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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents entitled mom think she can eat for free and leave now banned from our store back story there's a lady who will come into our store usually around noon with four annoying and loud misbehaving kids of course she's completely oblivious to all of this yay she would pack all of them into the cart pick out some sort of produce apples bananas oranges etc and give it to them to hold and the kids would eat all of it then she would come up to the register and give me the whole oops sorry I didn't even see that they did that I would call my manager and basically ask what the heck am I supposed to weigh and usually they would either get the same amount of whatever produce and she would complain that she had not gotten that much or mine was way smaller so my manager would just wave it off and let it go today she didn't get away with it because my manager and I were in a bad mood I was quietly working at my register when I heard the parade of obnoxious kids run in to the store with the lady on her phone completely ignoring them shocker she piled all of them into the car and headed straight for the produce I continued working at my register and lost track of her until she came up to my register she huffed and puffed at the little old lady in front of her writing a cheque while all of her children were screaming in her car she's still on the phone and I hear the rude lady talking semi quietly on her phone rude lady yeah I'll be home soon this is slow old hag in front of me thankfully the little old lady was literally maybe the nicest person I've ever met doesn't hear that well so she had missed rude lady's comment after hearing that I purposefully take my sweet time processing her cheque and asking her how her grandchildren are doing I finished bagging her groceries and set them in her cart as she's pulling away rude lady decides she's not going fast enough and actually pushes her out of the way with her card when a little old lady turns to look at her she smiles smugly sorry the little old lady frowns and walks away now the real fun begins before she says anything I noticed that each kid has banana peels in their laps and the youngest has banana all over their face there's even a peel inside route lady's purse rude lady night kids ate peas here she proceeds to grab and dump all of the peels onto my register and starts to leave me ma'am I need some sort of payment you can't just leave after eating all of these rude lady turns and glares at me she backs up a little just wait the peels for something I don't have time for this I glare back at her me even if I was allowed to do that I'd need all of the peels digest her to the ones in her purse gross she throws it at me is your peel now wave him her face is getting angrier by the minute me I'll have to call for a manager that's when I noticed the organic sticker on all of the peels which means it will be more expensive 129 per pound in fact she slams her hand on my register as I'm about to call this is ridiculous just weigh my hand or something as she's pressing her hand down she's also squeezing the peels as hard as she can making a huge mess of peel and banana mush I've had it me manager to the front please the manager thankfully was not far and came rushing up manager what can I do for you he sees it's this particular lady and the mess on my register before he can open his mouth again she wails at him ile cassia has been so rude to my family and I all we want to do is pay for our bananas and go she's being incredibly difficult and even made this disgusting mess I'm fuming at this point and my manager is getting a little ticked off knowing this lady is a liar because I would never do something this childish what are you going to do about this for us I turned to my manager me her and her kids ate an entire bunch of bananas tried to leave without paying and when I called her out on it she told me to wait her hand and squish these peels the manager nodded manager go ahead and weigh her hand whatever it comes out to she can pay that then she's no longer welcome in our store of course she shocked and stammering trying to claim that I lied about the entire story and it was nothing like that obviously my manager was having none of it and told her to put her banana covered hand back off the scale she did impressed as hard as she could well she's not too smart and forgot how scales work she'd pressured it down and it came up as about 30 pounds knee and your total is going to be $38 and 54 cents will you be using cash or card she was completely outraged and started yelling at my manager and I calling us crooks ironic and that she had never pay something so ridiculous my manager threatened to call the police and report her for theft if she did it she screamed some more and threw two twenties at me I gave her the change which she snatched out of my hand and continued to scream and curse down the exit and out the door me thank you for shopping have a nice day for those asking why she came through my line when she didn't plan on pain in the back story I provided my manager would either grab new fruit and she would complain or just wave it off and let it go basically she would either pay less than what actually would have been owned or nothing at all for those asking about cute little old lady her name is Edna I asked a co-worker to text me if she saw her and if she's okay nothing yet cross your fingers to clear up some things no she had nothing else except banana peels I asked little old lady about our grandchildren in the time it took for me to process her check maybe fifteen to twenty seconds next we've got some assembly required good luck this happened several years ago I was the nighttime charge nurse over the ICU I had just finished a 12-hour shift at my hospital that had turned into a 14-hour shift because of a rapid response right before shift change patient responded well I was exhausted and had to return for a fourth shift in nine hours all I wanted were some items to drop in the slow cooker so I'd have something to eat when I got up tonight I stopped at a well-known big-box store that sells groceries clothes electronics the works I'm wearing royal blue scrubs a name badge with a big R in under it and forgot to take off my stethoscope so it's hanging around my neck the employees here well don't as I'm walking towards the store I see an elderly couple struggling to load a large box in their SUV parked at the front of the store and I mean old 90-plus shaky hands teetering around with limited mobility the kind I see with a med list three pages long no way what his hips take the weight without snapping and I've worked enough tonight I approach quickly and addressed the lady of the couple offering help it was gladly accepted and I got their TV loaded with very little difficulty it was more cumbersome than heavy I'm chatting with the woman who is explaining it's a gift for their son and her husband hadn't wanted to wait for help I'd wondered why an employee wasn't helping that's when it happened I will be our in she will be entitled jerk entitled jerk hey hey startled we stopped our conversation look over its a lady in her 50s dressed in a cheap looking beige pantsuit with a get your manager haircut standing about 15 feet away with a hand on her overly broad hip entitled jerk a kiwa about done I need help over here she then points to her cart with two boxes of bookshelves some assembly required I realize she thinks I work here me oh sorry I don't work you are already making me late just get it done and don't scratch my paint up the elderly lady and I exchange looks of disbelief and I try again I don't work it just get it done she then steps away from her cart to grab her purse grumbling about idiots and is digging for her keys when her cart rolls further away and one wheel goes off the curb the entire uneven load causes the cart to topple over I instinctively jump forward to try to prevent everything from falling I was unsuccessful entitled jerk who was now turned to see