r/EntitledParents | What my step-family did is UNFORGIVABLE...

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what's up guys welcome to voice here this is your host that a long time ago me and my brother voic-- here was hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road all of a sudden there shined a shiny demon in the middle of the road and he said do the best intro in the world aura leeches soul well me and voic-- here we looked at each other and we said okay and I said the first thing that came in my head it just so happened to be the best intro in the world it was the best intro in the world and the peculiar thing is this my friends the intro we did on that fateful night it didn't actually sound anything like this intro this is just a tribute captain Tackett today subreddit is our slash entitled parents I hope you guys understood but that was in reference to if you don't do you have no business being here here being good wherever you decide here is so if if you don't know what that was a reference to and you consider here to be the very place your feet are move your feet an inch to the left because you no longer deserve to be there don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode alrighty boys and girls this story's called large entitled step family treats my small family like servants what can I say they just seemed to find me at the low points in life here is another very long dark memory of my encounter with entitlement this time with an entire entitled family backstory so after dealing with the fallout from my mother's passing my father starts dating my mother and father were only in their 50s at the time of my mother's passing more than enough time has passed for grief and I do know my mother begged him to not live his life alone once she was gone basically I see this as a good thing so behold after a year or so of dating I get a new family a stepmother stepsisters the works and perfect timing because my dad's about to be a grandfather the new family is quirky there's some entitlement I spot right off the bat in the older generation definitely has inherited the worst of the depression error traits for example during summer holiday cookouts my wife and I get some flack from the oldest generation like your wife makes more than you and you call yourself a man yes she does and yes I do I have a vocational school education she's got Ivy League college no crap she makes more than I do wife's place is in the home raising the kids yeah sorry the days of the one income way of life faded in my father's generation also if they still existed guess what it would be my dumbass at home waiting for my wife to come home from work because she makes more than I do and to she's not a good cook dad tries to keep the peace but I tell him that honestly after a vile grandmother this is nothing this would come back to haunt me this goes on for a couple of years basically everything is close to normal learned who is normal who is prissy materialistic and who is a stuck-up snob you know basic family dynamics then the specter of cancer rears its head once again this time it's my father esophageal cancer the initial stage two but it would eventually prove resistant to treatments and would be inoperable in the lungs stomach heart and spine dad was like me a big dude six foot even 395 pounds army veteran it won't be till after his passing and see his record that I will learn he's a decorated Vietnam veteran which honestly now makes sense as he was always a light sleeper prone to taking the dog on long car trips to New Hampshire 2:00 in the morning because he needed to be alone never talked to me about his army time was adamant that I get a diploma as he dropped out to serve anyway I digress big dude again surgery chemo radiation about a year solid of fighting but I again everything is to no avail it just wasn't working and it was still spreading as dad has gone through this with my mother he decided to make the hard choices for us while he still could no more treatments do not resuscitate just hospice care in shorts he accepted his fate dad went from 395 to 102 pounds during his treatments he got visits from us every weekend he got the ins and outs of the Thomas the Tank Engine and spent time playing with his granddaughter too soon his health turns and in the end it would be a blood clot that would take him which in itself was a mercy no pain very quick now days before his passing dad asked me to keep the family together that my stepmom has had some crap go down in her life and needs family support I agree my father passed in late 2011 true to my word I invite the whole family over for Christmas of that year seems to be a pattern with me but as I'm not deeply religious I see Christmas as a time for friends and family my wife and I have a nice house our bottom floor has an open floor plan and we use it for entertaining with a big TV billiard table full bar huge sectional sofa and a big wood stove we have the space to entertain the family I provided the food and drinks I'm cooking all the food basically the family just has to show up and not be a Schlag well the first part came to pass but not the second first thing everyone brought take home containers with them okay odd but I always make way more food than needed so while a little presumptuous not too bad now I hold an old Irish tradition close to my heart we always set a place at the table for those that could not be with