r/EntitledPeople - Karen Mom Demands I GIVE AWAY My Wheelchair! She NEEDS IT MORE.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our / entitled people where people truly believe they can have what they want when they want because they're special and guys in today's episode Karens are getting taught lessons left and right and Opie tells a tale about her mom not caring about her mobility and wants her to just give away her wheelchair guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's Dive In okay so I'm currently studying towards becoming a nurse and I've been working on a ward that sees all kinds of patients I'm still quite Young And even though I don't think so I guess I'm vaguely attractive I occasionally get attention from patients who don't always keep it professional but for the most part everyone is chill but we know how some Karens have no chill so here we go so recently a teenager who we'll call Todd about 17 years old was in the post anesthetic Care Unit when I started my sh shift I went to retrieve him but he was still very groggy and honestly a little too touchy feely but I put it down to him being half asleep and not being in his right mind I come back later to see if he's fully awake and do some observation the whole time I know he's flirting with me but I gently rebuff him and keep things professional until the very end so Todd says to me hey so I'm thinking when I'm out of here do you want to get a coffee sometime I think you're pretty I reply thanks but I'm seeing someone hearing me say that that he seems to drop it with a little attitude but I thought I got my point across no more than 20 minutes later a woman storms up to the nurs station demanding to see whoever interacted with Todd so I say hi is everything okay with him I can come with you to his room if you need to discuss his care Karen then goes on and says so my son told me how rude you treated him and you should be reported for neglectful care hearing her say that I was very taken aback and honestly probably looking like like a deer in headlights I say to her uh I'm sorry Karen goes on and says how dare you tell my son he's ugly and doesn't have a chance in hell with you at that I say uh ma'am I never said anything remotely like that Karen says you know what you're not even that pretty and you are fat so I don't want him dating you anyway you'd never have a chance with my son I thought you'd be better looking by the way he talked about you at this point another nurse comes in and says what's going on Karen looks at her and says this nurse was completely rude to my son she denied him care told him he's ugly and I want her fired who can I speak to about this so yeah some more conversation goes down where the nurse manages to convince Karen that her son was exaggerating a tad and that I would have stayed within my professional boundaries after about half an hour of throwing a tantrum wanting everyone fired she grumbles but she takes what she can get for the rest of this day however I got death stares from Karen any anytime I entered the room but nothing more than sheepish glances from Todd because he knew he was called out on his BS I just thank my lucky stars that he never asked me for a sponge bath so yeah I'm surprised op continued to care for that patient after Karen had that huge blow up and I do understand the weirdness while under sedation and how people do crazy stuff as we've all seen on the internet but for him to push his luck with a nurse and then tell Mommy about it is kind of ridiculous guys like yeah that's a great way to score a date right tell your mom and have her threaten a girl into dating you and this person says I'm a nurse that they usually send in for stuff like that I had a patient once that kept touching himself to female nurses and then demanded a bath he ended up with me as a nurse I'm a big hairy man and as soon as he saw me come in you should have seen the look on his face he got the best damn bath he ever had and he was pissed that I was the one taking care of him and he couldn't find any females to touch himself to anymore I probably scrubbed 40 Years of crud off him guys I love this post and honestly I can only imagine all the BS that medical professionals have to deal with on a daily basis and seriously if you're listening and you're a medical professional kudos to you so some years ago I was driving pickups and deliveries for a trucking company it was kind of like UPS or FedEx but in semis or rigid box trucks it was nearing the end of the day and I had to deliver a trampoline to a residential area it was a fairly new area with plenty of space but I had to reverse in in case there was no way of turning around but no problem the road was wide and so were the corners I had to go around so I put my semi in reverse and started going backwards and of course I was delivering to the last house on the street now the road climbed a bit and was about 6 or 700 M long but it all went fine when I finally got to the end of the road and got out of my truck to unload the trampoline some guy runs out of of his house and he was standing right behind my truck and the guy starts yelling and swearing at me that I was the biggest idiot on this Earth that I was lost or something and how the hell could I think of going into a neighborhood with a semi that I could have run over all the kids in the neighborhood etc etc now I tried to explain of course but he wouldn't let me get a word in the guy told me that I had absolutely no valid reason for being there and I need to get out of here right now or he's calling the cops basically acting like he owned the road now instead of starting an argument with this person I calmly asked him where he lived the guy pointed at the house and said number 74 now get out of here and lo and behold guess where I was delivering if you guessed house number 74 you'd be correct so I again very calmly told the man well in that case I have a trampoline for you the guy hearing that says oh my package well in that case I would like it if you could I then interrupt dropped him and said but since I have no business being in here with a semi I'll just be waiting for you at the end of the road and then pointed to the direction I came from I then say to him mind you this is the big model weighing about 