r/EntitledParents - Their lifestyle is an abomination...

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video on the good night reddit channel and the r slash entitled parents subreddit where today a karen gets offended by a gay couple being at a restaurant and then demands that they leave the premises if you want to find out what happens then please do stay tuned i'm back again with another entitled parents story to share with you and it gives me no pleasure to say that the karen in this story is unfortunately my own mother i have so many stories about her entitlement when i was growing up but this is the one that is by far the most embarrassing for me i hope you enjoy this happened around 2004 when i was 14. we just moved to another country and we're living in a small town of around 12 000 people i should mention that my mother is extremely homophobic and although there weren't many gay people that i knew of around town there was one couple who didn't hide their relationship i am nothing like my mother so although i grew up with her pushing her homophobia onto me i never shared her views on the topic i'm bisexual but at the time i never told her because i knew what her reaction would be now one afternoon we went for lunch at a small cafe that served meals apart from a fish and chip shop it was the only place my choosing bigger mother ever went to we sat down and ordered our food and while we were waiting a gay couple came in and sat at a table near the back out of the few known gay couples in the town these two were the most out and proud of them all as they should be without ridicule much to my mother's displeasure she didn't notice him at first but when she did the you know poop storm hit the fan thank you for not swearing she didn't say anything at first just stared daggers at them hoping that they would leave on their own as unsettling as my mother is when she giving her in famous death glare it has a lot less power over those the that she thinks it does or should imagine like an angry red face giving an i'm going to murder you in your sleep staring match the couple didn't even notice her and went on to order and chat while they waited for their meals there was no groping or makeout sessions going on just two grown men sitting side by side holding hands no big deal right wrong when the server came to deliver our food my mum took the opportunity to say something mum um excuse me can you ask those two to leave or at least sit them somewhere else i don't want to watch them in their disgusting behavior server they're not doing anything wrong ma'am but there's a table outside you can sit at if you would like to move mom no i'm not moving i'm not doing anything wrong unlike them make those mad words move server ma'am if you're going to speak like that i'm going to have to ask you to leave mum what what did i do she was getting loud and i could tell that the couple could hear what was going on but were pretending not to hear her server ma'am you have three options stay here and be quiet or i can put your food and take away containers for you and you can leave and i don't think you'll like option three mom angry and defeated fine then i'll stay but i'm never coming back here after this horrible service we had our food while i desperately wanted to leave or sink into my chair out of pure embarrassment mother dearest was glaring at them the entire time even though they turned their chairs so all we could see was the back of their heads and much to the dismay of the staff there mum came back many of the times after that a few weeks after this i ran into the couple in town and apologized to them about my mother i made sure they knew that i didn't think the same way as her and they were fine about it i lived in that town for about a year after this happened and went to live with my dad after that my life was much better after i escaped her entitlement in karen'sness and i haven't spoken to her in over seven years the world is better without toxic people in it well you are certainly right about that but i'm actually really proud of you for you know just removing your mother entirely from your life like not a lot of people can do that so the fact that you you know had the uh the balls to do it nice so i work retail at a small exotic reptile shop it's a very nice place to work actually we know most of our customers personally and the four of us who work there me my co-worker my boss and his husband all get along very well in general we don't have too many rude customers but this was definitely one of those exceptions three weeks ago an entitled mother ian and her son came into the store the boy seemed to be around 8 and was getting a snake for his birthday for kids we always recommend ball pythons as they are pretty docile low maintenance and rarely bite when people adopt one of our reptiles we make it very clear that they are getting themselves into we explain how to properly feed at rodents what size mice it will need what temperature the tank should be etc additionally our adoption form has an area to sign that you understand the care of the pet and its basic needs the form also lays out our 7 day guarantee if an animal dies within 7 days of buying from us you can get a refund or get a new one this will be important later last week my co-worker jay answers a call to the store the em that replied was furious she had come home to find the snake dead and kept telling us how traumatizing it would be for her son at first we were