r/EntitledPeople - Psycho CULT KAREN Orders Me to Marry Her Son! It Gets Worse!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ entitled people where people seem to think that the world revolves around them and in today's episode guys oh boy nothing is more entitled than parents who tell their kids who they can or can't marry guys the stories are crazy today so I hope you enjoy them don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in okay so I'm still baffled and horrified by what just happened and my fiance is still fuming from it as I typed this out on the bus ride home so some woman thought that it was perfectly acceptable to ask him to dump me in exchange for her daughter so first of all a little backstory I'm a 25-year-old female and my fiance is a 33-year-old male we were having a little day out as we don't have much time together as he works a lot so this day out was a big thing to us as neither of us drive we had to take the bus to the city center and then head a little walk by the Canal stopping to get some lunch at a nearby pub when it was starting to near mid-afternoon we went back to the bus stop to take the same bus home and this is where the problem starts I was playing around on my phone waiting for the bus while my fiance just Paces up and down the pavement as he can never sit still for long we were going to be waiting a good 10 to 15 minutes before it was due now I wasn't paying attention to what was going on but soon I noticed a young woman coming up to my fiance this was the entitled mother's daughter and she looked be no older than 17 or 18 and she was actually a decent person nothing like her mother the daughter walks up to my fiance and says um hi I'm sorry to bother you but I think you're kind of cute would you mind if I gave you my number my fiance tells her oh sorry I'm actually engaged the daughter goes red with embarrassment and says okay I'm sorry to bother you congratulations I asked my fiance what that was about and he briefly explained to me what happened and I felt bad for the girl thinking that was was the end of it I went back to my phone and my fiance went back to pacing and that's when the entitled mother Karen comes over now I also want to point out that the entitled mother and daughter were both Asian and my fiance is half asian and this is relevant to the story later the Karen comes up to my fiance and she begins her demands saying why did you turn my daughter down is she not pretty enough is that it huh my fiance was shocked and just replies uh excuse me Karen goes on and says says my daughter told you she likes you so why won't you go out with her my fiance tries to explain and says Miss I'm not interested in your daughter because I'm she then cuts my fiance off mids sentence and says how could you turn her down without even getting to know her look at her she's a beautiful young woman she's smart and she would make a wonderful wife hearing that my fiance is now shocked and backing away and says Whoa lady reel it in a bit I'm not saying your daughter isn't any of those things but I'm engaged to be married hearing that Karen folds her arms and she scowls at my fiance saying huh your fiance won't know about this being engaged doesn't mean you're married just get to know my daughter and you'll see you'll like her a lot more my fiance says uh well for your information ma'am my fiance will know about this as she's standing right there my fiance then points at me and I look at Karen and I gave her a timid wave and she looked at me like she was looking at a cockroach she then says that's your fiance you can't marry her she's white you need a strong loving Asian woman like my daughter to take care of you she then continued to scream how she thought I wasn't the right woman for my fiance and I could see him start to clench his fist due to anxiety she then says to him do your parents even know about her like if my son brought home a girl like her I would be furious why would you on purpose want to dilute your Asian Heritage do you not have any resp respect or Pride my fiance was obviously close to having a panic attack so I slowly start to walk over to him to help him calm down and before I got to him he finally snapped and screams listen you don't have the right to tell me who I can or can't date or marry leave us alone at that the entitled mother just glares at us before stomping off her daughter apologized profusely for her mom's behavior before finally following after her oh boy guys well that was awkward and news flash Karen people can marry who who they want like who do you think you are trying to tell a random person on the streets who they can or can't be with and don't even get me started on the dilution of Asian Heritage oh my goodness with that said guys like I don't know who would date let alone marry the daughter after that ridiculous encounter right there because nobody wants to be attached to a crazy mother-in-law so this post is about my entitled Aunt anyways I'd have been like 15 at the time of the story now it's around this age that kids I knew would start getting their first boyfriends and girlfriends nothing serious or anything it was around this time that I started to realize that I wasn't attracted to girls now I thought they were pretty funny smart Etc but I never wanted a girlfriend it didn't take me long to figure out that I was gay I told my mom when we were watching a movie and she just gave me a hug and she told me she loved me no matter what anyways a couple of weeks later we had a family barbecue at my grandparents house and of course my entitled aunt was there now here's one important note I had had my boyfriend with me we'd been dating for just under a month at this point and my entitled aunt was the only one who didn't