130 lb and it's a pretty large package so you might want to bring a wheelbarrow or something oh the joy it was seeing him coming all the way down the road with his wheelbarrow and then trying to get this 130 lb trampoline into the wheelbarrow and starting his long heavy walk 700 M up to his house again it was priceless you know some people really should think before they start screaming at someone like yeah semis are pretty uncommon in neighborhoods yeah but you don't got to charge out of your house and start barking at the person driving the semi acting like you own the neighborhood sir I'm just glad Opie made him walk all that way and I wish I could have seen that guy's face when Opie was like yeah I'll just meet you at the end of the street I'll be there waiting for you and while we're on the the topic of people complaining about things and regretting it you'll love these next two so years ago I worked as an assistant manager for a retail store in art supplies my store was in a fairly affluent area and we got lots of bored Housewives who dropped $500 because they wanted a new hobby so one year the company offered a one-day only coupon for Black Friday and the store was swamped Saturday was swamped and Sunday was swamped I'm running a register trying to get people through as quickly as I can when she arrives now we'll call her Debbie because Karen's overused in my opinion so Debbie marches up to me and throws three bags of merchandise on my counter and she says I want to return all this stuff and then Reby it I say to her uh okay can I ask why now people sometimes did this because theyd use the wrong payment method or something but I needed to verify Debbie says to me I bought all the this stuff on Friday at store so and so a store that was 1,500 M away and their tax rates higher so I want to return all of it and Reby it here to pay lower taxes now hurry up I've been driving all day and I'm tired I think to myself this is going to be a pain on a very busy day on what comes out to be about $2.50 so I confirm with the other manager who agrees it's ridiculous but we need to do it so with that I start the return but the totals don't match up so I have to call and talk to the on call support rep he tells me that I can only refund my State's tax and not the other amount the solution is to manually adjust the prices until the tax and totals match as I'm doing this Debbie's complaining how she's tired from driving that I'm taking too long and then she starts complaining about her dog her feet her back whatever but eventually I get everything balanced and process her return I say to her okay the return turns been processed she says to me it's about time and you'd be done already if you weren't so stupid and actually learned your job now I want to buy it all again now the thing about art supplies is they can be small and in multitudes and that's what she purchased the woman purchased individual pencils brushes pastels sheets of paper Etc I say to Debbie sure thing ma'am but I want to be absolutely certain that I ring up everything right since I'm dumb so with the sweets smile I take everything out of the bags and I ring them up one by one and of course some stuff doesn't scan so it has to be looked up as I'm going along she's getting more and more agitated the insults are getting more frequent and now everyone in the other lines are glaring at her at last everything's rung up and I give her the total now remember the coupon from the beginning of the story The Code has been pulled from the system so now her new Total with the reduced tax rate is significantly High higher than the old one and of course Debbie loses it she starts screeching and it's not even words at this point it's only noise I say to her I'm sorry ma'am but it looks like you used the other coupon that was exclusive on Friday unfortunately that coupon is no longer valid and your new Total will be I then give her the total and the woman kept screaming but she eventually paid snatched her items and left oh it was a good day to be in retail my goodness guys I am shaking my head so hard at what she just did and seriously I'm hoping she was on vacation or something when she bought the supplies in the first place because like if she drove 1,500 miles to try to save a few dollars I think I might cry and guys the scary thing is I've read stories we're not so smart people actually do this so yeah I wouldn't be surprised if she drove 1,500 miles to save $250 cents and guys if you think that Karen complaining was bad listen to this post a few years ago I worked as a cashier at a fast food restaurant now I don't eat fast food so I don't know how it is with other places but with this establishment nothing was free if you want sauce with your taco that's 50 substitute your sour cream with guacamole sorry you got to pay for that and if you want ranch with your salad that'll be extra all these prices were very prominently displayed on the giant menu in the middle of the lobby by the way now I was paid minimum w age and I nor any of the other cashiers could not give a damn about all that it also made the prices ridiculous as a lot of customers naturally wanted add-ons so usually we wouldn't charge for most of those things but we could only get away with that when the manager wasn't in the front as she was the strict type the manager was the yell at you in front of the customers for giving away free sauce type well on a slow day an older woman a Karen walks in and she orders a salad by the time time it got to the register she loaded it with a bunch of extras so to be completely honest there was no Rhyme or Reason to what I chose to charge people for it really depended on my mood Karen salad was pretty accessorized so I felt like I had to charge for something but I was having a good day so I just rang her up for the salad and the extra quac and that was all it was something like $12.50 and she immediately starts to complain about the price she basically screams at me saying that's ridiculous it shouldn't cost that much for a salad even $11 was way too much at that I responded I'm sorry ma'am but that's the price on the menu she then replies well I'm not paying a salad should not cost that much you idiot so I tried to explain that I was only a cashier and I did not in