r/EntitledParents - She Claimed the Poops weren't Her's

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this entitled mum refuses to pick up her dog's poop left on her neighbor's patio but this neighbor has a scheme for revenge that will leave the entitlement wishing she never messed with her happy birthday of today's your birthday and on with the show the background my husband's come from a poor background as in he could not attend college because he had to take up a job in our country's defense forces the moment he was 18. i on the other hand come from a middle class family as in could attend college and even have a master's degree but nothing super fancy we were married arranged marriage when i was 24 and he was 25 before our marriage all my husband's salary went directly to his family that means seven years of income people a major part of which actually went to his brother-in-law as he was too special to find a job also could not keep one for longer than a year when i came to my husband's house my brother-in-law already had four children with his wife pregnant with the fifth my brother-in-law's credit was a mess as he'd taken multiple loans for funding his alcoholic holier than thou lifestyle and my husband was a complete pushover with no spine of his own to speak up for himself it took me two years and a toddler blessed with a baby boy to force him to grow a spine as now he had a family of his own and needed to care for it i had to make him understand that he can no longer send 90 of our income to his brother and force us to the brink of bankruptcy as his brother cannot afford his own lifestyle slowly and slowly my husband stopped sending them any money as his parents had enough income to maintain themselves and it was high time for his brother to get his lazy butt and do some crap the main story now this is the main event that took place about five years ago when my husband was 30 that forced us to go no contact with my in-laws and a major part of my husband's family my brother-in-law now had five children blessed with all girls was on brink of bankruptcy and had already used a major part of the inheritance that was going to be passed down from his parents this interaction took place on my first two nieces wedding they had a joint wedding and reception as brother-in-law didn't have the money for two separate weddings em two husband you should start helping your brother again as he is having a lot of troubles with funds lately we're in a pretty tight spot ourselves mom especially with ellen me pregnant with the second child well you should help your brother even more as you know what it feels like to be with a pregnant woman after all we're also expecting what you are pregnant again my actual words what do you mean daughter-in-law aren't you happy it can actually be a boy this time not everyone is as lucky as you who gets a boy on the first chance me flabbergasted what are you talking about i won't treat a daughter any differently than a son well you can say that since you already have a son i don't care about eb's and eos lifestyle choices but i can't share any more money with them as i have my own family now we need to save to buy a house start sons college fund etc you don't have any right to speak about your brother like that he is trying to improve a lie he also has responsibilities right as if he knows what responsibilities are you [ __ ] you dare speak about my husband like that everyone was now looking at us she gets into my face and actually tries to punch a very pregnant me husband stopping her midair you dare she's pregnant and even if she was not how could you think that you can punch her me shocked plus angry we shall leave now i don't think we're welcome at this wedding anymore husband follows me without speaking any other thing we got many vile and abusive messages even threats from his side of the family on how we spoiled our niece's marriage and how family always comes first fortunately we had never given my in-laws our address and even if they could get it somehow no one would have had the money for the plane ticket as we lived at the geographically opposite corner of the country at that time also we've shifted twice since then and have blocked out most of his side of the family leaving out some of the sensible cousins uncle and arts etc and informed everyone on my side of the family plus our friends to maintain absolutely no contact with them i'm not too sure why he felt the obligation to give 90 of his paycheck to these people he must have also been earning a fair bit and living pretty cheaply to only live on 10 percent if his family was in such great need and it was for a short period of time he can kind of understand but he's got his own family he has to think about and look after not only that but it's only because of the laziness of the husband from the other family that they needed the help in the first place it's not like there was a health crisis or there was no one there to support the family he just didn't want to do it and they really try to turn around and make them look like the bad guys no wonder there's no longer any contact so this happened at the last apartment complex i lived in my significant other and i were renting a ground floor unit at a really nice apartment complex i wouldn't say it was a luxury apartment or anything but our ground floor unit had a little patio off the back that led out to a really nice courtyard area with hammocks a walking path outdoor fireplace seating area etc a lot of people walk their dogs out there or let their kids play out there in the grass including us we have a one-year-old kane corso we got her when we'd been living in the unit for about two and a half months and she was only eight weeks at the time she's a really good dog and we trained her well we could let her out to go potty and she'd come right back even if