r/EntitledPeople - Karen Thinks My Fancy Car is a Toy for Her Son! Demands My Keys!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL entitled people where people truly believe that they're the center of the universe and nobody else matters and in today's episode Opie tells a story about the time he encounters an entitled Karen and her son who seemed to think they own his car guys I hope you enjoy the stories today don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive [Music] in so this happened and yes it was as stupid as it sounds so for some quick context I'm a cleaner at a private school it costs a lot of money to send your kids to private schools so you can imagine the amount of Rich entitled BS that goes on anyways on this day it's 400 p.m. I've been at work for an hour just getting on with what I'm doing when this Karen comes storming into the classroom I'm cleaning she then shouts at me hey you need to move your car I say to her what why she then speaks very slowly and loudly for some reason saying you need to move your car at that I just copy her Tone and say no I don't she then does some confused blinking and she says why are you talking like that I say to her because you were she then says whatever just move your stupid car it's blocking me and I have an appointment so which I say lady my car is not blocking in you I'm parked along the back row by a hedge blocking nobody that's when Karen says you are lying come and move your car right now so this goes on for about 5 minutes and eventually I figure she won't shut up unless I do something so I say to her look if I prove that my car is not blocking you will you leave me alone Karen says yes just move the stupid thing so I can go so I go get my keys from the cupboard where my stuff is Karen practically glued to my shoulder the whole time I then go to the car parking lot press the button on my key and the lights blink on my beat up Fiat in the corner I then say to Karen see that's my car right there not blocking anyone now thinking that's the end of it I turned back and go to my job and that's when Karen starts screaming behind me she says that's not your car how do I know you didn't take some random person's Keys your car is in front of mine now get your car keys and move it and this is the point I asked her okay which car do you think is mine and I figured if it's a staff member's car I could direct this crazy woman to them so she marches over to a Range Rover presumably hers which was blocked in by a brand new Porsche a brand new freaking Porsche sports car it was parked right in front of her where it wasn't supposed to be parked she then glares at me and I must have stared at her for like 10 seconds before I start laughing my butt off I say to her lady if you think that I can afford that car on a part-time cleaning job you must be delusional the Karen then starts yelling how I'm being disrespectful and talking to her like she's stupid and that she's going to have my car towed I just walked away I don't get paid enough to deal with that crap now I have no idea what happened after that but I really hope that the Porsche driver didn't leave for another few hours just to stick it to her guys I love this post Rich entitled people versus other Rich entitled people and honestly I would have burst out laughing to you guys like ma'am I'm so flattered you think a person like me could afford a $100,000 car thank you very much like seriously did she just March around and assume the car belonged to the first person she came across because if that's her reasoning she might have a little bit too much money and not enough brain like I'm still trying to figure that out like how she managed to put that together and I'm shaking my head guys so this happened while we were on a hiking trip in my country now usually the moral of the story comes at the end but this is genuinely important so I'll say it in the beginning always always always follow instructions on a hike especially when Crossing difficult terrain with that said here's some background now if you've never been on a hike hikes are usually divided into tiers based on a person's endurance speed capabilities Etc however this hike had one level due to a shortage in people and guides it was a small group and being a small group my best friend and I were asked to assist given that we're regulars on this Trail and we're Advanced hikers now we were walking quite a distance on a narrow path that forced everyone into a single line the path is dirt and leaves with rocks scattered and it was generally downwards with scattered streams of water making certain sections of the trail muddy and slippery it's not a big issue for most of us but we had two unruly new people with us Karen and her son they complained about the mother mud the plants the insects just about everything we were tolerant but that changed pretty quick when we reached a rather flimsy spots where the dirt is very slippery and slipping off would not kill you it's about a good 8 to 10 m slide off into a bunch of tree ranches and other plants again it won't kill you but it might be a painful trip to the hospital for sure depending on how you fall or slip so me my best friend and the guide situate ourselves at the beginning middle and end of the drop respectively to help people step across mostly allowing them to stand on our feet or footholds we made with our feet and here's the cast it was Karen her son the guide my best friend hiker 1 hiker 2 me my mom and my friend's mom I start giving directions saying okay girl hiker one stand on my right foot and then grab my best friend's hand my best friend and guide