r/EntitledPeople - Karen Tries to "STEAL" My Home! Says Her and Her Boyfriend Need It!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled people where people truly believe the world revolves around them and that they can do no wrong and in this episode we've got Karen's policing disabled seating people trying to trade homes because they don't like theirs toxic family members and a Karen teacher who learns a nice lesson after picking on the wrong student guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories hit subscribe if you haven't and as always you can send or link your stories to this email right here [Music] okay so this happened a couple of years ago now sometime during the summer I started experiencing weird symptoms such as double vision complete limb numbness and temporary paralysis one day I had enough and decided to take the bus to the hospital since no one could take me I got on the bus and immediately sit on the seat closest to me which was the seat for disabled individuals as I could barely lift my right leg by this point the first few stops were fine but then in comes Karen so she's a woman around five foot two and she looks to be in her 60s and she beeline straight to me now I don't think anything of it and assume she's gonna sit in one of the seats across from me but no and here is where the interaction starts Karen says excuse me but you are occupying a seat that's meant for disabled folk at that I nod keep in mind I'm feeling incredibly ill at this point Karen says so get out you look healthy and young get up I shake my head again and Karen says I said yeah at up I tell her I'm sick and Karen says you Mexicans are always finding ways to take advantage at this I sigh and shake my head thinking I'm not even Mexican she then goes on and says do you understand she then grabs my elbows and tries to lift me out of the seat and that's when I say ma'am I'm on my way for an emergency and I will call the police if you don't stop touching me so after hearing me say please she huffed and sat down but when it came time for my stop she tried to hold her leg out for me to trip on mumbling something about idiots always taking up seats not meant for them I drag myself out and walked into the hospital I ended up being diagnosed with Ms later on and I still get grief for it because people think I look too healthy so yeah reading stories like this always makes me angry guys I don't know how some people feel the need to police everything in the world like I really don't like if nobody needs that spot at the moment and the bus isn't packed there's no problem with someone sitting there is there at least that's what I think and just because you're young and look healthy doesn't always mean you can't be a disabled Karen I'll never forget this one story I read where a woman told op you don't look like someone who's disabled only to be mortified when Opie pulls up their pant leg to reveal a prosthetic and guys I just want to add that I hope one day Karen you people's the wrong person and she gets taught some sort of lesson [Music] so this happened about eight and a half years ago and I get reminded of it from time to time I was on the government waiting list for a place to live for over eight years when I got a call asking to go to a viewing I went to see the flat it had a small bedroom a tiny bathroom and a sitting room and a kitchen it wasn't much but it had central heating my old place was one room with high ceilings and no heating it took like two seconds to think about it and I signed the lease a week later I got my keys and started moving a few things in my friend who I'd stay with sometimes on the weekend wanted to come by to see the place before I moved everything in she lived up the street from me so I told her to come take a look so as soon as she walks in she starts telling me how I was gonna repaint and decorate and I'm thinking what the f and it continued on like this so she basically says so the bedroom is gonna be completely Hello Kitty themed and I tell her no I like the color the way it is she goes on and says and we'll have Victorian wallpaper in the bathroom okay I tell her no effing way that's happening like what kind of loony puts wallpaper in a room that's going to be filled with steam daily she then tells me okay so here's a big one you'll also need to change your bed covers every Friday by 5 PM and you can't use your bed until Sunday nights or Monday morning depending on when we leave hearing that I say what the f when we leave we did I miss something she goes on to say listen you know how much I hate my roommate right well me and my boyfriend hate seeing him so I don't want to always have to be quiet when we're doing it so we're gonna take your place from Friday until Sunday and you can sleep at my place we need somewhere nice and private without my a-hole housemate and you've slept on my sofa before it'll be fine she then gives me a huge grin and followed it with or here's an idea we could move into your place and pay your rent and you can sleep on my sofa and pay my rent it'll be like a trade your place is so much better I put up with her ranting about how she was going to properly decorate for a couple of minutes and she made sure to tell me to not move anything else in until she could inspect it and see if it was on her approval list before it came into the flat so needless to say I kicked her out and blocked her number social media Etc a friend told me that she spent a while badmouthing me on Facebook but thankfully enough people know how crazy she was and probably still is my goodness guys like did this Karen really try to trade places with OP so her and her boyfriend can be louder while doing their business like I'm shaking my head so hard at this okay so we'll just stay at your place on the weekends so my boyfriend and I can get some alone time and oh don't worry about sleeping Arrangements at my place the couch is nice and comfy like the nerve of some people to make their problems into other people's problems all I can say is enjoy decorating your place the way you wanted op good riddance block that woman from your life foreign my two brothers have always been naturally skinny and they have maintained an active lifestyle through most of their life me on the other hand I was born on the pudgier side and never really had an interest in sports other than swimming but I didn't get to work on that hobby by the time I was in the Army I was quite heavy at like 246 pounds and while I was never teased badly my family especially my mom enjoyed poking fun at it she would bring up my eating habits and so on and Mom often rolled her eyes when someone commented that I've lost weight and so on since my mom was and still is quite the blob herself I just ignored her and her comments as such but being stationed in a far away base most of the guys in my base were quite fit me on the other hand I wasn't assigned a combative role due to a medical condition so instead of putting me in a