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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day you disowned me so that's no reason for keeping us out of your weeding so not my story but my best friend I will call JJ and happened about two years ago I have his permission to post it JJ came out to his family when he was about 27 years old aside from them everyone else in his life knew he was gay and there was a good reason for it as he expected his parents reacted horribly to the news and basically disowned him at the moment they later told both extended families and his uncles and grandparents cut him off to his maternal grandmother went as far as to tried to take him out of his dead maternal grandfather's will she failed due to the Wills conditions no one could modify it not even the main representative aka grandma and homosexuality was not listed in the conditions that could not make the inheritance void or Grandpa didn't expect it to happen or he just did not care take your guess JJ was legally the partial owner of some properties and also got a substantial amount of money which got even bigger when he proclaimed in cash his corresponding share of the houses which forced his family to buy them from him the other option was losing the properties in a public sale as stated by our country's laws Gigi didn't need the money actually by this point he was a moderately successful professional and lived in his own apartment but it severed any legal binding he had with his family I could become a problem in the future he still kept good relationships with his sister and most of his cousins but even if they invited him to family gatherings he always declined fast forward three years and JJ is getting married to his longtime boyfriend Skye whose family was the polar opposite of JJ's when they found out they made royal wedding style plans for the guys elopement they were well are very wealthy and JJ contributed to the whole extravaganza with a portion of his inheritance he invited as his guests his friends including here yours truly as his best man some co-workers his sister and the cousins he still spoke to don't be wrong it was a lot of people the wedding was amazing done in an underground literally speaking it was a freaking cave venue his sister took him to the altar there was an orchestra playing etc fairytale style and after the party well I can't remember half of it because I was so drunk but it was from another world they said go big or go home and they really went big but enough of the context you came here for the juicy part JJ told the good cousins not to tell anything to his parents or the other family members about the wedding because he didn't want trouble but obviously the next day their social media accounts were full of pictures and word spread out like fire at first it was small things he started receiving calls of some ants about why they weren't invited the bad cousins complained via Facebook and other nuisances he just ignored them and blocked numbers and accounts he did not want or need to give explanations when they had all made clear their positions years prior but one day HEC came directly to the door his parents pnm his maternal grandma mg and his paternal grandparents PG s all the heads of the families came to visit how they found where he lived is still a mystery to him Skye was working and JJ was alone in the house so there was no one to help him against the crook squad his name not mine I can't actually transcript because he didn't use exact words when he told me this but it seems at first they tried to be gentle asking how he could leave them out of such an important event that directly affected the family dudes really and things like that his mom even used the he took my chance of seeing my only male son marriage argument he put it out that they were the ones that expelled him from the family and that they hated everything gay half of the wedding was LGBT crowd if you were wondering they classified his exile as a misunderstanding the bickering between the six continued for a long time until he got tired and asked what they wanted as he could not redo the wedding maternal grandmother spilled the beans on a grateful brat at least compensate us for not inviting us to a wedding I paid for that was the problem maternal grandmother and his parents were mad he had used the family money on the ceremony he told me they actually thought he paid for everything and had burned out all the inheritance when it was more a 30 to 40 percent of the deal Sky's family paid more and JJ still had inheritance money and they wanted it back they had brought the paternal grandparents with them as an additional emotional leverage as I told you earlier JJ had made sure that the money had no legal bindings to his family anymore but for some reason they still believed it was theirs to a point and were mad he had spent it he confronted them and they threw away their facade what came next was a serious fight in which both the JJ and his father ended up hitting each other until the neighbors called the police charges were pressed on both sides but in the end the case was declared a tie don't ask me how that was possible because I don't know and JJ was not forced to pay one cent he was also able to ask for restraining orders against all of them till this day JJ is still shaken about the event he had prepared himself for years knowing that his family would hate him but because of his sexuality but he still retains some hope that far in the future they could mend things up he lost that hope after they tried to emotionally scam him thanks for reading is there anything you'd want to say to these family members let me know what you think about them are maybe what you would want to say in the comments below entitled aunt wants my necklace for her daughter this story is from four years ago so if you're reading this you're probably thinking what's with this necklace what's the big deal I'll tell you my great-grandmother survived mingle a twin experiments she and her twin sister were the only ones in their family to survive the Holocaust after the Holocaust my great-grandmother went to Ireland and her twin sister went to Israel but the necklace survived the Holocaust and thankfully wasn't stolen by German leadership during World War two it's a tiny diamond on a gold chain and in a circular pendant though the setting and chain have changed throughout the years the story starts when my great-grandmother died of natural causes in 2016 she went peacefully and I think she was relieved to go as there sister died a few years before every cousin on my side was anxiously hoping that they'd get the necklace and much to my shock and delight and everyone else's disappointment she willed it to me my an through marriage as she married my uncle let's call her ei threw a fit inserted shouting that the necklace belonged to her daughter Lucy name changed for privacy reasons because she was older than me her tantrum I'm pretty sure could be heard throughout the entire neighborhood everyone was shocked but Lucy seemed pleased because she thought that I would give up the necklace no way in heck after about ten minutes of her sobbing and screeching at me to let her daughter have it because it was rightfully hers as Lucy was the oldest female cousin and I being the third oldest it was my duty to give it to her I still didn't relent to her tantrum a few moments later my older brother a very tall man who towers over the rest of our family and a current Marine who has been to Iraq and Afghanistan on multiple occasions glared at her and got her to shut up the necklace later went to me and I never take it off I still get messages from entitled aunts saying that I'm being rude by refusing to give the necklace to Lucy but I ignore them I've stopped worrying about that woman a long