r/entitledparents | You ALL need to learn MY language!

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day another entitled mother tries to take my wheelchair for the last two years I battled the bone infection in my left foot back story it all started as a very small ulcer on my big toe that I ignored and it turned out to be very big just a couple of millimeters below the surface the infection started because the ulcer went straight to the bone on august 26 2009 teen after multiple rounds of IV antibiotics oral antibiotics surgeries and hospital admissions I lost the war against osteomyelitis I had seven different infections at once Pseudomonas mr-s a staff strap osteomyelitis and the other two I can't remember so the amputation goes fine and I'm sent to physical rehab where I spend a week and then to a nursing unit for recovery it all started in the nursing unit the day after I arrived I was given a wheelchair to use while the paperwork is being done to get my permanent one in the nursing unit you get a wheelchair assigned to you by physical therapy I was also given free rein to go most anywhere I want as long as I stay on hospital grounds and him in my room when it's time for my IV antibiotics I am given a pass to get on the unit if I want to go out so the second day there it was a beautiful day out 70 degrees sunny and a moderate breeze I decide I want to enjoy the weather as fall will soon be here and I don't know how much longer I have in here I was told that I have another four weeks but my infectious disease doctor is trying to get me out sooner with an at-home IV device to get to the Courtyard you have to go by the ER imagine in X intersection as I'm heading north the ER is on my left and ER registration is on my right ahead is the hallway that led to the courtyard that is on the right the ER at this particular hospital is nothing but a glorified urgent care anything above sprains in the flu you have to go to the main hospital across town this is where I encounter entitled mother an entitled kid when I near the intersection from above I have to wait a minute for a stretcher to go by that is heading south this is where I hear the call of a wild Karen excuse me entitled mother louder this time excuse me an titled mother near yelling this time excuse me what I need that wheelchair sorry needed more as I sure what is left of my leg entitled the kid says mom I can't walk anymore my ankle really hurts so what I need to get my sick baby off her feet they can get you another I'm not waiting entitled mother walks in my direction she grabs the handles and tries to dump me out keyword tries into a really nice nurse really nice nurse saw what was happening and came running she tries to get entitled mother to let go of the wheelchair entitled mother has a death grip though really nice nurse then sees ER doctor really nice nurse says ER doctor helped me ER doctor tries to get entitled mother to let go at this point now enter security guard one in security guard two after they see what is going on security guard 2 was about 6 foot 3 and 350 pounds he can't get entitled mother to let go even security guard 1 now resorts to pepper spray he sprays her once still a death grip spray number 2 gets her to release the handles it also gets me in the right eye after this I don't see much as the really nice nurse is attending to me the ER doctor brings a bottle of water and starts to flush my eye really nice nurse then takes me back to the ER she stays with me until the nursing supervisor from the nursing unit comes to get me the police come to interview me and make sure I am okay the hospital is pressing charges and they want to know if I want to as well I say yes what happened to entitled kid well she was seen due to HIPPA I couldn't find out more and nice dad came to pick her up he came to me to apologize for entitled mother's actions from what he inferred this is not unusual for her I wish there was an ending to this she is the late Court three times she is facing four misdemeanor charges in one felony charge trespassing assault of a disabled person resisting arrest and assault of security guard - I don't know what happened on that one I was asked if it was okay if she pled to assault the felony if they dropped the other charges I said it wasn't okay unless it included jail time due to Corona we have to wait for it to continue this story definitely had a number of layers to it first off it started kind of heartbreaking for me because you hate to hear the experience Opie had to endure I think an interesting question is if you were the judge of this case what would you sentence entitled mother to let me know in the comment section down below entitled mother tries to take away the PC my dead brother gave to me as a present this is pre corona context my brother had passed from lung cancer and my mom is suffering from depression and because my mom wanted to move on we moved houses so that she could deal with the pain and that was the same for all of us I love my older brother and before he passed he got approached by make-a-wish and he wanted to make his dream room mini-fridge and everything also a gaming PC and three monitors and he made it pretty clear that if he were to pass I would get his PC because I would find out after that the only reason he did up our room we shared was because he wanted to give me something for being his best friend due to the operations he never went