combative role they decide to have me on the oh so safe field of heavy duty Machinery genius again most of the men serving in my unit were very fits and very muscular now while I was never jealous of them or teased for being fat one day I just took a good look in the mirror and was like I can do better and so I decided to start and change things I'd watch very carefully what I ate drank mostly water joined the voice on their evening jogs and convince my sergeant friend to get me access to their gym and have him train me in Krav Maga a few times a week I kept on to what I was doing and I was very strict at keeping it until I reached my target weight and soon enough I had to pay a visit to the Quartermasters and get a smaller sized uniform after about a year and a half of regular exercise weightlifting and a healthy diet I lost a lot of weights and built quite a lot of muscle mass in all honesty it was my sergeant friend who convinced me to visit their gym and encouraged me to lose weight and man I'm glad I listened so while I was proud of the progress my family who's teased me about my weight most of my life weren't as happy as I was but they said nothing the teasing stopped but there wasn't much beyond that other than a semi-complement like did you take this shirt from one of your brothers whenever I wore something that actually fit me or they would say why are you still wearing this huge thing if I kept clothing from the time I was bigger I still got comments during meals if I took an extra scoop but whatever I didn't care I didn't lose weight to get compliments okay maybe I did but just a little bit moving on to where this gets entitled so by the time I turned 22 I was back into civilian life as well as working myself through University and also a part-time job also during that time I saved enough to afford a gym membership close to my campus they were more on the pricey side but that's due to the location and being more on the high end while I was being the healthiest and most physically fit I've ever been my entire life my older brother wasn't faring as much he stopped jogging his smoking got worse and he was getting chubbier every day now he's not obese by any means but he's not nearly as fit as he used to be and he's only in his late 30s it only got worse during family gatherings especially weddings where a lot of distant relatives and those we don't meet often would also be present also I'm a massive introvert it so fully packed events are not my thing I'd often avoid those and barely even meet with my extended family during my service so you can imagine some of my relatives shock seeing me over a hundred pounds lighter some didn't even recognize me and I guess my brother got some comments from people because he no longer looked smug whenever he looked at me so about eight months into my membership there my mom sits me down to have a serious conversation and the conversation went as follows basically I asked what's up Mom is everything okay my mom tells me everything's fine honey but I just want to talk to you about something I say to her uh okay now I had a bad feeling because these conversations always seem to be about me doing something wrong my mom says well you know your father and I are very proud at you for how far you've come you're looking very handsome I thank you for the compliments and she goes on and says but me and Dad are a little worried with all the expenses we have along with your tuition and not your gym membership we're getting a little tight can you cancel your membership please we can't afford it hearing her say that I'm thinking okay here we go I tell her uh mom you guys don't pay for my gym membership I do and she says and who gave you that money I tell her it's money I've saved from birthdays allowance and work I'm also on a scholarship so you guys aren't paying for school it's at this point my mom gets frustrated and say well you can't go to your gym anymore and I say and why is that because we your dad and I think that your brother should use it instead he really wants to go to that gym but he can't afford it it really depresses him like don't you think it's mean of you to keep going there while he can't we've decided that you can't go anymore it's not fair towards your brother you are gonna cancel that membership and that's final I tell her no and that's when she says well I'll be giving them a call and canceling it for you stop being selfish and be more fair towards your brother like why can't you do this one one thing for your brother like it's bad enough that he quit jogging now he's smoking and you're not helping with what you're doing be more considerate also think about your father I asked her so dad has a problem with me working out too Mom says you know how he can barely move with his bad back and here you are going to the gym all the time at this point I'm holding onto my last nerve and I say Mom I'm not gonna stop working out because my brother a man baby in his 30s is seeing me get healthier while he tries tucking in his beer guts if my looser genes affect him so much he can get up and do something about it like it's funny how you've never said anything to either of my brothers to tone down the teasing when I was big at that point I just got up and went about my business while she sulked and gave me the cold shoulder the rest of the day however it got weird during meal times she would try to get me to eat a lot more or she would cook very fatty things on purpose buy sugar pack drinks bring up fast food places whenever we were eating out and then she would get mad at me when I said McDonald's isn't a restaurant whatever she tried to do didn't work and soon I began buying my types of soft drinks myself or just drink more water now even though my dad supported my brother he didn't say much and I have no idea why she even brought him up anyways that's my tail I lived with them for four more years until I saved up enough to move out in 2015. after that some things happened that led me to cut all contact with the three of them yeah so reading the story I'm just shaking my head so hard at this guys I can't believe Opie's family couldn't even be proud and happy for him for making such a big change in his life and what an accomplishment a hundred pounds lost is like crazy it's like a new person and the really crazy thing is the mom tried to sabotage op to get him to put back on the weight he lost so his brother wouldn't feel bad about himself that's absurd guys some people truly would rather bring people down than to bring themselves up and that's a toxic toxic family and I'm glad op's out of that situation and hey if you're listening live your best life my man like you're the main character in your life so live it how you want I've had a long and elaborate history with injuries especially breaking my arm starting from the day I was born my health has been complicated I have a few conditions but none serious enough to impact my daily life as I know it I also have a very