r/entitledparents "Karen visits my Pizza Restaurant!"

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what are you doing here shouldn't you be in school right now I work here lady I graduated from high school last year thank you you lied to me now you will face the true power of the garret our first story will be reading today two entitled moms in the span of six hours from user chance bridge after that Tim principal demands me to shave my beard has it backfire on him from user true madness and then we'll be wrapping up with revenge comes twice from user jazz the sauce God thank you so much to our authors for letting us read your stories and if you're an author who would like me to read your stories next please submit them to the our / mr. reddit subreddit and if you're new don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories every single day - entitled moms in the span of six hours okay so like I said in a previous post I work at a pizza restaurant in my town and I love working there so school started for the town on August 12th and since I graduated a year early I don't go to high school ever again I have been working morning shifts like crazy due to the fact that most of the dishwashers go to school and you can't just leave school for work our cast note these aren't their real names we've got entitled mom one entitled mom to me John my manager Larry the host and we've got the blind woman okay let's get to the story here I was on my lunch break and since I wasn't getting any dishes I set in one of the small booths by the front well I had just taken my first bite of my pizza when I noticed a woman staring at me I didn't think anything of it at the time so I just shrugged it off not five minutes later the woman walks up to me and in the most can I speak to your manager voice she says um excuse me what do you think you are doing young man uh I'm eating my lunch is there a problem yes there is I believe you are skipping school and ruining your future people like you disgust me she then points to my shirt I'm wearing it says 2020 future graduate the reason why I'm wearing this is because I wear crappy shirts to work so I don't get my good shirts dirty I look at her confused and realized that she must think I'm a high school student I give a small chuckle and look at this woman oh I graduated a year early and I wear my school shirts to work because I have a lot of them oh crap no one can graduate high school early that lie might work on other people but not me I did and would you please go away I'm on my lunch break and I would like to eat entitled mom one grabs me by my arm and pulls me out of the booth I'm in shock that this lady is trying to drag me out of work I start to yell for one of my managers to help me but before I knew it my manager John had gotten entitled mom ones hands off of me and was yelling at her for what she was doing entitled mom one begins to lie saying that I made gestures to her and how I was going to hurt her yeah my boss didn't believe a single thing that she said as he saw the whole thing and since there wasn't really anyone in the restaurant he heard the whole thing as well entitled mom one gets upset and storms out of the restaurant without paying for anything so my manager calls the cops and about twenty minutes later she is back with a cop by her side the cops had found her at the school telling a teacher that there was a student skipping school at the pizza restaurant she had to pay and I think she was arrested or something like that I don't really know she is also banned from the restaurant now ii entitled mom arrived a few hours later it was near the shift-change when this happened I wasn't there for the whole story but this is what I heard happened we have a regular lady who comes in and always tips $20 no matter what this lady is also blind and has a service dog named dodo which she named from her favorite movie The Wizard of Oz blind woman was by herself and Toto was sitting next to her under the table entitled mom 2 shows up with a rather large Bulldog and this thing starts barking at Toto the moment the dog sees him Larry one of the hosts asks entitled mom to to either leave or half the dog wait outside since dogs were not allowed in the restaurant entitled mom - starts telling Larry that she will do no such thing and her dog is not a problem she then notices toto under the table that blind woman was at why the heck is she allowed to have a dog in here then Larry that is a service dog ma'am and they are allowed in here the sign says no dogs so that animal must Joe know that dog can stay here but you must Larry was quickly cut off as entitled mom - walks towards blind woman in toto entitled mom - tries to grab total but apparently toto bitter hand since she was being attacked she screamed so loudly that I run out from the back to see what was going on and the next thing I see was a horrible entitled mom - tries to hurt total people begin to either pull entitled mom - away and restrain her or they are protecting toto from this crazy lady the cops are called and entitled mom - is arrested she said that she was trying to pet the dog but it bit her yeah no one believed her for a second one of the cops asked blind woman what she saw and she said I didn't see anything but I heard a lot of yelling and screaming we all got a good laugh out of that and my manager didn't charge her for her meal and she gets 25% off any time she eats there toto was taken to the Animal Hospital in his fine and well yeah my last day working is on Saturday as I am leaving for college next we've got Tim principal demands me to shave my beard has it backfire on him hi mr. reddit I like to first say thank you for reading my stories I enjoy your videos and find it oddly surreal to hear it being told so thank you secondly I was requested by a fellow soldier of the re army to tell more of my Encounters of my teachers and after having a thought of it I have three stories which does include this one that I think you might enjoy so if you want to use them you have my full permission it's high school and all us kids are returning from our two-week off vacation sure enough we have an assembly in the PE building we all go in and I look to the front to