r/EntitledParents - Mom thinks her son's an Olympic Swimmer...

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this entitled mum thinks her son is an olympic swimmer she's in for the shock of her life when everyone starts laughing as he starts drowning happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show hello i'm 15 years old and this happened a year ago during summer vacations i'm a skilled swimmer due to me being in class since i was 5 years old and i really enjoy swimming during the summer vacations my father tends to sign us father little sister and me into swimming classes on the university he studied in this is a service that the university has and well that wasn't our first time there so the professors recognized us one professor i really liked was named louis he was the professor for the advanced class where i was in and he always defended me from the 17 year olds that were in the class as well but enough backstory this happened almost at the end of the course and we were having a special class on the deep pool this was seven meters deep 23 feet and was my favorite because i like diving after the class had ended the professor let us do whatever we wanted for 30 minutes time that the other classes greens and medium were using to have normal classes only the advanced class had this special class on that time i started diving and having fun while swimming but 10 minutes before the end a woman approached the professor with her son he was like 13 or 14 so my age and started asking why i was there lewis started explaining that i was part of that class the woman getting angry said k karen l lewis and d my dad sorry but why is he on his class pointing at me oh he's one of my students he studies in this class then if he is there can my son be as well he also wants to have fun i need to check that the pool is somewhat dangerous do you have your receipt yes here it is handing a piece of paper sorry but he is supposed to be in the green class i'm afraid he's not skilled enough to be here but he is there he can't be much better than my son sorry but he's been coming to this class here since he was 10. but he's not good enough to be there how dare you say he's better than my son he's so fat i am a little fat i was 78 kilos 172 pounds and my height was 170. five five sorry if you're here to insult my student i will be asking you to leave oh so now i'm insulting your student i'm the customer here and you will let my son have fun sorry that's not possible i will ask you to return him to his class the mother was really upset and started talking crap of the professor while leaving but her son turned back and ran into the pool not realising how deep it was and he was now two meters deep in the pool having problems to get out he had no ability on the kicking before we reacted we all started laughing at his inability to swim but then we realized the kid was really drowning and was sinking i was not the hero of this story though another student i'll call him alex dived in and rescued the kid that was now crying in the floor after being thrown out of the pool how dare you touch my son you freaking pee ma'am your son was drowning he wasn't he is completely capable of swimming then what about letting him in again and seeing how much he can survive he starts laughing they were 17 year olds that had fun with seeing how a kid was drowning but i'd be lying if i told you i wasn't laughing inside as well you pointing at me you were the reason my son almost drowned you make it seem so easy that's why my son jumped into the pool sorry but you and your son have to leave now i'll be calling security if you keep this up no i want him banned from this place he is a bad influence for kids his age making them think swimming is easy all the classes had already ended by now and the tantrum she was making could be heard by everyone so my dad that always comes for me approaches her and asked is everything okay here who the freak are you i'm here for my son i climbed out of the pool and walked in the direction of my dad wait is he your son yes he is look at what he did with mine he almost drowned is that true asking to the professor and me no the kid jumped into the pool without permission okay then it's not my kid's fault so i'll be leaving thanks for taking care of him to my professor not a problem are you really going to let him go his son almost killed mine you told us he was an experienced swimmer so why was he drowning i said to fuel the situation while leaving that's all as my knowledge goes she was banned from the place and her husband had to come and apologize for his son to be permitted again in the facilities that was my only experience with the karen because they are not so common here wait a place where entitled parents are not so common guys i think we gotta all move there just don't let the entitled parents know then we could just leave them all stuck with each other and you know they can sort themselves out outcast mila my wife chanel my wife's older sister mammon my wife's biological father becky my stepmother-in-law kathy my wife's mother i suppose it's only fair to start from the beginning my wife was born into a family where her mother already had a child from a previous relationship mammon was with cathy during the whole pregnancy and married kathy three months after chanel was born four years later mila was born and everything seemed nice ish the problems began before milo was able to recognize them mammon is technologically intelligent but morally bankrupt the man has worked for some big name computer companies tp macro hard and mel in all three businesses the man embezzled from them my mother-in-law loves the phrase keeping up with the joneses for him when asked why he did all this he would reply for the family but there was absolutely no reason as the family was living very comfortably when mila was almost eight years old her father left them as it turns out he was sleeping with the secretary becky on the side even had the audacity to bring becky to his home under the guise of a business dinner where his then still wife fed her after christmas of 2004 he packed up his assets and left at the time kathy was a stay at home running a big horse rescue when he left the rescue went under they were providing desperately needed medical attention for broken racehorses the rescue was so big they even at one point took care of secretariat's grandson classic brat along with abandoning the rescue and his wife he left behind his two daughters the divorce was finalized in june or july of 0.5 in that same year around november mammon and becky who'd been living further north from where mila lived came to take mila 8 years old and chanel 11 for a weekend poor chanel wanted nothing to do with him and locked herself in the bathroom kathy had to coax her out because mammon was threatening to call the cops because it was his weekend and according to him it was against the law for his daughter