very sympathetic asking our questions to try and find out why this naked passed away despite our guarantee technically only being seven days if it clearly wasn't the owner's fault my boss usually lets them trade the convo then went like this paraphrased by the way em the snake wouldn't eat when my son fed it i can't believe you'd sell us a snake that wouldn't eat i had to force it down its throat we make sure our snakes eat at least three meals before we sell them so not eating would have been a new problem for this snake jay we never had an issue with that snake eating did you make sure to thaw the mouse before feeding it iam no i fed it a banana i had to force it down its throat jade turns to me both of us in shock a banana what when and how where in the world has she gotten the idea to feed a snake a banana and force feed it no less at this point it's very obvious that snake had died from impaction and that is when fecal matter solidifies in the intestines and can't be passed we explained to her that we very clearly told her that the snake ate frozen mice and she kept fighting back that it was our fault for not telling her she came into the store today sun following behind and the second she comes in she starts going off more and more we called up our boss and he said she can still get a new one for free we tell them this and the son seems happy with that and i start heading to the back to show him the snakes we have iam was not as pleased why would we get from you again when all you're gonna do is kill it my son will not be hurt like that again fine lady whatever you say she's coming in next week to talk to my boss and lucky me it's on my day off well that's good at least but like you'd think that you wouldn't be able to sell another snake to that person because they forcefully fed a banana down the snake's throat and killed it you'd think there'd be a somewhat rule or lore against that right right maybe i don't know let's hope so come on man r.i.p to my boy sneaky boy buckle up and enjoy my first untitled parent experience i hope the formatting is okay as i'm on mobile me me f friend fm friend's mum eg entitled grandma and ef eg's friend so a couple of years back i went to visit my friend before he moved six hours of driving away and he lived in an apartment at the time and that apartment had a pool so we played a bit of just cause 2 then went down to the pool and his mum decided to come with us to catch the sun we were having a really good time swimming laps and screwing around with pool noodles when this old lady eg walks up to the pool and gets in the pool at first we thought nothing of it then she asked us to scooch over a bit in the pool and we did where she had half the pool to herself and we had the other half so we continued you know monkey around and she asked us to scooch again and i thought to myself maybe i didn't get half right and we scooched over by this point but now we're up against the poor wall and she asks again eg can you scooch over a bit more you're moving into my space me miss we're pushed up against the wall if we scooch anymore we will be out of the pool she shut up for about five minutes then eg i said could you scooch over you're blocking my laps fm they already told you they can't scooch over any further eg well i live here i pay bills and i pay taxes fm so do we eg no you don't i've lived here for 17 years i know everyone here and i've never seen you here fm ma'am i've lived here for 14 years i'm sure if you haven't met me you haven't met a lot of people by this point f and i had gotten tired of this pieces of crap's attitude and we went to chill in by the hot tub five feet apart because we aren't gay that's a vine then fm comes up to us and tells us fm boys you know you don't have to listen to her right me oh we know we were just done with our attitude and thought we could relax here fm okay then she then walked off and decided to go back into the pool until eg there isn't enough room in this pool sorry and we jump in anyways eg i said there isn't enough room fm very calmly as she is a kindergarten teacher ma'am you cannot have the pool to yourself they were here first and they just want to swim eg your kids are terribly behaved you must be a terrible parent fm ma'am that was unnecessary and irrelevant but they aren't going to swim anyways and you do not own this pool as it is for all the residents living here by this point ef had arrived and they both went to the hot tub but eff and i overheard their conversation eg those kids have no respect for their elderly and their mother should be ashamed ef what did they do eg they tried to stop me from swimming in the pool and threw pool noodles at me when i tried to swim ef that's terrible f and i just gave each other an is this piece a crap serious look and continue with that swimming i learned later that eg's daughter is fm's best friend so at least her children aren't as entitled honestly i'm just really annoyed that she thinks she owns the pool even though it's reserved through every residential there like i would have grabbed the person who owns the whole lot like the landlord there and been like kick this piece of crap out she's hogging the pool so my wife and i are young and didn't have much money so we asked our respective parents to help us as much as they could her parents who are amazing people have way more than we could have ever asked for and never asked for anything in return they actually was surprised that my wife was able to pull off