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you try to cut my team in half so I outsource your entire departments welcome back to reddit Chronicles if you're new here do you consider subscribing to help me feed my channel and grow my cat and if you like the video do kindly give it a thumbs up to help me out let's get started this tale takes place over the course of many months and resulted in over a hundred and fifty layoffs all to save twenty-two IT texts from losing their jobs I learned a long time ago that no one cares about the IT team at our company vaisya says those useless employees always complaining about rules we are a mortgage company and those rules are the rules everyone follows to protect customer data privacy and prevent theft when your company suddenly loses two full payments or a house to some scammer in Nigeria and the FTC has questions for you then it's time to change your policies this meant cutting legacy access revoking unnecessary access and correctly coding job titles in the active directory to prevent people from granting their own access what this boiled down to was a meeting that I phoned in to a year ago this was one of those meetings or did not need to be there budget meetings in this meeting the VP over the accounting department played a recording showing times when someone in the IT tech team provided subpar service she tried using this as a reason to fire half of a tech team the trouble was all the people she played recordings of were already fired for giving terrible customer service these people were replaced by five-star texts who know what they're doing and give excellent customer service they started the whole chain of events that led to last week since this meeting was every two months VP has tried to use her position and influence to grow her team while shrinking hours every budget meeting I would show up and VP who shall henceforth be referred to as Karen would target my team I would pull out the numbers and pull up the logs showing how my team received a little over 3/4 of that team's call volume I show how my team of 22 texts her receive more phone calls than every other inbound call employee by more than double the number I show how with the call volume we receive we still maintain a 98% satisfaction rating at the third budget meeting the CEO had been tired of hearing the same excuses and wanted hard data he had a point I was merely throwing out basic numbers without providing real data our company was in the middle of a budget crisis and someone needed to be cut these budget meetings were basically a way to defend our department from the chopping block Karen believed that the best defense was a good offense she was right but not in a way she thought when it became clear that the IT support team was on the chopping block Karen starts to have her employees call into the tech center and have them make requests that she knows we cannot assist with as that is handled by another company entirely we're not able to transfer calls to an external line so the only thing we can do is give the numbers a call and hang up the negative customer satisfaction started to flood in after this every single call from that team regarding a vendors password reset gets a negative customer satisfaction report our approval rating tanked to 72 percent in one day I instantly took action first I contact a few of the users on recorded calls and asked them why they call the IT tech team when they know we're not capable of resetting the vendors password she replied that she was told he was policy to do that now I asked why they left a negative satisfaction rating and she said that those no longer count against the employee those are only used for macro metrics I walked over to Karen's office and walked in Karen why are you having your team call mine to reset vendors password Karen looked confused and stated that she didn't know such thing she said she would talk to her team and make sure they called the correct number in the future the calls did not stop now a few of her team were calling in with personal machines that were not an asset of our company and they were wanting things done which would violate license agreements with Microsoft or Dell each of these were refused and each of these were leaving negative customer satisfaction reports it became clear that Karen was trying to tank our stats before the next budget meeting I let my boss know and he just gives me a sly smile the leash is off SiC her this is an inside joke between us as I'm someone who is a very detail-oriented when I'm focused when you try to get my team fired because you want to grow your useless team I'm very focused on you now the first thing I do is enable call recording for every corporate employee as to not arouse her suspicions her team do not have call recording enabled because her team handles CDP on a daily basis I think that means continuous data protection if anyone knows for sure leave a quick comments I pull a live call and listen in this is employee with our company may I have your account number or your name the customer gives the name okay I have your account pulled up are you wanting to make a payment customer says yes are you authorizing me to go ahead and make the withdraw from the bank account we have on file customer agrees okay payment is processing you will be notified in X days when it's complete your next due date is this dates customer thinks her and he hangs up the entire phone call was a minute in 22 seconds short phone call so I listen to another similar situation I listen to another and get the same thing I start seeing a pattern here so I go through the rapidly building log and see that all the phone calls are usually less than a minute in 20 seconds long it takes well over an hour before an anomaly occurs and I see a five-minute phone call the customer needed an extension and the employee was authorized to give her a 30-day extension to avoid a late fee if she would make a double payment next month the person on the phone agreed at this point I also turn on customer satisfaction for her team only I expected a largely similar rating as my team I was not prepared for the nearly 50% rating that steadily dropped my boss comes over to my desk as he's getting the email notifications for the sub 75% customer satisfaction rating and was flabbergasted at the sheer volume of negative reports it's now clear there is no choice but to examine this further I assigned four people to review the negative calls from the other team and have them all the amount of employees being downright rude to customers not other employees but paying customers over the phone was shocking the negative tones in their voice the unwillingness to fully answer questions the extreme lack of empathy and the shocking lack of mute button use was too much then came another shocker the number of customer facing employees was ridiculous one hundred and fifty two employees to handle roughly 30% more calls than my team of 22 I called the CIO CIO what you got for me me I have something for you it's incredibly evil depressingly accurate and can probably save the company a ridiculous amount of money you know this is the second time you have said those exact words to me right yup but there's something I need to know first I'm not currently authorized to know it and Anita requested in a way that would not set off any red flags what is it the starting pay scale for all account employees tell me your plan and the next budget meeting was not a budget meeting it was an IT tech defend yourself meeting the CIO directed it and let Karen speak first Karen pulled out the same stuff as before calls upon calls to our group that were cherry picked as well as listening off dead zone times when we had people working but no one calling in then went on