r/EntitledParents | Parent Sues Student...

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what's up guys welcome to voice' here this is your host captain Zach in today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled parent tries to sue me when I defend myself after her daughter attacks me first I would like to note that this is not my story both parts have been posted on our slash entitled kids original part 1 and original part 2 this is part 1 and part 2 including all edits I have fixed some grammar and spelling mistakes I noticed this story all begins last year when I was a senior in high school I have a lot of stories about high school but those are other posts for different days strap in it's a long story so first starts let me describe myself I'm a Korean Irish girl and I have what people call ballerinas body but I have strength in my arms and fists primarily I also have four had after this all went down semi curly ginger hair that was down to my back I'm pretty extroverted so I had many friends in school and B was one of them when I was a sophomore but when junior year old around I noticed that B was very toxic she started to control where we would go in the mall when we hung out where I sat in the cafeteria during lunch stuff like that she also acted like she was superior to other people many people didn't like her and complained a lot so naturally I started to distance myself from her one I didn't like that type of behavior and it was annoying and two I didn't want people I met to associate me with her and think that I acted the same way she did B did not like this I guess she liked being in control somewhere in a relationship B didn't have many friends to begin with so when I started not being her friend she had nobody to hang out with during winter break I learned that she started hanging out with B's boyfriend this guy in one of my classes but I didn't care too much because I didn't know him by the time we came back from winter break they were making out in the halls very touchy feely with each other skip to summer of 2017 I sabe and beast boyfriend literally everywhere I went I went to the fair and they were there too I once went to the mall to get a custom-made umbrella for my cousin's birthday I know weird but my cousin has a knack for collecting umbrellas and lo and behold he walks in with her boyfriend in tow and walks up to me and says oh hey Opie I didn't know you'd be here I was very confused now redditors what what a seventeen year old girl and her boyfriend want from a custom shop that only sells umbrellas and other winter items in the middle of summer and I also knew that she wasn't invited to my cousin's birthday because she didn't even know my cousin by that point I was convinced she was following me around senior year swings around and bee starts trying to talk to me again and I was having none of it considering the obvious reasons then the day before spring break she said to me Alba I've seen that she's been ignoring me and I really don't appreciate it I am such a good friend honestly be you're really not your kind of manipulative how can you say that I'm a really good CEO I beg to differ then I walked away she would shoot daggers at me when I saw her after that and B was also extremely jealous when B saw B's boyfriend talking to a girl she would walk up to him and say how could you cheat on me with this flowers a friend who was still semi friends with B had B's boyfriend story sent to her by B basically he posted a story on a snapchat that said with the most supportive person in my life over a picture of him and a girl and B went nuts she complained a friend that her boyfriend was cheating on her with who she called that's ugly horror bag turns out that was his sister fast forward to May of 2018 when the Kripa D crap hit the fan I was partnered up with B's boyfriend in my chemistry class that we had together B learned about this and went berserk she had the nerve to come up to me and say keep your filthy racist hands off my boyfriend floozy keep in mind that she was completely Caucasian maybe two percent of any other race but very white and I have never been racist towards anyone unlike her she's called my eyes Xin Chong slits and also called me a drunk ginger and I'm the racist one so a week after that happened B's boyfriend had to come over to my house to finish the last part of the project turns out B was planning to go to the mall with B's boyfriend that day but he had to cancel to come to my house B was steaming so the next fateful day I was in class with B's boyfriend and we turned in our project we were talking about what grade we think we'd get when became in class with these big-ass scissors neither B's boyfriend or me saw her coming that day I was wearing my hair in a low ponytail at this point I was growing out my hair and it was very important to me since I had to shave my head in eighth grade after an accident I had a hard time reviving my locs and I was proud until then the so on accounts a friend who was also in the class and B's boyfriend B came up behind me pulled my hair and cut it to about shoulder length at first I didn't know what happened but when my brain had processed my snip sound I knew what had happened I