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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today karen coworker demands i do her job for her after that am i the jerk for not going to easter because it's always about the kids and after that work is eight to four only now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen has to do her own job but that's what you're for reddit boy so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for news stories from reddit every single day karen coworker demands i do her job for her i 22 male and this co-worker just recently got hired as first-time zookeepers in the past couple of months she seemed nice enough when i met her and we didn't talk a whole lot as our work didn't overlap she's being trained on small mammals whereas i'm a swing keeper basically a junior keeper who fills in as an assistant as needed but a couple weeks ago she told me that she needs help cleaning the otter's dens and wants me to do it every single day for the foreseeable future instead of her which from my limited experience in that enclosure was not news i was thrilled to hear i asked her why i'd need to do it every day since that's part of her job she told me that she's pregnant and the smell in there is making her sick i said they're otters that smell makes everyone feel sick but she insisted i said no why should i have to spend half an hour in there every single day on top of everything else i already have to do but she got mad and i reluctantly gave it a go that day it was a miserable 30 minutes the next day she insisted again but i put my foot down i told her i hate the otter smell too and i had other things to do besides do her job for her i said i'd be willing to help with the cleaning for any other small animals but not the otters but she insisted i help with the otters and said i was being insensitive to her needs in the end we got in a bit of a fight and our supervisor got involved and basically took her side and asked me if i could spare some time each day to clean the otter dens and that this was part of giving reasonable accommodation for her pregnancy which i just didn't think was fair and now the co-worker won't speak to me am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or his co-worker please let us know please do leave a comment i can't wait to read them am i the jerk for not going to easter because it's always all about the kids i'm 26. two kids and four out of five sisters have kids with the exception of serena who is a travel the world with a knapsack kind of gal i love my family but every single family outing get together every dinner lunch everything has to be family friendly and kid centric i can never get my sisters other than serena when she's even in town to go to a movie have lunch sit and chat without it being all about the kids even if the kids are having a good play time with each other and the adults are sitting around drinking coffee the conversations are about the kids kids are called over to talk to us etc etc before lockdown i asked my sister julie to come over with me to get our nails done and just have some us time she changed her mind last minute and said she was bringing her daughter as a bonding activity we do nothing but bonding activities and the same thing has happened time and time again shopping the kids need to come taking a hike all on board i expressed my frustration and she acted like i was being super out of line shocked and went on about how she can't imagine doing things without her mini-me and that it was weird it became a whole are you okay are you sure are you depressed thing the requisite zoom family things were all about the kids with no adult time so when we were talking about getting together for easter i thought hey maybe they'll want to catch up i asked during a planning call do you think we can maybe just have some time for the adults when the kids are playing so we can all catch up my mom and sisters acted like it was the most ridiculous ask mom did thee are you okay and i can't imagine wanting to spend time with my family and exclude you girls from any part of it that's not normal i said that i really can't sit through another kid-centric get-together and that if we aren't going to at least do something and sit down and have cake and coffee together and catch up just the family then count me out well they went through with it and i ended up sending the girls over and staying home and having a great time just me and serena she said that she understands how i feel and she stands with me because they exclude her as well since she doesn't have kids and has been clear that she never will of course she and i are being talked down to and told that we're jerks to treat family like that that we should have all been together as a family and that it's time to grow up and accept that it'll never just be the sisters again i cried about this a lot am i really wrong here is this normal and i just need to accept never seen my other sisters one-on-one without their kids being the focus of everything guys just a couple of points because it keeps coming up i didn't ask for a kid-free easter at all i asked for some time for the adults to drink coffee and catch up with each other while the kids were playing and i have friends but family and friends are different well who do you agree with op or the rest of their family please let us know for lots of people once they have kids their kids become the center of their life and everything else revolves around them it's kind of just the life they choose to live try not to get too upset over it work is eight to four only not me but my coworker and i am super proud of them the past few years i've been putting up firm boundaries with work after being done over a few times including not being expected to answer emails or do assignments evenings and weekends it's taken a long time but i've learned my worth and that my time is valuable our company has about 200 employees but i work most closely with one other person who i've been encouraging to do the same we were all put on remote work since last march and recently the building opened again with the exception that we would start back in person i'll give props to them they've done a ton of work to get the building cleaned the air filters updated enforcing masking etc however hr at first talked a lot about how they would be willing to be flexible since most schools are still closed and people needed child care worked out and that they would grant accommodations with people who had health concerns yet that didn't actually play out in my situation i had a unique child care concern that had a simple solution but they refused to budge long story short i needed to start 30 minutes later and was told no several other co-workers have shared similar stories of not getting any flexibility whatsoever my co-worker has several health issues and requested to work on an alternate schedule and was told the job is eight to four so that's when you must be here understandably they were upset we've both been there well over a decade and it's kind of a slap in the face to dedicate yourself to a place that talks up community and family and then told no after being promised flexibility here's the malicious compliance the company handles miss time by covering in-house so for instance if someone has a meeting at a certain time or calls in sick someone who has a break or lunch covers them and gets paid a little stipend for it we're talking like twenty dollars not much but if you take a few extras over a week it can add up to a nice little bit in your pay my coworker coordinates all of this and does it on sunday for the upcoming week even though they don't work on sunday they would say it only takes about an hour to do and it makes everyone's life so much easier since everyone walks in monday morning knowing who is covering when so it's worth it can you see where this is going upset at the lack of accommodation my co-worker decided to take hr's word for it they stopped sending the coverage email on the weekend and did it at eight sharp on monday it was like the end of the world everyone was scrambling such a little thing to make life convenient but they refuse now to do anything outside of work hours they told me that the