to refuse to go with him after leaving cathy's home with the girls the duo blindsided them with the surprise that the girls were going to be the flower girls of their wedding in texas that they were driving down to at that moment mila had no clue as to what was going on as she was an autistic eight-year-old who still loved her dad very much chanel was furious once down there chanel and mila were told to call becky mum and all of becky's family that they were meeting there for the first time by family titles like grandpa and auntie both girls refused and mammon got ticked at the two young girls later the girls would be told that they were rude and that they were treating them like a doormat and wiping their feet all over them to try and guilt-trip them mila and chanel never called becky mum shocker after the wedding the girls were to stay at grandpa's house becky's dad where mammon gave away chanel's flower girl dress to becky's niece in mammon's words chanel didn't deserve the dress if she was going to act this way and that he was going to give it to someone that deserved it funny ending story kathy gave mammon 24 hours to get a u-haul and all his things out or she would burn the rest mammon called her bluff it was a great fire that night with the old christmas tree office chair irish wool sweaters and suits kathy got over-excited and burned everything under an old oak tree needless to say the oak tree caught fire and kathy slipped on the ice with a beer in hand trying to put out the fire not only was he the reason why the family broke up i mean according to this side of the story at least but he then expected them to be like hey this strange woman is now mom okay of course they're not going to be on board with that how oblivious do you have to be to be so unempathetic to your children's feelings in that situation and then to punish them and take away the dress like it's so messed up it's like you're the bad guy here and yet you're somehow trying to make your pre-teen children the bad guys i mean who does that this happened a few years ago during a family trip to london so the dialogue isn't 100 accurate i didn't do anything directly but my mother a fierce and sometimes petty woman did cast is entitled mum iam her two sons aged around six to nine ek 1 and 2 my mother mm it was a warm july morning and we waited about 45 minutes before the scheduled changing of guards at buckingham palace we were towards the front of one of the gates but there were a lot of tourists packed there at this point since the guards were about to change any minute my family was happy chatting amongst themselves when all of a sudden em ek-1 and ek-2 started shoving and screaming to get to the front they ended up right behind us with ek 1 and 2 behind my mother ek 1 and 2 could not stand still they kept shoving and pushing into my mum while em was still on the phone the kids were also eating snacks and spilling some of my mum since they were moving so much after about five minutes of them being there my mum was fully irked and turned towards them hello could you two please stop moving so much there are so many people here and it's hot but you guys keep bumping into me ek 1 and 2 blank stare while stammering an incoherent response em finally notices what's going on what's wrong your kids are moving around and bothering us could you get them to stop oh ek one and two they're fine they've been waiting here for a while and kids get antsy no they're not fine please just get them to stand still okay emi rolls sure whatever em goes back to talking on the phone without saying anything to her kids while ek-1 and two continue to squirm and begin whining mommy charge when's he going to start mom i'm hungry when's joke gonna get here iam then waves them off and continues to talk on the phone ek 1 and 2 then start to shove some more and fight which causes us to bump into the people around us everyone's shooting dirty looks at these kids and i hear other families complaining about them at this point my mom has a far away angry look in her eyes like she's trying to calm down but her patience has almost been pushed to its limit it all comes to a head when the two kids shove each other too hard and push my mum forward hard thankfully my dad and the packed crowd prevented her from falling on the ground but she would have otherwise and was ticked my mum turns back at the kids stop moving i've asked you nicely before but you haven't done that just stop moving ek 1 and 2 look petrified and staring blankly do you understand you can wait and stand still like everyone else here entitled mum sees my mum talking to them again and gets off the phone excuse me is there a problem here yes there gesturing to ek102 the problem i've asked you to control your children but they just shoved me get them to stay still excuse you we've been waiting here a while and you know kids get bored my kids are fine no my family and everyone else here have been waiting for at least 40 minutes while you all shoved past to get here just minutes ago they've been pushing each other and the crowd littering food and being rude to everyone who's actually been waiting so they need to learn to stay still well my kids are well behaved and we've been waiting like everybody else yo we've been good and you're rude leave us alone my mom in a loud irritated voice staring directly at the kids no how about you two leave us alone just stop bothering us and don't move around she turns around and in the process brushes against ek 1 and 2. ek 1 and 2 shocked my mom took back and started crying and whining mom she pushed us excuse you could you not talk to my kids you're scaring them and you push to us well they're scaring me they've pushed me several times already you know if they weren't here everyone will be having a great time well i well whatever you need to figure out how to discipline your kids on your own my mum then turned around iam was speechless and quickly took her kids by their hands running towards the back another family nearby told us that em and her kids were something else and thanked my mom for speaking out thankfully we got to watch the guards and have a nice vacation after honestly good on that mum for standing up for herself how often do you feel stuck in one of those situations where there's just some bratty kids doing something stupid and you're like i can't just rouse on these kids even if they're doing something dumb i'm gonna look like the bad guy plus you don't want that kind of conflict with the parents well she did what everyone else around her was thinking and everyone else was better because of it so good on her submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community at our slash voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 15,285
Rating: 4.9414635 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: 0kOnDNQReFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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