r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom DEMANDS Ham...

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this entitled mother is about to roll over everyone who gets in her way at this shopping center this man just wanted a few simple ingredients to make dinner but now he must face this final boss happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the revamp show i was doing my end of month shopping trip picking up necessities and some stuff for a barbecue i'm having this weekend i had all the necessities and was heading to the frozen food and meat section i saw that someone had put a box of chicken fingers in the snack food section and figured i'd put it back while i was there i had just finished putting it away the chicken section is beside the deli and went to walk away when i heard and excuse me with a super disgusted tone i turned around and was greeted by a heavyset woman before i could say anything she started in on me you'll need to get me some ham ah the ham that's prepackaged is over there gestures behind me you can go get it well no i want you from the deli and i'm in a hurry so could you make it quick thanks she looked down at her phone after that so i just walked away to find some hamburger to make some delicious burgers i picked up two packages and put it in my cart as i was about to walk away she rammed my cart and began yelling i asked you to do something for me now do it okay maybe you didn't see but i'm in a red sweater and shorts employees here are in a dark blue shirt and black pants i don't work here i can't help you i saw you putting stuff away you work here stop being lazy and do your freaking job nearby employee season hears what's happening and sends a manager over as hsw refuses to let me leave and continue screeching that it's my job to assist her as she's still screeching that she'll have my job the manager walks up hi i'm bob and i'm the manager here what seems to be the problem your crap employee here refuses to do her freaking job that's the problem i've told you i don't work here i'm literally trying to do my shopping right now gesturing to half a full cart you work here i'm showing you putting stuff from the card away stop lying turns to the manager i want her fired she's lazy incompetent and has no right to talk to a customer like this well i'm 100 sure she doesn't work here so i can't hsw cuts him off in the most condescending tone she was putting groceries away from the car she's pushing she works here i know it don't treat me like i'm stupid fire her manager looks me up and down i don't work here can i please go and finish my shopping get me my ham and you can i'm not paying for it either it can come out of your check condescending turn again if you get one after being fired that is okay look she doesn't work here she is most definitely not in our uniform gestures to himself please stop harassing our customers or you'll be escorted out stop saying she doesn't work here well i don't work here so yeah the manager was getting fed up and moved her card from mine so i could walk away and finish my shopping i heard banshee like screaming through the store for the next five minutes or so don't know what came out of it but when i left the store there were three cop cars sitting outside it's sad that so many stories have to end like this it's just not in their nature to end things peacefully once they're convinced of something they stick to their guns despite how stupid it makes them look or how much trouble it ends up getting them in it's either stubbornness or just plain crazy if everyone else is telling you that something isn't true and yet you still believe it you gotta have really good evidence to back it up because as unlikely as it must seem it means you're probably wrong i work at a restaurant not far from my town's walmart so i go there frequently before or after my shift as a waitress my uniform consists of a button-up shirt black pants and a brown apron with our names and stars on them although it does not say the name of the restaurant i would say it'd be hard to confuse me for someone wearing a blue or yellow vest with the wally world logo on the back with all my trips to walmart in my uniform i've been mistaken for an employee four times usually it's a short conversation of hey do you know where i can find and i respond with sorry i actually don't work here and they go about their day with a bit more color to their faces well the most recent time it happened the lady wasn't having it this occasion happened to be during one of my runs before my shift so i'm just browsing through the makeup aisle and i'm squatting down to look at something when k walks up and says can you tell me where the tanning oil is i say my regular response except i add in that it's probably won all over by the sunscreen which i knew since i had just bought some not too long ago and she just scoffs and says can't you just show me they aren't paying you to browse the store for yourself i'm sorry but i told you i don't work here and i'm kinda in a hurry to get to work stop lying you're just too lazy to actually do your job besides you're wearing a uniform yes i'm wearing a uniform for the restaurant walmart workers have on vests with their logo karen sees a worker walk by sir your coworkers being lazy and refuses to help me now this guy is about the same age as me 18 or 19 and just looks at me and then looks at her and starts laughing this really ticked off k ma'am she does not work here so please leave the customer alone is there anything i can help you with karen just storms off without even getting her tanning oil and i thought that was the end of it i get to the self checkout with a new lipstick and all of a sudden she's screaming that's the worker right there while she has an angry looking manager right behind her once she reaches me kay has a big smirk on her face and tells the manager i need to be fired immediately ma'am she's not employed here and never has been she's not wearing out uniform so please stop harassing her we'll have to ask you to leave our store karen suddenly fills with rage as she attempts to lunging me but i move out the way and she runs into the kiosk she starts screaming and bantering about how she's going to sue them and make them pay for her medical bills even though she won't have more than a bruise the manager acts panicked and pulls out his phone i'm so sorry ma'am i'll call an ambulance for you to get you to the hospital as soon as possible i watch as he smirks at me and dials 9-1-1 though he does not ask for an ambulance he calls for them to come get kay for attempting to assault me and for causing a commotion kay is still sitting there holding her hip like she'll die if she lets go and is shooting me a look of bullets the cop shows up and she demands that i be arrested for assault because i shoved her into the kiosk the cops want to see the security footage so the manager brings them back to watch the tapes while i'm waiting here i take the chance to call my manager and tell him i will be late to work and karen overhears me saying it she starts yelling about how i need to give it up and that she has caught me a few minutes later the cops and manager come out and ask me if i want to press charges i say yes and he handcuffs her and brings her out of the store manager profusely apologizes and gives me a gift card and her personal info just in case i need it to get hold of her look if you're in a store and someone else is wearing a uniform i can understand at the first glance you might think they work there because your brain will naturally associate uniform with worker in the store but considering how distinct the walmart uniforms are once your brain has time to adjust absorb some more information it shouldn't take long before you realize wait they don't actually work