her particle board bookshelf spilled out onto the cement corners of her boxes crushed and one has torn open with a few pieces of packaging now exposed entitled jerk completely loses it and becomes a raging thunder jerk what an idiot you [ __ ] pick them up dang it I'm going to have you fired you owe me new bookshelves and I'm late at this point I'm done pick them up yourself I don't work here I then turned to go inside when I feel her grabbed my sleeve and tried to yank me around I jerk my sleeve out of her grip and then turned to face her now violently red-faced she opens her mouth to start screaming again but I put my finger in her face and say no don't touch me shut the heck up I do not work here and even if I did I'd quit before I help you clean up your crap and title jerk stands there speechless mouth opening and closing sputtering in shock that I've dared raise my voice at her that's when the manager and an employee come out as entitled jerks seize the manager and fines boys are you the manager this man dropped my bookshelves and is refusing to pay for them I just stare in shock seriously having realized that a man in bright blue scrubs with a stethoscope and a big are in badge which really doesn't work here instead of apologizing she chooses to double down on the craziness and now accuses me of breaking her stuff before I can voice my denial the elderly gentleman I'd helped earlier steps in and explains the situation to the manager entitled jerk is still voicing complaints but the manager realizes the real situation and apologizes to me and the couple I'm still standing by watching angrily as the manager deals with entitled jerk and inspects the bookshelves they're not damaged he offers her two new boxes but entitled jerk is now done with the whole situation she says no she's already too late because of me just glares over at me and says to the manager just load them I'm already late enough because of this the manager and employee then lift the boxes up and get them wedged into the lady's car as I shake my head and go to enter the store I'm stopped by the elderly lady I'd helped earlier lady sir thank you so much for helping us with the TV I'm so sorry some people are so rude she then reaches for my hand to shake as she folds both her fragile hands around mine I can feel something in her palm she's giving me lady whispering don't look yet wait till she leaves I slide the package into my scrub pocket and lady walks away entitled jerk then gets in her car and without apologizing or thanking anyone peels out and drives away I finally enter this store to grab my food items and when I reach in my pocket I pull out a plastic bag with a bunch of screws and hardware I realize immediately that the sweet little old lady took advantage of the commotion to steal the hardware out of entitled jerks ripped box I couldn't believe it I had the biggest grin on my face as I did my shopping and I have a new petty revenge hero to idolize next we've got don't lie to me you took our picture three hours ago get to it I don't know what it is about me but I'm pretty good at attracting the Karen types cast names changed to protect the innocent we've got me we've got Karen we've got Lila the hero manager we've got Matt Lila's Co manager and we've got Oscar my manager as mentioned in a previous post I work for a theme park last year I had just finished my shift and decided to head to the store on property to get a doll I wanted for my collection Hey I collect dolls and I get a sweet discount so might as well use it while there's nothing forbidding us from shopping slash eating at our parks when we're off of a clock we're encouraged to take off our name tags and hide our distinctive IDs so we don't get harassed I take this a step further and actually have a spare shirt that I change into this time I had a blue your shirt other than that I'm still wearing my blue shorts black shoes and my hair and a falling out bun so I'm at the shop holding the doll I wanted and trying to decide if I can afford a second stuffed animal when I heard a very rude find ly someone to help us I ignore it feeling sorry for the poor employee they're addressing that's until I feel someone staring at me like they were trying to hypnotize my back it lasted maybe 10 to 15 seconds not going to lie it felt like 10 to 15 minutes I looked over my shoulder to see if someone was trying to look at the dolls so I could give them room which was my fatal mistake all at once someone tosses a shirt in my face and I dropped the doll I had in my hands when I got the shirt off my face I found myself staring at a soccer mom complete with mom jeans short sleeve shirt and the I used to be a cheerleader in high school and have never bothered to grow out of it if entitlement was a cologne she'd reek of it I need you to get me an extra Lodge and while you're at it get me one of those princess dresses in my daughter's size she said more bellowed still wanting to be polite because I was at my workplace I said I'm sorry ma'am but I don't work here I pointed to someone who was dressed in the uniform and wearing the distinct nametag who was busy rearranging some stuffed animals just ten feet away but he may be able to help you I didn't even get a chance to return to my browsing before she pointed an acrylic tipped finger two inches from my face don't lie to me you took a picture three hours ago get to it now I'm realizing I'm treading on thin ice merchandise is a completely different Department than photography and therefore I couldn't just go back and get what she wanted without getting into trouble however unlike the incident at the grocery store I couldn't sass back since she knew who I was even though I couldn't remember her she could get me into a lot of trouble since I'm still technically representing the company as much as I wanted to tell her to take her mom Jean self out of my Park and never come back I love my job too much to risk it me taking a deep breath and keeping my voice level ma'am even if I did work here I'm off the clock and there are strict rules about what we can and can't do while we're off the clock Karen throwing her head back and looking like a teenager so you're saying you won't help me make my vacation magical me biting my tongue I'm sorry but I can't I'll help you find an employee but that's all I can do Karen takes a deep breath and moves that finger closer to my face just when I'm about to lose my composure and bite at her hand to managers Lila and Matt walk up Matt hi can we help you ladies Karen moving her finger finally I want you to fire her right now net after getting a good look at me ma'am she doesn't work here but I will be happy to help Karen cuts him off don't you dare protect her young man she took our photos three hours ago and won't help us get a dress and a t-shirt Lila in a firm voice I'll take care of the employee ma'am Matt if you can help our customer Matt of course they leave Karen giving me a you will pay for this before I can even open my mouth Lila asks in a nice voice are you okay me yeah mind just a little shaken pick up the doll thank you I was just looking around when she tossed that t-shirt in my face and started bellowing Lila someone in the store saw and ran to grab us I apologize for your experience would you need to help with anything else me thank you I'm good and just want to get home Lila come with me I'll check you out she smiles least I can do for a fellow employee me as we're walking what gave it away Lila the way you were pointing we're taught to point a certain way and never really lose it where do you work at me I'm a photographer and this is my home park Lila perks up do you know Oscar me yeah I know he was merchandise before he joined us you know him Lila he trained me we talked for a few minutes while she checked me out and sent me on my way the next morning I arrived to work and sure enough Oscar was waiting for me and asked me to see him I agreed and went in Oscar I understand there was an incident at the store yesterday I took a deep breath and explained everything Oscar listened and waited for me to