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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories our first story we'll be reading today entitled mom throws away my video game collection after that you can't insure against entitlement Karen visits my pharmacy after that my mom's jerk boyfriend after that I'm going to call head office on you for catching me stealing and then we'll be wrapping up with the tale of the fraudulent returner and if you're new please subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from ready every single day entitled mom throws away my video game collection its 1998 I'm 12 years old and I've become a budding video game collector it's the middle of the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation era and while most of my friends have sold their older consoles to help fund purchases of current generation games I still have an NES SNES and Sega Master in addition to a Nintendo 64 the Super Nintendo stays in my sister's room at this time although she doesn't play it much and I still come into her room to play on it some days I also cycle between connecting my Sega NES and in 64 to my TV depending on my gaming wins my friends who come over are also enthusiastic at still being able to play the games they once owned in previous years my mother is less than thrilled with the collection of consoles filling up my drawers I come home one day from school to find my room has been cleaned up and made more orderly I open one of my drawers and am shocked to find it empty when it once contained my NES and it's games me mom where is my original Nintendo mom usually I threw it in the garbage what why would you do that she looks at me and credulous Lee you don't need old garbage when you have a new videogame system I like having it and I still play at some time the expression of incredulity grows and she starts sounding angrier mom what use would you possibly have for an old Nintendo when you already have a new one it's fun to go back and play old games again and sometimes I get bored with mom waves me off dismissively no no you don't know what you're talking about I rush out to the side yard and open the trash can to find my NES controllers zapper and games all sitting on top and uncontaminated by any trash or fetid liquids so I recover it all and carry it back inside my mom watches me and shakes her head and sighs unable to fathom my actions I talked with her later mom please don't throw anything out of my room without checking with me first it's my house and I'm not going to let you fill it with garbage sure enough days later I came home and found that my Sega master was now missing it shared a drawer with my Nintendo 64 and one Sega controller is all that's left of my system my mother must have overlooked it I also realized the power adapter for the n64 is missing I run back out to the side yard and open the trash can empty she picked the day the garbage truck came to make sure I couldn't get it back me trying to contain my rage mom did you throw away my Sega master yes I did there is no reason for you to keep around useless junk when you're playing a new system I do still play them and I like collecting now you don't collect old video games you play them when they're new and then you get rid of them to make a room for the next ones that's how it works no one plays old video games they are worthless and all your friends are going to think you're so stupid for keeping old video games go to your room I don't want to hear from you until dinner I sit up in my room by my most of the night I struggled through my homework distracted from feeling angry and upset a few days later I tell my mom that she also threw out the power pack for my Nintendo 64 so I can't play that anymore she harshly tells me it's all my fault for keeping old games with the new games I get my dad to replace it for me since my mom has no intentions of doing so my dad also talks her into respecting my personal space and possessions so she does not make another attempt at discarding my NES but she remains hostile and utterly baffled by the concept of retro gaming she sees my sister in me playing Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo in her room or a friend in me playing Battletoads on my NES in my room and says how can you play those old games when you have new advanced games she tried several more times to convince me to part from my ever growing collection of games and consoles as I grew into an adult but at least she did not overrule my decisions to keep them she wanted me to leave them stored at her house when I moved out after graduating high school but I was adamant about keeping my collection whole and set up together in my entertainment center I'm now 33 years old and half about 250 games across 22 different consoles spanning five different decades of gaming my mother has accepted that retro gaming is quite popular and that old games can be very valuable she regrets being so harsh on me and as an avid collector of antiques herself deeply regrets throwing away a complete and perfectly working clastic system as she now can emphasize with what I went through and realizes what a sought-after collectable it was she enjoys finding good deals on rare heirlooms and now that she associates classic game collecting with antiques has become quite enthusiastic at helping me add to my collection by the Christmas of 2018 I lived and still do on the opposite side of the country from my family I could not return for Christmas that year so my parents sent Christmas presents to me in the mail so I could open them on skype with the family one of them was a sega master my mom worked hard to track one down that was in optimal condition and sent it to me as a way to apologize for her actions 20 years ago next we've got you can't insure against entitlement Karen visits my pharmacy a young woman pulls up to our drive-thru pharmacy to pick up