see the vice principal and our main attraction of this story from here on out I will refer to him as Professor why you may ask well to put it lightly if he didn't fit the stereotypical arrogant smug glasses down nose uptight professor from a high-end school then I don't know what is even his own stance had this I am so much smarter than all of you combined matter as all us kids find a place to sit the vice-principal gets our attention he lets us know that professor will be our temporary principal for three months while our own principal would be away so we should welcome him to our school then it was the professor's turn he even spoke down to us Thank You vice principal while I am new to this school I am from this other school as I expect nothing but the best from them I expect the same from you in case anyone is wondering the school he came from has one of the worst reputations in our region so why he walked around like he won all the Nobel prizes was beyond me we were shortly dismissed fast forward to lunchtime and I am in my usual hangout area with my friends I should point out that I had a well trimmed beard at the time I'll explain later why this is important as I am just chatting away when I see professor walking towards us I see him and thought you know I should welcome him so that's what I did me hi professor professor have a shave he didn't even look at me it wasn't even a request it was an order a sharp bitter order they just kept on walking like he owned the place while I just stood there shocked knowing in that moment that I was going to be in a world of hurt with him the next day my name gets called over the loudspeaker to go to the front office sure enough I do there I get assured to the principal's office where professor is standing there he just points to his seat and I sit down as I do he starts do with shave again in that sharp bitter order tone um no you will shave me in a jerk way no professor slamming his hands on the table I told you to shave so you will have a shave that's still a no professor collecting his stance but still firm it's against school policy to have any kind of facial hair so it will shave ice smile like the Cheshire Cat now I promised you why I had a beard and in this short intermission will show why I was smiling you see this was my one real time I was ever rebellious in my school years and that I didn't know the school policy apart the basics this little line was used on me prior of him by the vice-principal and a fellow teacher what I responded with was the same I gave to professor and to the vice principal prior prove it show me where it says in the school policy that no one can have any facial hair when you do I will gladly shave mine off and I expect that you will enforce the policy on yourself he had a beard also the other male teachers and some of the ladies too oh I can be a jerk when I choose to be or want to or just in general professor quickly backpedaling in his statement the policy is for students me still being a smarty it's school policy professor therefore the teachers must also follow it - professor is glaring at me rage in his eyes clearly never been spoken to by a student if you do not shave you will get detention I smile yet again why the school I went to was in a small town surrounded by other small towns I lived in one said small town that was a 30 minute drive away my only way to and from is one of the school buses my mother before I even started high school told me that if I got detention she by no means would pick me up I took that to heart me looking at the phone you want to dial or shall I professor looked taking back slightly but quickly got back to his normal self and got my mother's number the to talk as I am just watching his face go from determination to confusion to anger to confusion again and then defeat he hangs up turn to me furious he knows I know full well what my mother said to him then he gets an idea he won't get detention but for the next week you will get in-school detention I was confused as I never heard of such a thing so I asked him what it was they told me that next week this was on a Friday the start of second period recess third and fourth period I would be placed into detention where he expected me to do my schoolwork I look at him noticing the obvious flaw in his so-called genius plan he was punishing me by giving me free time professor smugly now I will give you three days if you shave so what do you say I stand up I'll see you next week professor Monday comes and sure enough I go to my in-school detention which was just in a small room next to the front office and the principal's office that was used for parent-teacher meetings I go in and spend my time just doodling on the whiteboard as I came to realize that I wasn't being supervised during my whole time in there Tuesday I didn't even bring any of my schoolwork just some drawing books and my gameboy as I said in the front office waiting area to students see me student whine hey o P what are you doing here oh I got in-school detention in-school detention I then explained what it was which both of them just laughed by how sheer stupid it was Wednesday and I have two new inmates who are they student 1 and student 2 Thursday we had two more by Friday there were seven of us after my time was up I get called to the principal's office again and there's Professor all smug like so did we learn our lesson me with the most straightest of phases nope professor now furious checkout I shrugged and left needless to say he didn't bother me after that my little story went wild through the school as more and more kids were getting in-school detention because of him he soon stopped doing it after a month because the students that were getting it to what I can recall was in their double digits I was glad when he left so here I am in my 30s and yes I still have a beard now if you like this do let me know and if you want to hear more I got two more stories mr. grumpy and the legend the myth and the horror of the red dragon and our final story of the day revenge comes twice hey you guys hope you're enjoying your day I think I have a story that fits here perfectly England is my city so being a UK resident I should be able to write competently