finish Oscar just so you know you're not in trouble I got an email from Lila explaining what happened and how well you handled the situation she also wanted me to make sure you're okay I was relieved beyond belief and went about my day the smile on my face real now every time I see Lila and Matt I smile and greet them next we've got entitled mom ruins our school's Halloween fundraiser cast we've got entitled mom entitled kid me and friend one girl from my class okay so lately in preparation for Halloween our school is selling these little packages of a pencil eraser and a sticker that you can give to your friends with a little note on them it isn't too appealing for the higher grades but a lot of the kids want them they're a dollar each and being part of my school student council I volunteered to sell them a few days basically selling as going as usual every once in a while a kid comes up and buys one so we work hard by getting them to the correct class organizing them etc what happens is when the lower grades come out we suddenly get a ton of customers lining up so we open multiple counters for selling with three people in each I'm mainly in the corner helping record profits etc when a kindergartner or a first grader comes up to us and asks to buy now I'm normally not the best with kids so I asked a girl from my class the only other person from my class there to deal with him the conversation sort of goes like friend hi would you like to buy entitled kid yes I want to buy one for all my friends friend okay how much money do you have entitled kid I have no money sorry but you need money to buy maybe you can go ask your mom or dad when they come now after this the kid seems to leave to call his mom or something but then his eye catches on they register where I'm keeping the money until now I'm kind of oblivious to the conversation I mean I can hear it in all but I'm not really participating then entitled kid comes and asks is that a twenty dollar note me sort of startled and not paying attention uh yeah entitled kid can I have it me uh no so like he didn't hear me say no or I said yes it just grabs the note from the counter literally ripping it out of the fourth thing that's used to hold them straight down I met first startled and reply with uh can I have that back please it's our money and you're not allowed to have it entitled again laughs like he's playing a game me sorry kid but I need that back this isn't a game at this point it just starts thinking it's a game or something and running away from me now since he's really little he's got small legs and at the speed he's going he's bound to collapse and then that's exactly what happened I yanked the $20 note from him who has now fallen down and he bursts into tears and starts screaming his head off either cuz he lost the money or he got hurt from the fall or maybe even both even though I'm not the best with kids I pull him back up and ask if he's okay he's crying his head off and points to his knee so I take a look and it's legit not even scratched I tell him he's fine at this point I just let him go and return to selling friends says she'll deal with him and takes care of him she having seen the whole incident and also chasing him then entitled mom approaches with her kid clothes in hand the kid points at me and my friend entitled mom gives me the death stare and stomps over to me asking why did you steal money from my son you have no right to do that friend ma'am I apologize but we didn't steal money from him he had no money and tried stealing our $20 note impossible my son would never do such a thing he has such great morals friend or whatever you say ma'am but I'm just telling you what happened and I'm telling you what's right returned me that $20 note right now well I will dissolve your counselor I am a part of the Parents Association friend ma'am the Parents Association has no power over us we are operated by the students and faculty of the school stop calling me ma'am and return that note literally trying to yank the entire register and friend one resists friend now in tears because she's sensitive please stop please just stop me now getting mad listen miss leave us alone we do not owe you anything and stop trying to steal from us we will not give you anything understand entitled mom I will not take orders from you young man call a teacher right now my racket gets the attention of the council supervisor who has a talk with her basically the same talk is repeated except this time the supervisor gets mad and shouts at her threatening to get her kicked off the PA she threatens to take her kid out of the school that takes advantage of people's money list supervisor tells her to go ahead she shuts up ah yes victory a pretty crazy and unusual day to be honest poor friend was completely spooked after that just in time for Halloween entitled parents with their three brats on our plane back story my girlfriend and I wanted to go on a vacation this October so we looked around and booked a nice hotel in and flights to Greece the story is pretty long Sall splitted into two posts one post is for the trip from Germany to Greece and one for the trip from Greece to Germany unfortunately we had the same family on both of our flights but now without further ado let's introduce the cast we've got entitled mum we've got entitled dad brat one here's a boy about fourteen brat 2 is another boy about 8 brat 3 a girl about 3 we've got my girlfriend and we've got me and the flight attendant our wonderful story begins in the departure hall of a mid-sized German airport that shall not be named here me and girlfriend just got through security and sat down on one of the benches near the gate that was printed on our tickets a couple of minutes after we sat down the family I described above entered the departure hall while brat 3 was relatively quiet brat 1 & 2 fought over who gets to use the tablet they had with them first after a couple of minutes with them yelling at each other loud enough for a security guard to come over entitled dad decided that they should use it together so he came over to us and titled dad stand up my children need to sit here so they can watch a movie together me well how about no there are more than enough other places to sit here entitled dad yeah but this is our gate we have to board our plane from here me yeah well it's our gate to a first-come first-serve stand up now girlfriend No get lost contrary to our expectations entitled father actually went back to his family and guided brat 1 and brat 2 to another bench the whole family set down around this bench and they were relatively quiet for the next one and a half hours when the screen above got the gate started to show that the boarding for our flight was starting soon it got loud again entitled mom and brat 3 started to argue about something and after a while they got so loud then pretty much everyone in the whole terminal heard them brat 3 I don't wear diapers I'm not a baby entitled mom honey please it's just to make sure nothing happens airplane toilets are dirty I don't want you to use them Brad 3 I'm not a baby and so on and so on after all this went on for about 5 minutes entitled mom just took Brad 3 to the toilet after she was throwing herself at the ground to stop entitled mom from taking her there the boarding started a short while after this scene happened and both girlfriend and me were hoping that we would sit far away from this family but of course almost as soon as we sat down brats 1 2 & 3 sat down in the row right behind us and entitled dad and entitled mom in the row behind them brat 3 was still crying and yelling about not being a baby while brat 1 & 2 started to fight over their Nintendo switch right after sitting down entitled mom stopped the fight by telling them to play together so they put down the tablet and put the switch there to play together once boarding was completed the flight attendant told them to turn off all electronic devices and to put the table back to the original position brat one tried to argue with the flight attendant but she just told him to do it or