r/EntitledParents | "Mom DEMANDS Kidney for Her Son!!"

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it's time to open your stock images folder and get ready to face the enemy we've got some more entitled parent stories it's the friendly EPS you have to watch out for one minute you're just enjoying playing with a friend the next well you have to watch to find out what this crazy mother does I'll fan submitted story entitled parents are always asking for people's stuff but you won't believe what this entitled mother demands yes we know your kid is sick but are you really going to ask him for that a girl is celebrating her birthday with her family but of course her entitled mother tries to make it all about herself instead how does she ruin her daughter's birthday you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called you already have one brother my daughter has none let me have him bit of backstory my dad used to be in the Navy and was a single father of three how on earth he did it is beyond me but he's a spectacular dad and somehow managed to raise us on his own with the help of my grandparents and the occasional nanny when he was overseas we lived in base housing where everyone knew everyone and everyone had kids and family it was honestly the safest and most relaxed setting one could grow up in being my dad was single whenever we were out playing and dad wasn't with us my oldest sister stepped up and was in charge of us because she was the oldest Lucy how across-the-street neighbor and a nanny for the street would sometimes watch us which I was fine with because her daughter Sarah was my best friend this happened when Lucy and her family were out of the house my older brother and sister were still at school and I was told not to wander too far from our house while outside playing we live on the corner lot and had the biggest front yard so it was common for most of the kids to hang out at our house but I was too young to go to school and aside from Sarah there was one other kid my age in the immediate vicinity and she was across the street shyly looking at me while she played with her toys in her own yard eventually she left her toys and came over to play and in reduced herself hi I'm ek Oh I'm Kyle I replied I don't remember saying much after that besides just picking out the grass and looking at the clouds and maybe riding bikes around the corner of my neighborhood I am pretty sure she called my house boring to which I said that having my brother and sister around made it less boring because then I could go to the park she frowned and said she was an only child but that also meant she got a lot more toys she then asked me if I wanted to come over and explained she had a super cool merry-go-round in her backyard of course to any kid that sounds like a good time hold on I said excitedly I have to tell my dad just then my sister came around the corner talking with my brother instead of going to my dad and telling him I ran up to her and told her where I would be and where does ek live she asked looking over at the blonde girl sitting in the lawn ek pointed across the street okay I'll come and get you when dinner is ready she replied don't forget to tell Dad - I said running off to join ek as she walked towards her house we went inside her house and it was like stepping into a veritable toy box toys everywhere ranging from Barbies to Hot Wheels and even some Legos I was in shock I had never seen so many toys she casually walked past all the toys and guided me to the back yard there it was a small merry-go-round I immediately ran over to it and hopped on kind of pushing the thing with my foot to make it start up she jumped on to and before we knew it we were having a blast her mom the entitled parent came out and all I can remember of her was that she was an absolute unit with somewhat messy blond hair wearing a hot pink shirt and jeans yay 90s fashion she was watching us play smiling and enjoying the moment while she sat down and smoked it occurred to me I had never seen this family before today and it made me feel a little nervous and a little awkward to have some adults I have never seen before watch over me while I played with someone I just met earlier today eventually entitled parent called out that she was headed inside to make dinner and I was welcome to stay a couple minutes past and I think entitled kid could sense something was wrong with me so she brought me inside to play with some of her toys I tried forcing myself to ignore the awkward position and started playing with some Legos about half an hour passed before I heard a light knocking at the door curious I picked out to the hallway where the mum was answering the door it was my sister is Kyle here my sister asked yes the untitled parent replied in a condescending tone can you tell him dinner's ready and dad wants him home my sister politely asked he came must've snuck her way behind me because all I heard was a huge drawer of breath before she firmly yelled the word no I turned around and there she was stomping her feet and crossing her arms looking a lot less like a friend and more like an entitled stranger EP leaned against the door taking up the entire frame and probably doing some damage to the hinges on the door since I assumed it couldn't support so much weight well why doesn't he come and get his kid then she asked accusingly I am in charge of him my sister shot back I don't care Missy you have another brother my daughter doesn't have any siblings do you really need this one back so soon she replied my jaw dropped and immediately all kinds of alarms were going off in my head I could tell my sister was reacting the same way because there was just silence on the other side of the door EP slammed the door of my sister's face and my eyes began to water because now I was alone with two people who I barely knew who were not allowing me to go home EP saw this and immediately assumed I was crying because I didn't want to go home don't worry darling I would let her take you home now wash up for dinner it's almost ready she said in a sickly motherly tone yeh ek replied apparently not hearing her mum asking us to wash up her she gleefully skipped after her mum I went to use the bathroom alone and faked washing my hands I turned on the faucet and let it run as I quietly made my way to the door and slipped out I ran across the street and went inside to where my sister was