r/EntitledParents | CSI CALLED

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here and this is your bespectacled host captain zach and today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled mother insults me for ordering crusts on my pizza well this was interesting never thought I'd encounter an entitled mother while ordering pizza but hey they are everywhere here's the cast entitled mother my mom me story before I begin I just want to say that I don't know how pizzas are prepared in other countries but here in Brazil most pizza places tend to have the customer choose to fill up the crust with some sort of cream cheese either being cream cheddar chocolate or my favorite cat super e if you don't know what Coutu pari is 10 out of 10 recommend it's freaking delicious anyways with that out of the way let's begin so I ordered my usual pizza from the usual place I order but instead of having it delivered I decided to go pick it up myself because I was bored AF at home and wanted to leave the house so me and my mom head there to get the pizza once we get there the place is quite busy as it was a Friday night and many families were there enjoying themselves but I certainly didn't enjoy what happens next so the counter was very close to the tables if someone pays close attention they can actually hear what the cashier and customer are saying good evening I came to pick up the insert three flavour pizza on the name of insert my name oh yes of course he signals for someone to collect the pizza from the kitchen let me guess you want akka to perio on the crust right great choice dude yeah there's nothing better am i right entitled mother interjects herself in the conversation for whatever reason I'm sorry did you just say you were gonna eat the crust ah that's disgusting don't you know how to eat a pizza properly don't you know what's good about pizza also insert my choice of flavor you're freakin weird at least I don't look like I ate the entire restaurant shut your butt up pipsqueak I was wait all her than her how dare you don't you know how to respect your elders respect is earned not gained because of your age if you want respect you better start showing it towards others lady shut up you're such a Duke he shoots well get to the back of the line lady because you're not the first person to tell me that also Wow took you this long to figure it out must have used what little brain cells you have on those unoriginal insults of yours watch your freakin tone if you insult me again oh you'll what my mom went to the bathroom and got back just as entitled mother was shouting at me and she said that's in a loud and angry tone one thing you need to know about my mother she can be very nice if you're nice to her but if you peek her off well better write your will right there and then who the F are you the person who's gonna send you to the ER if you don't tell me why you're shouting at my son he's your son that explains it like mother like son if the moms a bench then the sons have failed get out a baby card entitled mother didn't get to finish her insult before my mom clocked her right in the face then cashier and almost every waiter at the restaurant charged at the two of them to separate them actually I lied it was more like they were trying to pry my mom off of entitled mother because my mom was raining punches on her in saying a bunch of things that I'm not gonna include here because what my mom said would make even volta Mort cry by the time my mom was removed off entitled mother entitled mother was bleeding from the nose her eyes were swollen and her lips were busted on both sides entitled mother was crying or at least trying since her mouth was completely swollen and busted and she could barely talk police were called obviously and once they arrived they both took statements from witnesses well entitled mother was talking crap but my mom actually made the first move but they understood that she was simply defending me from her trash-talking instead of arresting her for assault the cops just gave her a fine not a big one but not cheap either and told her to simply report people for harassment instead of and I kid you not when I say the cop told her bullying a mom home at ollie on entitled mother I already love this dude cashier apologized for entitled mother's behavior and told my mom to have the Pizza for free but my mom declined saying that she felt it wasn't fair just because she got into a fight and wasn't deserving of special treatment my mom can be very proud sometimes instead the cashier and manager insisted on writing down her name so she could have a discount on her next order and I actually urged my mom to accept it because sheep repeats a hoist tastes better I don't know what happened to entitled mother afterwards but we haven't received any notice of legal pursuits or anything considering that entitled mother didn't know our names nor managed to get our license plates or anything so aside from the fine we got off easy so hooray I guess okay I hate entitled mothers as much as the next dude but I think your mom might have went a little bit too far I mean I feel like beating a woman within an inch of her life is a bit extreme for just insulting you and your pizza choice I don't know maybe that's just me let me know in the comments below if you think these actions were justified also this was in Brazil do they speak English a lot in Brazil because I feel like they speak mostly Portuguese right so does mom hamid ali work in portuguese i feel like it wouldn't fishie fishie anyways moving on this story's called entitled mother doesn't accept german law as the title says entitled mother was on vacation in germany and somehow got angry when the people here don't obey the american law only there was a bit more drama involved we start learning English at about 14 years old hell the bilingual higher education schools but grammar isn't really my thing also I think that I use a mix of British and American English