to leave the plane which silenced him pretty fast from there on everything was pretty normal the plane took off the flight attendant started the service and so on soon after takeoff the pilot told us that we should keep the seatbelts fastened for the whole flight due to expected heavy turbulence 'as of course brats 1 through 3 didn't listen to that and started to jump around their seats right after we reached cruise height about halfway through the flight it started to smell pretty bad shortly after I noticed it and mom stood up and went over to ask brat three if she used the diaper brat three shook her head but entitled mom took her later down on the floor of the corridor and started a changer the flight attendants saw it and went right over to her but if flight attending excuse me madam what are you doing entitled mom I need to change her diaper I think that's pretty obvious she proceeded to open the diaper which made the smell increase a lot flight attendant madam as we told you before takeoff this aircraft has two lavatories one in the front and one in the back those are also equipped with changing tables yeah and I bet you that both are dirty as heck there is no way I'll change her there flight attendant madam I have to ask you to take her to the lavatory and change her diaper there I can't do that don't you smell it she pooped herself I can't just keep her the dirty diaper for the rest of the flight flight attendant I don't ask you to keep her in the dirty diaper for the rest of the flight I only ask you to change her on the changing table that we provide for situations like this the smell is bothering the people around you entitled mom fine us I'll do it but if my girl gets sick I will sue you during this whole episode brat 3 kept crying and yelling had entitled mom after this discussion entitled mom threw brat threes pants on the floor pulls the diaper and grabbed her bag and took her to the toilet a couple of minutes later she came back but brat three on her seat stuffed the dirty diaper into the bag on the seat in front of her and set down on her seed flight attendant came over and asked entitled mom to take the diaper and throw it in the bin on the toilet but she refused to do that during this discussion the expected turbulence is started and flight attendant had to get his seat and buckle up so the dirty diaper stayed where it was in the pocket right behind girlfriend's seat the rest of the flight was more or less normal except for the crap smell from behind and the that brat 1 & 2 kept kicking my seat and arguing about who should use which switch controller after the plane landed and we stopped at the gate the whole family got up almost immediately took their hand luggage and went on to leave the plane they left all their trash including the dirty diaper on the seat and in the bags and refused to take it with them after flight attendant told them to as soon as they left the plane and got into the arrival terminal in Greece brat 3 screamed that entitled mom that she wants to take off that diaper and that she isn't a baby anymore while both brat 1 & 2 kept mocking her for wearing it while she took brat 3 to the bathroom brats 1 & 2 got on to the luggage band and tried to surf on it until one of the security guards stopped them from doing it thankfully entitled mom and brat 3 didn't come back before girlfriend and me got our luggage and the other kids stayed pretty quiet after the security guard talked to them to be honest this is one of the worst flight experiences in my life only to be topped by the flight back to Germany and by one flight where the guy next to me threw up all over me as always thank you a lot for reading through my this time literally crappy life if you made it until here I'm not a native speaker so please tell me if you find any mistakes so I can correct them and learn from them as soon as I find the time to do it I'll type down the flight back home next we've got the online return I used to work at a retail store that sells everything under the Sun and since very recently had a very liberal return policy one time I took back a fry daddy deep fryer that was over two years old very used and no receipt or proof of purchase from our store but that is a story for another day our tale begins on a Saturday the busiest day of the week at our store and the day that everything that can go wrong will go wrong I was the customer service manager at the time and got called to the front because a cashier needs help with a returned cast we've got me a very tired CSM we've got cashier one we've got overworked manager and competent customer cashier hey Opie this customer has an online return I can't find anything on his receipt besides his membership charge he says insert online retail giant here told him to bring the return here customer is visibly upset and is aimed really scrolling through his phone to find his email with his receipt customer I told her I already talked to customer service and she has to do my return me ok sir I'm so sorry for the trouble what are we returning today and can I have your email I can look up your online purchases with our database customer it's this dang comforter set it's supposed to be gray but look it's green I can't believe this online retail giant sent me the wrong color and you guys don't have it in store I get the customers email look him up in the system and see that the only online purchase he has had with the company was for our membership program no online orders from us at all I explained this to the customer he tells me that he bought the item from online retail giant but when he called them to do a return they told him to come to our store now I know a certain clothing chain has started taking online retail giants returns but we are not that store so I asked the customer if he meant he was supposed to go to that store nope he was told to come here I asked to see the item in question he pulls it out of a garbage bag customer see I told you it's green not gray now can you return it already so I can get a different one me sir I'm sorry but we have no record of you buying this from us let me see if we carry this item it's a comforter of course you carry it I'm getting to the end of my rope with this guy as I try and find a tag on the comforter he's yelling at me and cashier about how stupid we are and that if we can't do a simple return why are we even working here at this point manager shows up there's a line at the front because the customer is refusing to move to the side so cashier can take other customers and is being quite loud manager hey Opie what's going on this customer has a return from online retail giant that they were told to bring here manager we don't fulfill for online retail giant sir are you sure you weren't told to go to the clothing store customer why are you all so stupid I was told to come here because this is your comforter and you have to do my return at this point I have found the tag on the comforter the brand is online retail giant basics pretty much the online retail giant's store brand vindication me I'm sorry sir but the tag on the comforter shows that it is from online retail giant not us I cannot do a return for an item from another retailer that we do not carry customer what do you mean you won't do my return I want your manager me sir I am the customer service manager but manager right here is another manager manager sir o P is correct we can't do this return you need to call online retail giant about your return I wish I could say there was a better ending but that was it customer didn't say a word just mumbled under his breath and stalked out of the store with his hefty bag comforter I did receive an email later that night for a customer complaint but manager and I had already written out an incident report to alert the other stores in the area in case he tried the same thing somewhere else so neither of us were written up for violating our stores never say no policy and that kids as how I spent 30 minutes explaining to a man that I couldn't do a return on an item from another store next we've got I'm not an