🐴 r/EntitledParents ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 13 | r/EntitledParents Top Posts of All Time

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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents entitled father and stepmom shave my head mother is still mad I originally posted this and entitled people they suggested I put it here context my parents have been divorced for a long time I have long thick hair that the family is creepily proud of this happened back when I was about 12 years old my parents lived a bit away from each other my father had taken us suddenly so we were all at his place when I started to feel itchy I told him about it and we went to the doctor I had lice not sure how the only time I share anything for the head is at home the doctor checked my brother and sisters heads the sister only had a few but my brother well he had allied the doctor gave us the script for the shampoo ax and comb and said to my father you need to take special care of her hair as it is longer and thicker than your other two children's hair my father nodded and off we went I was hopeful to have this resolved quickly as I had lifes before each time was with my mother whom would use the comb but afterwards would sometimes nitpick at my hair so she could get all the little buggers off me and I would always be lice free in three days or less with her method my father got on his cellphone as he was driving yes I know and called my mom he had her on speakerphone so we could all hear she picked up and she was starting to say hello when my father snapped the kids have lice why did you give the kids lice I heard my mother's sigh I told you to check their hats that my brother's name has a strange habit of getting them and he likes to shove his hats on his sister's heads more so my name since she hates people messing with her head or hair however she does quite well with nitpicking said my mother in a calm voice and it picking asked my father my mother told him about the methods that worked best with each of us and how to do it even saying she could send video demos if he was too confused my father dismissed this I got this he said before he hung up not even saying goodbye he drove us home after we picked up the shampoo for some odd reason he didn't give it to me and my siblings the next day our stepmother took us out I had said um I'm not comfortable going out with lice I don't want to infect others too my stepmother she smiled your father told me all about that we got it covered we are going swimming today chlorine will kill the lice it kills everything just stay underwater for a long time oh and we got a nice surprise for you she said with a smile so we got lunch at a restaurant in town stepmom was trying to make me feel better but kind of hard to do when she ordered me her favorite food which I refused to eat she takes us to the pool I was ready to go in but she grabbed me not you not yet you get a spa day first she said and pulled me along leaving my brother and sister at the pool I looked back worried but they I said don't worry about them others will watch them said my stepmother as she took me to a nearby hair salon we entered and I was feeling super anxious I am really picky about my hair and only like it when I go to the places my mother takes me to as the last place my father got my hair cut at made me look like someone cut my hair in the dark we are your one o'clock appointment said my stepmom the woman looked at me and said her but her hair said the woman at the desk my stepmom was quick we have the money my husband called and already ordered the haircut our little girl is looking forward to it said my stepmom I looked at her confused what I asked surprised the woman behind the desk side and took me to the back she washed my hair and kept apologizing to me I had no idea why that was until we got to the chair and she started to lop off my hair I was staring surprised remember to shave it as close as you can to the skin it has to be really short her hair is so thick no one will notice my stepmother called from the waiting area I am ready to cry at this moment as my hair is disappearing right before my eyes people are muttering I had no idea what they were saying but in my mind at the time I thought they were talking about how horrible I looked with short hair after a while since they had to cut my hair first then buzz since my hair was so long and wavy I now had a hair cut shorter than my brothers I go back to my step-mom I was paying the woman whom asked what did she do wrong for her to get this she asked before giving me a lollipop nothing thought she would feel cooler this way as summer is coming said my stepmother she then took me back to the pool and told me to soak my head to kill any leftover lice we swam for a bit more before heading home we all shower each of us now allowed to use the lice killing shampoo and then had our hair combed however my father looked at my hair there is still some hair left her hair is too thick I am NOT able to deal with this he said before he got a razor and shaved off the stubble on my head well I had no more lies but I had no more hair either I was upset by this and hid in my room for the rest of the visit refusing to come out except to eat or go to the bathroom our dad dropped us off at my mom's a week later when she wasn't home it wasn't stupid he knew what she would do if she saw my head well my mom got home and noticed we were already there few hours early she was happy to see us until she saw my head I can still hear her screams she called my father over he arrived about 20 minutes later what did you do to our daughter's hair she snapped pointing at me as I was hiding my head under a blanket so not to show my hairless head she had lice I fixed it she shouldn't have thick hair to begin with he snapped you have thick hair I have thick hair so our kid is gonna have thick hair you shaved her bald yet did nitpicking with the other two she hissed no just a comb we still got lice chimed my sister no you don't and why should I kids shouldn't even have lice snapped my father my mother rolled her eyes you shaved your daughter's head because you were too lazy to do your job as a father do you know why your daughter's hair was so long snapped my mother cuz you think she looks cute that way snapped my father at my mother my mother turned to me tell your father why you were growing your hair she said more trying not to sound harsh with me I peeked my head out I wanted to look like my favorite Princess Rapunzel I said softly my father gaped at me you told her to say that she likes her hair like this he cried then why is she hiding snapped my mother this went on and on for about an hour until my father left in a huff telling everyone that I wanted to be bald I was crying at this point as I felt so misunderstood my mother gave me a stuffed animal and told me to relax in my room after an hour so my mom showed up with a poorly made yarn wig honey I called up some friends who are currently making new hair hats so you can at least pretend you have hair I know how much you like your hair now listen I might still be mad at him but don't you worry hair grows you will have your hair back again in no time I spent that summer wearing lots of funny hats they tried to shave me bald a few more times after that but my mom had told my siblings to not let him or my stepmom get near me with any hair cutting places or devices and whenever my father tries something we won't like my mother reminds him his mistakes will take months to correct and if you ask about the time with my mom she will growl about how she is still mad at him next we've got mother thinks I am sleeping on the job and then the father tries to take my bicycle obligatory mobile it's a bit long so bear with me cast we've got me we've got entitled mom entitled dad nice kid about 11 or 12 didn't really say or do anything bad assistant manager and regional manager back story I used to work at a Taco Bell closing shift five nights a week getting paid minimum wage at one point I was scheduled to work a closing shift on a Saturday and then come back at 11 in the afternoon it doesn't seem bad but we close at 4:00 at night after cleaning and putting up the food we aren't usually out till about 6:00 and that is on a good night I also wrote a bicycle to work takes me about 30 to 45 minutes to get to work and about the same back so I'm not home till around 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning I managed to convince my a.m. to have me come in around 2:00 in the afternoon instead for about three weeks when the fourth week came my am told me that they need me to come in at 11:00 this Sunday I sighed heavily and said fine but I'm gonna be insanely tired she offered to pick me up so I can sleep in just a bit the following Saturday was crap as usual didn't get off till around 7 and got home at 8 I wasn't able to sleep till about 9:00 about 90 minutes later I woke up to my am calling me saying that she can't pick me up because they are really busy at the moment I tiredly got ready and rode my bicycle to work when I showed up our regional manager was here to help because we were short-handed I assumed I worked drive-through thank God for about two hours when I then heard regional manager tell assistant manager that labor was too high and that she needs to put someone on break for those that don't know labor and sales is basically showing if we are making enough money to pay everyone that is working if labor is high while sale is low people are sent on breaks or sent home early so labor can be lowered it's understandable but I personally think it's BS and we should work the hours we were scheduled in the first place back to this story assistant manager walks up to me go clock out I'm giving you a 45 minute break my coworker complaining what about me he closed last night and didn't get much sleep oh okay I clocked out and decided to take a nap in the lobby for the 45 minutes school style not even five minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder I look up and sure enough was the entitled mother with her daughter she didn't look like those stereotypical Karan's she kind of looked like a middle aged woman that lives in a trailer park with three sons and does nothing but yell at them I'm sorry but I don't think someone like you should be sleeping on the job I stared at her tiredly trying to figure out what she meant someone like you but just ignore it I am a white man with some weight 20 years old at the time I'm sorry but I'm on break then why do you still have your uniform on I don't know maybe because I'm tired and lazy to take it off we'll be back on the clock in about 30 minutes well you need to move so my family can sit here I'm sorry but I was here first so I'm gonna stay honestly I would have moved if she had asked me nicely but she was being rude so no she Huff's and walks away while I try to go back to my nap I thought this was the end but I heard her complain to my assistant manager that one of her employees was really mean to her assistant manager apologizes but explained to her that I was off the clock so there is nothing they can do about it entitled mom comes back with entitled dad this time entitled dad trying to be tough and loud sir you need to move why so that we can sit here no I give him a what are you gonna do about it face he was mad I tried to go back to my nap again when I felt a grip on my wrist entitled dad grabbed me and tried to pull me off the booth I resisted I'm yelling now let go of me no until you get out of the booth my co-workers came to the rescue to pry the dad off of me after he finally let go regional manager came up you need to leave now but he wouldn't move from the booth there is no rule that states that he has to it is first-come first-serve but no buts leave now or I'm calling the cops my co-workers checked on me to make sure I was ok while I try to explain what had happened I looked over at the family and see their daughter point at my bicycle they walk up to it and miss with the lock I thought to myself oh no told my coworker to call the cops and I run outside get away from my bike so this is your bike well in that case since you caused a major inconvenience to us we are taking your bike no you're not leave now or you will be arrested she turns away back her husband to ignore me two minutes later two patrol cars show up the officers come out to me first and asked what had happened I tried to address the situation but before I could get a word out entitled mom walks up thank goodness you are here this man tried to claim that this bicycle is his that's because it is mine I have witnesses to prove it my co-workers vouched for me even my a.m. took the time to pull up cameras and show that I had arrived with the bicycle she even showed the footage of entitled Dan trying to pull me off the booth entitled dad got arrested for assault and attempted theft while the mother just got permabanned after everyone had calmed down I went back to the same booth and continued my nap I woke up about almost an hour and a half later I asked why no one had woke me up and they said that I deserved it I thanked them I was even able to go home early as well next we've got entitled sister treats my mother like doo doo gets destroyed by my own mother hey there mr. reddit I've been a long time lurker of Reddit but this is my first post apologies for any errors or formatting I've kept the story pretty appropriate as to make it easier for you characters we've got entitled sister we've got mom and my stepmother who's married to my mom so a few weeks ago my brother and now a sister-in-law got married at a local park it was a really nice and well put together wedding except for the screams of excited kids playing in the splash pad in the backyard but what can you do it's a public wedding after all this story happens throughout the wedding the entitled sister in this story unfortunately my sister got diagnosed with stage 2 cancer a couple of months ago my parents and stepparents have let her poor attitude and rudeness towards people slide blaming it on her sickness my brothers and I however have not because the way she treats people now is the same as she's treated us growing up horribly sidenote my parents got divorced in 2015 and my mother married my now stepmother after my brother and his wife said their I Do's it was time for pictures entitled sister was sitting off to the side in her wheelchair and looked me up and down entitled sister scoffed and turned to my mom why would you that her where that she looks like she just fell out of a trash can this is supposed to be formal formal we were at a public park for goodness sake if my choice of clothes was such a problem my brother and sister-in-law the actual people getting married would have told me the outfit and speaking was super casual white jeans a Tokyo ghoul shirt and my BTS jacket we were in a park after all she's perfectly fine look around at the other guests they're dressed casually as well that was drill most of the others invited were dressed in similar outfits entitled sister looked away with the look on her face saying that she had just tasted a sour lemon she found something else to occupy herself with though bossing around and yelling at everyone during the pictures it wasn't even her wedding yet she was acting like it was my brother was having none of it but continued to stay silent to keep a commotion from happening entitled sister absolutely loves causing unnecessary drama and with a large crowd like this one she would bathe in it she continued to shriek at people to move in specific positions and even try to keep me out of the family photos using my outfit as the reason mother and stepmother took me away to the pavilion after their pictures with the newlyweds were done to calm me down seeing that I was getting agitated after getting a cupcake and some water in me I laid back a little to keep me saying at least after the pitchers ended the rest of the guests shifted over to the pavilion where dinner was being served I was sat next to stepmom with mom across from us entitled sister moved to the end of the picnic table in her wheelchair with my aunty sitting next to her entitled sister immediately started demanding for a drink mom getting up and grabbing her a water bottle from the cooler entitled sister had a smug look on her face probably thinking about how she could use all of us as servants well all except for me when we were younger me around five or six and her around 15 or 16 she tried making me get something for her I said no because I was doing something else and she started dragging me up the stairs to lock me in my room my lock was on the outside of my door because of my problem was sleepwalking at the time when we got mostly up the stairs I kicked her in the back of the leg and made her trip for it and faceplant on the carpet above she hasn't made any moves to mess with me since anyways back to the dinner my brother came around eventually and said that all food was open as it was a buffet style dinner I go up to grab some when entitled sister starts screaming at me Opie sit back down it's not time to eat insert classic mister read it read I ignore her and go back to serving myself I can vaguely hear mom's scolding her in the background an entitled sister saying some snarky reply back entitled sister awoke the beast within