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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story will be reading today bullying me into selling you my car you picked the wrong mama bear after that am i the jerk for how i handled my creepy co-worker and after that if i don't get help you don't get help either now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets her disney plus cancelled but i want to watch mandalorian so please hit that like button and subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from red every single day bully me into selling you my car you picked the wrong mama bear so about eight years ago i'm selling a used car engine light was on the ac needed recharging and the fuel pump or something was out so i go to my local trusted sales site ad goes up with a few pictures and the words i work weird hours so i may not be able to accept a phone call please only text me yay to working swings at midnights right it was actually college classes but same thing for me so a few days in i get a pretty standard text hi i'm matt is your car still for sale matt isn't his real name but you get the idea so text back that it is a few standard texts about price why is the engine light on who did you get the quote from i listed an approximate price on the repairs as quoted from my trusted mechanic and what not go back and forth the next day i get a text from him saying are you gonna take all your crap out of your car before you sell it to me or is that my job unwarranted hostility really what the heck man he's not the only interested party so i text him back i'm not selling the car to you so don't worry about it i never said i would sell it to him he never asked if he was the only interested party and others were arranging test drives already i didn't need him and his less than full price partial commitment and the crap he was complaining about is three textbooks and a bag that i keep close in four things this guy didn't like to take no for an answer and starts calling and texting about how my car's paint is peeling true but the picks and description said so and how dare i ask so much one thousand dollars for this car i started replying for a time telling him he wasn't going to get the car that i had other interested buyers so he didn't need to worry about it etc then things got personal this site gave you the option to link to facebook so you could post at both places at the same time so i had i didn't have the privacy settings turned down as it was still early into facebook's absolute reign and i actually trusted them at the time silly me i know i hadn't anticipated that he would be able to find my info through the website's post and find my name my location pictures of my family etc surprise he did he starts to text me about how i should be ashamed of myself for saying no to him a muscular dude he included a picture in one text and he wasn't the muscular built man he claimed to be he looked like a beanpole with two ab muscles so what the heck dude he asked me if i even knew anything about cars he texted that i should be lucky i was already married or else he would come to my house he got close but didn't have an address and the way my address pulls up on gps he never would find my apartment thankfully small side info since i was in college at the time and needed a more flexible schedule i worked on a school crossing guard every two weeks or so we'd go in to sign our time cards in order to get paid this crossing guard gig was a higher through my local pd not all crossing guard gigs are the same but this one was during one of these visits into the office i was using my phone while i was waiting for my boss to get to me my name being low in the alphabet i hadn't yet blocked the dude as it hadn't been long since this started and i was hoping it would fizzle out on its own i didn't check my phone in class choosing to turn it off to avoid adhding it the entire day and i was often flooded with several hours of texts all at once what i saw on my phone drove me crazy he started texting about pictures i had posted on facebook about my son he had just majorly crossed the line i didn't sell you a car and you're taking out your rage by threatening me and my kid oh heck no apparently i was loud when i said what i did because my boss stepped right over to me next and asked what was wrong great person 10 for 10 would boss again i told her that i was getting these texts from a random that tried to buy my car i told her i was about to erase the text and block him but she's like no wait don't do that let me see your phone so happy i didn't delete them because this next part still makes my heart soar i offer and she takes my phone reading all of the things that he texted to me she tells me to wait until she's cleared the lobby of the other crossing guards so i do she then tells me to follow her behind the security doors at the pd station still having my phone i don't know what's happening but i liked and trusted her so i do i follow her back to her office where she works on her computer referring my phone on occasion she asks if all i have is the phone number or if i got his name too i tell her i only got a first name and scroll to the text where he introduced himself a semi-uncomfortable amount of time later she hands my phone back something to mention my boss isn't just administrative i didn't know this at the time but she's a full-on lieutenant in the local pd she came up the ranks from patrol moving to a position where she exclusively investigated family complaints before moving into her current desk position needless to say she didn't take people threatening others lightly because i hadn't blocked the number i still had the text messages with the dude's name and she had used it to cross search him and the phone number long story short she knew exactly who he was she says not to worry but don't delete or respond to his text anymore she had it if it got worse i should call her or 9-1-1 as appropriate right away unconcerned and happy she had the situation in hand i'd leave and go to class when i'm back to the office to sign my next time card two weeks later i had several unread texts from the guy i had filtered them so i didn't see them pop up and hadn't read them i had sold the car for full asking price but forgotten the entire situation my boss tells me to wait for her again as she had something else for me to sign and i again returned to her office she briefly explains what she had for me was an actionable complaint that she needed for me to sign from my issue two weeks ago i remember everything all over again she must see my face because she tells me not to worry and that she can tell what's going on more after i actually sign the form so i do dear reddit this is the best situation anyone could have asked for the