give similar instructions and we were in a position where the entitled kid is next I'm supporting girl hiker number two that's when the entitled kid says mom Mom take a video of me doing this I'm going to Sprint across really fast I say to him no you won't that's dangerous stand on my right foot and reach to him my friend and take his hand that's when the mom says no you can't tell my kid what to do just let him Sprint across go on go do what you want that's when I say no man if you do this and you slip we'll all be in danger and I might not even be able to catch him so get back of course the kid doesn't listen he runs a bit upwards and away from my reach and within his third step he loses his footing and slips he's now between me and my best friend while slipping he grabs the girl hiker's leg pulling her down with him my best friend grabs her arm and I grab her second one I'm screaming holy crap at this point and that's when the entitled mom says my son why would you idiots let him fall you bastards better not let him get hurt pull him up my best friend says he caused this meanwhile entitled mom keeps screaming oh my goodness you'd better not let him get hurt I ask the hiker if she's okay and she says I'm okay but he's holding on to my leg and kicking so I can't get a good footh hold by now the entire group is looking in horror and the mother is screaming like a banshee while the guide grabs a rope and tossed it to the kid the kid wouldn't let go of the girl's leg though forcing me and my best friend to start losing our footh holds my best friend then screams at him saying hey let go of the girl and grab the Rope or we all go down that's when entitled mom says don't you dare scream at him this is all your fault you and this Trail I tell the mom to shut up and then say to hiker 2 I need to grab you by the shirt is that okay girl hiker 2 says yes yes just get me out of here so with that I reach down and grab her by the shirt and then pulled her enough for my best friend to grab her bag and pull up with me we felt the dirt beneath us giving way the dirt was slipping into the kid's eyes as it was tumbling down onto him he began to flail and scream causing the mother to start screaming as well she screams Don't You Worry Baby Hold On she then looks at us and says you idiots are hurting him we end up pulling the kid back up after a struggle that's when Karen ran to the kid to check up on him while cursing at all of us calling us idiots irresponsible and she kept threatening to sue now what she forgot and did not account for is that both mine and my best friend's mom are with us and they all saw this go down best friend's mom even recorded everything my mom says our kids saved your idiot son so one more word out of you and it'll be my mom doesn't even get to finish her sentence when best friend's mom shoves the entitled mom into a tree trunk screaming how dare you call my son an idiot after he saved your son's life I have half a mind to throw you off this ledge into that ditch say one more word about my son I dare you hearing that the entitled mom and the kid visibly shrank as the entire group gathered around them yelling and blaming her and her kid for what they did we brushed it off and continued the trail Karen and her son were noticeably silent the rest of the way following our instructions all the way to the end after that the guide issued them a ban from our group and the other groups we usually collaborate with and also I didn't mention the sun was 20 9 years old I thought this would be a juicy last piece of information for y'all holy cow guys so reading this post I totally thought the kid was like a teenager at most but 29 years old like at that age they should have just left him in that little dirt ditch to fend for himself right and guys reading stuff like this where people's entitlement end dangersous others really makes me mad like way too dude your stupidity could have seriously injured that hiker girl that you decided to pull down with you now I honestly never expected to post here mainly because all my life I've met virtually not one entitled person but holy macaroni when this happened I was fuming over this this happened at a family and friends gathering in the summer about 30 m from my hometown my grandpa wanted me to go and honestly it's hard to say no to the man that I respect most in my family since it was summer I decided to drive my n 1965 blue convertible Ford Mustang to the Gathering I get there and so far it's a great time most of the family members myself included chat for a bit and after a few minutes I go walk around the outside of the house minding my own business I Come Around the east side of the house where my Mustangs parked in between some other cars and that's when I notice him it's a boy the entitled kid of the story I noticed the kid is standing outside and sort of looking at my car though I didn't think much of it as it's quite an eye-catcher as I pass him the kid asked hey what kind of car is that I stop and respond looking over to my car and say it's a Ford Mustang the kid almost immediately responds with whose car is that can I sit in it I paus for a moment glancing around before answering it's mine and maybe later if you ask your parents then of course the kid goes I don't think that's your car this car looks like something an old man would drive I then roll my eyes and say well it is I then take out the keys jingling them in the air for him to see saying I have the keys for it the kids seem taken completely AB back by this I assume because in his mind I obviously didn't look like the sort to drive a classic car so of course the