weak immune system and somewhat easy to break bones on top of that I'm the definition of clumsy I'm also a huge idiot who gets herself into dangerous situations for fun now my mom has obviously known me from birth and she knows the extent of my weird bad luck and health issues I've broken my arms a collective 13 times my entire life and almost every time I got injured or sick it seems somebody had something to say about it now I don't know why but teachers just love to say that students they get hurt often are attention seeking fakers every time it's the same for some reason a teacher doesn't believe me they'll call me a liar in front of everybody I get bullied for a while and then I have to try to prove that I'm not faking I could post so many stories of teachers doing this but this is a story about the time my mom actually managed to do something thing about it this took place around 7th grade I had broken my wrist by climbing on top of something I wasn't supposed to and then falling off like a dumbass my wrist was in a velcro cast since I'm very allergic to the regular cast material my teacher let's call her Mrs tablet taught history and our personalities clashed a bit we hadn't had any real issues before this but we just didn't mesh well she was absent one day and we had a sub in I also knew the sub as we had her many times before I didn't like her but I was still respectful in class and tried to get my work done she got me in trouble for doodling on my paper once or twice but other than that everything was fine or so I thought the next day I went to class like usual we were working on an assignment about Egypt and their tablets when Mrs tablet called me to her desk I went over thinking she'd just get onto me for drawing on the back of my homework or something only to get bombarded with a bunch of really weird questions the interaction went something like this so Mrs Talbot said so you know why I called you up here right at that I say no ma'am I can't say that I do she then goes out and says well how long have you had that cast I tell her about a week now why she says I don't think you need that cast do you really need that cast hearing her say that I was confused and just said uh yes she then goes out and says well the substitute teacher told me that she saw you take it off I tell her it's a cast I can't take it off why it would hurt the teacher then says so if I ask the class they would say you need that cast I tell her yes and if I called your parents right now they would say the same thing I tell her yes they were the ones who took me to the hospital to get the cast now I want to note that she did this in front of the whole class I was eventually dismissed and people looked at me weird for the rest of the class as I later learned apparently the substitute had told Mrs tablet that I had taken off my cast as soon as I left clap and that I threw it inside my locker saying haha I'm getting away with doing less work so basically she pretended that I was a bad guy in a crappy high school movie now I don't know why she said this but it had my teacher convinced that I was a liar and a fake now I could technically remove my cast since it was velcro but it would have been extremely painful and it's not like I could just walk around without it I wasn't gonna make a big deal out of it at the time but it turns out that she was serious about calling my parents but she made the mistake of calling my mom now me and my mother don't have a perfect relationship because she has anger issues so we don't always get along well but she loves me very much and she doesn't let people like this mess with me if she can stop it so according to my mom Mrs tablet calls her all cocky and she said things like so apparently your daughter's wearing a cast did you know that and well we know how dramatic teenage girls can be especially unique kids like her she apparently even tried to threaten to have me suspended before my mom stopped and and tore her to shreds for talking about her daughter like that I don't think I'm allowed to repeat what was said by the end but Mrs tablet had to retreat with her tail tucked between her legs and with that she started being even more cold to me after that day she starts giving me unfair detentions for not sitting still and for doodling on the side of my worksheets even then outside school we went to the same Art Studio sometimes which is weird that someone who hates art so much likes to paint she basically poisoned the art director against me and got me put into a lower class and when my mom found out about this she was livid my mom has never been a PTA mom she honestly can't stand most of the PTA members and their kids my mom is however friends with a very lovely woman on the County School Board which has more power than the PTA she told her friend everything that happened and supplied all the doctor's notes needed to prove that I needed my cast her friend managed to convince the rest of the board that Mrs tablet was discriminating against an impaired student given her comments about me being slower and just wearing the cast to slack off along with detentions related to me not sitting still when she knew I had nervous movements and slight ADHD at the art studio my mother pulled me from the classes I took it upon myself to inform the fellow kids about why and rumors spread quickly soon enough kids were getting pulled left and right and my art teacher was pulling strings to try to get the situation under control I actually think the studio went into temporary closure before reopening again she was suspended for a week to go under investigation and it turns out that she treated a lot of the unique as she put it students in a similar way she was verbally reprimanded by two different departments and instead of getting her standard Rays over the next three years she'll only get half that not only that but she had to retake a course on how to properly treat students and if she's ever caught crossing the line again she'll lose tenure she'll just be getting her bonus back at the start of next school year and I'd like to say that I hope she learned her lesson yeah so first of all Breaking Your Arms 13 times is freaking insane Opie holy crap and like second uh even if Opie was faking it that was a horrible way to go about it and she got destroyed guys and now my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people I hope you guys enjoyed today's stories I hope you didn't shake your heads too hard and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy crazy stories and if you guys missed yesterday's episode on the channel it's an r slash I don't work here lady we're a psycho Karen tries to have op jailed for refusing to serve her and it doesn't end well for her it's crazy so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 162,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: zITPTH_3gOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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