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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your host captain Zac in today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents with a little bonus from our slash today I fudged up don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright this story's called homophobic mom is entitled to my charity hey it's me the chick-fil-a guy from the other day I'm gonna be going on a class trip in a few days so I thought I'd give you all one more story before I head out I'll pop a link to the other post in the comments if you want to read usual abbreviations apply there's me hey it's your boy guy one guy too entitled mother one guess who this is kid one entitled mother's son kid two entitled mothers daughter and me way this happened a few weeks back after I got off the recovery from my surgery and came back to work I was working a four to 9:30 shift on Friday in the dining room which meant I got a half-hour break since I was working five and a half hours which is a company policy so I took my break around 7:15 or so because it was really slow that night especially for a Friday there was four or five tables occupied but I wasn't the only one in the dining room that night so I was good to go on break I ordered my employee meal and got my phone and wallet from the little employee cubbies we have up front and sat down in the back near the bathrooms some people in the front of house were cleaning the floors on the other side near the playground so I wanted to stay out of their way as a result all the other groups of people were on that side as well I took a free table and just texted for a little while as my food came out while this was going on two guys about my age maybe a little older walked in and ordered before sitting down a few tables away from me one table away from the entitled mother I didn't think much of it until I saw the two guys walk by me holding hands now if you read my last post you probably noted the part where I said that I was bi so seeing those guys go and sit down made me smile I guess to me it was nice to see that everyone's got someone out there them and these guys had found that someone anyway my order came out and I had skipped lunch that day so I started devouring that sandwich in parfait while I was picking one of the tomatoes out of my sandwich I heard a little bit of an argument break out behind me entitled mother had noticed the boys holding hands and had gone over to their table I didn't look over but I kind of tuned into the conversation mostly because I was curious excuse me can you not hold hands please it's making my daughter uncomfortable and why is that because you're both males you got a smart daughter huh huge childish internal laughing from me pardon me lady guy won and I come in here pretty often and they never have a problem with us leave us alone if you don't want to deal with us entitled mothers sounded pretty ticked off about that she started to yell at the two guys looked pretty uncomfortable she went on for a minute or two about how homosexuality is a sin and I don't want my children exposed to your disease I didn't really want this lady to cause a scene and I'm not really comfortable in a homophobic environment myself so I stood up put my nametag back on and walked over to guy wanting guy to his table is there a problem here it's none of your business actually you're in my place of employment and you're causing a scene so it is my business ma'am don't talk back to me isn't this supposed to be a Christian restaurant why aren't you throwing those two out because they ordered food and they're our valued guests miss I'm gonna have to ask you to please go back to your seat and stop disturbing this gentleman guys one in two seems pretty happy someone had taken their side entitled mother was not but gave me a scowl and went back to her seeked I smiled at guy Juan and guy too gave a little pleasure to be of help not in went back and finished my meal right as theirs came out some time passed and I was back on the clock both entitled mother and guy 1 and guy 2 were still there guy wanting guy 2 were still eating and kid 1 and kid 2 were in the play area entitled mother was still at her table now part of my job in the dining room is doing table touches which just means checking in with all the guests and asking them if they need anything I checked with a few other tables who were all good entitled mother asked me for a sweet tea refill which I got for her and guy1 unknowingly made my day by asking for some pepper for his mac and cheese I went and got the giant functional pepper shaker that we have walked over and said say when guy wanting guy to laughed their asses off at this and so did a couple of older folks at another table it flipped me in a really good mood so when guy to asked if it was alright if he could take some sauces home I decided to be nice and surprised these guys I figured what the hell these guys are nice they got yelled at by a crazy lady and they made my day might as well make theirs in her turn so I went to the kitchen and asked a friend in the kitchen if he could get a couple cookies ready for me real quick and he did since he wasn't planning to use his employee meal that night anyway I put the sauces in a paper takeout bag with the cookies and took it out to their table where we had the obligatory thanks a lot man and my pleasure interaction I walked away after that to wipe tables but kept an eye on their faces while they opened the bag I don't know if they know it was me or not but they looked really happy and it felt good guy wanted guy to left at that point so I told them to have a good night as I passed by them to clean their table off they told me goodnight and went off and hopefully did have a very good night as I was cleaning the table entitled mother came over to me and tapped my arm I looked over finished wiping the table and stood up do you need any help