to school so I was his best friend and his brother he in a letter that I found in our room so that he knew that I always wanted to have a gaming PC and our parents would never get me one so he wanted me to have what I wanted and didn't want to make a selfish wish skip half two months and we are having a housewarming party and my cousin comes up to my room and he sees my computer and he says cool you have a laptop and a computer I say yeah almost crying because of what my computer reminded me of so I think that was a normal conversation which it was until the end of the party when my aunt calling her entitled aunt from now says that it's not fair that I have a computer and a laptop my laptop is a hand-me-down which was already a hand-me-down so a decade old easy I say if you want my laptop you can have it it's really old entitled aunt rages at this saying you don't treat family like this and give them the best you can so she storms off into my room and Yanks out the cables and picks the tower up and I'm crying at this point having a breakdown I'm thinking that it was the last thing my brother gave me so I try to plead with her she isn't having it so I lean all the way back and punch her in the face giving her a nosebleed almost knocking me out and she threatens to call the police for assault now I say put it down or you're gonna have to wear a lot of makeup after I'm done and she puts it down and runs away we have never seen that Aunty again I think Opie gets a pass on this one he was trying to be rational he was trying to explain it to her and when she was being completely unresponsive it's something that was dear to him and she was stealing it from him so they had to protect their possessions that they cared about dearly to entitled mothers gang up on me here's a little backstory about me I love the 60s to 80s and usually dress in that fashion sometimes I ride my bike in a full suit sometimes I look like Biff Tannen there's a lot of variety a lot of my neighbors know this about me and I'm fine with it but I also like to ride far and everyone doesn't know this about me usually I stick out and I'm used to people commenting about it that's when we get to entitled mother the story so it's a very cold day and it's the perfect time to look like my favorite movie character John bender now we don't exactly copy his looks I just get close enough clothing to him trench coat gray pants jean jacket flannel shirt so I get dressed and walk out the door everything is going fine so far I say hi to a few neighbors and it seems like a natural day I decided to walk to my local middle school just to bring back nostalgia I get there and begin to look around that's when I notice a kid staring at me I don't mind it since that happens all the time I'm looking at a few classes and find some classes that I used to attend since our school had access to is from both inside and out little did I know however entitled mother was ready to pounce I own a Sony Walkman which isn't seen much anymore that's one entitled mother's kid walks over kid says excuse me what is that there oh this it's kind of like an iPod but all my music is on here I proceeded to show him my cassette kid asks how does it work I proceeded to show him how it works since he was pretty young I even give him a listen to my music and he seems to be having a good time that's when entitled mother comes over the kid never told me his name so I'll use Jimmy as it's fairly simple Jimmy what did I tell you about strangers kid says but mommy he's only showing me his music player she strikes a pretty scary glare at me what are you doing to my son ma'am I'm only showing him my Walkman he was wondering what it was no you're assaulting him I saw it that's what I realized who this was there was a kid at my elementary school who was kind of a jerk but it was third grade and him calling me names really got to me one day my mom called the conference meeting with the teacher after I told her that the kid had through tanbark on me and ruined my clothes after this the kids started acting like I was all bad and apparently his mom believed him even though she probably knew he was acting up so she started to hate my guts about it I realized what was going on now you stay away from a kid you rat miss are you still mad at me from elementary school I recognize you well what no I don't recognize you at all I proceeded to take off my glasses and that's when she goes full-on dramatic oh my gosh you you were targeting my kid to hurt him after what she did to my son um no I just came here to enjoy my time you were targeting me no I saw you you walked up to my son and bad-mouthed him look ma'am it's been so long since that last ordeal with your son and I don't want to deal with it she walks away with her son and I'm relieved it's over of course I was totally wrong this time a different woman walks to me this woman was apparently the mother of a kid who was friends with entitled mother's younger kid entitled friends says good morning sir uh good morning to you I see you have your little toy there is that an original yes it is I collect antiques and I'm wondering how much you will buy for it it's not for sale miss come on my kid will love it but you just said you were an antique collector I am and my kid would love that I would too look it's not for sale now go away oh how rude of you anyways I'm offering 300 for it uh no 800 it's not for sale fine how about 