as much as she did with the small amount we had my dad had recently been through a terrible divorce a long story for another day and had moved to a new place i didn't feel comfortable asking him for money so the majority of the load was left to my mother and stepfather one thing about my mother is nothing is ever simply a gift with her everything comes with a twist you just never know when she will use it against you when we mentioned that we needed help of course she was more than happy to help her gift to us was to pick whatever photographer we wanted no matter the price we happily accepted and thanked them both fast forward about several months later and the wedding is finished and we are barely a month into our marriage a little more background about the story my grandfather my mom's dad was in the late stages of dementia he no longer recognized anyone believed his dreams were real i never really answered with anything much more than the occasional yeah to anything he was asked it was a rough time watching him turn into this of course my mother refused to believe he didn't know who she was or who i was and regularly told us that we were in the wrong when we would try to convince her he was absent mentally so the wedding is done and we are waiting for the pictures all 699 of them occasionally in contact with the photographer to check in and see how things are processing it was always a friendly conversation one day my wife receives a concerning email from the photographer asking us to please have my mom stop harassing her for pictures confused by this new information we ask her what she is talking about according to the photographer my mother had been emailing and texting her multiple times throughout the week asking for any pictures that she had finished without me telling either me or my wife she was trying to see pictures from our wedding before us of course i immediately called her i will admit i was angry and i went about it in a way i should not have but i also feel a bit justified so i call her and confront her about not only how she was treating the photographer but also about sneaking behind our back to get pictures before we do instead of owning up to her mistakes she tried to power move thinking i would back down because she is my mother after all she stated to me with complete sincerity in her voice that since she paid for the pictures she should be able to see them when she wanted of course i lost it not so politely reminding her that it was a gift to us from her and my stepdad and that if she intended to act this way she should have just found her own photographer my wife researched for days to find the perfect person as well when she realized the power move wasn't going to work she turned the guilt up to bringing into my grandfather this of course angered me even more she said that she wanted the photos so she could take them to show them to my grandfather and that it was wrong of me to deny him seeing these pictures before he passed at this point i had made my mind up and about of pure disbelief i had nothing to say so i quietly informed her that she would receive the pictures when me and my wife felt comfortable showing her and that she needed to stop harassing the photographer or none of us will get pictures to this day she has not received the pictures the most surprising part is that she hasn't even asked for them not too long ago i asked my stepdad why he was clueless that all of this was even happening and he said that she was still trying to make me feel guilty about how i talked to her that is my mother ladies and gentlemen always the master manipulator i mean that is really annoying that she wanted to see the photos first but that's not like the worst thing in the world she could have done she could have been like i want the photo so that you don't get them and that they're just mine but no all she wanted was to show them to the grandfather that could be passing soon so i don't know if it's just me but maybe she isn't all that bad granted she's still entitled and she still has her problems but she's not as bad as some of the other entitled people on this subreddit karen's son tommy hit my car door with his own so i work for high-functioning adults who have been diagnosed with autism i have a lot of patience to be only 25. kudos to my stepdad he is the most patient man and i know and he has taught me his ways fast forward to yesterday my client and i were at his karate class and i had just dropped him off inside i stay to watch his class and will usually just sit in the car and read a book for the artist that he's inside while sitting there right after dropping him off some lady pulls up next to me with her son for class i am paying no attention to them but i can hear their conversation because windows are down tommy jumps out of the car and accidentally hits my car door with his own at this point i look up and make eye contact with the little boy he doesn't say anything okay cool it was a mistake no biggie my car isn't a tesla or anything so whatever tommy forgets his bag and his mom starts yelling at him to come back and get it he comes back open this door again and hits my car door again i look up and make eye contact with his mother now who says absolutely nothing no sorry no acknowledgement nothing okay cool for context i hate kids i have no interest in having any of my own and i hate other people's entitled snot-nosed demon spawns i usually can tolerate them but man does it grind my gears when