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hey everybody my name is steven and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day entitled mother tried to get her daughter my jaw because i'm chubby this happened today so i thought i'd share i'm female and home from college the stay-at-home order in my town is slowly being lifted so some businesses are finally opening up my parents require me to have a summer job i'm blessed enough that i get to keep all the money i earn my parents just like me to work to gain experience this will be relevant later but i'm not a skinny girl i wouldn't consider myself large either i'm 5 foot 6 and weigh about 140 to 145 pounds right now and carry most of it in my hips and thighs the freshman 15 did hit me hard though as i used to be 120ish so today after finishing my last online final my dad called me he told me that one of his friends who runs a heating and ac company texted him that they were looking for girls to work in the office answering phones and stuff i got excited because that's exactly what i wanted so i put on a dress printed a copy of my resume and drove down the ladies inside were super nice and asked me to fill out an application so i sat down to do so and this is where the entitled mother enters here's everyone involved em entitled mom eg entitled girl female probably 16-ish p me dl1 dusk lady 1 front desk this woman is relatively thin which will be relevant later dl2 desk lady 2 desk further back but still in the room this woman is plus sized which will be relevant later be boss of the business we're in the south which might be relevant because typically for jobs like this they're looking for a pretty face to sit behind the counter and talk to customers this is unspoken though yes it's awful but hey i needed a job so as i'm filling out an application entitled mother enters with entitled girl she announces that she's here about the opening and her daughter would like to apply desk lady 1 explains that she'll need to fill out an application in hands or one and a pen they come sit in the lobby right beside me which i thought was weird but i didn't say anything entitled mother to me are you here for the job as well yes ma'am you know that little cocky sound people make i ignored her and went up to ask desk lady one a question about the application it was about how professional one of my references for babysitting was when i returned and sat back down entitled mother walked up to the desk does my daughter even really need to fill this out desk lady one says it's protocol boss will look at all the applications and decide who to call for an interview is he here i'm sure if he could see my daughter he'd know who he wanted to call this lady once says he is but he isn't seeing visitors right now how will he know who to hire if he doesn't know what the girls look like that's lady once says well he will need to see the references and make a few calls before he no my daughter is an aspiring model she won insert local pageant in 2019 he needs to see her to know she's the face he wants to see behind the counter interacting with customers desk lady one says i'm not sure what you mean this isn't a modeling job looks don't really matter oh i know but they do and let's face it boss isn't going to want at this point she leans in closer to dusk lady one a chubby girl up here is he the whole time entitled girl is smirking at me and glances as she fills out her application this got the attention of desk lady 2 as well as me and we both looked up at this point desk lady 2 says ma'am i'm not sure i know what you mean oh no disrespect i just know boss personally and no he'd prefer a new pretty face around the office maybe i'm a little biased but i think there's no question between my daughter and well this young lady for example me no offense honey just trying to save you some time at this point i'm in tears i don't know if it was rage or the sting of her insult but either way i was not going to let her see me cry so i quickly got up and handed my application to desk lady 1 before trying to leave desk lady 2 a plus-sized woman sweetie wait talking to me you see you know boss personally right to entitled mother oh yes we went to high school together desk lady 2 then says and you know him so well that you know he'd prefer a skinny woman behind this desk well i didn't say that she did but i'd assume so desk lady 2 says great well i'm his wife and i've worked behind this desk for almost 15 years now and as you can see i could probably drop a few and i take personal offense to what you're saying about my husband and this young lady so i'd like you to wait in the car while your daughter fills out her application entitled mother an entitled girl both stormed out at that point entitled girl took her application so i don't know if she'll apply or not but both women behind the counter told me that entitled mother was a witch and they'd vouch for me with the boss so i'm hopeful that i got the job how disrespectful can you be if you were in the room and you overheard this discussion happening would you do anything or what would you think let me know in the comments below karen asks for private info gets charged and arrested hello this just happened and i am still surprised that these people exist anyway on mobile so ignore any typos backstory i am a 13 year old boy and i look like i am 11 or so i have a friend whose house i was walking to okay so the cast p.o is police officer k is karen c.o is my friend opie is me so the story i was walking to my friend's house when this white mercedes drives by me keep in mind that this is in the country so seeing ferraris or porsches are a rare occasion i keep walking