stepmom when someone disrespects mom but stepmom let it be for now there was a container of cheesy potatoes getting quickly eaten by the guests entitled sister loves cheesy potatoes and when she found out there were some here come the demands auntie don't give me cheesy potatoes entitled sister had decided to eat way later than the others and when my auntie came back to let her know there was none left she started shrieking even more in anger my mom says entitled sister it's your fault for not getting the food you wanted earlier when you knew everyone else here loves it as well no it's not it's just everyone else taking it and not leaving any for me there she goes disrespecting mom and yelling at her again I still had some of those delicious potatoes on my plate so I offered them to her her wails about not having them or hurting my ears at this point she took the plate they wrong and scoffed at me with a sarcastic thank you by was upset I have a problem where I can't control my temper easily so when I hit a certain point I snap I got up and walked away towards my brother's the confrontation unfortunately happened when I was with my brothers but I can sum it up from what I've been told happened stepmom reaching her breaking point after witnessing her youngest and mom being disrespected over and over again yelled at entitled sister stepmom says entitled sister that is enough the way you have been treating your mom and Opie is unacceptable either you stop with this behavior or mom and I are taking you back home right now that was only part of it since I wasn't told the rest for the amount of nono words entitled sister lives around three hours away and stepmom and mom were going back to entitled sister's house anyways to be with entitled sister for her next chemo treatment stepmom being completely done with his situation left to sit in the car for a while entitled sister was quiet for the rest of the wedding and all was well I got to hear this story from both mom and my father and I laughed when I heard what stepmom did she completely destroyed entitled sister entitled sister was angrily pouting like a three-year-old after she was yelled at by stepmom and seeing the face of an entitled woman who got put in her place will forever be in my head and our final story of the day entitled mom leaves her idiot son to live with me hi mr. reddit I've been reading a lot of these stories so was scratching through the archives of my mind and finally remembered this entitled parents story from a few years ago I don't recall any of the exact dialogue and technically the mom never went all Karen but what she did was still pretty darn entitled not on mobile English is my second language the characters we've got me we've got entitled mom entitled kid and my dad first some backstory when I was seven I became best friends with a kid in my year he had one younger brother and a second gun born somewhere during the course of our friendship he and I remained best friends throughout primary school and even remained close friends when I left my hometown at eleven and moved 800 kilometers away often calling each other and sending letters then adulthood hid things change people change and we gradually lost touch skip forward more than a decade I'm 29 now and haven't seen or spoken to my friend in many years at this time I was living in a large house and renting out bedrooms to students so one day my phone rings and it's my friend's mother I hadn't spoken to her in at least 15 years and it took me a minute to register who she was she knew that I rented out rooms privately and she had gotten my phone number from her friend and was now calling as she had heard I was advertising for a new tenant she wasn't wrong but I had placed the ad several weeks prior and the room had already been booked with the new tenant moving in and less than two weeks I explained this to her and she started begging stating that she needed a place for her youngest I did not like our youngest it was weird and he can't just use the room until the new person moves in I said no she begged some more I declined again eventually wishing her good luck and hanging up the phone I patted myself on the back that I had finally mastered the word no the next day rolls around and my phone rings again I hadn't saved her number after our previous conversation so answered without hesitation entitled mom tells me that there outside my house I walk out suspiciously and see her and our youngest entitled kid waiting in the car which was filled with boxes what's with all the boxes I asked hoping that she wasn't going to give the answer she was about to give entitled Paran gets out of the car an entitled kid starts unloading boxes I'm standing there dumbstruck before I finally find the words what is going on entitled mom answers well you said you don't have any rooms available but I knew you wouldn't mind him just crashing on your couch for a few days the living room is shared between all the tenants I can't have some random guy crashing there I answered all this time entitled kid had been unloading boxes and had even started carrying some inside as I had left the front door standing wide open entitled mom wasn't taking no for an answer though and kept going on about how he had nowhere else to go and it would only be for a few days until he could find a job yeah I'm sure the job market is huge for an uneducated scruffy 20 year old that always smells like cigarettes and beer I was standing firm on my answer though but it clearly wasn't registering so entitled mom and I continued going in circles an entitled kid continues unloading the car a finished an entitled mom kind of just got into her car and left I was left standing there gobsmacked I walked back into the house to see that entitled kid was now laying down on the couch lit cigarette in hand I told him that smoking wasn't allowed in the house and he did at least put it out without arguing kind of stuck with his guy now I decided to make the best of it and told him that he could take the empty room but he would only have it until a particular date for the new tenant moves in the day after that I entitled mom the same thing and they both agreed entitled mom also promised to pay me rent for the room still waiting now to be completely honest entitled kid didn't really bother me too much while he was staying in that room the no smoking in the house rule didn't last longer than me turning my back but he mostly kept to himself and wasn't loud or anything still the few times I did see him he did make me truly uncomfortable and I was looking forward to the date coming up where he was scheduled to leave he had also left most of his boxes in the living room and I was looking forward to having the space back so the day before the big move comes around noticing that he hasn't started unpacking I casually reminded him of our agreement and he kind of just shrugged the next day comes Morning Becomes afternoon I'm watching his bedroom door for any sign of life but nothing I decide to give him until 2 o'clock 2 o'clock comes around and still nothing I knocked on his bedroom door telling him that I really need him to start vacating the room as I have to get it clean for the next tenant finally seen the State of Israel I was suddenly hesitant if a date was going to be enough I was actually very upset I think he now saw this because he pretty much immediately started emptying the room and carrying his stuff to the living room um what are you doing I asked really upset now well I haven't found a job yet so my mother said you wouldn't mind me crashing on your couch for just a few more days I tried calling entitled mom but my calls kept getting rejected next to calling the police I actually had no idea how to handle this anymore desperate now I called my dad he had been friends with entitled kids parents throughout most of my childhood so I thought he might be able to sort this out he was livid after I explained the situation to him and my dad is quite scary when angry not scary enough though as entitled mom had apparently told him that I said it's fine an entitled kid can stay as long as he needs my dad knew me well enough to yes he had threatened her that he was going to put entitled kids things out on the sidewalk if she didn't come to get him I'm guessing she thought he was bluffing newsflash my dad doesn't Bluff so the next day hearing from me that entitled kid was still there that's exactly what he did he barged into the living room and started carrying entitled kids things out of the yard and putting it onto the sidewalk for anybody to carry away this prompted entitled kid to call his brother to come get him who showed up in record time and drove him in his stuff away I never heard from anybody in that family again angry Karen tries to get a free pretzel three weeks after opening day hello mr. Reddit and RER me I have listened to these stories on YouTube for a while and decided to post one of my own stories from my first job days back story I first started working in food service when I was much younger I was in a pretzel place after working in a sandwich shop until it closed it was opening day and also the first day of my training there with a representative trainer the pretzels were being given away for free because this was our first day and mistakes were bound to happen this will be important later cast we've got me they young and sweet J we've got manager wonderful manager we've got the Karen and the trainer it was the first day of the grand opening of the pretzel shop in the sandwich store and everything was a little crazy it was free pretzels and the hype had been building up since it was in a big brand grocery store in walks Karen who has three kids in tow and excited by the sight of the pretzel shop me how much all your pretzels today trainer says they're completely free since as long as they are free I don't care kids what kind would you like trainer shrugged his shoulders and gave me the okay to serve them they each got a pretzel and left the rest of the day was uneventful three weeks later Karen comes back in fuming excuse me I got a pretzel from here and it was as hard as a rock I demand a free pretzel as compensation okay it give me a second to get my manager I didn't know at the time when she had received the pretzel and I didn't have the time to deal with Karen as the noon rush was starting to wonder in our store policy was to give a free pretzel to anyone that complained but not without a manager's okay manager says hello ma'am how can I help you today yes as I told this girl here I want a free pretzel as compensation for the one I got that was as hard as a rock what day did you get the pretzel just for our records so we know who made them that day it was three weeks ago I came in with my three children and got them each of pretzel and myself one fortunately for me manager had been there opening day and knew she had received it during training when we were practicing making the pretzels and less on the timing I'm sorry ma'am the day was when we had free pretzels available because trainer was training our employees to make the pretzels I'm afraid I can't give you a free pretzel what but I am a customer and the customer is always right I'm sorry ma'am as I said I can't give you one since it was free on the opening day I demand my free pretzel you can purchase a fresh one that just came out or you can leave I am never coming back here again how dare you not give me a free pretzel Karen leaves and manager walks off to continue working I chuckled and continued my work feeling bad for her kids as they have to put up with that kind of a mother next we've got when entitlement costs $10,000 okay so this just happened to a colleague of mine and we thought it was worth sharing for once we got a good ending we're usually the entitled one gets away with their BS because since we're not managers we just have to deal with it this time oh my it went from bad to worse to complete satisfaction I'll be retelling this incident that my coworker told me about it may lack a few details but the important parts are all here so we've got the hero my colleague entitled parent entitled kid and manager big boss so it was around 10:00 in the morning the shop had been opened for about one hour there were already a few people inside checking out the stuff my colleague was the only employee then and would be until 11:00 when another joins in for the rush hours he said there was a woman and a boy around 8 to 9 years old looking around it was preparing a jewel display when the woman and the boy entitled barren and entitled kid you probably guessed stopped in front of one of our showcases inside there are many sculptures expensive ones and more importantly to this story knives but I mean beautiful knives knives made by a great maker never makes the same one twice with handles made out of precious materials like mammoth ivory or rosewood here's approximately how the conversation went entitled parent trying to open a showcase which is locked because it has precious and fragile stuff ma'am mm can I help you I want to look at these knives why is this door locked because there are many fragile items it's better if they're handled by employees because if an accident happens and something breaks the employee is responsible and not the client then how can a client take a closer look at something I'll open it and show you what it is you want to see me okay can you show us that knife in the back sure goes over there opens the door and hands it to her there you go sweetie is this the one you liked she hands it to entitled kid that alone was a red flag how much is it employee wasn't feeling too good seeing this dangerous item that the kid was holding um this one is $750 what that's not possible mom can I get it please sure sweetie just wait a moment yes ma'am it is the price he attempts to explain why it's expensive just because you put something on a glass display it doesn't make it precious it's just a piece of metal and wood anyway my son really likes it he's been such a good boy in school all year he deserves a treat according to my friend it was a Damas steel blade with a carved ivory handle who gives that to a kid ma'am that is the price give it back to me surprisingly she does but oh oh my all right take it back she slammed it really hard on the glass shelf above the one with the knives and it breaks the support right underneath it all the sculptures fell down on the Shelf below which luckily and by some miracle didn't break some of the sculptures were broken in a few pieces or just chipped anyways the damage was important it what you made me do I want to see the manager right away okay just uh wait crushed by what just happened then as my friend was dialing the boss's number he walks in are you the manager yes I am well look what he did he wouldn't let my son look at this overly expensive knife and happened he got angry and broke the showcase he has serious issues I will report him to the police tries to get away ma'am I was in my office when this happened watching the cameras I saw everything yes we are calling the police and I suggest you call your lawyer because you just destroyed about $10,000 worth of professional craftsmanship an American native art can you even call that art I called the police they're on their way I'm going to sue you all for slander sure go ahead my hero of a colleague took the opportunity and locked the doors he only opened them when the cops arrived right about the moment her rant was ending and the cops took everyone's statement and took her away I'll update you on what will happen next but I think it'll be very interesting since next time we see her it'll probably be in court edit so here's the news she's been released for now on promise to appear in court two months from now and the official charge is destruction of property we're not sure how much you'll have to pay yet or even how she'll plead I kind of hope I know it's twisted that she'll plead innocent so we get the show the camera footage thanks for all the nice comments everyone next we've got entitled dad tells me to date his son gets angry when I explain and orders my MC president to kick me out hello mr. reddit I've been a fan of your channel for a while and now unfortunately have my own story to share this happened a few weeks ago so the details are still fresh in my mind about five months ago I had finally gotten my motorcycle license and my grandfather had given me as 2009 Yamaha Raider s and ended up getting me prospected in the motorcycle club he helped set up and is currently the vice president huff I had been hanging around them ever since I could walk so it was like being accepted from a son to a brother by them I'm going to keep all names of our members and the name of the club itself hidden out of respect so now that there is some context let's get to the main story flash-forward five months and we were at a car motorcycle shell and most of the members wondered around the shell leaving me with a club president and our road captain let's meet the cast we've got me Opie we've got entitled debt we've got nice kid road captain and club president nice kid walked up to me while I was tinkering with my bike and the following conversation happened hi there I like your motorcycle it's really pretty um oh thanks I do my best to take care of her nice kid just kind of stood there awkwardly like he