r/ProRevenge - "Friend" Used Me to Pay HIS Mortgage. I Made Him Homeless and a Felon!

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hello my friends and welcome back to our slash pro revenge where many of you come to get your dose of satisfaction by listening to stories about others getting what they deserve guys in this episode you're gonna hear three lovely stories the first is how Opie gets revenge on freeloading roommates who refuse to pay a dime the second story is what happens when a Caryn turns into a manager and tries to slander Opie and the last story is how a business owner loses everything by withholding pay from a high school student I hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories let's get into it this first story is titled take the money I give you four bills and squander it I hope you like the court system I lived with a group of people who I thought were my friends they were two couples and we all lived in the same house for almost two years until I recently moved out there was David and Tina and Brittney and AJ I was the only single person there there was a debate on how we should pay the bills but we all decided to give the money to the person whose name was on the bill David paid the mortgage Tina paid the water and electricity and gas and I paid the Internet it came to a point where I was paying close to 80% of the mortgage by myself the entire water bill about 75% of the gas and electric and I was paying the Internet bill by myself I was giving the money still to the person in charge of the bill but came to find out about 10 days before I moved out that the mortgage was defaulted on and the house was in foreclosure also the water gas and electric bills were in constant threat of being shut off and that the only up-to-date bill was the Internet while they saw me struggle to pay these off they were mindlessly spending money during the day which is when I slept due to working a third shift so I never saw the mindless things they spent money on nor did I ever see the mail since they grabbed it before I woke up Brittany never paid anything as she was having her check garnished dude on paid student loans but she always had expensive makeup AJ never held a job more than two weeks and David and Tina were always calling in to work sick one day I woke up while they were all doing something so I went to go check the mail as I was expecting a package when I saw the bills in the mail I decided to investigate I opened up the gas and electric bill to see a total amount of almost $400 overdue and in risk of being shut off I was shocked and pissed I knew right then and there what was going on and I vowed to screw them over as hard as I could so the revenge I had just interviewed for a new job that paid almost double what I was making so I told myself that if I got the job I would give them a 30-day notice and move out and as it was close to the end of the month and I already paid them I would be moving out before the 1st of February I got the call with a job offer the next day which I happily accepted I did the paperwork for the background check and it all came back clean I typed out a 30-day notice and recorded myself with my phone in my breast pockets handing it to them explaining that I was moving out I started my job and my hunt for an apartment close to my job which I found within a week of starting I took almost the entirety of my checks set them aside for rent deposit and basic things that I would need I was asked several times to help with next month's bills to which I said no as I was saving from my own place and that they had plenty of time to come up with the money between the four of them because I was doing it by myself pretty much on a meager pay rate of $11 an hour before my new job there were a lot of scowls passive aggressive behavior and flat-out attempts to take or use my things or food without permission the day came when I finally went and got my you haul and had a few friends helped me move I was determined to get it all on one go so I got the biggest one they had and we got everything packed up I took everything that was mine down in my pizza stone which they loved my expensive kitchen knives which they would use and never clean even my toilet paper that I had bought three days prior because I needed it after moving everything I sat down on my couch looked around my cat in my lap and breathed a sigh of relief I happen to be good friends with my previous neighbors and I asked them to keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary for days go by and I come to find that the gas electric and water have been turned off and they were asking to fill up some buckets to manually flush toilets bathing etc etc now both couples have dogs so I decided that the dogs were in a dangerous situation as they had no water no heat in the middle of winter and probably no food as I bought the last bag about two weeks prior so I called the local humane society and left an anonymous tip about the dogs and how I was very concerned about them the next day my neighbor Todd texted me telling me that the dogs were taken from the home that my previous housemates were being charged with neglect and because of the lack of utilities that these were not civil but criminal charges this was enough for me to smile but I wanted more I knew that David was divorced and had a child I also knew that he wasn't paying child support I then contacted the local courts and made them aware of the non support and that maybe they could help the agency looking for him I provided the address that we lived at and that the homeowner was the one who is being looked for from there it came to light that he was almost $25,000 behind which is a felony in the state where I live he's now living with someone on their couch as Tina left him the house has been foreclosed on and he has nothing to his name while facing multiple criminal charges the moral of the story is don't take advantage of a friend who knows all of your dirty secrets to think all of this could have been avoided if the roommates just paid the bills properly and weren't such freeloaders if four grown adults can't get their life together enough to cover bills and utilities that Opie covered making $11 an hour guys they deserved what they got if I was ope I would have just let everything get shut off I mean why pay the bills and use my hard-earned money to try to save a sinking ship this story is titled take all the credit for my work and tell the boss that I'm a terrible employee it was because of me that you got fired I used to work in a marketing role in a government department I was part-time and worked along with a girl who i'll call karen who was working on a yearly contract she'd been there for two years and was very friendly with the department manager and this was the reason her contract kept being renewed when my manager when I met leave Karen got temporarily promoted to the manager role this caused a lot of upset in the office as there were a number of more suitable and more qualified people who didn't get the chance to act up as soon as Karen became my manager everything changed my workload increased and as I was part-time I had to absolutely bust my ass to meet project deadlines and all of a sudden I wasn't being included in staff briefs on new projects yet I was expected to work on them my department manager was acting really off with me too this went on for months before I approached my department manager and asked to discuss my workload etc she sat me down and basically told me that I really needed to get my act together as Karen was having to pick up my workload and it was affecting