't want to trouble you i said it's no trouble and then went back to my task a few moments pass and i see her contemplating between a men's blue jacket and a men's black jacket so i popped over in my usual friendly self and said are you looking to buy a jacket as a gift she hesitated but answered yes yes i am i then asked well who are you buying for maybe i can help the lady did one of those awkward smiles and said it's for my nephew i i guess you can help i then went into the spiel about the pros and cons of two different jackets why this one had an extra pocket on the inside or the other had a spot where you can thread your earbuds through etc the lady was polite but i could tell she was much reserved for the whole time she didn't ask any questions but did a lot of oh that's nice that's interesting kind of responses she then said maybe i'll buy this blue one for him he can wear it anywhere and i said sounds great would you like me to bring it up to the counter for you again she gave me that awkward smile and said no that's alright i'm just going to keep looking for a bit i smiled back and said sure let me know if i can help out anymore i went back to sorting through the clothes and putting things away maybe a few minutes later i saw the lady at the front till having her item scanned and begged i heard my co-worker ask did anyone help you out today to my surprise the lady answered no not today so our store doesn't do commission or anything but they like to keep track if employees make efforts with customers for customer service purposes so i kind of hopped over to the front and made myself friendly and said hopefully your nephew likes that jacket the lady says i'm sure he will i must say you're very enthusiastic about this stuff here you should think about getting a sales job here i blanked out at that as did my co-worker not sure what the customer meant and said i'm sorry i thought it was very kind of you to offer to help me and all but maybe let the people who work here do that i responded but i work here the lady blinked at me with a vacant look on her face and said well it doesn't look like it i've noticed the employees here wear a bright yellow lanyard with a name tag on it my co-worker then let out a little giggle and said ma'am she sure does work here she shook her head and said no there's no way she doesn't look like an employee my co-worker then said oh i can see why she thinks you're not an employee and gestures at my chest oh my god i had just finished my break and totally forgot to put my lanyard back on this whole time i look like a regular customer annoying this lady by talking to her i apologize profusely and then ran out to the back and grabbed my lanyard i watched that poor lady stare at my co-worker then stare at me then at my co-worker's lanyard then at my lanyard then her eyes went wide and her face went bright red with embarrassment and said oh my god i thought you were just some kid who wouldn't stop bothering me i was about to tell you to leave me alone but i didn't want to be rude it turns out that's why she seemed so hesitant around me she thought it was some young 15 year old girl who was getting into her business for some weird reason the lady kept apologizing all the way out of the store even though i told her it was all right after that i made sure to always put my lanyard back on after my breaks this last story is titled i'm not a student i'm a student teacher this is potentially one of the funniest things that's ever happened to me a few years ago i was working on getting my bachelor's of education degree to become a teacher this meant that i had to be a student teacher for a bit to gain some field experience during my advanced field experience i was placed at a local high school and i worked with a mentor who taught both english and art classes now i get mistaken for being a lot younger than i am i'm about five foot two so i'm pretty short and i dress very casually like jeans and a t-shirt with a zip up hoodie it's nothing too young but i don't dress like i'm in a professional office it's a high school i'm working at during my early weeks with this mentor teacher i had a pretty good time getting to know the school the routines and learning what things i would be responsible for it was pretty simple and straightforward i've been forever thankful that my mentor was so amazing and personable one week in a new semester i was in between classes and having a break at one of the bench tables the table was located in a part of the school where it had low foot traffic but it's close to an open stairwell that was next to the cosmetology room i'm sitting there reading my book and snacking on an apple when a student sits down at the table across my guess was that he was a grade 11 one of the preppy kids judging by his outfit and hair morning he called i smiled said good morning back and continued reading he says good book would you recommend i said yeah it is if you like thrillers and mystery definitely give it a read i remember showing him the front cover so he could see the title clearly i can't remember what book i was reading it was too long ago the boy continued and said how's your day going it's good thanks how's yours he did this little head nod that was supposed to be suave i think and he said much better now he started to compliment me my hair the color of my bracelets my bag i didn't think much of it until he started asking weird questions like what class do you have later i responded i have english class after lunch he asked what are you doing for lunch i paused for a moment kind of confused by his question and said i'll be eating lunch what about after school uh after school i'll be going home he then asked how about we hang out at the mall together later it took me way too long to process what was happening and i stared at him for what felt like minutes totally confused by what was going on and said are you are you asking me out the boy smiled at me this poor poor poor boy and he said yeah what do you say when it finally hit me which felt like a light bulb go off in my head i laughed out loud and said oh my god no i'm not a student i work here i'm a student teacher i'm like 10 years older than you i felt so horrible that i didn't catch on earlier but this kid was so embarrassed he just got up and took off he didn't even answer me or anything he just booked it i think i even called out i'm sorry as he was power walking away not entirely sure if he even heard me so the worst part of this was not for me but for the boy it turns out he was on family vacation for a couple of weeks when i started student teaching and he was in my english class later that afternoon when he saw me up front with his teacher the kid hid behind his binder every day and for the rest of the time i was at school if i saw him in the hallway or anything he'd turn on his heel totally embarrassed and would never make eye contact with me good old high school i had this one student teacher who i'm pretty sure was there for attention more than anything so she had this crazy tattoo of a tree on her back and i remember a few times where she was in front of the class teaching and guys would yell show us your tattoo and she would freaking lift up her shirt in the middle of teaching to expose her whole backside so the kids could look at it i don't remember anything she taught by the way i just remember that tree tattoo that she showed too many times to kids like me and my friends were just sitting there thinking should she be lifting up her shirt in class to like show us her tattoo like is this something teachers should be doing i mean the tree tattoo was pretty sick but you know she seemed like she wanted attention more than anything and that my friends wraps up another episode of our slash i do work here lady i want to thank the lovely subscribers for the story submissions today because they were simply amazing stories guys if you want to send me a story and don't have reddit my email is in the description box below if you missed the last episode of r slash i do work here lady an owner of a law firm is mistaken as a homeless man and security puts on a freaking surprise pikachu face when they find out so check that out if you haven't already and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 66,980
Rating: 4.9312396 out of 5
Keywords: Idwhl, I do work here lady, Reddit stories, Reddit idwhl, darkfluff i do work here, i do work here stories, i do work here lady stories, reddit i do work here, reddit stories, reddit i dont work here lady, reddit funny stories, manager, i do work here lady im the owner, reddit top posts, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, reddit idoworkhere, r/idowork, idowork, r//, i am the owner, yelling at owner, CEO
Id: a--FIknXqKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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