Karen Chases Me Down To The Kitchen Area Of The Restaurant And Grabs Me By The Shoulder.. BAD MOVE!

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hey everyone welcome back to Crown Corner the channel where we dive into the wild world of entitled people and their unbelievable stories hope you enjoy it and without further Ado let's go man I'm still trying to process an exchange I had this morning I was sitting on my balcony having breakfast and there was this woman I've never spoken to walking her dog we've never spoken but my roommate and I see down there pretty much every day she's around our age I would guess so either in her 30s like us or maybe in her 40s we've never exchanged so much as a hello up to this point now I really like my apartment complex it's cute and pleasant to walk around and the only thing that really sucks is when people don't clean up after their dog it's so freaking gross and I hate when people don't do it you're a grownup who made a choice to have a pet that comes with responsibilities that you have to keep up with most people around here do clean up after their dogs that I've seen so we know it's just a few rotten eggs if I see people who don't look like they're doing it I call them out which I know comes with risks but come on people their response is sometimes defensive sometimes a bit of twisting the truth like oh I was just going to but they all know that they should be doing it anyway this woman has her dog right by our balcony and my friend and I were just chatting until I noticed the woman walking away without cleaning it up so I said in a tone more polite than the situation probably merited excuse me are you going to clean up after your dog and she says in this snide snotty voice no I'm good thanks I immediately burst out laughing though not the good humored kind because I couldn't believe the audacity I said wow that's really pathetic which apparently is more than she'd expected me to do because she came marching back I have to imagine most people don't call this woman out for her to have that kind of immediate vitriol makes me think she's kind of spoiled just in general and was angry I'd embarrassed her but she clearly knew I was right cuz she had to come back and double down so she comes running at us with this kindergarten logic and goes I'm not the only one who doesn't clean up after my dog lots of people don't clean up after their dogs and I was like so how does that absolve you of adding to the problem she keeps going on about how other people do it too so I said cool then give me their name let's have a list because I don't see any of them right now and she's like open your eyes and figure it out for yourself I was like that's what I'm doing right now she keeps shouting that she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to and she doesn't care what I think so I was like holy crap I've never met such an entitled person it's insane to me that you're getting this angry over someone expecting basic decency out of you and she says no you're entitled I burst out laughing again and said I clean up after my animal me telling you I don't appreciate you leaving messes on our shared property doesn't make me entitled you're a grown ass woman who knew what responsibilities she'd have when she got a pet there are tons of other people who don't want to see your dog's crap you're not the main character at this point I feel like this woman has never been confronted Beyond her first snarky response and I have a bubbly and friendly tone normally so she probably had expected to have scared me or shocked me into Silence with that callous initial reaction because she is practically melting down trying to upset me while my friend and I laughed she gave me a snarky have a nice day and I wished her the same in an equal tone then she waddled off then she waddled off I know that's not me calling her fat she was actually really fit she just walks in a very exaggerated cartoonish way like Jessica Rabbit or some crap I thought she was doing it to be snarky but my friend said she just always walks like that we took a short video of her sadly not of the incident itself as we had to go grab our phone and I plan to take it to the front office just to let them know it's only step one I doubt anything will be done with just this but this has been driving me crazy and I'm ready to start holding rude people accountable fortunately I can use the corporate offices if the people here don't start to put pressure on people who are blatantly breaking their lease it's right in there that you have to clean up after your animal I'm not trying to get anyone evicted but I'm hoping she at least feels the pressure to act like a gr grown up and take care of her pet like I wouldn't cry if she got fine or something seriously though it's painful to me that people like this even exist she was so confident that she was somehow in the right that she didn't even try to lie about it like woman you weren't 12 the other people do it argument isn't going to hold up in court Mayo a few years ago I was working for a local health department and part of my duties included the weekly monitoring of water quality at public beaches for it Colley levels it was a straightforward process I'd visit the Lakes collect multiple samples in 100 mail bottles and then take the samples to a nearby lab that the county had a contract with for analysis well it would have been straight forward if it wasn't for chumbley here ear ined the nickname because of his striking resemblance to the character from the Tennessee Tuxedo cartoons although I guess a comparison to the pawn star version wouldn't be entirely inaccurate chumbley was the lab tech who took the of the samples and then ran the test simply put the guy was a jerk he was doing entry level lab work but had the demeanor of someone who was deciding where to put the Nobel Prize for chemistry that was inevitably coming his way he also viewed all incoming clients's interruptions and looked at us as if we should bow