whipped my hair around and stood up and there was be holding my hair in one hand and the scissors in the other here's the dialogue did you just cut off my hair B then dropped my hair on the floor and sad that's what you get for sleeping with my boyfriend band Shh then he proceeded to slap me across my face it didn't hurt but I was angry I looked down at B's hand and it looked like she was getting ready to hit me again so I did what was necessary and hit her square in the nose all I hear was a deafening crunch and her hitting the laminate then she started screaming next thing I know I was in the principal's office explaining what had happened and all my previous experience with B while waiting for my mom to get to the school I was also very emotional because of all my hard work to grow out my hair had been foiled so what you're saying is that B came into the room cut off your hair and slapped you because you were doing things with B's boyfriend correct that's about right okay so how about you wait here for your mother ten minutes later my mom walks in and starts getting angry when she sees my hair because she knows how long it took to grow it all back the principal quickly briefs the situation to her and she gets even more heated basically I was suspended for a week I still don't know why I was suspended even though I was just defending myself we were told to come to the school for a meeting with Bea and her family and all the witnesses the next day so the next day we walk in and we are guided to a big conference room with a big rectangular table in it we were seated directly across from B and entitled mother they were both shooting us dirty looks also there was friend B's boyfriend another friend of B and principal principal recounts B side of the story first she accused me of attacking her with my fists when the principal asked why a my hair was cut off B says that she grabbed the scissors and cut off my hair so I would stop there are many reasons why that makes no sense such as the fact that when the principal came into the room she was still lying on the floor for my punch so there's no way she could have cut off my hair after I punched her also 26 other people told that she attacked me first then entitled mother speaks up that wild animal attacked my daughter and broke her nose she deserves to be in jail then my mom spoke up no your daughter attacked mine and cut off her hair that's not true my little angel is innocent since both Dukey you just paid all these people to lie about this B's boyfriend says it's true B attack topi first then Opie defended herself you're supposed to be my boyfriend and support me not anymore I'm breaking up with you what B then starts bawling her eyes out and I was trying to hold back my laughter so is Fred you don't even have any proof that B did anything actually that's why I'm here I recorded everything turns out that B told Lisa what she was doing and Lisa had enough of be scrapped and recorded everything she had done Lisa then played the video and clearly displayed my side of the story to a tee this video was doctored to make me look bad well everyone and everything says otherwise entitled mother principal then turns to me and asks would you like to press charges against her of course I said yes principal then reached out to the police and let's me and my mom file a complaint and press charges and stuff this part is kind of blurry the Sunday before I get to go back to school my mom gets a letter in the mail telling me that we're getting sued for $50,000 for assault we immediately got an attorney and looked into this entitled mother was accusing me of assault and harassment against B which is ridiculously untrue additional information I ended up pressing charges for assault and stuff like that and I'm pretty sure she got four months in juvie and community service she also got expelled from school and she does online now I didn't want to give her max punishment because I want her to have a chance in life and be able to be a better person and get a job I wasn't gonna tell you guys what I did against her when we went to court but someone wanted to know I also found out that the court date is in a week see you soon I've been reading the comments and some of you said to countersue and I've decided to do just that I just need to gather my case and if I win I will 100% do the worm bar - this story was mostly paraphrased because she had to leave for work and a half hour me my mom B's boyfriend and friends all went down to the courthouse yesterday at about 11 a.m. when we were seated I was getting my defense in my counterclaim against B I decided that I had a pretty good counterclaim thanks to you strangers B and entitled mother were glancing at me like I was gonna lose refresher for your brains entitled mother's trying to sue me for $50,000 but little does she know I'm suing for $60,000 so court stars and entitled mother states her claim by saying that I broke my daughter's nose on purpose and that I owe her medical bills emotional trauma and B's plastic surgery they provide that judge with proof that I did there was a TV in the courtroom in the pictures were displayed there the pictures were of bees broken nose but it was clearly photoshopped to make