fact control the menus but Karen would have none of it and she grew increasingly rude and then she dropped the classic dreaded line she said can I speak to your manager at that I just hesitate I look her in the eye and said you don't want to do that Karen says yes I do now get me your manager right now again I tried and I repeated myself saying ma'am you don't want to do that but Karen wouldn't have it she says are you playing stupid just go get your manager so with that I went to the back I told my manager that there's a cust customer who wanted to speak with her she came to the register with me looked at the salad look at what I rang up and she immediately starts going off how I didn't add the salsa the chips the house dressing blah blah blah now I was used to this so I just stood there and I stared at the customer as my manager just screams at me the whole time the Karen just stares back dumbfounded and then my manager takes over the register corrected the order and left without even acknowledging Karen at all the newly adjusted price came out to be $16.50 I just stared at her and said I told you you don't want the manager the woman just paid and she left without another word guys a Karen complaining to the manager and having it backfire is the best thing ever isn't it hopefully Karen learned that sometimes it's better to stay quiet and seriously it's not like the prices were hidden right like if you don't want a $10 salad don't buy a $10 salad and then complain about the price like I I honestly don't even know what that woman was expecting the manager to do like come out and give her half off and let her pay $5 for it seriously some people are in their own little worlds where nothing around them is real a few years ago I lived in Germany and I wanted to spend the winter holidays in my homeland Serbia so I packed my three kids in my back seat the Twins were less than 2 years old and the elder daughter was seven I drove from Hamburg to Hungary where I had to cross the border to enter Serbia however due to the holiday season the line with the cars and buses was more than 1 km long there was no other option but to wait patiently and move slowly forward a few meters at a time as time went by my kids got restless I had to feed them change their diapers calm them down Etc so as I was focused on my kids changing their diapers in the back seats I didn't notice that two buses went through the border and that I had to move my car forward so three cars behind me used this opport Unity to slip by and to get in front of me which by the way was not allowed before a customs border I noticed and went to them I said to them that what they did wasn't fair that I had three small kids in my car and I was dealing with them and if I could wait patiently for my turn so could they but they all ignored me and one woman even laughed at me and basically told me it was too bad I wasn't paying attention now the thing is I didn't tell them that what they did is illegal as I thought everyone knew this there were several signs that warn drivers to not drive around and pass the car in front of them as it may cause accidents arguments and slow traffic even more I didn't have the time or energy to argue with them so I get back in my car and I thought if I can wait 6 hours then I can also wait for 6 and 1/2 hours well here's the thing some 15 minutes later two Customs officers patroled down the line of cars towards us they looked inside each car and when they saw toddlers in my back seat one of them told me that they would immediately open the second gate to speed things up well the three drivers from the cars in front of me heard this they were outside having a smoke and they rushed back to their driver's seats started their car and I knew what was coming I took my time starting the engine and before I could drive to the gate the three of them blocked me cut me off and sped off to park at the front of the second gate that was now open at this point I had a gut feeling that my sister Karma the of was about to act so those two custom officers saw what happened and they let the three cars through the gate but as soon as they rolled through someone was there directing their cars to the parking lots inside the Customs border now anyone who's ever crossed the Hungarian Serbian border knows what that means that they were going to search all three cars and their passengers and baggage thoroughly which meant hours and hours of waiting answering endless questions unpacking packing all sorts of annoying stuff when I arrived at the gate the Customs off officers greeted me and asked for passports and also asked what's the purpose of traveling I told them I wanted to spend this Christmas with their grandparents in Serbia he stamped our passports greeted me and wished me safe travels and a merry Christmas and as a Christmas gift for me he promised that he would keep the three cars at the Customs border for the next 6 hours at least and they would have to pay a really nasty fine for what they did the second Customs officer said I hope you enjoyed your stay in Hungary ma'am and I told him oh yes I did Sir I surely did holy that was some sweet Justice right there guys like cutting in front of someone is already such an a-hole move right especially when there're signs all over saying not to but doing it while in front of border patrol when they didn't specifically instruct you to oh my goodness you've got to be some kind of special entitled so I'm a 17-year-old female and I have misaligned hips causing a lot of pain so I can't go long distances without the assistance of a wheelchair I can also get around with a cane but I much rather prefer the chair since it allows for a pillow on my bad hip some more context is my parents are also separated and this brings me to when my mom yesterday calls me to explain that my step sister has torn her ACL and she needs to take my wheelchair after her surgery now I don't have any malice towards my steps siblings but my Mom married my stepdad really fast and before that I've only met him a handful of times now the issue is that the weekend she's planning on coming home is the same day that a group of my friends and I are going on a colonial tour around the city for my birthday when I asked if she could just ask the doctor for