had a question but was too shy to ask you alright dude are you single now normally I wouldn't be fazed by this at all girls are always asking our members if they're single however nice kid looked about 14 and as red as a tomato um what are are you dating anyone I stood up and did my best to think of a way to talk to him sorry kid I'm already taken but I appreciate the thought nice kid looked kind of defeated but smiled at me and said his goodbyes and walked off I thought that would have been the end of it but that is when entitled dad came up dragging entitled kid back up to me hi are you the guy that rejected my son yes sir I told him that he went from semi shouting - screaming in my face why the heck would you do that because I have a girlfriend already and I'm pretty sure your son's like 14 or 15 so what my son wants a biker boyfriend and he's gonna get one he kept yelling at me until a road captain and president heard the noise from the RV and came over to see what was going on hey Opie you alright yeah I'm alright Prez don't call him there he's not the president he is the president of our club I'm trying to show some respect then in Tuttle's dad's eyes lit up and he called president over to him your little jerk of a lackey disrespected me and my son I demand you kick him out no president looked confused he knew me enough to know I wouldn't disrespect someone without a good reason but he played along so how did he disrespect you entitled dad started talking about how his son just asked if I was dating anyone and how I shoved him and called him names and how he should be ashamed for letting someone like me into the club during this road captain was trying his hardest to not laugh at the pure absurdity president says is that all yeah and give his vest to my son for compensation he deserves it more than him he was grinning at me like he had the world against me and it unnerved me a bit the last thing I wanted to do is get kicked out for something stupid and my heart sank when President grabbed his radio and called everyone else back to us and me your gut Opie I took it off slowly and handed it to him but when entitled dad reached out for it president walked back into the trailer and said something to his wife a few minutes passed and everyone else arrived back an entitled dad had started gloating while nice kid looked like he was gonna cry then President came out with his wife holding my folded cut again entitled dad held his hand out for it but president called me over in front of everyone attention everyone Opie here is no longer a prospect I know he's been around long enough that he knows all of you and you all know him but I can't in good conscience let him continue like that from now on Opie is officially earned his full patch both entitled dead and my own jaws dropped but when all the other members turned to look at him both nice kid and entitled dad had run off I'm glad this could have a happy ending and I hope you all enjoy reading it next we've got entitled mom kicks husband and daughter out hello mister read it I've been watching your videos for a while and thought this story might interest you our cast we've got entitled mom and entitled kid nice dad boyfriend now fiance and baby boy perfect pet and grandpa and me little short backstory entitled mom always treated entitled kid better than me and nice dad and let him do things we would get yelled at for she had a bad temper and mostly hurt everyone with entitled kid backing her up I forgot most of the conversation also I was in the living room me sleeping until woken up by entitled mom baby boy is confused entitled mom on another rampage yelling and screaming at me me confused as ever what baby boy walks over and jumps onto my lap nice dad woken up to Godzilla screeches from the living room what's going on entitled mom screams at him nice dad rolls his eyes let's do what she wants I get up and go with nice dad cleaning entitled mom mad since we were taking so long comes over and starts screaming at me and nice dad until I start to cry nice dad says please stop entitled mom we are doing what you told us to do she should be put into a mental asylum for crying like that she keeps yelling and screaming at me since I'm apparently working too slow please go entitled mom leaves and comes back multiple times and screams at me more and tells me she's going to put me into a mental asylum me and nice dad finished cleaning and I go upstairs to watch YouTube on my phone and text boyfriend what was going on to help me calm down entitled mom comes upstairs to tournament me more and sits in the doorway yo all the reason for the divorce um I'm going to stay here until you're sorry she keeps talking you know you scared him when you passed out at your doctor's appointment I wasn't told that I would be giving blood so all I had had was rice um I need to use the bathroom I've run out of my room to the bathroom baby boy follows me trying to make sense of the situation I go to see nice dad nice dad entitled mom won't leave my room leave her alone for a while I'm going to rest until I gotta go to work later I run upstairs grab my phone and go to the chair downstairs entitled mom still sitting there i text boyfriend baby boy stays by me nice dad is leaving for work entitled mom comes downstairs and realizes it's almost time to lay into me more nice dad call grandpa to get you he goes to work okay I'm still crying a little trying to get grandpa to get me away from the she-demon and texting boyfriend that no one knew existed in my life nice dad leaves I start packing because I know I'm leaving and facetime boyfriend untitled kid comes home and talks to entitled mom untitled kid comes upstairs and sees I'm packing entitled mom comes up here entitled mom gets a big smile on her face you know you can't take this stuff to the mental asylum right and you can't be on your phone entitled kid says yeah you'd better unpack this stuff and titled kid and entitled mom lead to the kitchen boyfriend tries to call me down best as he can I unpacked grandpa gets over to the house I'm here to get Opie sorry she's upstairs unpacking she packed her stuff up finds a way to get grandpa out of the house I finish unpacking and go downstairs where's grandpa he's going home she lays into me again i text grandpa nice dad and boyfriend all at the same time grandpa comes back but is sent away again don't you do that again I go to cry in the chair entitled mom talks to entitled kid entitled kid says hey Opie we are going to throw out baby boy it knows this will hurt me since I raised baby boy since he was born on my step and his mother died so I had to bottle-feed him me baby boy come here baby boy smart kitten comes to his mom I text the whole situation to Grandpa nice dad and boyfriend all trying to call me down and Grandpa finally picks me up and I take half of my stuff with baby boy and his stuff after math entitled mom only says sorry to Grandpa for a while and blames me and nice dad for everything she then realized she had no control over us really and getting a little care from nice dad as entitled kid did not want to help entitled mom baby boy was overprotective of me still a little bit and got to play with his sister again baby boy has also learned tricks and got a little adopted sister as for me I got a hot fiance that's way out of my league and graduated high school I still have to deal with entitled mom an entitled kid since my stuff is still there an entitled mom has been trying to find ways to regain her past control over me and nice dad and our final story of the day entitled professor takes our artwork and won't give it back hi mr. reddit I'm new here and this is my first post I love your channel and would like to post a story of my own so a little backstory I study graphic design and am in my second year now just finished dead so at the end of every school year there's a big exhibit of student art so throughout the whole year professors would take the art they like keep it at the Uni and later show it at the exhibition the university has the policy that all are taken art must be at the University and that after the exhibition ends we can take them back whenever we want so this entitled professor told us during the year that she takes her art to her home so nobody steals them so far we were okay with that because we knew the policy and we knew we could get them back whenever we want at the university so yesterday was the last day of the exhibition and taken consideration that we still have our end-of-the-year exams so this entitled professor sends us a mail that we should all go help her at about 2 p.m. to take the exhibition off this isn't our obligation students aren't free labor for her and she is the only one that makes us do her job and would give us less points if we don't set up the exhibition which is her job so since there was an exam today at 2 p.m. and I couldn't make it to take my art I told my friend to tell her that I would just take my art from the Uni during the summer when I can since I have more of my art at uni I was planning to go once and take them all this entitled professor tells my friend that either I come now or I wouldn't get my art back like what she told my friend that either my friend calls me to come or entitled professor will herself take into consideration that she didn't show at the exhibition my art and that it wasn't at the gallery but her card shrunk entitled professor said that she would not take my art at the Uni and that if we don't take it then we wouldn't at all my friend took my art and it's with her now one of the three that entitled professor took is missing though well my boyfriend is taking entitled professors exam in August and I'm planning to go there to take the rest of my art and file a complaint because that is somewhat stealing the policy doesn't allow professors to take our art for themselves and with all that entitled professor damaged my friends art piece that she showed at the exhibition entitled professor wasn't even a good teacher she teaches us painting and she would just say do this and leaves us alone the class lasts five hours she's barely in the classroom for those five hours and never teaches nor helps us I can't believe people like this can teach at a private university nonetheless she already had one pay cut for expanding her spring break and not holding class which we had to do on our own after that because she didn't want to make up for the classes lost I hope it goes well when I complained to the University I'll keep you updated I don't have enough money but since my son's birthday is in five months you should buy him a gift before I begin this happened a week ago I just didn't have enough motivation to write this until now cast we've got my dad we've got entitled coworker we've got coworker and dad's boss this isn't my story this is my dad's he doesn't use reddit so I figured I'd post it for him my dad recently got a job at a huge radio company his boss there is a family friend who also worked at my dad's old job he instantly got my dad into a good rank fifth from CEO he works in a cubicle in the city so he rides a train to and from it now that the context is over let's begin so about a week ago it was pay day everyone got their money and we were about to go home a fellow co-worker of my dad entitled coworker probably a Karen had this conversation with another co-worker it's my son's birthday in a couple of months I better prepare he wants a couple of games for his birthday what kind of games he wants this game called fortnight which seems like a cartoony Hunger Games I presume this kid showed the mom the trailers and explained it but I know the Battle Royale version is free so the kid is probably scamming the mom into getting a V buck package mainly because parents can't seem to understand video games for some reason the rest of the games my dad doesn't remember the entitled co-worker explains how she is running low on money so she needs help paying for the gifts I found this funny because my dad explained that she comes into work with her $1000 purse and latest iPhone 5 gallons of makeup and done nails and hair we could already tell she had bad spending habits entitled co-worker then turns to my dad hey Obie's dad do you mind paying for my son's gifts my dad barely knows her so this game has a surprise I'm sorry but I barely know you or your child and this is money I need for my own family the entitled co-worker listed probably 10 to 15 games that this probably entitled kid wanted to get oh come on you know me she said in a fake friendly voice besides my kid got above an 80 on his finals so I want to reward him for his hard work I'm sorry like I said I don't feel like I'm acquainted enough to be handing you money besides if you can't afford the gifts yourself how would you pay me back pay you back but my kid deserves the gifts I don't owe you anything at this point my dad regretted meeting her at all for the last time no why are you so mean I'm a single mom who can barely pay her bills this was a lie the entitled co-worker actually had a husband I struggle all the time just to keep the lights on do you really think I'm going to tolerate this answer my dad felt it would be fine to get a little rude to counter her rudeness well if you can pay for a console games a TV expensive clothing an expensive handbag premium makeup and a child then I think you are more than capable to afford a couple of games for your bratty son entitled coworker started to play the victim and shame my father this isn't fair I am not paid enough for this crap all you men in your high paychecks ruining my life she rained really low in the workplace so her pay wasn't even high to begin with but I've heard she barely shows effort in the workplace steals co-workers lunches and drinks from the fridge etc hand over the cash how does the boss like I said before my dad knows his boss really well and he doubted that this low effort close to being fired lady would be credible enough to get my dad in trouble my dad repeats his answer I said no go ahead and call the boss she unsurprisingly calls him down she shoves her paycheck into my dad's hands enter boss what seems to be the issue untitled co-worker starts talking in an attack away and screams lp's dad stole my paycheck when I wasn't looking fire this jerk boss looks up at my dad and they both look utterly confused boss and dad had a little chat using facial expressions instantly agreeing this lady was crazy while the entitled co-worker screams why don't we check the security camera to find the true culprit yes my dad's boss acted very casual about the situation almost jokingly they all meet up at the security room and they roll the tape the entitled co-worker is clearly shown shoving the paycheck into my dad's hands the boss turns at the entitled co-worker with a grin you're fired her face turns blood red she gets really mad talks about how she didn't deserve this for doing just one thing wrong completely forgetting about her build up over her time working there the low effort stolen lunches bad co-worker connections the entitled co-worker tries her hardest to form an alibi but failed miserably she refused many times to leave but is then taken away by security to this day my dad has never seen this lady again thankfully hopefully this kid never received their gift mainly because they asked for a legit 15 games all priced thirty to sixty dollars I'm really glad my dad's boss knew my dad but to be honest she would have lost either way next we've got entitled mother demands I spent Christmas with her after 20 years of not knowing me hey mr. reddit and the reor me love the videos keep up the awesome work disclaimer first-time poster longtime listener on mobile English first language names changed etc back story I was adopted by wonderful parents at birth they have provided for me everything I could ever need a good education international travel support when needed and much more story when I was 20 years old I met my birth mother her current husband a pushover so isn't featured in this and I found out I had a younger and an older half-brother we'll call them John and Terry for this story all of us have different fathers also not featured much or at all the year was 2004 and it was mid February from what I remember and I was excited in meeting them for the first time they were busing in from out of town at about 8:00 in the evening I didn't get much sleep so was quite exhausted at this stage we ended up talking all night at the bus station found out that I had to be given up for adoption because birth mother's parents didn't want another baby in the house she had been living with them at the time also found out that I was an accident thought it was weird that she had said this but paid it no attention also found out that John and I had a lot in common like a love for you Gia Pokemon and a lot of other things we decided that it was getting a little chilly and was check-in time for where they were staying for the weekend I ended up dropping them off and went out for a bit to process the night while I was out I had a couple of text messages from birth mom asking when I'd be back let her know that I had something to do then would be back afterwards got everything done and head back for about an hour or so had to excuse myself as I needed to head out of town for the night a friend had bought me a ticket for my birthday to an