with gratitude that he would take time away from his vital work to Dain to speak with such lowly peons the first half of that summer other staff had been monitoring the lakes and it wasn't until the beginning of July that there was a shuffling of Duties and I took over soon after I began getting the test results I got a feeling that something wasn't right the test reported the amount of uh coli present as a given number of colony forming units cfus anything over 300 cfus and we would issue an advisory on a good week the typical range for these Lakes was something along the lines of 30 100 cfus but the numbers I was seeing now were in the low teens or even single digit given the number of geese and by extension geese droppings that I routinely saw those numbers were just a little bit too good to be true adding to my suspicion was the dramatic change in test results the previous summer when the contract for testing passed from one lab to the one that chumbley worked at in the Years prior to the switch there would be about 4050 individual samples that came back as high for the summer the year that the switch occurred the number dropped to five the year that I took over up to that point zero so now I'm more than a little suspicious the next time I dropped off samples I asked Chumley if there might be a problem with the test as those numbers just didn't seem plausible keep in mind I didn't accuse him personally of incompetence as I acknowledged that it very well could have been a problem with the test itself the response I got was The Jerk lovech child indignation and condescension apparently the problem was that I didn't understand the real science behind what he was doing and and I should just leave things to the professionals okay up to this point I was just trying to get to the bottom of the suspicious results you know the results that may have been telling little kids it was safe to go swimming in disgusting pools now I was genuinely mad so I went to my boss with my concerns and suggested a simple test the next time I collected samples I would collect one extra I would intentionally Spike this sample with some of the readily available Goose droppings while I wouldn't be able to determine just how mucho colly I was adding if the testing was accurate the spike sample should at least be significantly higher than the others taken from the same location my boss agreed and I collected my samples the results that came back on my special sample z0 not none detected but zero anyone who has done a quantitative work would know that is a huge no no now I might not be as scientifically Savvy as Chumley but I'm pretty sure that this was evidence that something was wrong I gave the results along with the photos I took of the process to my boss who promptly had a meeting with the owner of the lab shortly after that the lab lost the contract for all the work that was being done for the county although it was called a non-renewal while we are not talking about a loss of Revenue significant enough to drive them into bankruptcy it certainly made a sizable dent in the bottom line what was the final fate of Chumley I can't think that an employee who blatantly disregarded valid concerns and cost his company thousands of dollars would have a bright future screw you chumy all you had to do was not be a jerk this happened many years ago when I lived with my parents in NY State I had this friend who lived in another state well and told he was going to come Ai and if he could visit many friends had visited over the years my parents were cool with it this is before four cell phones were popular or Internet easily available everywhere I give the same instructions to all visiting friends go to Grand Central Station go to the ticketing office ask for Hudson Line buy for this station they'll tell you the track number check the time call me pay phone when it leaves take the train keep an eye on the stations they'll announce it on speakers I'll pick you up at the station this friend says no way he can do that he'll get lost I have to go pick him up I tell him dude it's a one trip two round trip he replies he'll have a panic attack he'll get lost I caved I took the train down meet up took the train back I took him around town he stayed the weekend then drop him off at the station I was relieved all he talked about was how awesome his life was in flat it wasn't as much fun to have him around his other friends but I was over next day he he calls saying he left a t-shirt in my room I found it and offer to mail it he goes oh no worries my parents are here and offered to drive me there what's your address I tell them I'm going back to college and won't be home during a week he says no problem all he needs is his T-shirt all for a stinking t-shirt weird but whatever he and his parents drove over the next day my parents told me they asked to see the house almost like they toured it they thought it was weird but they had met their son and he was weird we think nothing of it he called me a couple of months later to talk seriously I was like okay he then says how he wants to move to n and his parents would only let him if it comes to live at my parents house I was like what why why isn't L amazing he says thing is that I'm stripper and I can make so much money at night I was like okay but we don't live in nice dude it's one away by train he says it's okay he'll just commute I tell him I had moved out and was living in a small Studio place by school so sorry you can't move in with my parent he kept calling after that but I never called him back he eventually figured out I ghosted him I never heard back from him he added me once in social media but I unfriended him fairly quick enjoying the stories yet if you do please subscribe like and comment I'm writing this just after it happened my boss we nicknamed him Ross allowed me to take a break for today as of how shocked and panicky I was but I'm too shaky to even stand up plus I don't feel safe walking home so he offered to drive me home