know about this for obvious reasons with that said we arrived at about 1:00 to help set the tables up for the rest of the family the only other people there were my grandparents my uncle my uncle's wife my older cousin my entitled aunt and her daughter everything was okay for a while but of course of course this didn't last my grandpa was always welcoming to any friends or partners of the family so he made sure that my boyfriend felt welcome after about an hour my Grandpa Uncle and boyfriend decided to head up to the attic to get some fishing gear for my boyfriend that left myself my mom my grandma my old cousin and my entitled Aunt uncle's wife had gone to the store I was in the middle of doing something so before my boyfriend left the room he gave me a peack on the cheek and then headed upstairs and of course my entitled aunt was staring as soon as he laughed my entitled aunt says hey what was that I asked her what was what she said to me am I seeing things did your friend just kiss you hearing that I was internally screaming and said oh uh yeah she then says you're not going to do something about that I ask her what do you mean she says well you should knock him out for doing that be a man for once do you really want gu doing that to you taking advantage of you like that I start to explain but she cuts me off and says boys don't kiss other boys you know that he's supposed to be your friend and friends don't kiss each other on the cheek when they leave the room that's when my grandma chimes in and says oh that's not Opie's friend he's his boyfriend aren't they sweet and hearing that my entitled Aunt loses it she says what you're not serious are you my mom says yes that's op's boyfriend friend they're an adorable couple and everyone in the family has been accepting so you should be too my aunt is shocked and says everyone else knows except me why would you do this to me I say to her I didn't want to exclude you but I knew you were going to act like this when I told you you constantly berate me for not being man enough can you blame me for not wanting to tell you she replies I never meant it that's how I talk if you told me then I would have stopped my mom says no you wouldn't he's asked you to stop countless times so have I and I'm not having that kind of attitude around my son he's not going to feel unwelcome in his own family entitled on says but I'm not trying to make him uncomfortable I can help him now that I know what the problem is it's obvious isn't it he just hasn't met the right girl yet he's still a little kid I'll help set him up with a nice girl there's tons of lovely girls in the neighborhood who would love a boyfriend like op she then turns to me holds my hand and Smiles at me and she says doesn't that sound nice we'll get you a nice girlfriend a sweet boy like you wouldn't have any problems with girls right I tell her I'm happy the way I am and she says you can't be happy like that doll because you're going to end up dead because of this people get killed for being like that you know I'm only looking out for you she then looks at my older cousin and says if you weren't so obsessed with looking kind then you tell him what he's doing is wrong I don't want this kind kind of influence around my daughter my older cousin tells her then don't bring her to family events then my aunt totally ignores my cousin and says you know there's some places in the world that can help him right I've heard of a lot of places that do conversion therapy I could help you a little to pay for him to get that at this point my cousin looks like she's about to punch my aunt into next week and my mom and grandma are focused on trying to help me calm down because I was on the verge of a panic attack that's when my aunt points at my mom says you encouraged this you let him act like this all the time when he was little he was playing with Barbies and wearing purple all the time at this point my grandma chimes in and says that's enough if I hear any more of this nonsense then you can get your stuff and leave you're not making my grandson uncomfortable on my watch if you want to act like a psycho about it then go to your own house and do it at that my aunt looked like she both wanted to slap my grandma and burst into tears nothing else was said for the most part my grandmother then pulled me aside and reminded me that she loved me and told me to ignore my aunt I found out later that my aunt had been telling other family members about me hoping that they would side with her but they didn't she eventually left after a couple of hours but she made sure to share things online about conversion therapy and how people can be cured and even gave my number to a few of her friends daughters and nieces trying to set me up with them so that was my story of how my psychotic entitled Aunt found out that I was into guy I'm surprised she was actually shocked by it I think everyone in my family saw it coming my goodness guys that entitled aunt is pretty darn ridiculous and sounds like a real piece of work and in my opinion I think the only one in that room that needs any sort of therapy is the Aunt Karen don't you think so this one is a long one and I promise none of it is boring I grew up in a cult that believed among other things that women were the property of men and children children were the property of parents so as an unmarried daughter I was basically a cherished slave I ran the house a meal planned cooked and even homeschooled my youngest siblings all while trying to homeschool myself through High School having grown up my whole life this way I didn't even know what law would have been on my side if I decided to defy my parents and move out when I turned 18 my parents constantly reminded me that until they gave me a