sorry in advance disclaimer all I know about the American education system is that it's a disaster so I have no idea how long a day at school is for Americans the story on this magical day school ended pretty early at 12:50 and it was hot as hell me and my friends were on our way home and past a supermarket being as financially responsible as any 16 year olds are we decided to buy some cold beer to celebrate the vocabulary test we survived that morning French is hard we were standing in shrinking outside the store and talked for a while because it's Friday and we have nothing better to do when all of a sudden a wild entitled mother appeared she had just parked and was about to enter the store when she spotted us breaking the American law in Germany what do you think you're doing sorry I said what are you doing talking or what do you mean how stupid do you think I am respect your elders you're drinking alcohol yes so we bought it we thought maybe she was accusing us of stealing since we look like the kind of people store owners warn their employees about yes you are where are your parents how old are you we don't have to tell you that I'm gonna call the police you're gonna see what why do you even know the number it's not nine hundred one of the cashiers in there and tell them you're drinking alcohol that's your problem I don't know crap about age limits in the United States so I really didn't know what she was on about you look like babies and you're drinking highly toxic alcohol what do you mean beer my friends have all started laughing at this point beer is only 4.5% which is why people who are 16 years and older are allowed to buy and consume beer in Germany also wine and sparkling wine and I think everyone knows that Germans drink a lot of beer it's like Russians in vodka who were illegally old enough to drink it we showed our IDs to the cashier and they wouldn't have sold it to us otherwise that's ads she ran into the store and my friends were seriously thinking about leaving because people have started staring at us but we also wanted to see what she would do not even two minutes later we can hear the lovely voice again and she's got an employee with her see they're drinking high percentage alcohol in public and they're skipping school for it she didn't even ask us if we had school I said in German classes are already over and we're just drinking beer employee asks us if we bought it in the store we say yes he knows we had to show our IDs to get them everything's good he didn't ask us about skipping school and honestly why should he employee says to entitled mother they're all nuff for beer and drinking the public isn't illegal I don't care if you think they can handle it my baby shouldn't be exposed to this in this moment I realized she's not only a Karen no she's a legendary entitled mother what baby he's in the car he could see them through the window how old is he he's only three but he could imitate them and start drinking - he's really smart you know and children copy everything they see I want them gone she says this in a weird calm way like she's doing something like this regularly it's way too hot for a three-year-old child to be alone in a car entitled mother gets angry and please stop bothering our customers entitled mother explodes how dare you I want the police called now do Americans really call the police for everything genuine question I'm going to call the police because of child neglect if you don't take your kid with you shopping you're gonna regret this I have friends here my friends interrupt her day really you friends Wow employee pulled his phone out and tapped on the screen no idea who he was gonna call she quickly jumped into her car while glaring daggers at us and literally fled the scene and I didn't see if there was a kid in the car but we didn't hear one so she probably lied I mean three year-olds are always making noise when awake and couldn't have been asleep with her yelling like that the employee just apologized and went back to work kind of disappointing ending but my friends and I have a story to laugh about whenever we buy beer do you know what they should do they should make it so that when you're going to another country they should sort of make you take a quiz or test or something of that country's loss obviously not all of them just you know some really important laws that are easily broken by tourists because they don't know the laws and they're different from the country they come from anyways I think that's a good idea and situations like these can be avoided and you know and we can prevent one country stupidity from dispersing to other countries we quarantine the stupid this story's called entitled parents try to take away my around 650 euros worth of collectibles this is a long one Mac story I'm a huge transformers nerd but because my country is kinda oblivious to the things happening to the outside world getting new and cool transformer stuff is hard also the websites that have the coolest stuff don't usually ship here I do go to the UK once every summer but that's only for a week to fix my lack of nerd merge problem I order something from a website set the shipping address to one of my friends in the UK and then they send the package here then afterwards I PayPal him the money he spent on the shipping a bit complicated but it works the real story begins I was at the post office once again to get my package of stuff I had ordered four items transformers masterpiece Optimus Prime 3.0 around 500 euros and three Star Trek ship models around 50 euros the post office was quite busy today whole seven people were in there normally zero to three people two of those seven people caught my eye or my ear to be more exact a couple in their late 20s who were a bit farther away or ranting how the line was moving too slowly and that the workers are too slow just like I do with a lot of things I ignore them and just wait there after some waiting my turn arrives I get my