yes I'd like you to get me three cookies please oh sorry ma'am we can't do transactions here in the dining room you'll have to either wait in line or a place in mobile or entitled mother cut me off before I could finish the word order well you brought cookies to those too so why not me those cookies were paid for ma'am then pay for mine the same way at this point kid 1 and kid to come running back from the play area and started begging their mother for dessert are you really gonna say no to my children no ma'am I'm going to say no to you at this point I picked up the bucket of sanitizer wipes I was using if you want a cookie then you can buy them yourself is there anything else I can help you with entitled mother started hollering at me about how I was a disgraceful employee and I should be fired for what poor service I had given her at this point I was saved by the most unlikely of heroes the old dude from earlier who had left at the pepper shaker walked by and told the entitled mother to and I quote shove a shotgun it's so far deep that it covers the pole in your ass he then told me I was doing a good job got a few napkins and went back to his seat with his wife it took everything I had to not start laughing my ass off but I managed to squeeze out a thank you sir to the older guy and have a good night ma'am to the entitled mother before going back to the kitchen and laughing for a solid 30 seconds that's pretty much the end of the story entitled mother wound up buying a six-pack of cookies anyway I made sure the older guy had everything he needed for the rest of the evening kids I felt good about myself for the rest of the night I feel like I'll be posting a lot of stuff here since I've been working at chick-fil-a for a while so I just want to say most nights you don't see a single Karen and the worst incident will be a messed up order chick-fil-a is an amazing job and I'm grateful to have it so please don't translate these stories as me disliking my work because overall I love it see I love these stories that paint chick-fil-a in a positive light because you know what chick-fil-a is an amazing place okay they're so kind and there's those things people say about them which are no longer true because they change their ways and their donation habits chick-fil-a is the best of fast food places I am sorry but that is a fact and this opie is a cool dude this story's called entitled stepmom uses doorbell to page her children this is a story about my entitled stepmom and my brothers while my mom was involved she was a minor player this also took place before cellphones here's the cast there's me 15 years old at the time Tigger Middleborough 13 years old rabbit youngest bro 9 years old mom married to entitled stepmom and biological parent the nicknames came from our mom and according to her our personalities matched the Winnie the Pooh characters mom calls me a or we live in what's known as a three family house entitled stepmom and mom owned the house and we used the first and second floors but rented out the third for those that are not aware a three family house is a free-standing house with three separate apartments usually one per floor connected by a main hallway the first floor was used as a living room kitchen dining room and home offices while the second floor is where the bedrooms and play rooms are since these are considered separate apartments the doors to each apartment was pretty thick and it was hard to hear through the door also because cellphones were not a thing yet if you wanted to get a hold of a child that was on the second floor you had to yell pretty loudly in the hallway up the stairs sometimes my poor entitled stepmom had to actually climb the stairs to get ahold of someone suck-ass eventually my entitled stepmother decides that enough is enough and that she is going to install a doorbell on the second floor and put the button on the first floor that way if she needs one of us she can just hit the button so she goes out purchases and installs it she sits us down and tells us about the Bell and what it means when it rings also she assigns each of us a number of rings rabbit is one Tigger is two while I am three when the door bell is rung we are to pause whenever we are doing go downstairs and walk into the living room and ask what's up we couldn't walk downstairs and ask from the doorway we had to physically walk into the living room several steps so she could see us from her spot on the couch that's right my entitled stepmother installed the doorbell in a spot she could reach without getting off the couch now sometimes we were paged for like normal things like checking our homework or to do the dishes other times we were called for dumb things like filling her wine glass with the box - wine or getting her a glass of water oh and the water had to be cold no ice but she had to let the faucet run for 30 seconds the problems had started to occur because as I said she had installed the button for the doorbell in easy reach of her position on the couch in fact she installed it on the side of the coffee table where her knees were which led to several accidental activations in rabbit would run downstairs to see what's going on he would walk into the living room and ask what's up entitled stepmother would be confused since she couldn't hear the doorbell upstairs and there was no way she accidentally hit the button since that was impossible after like a month of rabbit appearing after being accidentally beckoned he started yelling and entitled stepmother which would almost always end up with rabbit losing electronics for the day this became such a common occurrence that mom finally stood up to entitled stepmother and asked for the doorbell to be changed to two rings for rabbit 3 for Tigger and 4 for me unfortunately entitled stepmother was stuck in her ways and didn't see this as a problem for her to solve it was our job to know if it was accidental or not which again