little snot takes off inside and I think nothing of it stupidly so I walk back to the front door and after walking around a few more minutes I'm greeted by the lovely mother who will now be affectionately referred to as Karen Karen said says excuse me who are you she asked this with extremely rude inflection in her voice I was startled by her sudden appearance and I say I'm Jake Karen proceeds to then point her finger at my car outside and say that's your car my son said that you stole the keys for that car at this point I give her a dumbfounded look and I raise an eyebrow saying well your son is lying to you ma'am that's been my car for years my grandpa and I worked on it for quite some time the just scoffs at this and says well are you going to let him sit in it she then proceeds to hold her hand out expecting my keys basically a gesture saying give it here again I was completely dumbfounded and a struck that I was actually experiencing something like this the woman says give me the keys I won't ask you again the woman was so demanding and at this point my first savior approaches a man the man says excuse me but I'm going to have to ask you to leave him alone I saw him drive in with the car that's his car and he doesn't look like he wants your son in his car Karen of course is not satisfied by this she says no kid can own a car like that he's probably not even old enough to drive the man just gives her a dumb founded look and says hey just leave him in his car alone or we're going to have to ask you to leave in my head I'm already plotting out how to deal with her should she try and steal my keys and I'm thanking this man profusely so with a scoff Karen storms off outside I assume to mingle and complain about me almost an hour goes by and I'm chatting with some people I met at the reunion a really nice dude in a cowboy hat I was getting lost in the conversation when out of the corner of my eye I see Karen and her son walking towards my car I sort of freeze but then I think again that maybe she wants the boy to have another look which is harmless but no goodness no since my car is a convertible she proceeds to lift her son into the driver's seat of my car so of course I go and see what's going on I scream hey what do you think you're doing Karen looks to me as I approach with an absolutely disgusted look on her face she then says to me what does it matter to you my son wants to sit in this car so he will sit in this car once again I'm stupified I say to her you can't just put your kid in my car or anyone else's car without permission and of course she retorts with that all too familiar don't you raise your voice at me at this point I can see her son trying to slam the gear stick into gear without using the clutch I then look down to Karen and completely lose it I scream at her get your freaking kid out of my car now he's going to wreck my car that's when Karen pushes me back a bit I Stumble and then she goes into maximum Karen mode saying my son can be in this car if he wants to you have no right to tell him to get out now leave us alone the woman is screeching this and the kid looks at me and he gives me the biggest grin that I've ever seen and then proceeds to try to undo the parking breake of course he has no clue how to do this meanwhile he's trying to shift the car even harder into gear at this point I lose it completely I just grab Karen by the shoulders and move her aside I then pull open my car door grab the kid under his armpits and drag him out of my car before getting in starting the car backing up and moving it closer to the house all the while Karen's basically screaming how dare I touch her son I then park the car get out and a woman stops me she asked me what happened as she only saw the butt end of it all she came out when the kids started crying and screaming so I tell her what happened and she's very understanding explaining that Karen is her sister-in-law and she can be very abrasive and rude and she has that General entitled mentality that's when Karen and her son walk over and she's mad her son's holding his arm crying saying I broke it mind you there wasn't anything aside from dirt on him that would hurt him there was no scratches bruising or anything the kids's arm was then inspected and was told it was perfectly fine and that they need to leave that's when Karen shouts back we need to leave no he needs to leave she then points at me and says he told my son that he could play in his car and when my son was in his car this idiot just pulled him out and pushed him to the ground you need to call the police so yeah at this point most of the bystanders at the party just stare at her and one person said we all saw what happened you need to leave right now so with that Karen grabs her kid by his supposedly broken arm hauling him out I kept an eye on her just to make sure she didn't try to damage my car which luckily she didn't she then drove off the woman who I Learned was actually the one running the reunion apologized profusely for her sister-in-law's Behavior I told her it wasn't her fault I left shortly after as this had killed the mood for me all in all my car wasn't damaged and luckily from what I know Karen won't be invited to Gatherings anymore guys I have read so many stories where parents think it's okay to just pop their kids into convertibles to let them sit and every single time I'm baffled at that entitlement like yeah we get your kids young ma'am and he wants to sit in a car like that and some people do want the world for their kids right and to spoil their kids but sometimes you just have to say no to teach them boundaries but again