crutches or something for her mom said that it would come out of pocket since her insurance won't cover it whereas my father's plan covers mine as a child I told her that step sister can have my cane but I'm going to need my wheelchair since the tour was a whole day of walking hearing me say that Mom gets annoyed and and she starts to sigh while shaking her head no like I wasn't understanding she then said that I can use the cane but the wheelchair was going to my stepsister no ifs ANS or butts she also said that I could reschedule for another weekend which would most likely result in me never going as there aren't refunds and I don't have enough money to pay for another ticket I said the last part was fine but she would have to pay for our tickets for us to go again at that she scoffed and she said that wasn't going to work and by doing that that it would cost more than buying a pair of crutches I tried to explain that it would still be cheaper than buying a new wheelchair like mine but she just kept shutting it down saying that my step sister will be getting the wheelchair for as long as she needs the argument ends with her saying I'm not asking I'm telling you and you will do as I say she then hung up on me without saying another word now I will admit that I was feeling a bit spiteful so the other day I asked my friend if I could just store my wheelchair in the back of her trunk for the trip as I was planning on going to her house after the trip even before she called now I do feel like an a-hole for hiding my chair but this will be the first time in years that I'm actually celebrating my birthday and I don't want to spend the whole time in pain or resenting my steps sister for making me lose a lump of money I had to work overtime for either way I am going to be agitated because my mom won't listen to any of my suggestions or see things from my point of view yeah I think op needs to tell her dad about this and let him deal with it like clearly mom doesn't care about Opie at all to the point that she's taking away her daughter's wheelchair for her stepdaughter for as long as it takes her to heal which is absolutely absurd she's got to figure things out fast because if the parents are separated and Opie does end up staying at Mom's you know she'll be hounding her to hand over the wheelchair all right so I'm a 28-year-old male and my girlfriend 26 years old got laid off about 6 months ago she's been employed ever since and that means that money is tight I'm covering the rent utilities groceries Etc everything except her car payment and gas money so my problem is that my girlfriend keeps eating all of our food like all of it we always run out of food money before my paycheck comes in and she'll eat whatever she wants and she'll leave me like plain crackers or lettuce like when I say everything I mean everything even stuff I've specifically labeled or said that I want the cupboards will be bare and I'll have to skip meals for 3 days before my paycheck because she's eaten everything she's probably gained nearly 30 lb since she was let go with that said I came home from work for lunch the other day and I brought each of us a Subway sandwich I only ate half of mine so I popped it in the fridge and I told her I would just have it for dinner when I got off work and went to eat it she hadd already eaten it it got really out of hand when I bought some cupcakes to give my sister for her birthday and some pomegranate juice that I really love but can't often have because it's expensive I put them in the fridge told her not to touch them and both were gone there was only one cupcake left out of a box of four fully sized one and my whole juice was gone and at that I lost it I screamed at her to stop effing eating everything I buy she says she's hungry and she's stressed from being unemployed and she can't help it I just yelled at her and I told her it was disgusting that I can't leave food in my own home she start started crying and telling me that I'm shaming her and to just let her live her life the way she wants so am I the a-hole so yeah guys I was shared this post because of the other post I read about Opie's boyfriend freaking out about her getting a fridge lock boox in her house and in this one Opie's voted not the a-hole like in my opinion I personally believe that she needs help Opie's girlfriend might have slipped into depression and developed an eating disorder to cope and guys a lot of people are giving the girlfriend Flack for not getting off her butts and just picking up any job and this person comments I agree she needs help but she's also not apologizing and trying to be better she's excusing herself and trying to turn things around on him having been severely depressed and having an eating disorder myself it's still selfish not to try and watch your partner go hungry month after month while having the nerve to not even apologize and this person says if you have to consider putting a lock on the fridge to keep your significant other from eating all the food it's likely time to consider any ending the relationship you're supposed to be partners and you need to ask yourself if the relationship is worth it at this stage you're not the a-hole op but it seems like your partner is going through a lot emotionally and has turned to food for Comfort if she can't stop herself from eating your dinner or your sister's birthday cupcakes this is much more than her just being inconsiderate this sounds like a food addiction of some kind and she likely needs professional help so yeah guys let me know what you think there's a lot of people in the comments saying that since op's so young to just cut the relationship with her because it's not going to go anywhere guys let me know if you agree if you disagree leave your comments below and that my friends brings us to another nf/ entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel I'll link it right here A Psycho Karen tries to cancel op's wedding and she learns a very expensive lesson go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will we see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 104,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: Nm1JaQTR1cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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