r/EntitledParents | Mom DEMANDS Pet Owner to Move House!!

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this video was brought to you by - Lane welcome back voice II veterans entitle parents must have good lawyers because they're always talking about suing people when they don't get their way I wonder how many people out there actually get sued by entitle parents or if it's all just empty threats by some unhappy bitter people protect your property and don't forget to speak calmly as you listen to this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called EP wants me to sell her underage son of VAP and tries to get me fired and arrested when I refused so this happened the other day and I'll try and recount this as accurately as possible I've been working in a vape store for a few months to pay my bills and university expenses and I actually have a few entitled jerk stories from working here for some context in my country it's legal to smoke vape drink-drive vote at 18 but the store I work at will make some allowances provided the parent is present with their ID a letter or form of consent and that most of the transaction goes through the parent so basically the money can pick a flavor but the parent can taste it and tell the kid if it's okay or not and that way we can't get in trouble with law enforcement as a last note we cannot hold them at all if the kid is in any kind of school uniform now on to the story just a normal quiet day at the store when a young looking kid Ek in school uniform walks in and says he wants to buy a vape I tell him no because he looks underage and he's wearing a school uniform he says he's 18 he definitely isn't he's maybe 15 at the most and he can go get his ID I explained again that even if he was 18 I still can't sell it to him because he's in the school uniform and the only way I can sell anything to a minor because if his parents are present and they sign a consent form and he isn't in uniform he leaves in a huff and I think that's the end of it boy was I wrong a few minutes later he walks back in with a grin on his face and his mother in tow EP is your typical Karen type who perpetually has a look on her face like someone smeared dog crap under her nose Ek points me out to her and she storms over my son says you refused to sell him a vape I demand to know why and you will help him now I'm sorry ma'am but I did explain to your son our store policy explains the policy but forgot to include the uniform bit he's 18 he can buy whatever he wants and I'm here now so I didn't see why you can't sell him one now I'll need his ID and I seriously doubt he's 18 and he's still in school uniform so I still can't help him there could be serious legal repercussions for us and for your son that's unacceptable I want to talk to your manager I don't need some teenager telling my son what he can and can't buy especially since you're vaping and you're a teenager I go and call my manager and explain the situation he just rolls his eyes since this isn't the first time he's dealt with people like this hello ma'am what seems to be the problem this route B won't sell its vape she told my son he can't have one because he's a teenager even though she is one ma'am this employee is 23 and please refrain from insulting her she's absolutely right about the policy so we can't help you today we will give you a form to sign with a copy of your and your son's ID if applicable come in tomorrow without a uniform on and we will be happy to help you my son wants to vape now and I demand you discount because of how poorly we've been treated I'm sorry ma'am but no I want to speak to the owners of this store I will have both your jobs and have you arrested for selling a vape to a minor if you don't sell him when right now that doesn't make sense but whatever manager calls the owner on the phone and hands it to the EP she yells through the phone about how horrible she's been treated etc etc she hands the phone back to the manager with a self-satisfied smirk and he explains the situation to the boss who tells him to ask these people to leave and that we weren't allowed to sell to them under any circumstances I'm sorry ma'am but the bus says you have to leave we can't help you fine then give me the forms and we'll be back tomorrow and I expect a huge discount no ma'am you aren't allowed to purchase anything here we can't tolerate unwarranted threats how dare you you will hear from my lawyer come ek you're lucky you didn't get a vape here there probably crap anyway my manager and I had a bit of a laugh after she left and we never heard from a lawyer and haven't seen her since I'm not sure why people can't distinguish the difference between something that's legal and something that's a store policy maybe the kids 18 all right we'll give you that but different stores can still have their own policies which means you can't just get your way you're not entitled to anyone else's labor or property you have to go into a voluntary agreement with them in which they choose to trade with you and just as you can say no and refuse their products and services they have the moral right to refuse to sell to you this story was called e/m wants me to get rid of my snakes or move out of my parents house I have snakes as pets due to my passion for them none of the snakes are venomous only constrictors my parents knew about my passion since I was little and while it took them a while to get used to it they're now totally cool with my snakes I keep the snakes in their enclosures in my room however whenever my parents friends who have two kids nine male and eleven female come over the mum always complains about the safety of their children I have a rule that the kids can't go into my room because they always go through my stuff and ruin things their mom always talks crap to my parents like why do you even allow her to keep snakes those aren't pets you should throw them all away you should tell her to move out how can you accept that the dad is totally cool and even asked me a few times if he can hold the snakes now I have tried