stunned and my dad was telling me that I was late for dinner she clearly hadn't told him because he never said a word about it sometimes it's easy to forget how Khloe kids can be like they can know when something's not right and they might not know the right thing to say or do but they do know when things are wrong I'm glad the hero of our story was smart enough to do the whole fake washing hands while slipping out the door yeah there's something just wrong with that family it was just really creepy I mean I don't think anything too bad would have happened but the fact that the family was like oh we only want to have one child but we'll basically force other kids to be friends with our child just to keep them happy it's just weird this fan submitted story was called entitled parent demands my kidney I am 15 and almost 16 a former family friend who are referred to as organ stealer or os for obvious reasons and her son who I'll refer to as SC for sick child so her son has a medical issue and his kidneys are beginning to fail which is unfortunate and I genuinely feel bad for them due to his age he needs a younger person's kidney as an adult wouldn't fit now I'm not the healthiest either as I have a condition known as rectal prolapse it's gross if you're curious look it up and I've had other problems regarding my stomach organs but my kidneys are in tip-top shape anyways OS is looking for a suitable donor and my mother and os were having a friendly conversation involving our health issues here's how the conversation went I was there SC was not this was three days ago and we were over OS his house what blood type is o P hope is B positive so is Athey that is cool you know as he needs a kidney right yes I do I hope he gets it well you need to get Opie tested right now as he has the same blood type so he should be able to give SC one of his kidneys me and my mother exchanges shocked expression well I wouldn't feel comfortable with Opie donating a kidney let alone getting tested to see if he's a match well Opie is healthier than SC and he needs a kidney or he will die if you don't get tested then you're selfish and you want SC to die no that's not what that means Opie still has medical problems and it is more dangerous for him to donate his organs I'm sorry that SC is sick but it is no reason to try and force us to donate Opie's kidney well Opie would you be okay giving up a kidney I'm sorry but no I'm really sorry that SC is sick but I won't make my health issues worse and risk my life even if I wanted to do it it's my mom's decision I cannot believe your child killers if SC dies it is your fault and I'm gonna tell everybody that you want SC to die I literally said I don't want si to die well if you didn't want him to die then you'd get tested and you are letting him die why not get tested to see if you're a match I'm not letting him get tested cuz either way he is not donating a kidney and I'm not gonna put that pressure on Opie donating a kidney changes a person's entire life and could make my health issues worse no no no it's a simple surgery for the donor anyways SC's life is more important than your kidney it will not change your life and you have to you only need one to live our West begins to walk closer to me pointing her fingers angrily and shouting profanity my mother grabs her keys out of her pocket and with that we're leaving goodbye OS grabs my mum's keys and throws it across the room you're not leaving until you agree to make Opie give SC his kidney I will do no such thing I'm getting my car keys and we are going you are willingly keeping my child sick you're evil and you're going to hell at this point I had had enough nor she is protecting me if you didn't know I have health issues and I do not want to risk my life and ruin my quality of life I'm sorry that SC is sick but the way you're treating us is not okay well I'm gonna block you on Facebook and block your number and I'll never talk to you again good because I never want to see you anyways we grab our keys and leave later I check on Facebook and she was leaving posts on how we want SC to die and if they die it's our fault since I wouldn't donate my kidney Essie is a good kid and wouldn't knowingly be a part of it so I feel that much worse for him entitlement becomes that much trickier when it's a life or death situation that's why there's so much conflict in debate when it comes to issues regarding healthcare the reality is there's scarcity there's only so many doctors and so many resources to care for sick people who gets to decide which resources go to which people who decides which needs it the greatest it's not an easy question to answer but I think the answer should never be entitled people having the ability to force others to get what they want as we can see from this story it would mean literally taking kidneys from people when they don't give their consent this story was called entitled mom buys herself presents for my birthday sadly in this story the entitled mom is my mother this was years ago but I still remember it cuz I still cannot understand her logic behind it anyways my birthday party rolls around and it was time to open presents me being my antisocial self just wanted to get the party over with I open presents from my favorite auntie my mom is Filipino all her friends were called auntie or uncle she had gotten me some books on witchcraft history and on the occult because she knew I was really into learning about that kind of stuff back then got the normal presence I suppose from my uncles and aunties 20 bucks here and there once I was done with what was on the table I said thank you to every single person I was trying to escape back to the garage with my dad I was stopped by my mother as I went to leave saying I didn't open the presents from her yet I sigh thinking she bought me another really girly thing to wear she hated the way I dressed because I normally wore a lot of black still do actually I sit down on the couch as she hands me three boxes one small box and two medium boxes I unwrapped a small one first and lo and behold she got me a bottle of her favorite perfume I look at her like what well if you don't like it I'll just keep it rolls her eyes and then complain to her friend in Tagalog about how hard it is to please me I unwrap the second present it's new Nikes that are too big for me but oh wait what's this well wouldn't you know they're my mother's size I