when the car stops a bit in front of me and karen gets out what are you doing here walking to my friend's house and where is that hmm i don't have to tell you this was wrong why do you have that backpack then because it's like an hour and a half away you're probably going to steal something or mug someone no i'm not now go away again wrong you're going to regret this i will call the police on you okay go ahead the police ain't gonna do shoot how dare you swear to me you little idiot i just give her a disappointed look karen gets back into her mercedes and drives away well that's that or so i thought i started walking again and see the car again this time with a cop car next to it at this point the ah shoe here we go again meme is playing in my head as i walk towards the car like it's the final boss police officer says hey you please come over here okay yes sir that's him he attacked me arrest him officer did you attack this lady no sir she demanded that liar i know you rob someone police officer noticing my backpack says can i see your bag yeah sure i hand my pack over to the police officer do you have any weapons on you yes but only for see i knew you had guns on you i only have a knife for self-defense in case someone did try to mug me please put the knife on the ground i put a tiny little red swiss army knife on the ground oh i thought you had a big jackknife for the like you can keep it on you here's your bag back by the way turns to karen why did you lie about a robbery miss karen well he is going to i was not my friend can vouch for me i then put my friend on speaker as i was in a call with him the entire time my friend says if op robs someone i would know i say see he's lying sorry for holding you up you can go now don't let him get away karen then scratches me so hard it drew blood that's it karen put your hands behind your back why for assaulting a minor disturbing the peace trespassing and assaulting a police officer oh karen also scratched the police officer have fun in prison p.s it turns out karen had two warrants ought for illegal drug trafficking and domestic abuse at first i was like karen's not gonna probably go to prison over that unfortunately and then i heard the warrants and then i realized she is going to prison entitled mother tries to steal from an ambulance then prevents it from leaving this is not my story but my wife's she's an emt and doesn't have reddit she shares stories on a group app with friends some are so good though this one really got me itchy all over she said i could share them if i don't reveal locations and names and not mention specific conditions of patients unless relevant etc cast em is entitled mother kid is em's kid old sick lady old man old sick lady's husband nice neighbor pt01 public transportation officer 1 pto2 public transportation officer 2 wife partner wife's co-worker call is received we head out a warrior call not corona related the old sick lady has other health issues she is however very fragile they called in a little late hoping it would pass on its own to limit exposure if possible it didn't pass it got quite bad to the point that going to the hospital by themselves was no longer an option we arrived at the house in question no other options than to double park nice neighbor waved us down note as far as i know he does shopping and gardening etc for old sick lady and old man unsure nice guy anyway wife went inside and partner gathered equipment needed old sick lady is a frequent caller we knew what was needed we are now both inside ladies house partner mentioned that there was a car waiting in front of the ambulance and a lady inside was gesturing angrily barely two minutes pass a horn starts blaring outside constantly nice neighbor can be heard yelling at someone through the noise then silence a car door slams an unknown high-pitched voice entitled mother can be heard but too far away to really understand it's quiet for a bit then the following can be heard at the doorstep door is cracked open get out of the way nice neighbor says no ma'am what are you doing you need to move your car you're blocking the ambulance well it should have just been parked in a spot then there was one right here now moving let me in i have a child in the car i've been waiting for 10 minutes nothing was free when we arrived and we don't care we parked conveniently for us not you meanwhile we are still caring for old sick lady now his neighbor says ma'am you're not getting in do not touch me entitled mother now yelling let me in i need to talk to the ambulance people more yelling of the same sort continues partner says she is not giving up calling in a disturbance old man says what is her problem why does she want in my house i don't know this woman why does she want inside my house do i call the police my wife is sick why is she yelling old man was getting very anxious about the whole situation since partner didn't need my help for the current part and keeping the calm was more important i went to the door what is the problem the nice neighbor says well this cuts off excuse me you're blocking the entire road you should move your car we're on call please back up and drive around the other side of the square tries to head back inside um i'm not the one blocking the road i have my six-year-old with me he is frightened and just wants to go home kid who looks to be over 10 years old at least trying to sing through the ground standing next to the car then turn your car around and go home we're not moving our ambulance for you this person needs help and you need to leave before we call the police well okay don't have to be freaking rude about it we're on this crisis together you know entitled mother