about how they could cut our group in half and hire more account employees to reduce the workflow instead of defending myself or my department I played four of the short call recordings from Karen's Department I then pulled up the excel sheets that was color coded showing how many phone calls each account rep received and the length of time there on each call and the customer satisfaction rating by explain the lack of high customer satisfaction with my own little recording dialectically failed Taj it's a montage of fail and her team were the stars before you asked I did put music to it damn I wonder what kind of music he put the recording starts off with an employee saying yeah I guess I can take your payment then goes straight into one where a customer accidentally gave the wrong bank account info and said don't use that one the rep responded with a Christ what is the actual account number it only got worse from there the group was unmanaged for so long that they were filled with rude and useless employees I then showed them a side-by-side comparison of each tech who received a call I showed how my Tech's were receiving more than four times the number of calls per rep then her team was getting per day I showed how we all were on the phone for well over seven times the amount of time her team was on the phone for and I demonstrated how each tech had double or triple the satisfaction rating overall of her group half the room that was uninterested in the conversation we're suddenly interested when I closed out my presentation in short I saw no reason to defend the IT team today as I have successively done so in every prior meeting since the last meeting however Karin has crossed the line and has had her team called mine in regards to things we have no access to i played the recording of me calling her minion as you can see here she directed her team to call mine and to leave bad satisfaction ratings on my guys because of it I have since deleted those customer satisfaction ratings as they served no purpose whatsoever I then pulled out my next flow chart this is the monthly expense taken from the last nine meetings that our company spends on IT and servicing departments I look at the CEO who was looking at me intently before today I was on the defensive as I saw no reason to attack another group but it is clear to me now that my team has a target on its back that is why I now show you this it was a graph showing the starting pay scale for each IT and servicing employee code as well as their average daily work flow there was one glaring anomaly on this list account Department had the highest starting pay scale with the least amount of work so basically in layman's terms the account department can be reduced to one tenth of its current size and we can reduce the pay scale to a little over one half as this department requires very little in the way of problem solving and critical thinking I saw a few raised eyebrows as well as one impressed smile from the CIO the CEO uh sure's everyone out of the room except for me my direct supervisor and the CIO he looked at me and said continue further we can cut this department entirely and outsource them instead of IT since this group merely takes payments and sometimes allows extensions we do not have to worry too much about technical ability outside of simply using Windows we can hire high schoolers if we wanted to this got a lap from the CIO Karen were staring through the window with this smug grin on her face the entire time now for my final bit for this meeting I'm gonna play to cherry-picked phone calls these are the two most technical phone calls I could find from the last month for both departments I played a call where a payment fails to process and the rep realizes she typed in the wrong number then I play a call where it starts out with a user stating that her customer submitted a payment to the wrong CD the tech breaks out into our procedure to prevent wire fraud thanks to the quick action of this tech we were able to reverse the CD and save the customer from losing their down payments I believe CD means certificate of deposit if I'm mistaken someone correct me in the comments the final masterful stroke was playing my final card as you all know karen has been coming after my team for months she's been grinding her acts against us because she like everyone else has made the mistake that we are incompetent inept and useless to the company what she did not know was that I have all of the logs showing the truth the smoke she's been blowing for years is so thick that it's ridiculous her team is highly replaceable and we both know my team would require extensive training and effort to replace the CIO spoke up with just about 30 people we can outsource her entire department and save the company millions a year the next time we have a major IT issue you will be regretting outsourcing us he then pointed to the graphs and flowcharts brought by both myself and Karen her team is useless the next day I watched in pure joy as a term requests came in for Karen it came in with a double asterisk indicator at the beginning meaning this was a stealth term to be done and coordinated with the person who will inform her of the termination it's not actually a double asterisk I changed that for here to protect identities over the next two months the account team was shuttered first they came for anyone with disciplinary issues or attendance issues then they laid off anyone who had been there a really long time then the newest employees the smart ones applied for other positions in the company or left before getting laid off all the while the calls for payments were slowly shunted to the call center in India by the end of last week we only have four domestic accounts people who take escalations that the india call center is not authorized to take do I feel guilty about being integral for 148 people being laid off yes quite but I know it was necessary to keep my job and my health insurance without my health insurance I'm at deadman the entire reason this happened though was because the division was slated to be cut and sent to India from the outset thanks to the actions of myself and my direct supervisor we prevented it from being a short thing that our team was going to get cuts on top of that we cut out a festering wound in the company that was slowing it down and costing it money my team has not been brought up in the budgetary meeting since now that folks is Pro revenge done rights just goes to show before you go after someone make sure your own house is in order and of course if someone is coming after you check to see if they're doing something wrong so what do you think do you think he did the right thing if so why if not why not share your thoughts in the comments if you want more where that came from simply click on one of these boxes right here and if you liked the video I assume you did since you're still here share it with your friends to see what they think and of course if you haven't already click the Kitty to subscribe and you'll never miss another video I'll see you in the next episode of reddit Chronicles
Channel: RC 「Reddit Chronicles」
Views: 70,208
Rating: 4.8566551 out of 5
Keywords: (Pro Revenge), [KAREN GETS OWNED], (HOW TO DO REVENGE RIGHT), (r/pro revenge), take revenge on people who did them wrong, take revenge on people, people who did them wronginteresting and satisfying stories, (nuclear revenge), (r/nuclear revenge), (super nova revenge), r/supernova revenge, best revenge stories of all time, most amazing revenge stories of all time, best revenge stories of all time reddit, the top reddit posts of all time, (revenge stories), reddit chronicles
Id: EZhEjUOe2iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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