interpreter literally be happened earlier this evening my roommate gets home and gets himself a shower after work he's trying to unwind and have a conversation with me in American Sign Language I noticed he starts acting a bit off being epileptic myself I start to suspect but not sure I ask if he's feeling all right and he says he feels weird and suddenly full-blown seizure this roommate does not have a history of seizures so I immediately get my boyfriend to dial nine-one-one and ask for paramedics meanwhile I'm putting on my hearing aids and getting my shoes on as by the I've already moved things that could hurt him away from him prior the paramedics come I grabbed the roommates keys and drive his car to the hospital I get there and check in as a guest with a guest sticker to slap beautifully across my chest I get let in and told where his room is blahblah if you've ever visited someone in the hospital you know the general gist of getting to the person's room so I'm sitting there wearing my hearing aids so now I could potentially have a conversation without the need for signing but I'm signing anyway I'm just more comfortable that way he in turn signs what he can the nurse comes in and checks on him and make sure he's got everything he needs for the time being making sure he's comfortable etc informs him someone will be coming by from radiology soon enough yep someone from radiology shows up with a wheelchair helps them into the wheelchair and carts him away him signing I'll be back all terminator like so I'm sitting there in his room just waiting when the nurse returns to that room Maitlis room nurse something something something patient something something interpreter me know things roommate doesn't need an interpreter wrong answer that's apparently not what she asked she looked more frustrated in her face her eyebrows fraud me now trying my hardest to lip-read someone I can barely make anything out from nurse something something another patient something sign language interpreter something something something can't something something me I'm not an American sign language interpreter and I don't work for the hospital I'm here for my roommate nurse something something needs interpreter now something something going me I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say I'm deaf I'm not an interpreter nurse is now getting furious but storms off and I'm thinking I've heard the end of it my roommate is returned after what felt like an eternity and we're chatting back and forth again with sign apparently the nurse had made a complaint about me as suddenly and without warning the charge nurse is in the room and my roommate is signing everything the charge nurse is complaining at me about charge nurse you need to get off your Duff and help other patients that need the sign language interpreter you can't be sitting here dedicating yourself to one single patient you will be called back to this patient if he needs something important spoken to him roommate comm signing speaking while signing he's not an interpreter he's my deaf roommate I'm interpreting what you're saying to him and trying to enjoy my conversation with him the charge nurse goes white as a ghost but the word deaf seems to have fallen on deaf ears charge nurse well can he at least help with translation so other hearing-impaired patients can be treated again roommate is signing everything to me i chime in vocally me ma'am I'm deaf I can't hear you I can't make out what you're saying unless someone translates it for me so how would it be possible for me to translate what's being said to other deaf people currently in the hospital I don't work here you don't pay me and I can't you're worth a darn - do what you're requesting charge nurse again well you could still help out don't you sign interpreters have some sort of oath you have to follow my roommate tells the woman the mere fact that you are confusing a deaf person for a sign language interpreter and demanding a deaf person interpret language he can't hear as honestly quite frightening in a hospital environment do you realize how terrifying that kind of crap is me doesn't surprise me this is the same hospital that had a nurse asked if I wanted my discharge papers in Braille roommate that was this hospital by this point the charge nurse seems to have gotten the pitcher and profusely apologizes to my roommate not to me though jerk and scampers away not to be seen again the doctor eventually comes in and goes over the details with roommate vent nothing appeared amiss in his brain scan and everything looked alright but told him to stop taking a medication he was on I didn't catch the name of it apparently miss medicine can rarely cause seizures and today was the second day of having taken said medicine so it made sense just basically drink plenty of fluids don't go to work the next few days so the meds clear out of your system and get a plenty of rest make sure you're in a safe area in case a random seizure until you're clear I kid you not the doctor looks directly at me and tells me I can go to another patient now I hate this hospital if I had the spare finances to blow I definitely get those various t-shirts off Amazon that read I'm deaf and varying degrees of bed so that I can avoid crap like this again in the future un-freakin'-believable to make matters more infuriating as this is the same doctor at the same hospital that told me that deaf people can't speak don't get sick in small towns when you never know how idiotic hospital staff are I drove my roommate home in his car he protested because you're epileptic you could have a seizure at any time and I said right now so are you but I'm medicated for it next we've got kid used laser pointer on me got destroyed by a big stage light a bit of background I live in an area where new apartments are arranged in such a way that all of a common area garden is surrounded by all the buildings I can see the windows of the opposite building it was August of 2018 I was minding my own business on my computer doing my University Club stuff suddenly I noticed a green dot appeared on my screen out of nowhere I thought my monitor was broken but then the green dots started moving it was drawing some sort of patter on my wall behind the monitor it was a laser pointer I figured it might be some grade school kid having too much energy during the summer break so I just let it go I closed my curtain and went back to my business however it was only the beginning of a long chapter every single day the green dot appeared as punctual II as the train in Japan I grew a bit irritated after a few times especially considering what the pattern looked like when I stared at it for enough time something needs to be done about this I like natural sunlight and I could not just close my curtain all day long the first thing is to determine where it came from I took out binoculars and started searching I saw this kid using a laser pointer in his hand and holding a binocular he points the laser pointer direct into my binoculars as a nasty greeting it was so painful that it took a good five minutes to recover I managed to take some pictures with my sunglasses on I thought everyone has done some stupid things to upset people at some point in their childhood I was no exception either but my parents taught me good manners and how not to be a jerk to other people sometimes the hard way being a decent human being I decided to have a word with the kid and his parents first and I thought that would be the end of it oh boy I was naive I confronted the kid who wouldn't open the door after I knocked instead he ran away to get his father I talked politely about everything his kid did to me while trying to hold my anger and keep my voice law he was having none of it and asked me to prove it so I took out my phone and show him the pictures he went from zero to 100 in just one second he cursed at me and demanded that I delete the pictures because it infringed their privacy he even tried to grab my phone seeing things escalating quickly I agreed to delete them without mentioning my phone has a