there were distractions people dogs out we always stood on the patio and watched her anyways because our pet agreement said we couldn't leave our dog unattended then we'd go pick up her poop right away if she pooped also part of the pet agreement as i'm sure is standard at most apartment complexes we kept a small step trash can outside specifically for her poop bags because we didn't want to throw them away inside and the only outside trash cans were on the other side of the building which i agree is super dumb it really was a small trash can like the kind you tuck into the bathroom between the toilet and the wall we also had her boot bags hanging out at our patio door handle for easy access so we didn't have to hunt for them every time we needed them em and her ek moved in on the ground floor in our building two units down from us no biggie we ran into her one day carrying in groceries and my significant other held open the door for her she seemed kind of caron-ish but was polite and her kids probably 10 or 11 years old didn't look up from his phone whatever that's pretty typical of kids these days they also had a dog a little black and white fluffy thing super cute but not trained very well don't know what kind of dog but it was much smaller than our already giant puppy after about two weeks or so we realized that there were dog turds in the grass right off our patio we found out the hard way because my boyfriend stepped in it the first time luckily he wasn't barefoot they were clearly not our dog's turds as number one we always picked up her poop right after she went and number two they were very obviously from a small dog not our 70 pound puppy we'd been in the apartment about seven to eight months at that point and we never had an issue with this so we figured it was em's little dog i wrote her a polite note that basically was like hey neighbor we noticed that some of your dog's poops aren't being picked up and are right off our patio per the pet agreement we all have to sign we all need to be picking up our own dog's poop each time they go i'm sure it was an accident and you just didn't notice if so could you make sure to do that going forward we'd appreciate it your neighbor's in-unit number she wasn't home so i slipped it under the door and went back to my apartment a couple hours later em is banging on my door and gets really angry with me insists that it couldn't have been her dog and how dare i assume i felt really bad and apologized immediately said i didn't mean to offend her and it must have been someone else she told me never to bother her with crap like this again and stormed off i was like okay not three days later i was sitting on my patio with a book enjoying the cool weather when i see their little dog run out of their back door no one with it and it comes over to me i said hello to the pup because i love pups and then it took a crap right off the patio ran back home and scratched the door to be let in i saw ek slide the door open enough to let the dog in and then closed it again without coming outside to pick up the poop i was annoyed because i saw it with my own eyes that it was their dog and no one was even watching it when it was outside so i grabbed a poop bag picked up the poop wrote another less polite note about em's kid neglecting to watch the dog or come to check if it had pooped slash pick up after it and dropped the poop bag and the note on their patio right by the door then went back to my reading em was quicker to come by this time and stomped right up to me waving the note around then stated that her kid was just a kid and probably just forgot to check i said i didn't care her kid was old enough to stand outside for three minutes and come pick up the dog's poop she said well there's no poop bags or trash cans on this side of the building and she didn't feel comfortable making her kid walk all the way around the building for that the next part is my own fault in hindsight i suggested she put a trash can like mine on her patio and leave their own poop bags handy like we do for our dog she eyed our stuff huffed some more rolled her eyes refused to do anything about the poop and walked off at this point i was super annoyed i stalked my patio door for the next couple of days as much as i could just waiting and sure enough on day two in the evening when i was about to give up i see the puppy run outside towards my patio i whipped out my phone took some pictures of the dog outside alone not allowed and the dog pooping and then took another phone an hour later of the poop still there and time stamped all of them then i sent an email to the apartment office people who were always pretty nice and they responded quickly that they would give em a warning about it and sure enough em comes back again to get mad and yell at me about how petty i was to report them to the office and now they had a 150 fine for not picking up their dog poop it's worth noting that these finds are rare blueprints were not used at this complex in order for the office to find someone for dog poop they had to have proof it was that specific tenant's dog poop and that it wasn't picked up hence the photos i'd taken and time stamped i told her that i had tried to be nice about it with her twice before and it was her own fault at that point for not abiding by the terms of the pet agreement that we all had to sign everyone who had a dog at least she went off about how she's a single mom and she works during the day and her precious baby can't be expected to pick up after their dog i told her that a 10 or 11 year old was plenty old enough to pick up after a dog and that if they weren't responsible enough then maybe the kid shouldn't be letting the dog out at all and she should be the one to do it and maybe whoever is home with him should be looking after it she got angry told me i had no idea how to be a