after work is finished this entitled woman who I assumed was the mom in the first post comes walking back in I was counter so I saw her first and I didn't want to make a big scene as we were fully booked today and everyone would see and hear everything so I was about to go into the kitchen to get Ross who was helping cook with our Chef we have a different Chef today and her nickname will be Lily entitled woman am you aren't leaving until we talk this is already getting heads turning I'm not good with arguments if it is in a small group let alone with a crowd of people watching me I am getting my manager I will be a the sentence was cut off with her yelling even more at me entitled woman we don't need your manager here you're an adult so you can talk like one now keep in mind I am barely an adult and I easily get mistaken for being 18 or 19 and this woman was clearly twice my age me I am getting my manager just wait here I'm trying to be calm and nice as possible as many of the people here know me they are locals in the area and since they don't know the full situation I don't want them to think I am being rude though looking back at it they probably realized something was wrong at the start she is yelling and I can't be bothered to write it all down and I can't remember all of it but as I go into the kitchen as I'm walking towards Ross he yells Ross what the effort you doing in my kitchen this shocks me as I assume he was talking to me until I feel someone grab my shoulder and pull me around this lady this entitled woman has just walked into the kitchen and grabbed me entitled woman I said you she didn't have any time to speak I pushed her off me I am not very strong quite obviously weak but I guess me being so scared and shocked gave me the strength to properly push her off me and she almost fell over what the hell that is assault you're going to be arrested Ross Lily called the police he says to Lily as he runs up to me standing in between us I was shaking a bit and I could hear some people outside talking quite loudly guessing they heard what is happening entitled woman when the police come here they will see how awful you are to your customers and that seword will be rotting in prison Ross you're insane she clearly didn't assault you you scared the out of her and you clearly have some not some many mental problems this entitled woman gave me a death stare as I'm shaking behind Ross she tried stepping closer but Ross starting yelling at her again Ross don't get any closer to her entitled woman she is a grown woman who can handle herself if she wants to fight we can fight Ross shut up you know she doesn't want to fight plus you were banned from here get out he nudges my arm I didn't get what he was trying to do but she started to pick up the stuff on the side like the chips and starting throwing them at me luckily nothing near her was sharp heavy or just dangerous but I was already panicking and this made it worse they're both yelling at each other and at this point I was crying and so scared I couldn't understand I just remember at this point Lily coming in and walking me into the break room which you need to unlock with a key so we were able to lock her out now the police came over I got questioned a bit they heard me out and said what I did was fine and I had genuine reason to be scared I asked Ross what happened what they asked him and he told me that it was basically the same questions I was asked but he also showed the security footage at this point I'm not sure what is happening I'm sitting by myself in the break room on a mean bag as I write this on my laptop I think writing this all down did help as I am no longer crying nor shaking as badly I've noticed a giant red mark on my shoulder this just feels so surreal as I read about these sort of stories but happening to me makes it feel so much more scary than it is like reading through it I feel as if I overreacted so much but I know in moment it felt like an even bigger deal than it really was edit one someone was nice enough to tell me how to edit posts so not much of an update as it is the same day still but I just got driven home by Ross and after reading all the comments I will press charges if possible I didn't want to originally as I don't like confront ations I also wanted this to end quickly as possible but everyone was making such good points I don't want her to do this to anyone else or treat anyone else like this before I forget to mention I am not British I do have an accent and I am obviously not fully white my mother is half Greek half French and my father is from South Korea I don't think this was hate crime related but I think this is something worth mentioning edit two I can't do much about what she did but what I understand she's most likely going to be fine and when I was asking how much they said most likely around s thousand as it wasn't too severe but we have to do this small Court thing think they said it was small claims but it seems like a lot of work just for something that won't go too far so I don't think it is worth doing much but they do have this encounter and the previous one on record in case she does something again to me and then they said she might be able to get a bigger fine or even a few months in prison as it will be treated more severely we have to get a few details about me out of the way I'm blunt and stubborn also I'm better at my job than you will ever be so just get over that now also I hate my career field I work in Tech but I'm not going to be more specific than that a note on the stubbornness I am the most stubborn and blunt rude if you push me person you will ever meet I expect everyone doubly so for management to do the right thing even when no one is looking one of the things I have learned is that narcissists and sociopaths cannot stand me they will actively melt down if they work with people like myself those people thrive when people have to be nice the exception to my stubborn bluntness if you work under me I help everyone