package the cashier was surprised how heavy the smaller type package was and asked me what I have in there I explained to her that it's my casual nerd things aka transformers and spaceships and left the real story gets really real I got out of the post office and rushed to my car I had gotten the box into the boot slashed trunk and had gotten myself in the car when I heard knocking on the roof of my car I let down the window peek out and it's the whining couple the real story that was quite real got even realer hello is there a problem entitled mother with I don't give a ding about you I just want your stuff but I try to be nice for once aka the idg da y IJ WY sbit TB n fo voice hi we just wanted to ask you about the box you got in the post office oh my transformers yes those things well if you are asking about the fact that I'm an adult playing with something a lot of people consider as children's toys then I can't give you a solid answer no we would like to buy the entire box you're kidding right I just got them I have never even opened the box and also the one Transformers toy that is in there cost around five hundred euros why it's five hundred year hours and there's also three starship models that cost fifty euros each there are ter outs I said they're not for sale but we need something for our son he turned five a couple weeks ago and he forgot to get something for him yes he actually said that he forgot his son's birthday as I said these things are expensive and way too fragile to let a five-year-old play with also the transformation for Optimus is complicated even for people with good memory so imagine a five year old with it come on yourself is your legitimate child give us those toys yeah no I roll up the window start the car and drive off some minutes later I notice a car is following me honestly it was hard not to notice considering that the car was bright yellow I was going to the grocery store anyway so I parked my car at the stores parking lot when I come back fifteen minutes later I find that a noticeable group of people has gathered around my car I unlock the doors only to see them trying to open the trunk fortunately I opened the doors but I left the trunk closed but the people were so determined to open it that the whole car shook when they jinked on it hey what in the world is going on here there there's the man who took my kids toys somehow don't ask why while I was at the store the couple got a group of people including the store workers to believe some kind of lie what hell are you on about I literally got these toys from our cars drunk people were looking like they were ready to punch my teeth out so I lost my temper from the post office I ordered these toys from the United Kingdom then my friends sent these over to here for God's sakes people if you want to see proof step away from the car and let me open the boot where there's a package with my bloody name on it I felt how my face was red hot from the Unleashed anger people stepped a couple steps back and I opened the trunk straight when the trunk was fully open the entitled mother jointed away went a bit further away and tried to rip off the delivery label that is quite hard of course I managed to joint back the package go to my car grab the driving licence with my name in picture on it and show it to everyone as soon as they saw that the package was to my name they turned towards the entitled parents Justin with some amazing timing came a cop car one of the bystanders had called them when I engaged Rach mode everyone tells the cops that the entitled parents tried to steal my package and showed them the evidence one kid who saw everything from the side even recorded the part where I went berserk the cop asked if I wanted to press charges the I of course couldn't decline some people later came to me and apologized for janking the trunk of my car etc some time passed and I was finally given permission to go home man it's sad to see how many people are not deserving of being parents ok don't forget your kid's birthday whatever I'm just glad it worked out in the end and they didn't steal anything this story's called entitled parents take their kids to our child free wedding we had been planning our wedding for a year and we were very clear with everyone that this was a child free event my nieces and nephews and our friends children were not invited and neither were his nieces and nephews this was not very popular with his sister she and my ex mother-in-law protested the decision all the way but we wouldn't budge their reasoning was that it's important for the kids to be in the uncle's wedding not very well-behaved kids they eventually surrendered and were taking a babysitter along with them for our car drive only days before the wedding I heard from mother-in-law that there had been a misunderstanding and the babysitter was not free for the weekend after all kids would be coming they knew my cowardly husband would never do anything about it and I didn't have the time nor energy to fight them over this just before the wedding I'm very aware that they plotted this from the very beginning and it's had me fuming for years even after we finally divorced in part due to his family constantly stepping over my borders and disrespecting me freaking don't bring your kids to child free events ah you see Karen you see Karen's I guess I don't know yeah bring children to a wedding and you get them divorced you know that you're the reason for this insanely high divorce rate that we have nowadays anyways all jokes aside you guys already know this but come on they asked you not to bring a kid at all and you brought them it's messed up man don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
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Views: 63,321
Rating: 4.9009099 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 166
Id: Y1MzPir9ejw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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