if I don't a thousand apologies I warn now maybe a story very long you grammar people mad much I'll put it to long didn't freeze at the bottom cast we've got me I don't know who he is you tell me but I heard he's really good-looking we've got heartless the victim of the revenge we've got heartless husband my mother best person I know and we've got cool neighbor friends with his son back story my mother had made a friend her name was heartless she had a horrible boyfriend and had just recovered from a miscarriage this was before she warranted revenge she asked if she could live with us I'm not sure if she helped out with bills but I don't believe she did not gonna lie as you will see heartless lived with us for a while she moved out and that was where our story begins the story my mom's brother my uncle let her move into his property which he led pay for rooms to live in out to people in my city he lives in London we do not well her roommates couldn't stand her as she didn't pay for her part in the water electric bills which put the whole house behind in bills heartless also constantly argued with her housemates they obviously kicked her out heartless actions in my uncle's other house caused a rift between my mum and her brother as we put someone who nearly caused my uncle to lose money in his other property they made up eventually all these events happened in 2014 revenge one now heartless disappears she resurfaced in 2017 and moved in next door to us she didn't even come to us and say anything not even in greeting as for the foreseeable future we would be neighbors even though I live in the prestigious city of England big up my guy Nick Crompton I do have a ghanaian heritage and people of African background even Asian background find it extremely rude not to greet someone you know for example once my friend's parents punished them for not greeting someone it's that extreme I'm not exaggerating and I mean African punishment not go to your room weren't grounded thank God my mum's not like that so when this happened my mom was extremely offended one cold winter in 2018 my mum was leaving the house to go to work when suddenly heartless his husband drove recklessly towards his house on the pavement if my mum had left the house literally two seconds earlier he would have got her he was doing at least 25 to get to his house what an idiot obviously I was enraged so I egged his car I'll explain in detail later he spent a week driving around wondering what that eggie smell was when he finally washed his car he noticed the egg on the hood of his car and he was livid I woke to a bang on my door and shouting fearing my mum would be mad if she found out what I did I didn't open the door she didn't awake so lucky me our other next-door neighbor opened the door he told heartless his husband to calm down the following conversation ensued I spy and laugh from my bedroom and they don't see me heartless his husband open the door I know you're inside he continues to bang on the door cool neighbor hey hey hey what's going on heartless and her husband walk out of my garden and go into my cool neighbors heartless husband hey threw eggs on my car look cool neighbor are you sure he's been a good person to me heartless with a look of shock screeches the famous right and says he's been highly annoying playing music loud singing and shouting loudly and banging on the walls I may have been making life tough for them but they were talking poo about my mum behind her back and also ruining friendship she had cool neighbor he's never been like that with me do you have proof cuz I can check my cameras yes check the cameras yes you will see him do it one thing Tweedledee and Tweedledum heartless husband and heartless didn't know was I am a master strategic if I want to do something like throw eggs at someone's car I'm not going to get caught so I waited for a time when no one would be outside the dead of the night ideally between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. no camera could capture me in the act cool neighbor had kindly positioned the camera to overlook mine and his front and back camera his cameras aren't night-vision so their light is the motion activated ones in his front garden so I never left my house I opened the window closest the heartless husband and heartless driveway where their car was parked and threw the eggs the camera wouldn't be able to see me as there was no light in the pitch-black night I obviously didn't turn the light of the room on the actual perfect plan so I was never caught the real real revenge but it turns out I should have left it to karma as a few days ago we got a letter a letter came to our house and we opened it before realizing it was for heartless idiot never changed her mail address it was a letter from her work and had a report a written out recording of a hearing between heartless and her employer heartless was a carer for the elderly she arrived late to the patient's house watched TV or slept and the patient passed away the letter stated she was watching TV when the doctor and EMT team arrived what kind of person are you if you can't even console a grieving person she didn't even console or offer a drink or aid the patient's husband it said that a heartless will be reprimanded or be sacked and as the patient's husband blames her as it states in the letter they said that if she wasn't sleeping his wife would still be alive or he could have been with her when she left I personally hope it goes to court anyway heartless was supposed to go to a hearing with her work yesterday however as my mom keeps forgetting to go to the street mailbox she may not know about the meeting she was supposed to have in the UK there's a mailbox for the whole area not on every house like the US that's why she hasn't sent it back to sender yet but we will I'll give an update if I find anything out and congrats to our Regenerist of the day spider Elliott and MD Gould become tomorrow's regionals by dropping as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 147,358
Rating: 4.8420324 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: b43cHRCmHF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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