her output because I was in Karen's words so lazy that I should be fired I told the manager what was going on and the actual work I was doing but she took her inside and said that I was just assisting with some parts of projects and it was ridiculous of me to claim that I was managing and completing so many projects on my own so I started making mistakes simple things adding wrong briefs for designers not including prices adding incorrect budgets and missing deadlines etc Karen started to get pulled by various managers asking why she was making so many mistakes and then I knew for sure that she was passing off my work as her own she called me in for a meeting and exploded I walked out she began complaining about me to teammates saying how lazy I was etc my friends began to tell me what was going on one friend told me that Karen was online for an average of 5 hours a day planning her upcoming wedding in Spain and was using the office phones to make international calls to the wedding planners he could see her screen and couldn't believe how lazy she was so she was planning her wedding while I was busting my ass off I decided to skip talking to the managers and what straight to HR I told them to have IT keep a close eye on her computer usage and her outgoing calls I said I could prove that she was the one who was lazy and relying on me I was obviously able to show email trails and the project documents that I'd completed and that she had taken them and saved him as her own two weeks later Karen got called to the HR and was told that her contract wasn't being renewed and that she was given one month's notice she told everyone it was because of budget cuts my department heads brought me in for meetings to apologize and commend me on my excellent work and I got a promotion if they believe me in the first place I wouldn't have endured so many months of stress and anxiety I think this is everyone's worst nightmare when Karen stops asking for a manager because she is manager oh my god she sounds like a horrible person to work for someone that takes credit for your work and has the gall to talk down about you to make you look bad shame on you Karen shame on you this next story is titled falsely accused me and withhold my pay say goodbye to your business I worked at a small local spa company there were only about six workers there I worked for a year and a half and only met the owner once but I talked to them on the phone a lot she was crazy but that's beside the point anyways I got hired because my friend's mom Pam was the manager and someone had quit in the middle of their shift so they needed someone fast I worked really well there and learned very fast I was very good at the job to the point where after a couple of months they sent new hires to be trained by me despite this I didn't get a raise or anything it wasn't a big deal but it would have been nice anyways I was always a closer there would be a list of things I'd have to do after we closed like vacuum and dust and such janitorial things as months go by Pam begins to pick apart things a string that was left on the rug the candy bowls weren't filled etcetera nothing too big slowly things started to get worse eventually I was being told that I was not cleaning rooms that I know for a fact that I had now I admit that once in a while I would forget to clean something but I was getting yelled at for things that I knew for a fact that I cleaned my other problem was when my co-workers would forget to do things she wouldn't yell at them but she would just say try to remember or something along those lines eventually Tam got the other co-workers to lie so she could report me to the owner many days I came right from school and would be wearing jeans Pam left right when I got there so after I clocked in and counted the drawer I would go and change into my work pants well it turns out the other co-workers with lie and tell her that I never changed after this I began taking pictures and time stamping them this works for a little while but then my co-workers would say that I change back into jeans after that picture and when it came to cleaning she would say I didn't clean well enough etc all of these would get turned in to the owner but she wouldn't fire me because they were desperate for people and no one wanted to work there and I wonder why he eventually I quit because I had a job for the summer that gave me many more hours in my summer job I made the same amount of money in seven weeks that I made in a year at that last place right after I left I learned why Pam wanted me gone so bad Pam hired her son my ex friend because he was too lazy to work a job where he couldn't sit around all day that made me mad but even worse they wouldn't give me my last payment I sent multiple emails and text messages to Pam and the owner that reminded them that I needed it when those went unanswered I then threatened legal action being a high schooler I don't believe they thought I would do anything but how wrong they were well there were many reasons I was mad about this so I decided to document every single thing about that place these included an eight-hour workday with no breaks or lunch there were rats in the basement there were ant infestations there were fake security cameras they allowed underaged drinking Pam faking the amount of money we had to pay her son and daughter for under the table work there was child labor as Pam's daughter was not old enough to work not fixing things like building framework mold etc allowing temperatures to go above and below the legal limit on bad days it was above a hundred or below fifty inside there was drug use they sold client information Pam compiling clients for another worker to take with them to a new company not doing anything about harassment and not paying workers there'd be days where we didn't have enough money in the drawer and the owner or Pam would be too lazy to go to the bank so they would just straight up not pay us not only this but prior to me leaving I recorded some of the verbal abuse from Pam believe it or not I even got them to admit to making false write-ups on me there was more but I can't remember what else right now anyways I compiled all of this and sent it in an email to OSHA in the end both Pam and the owner were served with some hefty fines and Pam is even facing jail time right now for fraud the owner had to shut down their business and sell it I don't know if the owners facing any jail time I also emailed every spa within 50 miles so the owner Pam and some co-workers have been blacklisted from working within an hour of where we were located I never did receive my last payment it wasn't worth going to court over but what came out of it was so much better so this sounds like a really sketchy spa company that deserves to be shut down the things that Opie listed are just horrendous I mean allowing underage drinking drug use and paying co-workers under the table and sometimes not paying them yeah this place needs to go and I'm glad it was sooner rather than later and that's it for this episode of our slash pro revenge if you didn't catch the last episode of our slash pro revenge it's a really good tale so if you haven't heard it click the video right now I hope you guys got your revenge fix for the day and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 143,477
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Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, mortgage, foreclosure stories
Id: nvQrvuNCWCI
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Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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