us in hopes that they may join us for those that need a deeper explanation the place of honor is set in remembrance of those lost to us well the main table won't seat everyone so we have a secondary table so I explained the situation that we will have to mingle families across all the tables I'm immediately looked at like I'm a talking monkey one of my new step family members stuck up one states that they can push together and their whole family can sit at the main table while we get the other table the newer generations of the step family stuck ups daughter remarks that they don't want to mingle with that family and I can already see I have committed to a cascading cluster lovemaking session that will ruin this day I tell them about the place of Honor set up and I'm laughed at by just about everyone at the main table bear in mind just a few months ago my dad passed to make the point that my tradition means screw all a huge scoop of food is dropped on that plate with a whoops guess it's a seat for me from now on that would be stuck-up daughter okay I'm making note of what's going on and I realize why it's happening my father's gone now I'm not part of this family never have never will be it's confirmed throughout the evening once dinner is finished everyone goes to the large family room when my family and I head down every one of the step family heads upstairs to cram into the living room when we head upstairs they all filter back downstairs I actually stopped one of my stepsisters and asked pointedly what's going on I'm told that they were not sure that they have never seen their family act like this I believed her as she had the same Linna faith look as I had it's just snowballs from there nobody asks for anything they just take it desserts are consumed before they can be shared bottles of wine opened and shrink plates left all over the house spills on the floor left to be cleaned the old generation is in perfect form we gave too much to our child for Christmas because we both work my wife's mother is raising our child were a horrible parents the final insults came that night when the step family's oldest took a massive crap everywhere in the bathroom but the toilet needed help getting out of the bathroom he received help from his family but did they bother to clean it well no they had staff for that now the day is finally over everyone from the step family has left all that remains is me my wife my daughter and my mother-in-law this is when we find all the trash food plates and the fubar bathroom we are at our wits end now having literally and figuratively been crapped on I called my stepmother and asked what was going God here is how the conversation went hey I wanted to reach out to you to ask about some of the evenings events oh did something happen everyone loved the food and it was great to be able to fit our whole family in one place we are really looking forward to having holidays with you yeah about that there's something I wanted to bring up what gives with the not wanting to intermix the families in the disrespect of my tradition the whole that family crack I opened my house to you all and this is the respect I'm shown well we didn't see it that way is that a royal we oh come on you were right there you heard them laugh you heard your sister's daughter quiff about how the place of honor was her seat now we didn't see it that way okay how about after dinner every time we tried to join you downstairs he slowly filter out we join you upstairs and you all head back down your family tears into the bar and desserts and left nothing for us that didn't happen yes it did ask your own daughter she was confused by it all so why you saying these misconceptions none of this took place really so you all didn't fill your to-go containers while your dad took a crap all over my bathroom that was a misconception oh and the fact that your family went to help him in the bathroom they would have seen the crap everywhere you just left it for us he's all he can all himself so you know I understand he's old but how is it my responsibility to clean his crap up it wasn't that bad that's not a frickin excuse his crap is on the freaking ceiling look I'm used to your parents saying crap like my mother-in-law is raising my kid and I'm not a man for making less than my wife but this was uncalled for there was silence on her end I cannot help but notice that this takes place after my father's no longer here with us because it's very likely no one would have dared to do this if he was alive frankly your family disrespected my tradition my family in my father's memory well I'll talk to my family about this but there was no disrespect good night now one would think that this is where all communications are cut off no I get letters from the step family each one thanking me for the food then tearing into me for saying lies about their behavior denying anything and everything and called me out for trying to impose my backwards family into their proper family that I would dare to make them follow a tradition of my family and my house I was specifically told that my family's lies they were no longer misconceptions have ruined their Christmas this year and that because of this I was considered persona non grata yep one of the notes said that my daughter could go to one of their gatherings with my stepmother to keep up appearances for the little one but we were not invited this was told to us each time