way to a husband I was still their child and I would always obey them as they were the mouthpieces of God in my life so one day my parents told me that they received a phone call from the parents of another family we knew their oldest son had noticed me and he wanted permission to court me so as per protocol the parents would talk to each other and then they would talk to their kids and arrange the whole thing my mom was beaming with pride but I thought about it for a little bit and I said I didn't want to do it my mom's smile then disappeared and then she cries and says what why I gave her my reasons very good ones I thought but but my mom wasn't satisfied and she told me I was not allowing God to work in my life and that I should just obey them and trust that God's will would be done and being the good girl I was I relented and said yes Then followed a week or two of awkward family gatherings between the two houses because this version of courtship never allowed for the couple to be alone together I tried to ease the tension by telling funny stories and encouraging other family members to talk but only received Stern rebukes from his mother who very clearly did not approve of me once she even said we don't believe in practical jokes so we're not impressed by that story I then mumbled that I wasn't trying to impress them and that they could talk about anything they wanted but no one did another time I was alone with his mom in the living room and she states out loud to me I only had two requirements on the girl he chose number one that she came from a good family and number two that she knew her Bible and you have both of those so I'm not going to say any anything I was confused at feeling so rejected when I didn't even want this in the first place I mean really who was courting who and then I got a job offer as the church receptionist and my parents told me that his parents called them again and said they didn't approve of women working outside the home and they didn't want me to take the job we belied the same way except it was after the woman was a mother before she had kids it was up to her father or husband whether she could work or not this being a single situation where my father allowed it but the guy I was courting didn't my parents told me to call him and get his permission too I thought the phone call went well he basically said that he wasn't my husband yet and that I should follow my own family's rules that he didn't mind and he was okay with it so I happily accepted the job the next day my parents told me that his parents called and they cancelled the relationship now it did feel weird to get dumped without ever hearing from the guy dumping me but it solved my problem and I moved on a little confused and definitely not in the mood for anyone else to court Me 2 years later at 19 years old I still wasn't married shocker and his family thought that that meant God was saving me for him the whole scenario repeated itself but this time my dad insisted that the guy Court him first so he could decide if he was even good enough for me before my heart got broken again my dad told them until he made a decision one way or another he didn't want any of them to contact me and tell me what was going on the guy decided that no contact couldn't possibly mean letters so he wrote me a five-page apology for dumping Me 2 years before he also confessed that he had been falling in love with me all over again and he wanted to know if it was worth his time to even get to know my dad my parents saw his name on the envelope and confiscated the letter before finally deciding that it was too late and they explained the whole thing I was honestly insulted that a guy I had barely seen in 2 years would say he was in love with me we agreed to meet at a local restaurant and agree on the terms of the relationship and decide if we even want to try it again I sat on one side of the table with my parents and he sat on the other side with his parents it felt like we had lawyers his dad immediately starts yelling at my dad for denying his son and saying it was so obvious that I wanted this and he was holding me back my dad's a quiet man and he sat there like an angry Stone while this man yelled at his face in the middle of the restaurant it got so heated and embarrassing that the guy who liked me excused himself to the bathroom to throw up while he was gone his dad also said if we didn't accept his son there might never be another guy to come along to marry me this made me laugh because I wasn't that desperate to just accept the first guy to ask just because I was scared no one else would that evening ended up with an agreement that we would pick up where we left off we thought that meant more courtship and they thought they already did courtship so now it was an agreement to get engaged the mistake quickly revealed itself a few days later when another friend had emailed my dad himself and asked permission to to court me we'll call this guy guy number two my dad told me that I should tell guy number one and ask him if I could stay friends with someone who liked me but who I rejected that's when guy number one comes up with what I thought was a pretty good plan my dad would tell guy number two that I was already courting someone else and then I could introduce him to some of my other friends and maybe he would leave on his own I thought that was brilliant and my dad spent the rest of the evening writing a tactful reply to the new guy guy number one was now aware that I had friends who were not feel their family believed that guys and girls could never be friends so I essentially was cheating on him with 20 other guys so he called me the next morning and asked my permission to ask my dad's permission to ask me to marry