rabbit would only know if he went downstairs then my mom was asked to switch it so that I was 1 Tigger was 2 and rabbit was 3 her reasoning was that I was more level-headed and would be more forgiving of an accidental read entitled stepmom said that was too confusing for us and she decided to keep the order the same I guess for some reason she thought a nine-year-old and 15 year olds couldn't understand the difference between 1 and 3 but we were required to get high marks in math anyways eventually you get sick and tired of hearing the doorbell even when it wasn't calling you I replaced the battery in both the button and the ringer several times with dead batteries eventually I ran out of spare dead batteries one day I was playing video games in the playroom while Tigger was reading a book in his room which due to the orientation of the house I could see him where he was laying down suddenly the bell goes off twice Tigger proceeds to continue to read his book two more rings in - frustrated sigh from Tigger I know minute passes with two more bell rings after the third group ticker throws his book across his room stands up and grabs a metal baseball bat wordlessly he walked out of his room and whacked that damned bell off the wall while it was dying on the floor he proceeded to hit it two more times to make sure it was dead he gently put the bat back in his room and picked up his book from the floor after witnessing this violent act I hear my entitled stepmother storming up the stairs so I quickly picked up my jaw from the floor entitled stepmother rips open the door and demands to know why Tigger was not responding to the doorbell he stands up in fairly calmly states he didn't hear any Bell entitled stepmother looks up at the wall where the former ringer was and then followed the wall down to the floor where the doorbell lay demolished entitled mother starts to get herself into a tizzy wondering what happened to the doorbell and I reply without pausing my game must have fallen to this day I have no idea where I got the bravery to lie straight to her face while I misbehaved for talking back ignoring her or even being evasive being sneaky I did not lie entitled stepmother while self-absorbed prided herself on me always telling the truth so she couldn't call me a liar without hurting her own pride she decides that it must have fallen and smashed itself into a thousand pieces she moves on tells Tigger he needs to go downstairs and find the TV remote for her mom looked at the remains later and she knew it had not followed luckily for us entitled stepmother decided the doorbell was inefficient and decided all by herself that an intercom would have been better turns out she had gotten the idea from a magazine then I just happened to leave on the coffee table open to an advertisement for an intercom oh well oh my gosh that stepmother really enjoyed being a mother for that reason there I know a lot of people who say the best thing about having kids is like you get to make them do all the slave labor like taking out the trash sure hey give me a glass of water or something like that and I see that entitled stepmother here is a firm believer in that of that I don't know this story's called today I fudged up by leaving my phone number on the check for a bartender this happened over the summer after work one day I went to a hotel bar the bartender was super huge and the bar was practically empty so we chatted for over an hour as I was getting ready to leave a bunch of people sat down at the bar and she got busy I didn't want to ask for her number in front of a bunch of people who were trying to order or wait around so I wrote my number on the check and left I was halfway home when I got a text from her I excitedly opened my phone - hey it's Sarah the bartender at Hotel named Eden pay your pal and my heart sank into my stomach I texted her my card number and apologized she never texted me back and they put a picture of the text so I'll go ahead and read them hey Matt it's Gina really quick just have to tell you didn't pay your bill my butt fell off I'm dead sorry I thought I did that's totally ok I was gonna pick up from your seat so you know I'm not gonna go to a shopping spree with your card they're all good in a high trust yeah I thought I left a $10 tip you just didn't scan the card or I didn't give you the card and the picture of the receipt was a $10 tip I had at the 10 dollars already I just didn't realize that I never got the card so the 33:35 is with the $10 and thank you I think it's a card the second time around oh I wasn't paying attention oh good thanks you're awesome ha ha that's ok maybe you can't handle the jinx like I thought she could ha ha ha ha more like I was distracted but yes wasted I'm thinking you did it on purpose so I had to text you uh detective monocle case slick move ha ha my butt fell off again no I swear to good god I always just laughing at how funny that was the one time I ever leave someone my number and she has to awkwardly text me how I forgot to pay I can't even sounds like the story of my embarrassing life okay so he's like okay I just went through my phone history and found the text yes it's embarrassing update the last text she sent was at the end of the conversation it's been over seven months since this happens and I never texted her back after that I did send her a link to this post though and she replied she commented on this post that uh she's agreed to hang out we're going out for a drink soon oh yeah to fear that ends with a good ending that's that's good to hear I don't know how annoying it was to hear me read those texts but I tried guys don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
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Views: 38,737
Rating: 4.8852224 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: vq_R_b1bp8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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