cloud backup and the recycle bin function I managed to get out of there while the father is still yelling at me in front of his kid well if you treat me like a piece of crap and have absolutely no regard for your kids development I have to step in and teach both of you how to be nice and not to be a jerk to people first I made a complaint to the property management office they said they received a ton of similar complaints but they couldn't do much well as the game on then I have a nice buddy at filming school I brought this up he was quite interested and decided to join in he said he just finished filming a short movie earlier than the schedule they can keep the equipment for a bit longer since the lease did not end until one week later there was a big stage light among them we hatched a plan once we saw the stage lighting it was kind of light you would find in the city center and all sorts of events and concerts it was very focused and extremely bright so I would not disturb other neighbors near them my buddy asked his friend if he could help us out in this and he was totally in for us on the d-day we set up the stage lighting shining directly on their bedroom window it was programmed in such a way that it would turn on intermittently at night you screw my day I screw your slave the first night went by I saw they installed an extra curtain but my friend had another trick we only flashed white light on his bedroom at this point my friend did not tell us that the light is actually our GP so you can have any color this is the cherry on the cake now they could have an involuntary disco party every night they try kicking my door at first and I simply didn't answer they became a bit more polite after a few days and knocking my door I didn't answer it either it wasn't until they left a very apologetic note and willing to come back and apologize for the inconvenience I opened my door on their next visit I tried so hard not to burst in the laughter when I saw the dark circles around their eyes they said they were very very sorry about what happened to me and promised it would never happen again they even brought me some snacks as compensation I didn't take it because I thought they had learned their lessons there were no more incidents for that summer break entitled parent tries to take my birds this happened about three weeks ago in the beginning of October we've got entitled mom we've got little brat we've got officer and me let's get started I have two parakeets Burns Mordecai who has sky-blue feathers and Lila who has angel-like feathers during spring break I decided to walk to the park it was bright and warm and partly cloudy even though a storm was brewing and overall a great day to walk to the park as I got closer to the park I noticed a few kids there however I did expect this since it was so nice out so I brought some treats with me at the time Mordecai was on my shoulder since he liked the Sun a lot and Lila was in my hands since she is a peculiarly shy bird for her species when I got to the park all the kids swarmed me soon enough Mordecai and Lila were getting nervous since Mordecai started flapping his wings I did manage to control both groups and gave the kids each of them a treat and letting them feed it to whomever bird they felt like about one hour later I started leaving the park most of the kids were gone and I didn't want my birds in the Sun for too long while I walked past the swingset area little brat noticed my birds and ran over to me this is the best I can remember how it went little bread cool Birds what are their names me i gestured to Mordecai said his name and then uncovered my hands and pointed to Leyla little bread can I pet her me we'll see at first little brat was patting her head and I thought it's nothing she'll just be a little annoyed but he then took her wings and tried flapping them little brat fly fly dumb bird me hey stop it she doesn't like that however he continued so I grabbed his hands and as careful as I could pulled them off being gentle of course so I wouldn't hurt Leela or the bread little brat starts crying entitled mom what did you do to my baby me at this point I'm astonished me your kid was trying to grab my bird forcefully flapping her wings she is very shy and I'm usually only allowed to touch entitled mom it's just a dumb bird you have to who cares if this one gets hurt your replacement is sitting on your shoulder me replacement I love both of these birds little brat mommy can I have that one pointing to Leela entitled mom sure sweetie one second okay give that one to me you have to anyways me ma'am I won't give you my bird just because you want it these birds care for each other and comfort me you have to I'm not giving you my bird I'm calling the police you were hurting my kid as entitled mom was dialing 904 I didn't commit one of my neighbors oh who lives on my block came over I knew he was a police officer because he has three kids and they'll stop by to pet the birds officer what seems to be the problem entitled mom this brat yeah I'm 13 hurt my kid officer hi Opie ma'am where exactly did he hurt him entitled mom lifts up her kids arm showing the injury officer I don't see anything Opie could you tell me your part of the story I tell him my part of the story and he believes me since it adds up to the words she was screaming and also that her kid had no marks or anything indicating pain well at least physically he asked if I wanted to press charges and I said no and waddled off before the storm came next we've got entitled parents with their three brats on our plane part two hello everybody first of all this is the second part of the wonderful encounter I had with a whole family while I went on vacation with my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago if you haven't read the first part you can check it out here after the plane arrived in Greece both me and my girlfriend were very glad that the family did not get on the same bus and ferry as we did my biggest hope was that they would stay far more than a week so that they wouldn't be on our flight back to Germany unfortunately this hope didn't come true so without further ado here is the story from the flight back to Germany beginning in the early morning on a Greek airport the cast pretty much stayed the same but let's introduce them anyways we've got entitled mum you've got entitled dad brats 1 2 & 3 we've got my girlfriend you've got me we've got flight attendant and the check-in lady the second part of this story begins when girlfriend and me get off the bus at the airport in Greece we enter the building to check-in our luggage and guess who already stood in the line at the check-in desk the family from my last post brat 3 was sitting on one of the suitcases while brat 2 tried to get brat ones mobile phone shouting at him that he needs to get it to play pokemon and go the argument got on for almost the whole time that they were standing in the line until entitled dad gave his phone to brat 2 to make him shut up brat 2 then started running and jumping around the whole airport playing Pokemon go while the rest of the family in the line a couple of minutes later the line moved on and the family was next to check in the following dialogue happened check in lady hello please give me your flight number in your passports entitled mom the number is e W one two three here are our passports check-in lady okay thank you you gave me five passports but you only are a group of four where is Brett - I don't know he wins a way to play check-in lady I'm sorry I can't give you five flight tickets with only four persons present please get him here so I can check you in I don't know where he is just take our luggage and give us the tickets I'm sorry but I can't give you a ticket for braaap - if he isn't present I need to check if he is the person in the passport before I can give you the ticket entitled dad you mean you don't want to give us the ticket get the manager please I want the flight tickets that we paid for right now check-in lady I'm very sorry I can't get the manager right now I have to ask