ritalin for her son but was sitting in the back seat the medication wasn't ready so I checked the system and see that the insurance isn't covering it a reason is usually provided but not in this case entitled mom that makes no sense we always get it filled here and there's never a problem the insurance covers everything classic line with pharmacy customers who think insurance is magic and has no limitations me I understand but I just tried to run it through the insurance and they rejected it without giving a reason why would you be able to call them entitled mom okay I'll call right now looks at her insurance cards angrily so what's the number me confused why she thinks I know the number off the top of my head that there should be a customer service number on the back of the card entitled mom's still angry member services yes she calls and remains sitting in the single lane driveway blocking a line of cars with no regard for the other people who came for their medications me could you pull around the store to make the call I'm not leaving this spot until I get my son's meds the pharmacist comes over pharmacist in a friendly tone I'm sorry but would you be able to entitled mom without even looking at us I'm not leaving rolls the window up in our faces the pharmacist curses under their breath and leaves to help other customers the mom reaches someone from the insurance company and puts the wind back down for 15 minutes I listen to her scream at the representative the whole store can hear her through the drive-through dropping profuse language and bullying the Rebbe her son is fidgeting in the backseat but sadly he doesn't look surprised by this behavior entitled mom why isn't my son's medication covered he was supposed to cover it and he needs this what is your name okay and what is your last name hello is that your last name wow that's a weird last name then give me your employee number what do you mean you don't have numbers so how does your company have you on file give me your information you know what never mind I want to speak to a manager now a car behind her honks other customers shouting forward what's going on it's been almost half an hour just go inside entitled mom shouting back shut up eventually the cars behind her begin leaving the line none of them come inside the store mom still on the phone throws a discount prescription card and her welfare card at me and looks expectant I return a blank look entitled mom in a pleasant voice I'm waiting for you me confused as to what she expects me to do since the insurance issue has not been resolved did they put the claim through if so I can try to rerun it entitled mom arrogantly says just run the cards and give me the medication I'm going to pay the same amount as I did last time use the calls I just gave you and give me his pills it still has to go through the insurance first the mom continues screaming simultaneously at the phone and now at me the pharmacist comes over again and takes charge of the situation pharmacist you need to stop talking like that to our staff you're cursing and insulting us we don't need that in the future I think you need to use different pharmacy entitled mom in a weirdly amused way Kalaa you even I didn't ask you anything the pharmacist and I are fed up I look back and see that the store manager has been listening to everything in the background the pharmacist tries to run the medication through the insurance again but the rejection is still coming up pharmacist the insurance is still ongoing through we've done what we can the cash price is $130 and we can fill it for you the mom sped away in a flash without another word we were surprised she didn't curse us out one more time we anticipate that she has already called corporate to tell them we are horrible people for preventing her from getting her son's medication the store manager who overheard and said she will vouch for us if that entitled mom knew how to be patient and work with people and there's a chance she could have gotten her son's medication filled I feel really bad for that kid next we've got my mom's jerk boyfriend when I was around 8 years old my mom kicked my dad out of our house which he took surprisingly well around that time she started seeing a guy but we will call family breaker on or FB for short anyway she tried to keep him a secret from me and my older brother but that obviously failed any parents with an eight-year-old know how hard it is to keep a secret from them so one night mom decides to bring him over for dinner and let's just say he did not make a good impression at all his first words me and my brother heard him say were hey babe which made my brother get more mad than I had seen him before or after he packed his bags and moved in with my dad like within two days of that first impression of family breaker I was just happy mom had found someone after dad that is not a bad man we were just stunned and I convinced my at the time 10 year old brain that everything was ok but then he started staying over and eventually moved into my house when that happened his true color started to show he was a raging alcoholic who made me make him drink sometimes it was around this time I started to get into boxing but also realized what was going on at home so when I went to dad's house we would sit on his couch and talk about all the stuff going on at Mom's house and it usually drove me to tears and I'm a boy so I feel like I could have handled it better but family breaker would throw these parties on school nights and with me being in the fifth grade my bedtime was 8:30 p.m. and I never met that deadline it really messed with my head there were strangers there sometimes it would pass out on my bed and I had to sleep on the couch or the floor when I told that about this it really made him mad but he said there was nothing he could do and it was my mom's own stupidity I remember one night he was so