all-night party I couldn't really turn this down really glad he did the driving where he at 30 hours running on no sleep at this stage on the drive constant text messages from birth mom asking and stating when will you be back why do you have to go away we came all this way for you and so many more along those lines I ignored them and had a wonderful time on our way back I managed an hour of sleep best hours sleep I have ever had I checked my phone again and more text messages so I responded saying we're an hour away she said come see us as soon as you get back I told her that I have things that need to be done before I can and will be around at about 4:00 p.m. again she again stated but we came so far to see you after all this time hardly any sleep the rose tinted glasses and me being a pushover at this time of my life I really didn't see the entitlement here so I just went with the flow went around at about 4:00 and birth mom said that they had cancelled their return bus tickets that I was to drive them all home but I could stay with them for a few days it was cool I thought I'd get to spend more time with them so I went home and packed for a few days away we left that night I have no idea how we survived that eight-hour Drive as we're nearing on 65 hours with minimal sleep by the end of the trip a lot of energy drinks I think once we arrived I said I needed to sleep other whines I will not be awake enough to appreciate being there she wanted to show off her home ah okay then stay awake for another two hours before I fall asleep while she's mid-story thankfully they all realized that I was exhausted now and woke me to move me to a bed it was about midday when I woke still real groggy when I started getting told that I should spend Christmas with them that's ten months away I thought and I said I'd think about it they didn't bring that up any further I'd chauffeur them around to where they needed to be during the visit and was generally manipulated into doing things for them hindsight is great huh so after a few days there I head home nothing more interesting until September when I had more messages except that I had gone back to study at University and gotten a full-time job as well what are you doing for Christmas not sure at this stage I may be working roster isn't out yet so I will be able to tell you closer to the time that's not good enough you will have that day off it's a public holiday I might be working I don't know yet please don't try and pressure me into committing to something as I may end up having to disappoint you you get that day off you will spend Christmas with us no arguments really you want to play it like this don't push this otherwise I'll cut all ties with you you haven't been in my life for 20 years what's the rest of my life without you don't speak to me that way I am your mother no you aren't I have two wonderful parents that love me and really care for me you just want another person to push around I'm done with you please don't contact me again I want nothing more to do with you I never did hear from her again I went on to complete my studies get a great job and have amazing people in my life fast forward to 2012 and I get a message from John on Facebook saying that birth mom had passed away John and I still keep in contact to this day I've lost contact with Terri mr. read it you have full permission to read should this be up to standard thanks for letting me get this out after 15 years next we've got entitled friends steals my animal GM account then wants to be my friend gets ruined and shamed on YouTube so hi first of all this happened a while ago about a month also I am bad at writing stories I fail at English I'm 15 by the way so you can understand my reason for bad writing skills on laptop not mobile so everyone in this story buy their game username not their real names we've got entitled friend we've got my other friend and we've got the hacker and me so back story I've been playing animal jam for years and recently at that time started to livestream that's how I got lots of hard to get items but then I met lyric game username also our backstabbing entitled friend we got along well then I met my other friend we became BFFs right away but then one day I went on Google Hangouts they sent a link for a cool fan art but I had to log into it with my Google account Gmail stupid me did nothing happened I saw these other emails me being dumb didn't really think of why they were there until it happened I was asked by entitled friend to go live on my YouTube channel so I stupidly did a bit into it a guy named auth 0 started saying this you've been added to the spam cult what who are you say bye-bye to your account next thing I know I get logged off the game well I start fighting logging back in and they log me off I stopped once it said that password is incorrect I tried to reset my password after ending the stream but it said that email you've entered does not match our records I'm like what so I went back to my gmail by the way it's my mom's email but I use it for games and have access to it and there was an email from the game maker thanks for playing we want you to know that your game account is now under blah blah @ blog com fake email I was furious I went to entitled friend and she said this angel will give you your account back if you give us a friend's password forty rims rare item Monday's game item or a spike collar to be a princess what do you mean princess and switch my account back over you can't steal it also give the email back they locked me out of my mom's email until I reset the password we are a mean group and I am the queen you give me items and in return we won't touch your account and game items so join or leave us alone no they messaged me what no you stole my account and items then want me to join you to do this to other people I don't even know that's a big fat no fine remove her from the group my friend la said she was sorry and did I went to my mom and she got mad but I wanted revenge I went to the hangouts chat and sent this and then I got my password back instantly well so what they changed it to not the email though I am glad to say if you do not return my account items password and email back I will be notifying the police and will have you all arrested for what you've done to me also please note because entitled fring you claim to be 17 they'll charge you as an adult also just so you know you stole my mom's email and an animal jam account I spent over $200 on so we can go to small claims court your choice bye she freaked out I just laughed I was just beginning my revenge act next Brewin her YouTube life she did videos almost twenty a day so I knew I could get her this was also how I used my YouTube channel to ruin her on her live streams I spammed all of them by saying be where she is in an insane group and if you stay on her stream and you have animal jam video channel leave and unsubscribe now and don't fall for her lie I haven't done that to anybody in two years she did it to me look at my livestream I gave a link she ended each stream then deleted her channel gave my account back and to other accounts I assumed she stole but I found the rightful owner and gave the one back and used the other one to ruin her acted like a fan then rubbed it in her face that she was such a liar and she did do this check out angels channel I then went on her game account and sold all the items then used it in a video saying this is what happens when you mess with someone who knows how to mess you up big time this went on for a month to be honest this gets me upset just writing this they asked to be friends again ignored now thanks for reading hope this gets put on a video please let me know if it does bye and our final story of the day the awful mother of ladies eh hello I have no idea where such a story would go but I figured I could share it here especially since mr. reddit already read one of my stories and I've had people wonder about more from my mother so your quick but extremely relevant backstory my family consists technically of five people my father nerd pants Mick Dungeons & Dragons fanboy my mother narcissist psychopath my older brother a military vet with two cutie pies and the star of my life son of my sky my little brother we'll call him Little Wolf my real biological parents are divorced this happened when I was around 16 years old I guess my dad reconnected with an old flame and couldn't stand my mom's abuse anymore honestly that whole shebang was just a mess of he-said she-said of my mother trying to put us against each other emotional abuse and teenage angst to try and salvage their relationship they had a baby one year later they were divorced dad left move two hours away and we maybe saw him once a month it was tough I'd never and probably will never get along with my mom my dad was the only one who would listen to me when I talked who actually asked me why I did something wrong instead of slapping me full force across the face who understood some people laugh when they're nervous stop slapping her for smiling when you're screaming at her and so on and heard I was a heartbroken teenage girl to my surprise my mom actually got a job she began working at a retirement home for nuns and I thought oh this might be good she can actually get off her lazy butt and do something with her life as she had been previously living off my dad's meager trucking paychecks and any money she could get off of me it was not good every day immediately after school and until my bedtime I was made to watch my little wolf every day a baby takes a lot of patience and attention and did I mention miss narcissist is also a ridiculous neat freak she would hurt me frequently but these weren't the worst part the worst part I starved my mother ate dinner with the nuns she was eating chef cooked meals every day and instead of purchasing food for her children with the money she earned at work she'd get her nails done every week or go out to fancy dinners or buy herself a new clothes day as food just make something no mom there's a packet of flour a container of rice and a few cans of tomato sauce that's not food and up until just now you'd been making us dinner I have no idea how to cook but remember how I said Little Wolf is the light of my life I may have been unhappy sometimes I may have even done things I regret but I never ever let that kid go without food if there was anything at all to eat he ate it if there wasn't I stole it I went to entire years subsisting on scraps making sure that if nothing at all that he was going to eat and grow up healthy I finally snapped one or maybe she did every single day my life was school washed the little one sleep my grades which had always been the highest were dropping horribly between my literally dying body an inability to do any of my homework with all the housework I had to do mom came home one day and the couch cushions were crooked yeah wolf and I were playing I literally just came down the stairs from putting him to bed there were insults there was arguing because of the pillows no because I was speaking to her in English she yelled at me in French I don't know how we wound up like that but she slammed me into the wall digging her sharp manicured nails into my arm like she always did I pulled up my big-girl pants I threw my phone at her it broke into pieces I told her I was sick of her and the way she treated me I told her that a person speaking the language they're most comfortable in or pillows on a couch in a house with children being crooked wasn't a reason to slam your kid into a wall I told her how tired I was of existing solely to take care of her child how much I hated her hated the French language and most of all how much I missed being able to do things a normal kid could do seeing their friends going for walks heck I even missed doing my dang homework I'm sure there was more but I guess that whole incident was so traumatic in my mind but I can't remember all of it just bits and pieces the moment my exams were done I moved in with my father food situation wasn't much better with my mom also bleeding my dad dry for child support but at least I knew he was trying at least I knew he cared nowadays little wolf lives here with me and my dad and the amazing woman to whom he's engaged and her children and our cats and our dog we're a big happy family I guess even though things were tough we've managed to work it out in the end I can say that maybe I'm a better person because of all that because mom I am nothing like you you've made me do some horrible things to survive you've made me question why I even struggle to a but then I look at little wolf and remember he's the only good thing you ever did I won't let anyone hurt him like you have whoops that got rambley um enjoy does living a good loving life out of spite Johnny's revenge I think it does insane Karen tried to steal my bike and then accuses me hey mister reddit and the RER me i have been subscribed for one month now and i love your vids i'm on mobile and this is my first pose so bear with me so at the time i was only 15 years old now I'm 24 that's not important so me and my three friends were chilling outside when we decided to ride our bikes we were having a sleepover so they brought bikes and some other things that will be important later so we decided to ride around the area after about 15 minutes this woman pulls up we don't think of it since she parked like seven houses down eventually she gets out of her car with her about 8 to 10 year old son she then started walking towards us the conversation was something like this let's meet the cast we've got entitled parent you've got inside old kid you've got me friend one friend - friend - as a girl important later friend 3e is shy and doesn't really talk and my mom why did you steal my son's bike in an angry tone what you stole my son's bike give it back you little jerk I was a little surprised she called me that I will call the police we were surprised this lady was talking to us like this that's my bike give it back at this point we decided to ride out of there before entitled parent could do something we rode to my house and closed the garage my mom asked what was wrong and I said we'll tell you later soon we heard the door and at this point we got nervous my mom opens the door and guess who it was entitled parent and her bread they followed us here my mom was like can I help you you're Jax stole my son's bike bags and I then saw them messing with this girl she then had a smug look saying got you now my mom then asked our friends if we were messing with her of course she said no my mom's nice but if she needs to defend me she'll be Hades you better leave now before I call the police for messing with my son and his friends entitled parent realized she was gonna lose and my dad just got home from work it was summer and today was my mom's day of what luck she then ran so fast I thought she was Sonic then that was the last time I saw her mr. rented you have my full permission to upload this on one of your videos next we've got help my brother is dating entitlement Wow it's funny how your memory just blocks some things I thought this to be more crazy than entitlement but I guess when it comes to the two it's the same thing so allow me to tell you the tale of my oldest brother and the woman that comes from crazy entitlement so the cast we've got me the king of random we've got mom my lovely mother we've got my older brother and the sorry SAP we've got Kate the entitled partner - my sorry SAP of a brother and Karen Kate's entitled mum and Darren Kate's entitled and dad the first meeting so this was during the first year when we learned that my mom has breast cancer not telling this for sympathy points just for the story sake and all us kids help out wherever we can so older brother decided to come for the weekend bringing Kate along to meet mom at this point we didn't know much about Kate so mom and I made plans that I would come around to her place we lived in the same town to chat with older brother and meet Kate sure enough we do at first Kate was nice and polite but her true colors eventually came out Kate was not just entitled but a heavy drinker and a liar for example Kate in a single sentence states how I don't believe in the supernatural ghosts don't exist and that I should know I went on a paranormal TV show with my mom we saw a lot of things that night and that's why I am a heavy believer of the supernatural yep she would contradict herself that bad Kate would also voice her opinion about everything any subject she had an opinion on it the worst case was with politics Kate was just spouting nonsense and mum not the most political person was still being polite about it and asking Kate to just keep quiet about it Kate wouldn't now being a mother to six kids mom knows the value of patience but even she has her limits mom snaps Kate will you shut up while I can't accept your thoughts to your party I do not need to agree with them and you are being incredibly rude not to do the same thing with me Kate shocked turns to my older brother are you going to allow your mum to talk to me like that older brother not even looking I didn't vote for your party last election Kate just Huff's and stomps off yes actually stomps off and went into the room that she and alder brother were staying to have a fit older brother says she does that when she