you to get back to the end of the line if you can't get brat sue to come here right now entitled mom he won't come here I don't know where he is check-in lady well then I have to ask you to find him and get back to the end of the line with him I will not go back to the end of the line give me your manager here right now check-in lady takes her phone and makes a quick phone call I only understand about 50 words of Greek so I don't know what she said the consequence of her call was that a security guard came over guiding the family back to the end of the line entitled mom and entitled dad kept telling him that they want to see the manager but he didn't give in to them they still weren't done with it when girlfriend and me had our tickets and went through the security check about half an hour after we passed the security check the family enters the departure hall as well they set down a couple of seats away from us and brat to instantly tries to take brat ones phone again brat one refuses to give him the phone so when titled dad takes a tablet out of his bag and gives it to brat - the next 60 minutes were rather quiet the has both Bratz 1 and Bratz - were playing on their phone / tablet and Bratz 3 was laying over two seats seemingly sleeping the trouble started again just like on the way to Greece when entitled mom took a diaper out and woke Bratz 3 up their discussion started again Bratz 3 mom I'm not a baby I don't want diapers it's just for safety you used it on the flight last week so it's better if you wear it I don't want diapers oh honey it's better if you wear it all your fresh clothes are in the suitcase I can't give you clean clothes if you can't hold it anymore Brett 3 I'm not a baby I used the toilet but if you're not a baby why did you use the diaper on the other flight you said the toilet was dirty and I had to wear it I had to go I don't need diapers so you don't want to die fur fine but you won't drink anything now oh but you won't drink anything now or on the plane and you have to go to the toilet right before we leave here Brett 3 then I don't have to wear a diaper yes honey ok I was a little surprised that entitled mom gave in on that but I didn't really mind entitled mom put the diaper back into her handbag and a couple of minutes after this scene the boarding for our plane started she took Bratz 3 and went to the toilet while entitled dad told Bratz 1 & 2 to put their devices away and get ready for boarding the plane girlfriend and me were in line way before entitled mom came back with Brett 3 so we boarded the plane before them we found our seats set down and hoped that the family wouldn't sit behind us again well my hope was fulfilled but only because they set in front of us this time they got on the plane argued a lot about who would sit in the window seat the one in front of me and finally sat down when the flight attendant told them to the take off and the first minute of the flight went surprisingly quiet until we reached cruise height and I took out my Nintendo switch I started playing a game Oh tea Fire Emblem three houses it's a great game if you have a switch get it and soon after I started I saw brat 2 lurking through the gap between the middle seat and the window seat as soon as the first battle started he began to tell me what to do I told him to be quiet but he didn't mind a bit his go attack him shouts were just annoying but after some time I got really mad because he started saying things like no you need to attack this guy not that guy what are you stupid I didn't pay attention to it for quite a while but it began to really annoy me and at least the other passengers in my row and in the row behind me so this dialogue happened me listen kid you're annoying as heck so please leave me alone brat - but you're playing like an idiot you're so stupid me okay listen I am playing the way that I like so shut up or I'll slap you that broad entitled father up who stood up from his seat two rows in front of me did you just threaten my son he's just trying to be helpful me I don't give a hoot if he is helpful he is annoying me and at least half of the other people on this plane so just do a sol a favor and get your dane kid under control after that entitled father just set down again and did nothing anymore but at least I got Brad to - shut up and let me play in peace the next approximately two hours of the flight were rather uneventful until Brett three started to rock in her seat and stamp on this seat in front of her that woke up entitled mom who was sitting in front of her entitled mom honey are you alright Brad three mommy I need to go potty honey I told you no party until we land the toilets on airplanes are full of dangerous germs you can't go party there you'll get sick Brad three mommy I have to go look you didn't want to wear diaper you agreed to go potty again when we arrived we are land soon you can go party then okay just hold on a little longer I'll try both me and girlfriend were shot develop that but we didn't want to say anything after I threatened Brett too so the parents won't go full psycho on us fast forward about 10 minutes I felt my feet getting wet and almost instantly after I realized it brat 3 said mommy I had an accident and began to cry I instantly moved my feet back luckily only the top of my left shoe was way but it still wasn't my favorite experience so while Pratt 3 was crying entitled mom was very tactful about the whole situation by only telling brat 3 you said that you don't want a diaper but I told you to wear one for safety I hope you learn from this and don't make such a scene next time it didn't take much time for the flight attendant to come over to try to clear up the situation flight attendant excuse me is everything okay no nothing is okay here lady my daughter peed her pants because she refused to wear a diaper flight attendant then and she realized she had to go there are two lavatories on this plane they are marked with the letters WC she could have gone there if she needed to use the toilet of course she realized it she's almost four what are you doing calling my daughter stupid I'm not calling anyone stupid I just wanted to know if she knew she had to go you just told me she did so why didn't she go to the toilet entitled mom Oh as if you wouldn't know best airplane toilets are so disgusting full of germs and bacteria that would make her sick also maybe now she learned the hard way that the diaper was necessary flight attendant madam the diaper isn't necessary just because you don't let your daughter use a toilet so who are you to tell me how to raise my child I already raised two children so don't tell me what to do lady flight attendant yeah all right that's none of my business but anyway this was by no means an inevitable accident so I'm afraid you will have to pay for the cleaning of the seat and the floor entitled dad oh heck no we won't pay crap we'll sue you if you send us any bill for the unnecessary cleaning of this seat flight attendant sir I'm sorry but you have to we'll need to deep clean this seat and the floor beneath it to keep up to our high hygiene standards and oh don't be s me hi hygiene standards my butt airplanes are so dirty and disgusting little B won't make any difference we're not paying anything flight attendant I'm afraid you have to it's part of our Terms of Service that you have to pay for the removal of any unnecessary pollution that you may cause on one of our aircrafts and I'm afraid I have to ask you to fasten your seat belt now we're approaching our destination entitled dad yeah sure just run away from the discussion I'll speak to your superior as soon as I leave this plane and I will get you fired sir I have to ask you to remain seated with your seatbelt closed you can talk to my superior all you want but please shut up now before I call CPS as soon as we reach the German ground that made both entitled mom and entitled dead shut up instantly while the plane landed I did my best to avoid any contact with the puddle right in front of me and got up as soon as the plane reached the parking destination and