phone number tied to many people as the provider was known for cheap cell service for those who were desperate for a way to contact people services or employment but with the name matt again fake name she was able to find out who was messing with me she then got a driver's license which led to an address which led to a police report for possible violence fall down the rabbit hole some more and you find out that this dude had five kids by four different women and he was in arrears on his child support to all of them hadn't been pain for over 10 years and it was in the neighborhood of 30 to 50 000 if memory serves but he somehow just two weeks ago requested a title transfer for a new to him quite fancy old car i don't remember the kind but think high-end car show and massive insurance premiums being so far in arrears meant that my boss was able to place a seizure order on the car so it could be sold to pay back the child support one of the baby mamas lives in a state where fleeing child support meant that you could have a warrant issued for your arrest when she called the interested parties in that state to see if they wanted her to execute the arrest warrant they said yes with much haste that was a funny phrase so i always remembered it one conversation later and my boss was able to determine that he was using the brother's social security number on his employment forms to avoid child support garnishments this is all sorts of illegal so she notified this guy's hr department so it could be corrected they informed her that he would be fired for fraudulently submitting false documents she then told me that about four days ago she had executed the warrant on the dude for felony abandonment and that the state he was to be held for was already in route to pick him up it carried an 8 to 12 year sentence and he still had to pay back his child support i could have dealt with a comment i could have dealt with the not taking no for an answer even dealt with the stalking a little bit but when you think it's okay to bring my kid into the picture you done crossed the line if you would have stopped at no you wouldn't be in jail right now my boss really was the best i cried when i left that job she retired a few years back and i sent her a huge cake she remembered me and called to thank me she was fantastic and never gave me a reason to doubt her support have you ever dealt with someone who wouldn't take no for an answer if so what did you do about it please let us know oh i just love it when the bad guy gets what they deserve am i the jerk for how i handled my creepy co-worker i have a co-worker i'll call him keith who i feel like is starting to cross a line with me he's always talking about his wife and how awful she is and i'm always tuning him out or telling him i don't want to hear it because it sounds like some mid-life crisis crap where he's trying to hit on me last week he asked me to happy hour i said maybe is he getting a group together he was super vague and dodged the questions saying we'll see who comes out you never know with these things and people having other stuff going on i asked if he invited anyone else my spidey senses were tingling and he said yeah some of the guys on the team i said cool who he said that he just asked around i was getting a super strong feeling he was trying to pretend he tried to plan a group event but what a coincidence only i showed up i could have said no i wasn't interested but i honestly was feeling a little petty and wanted to catch him out in a lie so i said that i didn't know about going out it would be fun to hang out with a group but my dog was feeling sick and i didn't feel good leaving him alone that long i then went around to pretty much the whole team and was like yo there's a happy hour at paddy's 5 p.m you coming keith's planning it did you already hear about it from him and got like 15 people saying keith didn't mention anything to them yet about ten of them were down to hang out i texted keith to say that my dog seemed okay my roommate was taking care of him so i was down to go to happy hour so at five a whole group made their way to the bar heath included i started to drive to the bar and then i got a text from my roommate that my dog threw up in the bed and i had to go deal with it a white lie i guess keith had to go out with a bunch of guys we work with who thought he had organized the happy hour i know he isn't the type to want to hang out with co-workers outside of work so i feel like that was a bit of karma for trying to be two-faced with me ended up having to do the thing he was pretending to be doing he told me the day later that it was rude of me to invite an additional number of people and then dip out i said sorry i thought it was a team happy hour like he was saying anyway i couldn't make it because my dog was sick am i the jerk for being petty instead of direct well who do you think is the jerk op or keith please let us know sounds like heath got just what he deserved there are better ways to deal with a midlife crisis like buying an expensive convertible sports car you don't really need if i don't get help you don't get help either many many years ago i worked at a large movie theater at a mall as an assistant manager we were always busy and had full staffing levels on the weekends but to make up for the payroll costs off-peak days and hours were staffed extremely low one staff member per area usually we always received our inventory shipments on a weekday and in the morning slash early afternoon but they were always such large shipments that my general manager a sensible fellow would usually have an extra staff member or two scheduled to help put the massive amounts of candy popcorn bags tubs drink cups 35 pound bags of popcorn kernels cleaning supplies and whatnot away even with the help this could take a few hours there would always be at least four or five massive pallets delivered well on one usual inventory day there was a slight problem the week before my gm went on vacation and the assistant gm a total jerk made the schedule ever the stingy jerk he decided it was not worth a few extra payroll hours to schedule any extra people on that day to help out with a shipment furthermore on that day he had scheduled himself and i as the two managers on duty during that shift and since he was above such petty things as actually doing any work at all other than sitting in the office reading sports scores on the computer it was up to me to get the entire order put away cover breaks for each lone staff member working in the box and concessions and usher and deal with any customer complaints and issues should any arise i was well i still am a very small lightweight female lifting a couple thousand pounds of boxes and bags in a short time period while also tasked with the aforementioned