an invitation was extended so we couldn't forget our place my daughter would not attend anything with him no way was that going to happen soon the invitation stopped and the step family has faded into memory I couldn't keep my word to my dad I did try to include them as family but I think he wouldn't want me to continue after that holiday disaster and their true colors were shown our holidays are small now but no longer are they stressful ice we'll provide and cook all the food and just enjoy the holiday with my less than proper family and I still keep the tradition of setting a place of honor for those that could not be there with us and typically one of our cats will hop up in the chair to watch the family before settling in for a nap well first off sucks they have two losses that close together from similar things Obie's dad here was one BAM but it really sucks that your step family had to be that entitled really why is it that second marriages tend to be so bad at least that's how they're depicted as in stories and stuff like that are your standards for just everything lower the second time around I think that they'd be higher because I mean it's not your first rodeo and you've already been through the whole divorce thing and it all sucks I'm assuming I've never had a divorce this story's called lady the tablets not yours hello strangers for context I'm playing on my brothers tablets on the bleachers in the summer camps gym waiting to be picked up my brother went off to do something and he let me use the entitled brat just happened to be in my camp yippee here's the cast there's me Jimmy the entitled brat the entitled mother Karen my brother let's call him Eddie staff member Stuart here's the story I'm sitting in the bleachers playing fruit ninja about to beat my brother's high score when this 8-year old looking Jimmy I was 12 at the time my brother 10 came up to me and asked me hey can I have your tablet no this is my brothers and you have to ask him I doubt you would give it to you anyways come on he's not here no fine he stops away leaving me thinking that was that boy I was at wrong I go back to playing my game I was 5 points away from beating my brother keep in mind I'm the kind of guy who doesn't take anyone's crap after a few rounds of trial and failure I look up to see Jimmy telling his mom Karen something I think nothing of it and go back to play about 20 seconds later Karen is standing over me can I help you you have something my son wants give it here she thrust her hand towards me making the gimme gesture I take this moment to examine Karen kind of fit kind of knots has a scowl on her face that would make me think she can have her way with anything into anyone she'd never wear with me and then I see a very smug Jimmy standing behind her I'm not going to give him what they want no I'm an adult yeah yeah yeah she said that last part like I couldn't understand English so I decided to do it back to her it's my brother's tablet no oh how dare you talk to me that way you're not getting this tablet lady go away at this point I want to go back to playing so that's what I do big mistake don't you ignore me what do you want you know what I want so give the tablet to me now my son wants it and you're too old to be playing childish games anyhow this is just me or do a lot of Carens on the subreddit say that a lot if they're so childish why are you exposing your son to this stuff she stops for a moment I'm an adult now give it she then tries to take it from me so I tuck it under my arm now go away raising my voice so maybe people can hear Jimmy then starts crying and yelling it's weird how Karen's Hellspawn actually did a better job at getting attention than me still save the day Edward walks in the sea what is going on here listen he a kid what trying to do something he have so buzzed off as long as you leave my brother alone there my little brother is saving the day I say very loudly lady leave us alone finally one of the staff members Stewart's who happen to be wearing a pair of air pods and doing a shoddy job of hiding them what is going on here this these spoiled brats just took my Angel's tablet and they won't give it back she then went on about some baboons not nobody wants to hear the point is she lied so she can give the tablet to Jimmy and now Oh peon Edward I was scared I was gonna get in trouble Jimmy wanted my tablets I told him no and now his mom is trying to get me to give it to him if you want proof he looks at Karen asked if her son knows the code she went pale why baby doesn't need to do that good idea n-word Jimmy put in the code well can you leave us alone now Karen I can't believe these staff members she shouts insults at us as she drags her wailing kid out of the gym I made sure to thank Stewart's and make sure he didn't get fired and back up his side of the story when Karen talked to the boss that's a story thanks for reading and good night strangers seems these Karen's used the same logic behind their thievery in both everyday life and in divorce courts which they are in a lot it seems because nobody wants to stay married to a Karen and also because they always be stealing in these divorce courts ayo don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 38,006
Rating: 4.886158 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: B785eP-sae0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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