working under me with everything they need when hundreds of the time and super friendly unless they give me a reason not to be I treat people under me in terms of technical position and in the company's hierarchy like royalty and the people beside and above me like you should be at least as competent as myself no excuses example if you lie about me to me well I'd better be getting an open and public apology to the people who you lied to with admission of guilt or I'm going to make you regret it best not be treating anyone else below you bad either lots of managers have a problem with this for some reason don't want this to happen don't lie now with that said I have a constant wave of job opportunities every company I've ever worked for including the one that fired me begging to have me back at a higher pay rate than what I made when I worked there actually about 25 more than the highest pay in the country I live in so I'm not in any position to care if someone going to fire me now that's out of the way at my current job I've worked here for about 2.5 years I took this job because it was going to allow me to have the time off I wanted about 35 days of PTO in 10 weeks first two unpaid of vacation time it's a long story but basically I need time off I was hired in at about 50 of the standard rate of pay for this reason contractually I can take this time off anytime I want I could if I so desired leave work midday and go on vacation when I first started the company laid off every other it guy after about a year aside from two those guys are mostly there to cover me leaving suddenly and if someone needs to pull something while I work on something else my previous manager actually recommended me to manage the department but I didn't want to take it so the company gave me an open door to take said position anytime I wanted and they would just demote anyone in said position this is where sociopath comes in to manage first day he pulls us all my team plus one more into a meeting and talks about how he's a nice guy but it's going to drive us to work extra hard this is where the first altercation occurs yeah how is that the case other team is purely reactionary and our team has literally no issues inside the company and 100 of our work is completed at nearly three times the rate of any other business in the area we will hold questions for private meetings okay fair enough he pulls me in and the first thing out of his mouth is to yell at me I never want you to question me ever again I was honestly stunned excuse me you will do what I say when I say now get out he wraps up the meeting by saying I'm really glad to have gotten this job because I cannot leave this town due to the fact that I'm obligated to watch my kids half of the year so I can't wait wait to get to know all of you I immediately went to HR as soon as the meeting was over and explained the situation thing is HR is the guy who hired me and we like each other a lot he tells me okay well unfortunately it would be against company policy to fire him this quickly also I have to take his side of the story first he didn't yell at me after I went and spoke to HR but called me in and said listen they're telling me to apologize to you and that's just not going to happen I'm your boss it's my right to treat you how I see fit I didn't realize you were a rat but now that I know that I'm afraid that I'm going to be extra hard on you better do what I say or it's your job I replied it's not your job to yell at people and maybe you should understand that if you were half as competent as you want to seem I don't think you would ever have a reason to yell at anyone also if reporting behavior that is against company policy makes me a rat then being a rat must be a good thing he just yelled get the F out and point it at the door I replied I'm afraid I'm going to have to go to HR again about your behavior if you don't apologize now which I did the issue well I live in a one- party state for recording conversations so I recorded the conversation 3 weeks later and HR has decided to keep him on because we are still way ahead of everyone in terms of metric since then my team and the other team has gone from loving their job to hating it everyone is reporting to me that he is screaming at them con constantly but only in private he doesn't even speak to me the way he is treating the guys under me is what was really getting to me they are his employees he should not be treating them this way I hate to use a quote from the office here but Michael Scott is 100's correct a manager is not here to hire and fire but to lead and Inspire now we are supposed to have certain metrics passed down to us by management but he has decided against that to keep morale up however I knew what he was up to so I went to my friend in HR and didn't tell him that he wasn't sending me the metrics which he is required to do as per company policy and had him send me a copy of everyone's metrics early but keep it on the down low so he did for several months I told my team and the people under me just hold out on quitting he won't be here for long Trust Me Slowly things between myself and him escalated I make decisions that he doesn't like because you didn't run that past me first in reference to my vacations and days off contractually have to do this and to be blunt I can stand him so he's just Soul when it comes to me not being there this leads to several times of him trying to scream at me while I sat there and was 100 and calm and patient but blunt and moving in my position that I can take leave whenever I want contractually and he is just going to have to get over that one of the things I specifically remember him yelling at me the last time you will do whatever I tell you whenever I tell you if I throw a ball and say fetch you will retrieve it do you understand at this point I lost my patience and said are you done yet oh great you're going to listen to me now you are hands down the worst manager I've ever worked under you are unproductive