far gone and mom had said the wrong thing and he threw his drink in her face when I told my brother about this it came home and punched friend breaker square in the jaw that was a great day but that was only 5th grade when I was 10 the next memory I have is the day before I started sixth grade I was freaking out because I had not started a new school in six years he told me to just shut up and go to bed when my mom was trying to comfort me that was horrible but my mom started to understand what kind of a person he was and paid more attention to me than she did him I vividly remember one night mom was watching me play Batman Arkham Knights on the ps4 her and my dad had just bought me as a late birthday present and he stood in the doorway it just stood there did not say anything just stared at me as I just had a grin on my face then a few weeks later he did something I never thought he had the guts to do he asked to meet my father which gave dad and I the best laugh we ever had then when I told him dad had declined to the offer to meet the devil in the flesh he said whatever I didn't want to meet him anyway if I'm remembering right a few weeks later we had our finals in school and he pulled me away from my mom to tell me I hope you fail you annoying jerk which again put me into tears because I was a fragile eleven-year-old I ended up passing with all A's and B's just to prove to him that I'm not as stupid as he thought then that summer my mom wanted to bring all of her side of the family down to our house for a week the thought of my very close-knit family meeting him scared me to death my brother came home for the occasion and I still can't think of a man who hates family breaker more than him everything was great except for him and he made my family feel very uncomfortable which I felt bad about but family breaker and my uncle and all the boys did build a little building in our backyard but nobody there except mom even came close to liking him but all in all it was a successful visit when they all left it was being an absolute jerk about how the family treated him even though he was rude to them I started seventh grade a few weeks later and this was it this was the year they broke up I had thought they had broken up already when I started school again but I was wrong one day I was on the phone with my dad to tell him goodnight and for the first time he yelled at me and yelled my name I remember telling my dad hey I gotta go to what dad replied I heard it put me on speaker I hung up and yelled at him get the heck out of my dang house a few weeks later I was doing some homework on the computer and I heard him call my mom his girlfriend that's when I flew over the edge I walked up to him without saying a word and beat him up then I told him to pack his things and leave he did in a heartbeat I then convinced my mom to break up with him he then began calling my mom on an almost daily basis and making her cry that time I really wanted to get him but I didn't know where he was so I could not even tell him to leave us alone in person then last year he came to our doorstep the morning we were going to Florida for vacation at that point I was 12 and finally comprehended what I had been through the past three years and I once again broke down in tears but this time I started shaking till I don't know if it was fear or what but that's the last time I saw him but a few days ago my mom got a call from him and that shook me to my core also in a recent discussion with my and I learned that he had hurt her and once again I wanted to get that man but this time I had something stopping me besides the fear of jail I was scared of hurting my parent my older brother who I care so much for and the fact that family breaker moved to Florida after being threatened by my dad my brother and I my family is happy again and nothing bad has really happened like this since thank you if you read through this whole thing it means the world to me next we've got I'm going to call the head office on you for catching me stealing this just happened tonight I'm still laughing about it so I thought read it might want to laugh about it to our cast we've got me and the tag swapping idiot I work in a store that has a horrible problem for stealing as it is a thrift store on a rather bad end of town anyways I'm currently taking a course to become a security guard so being able to stop shoplifting is really fulfilling for me so of course I see this guy with a huge hood couldn't even see his face and a backpack usually a backpack in this store is enough to keep an eye out I'm working fitting rooms and we have a company-wide policy that you need to count the customers items before they go in and you can only take six items in anyways this guy tells me he has six I tell him I need to physically count them people put shirts inside shirts all the time so feeling the clothing is important he has already irritated at this but complies joke's on me he has eight so that's yet another red flag a long time passes way too much for six items and he basically throws about half the items at me and rushes to the register as I start putting the clothing on the rack I see a low-end brand item tagged with a high price a usual sign it has been tagged swapped happens super often people putting a two dollar tag on something Nike for example so they don't have to pay $10 also our tags are designed so they can't be ripped off without destroying the tag so you can tell it has been swapped pretty easily of course all the items he gave me have ripped up tags that are not the price they should be I get excited show my manager and she knows it makes me happy to call people out for this so she lets me handle it poor girl at that register is brand new and has already finished scanning his items so I asked her to stop for a second and plop the entire pile of clothes he threw at me in front of him me none of these tags are