explaining to the mom multiple times that they cannot escape due to their enclosures they could only escape if I wasn't paying attention and not closing their enclosures and if they do escape I have docile species that are constrictors not venomous that don't even bite and would just run away and hide because they're scared yesterday they came over when I went to the bathroom the kids went in my room and I could hear the little boy yelling mommy mommy come check this out but I thought it was something random when I came out of the bathroom I found the mom looking horrified and her children being amazed by my snakes of course I started smiling when I saw the kids so much attention to the snakes and being curious it makes me happy when people don't have thee it's a snake so it must be bad venomous and kill me mentality but that smile soon disappeared when the mum started yelling at me my parents came as well into my room to see what was happening she kept yelling at me that her kids could have been in danger and how irresponsible I am and how could I keep snakes as pets and so on after the 1000 plus times I explained to her that my snakes are docile and not venomous and it's not her business what I keep as pets and what my passion is she kept yelling at me telling me crap and I was just looking at her like what the heck what the Frick are you smirking after nicely explaining to her that her kid's life was not in danger because the snakes couldn't escape she still yelling started telling my parents that I need to move out and how could they live with me at that point I snapped and I started yelling at her that when I went to the bathroom I closed my door and if anyone was at fault it was she because she didn't teach her kids to respect rules and since my parents agree to let me have snakes in their house I shouldn't be her problem I never forced her to look at my snakes I never forced her to handle them and I never forced her to listen to me explain the different types of snakes and all that because I know she is afraid of snakes so I never pushed this onto her I would only tell her about my snakes when she would randomly talk crap about them I grew up differently when I was told no it was no when I was told you're not allowed to go in there I wouldn't so I expect the same from her because she always talks about how great of a parent she is she just lets the kids do whatever they want she just called me a jerk and told me I need to get rid of my snakes or move out of my parents house or else she won't be coming anymore when my parents and even her husband took my part she got super ticked off took the kids and went home I understood her concerns but she needs to understand that it is my room and her kids shouldn't have come in there especially that my door was closed and they know the rule I'm not okay with her allowing her kids to do whatever they want however I feel bad for the kids because they are curious and want to know more about the worm dragons as they call my steaks the dad said it's totally cool I would love for the kids to know more about snakes other than snake bad snake bit you guy mentality their mom is teaching them the mum's been ignoring me and my parents and doesn't even talk with her husband because he took my part I texted her and asked her if she feels so unsafe when she comes over why does she even keep coming over you'd think if she had a phobia of snakes she would avoid the house that contains the snakes it's one thing if the snakes were dangerous maybe then it would be somewhat reasonable to be like whoa why have you got these things in your room but considering they were virtually harmless this is where you should just go by the muder live and let live like if she had a dog in her house and somebody had a phobia of dogs I don't think she'd be pretty happy if somebody saying hey get rid of these dogs or move out of this house if you're not causing harm to anyone else we should be able to live however you want in your home this story was called e/m tries to sue a waiter for not letting her kid have the private Wi-Fi password not directly happening to me but I witnessed it and shake my head hard to believe these people exist I was eating in a local restaurant when the person next to me called over a waiter I didn't think much of it but listened in anyway when they started asking for the Wi-Fi here is where the fun begins what's the Wi-Fi password oh we don't have a password on our public Wi-Fi this Wi-Fi is too slow I'm talking about the private Internet waiter was clearly taken aback we don't give out that password p.m. raising her voice to cause a scene if you're gonna give a slow free Wi-Fi at least let people use the private Internet but mom it's fine I'm look don't worry sweetie I'll get you good Wi-Fi soon no you weren't how about this I'll sue you oh you give me the password okay sue us not like the cops we'll do anything about us not giving out company Wi-Fi passwords I'll be suing you for harassment honey mommy stop I like eating here and I don't want to get kicked out I have orders to attend to he am turned to me and says something Ellen forget as long as I live all this fuss over some Wi-Fi some people will just never understand entitled parents are coming for everything including your passwords that's why we're so happy to have partnered with - Lane - Lane makes the internet way faster and more fun how often are you ready to buy something but you don't have your credit card handy - Lane means you never have to have your credit card on you how often do you forget or reset your password you'll never forget or reset a password again with - Lane for anything that requires filling out forms online from checkouts to taxes from buying airline tickets to applying for a job - Lane has you covered with one click autofill it also works across all devices and browsers so wherever you go your passwords go with you click on the link in the description below to get your 30-day free trial of - Lane premium and use the coupon code voic-- here at - Lane comm slash Boise here to get 10% off - Lane premium but only for the first 200 people this fan submitted story was called a cute innocent and small Duggar is actually an attack dog according to this mother let's meet the cast you probably know them eeehm is entitled mother NK is nice kid Bonnie or bonbon is the scruff ball that's my Duggar and me this event actually happened only 20 minutes before I started typing this I was walking my young Duggar called bunny and decided I was going to a nearby field which not many people go to so it gives bonbon a chance to run around without her lead on when we got there I could only see a woman and what I assumed was her child this was a relief for me since that meant Bonnie wouldn't get protective like she does when there are crowds of strangers or other dogs around just so you know when this dog Oh gets protective she still won't bite she'll just bark a bit and do a quiet growl when the crowd got too close to her the only time I've ever seen her get into full-on attack mode was when another dog got aggressive and started going for her luckily that same dog that got aggressive got a new home and was trained to behave bonnie and that dog actually get along well now maybe I'll come back to that story another time but for now back to this one remember that seemingly norm mother with her child turns out that she was an entitled mother in disguise Bonnie had just well you know done what Duggars do out of their fluffy butts but before I cleaned it up I was first gonna let bond off her lead but of course a wild e/m appeared this monstrous thing people seem to call a woman quickly walks up to me while practically dragging her kid who looked around seven along with her young lady at first I didn't hear her and was too distracted leaning trying to unclip the lead that seemed to have gotten jammed young lady she said as if I couldn't speak a word of English while tapping on my shoulder no sorry what is it you gonna pick that up or what she said while pointing at Bonnie's mess my child could play with that thinking it's just a toy or I could even walk in it hold on did this woman think her child would mistake it for a toy despite that I kind of got where she was coming from since no one likes it when people don't pick up after their pets so I thought I'd just explain and thought she would be okay after that keyword being thought oh don't worry I wasn't gonna leave it I'm just letting my dog off the lead first while I was gonna pick it up I put on one of my smiles do you take me for an idiot I bet you weren't planning on cleaning up at all I bet you didn't even bring any dog bags teens these days I clearly had bags hanging out of my pocket before I could say any form of a reply she spat out hold on did you just say you were gonna let that thing off its leash do you want my child to be attacked by that at this point she was yelling at me acting like I had a killing machine my dog isn't even one of those common dogs that people can mistake for being attackers she's a York crossed with a shih tzu come on the only thing she can kill at Eddie's and actual toys she's basically harmless she literally weren't even harm a fly she's scared of them I awkwardly laughed trying to get this person to calm down I wasn't lying about my dog you're only saying that because you're annoyed I caught you red-handed so now you want your dog to attack me and my child is she for real wasn't I taking her lead off before she came and before I noticed her only moments after the woman finished her sentence I was able to unjam her lead clips so on excitement my little bonbon went sprinting off she sprinted with her tail wagging in her legs moving at 1,000 miles per hour and the dog Oh his tongue hanging out of her mouth of course this mother didn't see the cuteness in this you idiot do you realize I can get your dog put down if he goes anywhere near me or my child Peck I can even put him down for making me feel like I'm in danger this is actually true where I live it's completely possible to get a dog of any size or braid put down for just making the person uncomfortable I don't really like dogs being put down no matter what since most just need better homes we'll just need better training huh look at the dog gate mum can I please pet her no sweetie you see this dog can hurt you and mummy just want that does this mother have multiple personalities seconds later I realized I made a horrible mistake I was still leaning down and was keeping an eye on my dog when her lead was snatched from my hand what the heck do you think you're doing give it back why should i when you have this ticking time bomb that's waiting to attack me or my child my innocent dog was almost at the other side of the field running around having the time of her life completely unaware of what's happening are you serious of course I am now call your dog over so I can take it down to the police why is this can't say this why because it's too offensive to my dog so dumb a thought came into my head at the perfect time Bonnie gets really excited when a new person holds her lead I don't know why and tends to jump a lot okay miss finally some logic is being used as soon as I called Bonnie she came running at high speed and I could see her eyes darted e/m and her lead luckily bond on my hero came running to e/m from behind and surprised the heck spawn and ended up knocking her over but guess what eeehm landed on you filthy dog get away what the heck is that on my arm you little I guess I should have picked it up like you said the kids started to laugh and finally got to pet the hero that goes by the name bon bon of course a.m. was still yelling when she was trying to get up but I got buns laid back and thought it's about time to head home if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ah slash Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 82,765
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 98, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: eReNey1F0A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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