parents don't correct their own children so now i'm annoyed you've hit my car door twice with me sitting inside i make a huge scene of me sighing slamming my book down and getting out to check my car door it's got a dent as i figured but whatever i try to rub it out and run my finger along it turn and look at karen who won't look at me and get back in my car i pick my book up and continue to read now it's a nice day my windows are down and karen makes a phone call about me she's on the phone basically yelling saying to whoever she's speaking with that some young brown girl keeps giving me the snake face because tommy hit her door once or twice by accident whilst going into karate i don't understand what the big deal is he's just a kid he didn't even mean to she takes care of her can't say that word all day she should be used to accidents this is where i lose my crap say what you want about me and to me but you do not dare say a freaking word about the people i care for i started up my car and pulled away as she was smiling and headed down to the sheets i grabbed an extra large coffee and a donut and went back to the karate waiting area in my car i pulled back up next to her and rolled down my windows up and turned my car off since covert they have chairs that are six feet apart outside so you can watch your kid in class well i grabbed my coffee and my donut and went to sit right in front of karen's car when i accidentally tripped and spilled my entire extra large coffee all down the front of the hood of her beautiful jeep it covered almost the entire hood for those of you who don't know coffee can ruin your paint i got up from tripping looked the shock karen square on her eyes and continued walking to my seat at the end of the sidewalk she started freaking out asking me what the hell my problem was i simply looked at her and said whoops it was an accident guess we both have lots of things going this morning and turned back to watch the class she pulled off instantly and went to get her car through the wash i laughed hysterically and loved even harder when her son had to wait to be picked up because she was getting her car washed my clients and i left and went about our day oh that is amazing oh that's the best ending you could ever ask for for something like that that is beautiful i'm so glad that you got the comment that oh sorry that she got the comment that she deserved like it's about freaking time man i just had a strange encounter this morning relevant information i live in a rural area which means rural things happen livestock tractors and so on i am also a beekeeper and therefore have bee hives on my property these hives are some of my breeding stock most of my hives are located at bush sites far away from civilization and are located well back from the fence line so anyone walking down the road will be out of the flight path also i have tightened up the dialogue to the relevant parts only in order to avoid all the back and forth so i'm out of the yard feeding the chooks and trying to keep these geese from eating the dog again when i hear someone beeping a car horn from the road out the front i walked down the driveway to find a wild carrot marching up to me from a perfectly clean city car with a load of kids inside i figured it was not unusual as people occasionally stop to ask directions karen are those beehives pointing at the hives out in the field me yes are you after honey i sell farmgate honey when i have it spare karen you can't have those here my children are allergic if they get stung they could die me do you live around here i don't think i've seen you before karen no i live on the coast i'm here visiting my friends down the road but that doesn't matter you can't have those beers here it is illegal so by now i realize i'm dealing with another clueless lunatic townie me okay look lady you are in a rural area and on my property where it is perfectly legal to keep bees i don't have to get rid of them and they are perfectly safe provided you don't go anywhere near them now if you were quite done kindly get the hell off my land i turned to go and of course karen started to go right in the face and throwing a tantrum because she was not getting away karen don't you dare walk away from me i'm calling the police etc etc etc me sure go ahead let's see how that works out for you please let them know you are trespassing while you're at it karen finally left the bloody lunatic i can't believe some people are like you know what's the word stubborn that's the one that like it doesn't matter if your kids are allergic as long as you stay away from the area your kids will be fine just keep on driving they're at more of a danger because you decided to stop there and talk to the person just dip already and that's it for today's video if you guys did enjoy please do hit that like button and if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for more videos just like this one and if you want to be the first to see those videos please make sure to hit that notification bell make sure to tell me your thoughts in the comments below as well and i'll see you all in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Good Night Reddit
Views: 3,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, good night reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps, goodnight reddit, good, night, redditor, rslash, voiceyhere
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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