him basically the lamest over the phone proposal ever he said he was in love with me but we didn't have to get married right away but that I would just be his and have a ring on my finger so no one else could take me away from him I told him I was flattered that he thought he loved me and I wish I could say loved him back but I didn't it had only been 6 days and I hadn't even decided how I felt about him yet his voice then changed instantly and he angrily snapped at me asking if I was still talking to guy number two who also liked me and at that I was shocked I had never seen this side of him before and that's why it should take longer than 6 days to find a spouse kids so I tried telling him that my dad had only just replied to his email and I hadn't had a chance to introduce him to my friends yet he then said that wasn't the plan we agreed that you wouldn't talk to him anymore and that's when I shut him down and said wo I'm not doing what you told me to do we're not engaged yet I talk to a lot of guys and it doesn't mean anything romantic we're just friends his voice then quiets down but he sounded bitter and sad well if you can't agree to not talk to any other guys and only talk to me maybe we shouldn't call this cing right now maybe we shouldn't I replied we then agreed that I would take a week to think about it and call him when I had made my decision I would either marry him and forsake all the male friends I had known since I was five or cut the relationship off for the second time I told my parents what happened and they tried to convince me to do what he wanted but I finally yelled at them for the first time in my life that I was not going to marry anyone that I didn't love my dad was angry but my mom sent me to my room and said we could talk about it later I had a week after all I was very sad the only reason I was considering it because my parents insisted it was God's will and I really wanted to do what God Said but at the same time this family seemed even more strict than my own and I would also miss all my old friends there was so much to think about about an hour later I got two calls one from guy number one's mom which I let go to voicemail the next thing I know my little brother comes up holding the house phone saying it was Guy number one's mom and she demanded to talk to me she scolded me for a long time saying I had cheated on her son and that he called off work this morning because he was worried sick over calling me she called me a harlot because of all the guys I was talking to well I tried to tell her that I wasn't in a relationship with any of them she basically says to me you cheated on him you're in a relationship with every person you meet I say to her but not every relationship is a romantic one to which she says between guys and girls yes it is for example my husband is my best friend and I would never talk to other men and neither would your mom I say to her oh yes she would she talks to men all the time and she's friends with a lot of people she then replies well I'm shocked I honestly thought she was better than that she then demanded to know why I needed 7 days to pray about whether or not to marry her son she said to me God doesn't take that long to answer prayer it sounds like you already know how you feel and you're too scared to say it it should take a day or two at most I say to her look your son agreed to let me have a week if he can't do that then the answer is no she then told me that she would go talk to her son and husband and see what they wanted to do I hung up the phone and I threw it across the room I had never been accused of anything like that before and I just curled up and cried that's when my mom heard me and she came to see what was wrong when I told her everything that horrible woman said to me and stated firmly that I never wanted to see anyone from that family again she called my dad up and he was angry about me being accused of being a harlot but he told me that I wasn't allowed to make my decision until a week was up because that's what agreed to I just silently told myself they could all think what they wanted but I knew my answer was no and it would still be a no a week from now he called the family back and told them that none of them were to contact me in any way shape or form for the whole week and when I had made my decision he would call them and let them know what it was they were angry but they never contacted me again almost 2 years later I married the new guy guy number two who emailed my dad he was not a member of our cult and he taught me how to think for myself our courtship looked a lot more like dating than anything else and we made a lot of people upset but we didn't care we just celebrated our 10th anniversary and we have three sons I feel like I was rescued guys this story was absolutely insane and I could not imagine how scary and stressed out Opie was just being in a situation like that like just the thought of someone going okay that's it you're going to settle with this person and marry them and be with them until you die is absolutely insane I'm just glad it all worked out in the end guys and oie is living a good life and that my friends brings us to another end of our / entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit the thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ malicious compliance episode where a Karen boss refuses to let Opie take a sick day because she has plans and Opie ends up embarrassing her guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next on we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 101,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: XBAMJ4o7Oa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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