and get her way the Battle of the parents after the first encounter we learned that Kate comes from a family that is somewhat well off not rich but just they have money at this point Kate had stated many times to older brother how she wanted a baby of her own how she would make a great mother my brother has three kids and doesn't want a fourth even Kate's parents would try to convince older brother to have another kid this is when the battle began my mom being on the book of face saw a post from Kate how she had missed an opportunity to be a mother because of a miscarriage my mom being nice wrote a comment I'm sorry to hear that short and simple all right the next day mom was shocked to see that Darren had responded to her Darren had a full-on rant how my mother was a terrible person how dare she even comprehend what his daughter was going through that she raised older brother who would not give them a grandchild when she does my mother responded in kind she stated how she had three miscarriages and has breast cancer and how she did not want to make it about her that this isn't about her or them that it was only between Kate and older brother things get worse when Kate and older brother were gonna get married but older brother called it off it was Karen's turn to take a swing in a post of her own and her post she states that my brother was a horrible person to break her precious daughter's heart how he would be lucky to be with their family it was not good enough for her anyways my mom when she feels we are threatened is a lioness and will protect her cubs no matter how old we are she responded in kind again Kate and the older brother are now together and my family cannot stand her it has gotten so bad but when we have a family get together we always ask if Kate is coming if the answer is yes we all suddenly remember that we are busy on that so yes my brother is still with her her parents are still in their business and she still wants a baby someone please send help for that sad SAP anyways thanks for reading and our final story of the day ally got revenge on my cheating ex hello mr. reddit I love your videos and have a story of my own that I hope you will find entertaining it's pretty long but hopefully it's worth it buckle up because here we go this story takes place almost 12 years ago so I'll do my best with a dialog in details but admittedly some things are a little fuzzy most of my life I've had a problem with picking men that were not good for me so much so that I even had a phrase for it saving the world one [ __ ] at a time one of my more spectacularly bad choices was a guy by the name of Bob obviously not his real name I met Bob when I was working one of my two jobs at the local mall he worked somewhere else in the mall so we hit it off and soon enough we were in a relationship within a few months my lease was up and we ended up moving in together which obviously in hindsight was a huge mistake but I was dumb and lonely soon enough red flags began to fly he would say things in common conversation that were simply incorrect like there's only four continents and the rest are actually owned by the Martian government and thus don't count etc and when challenged he would circular talk until you either agreed with him or dropped the subject he would also make claims that seemed entirely unbelievable such as when I asked where he had been staying prior to his mom's house and he said he camped in the woods when I asked how he did that for months on end and without any gear he simply gestured himself and said this is all the gear I need the worst trait though by far was his epic laziness I have never witnessed someone so lazy in my life bob was unemployed for over a third of our relationship and would simply sit in the apartment watching Netflix or playing some war game on his computer aka my spare computer typing away in the group chat he would never clean up after himself leaving dirty dishes in the sink and filth on every surface while only taking a shower maybe once a week the smell that permeated my apartment could only be described as revolting and could easily gag a maggot I would enquire a few times a week on his job hunt only to be dismissed or given a growing amount of excuses such as but I don't have a car how would I get there the bus doesn't run in that area the internet went down so I couldn't apply etc etc meanwhile I am working double and triple shifts at my job to try to make up the lost income and running him all over town in my off time getting applications and helping him fill them out and turn them in keep in mind he doesn't have a cellphone so all of these apps have my contact info in them thus begins the era of him holding my phone while I'm at work so he can make calls or schedule interviews as well as I can get ahold of him from my store phone if I need it to things began getting weird he began staying up later and later on this group chat sometimes till almost dawn sometimes we would hang out all evening until it was time for bed then he would always make some excuse on why he needed to check the game before bed and he'd be right there hours would pass no Bob I began to get suspicious but nothing incriminating seemed to be taking place so I just shrugged it off as me being insecure then he started asking to use my car to go see his best four and Ben now I wasn't super comfortable with this but I did know Ben pretty well and we got along almost better than Bob and I did so I guess to a degree I trusted been more than Bob and agreed to it this happened a few times while I was working the evening shift and he was always back at the allotted time with my car and my phone and relatively grateful for the opportunity to hang out with his buds suspicious hmm yes but I'm the kind of person that is loyal and trusting to a fault and don't assume anything without proof and from every angle all seemed to be on the up and so I took it all at face value so one day he asks to borrow my car and go with his friends to a card gaming tournament he put on a great show telling me how the prize money would help us out and with the deck he had there was no way he could lose I just had to let him use my car and phone this one last time and he would be able to buy himself a phone with the prize money I wasn't a huge fan of the idea but nothing untoward had occurred in the previous instances and I didn't feel like spending my only day off at a card game convention that I literally couldn't care less about so I acquiesced I bought myself a couple green monsters and some other drinks and had my own little personal drunk party hours ticked by and no Bob eventually I pass out only to wake up at the crack of dawn violently sick this went way beyond a hangover I start retching in the bathroom until there was nothing left but there retching wouldn't stop hours ticked by and I lay in the bathroom floor sweating and convulsing with no phone no car and no Bob I eventually was able to crawl to my room and wrap myself in a bathrobe but before crawling down my apartment building stairs and began knocking on the closest doors it took three apartments before someone opened the door and allowed me to use their phone to call my mom my mother was at my apartment in six minutes flat and rushed me to the ER where I was diagnosed with an aggressive an antibiotic resistant strain of c-diff Bob finally showed up later that afternoon phone and car keys in hand looking very concerned and claiming to be deeply apologetic but my mom hated him from that point on I was out of the hospital and back to work within a few days but it was the beginning of the end during these last months we were constantly scraping by due to his lack of consistent income and poor spending habits there were jobs gotten and there were jobs lost for various reasons throughout our relationship but the final job was one I helped him get literally three buildings down from my own workplace this company rents furniture and electronics on a weekly monthly basis and I happen to know most of the employees and the hiring manager as their regular customers at my coffee establishment I was able to use what little sway I had to get him on there and he accepted a job as a delivery man within a few weeks I come home from work to find a brand new TV and entertainment system and him grinning like an idiot I tell him we can't afford this we can barely afford to eat and are surviving off scraps I bring home from work he talks about his amazing employee discount and assures me it's no big deal that the rental fee will just come out of his paycheck etc I was mad not only had he not consulted me he also had me on the account as well my info had been taken from my credit app I filled out as a favorite to help their numbers so if he flaked I was liable fast-forward another few weeks the rent is late and we are receiving eviction notices on our door I come home from work and the TV is mysteriously gone thank goodness I think they finally realized we can't afford it and took it back it gets paid rent gets paid and all is as good as it can be until I found a pawn slip for the TV in his pocket as I was doing laundry and went ballistic he assured me he had plans to get it back in the works and to not worry about it it will be taken care of soon and no one will be the wiser I was too mad to catch on to this secrecy aspect of the situation a few more tense weeks go by with him working mornings and myself working evenings while we shared one phone and car until that fateful day arrived I woke up that morning with a migraine headache and opted to let Bob take the car but leave me the phone so I can call someone later on for a ride to work a few hours of uncomfortable sleep go by before I am awoken by the phone I answer the phone still groggy hello there's a long pause on the other end of the line until a female voice asks umm is Bob there I felt a sickening feeling in my gut and began to shake is this real am I dreaming no he's at work right now this is his wife total i but hey is there something I can help you with I wasn't rude I phrased it as a genuine question rather than an accusation another long pause before she began to stammer about maybe she had the wrong number but it was obvious she just wanted to get off the phone with me as quickly as possible and I realized in that moment that I desperately needed her please I said with an edge of desperation in my voice I don't know what's going on but I just really need somebody to tell me the truth the last word came out in a sob and I sat there for a moment in silence trying to quell the urge to just cry uncontrollably listen the voice on the other end was almost gentle I need to make a few phone calls but I promise you I will call you back she said it calmly and was so much conviction that I really wanted to believe her please you promise I almost begged I promise she replied okay I took a deep breath and released it I'll talk to you soon and hung up I then proceeded to aggressively pace my living room floor staring at my phone while chain-smoking and muttering to myself like a crazy person I knew who she was calling I was replaying all those little red flag moments in my head from the last few months pinning down dates or behavior I'd found suspect when the phone rings again it saw her I froze for a moment shocked she followed through and called me back terrified of what this meant I answered the phone and what followed was about the most soul-crushing 45 minutes of my life after initial introductions June again not the real name and I began comparing stories and it became glaringly obvious what was happening they had actually been in a relationship several years prior and had run back into each other on the after mentioned war game where they began to flirt on group chat all those nights he had been on the computer he had been chatting with her all those times he'd go hang out with his friends he had been using my car to take her out and my phone to communicate with her the time I was sick and alone with no resources you guessed it he was with her oh but it gets better do you have a little silver hummingbird necklace she inquired yes my mother gave it to me for my 27th birthday actually I loved it really she said because he gave me one for Mother's Day oh my god I almost yelled into the phone as I ran to my room and tore through my jewelry box it wasn't in there it was around her neck from there we discovered not only had he been giving her my property as gifts but he had had her over to our apartment passing it off as his own I didn't want to believe him capable of doing something so cruel and disrespectful when I have allowed him to sponge off of me for the better part of three years unfortunately as in confirmation she began describing my apartment to a tee all the way down to my bedsheets Jun said he even pulled my secret box from beneath my bed and offered to use my items on her she said and she found it weird and didn't partake but I threw them away due to the shear factor finally she uttered the words I didn't know I wanted to hear you know what we should do we should bust him together my mind immediately started racing indeed we should I was a mix of fury adrenaline and despair so my thinking wasn't exactly straight and details begin to get hazy here we arranged to meet up at my work and find a way to lure Bob over there but unfortunately she lived about 40 minutes away where I only live about six miles from our destination so if I got there first I'd need to stall him assuming he wasn't out on a delivery I called the trusted co-worker of mine at work sobbing and begging for a ride to his everlasting credit he got somebody to cover and left work to come get me and bring me to my car when I got the bob's the workplace I went inside to retrieve my keys this isn't uncommon as they know the car is mine and was stopped halfway through the store by Bob's manager wanting to talk about the payment due on our account I don't remember the exact dialogue but I said something along the lines of look I don't know when you're going to get your payment I looked at early defeated and told him we could never afford the TV in the first place and how I had begged Bob to take it back and now we don't have it anymore as bob has pawned it and I don't have the money to get it out let alone pay him I was full-on blubbering at this point when he stopped me to clarify that his employee pawned a rental TV under contract I confirmed that this was indeed true and presented him with the pawn ticket he was mad apparently such an act is illegal and his terms for immediate termination but he assured me that if I could get the TV back to him there would be no harm no foul and he would terminate my contract without any penalties I thanked him for his understanding and told him to let Bob know I would be over at my workplace my heart is pounding in my chest and blood is roaring in my ears what was I going to say what was he going to say would you make it here before he did my heart sinks when I see Bob's hulking form making its way in my direction I frantically scanned the parking lot for Joon's car she's not here yet and I'm out of time he hits the door looking out of breath and guilty as heck and I just stare at him stone-faced I walk outside silently to light a cigarette unsure of exactly what to say and he follows me wordlessly outside he starts in with thee it's not what it seems and it's all just a terrible misunderstanding and I just let him dig himself deeper into his hole of lies I listen I nod I pretend to understand until a particular car pulls into view June parks in the space directly next to where we were standing and gets out of the car hey Bob how you doing Bob has gone to visibly pale he hangs his head and sits down on the curb seeing nothing to either of us June and I greet each other and awkwardly shake hands before again returning our attention to Bob June begins berating him on his lies and deceit unveiling all of our mutual info and subsequent conclusions while I stood mostly in silence agreeing at the appropriate times but mostly still in shock after 20 minutes of this I finally mustered up the courage to take my stand we are done I don't want to see you ever again I'll pack up your things only two boxes worth and your sister can contact me in a few days to pick them up now I want your key I held out my hand and looked at him not until I get my stuff out then you get your key he replied I tried to argue but he continued to refuse and used his large stature to his advantage knowing I'd have no chance in a physical altercation he turned and walked away heading back toward his workplace June and I talked a little more before she handed me my hummingbird necklace and left I stood there alone staring at nothing trying to wrap my head around what had just transpired and then I cried oh how I cried with nowhere else to turn I had only one call to make to my mom the moment she answered I unleashed this deluge of words at her that were half sobs in half rant stay right there I'm coming she said god bless my mother soon enough both of my parents pull up in my dad's truck and my mom gets out to comfort me and give me hugs I look at the driver's seat and see my father with his jaw clenched and a death grip on the steering wheel while staring straight ahead oh crap they take me to the pawn shop and my parents write a check for more than $500 to get the TV out we