the seatbelt signs were turned off both me and girlfriend left the plane as fast as possible mainly because I needed to go to the bathroom but also because we did not want to have more contact with that family than necessary after I came back from the toilet I saw the family at the gate where we arrived accompanied by two policemen and one person that seemed to work for the airline I guess in the end they had to pay for the cleaning of the seat but I don't know for sure next we've got lady claims to be a secret shopper last night I was working with a manager quiet evening with the mall dead and one hour before closing this lady in her 60s and her friend walked in the manager is really cool and customers usually always love her we've got me manager and the lady manager hi what can I help you with tonight lady I'm just looking I want sales stuff I don't pay no regular price for nothing you hear me nothing manager okay well we have names three sales lady I don't like this that's ugly there's a lot of ugly clothing in here this store should be ashamed I buy my stuff at the regular store and not this ugly outlet stuff what's the price of this manager the tag says it costs this much and it isn't on sale lady lord I don't pay regular for nothing especially not for that it's too ugly for that price manager okay well I'm sorry everything in here is ugly lady you know what I don't like you and how you're talking to me I call your stores headquarters every day and talk to them they listen to me if I don't like someone they're gone manager okay well that's awesome they listen to you said in a very sarcastic tone lady yes I'm a secret shopper and they value my input I've been a shopper with your company for 20 years where is the blahblah pants I buy them because they're more narrow here and there manager no they're wider here and there lady I don't want to look at the brawls this is my size manager well I think you should go up a cup because that's not fitting you correctly you have a lot of spillage here and you would be more comfortable in the next size up I've been shopping here 20 years so I know what I'm talking about keeps flapping her crazy gums and I have to keep cleaning in the dressing room manager well I've been an employee and manager for 10 and worn this stuff half my life so lady goes off again and sometimes during this point she suddenly turns all nice and receptive like a switch went off in her brain she starts listening to manager picking out a few things she thinks aren't ugly etc I'm in the dressing room laughing too hard while trying to sweep and everything else I come back out and check orders etc lady friend you got a tinkle go tinkle before we leave I won't have you messing up to the van at this point the lady is being rung up by the manager she's also trying to order a few things of course she has her friend and manager talking to her but that's not enough she's wound up because I'm not paying attention to her as well she keeps talking about me as I'm five feet away and I keep ignoring her until she yells out at me like a little kid so now we're talking about random stuff because heaven forbid only two people can keep you entertained lady manager please hit green or red and sign lady oh I'm just here running my mouth and I need to sign yes oh okay keeps talking and goes on a tangent against charities PETA none of the money goes to where they should corporations you get it manager okay here's your receipt lady then proceeds to talk about how wonderful we both were hugs manager smooches are on the cheek she'll be back and leaves with her friend manager and I just give each other the classic what the heck just happened look Ben sighed and went back to closing duties yes I'm aware she isn't actually a secret shopper she's just nuts hence the claims in the title next we've got the saga of the Zipit lady I used to live in a large metropolitan city I was with a friend of mine shopping for a few things for her upcoming wedding clothes for her honeymoon etc anyway we were in the woman's clothing Department of a large department store and poking around at the summer dresses an older woman came in maybe late fifties early sixties crazy and was looking at racks close to us my friend Alex and I were a few racks apart and I was closer to the crazy she was furiously flipping through the dresses and muttering gibberish to herself something about her son and married and it wasn't fair or something and I don't know what else I'm trying to catch Alex his attention but she was looking away from me crazy pulled a few items and disappeared into the dressing rooms I told Alex what was up and to maybe avoid that woman and she was clearly upset and getting more and more agitated and mid-sentence out she comes she's wearing a sundress and needed help getting it zipped she storms up to me turns around and presents her back muttering Zipit I can't believe I have to do this just zip it zip it zip it meanwhile I'm fumbling with the zipper as the tab disappeared for a second and she was making me very nervous she's getting louder zip it can't you just zip it zip it I get the tab but for the life of me cannot get it too close she was a heavier woman and the edges of the dress were about an inch apart I kept telling her I couldn't get it to go but I was trying she's bouncing around freaking out and by this point I should have walked away granted I should have refused full stop but my years of customer service kicked in I guess what I needed was another set of hands I look at Alex and started to ask for help anything to get this crazy lady away from us before I could even start to ask she storms over to her and presents her back poor Alex isn't as comfortable around people as I am but bless her she tried I walk over to try and help and the two of us just couldn't get it it was hopeless we dropped our hands and I tried to explain that she might need another size over her incessant muttering I don't even know if she heard me but she starts to freak out screaming all kinds of indecipherable stuff and with a loud screech screams and storms away flinging her arms out her arm caught in a rack of clothes and she sent several articles of clothing and their hangers flying right at my face luckily I threw my arms up and protected my face I had a shirt on my shoulder and a hanger caught in my buttons the rack fell over and she went screeching like a banshee towards the customer service counter where a young woman was behind the desk trying in vain to help a family that couldn't speak English Alex and I didn't stick around we took off half running half --lo crouching away and hidden the next apartment Reid ducked down in housewares and saw this poor family that doesn't even speak English trying to help her get into this name dress we were laughing and so bewildered and looking at each other saying oMG what the heck just happened at what had just occurred it was the main topic of discussion with our friends and family over the next dey's Alex even wanted me to zip her into her wedding dress on her day just so she could say it again and calm her nerves a couple bridesmaids didn't get the joke so we got to tell it again to this day I can call our text Alex and say zip it and she will bust out laughing good times so Karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr. reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look Karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my rearm e-r e-r me most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70% if I'm correct well I can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr. read it no I'm not all right guys let's prove Karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications yeah not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or Karen want to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck I will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 177,108
Rating: 4.8328786 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: CqZineudz3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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