single mom that her mum stays with him during the day and shouldn't be expected to look after the kid and her dog and she stomped off i expected to hear more about it but i didn't the ironic part is that i am a single mom my kid isn't my significant others and i raised him alone for two and a half years before i met my significant other so yes i do know how hard it is and i live one thousand miles from my closest family so i never even had the luxury of being able to have my mum watch my kid over the next couple of weeks we didn't find any more dog turds off our patio but we did notice our poop bags were depleting and our trash can filling up way more quickly than usual i had my suspicions and wanted to test it we had recently bought some small security cameras for inside our apartment for different reasons and i had my boyfriend set one up outside on the patio we faced it where it could see our door and trash can but didn't point it to the rest of the courtyard or other people's units we respect privacy around here sure enough the same evening my boyfriend set it up i see ek walk onto our patio take a poop bag walk out of frame and then come back to throw it in our trash can okay now i'm ticked but also not trying to fight this lady or her kid so i move the poop bags to the inside door handle it's a glass door so you can still see them but we always lock our sliding door next morning i hear someone knocking on the back patio door and i go to see ek standing there looking annoyed i didn't open the door i just spoke loudly enough to ask what did he need he demanded a poop bag for his dog's poop i said i'm sorry but these are our poop bags for our dog and they weren't free for anyone else to use the apartment provides poop bags in a dispenser near the trash can on the other side of the building kid starts demanding a poop bag saying his mum told him he could use ours slapping his hands on the glass a few times trying to scare me yes i'm so terrified of a ten-year-old boy and finally screaming at me that he's telling his mother on me i said fine go ahead i'll tell her the same thing sure enough a few minutes later iam is standing on my patio also demanding a poop bag for her dog's poop i denied her a bag and asked her to please step off of my patio as she was making me feel unsafe and uncomfortable my significant other wasn't home she told me i was a bratty child i'm 24 and she demanded i let her use my poop bags as i had already told her she could before i said no i told you to get some yourself and do what i do keep them close by and put your own trash can on your own patio not use the bags i buy with my own money for my own dog and then fill up my tiny trash can with your dog's poop i pointed out she could use a plastic shopping bag if she didn't want to buy her own poop bags or she could use the bags the complex provided on the other side of the building she kept going off on me and i finally told her if she didn't leave my patio i'd call the police as she was harassing me the apartment office was closed on sundays and of course it was sunday she acted like she was going to call my bluff but then my boyfriend got home and walked up behind me to ask what was going on and she ended up dragging her kid away again leaving the poop in the grass off my patio so once she was gone i took another time stamped picture of the dog poop downloaded the footage from my security camera of her kids stealing my poop bags and throwing them in my trash can and the footage from them that morning yelling at me and demanding my bags and my denying them and emailing all of it to the apartment management i told him that she made me feel unsafe and uncomfortable in my own home that she and her child felt entitled to come onto my patio and take my belongings i also went outside picked up her dog's poop looked in the trash can on my patio and pulled out the bags with her dog's poop they were significantly smaller than my dog's poop and i'm sure any dog owner could tell the difference in poops of a 12 pound dog and 70 pound dog i went and opened all the bags and dumped the poops straight onto her patio right outside the door on monday i heard back from the office lady who said she would take care of it by friday there was a moving truck and em and her ek were moving out pretty sure they were evicted after talking to some of our other much friendlier neighbors it turns out we weren't the only ones who had been complaining about her they'd only lived in the complex for like 2-3 months before they made so many enemies they were kicked out sometimes i think i should feel bad for playing a part of them getting evicted but honestly i can't bring myself to feel guilty about it not my fault as she was a lazy entitled fitch who couldn't even be bothered to get a shopping bag to pick up her dog's crap i never heard from her about the turds i dropped on her patio but i like to think she stepped in them without looking and knew better than to come complain to me about it sorry not sorry it doesn't feel fair that reasonable people should have to live next to people like this i'd like to think we could create some sort of social order where all the nice people will get to live with each other and all of the entitled parents they have to live with all of each other's own misery in the same apartment complex i know that's an impossibility because you know we all have our own elements of entitlement from time to time but i think we could all agree with the sentiment that if that were possible that would be really nice submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our voice veteran community at our slash voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 11,266
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: lE0cpnN6ZDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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