then drive straight over to Bob's workplace and return the TV to the manager as the manager finishes up the cancellation paperwork my dad spots Bob pacing around the back of the parking lot talking frantically on the phone unfortunately I didn't get to hear the ensuing conversation but my dad returns within a few minutes holding my house key and looking victorious I believe this is yours he says as he hands me the key and then pulls me into a hug and I cried a little into his shoulder my dad gave me a squeeze kissed my temple and whispered into my ear they're firing him I leaned back to look at my dad and he just smirked and said now he's jobless and homeless I thought about it for a second before I said in my most sarcastic tone oh I'm so sorry to hear that we laughed about it a little and my parents gave me some words of wisdom before leaving me to drive myself home where my best friend was already waiting to keep me company Bob and his sister showed up a few days later for his pitiful boxes of stuff they tried to talk to me to explain but my best friend descended on him like a harpy if he muttered more than a few syllables in my direction so he was shut down almost immediately he left that night and I have never heard from him since I blocked him on social media but there was really no need as he made no effort to contact me on any level that's Bob ever lazy ever deluded and always a jerk so here I am many years later happily married to my high school sweetheart and the mother of two beautiful little boys and grateful to have moved on when I did the experience with Bob certainly took its toll I lost a lot of weight due to lack of appetite but had a myriad of trust issues moving forward but the point is I moved forward I have grown leaps and bounds as a person since this experience and him truly content with where my life is now but every now and then when I'm drifting off to sleep I can't help but wonder whatever happened to good old Bob is he out there somewhere in the woods with his stick and his wits as his only gear waiting for a Martian government to make its move oh well a girl can dream thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it feel free to message me with any questions or comments it's just pink it will wash out this is my first post ever I finally got enough karma to post it's really more about the kidandparent though this happened a few years ago and some parts are stories from my parents so things might be a little fuzzy insert obligatory on mobile sorry for formatting and spelling here English is my first and only language so light me up for grammar stuff our caste we've got entitled kid entitled parents they always said exactly the same thing my sister sister's friend me my mom and my dad background me and entitled kid were friends since kindergarten but he was always rude and got away with anything because his parents were so stubborn it was his birthday and I wanted to go to paintball so we just took him and one other neighbor who had recently moved in but was a nice kid we did good but definitely overestimated how many pink balls we would use and ended up with almost a full gallon bag of extra paint balls neither I nor our other neighbor wanted it so we just gave it to entitled kid story I was in the living room near the front door when my little sister bursts through the front door screaming and crying covered in bright orange dots my mom who can be a little overprotective sometimes almost fell down the stairs trying to help my sister she cleaned her up changed her and bandaged her from the paint it was a hundred degrees so the paint was hot mom immediately called in titled kids parents entitled kid is a bit of a neighborhood menace and there is nobody else that would have done anything like that they denied everything that had happened even though entitled kid was walking around outside with a gallon bag full of orange paint balls what happened was that he was walking around with his bag of paintballs they saw my sister and her another neighbor having a water balloon fight and started to Pelt them with the paintballs sister and her friend were having a water balloon fight entitled kid says I'm playin sister's friend no it's just us can you please leave us alone my sister yeah it's really hot and we just want to play alone okay he turns around as if he's gonna walk away sister and her friend continue their water balloon fight entitled kid starts throwing handfuls of paintballs at both of them my sister and her friend both ran home crying covered in the orange paint sister's friend didn't get hurt too bad but my sister was burned pretty bad on her hand this is the conversation on the phone to my mom's account my mom you should not let entitled kid be throwing those paint balls around he burnt her on the hand and titled mom already in attack mode I cannot believe you would accuse my precious entitled kid like that he would never do anything like that your brat sister should be more careful where she plays also paint can't burn you and it doesn't matter it will just wash off my mom says alright we'll see what my husband has to say about this when he checks the cameras she hangs up we had recently installed cameras to overlook our front door driveway and backyard there were a series of car burglaries that past spring and we wanted to have some additional security now entitled mom is terrified of my father a large 6-foot 225 pound man who takes absolutely zero crap we see her from our window get into her car and drive away my father comes home my mom tells my dad what happened and he goes and checks the driveway camera a seat sister and her friend having a water balloon fight in our lawn then comes in titled kid looking at them with his bag full of paintballs you know what happens my dad later went to their front door and went off on them for being irresponsible parents he came back with the bag of paintballs in hand I'm sorry if this was long I wasn't planning on making it this long but this stuff upsets me to this day I have lots more stories about him if you guys want to hear I can make a whole list next we've got entitled mom demands my favorite plushie because she thinks her angel deserves it hello mr. reddit I have been a longtime fan of yours and I wanted to share this recent story I am on a computer and English is my first language so feel free to edit any spelling errors the cast we've got me the entitled mom the entitled kid mark one amazing cousin and the flight attendant backstory unfor teen at the time and my cousin mark wanted to take me for a trip to Nebraska he has 21 at the time of posting when I packed I had to bring my favorite plushie and if anyone knows the Nintendo Mario games my plushie was one of the villains Ludwig von Koopa I bring it with me just about everywhere in case my anxiety goes high my anxiety can get very high during confrontations in public etc this story once we took off on our flight I decided to play some games on my phone while I was relaxing and sitting down mark was looking out the window from his seat I had my plushie with me since I never knew what could happen soon the entitled kid notices my plushie and starts talking to me hi where did you get that plushie oh hi it was a birthday gift for my 11th birthday my dad got it from EB Games the Canadian version of Game Stop can I have it no sorry this is very dear to me and keeps my anxiety regular but I want it now my anxiety is starting to go up and mark notices and steps in to help me listen she said no so it's no fine he storm back to his seat until I hear the entitled mom me I jump almost out of my seat at this already nervous from a kid I'm already hugging my plushy claws which is helping the anxiety yes my son says you hit him after he asked politely to see your little toy give it to him you are too old for it anyway this is one of my most valued items and I would never hit someone I told him no politely but he started yelling at me I'm sorry but he can't have this he deserves it way more than you do he was good this year I was starting to hyperventilate as entitled mom was screaming at me this is when March stepped in he might be pretty short but he is very strong and capable of intimidating a lot of people listen here buddy when he says this I know he's about to get snarky he gets angry very easily she told you both she isn't giving her plushie up she has had it since her 11th birthday and cares for it as a mother would care for her baby leave us alone and don't bother us again you shut it that is no way to speak to an adult give him the toy he's been very good this year oh he's been good well do I look like Santa Claus I don't care if he was good or bad he isn't getting the plushy and that's final I start to giggle a bit once he says that but I knew deep inside this was not over the entitled mom an inside world kid walked back to their seats which aren't far soon flight attendant walks up to us excuse me can you tell me what happened during that I heard she hit someone Marc explains everything to the flight attendant for me since I was still having a panic attack from the encounter the flight attendant talks to the entitled mom who afterward shoves past flight attendant towards me she almost grabs Mike plushie and I jump out of the way Marc grabs her arm and starts turning it as anger had gone far enough listen here do not and I repeat do not try to take her plushie again she is already stressed enough from you leave her alone entitled mom is now realizing how stupid this idea was and still tries to demand my plushie she breaks my anxiety level and it bursts in her face me listen to me I have told you and your brat that this belongs to me can't you understand that no means no all you entitled jerks are the reason I carry it around with me now leave us alone or I will make sure you are arrested the moment we get off this flight entitled mom is now getting nervous as my face gets redder with every word pouring out mark let's go of her arm and hugs me as I am now bawling my eyes out after I let my anger erupt entitled mom and entitled kid finally walk away he stays right by my side with flight attendant comforting me after those shenanigans once we landed I immediately went to find a security officer for help with entitled mom he told me he would talk to her and she actually got in trouble for attempted theft and assault the rest of the trip went beautifully I hope I never see her again next we've got my own father tries to ruin my education to upset my mother hi mister read it me and my girlfriend are both huge fans of your YouTube channel and we both watch you all the time this is also my first post on here so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes so here's the cast we've got me we've got my entitled father and my mother along with a few other people who come into play later in this story so for some backstory my parents have been divorced since I was still a baby my father has aided my mother ever since I'm not 100% sure why I've been stuck in the middle of a lot of arguments and always felt like things were my fault I have also always loved my mom more because my father didn't treat me right when I turned 12 I was finally able to move away with my mother halfway across the US I was accepted into a college program where I'll get my associates degree before I even graduate high school here our story starts my parents have a court order saying I need to go back three times a year I'm still a minor and if I don't there will be consequences this program I'm in takes up my entire summer keep in mind I'm giving up my high school summers for more school so I can get ahead in life since I was unable to go back to Michigan the entitled father took my mom to court and the judge stated I have to go back since I live far and he asked for Court my mother had to do it over call during her work hours this gave my father the perfect chance to tell the court that my program was fake and made up a lot of bull after that call my mom called me and told me everything I got mad and I decided to give him a piece of my mind and call him which I ain't doing just as voice alone gets me so mad because of all the things he put me through in the past the call goes like this hi I heard you and mom had Court hi yes we did what about it why did you tell the judge my college isn't real and he cuts me off which made me more mad I would never do such a thing damn dare you accuse me listen here I worked my butt off to get into this program and if you didn't tell the judge who did also why didn't you speak up and tell the judge that it is real like a good father you claim to be well is it just that your mom promised to not pay Charles you leave her out of this I'm tired of you talking crap about her this is about you and me you are ruining a great chance for me to get ahead in my future and zero cost to me this is my choice Jay he cuts me off again did you just call me Jay yes I did you don't deserve to be called dad especially after all the years of torment from you and stepmom if you don't let me do this and get my free college then me and my mom will drop the child support charges it easy just about the money once again this is bull because he brought up the child support a few times in the one court case alone okay if money doesn't matter are you going to pay for my education no if you don't leave me alone and let me go to college I'll tell stepmom about you cheating on her with your coworker he backed off and realized what power I have over him what do you mean on cheating oh you know how you take me and my brothers to her house and would make us lie to stepmom about it yeah that's cheating and lying he goes silent you know what Jay stay out of my life I'm done with you and don't you dare ever contact me again I'm tired of all your bull goodbye I hang up and blocked him and my mom told me she'll take care of him from there now I'm staying in college and only a year away from getting my degree this story was already long but I could write a longer one if y'all would like there are a lot of details I left out and I wouldn't mind putting them in if you guys want them thank you for reading next we've got bring me a receipt even though you have no power this is my first post on reddit so I apologize for any mistakes that are made English is my first language so feel free to roast me some back story I work for a parking company as a cashier and I tend to deal with some entitled people but this one came to my mind recently when you enter the lot you receive a ticket now we scan tickets and the scan tells me how much is owed it's never much when you compare it to others you can ask for a receipt but it's not printed automatically so here's the cast we've got me we've got gentle giant mama bear my wife and we've got the jerk customer now our story we had a bad storm roll through a day before so it wound up knocking our power out two sections of our lot now the lot is tied to different power sources so there might be one area working but the other will have no power unfortunately the booth and register were tied to the area with no power so we had to hand issue tickets I was called in to help keep my wife company while the power was out for her protection we are stationed in an area that was not exactly the most safe so I was not working the shift I was just there to keep my wife safe we had a fairly uneventful night for a while so after it was dead for a while my wife asked me to watch the booth while she took care of a personal matter please don't ask I was sitting in the booth taking care of customers as they went through pricing each ticket by hand due to no power for the register jerk customer pulls up and I go to take care of his ticket this is the conversation thank you let's see your ticket i priced their ticket and it was six dollars that'll be six dollars please I need a receipt I can't print receipts right now we have no power then why is that lie on the light he spoke of was a streetlight that was tied to a different power source that light is tied to a different power source and again we have no power in the booth trip my dang'rous aid I'm getting kind of agitated we have no power I can't print you a receipt our register has no power Oh in wonder we see this is a miracle is it it I don't know what else to say we have no power and I can't print a receipt with no power AV you give me my receipt well I want my money back I'm wondering how anyone can be this stupid once again I can't print your receipt if I have no power thank God my wife comes out and just wrote on a piece of paper and he drives off saying it wasn't so hard now was he I wish I could have punched him mr.reddy you have my permission to use this store and our final story of the day entitled grandmother I bought clothes for your mother hi mr. reddit this post is another about my grandmother I have a lot of stories about her longer than any Karen REE so I hope it tickles your fancy quick backstory well more to it now my grandmother has finally left me alone i snitched a few months ago about her gossiping on topics she knows she's not supposed to so I'm no longer welcome at her home not that I mind I plan on getting a court order after I'm 18 to hopefully grab some of the old stuff I left behind if not she'll have to pay for damages anyway this takes place when I was 8 to 9 so nearly a decade ago with a cast we've got entitled grandmother umbrage