time ago it's disappointing to see how family can treat each other when it starts coming to wills and inheritances and these items that they so desperately want people who you thought were legitimate families start going for your throat trying to backstab you trying to guilt trip you it's not a situation I wish on anybody entitled mother will do anything to obtain her son's favorite newspaper a few months ago I worked as a paperboy as the name suggests my job was to deliver papers in the morning usually from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. prior to the event I am about to describe a woman had been sitting outside her house to smoke get around halfway through my round usually staring at me as I rode past on my bike I had never seen this woman before so there were specific houses to deliver to instead of delivering to the entire Road on morning of the event I'd woken up as usual dragged myself out of bed and out to my bike picked up the papers and started to deliver everything went as usual until I reach the woman I described earlier this time she approached me eeehm self-explanatory entitled mother kid do I need to explain this me see above the entitled mother approaches me and my bike as I walk up to the house besides hers to deliver a paper hey you got any spare Daily Mail's a British newspaper tabloid no I've got the exact amount I need no more well that sucks I don't see how you don't suppose I could give you a couple quit and you could give me one quid equals pounds basically the equivalent of bucks in the US I'd lose my job no chance you could always pop down to news agents to get one don't you understand I need one now news agents is a half an hour walk away so I'm not losing my job so you don't have to walk for half an hour the entitled mother starts to get angry listen my son loves reading his mail referencing to the Daily Mail newspaper I mentioned earlier my car's freaked and I can't be bothered to walk all you have to do is give me one and you can get to quit for free seeing as I get decent pay above fifteen pounds a week I think that won't be necessary entitled mother begins to walk towards my paper bag hey back off and toddle mother is shouting now you've lost your chance of two quid it was your choice and you threw it away as with the rest of the street she's woken up her son she and I argue for around 30 seconds with nothing said of note until their son comes to the doorway he looks around four years old which is most definitely not a suitable age to be reading the Daily Mail at kids says mommy where's my breakfast entitled mother red-faced by now go inside name now kid looks like he's about to cry and reluctantly drudges inside nice job shut up have a pleasant morning I cycle away and finish my deliveries around 10 minutes behind my usual time I know usually people want some sort of righteous ending or she gets arrested and sued for X amount of money but literally nothing happened after this all I got was a bad taste in my mouth for the rest of the day and all she got was an irritated child at 6:00 a.m. which she most likely deserved to be honest I was kind of expecting to hear this story go where she goes and tries to steal the neighbor's delivery right afterwards because of this whole situation and saying that they had to deliver papers to their neighbors but I'm glad all she got in the end was an upset child at 6:00 a.m. entitled mother and entitled kid ruined dad's surprise so about five months ago I went to the supermarket to get some small groceries my mom is studying and my dad had to work a lot so they didn't have time and the list wasn't too long anyways when I was in the section with candy and cookies and stuff I picked out something as a snack it was my money I brought anyways my parents would repay everything that I didn't buy for myself of course I overheard a conversation near me from a mom and her son I didn't want to listen but they were pretty loud the boy wanted some candy to take home and she kept saying no when I paid and walked out I hear someone yell at me I turned around to see entitled mother running up to me with entitled kid I was eating a cookie I bought and she asked if I could give her son some I knew it was the same woman as the one who told her that he couldn't have any candy I told her no since I only had one and her son grabbed the edge of my bag I told him to let it go and carefully pushed him away entitled mother got mad when she saw I had a pack of Oreos in my bag unopened here's how that conversation went if you had nothing left and what's that those are for my dad he loves them well my son wants them and he probably needs them more than your dad does could be but these are for my dad's birthday soon so sorry but you can't have them entitled kids starts crying and entitled mother gets even more mad well buy some new ones then I'm sorry but why don't you go buy your own well I'm short on cash right now so I can't buy it so you either give me the box or some money why should I I don't know who you or your son are and I owe you nothing now I have to go home find a way to get yourself a pack at this point I was pretty annoyed and I headed to my bike entitled kid started crying even louder and stopping his feet and entitled mother was clearly pissed at me she grabbed my arm and yanked me from my bike I fell but caught myself so I wasn't hurt too bad just a scratch on my knee the bag dropped onto the ground and some of the fruit and it was ruined as well as the bag give me the pack of Oreos or I will call the police saying you attacked my son I assumed she was referring to the push I gave him when he grabbed my bag but I still refused I was trying to get all my groceries together but the bag was completely ripped I nearly snapped at her but knew it would only make things worse a couple who saw everything came over and the wife started helping me and even checked if I was injured I told her I was okay and that the biggest problem was the back the husband was talking well nearly screaming at entitled mother for attacking me woman went back to their car and came back with a new bag she gave it to me and told me to keep it I couldn't think her enough then she helped me put everything back in while entitled mother and husband were still fighting entitled kid had stopped crying and had secretly grabbed the pack of Oreos I noticed it was gone and as entitled mother and entitled kid walked away I saw entitled kid was holding it I got out quickly but husband stopped me and went after them himself I don't know exactly what he did as I was putting the bag on my bike and got on but he came back with the pack I think the couple for helping me out and headed home I told my parents the whole incident and it ruined the surprise for my dad but he didn't really care he was just happy I was ok I didn't see entitled mother an entitled kid after that until two weeks ago I was going to the supermarket again my dad works and mom is either studying or working from home and I saw entitled mother again this time without her son she was trying to convince someone to buy her something and the man kept refusing I wanted to step in but a girl who worked there handled it at the end entitled mother got kicked out by another worker because apparently this lady did stuff like that a lot I hope I don't see her or her son again man this really upsets me I'd have some choice words for this entitled mother that's for sure this kid is not gonna grow up well I can tell you that much but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories today that you've heard are your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 32,668
Rating: 4.8939986 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: rRMAkLyyzzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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