and least competent the other two guys Matrix have been falling since youve been hired him because you're dumb butt never listens to me you are the problem here not me get out now me are you done because I think you're to want to hear what I have to tell you your absolute childish behavior is unacceptable and I don't think that your supervisors or HR are going to appreciate how you have treated my for this at this point he gets up grabs the chair in which I'm sitting and literally rolls it towards his door screaming I don't have to listen to a dip crap like you I'm the boss do what you were told I replied I hope you know this can be considered assault and battery H him shut the f up and he promptly rolls me out of the office now here's the thing before that meeting I said I wanted an HR rep to sit outside of the office and listen in they said they couldn't do that but would Place one in the meeting he was late he overheard he last shut the f up just as he rolls me out into the Hall he then proceeded to look up CHR and start sweating bullets and oh I was we were just joking around looking up at him no we weren't he was just screaming at me and insulting me for no apparent reason he looks down at me hard and says this team always jokes around I mean it was just a joke I then pulled out a small recorder and looked at HR and said well given that you missed the meeting I think he should just review it here on this tape as this is just a joke apparently performance reviews are just a joke around here now HR insists we go over the performance review he pulls his copy out and begins going over the metrics on it talking about how bad of an employee I am as soon as he finishes I look at the sheet of paper he is going over I pull the metrics that my buddy and HR sent me no no I'm afraid this is all wrong he looks at me I'm sorry me oh yeah buddy and HR has sent me my metrics independent of what you sent me in fact and I can't believe you didn't know this all of the metrics are review Able by any employee at any time if they make an inquiry actually you have failed to send us any metrics at all as if is your job to do weekly the HR rep then looks at me is that all me yes hrre okay I think we are done here he requests that I stay I look at him and reply no I'm afraid I'm done listening to anything you have to tell me afraid I have an appointment to review your behavior with HR so HR and myself review the tape and their jaws are on the floor HR buddy apologizes to me they ask me what I think should happen as I was the one who was originally up for promotion I explained that he should not only have to write a letter apologizing for his behavior in email form but also apologize to all the teams under him in person at one time just after they send an email to him I drop by the office and say hey man don't worry I didn't let them review that tape he sends an apology letter and tells me that you're on my good side now a few moments later HR comes down and tells him that it's not enough and have all the teams Gather in front of him in the meantime I rig up the conference room to have a type letter of all the times he has yelled at every single person which took me all night to do he comes in and makes some bull crap apology that's a non-apology I'm sorry I was so hard on you guys I just know your potential and I cut him off HR isn't in the room excuse me that's not good enough I'm afraid you're going to need to apologize for your actual behavior and not give an apology that sounds like I'm sorry I was trying to help help you and you didn't like it no I'm afraid you're going to need to actually apologize and admit to wrongdoing and tell the actual truth at which point he visibly starts to get angry I'm apologizing me okay go on him more non-apology with him being obviously fake upset I press play on the slideshow okay since you didn't get the message the first time we're going to go through these individually on December 11 2001 you screamed at Robert robton wherein you failed to give him a review and simply called him a dumb butt I continue you need to repeat these words exactly if you want to keep your job Dear Mr Rob I apologize for being overly hostile and rude I apologize for failing at my responsibilities as a manager to both you and the team I understand I have a problem with anger and I'm willing to seek help when I clear a lack of empathy for other people as such I will be signing a document admitting fault under the circumstances that I ever hit you again I want everyone know that I would be 100 at fault and you would not be and proof of my misbehavior towards you as proof of my honesty and apologizing to witnesses will be signing this document as soon as I finish speaking he stands there and starts turning angrily red and says mington we need to speak alone now I reply no I'm afraid we don't if you do not wish to apologize to Robert robton then you can apologize to me for this at which point I play the audio of him talking to me I really hope you had family member you dies I mean really I'm your boss and this is your job and you care about a family member you think I give a damn about them or you you could die for all I care when a family dies if you mourn I'll be mocking you I just want you to know that now piss off you see after that little incident I couldn't have given a crap if I did get fired I just wanted to ruin this guy's life he immediately starts howling at me that I'd edited the audio and runs to get HR shortly thereafter HR comes back and the entire room denies that any of this happen we all instead go through with a plan I had from the beginning I was going to expose him for the POS he was if he does not honestly apologize and admit to actual wrongdoing HR then tells him he's fired he storms off now this is where the hardcore Revenge part comes in I used to work for every single it company in this town or have connections to them somehow Hill I trained at least half of the management at the last company I worked for my words have