just sigh and hand them over to her without a word she then starts loudly saying I've been meaning to get new gym shoes to the whole room my best friend looks at me and just rolls her eyes who she knows how my mother is I opened the last present this one was actually really nice it was a brand new discman yes I'm old it was really nice it had a strap for your hand to slide into it so you could walk with it comfortably I said cool thanks mom she looked annoyed pretty sure she had bought this hoping I wouldn't want it like the rest joke's on you woman cuz I used that thing the rest of my freshman year and Allsop man year on the bus I start to walk away with my discman in hand when she gets up and tells me she's using it tomorrow at the gym so to put it in her in my dad's room sorry mother but I already gave you back your things but this is mine thank you for buying yourself presents and pretending they were for me I walk to the garage with my friends laughing quietly tell my dad all about Mother's attempt at presents he just sighs and hands me a beer I was sixteen so he wasn't handing a nine-year-old a beer so don't freak out my mother then comes outside yelling at me about how could I embarrass her like that in front of her friends she just yells stomps her foot and then looks to my dad for help my awesome dad you bought yourself presents for her 16th birthday did you think she would be happy about it she has a right to be upset you really don't have a leg to stand on here she just huffed then stormed back into the house I spent the rest of my party with my dad and my friends in the garage this is one of those things that the Simpsons made a joke of we're like her ma buys the bowling ball for maje with her my written on the bowling ball and the reason it's so funny on the show is because it's so crazily awkward like it's so obvious and selfish it takes the whole point of giving a gift to someone and completely flips around and does the exact opposite now I can see somebody buying say a TV series for somebody that they really like because they think well I enjoy it maybe my friend will enjoy it but when you buy someone some shoes that are literally the wrong size you've got no excuse this story was called I'm more pregnant than you but you still deserve my expecting mum spot and my ticket to the baby show my mother-in-law drove me everywhere when I was pregnant because I didn't drive yet I was very pregnant during summer and not being used to the heat as it was I was really struggling so one day we went to a sort of show at a centre where they sold baby clothes and toys and tech and some stuff like that new and used for cheap the show ran for three days but the first day was only open to expecting parents who got tickets either by sponsored parent groups OBGYNs etc my mother and lord knew a few of the runners from her nursing days told them her daughter-in-law me was pregnant and so got us in on day one there were some mum and child's spots and some expecting mum spots and they were all in the same front end of the lot so of course it being 30 degrees Celsius out and being pregnant we chose an expecting mums spot one lady pulled up behind our car my mother-in-law thought nothing of it and got out to pay for a ticket so we could go this lady who didn't even look pregnant at all got out of the car and went up to my mother-in-law blasting her for taking a spot that she obviously didn't need and told her to move so she could have it my mother-in-law looks her up and down and said well you don't look pregnant yourself and this bee goes thank two months pregnant thank you very much mother and Lord just rolls her eyes and takes her ticket and comes back to the car she pops it on the dashboard and tells me to come out all the while this eb goes off and off at her to let her take this and stop being so selfish so else I pop stomachs so big it could literally be used as a beach ball top bigger than me to cover it and ankles so wide I made Aunt Marge look small after Harry made her a balloon and the ebee just looks at me with disgust I smile at her and closed the door and slowly walk to my mother-in-law I'm waddling as I'm a freaking blubber whale and the ebee speed walks ahead of us smirking about five ish minutes later we enter the hall and behold the almighty EB standing in front of us having a freakout I didn't catch the start of the conversation but we walked in on her saying but I'm pregnant I should be allowed in I'm sorry ma'am you don't have a ticket to the show for today we're open to the public tomorrow if you'd like to come back then I'm here today and I want to attend today all the other mums are allowed in I know but they've all got tickets I'm sorry but you'll have to come back tomorrow or Thursday my mother-in-law can see that I'm struggling to stand so she goes to the front desk lady flashes out tickets and lets us through how come they got in they have tickets we'll take their tickets and give one to me geez she points to my mother-in-law not even pregnant I'm not going to do that ma'am why not I deserve to be here I'm about to be a single mom this is absolute discrimination I wasn't feeling great at this point baby whales started to hiccup and kick a lot and it made me feel queasy so we were all walked away to grab a water and snacks but I could hear EB yelling still something about how unfair it is that single moms without connections always get the short straw or whatever needless to say that she wasn't let in but baby whale got some awesome stuff and Mama whale got herself a few treats too this seems to happen a lot people go oh it applies to me so I can go and yet they forget basics like actually getting a ticket so yes it was open to pregnant women but that's not a ticket into the place he's telling you actually get the ticket on the other days it's open to all human but being human doesn't mean you have a ticket if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit I'll slash Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one I don't care Missy you have another brother my daughter doesn't have any siblings do you really need this one back so soon she replied
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 441,483
Rating: 4.8807964 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, r/EntitledParents 34
Id: 28gA1WhjJGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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