2,000 this was unreal at this point I couldn't believe what was happening look ma'am if you're offering 2,000 for it you could probably just buy an original off of Amazon but they're way too expensive and you're right here so why can I just get it now now you're acting like I'm selling it to you please back off fine but how about selling me some kissed ads I usually have some cassettes in my bag because people actually buy them off of me um okay how much do you want I'll take 10 I didn't know what she was doing since you don't need 10 cassettes unless she has a ton of songs she wants to listen to okay I'm selling these for about 45 bucks 45 that's a scam well you decided to buy 10 for whatever reason and cassettes are pretty rare nowadays fine I'll buy the cassettes well then that will be 45 bucks actually how about I get it for free what for free that's insane well you did us all my friends kids so I should just get it for free first of all I didn't assault your friend's kid I just showed him my cassette player second of all I won't give it to you for free since that doesn't make any sense you know I've had enough of this I'm calling the cops on you know I could tell this woman was insane so I get up and start to walk away that's when entitled mother comes and cuts me off and where do you think you're going so I had to literally sit there and let the cops arrive only to explain what happened of course the officer is understanding and lets me walk off that's when I hear this from entitled mother not entitled mothers friend he stole my sony walkman my dog means he stole it this was too much for me I still see her today and she gives me death glares every time spooky all of you need to learn my language when I give birth to my kid also give me a free apartment long story so I am an educator working in foster care for female migrants who are victims our age range is 17 to 31 and I live at these women in an apartment two of them are pregnant the woman I am talking about lives over one year in Germany and I swear to God she cannot speak one sentence in German on top of that she can also not speak any English I just started this job in February so I asked my boss about it and she told me that this woman flat out refuses to learn German or English I taught German in English to refugees before in other jobs so especially with schools being closed due to Corona I taught English German and maths several times a week on top of my normal work she never participated once she is 39 weeks pregnant and I had to bring her to the hospital not only did she complain the whole twenty minutes in French I understood her but my French is not good enough that I could answer properly that I did not drive her in my car she also made a fuss in the hospital I swear to God I have never apologized for someone's behavior this many times in three hours it was planned that I only bring her to the hospital and a French doctor would then plan the birth with her this French doctor did not exist though so the hospital literally ripped their arms and legs out to find anyone who speaks proper French one nurse of a different area came over her French was good enough to explain the basics but we have to redo this appointment with a translator because her French skills were not good enough to 100% legally plan of birth yes it was bad that the French doctor was not there but what annoys me she literally expects everyone to learn French to be able to talk to her but refuses to learn German or English I have a lot of patience and worked with over 200 migrants at this point also professionally teaching German classes for non-native speakers she the only person I have ever witnessed who literally refuses to learn two sentences she cannot even buy food in stores and German she is the definition of one entitled parent for me she also demanded the government slashed my boss to pay her a free three room apartment plus paid food because apparently her room plus free money for food in a shared kitchen and living room etc is not enough for her and her baby I also want to highlight she is one of the cases where we are 80% sure that she made her story up she told us a story how she came here what victims she is five women before already told our boss same names same scenarios we probably think that there are some people who will tell these women those stories and tell them say this and this so you have better chances to stay in Germany I would never bash a traumatized woman for needing time to adjust but she does not even know how to say I am good I am tired I am doing fine in German when I asked her how she is doing how does she want to live there on her own in her own government-paid apartment I am actually feeling sorry for how this child will grow up with such an entitled mother I won't get too judgmental about any of this either way all I'm gonna say is I think it's a really bad strategy to go to a foreign country and then flat out put no effort at all in trying to learn the native language or even languages of wherever you're living I don't know how you'll be able to really get by like that but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories that I've read for you today are your personal favorite and why let me know what story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 25,225
Rating: 4.912879 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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