weight so I make calls to all the places I have in which is literally everywhere in town telling them to Blacklist this guy however at two companies I request that if he applies I would like to show up and help them interview him he applied to both jobs and I was sitting there in the meeting room oh hey just wanted you to know that I knew Mr meat for years middle of the interview I bring up his behavior with the audio from him telling me that he hopes my family member dies I then tell my ex-manager also just note you may want to write this down all the deck jobs in our area will have a copy of this audio so you can go ahead and explain to them why you told me this and they can relay that to me as soon as we get out into the parking lot he swings on me and starts screaming I will F and kill you f youf you I run back into the building and security detains him and calls the police my buddy recorded this on his phone as well as obtained a copy of the video from security after a quick court case and going to jail he shows up at my house with a knife screaming I'm going to effing kill you ruin my career just because you are a witch I think he had the address from working at the company with me I called the police got my gun and explained the situation while I waited on the cops to show up he proceeded to be detained and got sentenced to a two years stent in prison when you get out I hope you read this you see this you stupid jerk I wasn't the tenant in this story but it was a former roommate of mine and I had a front row seat to the events so my friend let's call him Paul returned to my city after living out of state for a year or so he needed a place to stay while he got himself set up with a job in a new apartment I had a spare bedroom so I offered it to him for a cheap price that way he could be month to month and just move out when he was ready he probably stayed with me about 6 months found a new job saved up some cash and signed a lease on a new apartment everything seemed fine Paul liked his new studio apartment in a large apartment building it wasn't far from work near transportation and in an area where he had other friends great he got all moved in and seemed to be set until he realized the apartment had bed bugs he wasn't there a week before he started finding bed bug and bed bug bites of course so he did what any one would do he contacted the landlord's office to report the problem and ask about Solutions the office claimed that it had no other report of bed bug they had no idea what he was talking about maybe he already had bed bugs when he moved in you get the idea well Paul knew they were lying so he started talking to the neighbors in his Corridor and of course he found others were also dealing with bed bugs and that the landlord had given them the same crappy responses so Paul decided to do a bit of research to see what options the tenants had turns out they could easily report the problem to the city inspectors and the more reports they got from the same address the more likely they were to prioritize sending someone to inspect the building Paul put together the info for reporting with suggestions for what to mention and asked his neighbors to make reports some of them must have followed through because it wasn't long before Paul was contacted about the issue he had bagged up all of his stuff and returned to my house but still had the lease and keys for the place he met the inspector at the building and showed her apartment it was clearly infested and there were signs in the hallway the inspector turned out to be a young woman who was very dedicated to her job she told the landlord it was their responsibility to cure the infestation the landlord wanted to bring in his usual exterminator to treat the apartment and hallway they tried that but it didn't fix the issue the inspector eventually insisted that they tear out the carpet and sections of of floring where the infestation seemed to be centered by now the inspector had seen that multiple units were affected so the costs were mounting she also discovered that the building hadn't had a proper inspection in years the landlord was dodging her and didn't want to set up a time for her to do a full inspection of course well after he negotiated to get out of his lease Paul gave the inspector the punch code to the front door and pointed out several things he thought the landlord was hiding including bed bugs on other floors malfunctioning elevator old fire extinguishers illegal basement level units improperly stored Building Supplies tripping Hazard floor and laundry room damaged walls and corridors the inspector called Paul and let him know she had returned to the building on a couple of occasions once she was meeting the building manager she let herself in a little early and walked up on the manager trash talking her and saying how he didn't want to be bothered L the family-owned firm that owned that building had several large apartment buildings in the area and the inspector intended to visit the mall she had already found tens of thousands in repairs for Paul's building that she was insisting the owner make ASAP given how they were operating I'm sure all of their buildings were in a similar State they made an expensive mistake when they tried to ignore Paul thanks for joining us if you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more captivating stories share your own experiences opinions in the comments below and let's keep the conversation going until next time stay stay tuned for more epic Tales
Channel: K-Korner
Views: 3,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, podcast, entitledpeople, entitledparents, entitled parents, prorevenge, revenge, funny story, funny video, neighborstories, neighbor, hoa stories, hoa story, homeowner association, justnohoa, karen, smug karen, aita, amitheasshole, amithejerk, best of reddit, bestof, reddit podcast
Id: vnqmihobjjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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