correct unfortunately so I'm going to have to read tag them so they are the correct price customer how do you know me I'm actually not supposed to tell you how I can tell but our company reserves the right to correct tags that are not correct at any time well that's something your company should work on because I didn't do anything with the tags me Oh should we hey manager it seems we need to work on tagging items correctly either way I need to retag all of these items infuriatingly we are not allowed to accuse anyone of anything so I can only retag the items and hopefully he will learn his lesson customer well then I only want these jeans how much will they be he is being super rude at this point I look at all the tags I grabbed off the other clothes he swapped with only one says jeans roughly 16 dollars me seems this was the original tag as I can see this hoodie shouldn't have a jeans tag fine but just so you know I'll be calling head office I proudly display my nametag to him so he can see my name and inform the manager to which she accidentally laughs out loud as she knows everything that's happening it was an honest accident don't hate on my manager she's awesome he left with just one item and left me with at least eight items all with wrong tags only to anticipate an amazing call / meeting with head office about stopping a shoplifter I know he won't call but part of me really wants him to I did everything right didn't accuse him just reserved my right as an employee and stop the shoplifter try me buddy next we've got the tale of the fraudulent return er a bit of context I work at a craft store corporate cut our loss prevention position we use customer service to deter shoplifters when doing the return without a receipt you get the lowest sale price and we need a form of ID our cast we've got manager we've got the fraudulent returner we've got co-worker and me our story begins about a month ago give or take a week I get called up to the registers by my coworker as we get the line down a girl fraudulent returner comes to my register this customer has about six products she is returning without a receipt I'm going through the transaction normally no red flags yet about the same time my coworker needs some change and calls up manager as manager was getting the change they noticed a certain product in the return she strikes up a conversation with the customer manager so you didn't need all of this customer no I was working on a project last month and this is what was left over manager Oh always buy more so you can return what you don't need picks up a certain product interesting we just stocked this two days ago you said you got all of this here customer no I got this at a different location like two weeks ago manager interesting this product just got shipped to the stores no store was supposed to put them in until a specific date which store I don't remember which store manager says okay I finished processing the returned and send her on her merry way customer leaves and manager tells both co-worker and I to keep an eye out for her this is where most stories end and you wouldn't figure out the return is the stolen product this story doesn't end here it continues today same exact cast fraudulent return er really didn't think so today I'm covering co-workers break fraudulent return er is back and has another return I of course recognize her I say the normal spiel and then walkie manager and tell manager I need a manager's approval for a return luckily manager is a couple of vials away and gets to the register almost immediately manager just takes over on a different register manager hi I hear you're returning all of this customer yeah my grandma doesn't need any of it do you have a receipt no my grandma couldn't find it did she buy it all in this store yes that's what she told me all on the same transaction yep that's what grandma said manager okay do you want to give me a moment to see if I can find the receipt you would get the exact amount you paid for it instead of the lowest sale price sure that would be awesome did your grandma happen to say when she bought all of this uh yeah a couple of weeks ago okay I'll be right back exit stage left manager customer i'll stand to the side so you can help the others customer is grinning ear-to-ear like she just won the lottery I take the next customer and the line starts building I was going to call for backup however my coworker pages over the walkie she's back from break sweet co-worker gets back and takes the next customer while both of us are finishing up with our customers manager comes back manager I couldn't find any receipt are you sure it was at this store it could have been the store closer to her house okay then it'll have to be the lowest sales price is that okay yeah that's fine manager processes the return tells co-worker to finish it up and hands co-worker a return card coworker tries to process the return card and one small problem it's already been issued coworker calls manager back we ran out of return cards manager voids the transaction and apologizes to the customer customer exits the scene manager sends a mass text to every location in our district and one to the district manager to inform the other locations not in our district coworker asked if that was the fraudulent returner we were all on the lookout for because she looked just like her we all agree we won't be seeing her anytime soon and shoutouts to our Regenerist of the day ghost KC cat5 and the mega army plays become tomorrow's read generals by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 46,256
Rating: 4.8845835 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents rslash, rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, entitled, parents, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: 6e2MbIDi5yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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