in a calmer tone oh by the way are those masks for corona those look like they work well partner from inside wife wife runs inside entitled mother calling after her i'm not that good at backing up could you help me hello nice neighbor later stated he helped her back out before heading back inside to check on his kids old sick lady wasn't doing too well the call was made to take her in as soon as we could safely move her wife runs out and gets the stretcher entitled mother was backed into an empty spot at this point meanwhile a bus had been standing there parked off to the side for a few minutes it couldn't detour like the cars did the driver was just patiently messing about on his phone wife heads back inside working on old sick lady a few minutes later we just got her on the stretcher as we hear the following public transportation officer one says and donald mother what are you doing get out of that ambulance i'm just grabbing something for my son they said it was okay get out now kid crying says mom i don't even want a mask let's go home please we walked outside and sure enough entitled mother was standing in the ambulance making a mess of everything touching equipment etc without gloves obviously searching for things info the pto public transportation officers were nearby and had come to check out the situation of the blocked bus route pt02 to partner sir did you give permission to this woman to enter and take stuff from the ambulance partner says heck no she's been making a whole scene and has now contaminated our ambulance partner meanwhile had already called for a second ambulance as soon as we walked out and saw entitled mother that luckily arrived fast as lightning they ended up having to take old sick lady in she left four to five minutes later than if they weren't delayed but being stable it seemed less risky to transfer her to their ambulance than to wait out entitled mother and use a dirty one pto one and two were still trying to get her to come out they are not allowed to touch people but looked about ready to drag her out by the ears if they waited that long to even get her outside she's fine pt02 says ma'am that is not your call you're blocking the emts from performing their jobs they could at least stand up mass to people who don't have any waiting around for them to finish talking and leave puts us at risk too what someone didn't take her meds today her arguments only become more and more childish that she had right away that there was a parking restriction etc pt01 and pto2 finally got the woman to come out of the ambulance right before the police arrived they arrested entitled mother she went ballistic and started crying and grasping at kid the poor kid was bawling his eyes out scared and confused nice neighbor ended up calling kids dad who came to collect him within minutes the dad barely said a word but the kid was crying he didn't want to visit mom anymore if she kept doing mean things and dad looked ready to pop her head off her shoulders but kept us cool i really felt for the poor boy the case is clear with not only tons of witnesses but also recorded on the ambulance's camera the pto's body cameras and the bus's dash camera that's all folks let me know what you think of this entitled mother i agree with op what do you think of this entitled mother yikes is all i can say entitled mother is angry i got my order first because i ordered online takes it out on the server who i shower in cash i ordered some pasta and mozzarella steaks from a local pizza joint for lunch today i use their google checkout to order and pay and put my info into the pickup notes my phone rings my food is done so i scoot a mile down the road to the pizza place to pick it up i pull up behind a minivan and call the number get put on hold while she talks to the entitled mother in front of me i can hear the whole conversation because she is using her car speakers turned up to max and she's screaming into the steering wheel i'm here to pick up an order pizza girl says what was the name on it helen hm i'm not seeing an order for helen did you place it online or call in i didn't place it yet sorry about that i misunderstood you what can i get you this is why you work at a pizza dive hun rattles off a long bud list of stuff including three pizzas no problem we'll get that ready for you it'll be about 30 minutes you can't go any faster my kids are hungry this is the lunch rush i'll put a flyer in your bag it has the store number and next time you can call ahead so we have it ready for you ah hangs up pizza girl immediately picks up my line i give her my name and she brings out my bag it's a small paper bag and obviously doesn't contain three large pizza boxes as soon as she steps out the door entitled mother starts screaming at her is that my food why are you giving her my food this is her order she called the head i was here first and i already told you my kids are freaking hungry she ordered a head your order is being prepared please be patient ah you suck starts yelling at her kids to shut the freak up at this point i'm ready to give this girl a freaking medal because i was barely hanging on to my temper instead i thanked her profusely for my food told her she was doing an amazing job and tipped her 20 bucks on an 8 order not sure how it went down with entitled mother after that but i hope wherever you are you're having a better day now pizza girl aggressive testy impatient not a great mother but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 42,463
Rating: 4.8991594 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: 3sQm3QaM4YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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