we've got slave grandfather Cornelius fudge we've got absentee dad donar we've got good-for-nothing grandpa granddad and awesome grandmother mama we've got mom and the devious soon-to-be lawyer me so Umbridge has never liked my mom even knowing her for close to 20 years there was never a moment Umbridge wouldn't badmouth my mom or anyone in her maternal family it sadly caused a rift between my mom and mama that has strained our relationship but we fixed it to me Umbridge was this beacon of light someone who would be on my side how wrong I was I don't want this too long so let's not dilly-dally we were sitting at the kitchen table and I was complaining about mom doing something typical entitled kid I'm no longer that so we dodged a bullet there and Cornelius fudge was eating when Umbridge piped up I bought your mom clothes when she was younger she stated in her natural care in tone trust me if there was anyone who had a Karen voice it would be her I remember how she would come visit Dona when they were dating really I piped stunned that umbrage helped my mom who certainly didn't like her but showed none of it around me yup you're awesome grandmother couldn't buy her a lot so she would come over and be dressed in nothing but tattered clothes she looked at grandfather with a glint I couldn't place when her grandfather died she didn't have a black dress to wear to his funeral awesome grandmother couldn't buy her one I wondered innocently awesome grandmother could never afford anything when she was married to your granddad Umbridge replied instantly just don't tell you a mom when you go home it's a little secret I nodded with a bright smile I realize now that all she is is really a giant manipulator and nearly succeeded in tearing my relationship with my mom apart she would constantly berate my mom in ways I couldn't understand and made me promise to keep it a secret all she does is complain about my mom and criticize her she's done worse things to her and it breaks my heart to know my mom still went through it all I was nothing but a kid when I had been twisted into thinking I could have whatever I wanted Umbridge would buy them and then complain about my mom never buying me anything she's not your normal Karen she's vicious and could make even Karen look like a saint but none of us had to deal with her my absentee dad has to with his wife and kids I'm just a little heartbroken that my poor grandfather could so easily listen to her manipulations all because she hates me so much now I turned out too much like awesome grandmother and my mom with my attitude I pity anyone who has to deal with her but I'll update on what happens after next month she probably won't be expecting a court order from her once precious princess keep fighting against the Karen's and their earth-shattering Gries and their egotistical entitlement you owe us hi mr. reddit and our er me I've enjoyed listening to you on YouTube and you make my day whenever you upload please continue doing what you're doing and fully akarin doesn't find your channel and decide to sue this happened almost three years ago also I'm sorry this is so long there's more dialogue than story on laptop so any errors are on me and my short fitty fingers test we've got me we've got my dad and we've got entitled stepmother so the back story I was 13 years old when my mother went to prison and my father got custody of me before that he hadn't been around much and it was just my mom my sister and I when he picked me up from home to move I noticed a woman with him who looked familiar when he tried to introduce us I kind of cut him off and told him that I already knew her she and I had this silent knowing exchange because I knew that she was the x-step grandmother of one of my friends who lived a few houses down weird I know but it's a small world in town we got to our new home which was a five hour drive away and when I turned 16 I got my first job at a fast food restaurant just to have some spending cash in case I wanted to go on any trips with my school the only problem is dad and entitled stepmom are huge gamblers it's so bad that they would use bill money to gamble and then lose it all so naturally they would come to me for money and continuously ask for every paycheck I got me being very giving would help them out with bills and such because I didn't want to cause any issues once I turned 18 I enlisted in the military and got a job as a merchandise er at a huge retail store during the summer the same thing happened with this job as with the fast-food job every paycheck I gave them more than half to help with bills as we were on the verge of getting evicted my military paychecks were also taken in short I would have a combined $400 and be left with at most a third this is where everything went downhill I went to my military training in Missouri and that very next day dad an entitled stepmom packed up everything and moved back to her hometown I hadn't even known about it I finally got my first phone call in training on Thanksgiving and when I called them well this was the conversation hey hey Opie say I need you to send $50 hi to you too dad I'm doing great by the way oh sorry huh how's everything going okay I guess I don't have long to talk but maybe about two more minutes oh okay say write my account number down so you can send me $50 for for your storage keep in mind I still didn't know they moved I had been in training for about a month and a half now storage storage for what for your stuff we moved back to our hometown what when right after you went to training did you get paper and a pencil dad where am I supposed to go when I graduate you're coming here dad I can't do that my plane goes to insert current home that's where my unit will be well you better find a way to get here are you serious it is my stuff still at the current address no we brought it all with us at this point I was ticked off and anointed him for doing that to me I lied and told him I didn't have time to write anything down and we hung up after that christmas came around and we were all allowed a two-week break i couldn't go back to my current home because i didn't have family there so I went to my hometown at this point my biological mother was back home and I was both nervous and excited to see her even though she went to prison for a reason involving my sister and I I never once blamed her and we had been communicating through letters for some time now I finally got to visit my mother who had nothing to her name after coming back and took her shopping seeing as it was going to get cold soon and she didn't have any winter clothing I spent at least over five hundred dollars on her but it was worth every penny she was very humble and always expressed her apology over the situation I was staying with dad and entitled stepmom at the time so once I got back and they found out about the shopping spree boob hit the fan entitled stepmom says sweetly so it took your mom shopping yes I kind of had a feeling what was about to happen but I silently hoped it would in escalate why I was dumbfounded because she needed clothes entitled stepmother says loudly what did she ever do for you huh what about me and your dad took your good-for-nothing mother shopping and won't do anything for us how much did you spend on her I was seriously taken aback by what she was saying first off mother raised me and my sister as a single mother as best as she could sure she got overwhelmed at times and made wrong decisions but she always has and will regret them she never once blamed us for anything and I know to this day she still feels bad for everything that happened I spent enough and she raised me for 13 years your mother didn't raise you we raised you you owe us for the life you have now you're lucky I even agreed with your dad to let you stay with us I'm highly annoyed now so what do you want how much do you want I pulled out my wallet I don't want anything from you now go give it all to your good-for-nothing mother at this point I was done with this crazy woman I left the room to see my dad just sitting on the couch not bothering to step in how much did you spend on your mom did she even say thank you she did I snapped and for your information I spent enough for her to get by with decent clothing for the winter she doesn't have anything she barely has a house it's more like an old shoebox seriously my mother's home might as well be a storage closet if I could I would have spent more on her well what about me an entitled stepmom we'll raise you to the least you could do is give us money as well don't you think I shouldn't have but at this point in time I didn't want to be bothered by them any longer well how much do you want dad just tell me I'll take $100 and totaled stepmum can take 150 I should ask for more but I don't want to make it seem like we're ungrateful I gave him the money and spent the rest of my break with the biggest headache of my life neither of them came to my graduation so I spent it with some other parentless friendless soldiers that day I never heard from them again just kidding I ended up staying with an old friend in my current city and during this time my dad continued to call and threaten to throw my things away unless I sent money for the storage needless to say they bled me dry the last option for survival was a deployment I worked hard and got accepted to it during that time I started saving so that I could get a house and a car when I got back well during this time dad an entitled stepmom were demanding I send them money here's the phone call that ended everything also for context my father and I have the same birthday entitled stepmom also convinced him to have their wedding on that day too so now the day is deemed my birthday my father's birthday and their wedding anniversary moving on happy birthday where's my birthday money um it's my birthday too so where's my birthday money oh come on you're overseas and I'm sure you would just relax singing earning a lot of money I was earning enough to survive once I got back to the States you can spare me some cash dad thanks to you and entitled stepmom I don't even have a home to live in I'm saving up and can't spare anything right now to keep it short we went back and forth and I guess the word homeless wasn't clicking with him and he ended up hanging up on me in a fit my sergeants who knew the situation told me to block his number for now and to not answer any more calls because I didn't need that type of negativity while deployed I followed orders sent one final message to dad and blocked his number my mistake was not blocking my entitled stepmoms number a few days later I get a text from entitled stepmom and boy oh boy she started off by calling me an ungrateful female dog and how I should be kissing their feet and how I owed them for raising me she also called me an ingrate and how I was going to be cursed for the rest of my life without any luck until I apologized to them I knew she was a witch anyways I responded by telling her that I hoped she could smile more and to have a great life I blocked her number and she is still blocked to this day my father and I have been speaking to try and clear up everything and at the moment we have an OK relationship for now he and my entitled stepmom ended up separating still married but separated and all seems well for now I'm sorry for how long this was and hope it was enjoyable if anything needs clearing up please let me know and I will be happy to respond next we've got entitled mother thinks her precious baby is more important than a disabled person hey longtime lurker first-time poster a bit of background I live in England but not in London but there are London taxis where I live important later English is my only language but I'm just dopey so you're welcome to criticize on PC so no excuse really is there for formatting but I'm new so go easy also this happened around 12 to 18 months ago so it won't be exact but I remember bits very vividly our caste we've got entitled mam entitled kid me we've got my service user but they really didn't say anything that I can remember so she will just be a peripheral character and we've got the taxi driver I was working as a caretaker at the time and I was taking my service user out for the day and when we retired we jumped into a London taxi we flagged down and while we were stopped at some traffic lights this entitled woman and her Hellspawn tried climbing into the taxi tool what do you think you're doing getting into my taxi now get out I need to get my baby home he's very tired and we need this taxi I'm sorry but this taxi is being used by us so you can't have it sorry I don't care get out of the taxi right now mummy I'm tired I need sleepy times actually said how I typed and bear in mind this kid was around 10 don't worry baby I will let you sleep as soon as this lazy grunt get out of this taxi get out now taxi driver says I'm sorry ma'am but they were in here first and as you can see one of them is in a wheelchair and obviously can't I don't care she is obviously just sitting in that wheelchair to scam money off of the government and make us hardworking people pay for her fancy lifestyle I'm sorry but she needs her tablets ASAP and I need to get her back home so can you please let me close the door so we can leave and not pay a huge amount for the fare at this point entitled mom has decided to grab for my service users wheelchair but because the brakes on that wheelchair were amazing it didn't budge a single inch and sent her backwards and screaming get out of my taxi right now I need to go home I'm so tired I'm looking behind and notice a taxi a few cars down I'm sorry but so are we now there's a taxi a few cars down with its lights on so you can flag that 2xe down and we can go but I want this taxi my baby wanted this one so he can have it if he wants it he's been very good at school and just received a certificate for good behavior and if the driver doesn't get you out of this taxi right now I'm going to call the police and get you arrested because I'm a mum and I have to get my baby home right now or he will not be able to sleep it was around 4 p.m. lady we flagged this taxi down and we need to get home my service user has to take her tablets at around 4:30 p.m. or she will have complications that could be devastating now please let us go or I will phone the police on you for harassing us I have asked you nicely twice now a third and I won't be so nice taxi driver says look missus I'm the owner of this taxi and I want you to stop touching my property oh I will phone the police and have you charged with attempted theft of service because you stopping this young man from doing his job that saves lives I don't care get him out of this taxi so I can use it I'm not gonna turf a caretaker and his service yous out I have respect for caretakers and honestly he deserves his taxi more than you do with your sniffling brat well needs to grow up and so do you living it large with your sugar daddies money trying to control other people's lives now get away from this taxi entitled mom doing an amazing impression of a goldfish don't care just take him out of this taxi now sorry mate but is the wheelchairs brakes on yeah why grab hold of the door and be ready to shut it I grab the door and the taxi driver drives off with the entitled mom still clinging to the door until the taxi starts to get a bit faster and she finally lets go and I shut the door and I can see her behind screaming at us and I noticed she Flags down another taxi and climbs in and they genuinely turn around and go across the road to get back out again I'm not sure whether the taxi driver of that taxi booted her out or if that was her destination all along but the entitled mom and her brat run into a shop that was across the road from where she was standing and trying to get into the taxi sorry about that I don't usually do stuff like that but she was getting all my nerves it's okay as long as what you did didn't hurt her physically I'm perfectly fine with your actions although I think her eagle is very bruised taxi driver bursts out laughing when we arrived back at our house I jump out and start to get the wheelchair out while the driver helps when I look at the fare machine in the front above the rear-view mirror it says 1540 I start to take money out of my wallet to pay it it's fine this one is on me what caretakers do is amazing and honestly to deal with a mint like that you deserve it spend that money on something nice for this service user are you sure yeah I'm positive you enjoy your evening and don't let what that disgusting jerk said make you lose your humanity because what caretakers do is nothing short of a miracle and you deserve all the best the world has to offer you I placed ten pounds into his hand and thanked him profusely and head inside I was talking to my service user later on that evening about what happened and I pointed out that I thought entitled parents were stuff of legend only to be found in the USA but I guess the disease of entitlement is spreading everywhere we must arm ourselves and get away from them before we all become influenced by entitled parents and become entitled people ourselves also if this ends up on YouTube you have my full permission and like and subscribe to mr. reddit also also if this does end up in a video please link it so I can view the video and our final story of the