it look worse she tried to photoshop in more bruises in blood but she failed miserably the judge said Miss entitled mother on these photos doctored no not at all that's what she did to my baby then I spoke up and said Your Honor this is photoshopped I have a copy of the actual photo the look of shock on entitled mother's face could have powered an entire city for a couple of minutes thankfully I had copied the picture when entitled mother gave them to me so I could think about what I've done entitled mother tried to intervene and say Your Honor you don't have to look at those just take my word on it that one is the doctored one when the judge looked at my pictures she asked entitled mother why would you bring doctored photos in my courtroom they aren't the judge dismissed the evidence and we moved on I stated my counterclaim she caused me emotional pain and physical pain I showed evidence like the pictures of my hair and stuff like that then it was time for the video when the officer was bringing the TV in for the video to display entitled mother said Your Honor I suspicions that that video was doctored everyone was shocked because she was the one to bring in Photoshop stuff the judge ignored her after the judge in the whole courthouse watched the video the judge said this looks too real to be fake but it is trust me she hit my daughter don't raise your voice in my courtroom but B doesn't deserve this she's a good kid II didn't know what entitled mother then had to be escorted out of the room I said nothing to Opie she hit me in the first place but I see you cut her hair and assaulted her first but it she had no valid answer for that we discussed some other things it was really boring the lawyers talked most of the time during this part then came the verdict it's Tuesday now hence I'm up fifty thousand dollars the judge decided to go from sixty thousand to fifty thousand and he thought that B's and entitled mothers claim was ridiculous rightfully so entitled mother actually lost sixty thousand dollars because of the court fees and lawyers and also my lawsuit I decided against doing the flop in the courtroom but I did it when I was at home I think I'm gonna use the money to go to North Carolina State which is the college I wanted to go to ever since I was 13 I took a leap year because I couldn't afford it so come next August I'll be in school I'll put the rest away in the bank thank you all for your supportive comments okay so I have zero experience with the legal system so I don't know a whole lot however she tried to bring falsified evidence into the courtroom and wouldn't her lawyer have been like advising against doing any of what she did because I feel like that's well that's what the lawyer is supposed to do make sure you don't screw up that badly in court I don't know other than that story was pretty good really long but really good pretty good this story's called mom sent me a bill for raising me for a quarter million I've had a bit of good financial luck in my late 20s and 30s my dad died in 2007 and my mom has been writing his life insurance settlement in to the ground she overspent three brand new Mercedes among a ton of other idiotic purchases since 2007 and is now having to Airbnb her house to make ends meet in the past four months I've given her over five grand to keep her afloat today I received an itemized bill in the mail totaling lodging food schooling entertainments and vacation expenses that she incurred since the time I was born the bill exceeded 1/4 million I called her this evening to congratulate her on her hilarious joke when it became clear that she wasn't joking and indeed felt entitled to two hundred fifty three thousand thirty two dollars and 56 cents of my money her reasoning I wouldn't be worth a tenth of what I am now without her influence she said you can afford to lose that kind of money why not just give it to me before you do piss it away this is one of the many reasons that there are more than two thousand miles in between my front door and hers this is the last reason I needed to never give her another penny of my money I've got a therapy appointment on Monday I can't wait to bring this BS up two things one quit calling my mom a or I won't have to ask my dead dad to haunt your ass she's indeed crazy she's no bench sue thanks for the supports it's exceedingly encouraging edit - guys I'm bushed and biased I'm going to bed may the new here bring us all closer to achieving happiness whatever that may be thanks for keeping me occupied love you huh wholesome little ending there however his mother is kind of bonkers she says he wouldn't be loaded without her influence yet she had to rely on life insurance money and she blew it all so obviously she's very financially irresponsible but his dad wasn't because she could afford three brand-new Mercedes with a life insurance policy that he had but you know you got it rough when your mother is stooping that low to get that much of your money jeez don't forget to like subscribe hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 58,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: nPbjSIB47Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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