responsibilities completely solo just didn't seem logical to me so i made my way back to the office where assistant general jerkface was reading golf scores or something i said hey i could really use some help putting the order away i can't get all of this done before the end of my shift the jerk scoffed gives me a sarcastic smile and goes i think you can handle it by yourself i say well i would really appreciate you covering the brakes for the staff while i work on this then i really can't do all of this by myself before the end of my shift again the jerk gives me that same grin and he goes well if i were working alone i know i would be able to do it all by myself so you should be able to do it as well figure it out fine forget you so i go back out there and just start hauling butt to get things put away in fact i'm furious and when i'm furious i can be a little careless i'm about halfway through the initial third of the quarter of a tenth of the first large palette of bs i'm tasked with handling when i realized something that infuriated me even more jerk assistant gm was supposed to be the person who prepped the area we stored candy in the day before what this means in theory is that the person responsible for that goes into the candy storage area rotates all of the stock from the last week to the front left side of the shelves so we can stock the new stuff towards the back right so we don't overlook a case of cookie dough bites and then it goes bad and gets our customers sick and we get sued or something like that anyways since the jerk did not do this i now not only have to put this crap away myself i'm also responsible for rotating the existing boxes on the shelves in a neat stack on the left before i can even think about unloading this pile of overpriced diabetes chow so now i'm just a whirlwind of candy shuffling fury as fast and carelessly as possible i'm just punching boxes into their rightful positions without any regard to their delicate innards i don't know if m m's can bruise but some of them probably did that day my rage was actually helping me out quite a bit until i got to the twizzlers for you lucky souls that have never stocked boxes of bulk candy before most of them are reasonably sized at about 5 to 10 pounds a box so while there are a lot of them they're reasonably manageable this is not the case with twizzlers our twizzlers packages were full sized and there are about 60 of them in a box i shove my arm in to grab the first of the massive box of twisty sugar ropes that's on the right side that needs to be on the left side and completely rip off a good sized chunk of my arm near the elbow on the metal shelf bracket well i was told before that bleeding on the boxes was generally frowned upon so i made my way back to the office to interrupt jerky mcgolf scores and show him my ouchy arm despite his failings in literally every other area in his life he does realize that workplace injuries should be taken seriously because potential lawsuits and money and liability and whatnot and immediately located a clinic that we had some sort of professional dealings with that would check out my arm and give me a tetanus shot and all that jazz at no cost to myself i was pretty hysterical at this point although not as he thought over my injury and he assumed i was upset about having to lose hours i was hourly you see and assured me that i would receive pay for the full day at work so i got to the clinic got patched up got my tetanus shot and was home about three hours prior to the end of my shift while i had the knowledge that the jerk now had to go rotate the stock get the order put away cover breaks and handle people complaining that saw three wasn't the intellectual cinematic masterpiece that they thought it would be and could they pretty please get their money back even though they watched the whole thing while i get to sit at home receiving full pay for the rest of the day worth that scar though in my opinion am i the jerk for driving away from a hiking trip with my boss's husband i 26 female recently moved to a new city after getting a job i've been having a hard time making friends most of the people i know so far are from work we all get along but we aren't close more like acquaintances my boss sue has been very welcoming since i moved here she often has all of us over for dinner and loves to celebrate whenever there's a birthday a baby or a big milestone in our team last week i was out to lunch with sue and a few other co-workers when sue told me about a hiking group her husband runs and how it's a great way to meet people she said he would be leading a hike on monday this past monday and the whole team should go since it's a holiday monday was my birthday but i hadn't told anyone and i didn't have any other plans so i said yes to the hike i drove to the meeting spot on monday which was kind of remote and up in the hills nobody was there when i arrived beside sue's husband greg i asked him where everyone was he said no one else could make it and it would just be us on the hike it was early morning and still dark and i didn't know greg other than seeing him passing at sue's house i knew he was probably a nice guy but i felt nervous going on a hike in the dark remote area with a guy who was practically a stranger i called sue and she told me that something came up with her kid but i should go it'll be worth it for the view etc i still felt unsettled and asked greg if we could just postpone for a day when the others could come he got frustrated saying it's no big deal and we should hurry up and start i was more nervous at that point and thanked him before saying i was going to head home that upset him even more and he came towards me and asked if i thought he was some sort of a criminal he seemed angry so i panicked and jumped in the car saying that i had to go he kept yelling at me to stop as i drove away i was on the way home terrified when sue called me apparently the hiking trip was a cover for a surprise birthday party the team was throwing me at the lookout point she found out about my birthday through facebook and greg was just supposed to lead me there i felt terrible and offered to drive back but sue was upset and said i ruined it for everyone and made greg feel like a creeper now the environment at work is tense sue and my co-workers only talk to me when they need something and they didn't invite me to team lunch i feel like i really messed up join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and don't stop now come watch this video next you will love it
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 28,239
Rating: 4.9458241 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: M_pdMOdSzIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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