here that's not the right uniform and if you're an unfortunate soul and your brain hasn't done that work for you and so they have to tell you i don't work here lady that's when you do an awkward sidestep and pray that nobody saw you i work for a school district doing it given the nature of how the job works i can be doing anything from running wires to cutting metal and all sorts of different types of work when i'm doing things that would be a bit more dirty i will wear normal clothes this is not too different from what i normally wear minus a t-shirt instead of a golf type shirt so i'm at home depot wearing a pair of tan cargo pants hiking shoes and a red t-shirt that says coca-cola on the front as well as my old beat up hat and a pair of sunglasses on my hat cause i was inside so i'm looking around for some things to do a job in the afternoon and an old lady asked me for help i gladly helped her get something off the higher shelves as well as answered a few questions for her because i just knew more about construction than she did obviously really she just wanted to know some best ways to mount some pictures that were a bit more heavy so i directed her to some proper mounting materials and explained the best way to mount the hangers nothing special so i walked down the aisle because i needed to be in the hardware aisle anyway looking for some stuff as i'm crouched down i have some other things in my hands and i'm taking things out and putting them back as i look for the proper hardware it's not like what i'm doing has any sort of set way of doing it so i'm just trying to go off the fly figuring out what would work best for what i wanted to accomplish another lady walks up and right off the bat really rudely starts demanding that i help her keep in mind i in no way look like i work at home depot it's about time i find someone i need help i ignore her since it clearly doesn't sound like she's talking to me eb grabs my shoulder and pulls me back as i'm crouched down causing me to fall back what the frick lady that is no way to talk to a customer i should report you to your manager for ignoring me and swearing at me that would be great if i worked here go away you obviously work here go get a ladder and no thanks i'm good i'm going to get i spoke loud enough for those around to hear no i will not go get your car to make out with you i'm not even all that angry annoyed maybe but i get joy in making people like this uncomfortable i didn't that's not manager sees the commotion and walks up she starts screaming at how unprofessional i am and so forth i know the manager we have bought each other drinks at the local vfw he knows i don't work there he helped this old bee and now he won't help me i just manager cuts her off ma'am you are hereby banned from this store leave now or you will be escorted by force by an officer eb refuses to leave and as promised is booted from the store by cops fast forward to yesterday hence this post now again i work in a school district all subs must come to me to get a temp key fob to get in and out of the building in she walks into my office she immediately goes off screaming at me i seriously don't even recognize her at first then it hits me i put on a nice big grin and i act all nicely to her i let her know that i have to call the office to confirm her placement the office hears her screaming over the phone and i quietly and quickly explain two minutes later the resource officer rolls up sees what's going on and escorts her off the property she has been removed from the list that's pulled from so she can no longer sub in our district after going into more detail of the situation with my boss and superintendent he also plans on calling a few other districts to warn them i'm sure it's for the best she couldn't be all that mentally stable imagine being that it guy a job that you know can have its own stresses in and of itself you try and do something nice at the home depot and then basically get harassed by this crazy woman and then once she gets arrested and leaves you're like alright that was crazy let's forget that ever happened until one day she rocks up at your school and she needs something from you i think you did the right thing to report her i mean do you really want a person like that teaching out of school i sat down in my seat and pulled up my phone the flight was only two hours so i pulled up my survival world just to kill time em and dk sit down in the row right behind me and ek immediately starts to look over at my phone i wasn't bothered as he probably didn't have anything to do on the plane ek then whispers something to em here's where the story starts hey can you let ek play your game for a little bit he is really bored and has nothing to do for the whole airplane ride i accepted as he was just a little kid and i thought i would let him play a game for 10 minutes or something i opened up a new world for him because i didn't want him to ruin my survival world i specifically told him not to go into my survival world his seat was behind mine so i couldn't see what he was doing but i trusted him after 10 minutes or so ek's playing time is up can i please have my phone back no excuse me that is my phone and i let you play on it give me my property back right now ek keeps playing give me my phone now hey why are you yelling at my son what has he done to you oh thank goodness you're here em went to the bathroom your son isn't giving me my phone back even after he's finished playing just let him play some more he's so bored on the plane i give up and let ek play for a couple more minutes okay would you please give me my phone back now ek doesn't even bother to answer and just keeps playing i asked ek again and still he just keeps playing i'm sick of this kid so i get out of my seat and forcibly take the phone from his hand obviously em sees the whole thing and is outraged to say the least what are you doing give the phone back to my son he's not done ma'am i've asked your son multiple times to give me my phone back and he hasn't given it back this is my property em sits down and presses the button to call the flight attendant i think that it means she's admitted to feed so i sit back in my seat flight attendant comes over to our seats a minute later hello what do you need this jerk stole my son's phone and won't give it back just calm down we'll get this all sorted out i jump into the conversation and quickly defend myself i gave my phone to ek to play a game for a couple minutes and he wasn't giving it back after i told him multiple times so i took my phone back that's not true he's lying through his teeth flight attendant turns to me you can sit down i will handle this he did not steal your phone please calm down and stop yelling or you'll be moved from your seat we were all sitting in business class so it was a big deal em shuts up and stays pretty quiet for the rest of the flight ek kicks in my seat for the rest of the flight but it's whatever for me when i open up my survival world after things have calmed down in the plane i found that ek destroyed pretty much my whole house with tnt i look back at him and he has the biggest grin i've ever seen screw him you'd have to be a pretty trusting person to give your phone to a kid to play games on it i would only do that with probably kids that i know and the ones that i trust are actually going to take care of it and give it back when i ask for it it just seems to me like such a bizarre thing to do to give you a phone to a kid and worst of all for him it turned out to be an entitled kid with an entitled parent submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 9,031
Rating: 4.9379845 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: MSMjQpQlQng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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