how can a parent who's that entitled teach anyone right my son wants to sit in your car so he will sit in your car that's absolutely ridiculous like if that Karen mom doesn't nip it in the bud one day her son's going to be arrested and he will learn the hard way and we all know how much cops love entitled Karens and their excuses [Music] right so recently a pregnant woman tried to take my tax taxi despite having seen me waiting outside and having heard me make the call the woman even said to me are you waiting for a cab to which I replied yeah before getting back on my phone to pass the time about 10 minutes pass and my taxi arrives and I head over but the woman says sorry but this is my taxi the driver then ask for me by name and the woman says that's me and I'm like there is no way you have my name and called the same cab company so I say but I called it and she's opening the door already the driver literally says Hey so this is her taxi pointing to me the woman then looks upset and says but I'm pregnant I really did call this taxi and Jessica is really my name she's trying to steal my taxi now I don't even know this woman and I'm getting really really upset because I worked a long day and I don't need this the driver and I exchang frustrated looks and thankfully he knows me as I've been his passenger multiple times and that's when the pregnant woman now tries a new tactic racism she then says all of you people referring to Indians are the same you'll believe anyone who gives you a dollar anyway I scooted around to the other side to get in behind the driver while he kept all the other doors locked so she couldn't get in the woman was Furious and she's yelling the whole time at my driver he then says to me I would have happily taken her to where she wanted to go with you but at this point I'm just going to tell everyone to avoid her he then took her picture to warn his fellow drivers about her racism and potentially threatening behavior since by the end she was threatening to break windows I just went home wow guys so entitlement racism and violence all in one story like I don't understand though like if she wanted a cab why not call one herself why does she have to steal someone else's cab when theirs arrives again I have such a hard time wrapping my head around some people's way of thinking guys and Legend has it that Karen's still waiting for a cab to this day I'm a 43-year-old female and I have a daughter who's 16 my sister who's 40 years old has a daughter who's 15 and always had the idea of having both of our daughters be the best of friends she would only schedule playdates with my daughter and not any of her daughter's school friends it kept going on and her daughter began to resent mine she would start off by stealing things here and there and went on by lying about her my sister's coddled her daughter her entire life and has one of those weird relationships with her daughter like the ones you see on TV she has a real life brat as a daughter but everyone in our family just brushes it off saying that she just has a fiery personality now on to what happened yesterday so my daughter won a school raffle and got the grand prize which was a Macbook my daughter got praise from nearly everyone everyone except my sister who I didn't mind about on my dad's 78th birthday day I sent out invitations to everyone and said that gifts were optional as I'd already bought him quite a lot of gifts my sister and her daughter show up with this Juice Maker and some fruits and rush to my kitchen while everyone's getting settled my daughter yells from her bedroom I got scared and ran up to see what's going on and that's when I saw my niece with her Juice Maker and my daughter's laptop was covered in a smoothie like mixture I just ran for my sister to come upstairs and she comes running out of the bathroom next to my daughter's room she says it's no big deal that the computer was probably waterproof it isn't that's when I said what was that smoothie doing out of the kitchen and why didn't you use the downstairs bathroom since upstairs is off limits I then told her that she would be paying for the repairs but she just brushes it off and said it was fine that family doesn't work like that she then headed downstairs but I called the police on her and had her and her daughter kicked out the rest of the party was awkward and tense after that all I got were text from everyone that saw what happened asking for me to drop it some even called me entitled I was thinking about serving her court papers so would I be the a-hole for doing that you know what it's always tricky dealing with entitled family members because some do have the mentality of since we're family we can do whatever we want without repercussions like I don't think op would be the a-hole for serving her sister papers because that might be the wakeup call she needs to stop the entitlement but Opie has to be aware that since it's family she's got to be prepared to never talk to her sister again and risk the possibility of being shunned by the rest of her family but guys you know the deal let me know what you think though are you taking your family member to small claims court if something like this happens and that my friends brings us to another n of/ entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's another r/ entitled people episode where Karens are getting arrested laugh and right guys so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 151,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: _Hjo0RTJFl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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