day evil stepmother takes revenge on my entire family to be honest I have no idea what subcategory to write this story because it has a bit of everything entitled parents entitled people nuclear revenge and fair warning this story stretches out over a period of more than a decade so it's going to be a long one by far not the first story I have posted but due to how personal this story is to me I created this new account just to post this one so first some backstory I come from your average nuclear family I had a mom and dad who hated each other and seemed to spend their whole marriage talking about divorce an older sister whom I did not get along with but as time went on would not only become my best friend but also kind of my hero and me the youngest 14 years old when this all started very relevant to this story my dad until losing his job only a few months ago worked overseas most of my life and was only home five months out of the year so our tale begins with my mother succumbing from her long battle with cancer she had been hospitalized for quite some time and I will admit those last few months I had given up completely I had hardly gone to see her I just could not bring myself to see her rotting away in that hospital bed my dad hadn't been much better than me and the hero of this story had been my sister the one who had never gotten along with my mother who held her hand until the very end none of this is vital to the story but it was the point where my sister not only won my respect but also became the one person whom I would grow to trust more than any other my dad not so much in fact his life had hardly changed at all and my mom's ashes had hardly been released and he was overseas again leaving me and my sister behind also worth mentioning but at this time my sister was no longer living at home but was living with her fiance he later cheated on her she broke the engagement and he will therefore not be featured in this story so all the pieces are set in place my mom's passed away my dad's overseas and my sister is living elsewhere leaving me a fourteen-year-old kid living alone and what until recently was our family home soon after I got a tenant to take one of the rooms and that rent money paid for all my living expenses now as I mentioned my dad was out of the country only seven months of the year which meant he was home for five of them or so you'd expect the truth is he wasn't my dad was a skirt-chaser even in those five months I hardly ever saw him as a be out staying with whoever he was hooking up with at that time I could write about a thousand more stories about the women he dated in that time but as none of them have relevance to this story I'm skipping forward four years and the introduction to evil stepmother it is worth mentioning but when she and my dad started dating it was actually already engaged to someone else whom kind of just disappeared from the story as if she was never in his life to begin with evil stepmother was the wife of a deceased politician I've never been able to figure out how much exactly he left her but my estimate is somewhere between 15 and 20 million although neither my sister or I had any interest in money her financial status was something of a relief as my dad was pretty well-off himself so at the very least we knew she wasn't another gold digger so actually when I first met her she was lovely polite a good sense of humor overall just a nice person to be around and I was truly happy that my dad had finally found somebody who could make him happy skip forward another year my sister was now engaged to new guy and was starting to plan her wedding my sister being the angel that she is even with a multi-millionaire father never asked him to contribute a single penny to the wedding what did she ask him for him an evil stepmother to attend he was her dad after all please note even though I'm calling her evil stepmother she wasn't officially our stepmother yet at this point she had given the date to evil stepmother who had kind of brushed it off and said they would try to attend but they couldn't make any promises because it might interfere with their holiday plans my sister was understandably distraught and ultimately just called off the wedding and would end up taking their vows in front of a judge so a few weeks after evil stepmother had broken my sister's heart she and my dad were traveling to God knows where and my sister and I were at the movies we both get this same text from evil stepmother it went something like this hello well I wanted you to be the first to know that your father has asked me to become his wife and I have accepted I forget what the rest said cut forward to the day that my sister's wedding would have taken place and we both get an invite to evil stepmothers house my dad had long since moved in with her I had a bad feeling about this but thought to myself that no one can possibly be so unnecessarily cruel but if people weren't then I would not be writing this story so you guessed it evil stepmother had stolen my sister's wedding date and had married our dad that morning the invite we had received was to their wedding reception there's going to be a massive time jump now but before I do I just want to emphasize some of the highlights of my dad and evil stepmothers first marriage yes you read that right these included a house rule which strictly forbid me or my sister from ever mentioning our deceased mother me making the grave sin of turning 21 please note at no point did I ask my father to cut their vacation short to celebrate this with me but he decided to come to surprise me and come home a day earlier to do so the next five years and I'm not making that up every single time evil stepmother saw me she would berate me for how my birthday screwed up their vacation to top it all off she would constantly try and play my sister and me against each other always cornering one of us and telling us what a waste of space the other was so skip forward about another year I had now been the landlord of the family house for about seven years so I was now renting out to several tenants and using that money to rent the house from my dad the rest I used to upkeep the place as well as I possibly could basically even though his name was still on the deed it was pretty much accepted that the house was now mine and would officially become mine when my dad passes the place was beyond sentimental to me and then one afternoon he shows up with a car full of things declaring that he has left evil stepmother and was moving back in with me oh joy following this it took less than a month for all my tenants to break their contracts and move out yes he really was that difficult to live with the month ended and he went back overseas leaving me with an empty house and somehow still expecting me to pay him for that month's rent sorry dad you kind of screwed that up for yourself he returned six weeks later and fell back into his old patterns never coming home hooking up with any woman that looked at him and then somehow getting back together with the fiance he had left four evil stepmother as divorce from evil stepmother had already been finalized by this point and then almost as if I was 18 years old again he once again left that same fiance for evil stepmother at some point they got remarried I honestly don't even remember when so let's get to the main part of this story yes I haven't even touched it yet a secret about my dad I love him dearly but he is a real jerk I would learn this the hard way as I would become a pawn in his numerous Affairs he would go so far as to send some of these women to stay in the family house with me and then invite me over to have dinner with him an evil stepmother forcing me to fake smile while the woman he was cheating with was literally hiding at my house this went on for years both I and my sister knew about it both of us had begged him to stop and he just did not give two hex Wow it's taking a lot out of me to keep this story clean as I relive this period also during this period my sister had given birth to a beautiful baby boy even though my dad an evil stepmother had already been having marital problems at that time again he had shown up with her to the hospital and introduced her as grandma in the years that followed this gorgeous little one would actually bring my sister an evil stepmother quite close together which makes this all the more tragic flash-forward several more years I'm now 30 and going through a very tough time in my life I had lost my own fiance in part due to my family shunning both of us and ultimately forced me to choose between them and her this basically happened every single time I got a girlfriend my business had hit a streak of insanely bad luck and was hanging on by a thread I had lost all my savings trying to save my beautiful dog from a rare blood disease she passed a month later anyway I had been falsely accused of crimes basically I was in a darker place than I ever imagined possible and to top that all off my dad again left evil stepmother and once more moved back in with me to make matters worse he wasn't doing so alone no he brought with him his Asian mistress a lady they could not speak a word of English and they were literally communicating with each other via Google Translate the whole situation was pretty messed up just to keep the timeline straight he had left her before going back to work overseas and had warned me beforehand that he would be moving back in with me upon his return at no point had he mentioned this lady also slightly relevant the day he came back was the 24th of December at this time evil stepmother was on the verge of her own mental breakdown and was calling my sister day and night trying to learn why my dad had left her this went on for the entire time that my dad was overseas and continued when he came back my sister was calling me in tears saying she could not keep this secret anymore she had grown fond of evil stepmother and knew the only way to release her was to tell her about the affairs there had been an eight that we knew of I on the other hand had never grown to like evil stepmother but even I had always been disgusted by our father's behavior and never saw any justification and what he had been doing to her ultimately I told my sister to just tell her that would be the biggest mistake of my life you see learning of my dad's betrayal had given evil stepmother a new purpose in life she wasn't only going to get revenge on my dad she was going to get revenge on everyone that was involved her first mission was finding out who the woman was that was currently staying with me to find out she turned to me now side note here I had been so angry at my dad for this whole situation that I hadn't even been back to my house since he had moved back in I had spent about three days including Christmas just driving around aimlessly I had slept in my car for those nights I was done being his accomplice therefore when evil stepmother asked me who the woman was I happily told her there was just one problem with this my dad had foreseen me turning on him and given me the wrong information therefore in the eyes of evil stepmother I had purposely sent her on a wild goose chase following this my dad had sent me a message but I was no longer his son the woman had actually been a masseuse at a massage parlor that both me and my evil stepmother had often frequented less than a kilometer away from their home to this day I don't know how evil stepmother found this out but she showed up at the massage parlor and started screaming and threatening to sue she also started following this lady around what happened next she refuses to admit was her doing but a few days later someone sent inappropriate photos of this lady to her boss and she was subsequently fired my dad in the meantime had grown bored with her as well and had started to rebuild his marriage with evil stepmother this was unbeknownst to both me and my sister and made even less sense when their second divorce was finalized dad's mistress around this time also completely vanished off the face of the earth did I mention that evil stepmother liked to brag about the mob connection she had left from her deceased husband's time in politics and now openly she told us how they could make people just completely disappear cut forward a few months later I hadn't seen my dad in months and still had no idea that he and evil stepmother had gotten back together I found this out when his facebook relationship status changed to married to evil stepmother followed by their wedding pictures this was kind of a shock to me but the biggest one was still to come I was still in financial difficulty following my recent streak of bad luck and then I got a text I forgot what the exact wording was but it basically came down to the fact that evil stepmother no longer felt comfortable living in their old place knowing that he had met the other ladies so close to there so he was taking back the family home and I was going to have to evict all my tenants and move out myself at that point I had been living in that house for 19 years and had been the acting landlord for 16 of those to add fuel to the fire I also learned that evil stepmother was having the old house demolished and building a new place on top of it I was shattered that place had meant more to me than anything else in the world and she was coming in with bulldozers to destroy it to make up for my sudden eviction they had however taken the liberty of already finding me a new place to live that they knew would be in my budget they took me there a few days later this place was terrifying it was the kind of place where you'd get shot if you left your home after dark to make matters worse they were right it was literally the only place I could afford at that point and on such short notice dad of the year and evil stepmother had left me to pack up the entire house including everything left from my mother the shoebox I was moving to suddenly didn't have space for any of these things so most of it ended up on the sidewalk - evil stepmother this had been very enjoyable as she had always had an unnatural hate towards my deceased mother boom she had never even met and had passed away before she met my father she would go so far as to destroy every single thing that held any memory of my mother even cutting down our family tree and quite literally turning it into firewood taking my mother's wedding ring that had been left to my sister to hold for safekeeping only to quite literally throw it away and deny ever having it that was her revenge on me my sister she had other plans for you see once my sister had exposed my father's behavior to her she had wasted no time in revealing to him that my sister had sold him out my dad being the self-entitled person that he is still was unable to see that he had been in the wrong here and basically had not spoken to my sister since he had not only stopped speaking to her but had also stopped talking to his granddaughter both him and evil stepmother had been quite active in her life for the first few years and now both had written her off completely as I write this two years after my sister had exposed my dad he has not spoken to or even asked about his granddaughter once I had confronted him about this on several occasions but he kind of just shrugged me off and told me that I have not once taken into account how hard these last two years have been on him it also later turned out that evil stepmother was monitoring his phone and I'm pretty sure she had been deleting any messages that my sister had tried sending to him about this all being hard on him he was right you see even though my dad may have brought all this upon himself I do feel truly sorry for him evil stepmother had taken away from all of us what she deemed most important to us with me it was my house and all my memories with my sister it was her relationship with her father and with father it was his freedom she had taken away all forms of privacy and freedom he had left she had taken control of his bank accounts taken to monitoring his incoming messages deleted all his friends from his facebook account and lost him his job the new house they built even had an open bathroom that literally has no privacy it was disturbing and honestly very hard to witness the story doesn't really have an ending but my sister has finally stopped trying to make up with my dad the few times I have seen him have been under strict supervision from evil stepmother that usually ends with her fighting me and telling me what a stain I am on his life although I never saw my dad as any kind of saint he was always my dad and I always loved him still do but the man he is now is no longer a man he is a prisoner evil stepmother has turned him into a real-life version of theon greyjoy and I for the life he is now living I feel nothing but sadness and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day and Swan mysterious maker mr. medic man and Devin Murphy become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below and watch this video next you'll love it
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 290,497
Rating: 4.5782866 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: KsLOwR0oPgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 31sec (9991 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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