following weekend managers were asking for it throughout saturday and sunday but they ignored the emails on monday they sent it at 8 am sharp again by the afternoon the head boss had asked them to please resume doing it on the weekend and they are now getting the extra hour paid by the company i loved it take care of your employees and they take care of you give a little get a little here's some info asked about in the comments 1. my co-worker doesn't have a disability but is nearing retirement age and has some minor medical concerns that could make getting sick very complicated 2. from what i understand they requested to continue remotely and i'm not surprised that was denied while their role could be done at home with people back in the building it wouldn't make much sense they do a lot of the front office stuff where my role is more in the background i could do my job no problem going in only once a week but their role really does need to be on site while people are there i believe they had asked to do some days at home or half days at home that would work if hr had let them three it seems from what i have gathered only two people were granted remote accommodations one person i know has some complicated medical issues so that made sense to me most people asking for flexibility have roles that like mine don't necessitate being on site i was told that my requested accommodation would be unfair because everyone needs to be treated equally and i get that except most work with clients and i don't my role is completely internal support there are others like me who do back-end stuff or support in other ways who are denied what i consider minor accommodations in the spirit of fairness but would make life a million times easier am i the jerk for excluding my brother's kids from some family events context i come from a large family and it's considered really normal to help out or ask for help and we often watch each other's kids pick things up for each other run errands etc i would describe us as laid back and generally low conflict if people have an issue with something someone does we usually address it with them privately so as to not embarrass them the problem one of my brothers is married to my sister-in-law and they have kids all under the age of seven sister-in-law has really specific ideas about parenting and what her kids should be allowed to do she expects us to abide by her rules when her kids are at other family members houses with the rest of the cousins if the rules aren't followed she doesn't say anything directly but instead sends an email to the person with clear instructions on what they did wrong the emails read like something from a boss this happened a number of times over the years but an event that happened last fall caused the current issues during lockdown my mom has been babysitting the kids in our pod during the day and helping them with virtual school often there are five plus kids there at a time one of sister-in-law's rules is that her kids cannot have any food with dyes in it no allergy it's a general health thing my mom forgot and gave one of her kids a popsicle during the day because everyone else was having one the kid was eating it when sister-in-law picked them up and while she didn't say anything at the time it was clear she was upset my mom then received an email that began a recent discussion it was my understanding that you understood that my kid cannot have food with dyes in it it then contained bullet points suggesting how she could improve my mother was really insulted in addition sister-in-law cc'd my dad he went to their house to speak with them and sister-in-law apologized for her communication style but pushed back on the die thing and wanted an apology from my mom my mom apologized but also no longer watches their kids regularly by her own choice ever since that happened everyone is pretty cautious around them and their kids if we're doing something that might violate her rules we don't invite them this is honestly most things we do because the stuff she bans exposure to any form of violence refined sugars dyes yelling playground equipment above five feet etc are not things we have issues with within reason with our own kids recently my brother asked me and my other siblings about it and we were honest we feel like we're walking on eggshells around them he says she communicates about serious topics through email because of her anxiety disorder he defends her behavior as mama bear tendencies and thinks we can slowly help her by being patient we refused are we the jerks for excluding my nieces and nephews when we have big family get-togethers again they will always be invited but not always for other stuff edit also just to say my sister-in-law is often really fun and pleasant it's really just the parenting issues that she's so controlling about we never had issues with her before they had kids well who do you think is the jerk op or sister-in-law please let us know those poor babies are going to miss out on a lot in life if their mama doesn't stop acting like that and tell papa he's just as guilty as long as he lets that crap go on seriously though my heart goes out to those kids stop working so hard don't mind if i do this is ongoing so keeping things vague the background i work in a corporate setting on a mixed team the team is made up of a few different roles each with their own reporting structure i'm the only person reporting up to my manager on the team i'm pretty much on my own for the day-to-day the story for the first half of last year i worked for senior manager that will be his name on a mixed team some people on that team were rock stars others were not i've always been a go-getter perfectionist kind of person so on that team i didn't let things slip through the cracks which meant that sometimes often i did things beyond my specific role halfway through last year i moved to a new team and thus reported to awesome manager for the second half again i'm the only one for my role on this new team cue the new year and with it performance reviews this is the one time outside of promotion that you can get a raise i've busted my butt on the new team and everyone i work with has shown appreciation and this company actually did well last year so funds are not a problem awesome manager is the one conducting my review and they asked senior manager for feedback since i did report to him for the first half awesome manager says i'm doing an amazing job keep it up here are some suggestions a senior vp of the company loves showing off something i made senior managers notes say to not pick up every piece allow others to fail sometimes so that they can grow and learn and better themselves then awesome manager informs me that the average rage percentage is three percent awesome manager tells me they recommended i get a four percent raise they then tell me that all of the senior managers meant for the whole organization to coordinate and coming out of that meeting i am getting three percent awesome manager cannot get a straight answer why my raise was decreased so since senior manager was part of that meeting where they cut down my raise i'm following his direction take on less i've cut back to ok employee work ethic and in letting others fail and grow since i'm alone on my role for the team an awesome manager just got moved elsewhere i have another new manager no one can call me out in the meantime i'm spending that extra energy prepping my resume for more reasons than just this a couple of clarifications yes the average raise really just keeps up with inflation awesome manager did not promise me the higher percentage they explained the whole story in that same meeting basically giving me a peek behind the curtain and i don't think senior manager was malicious he just didn't fight hard enough for me and he's the one that did have a say am i the jerk for not wanting to house my sister's fiance my sister 27 female has been with her fiance dale for three years my family and myself 28 male absolutely cannot stand him from day one he was just this rude obnoxious sloth and we don't have a clue what she sees in this guy he's 30 and can't hold down a job for anything either he quits because he doesn't like it or he gets fired after many absences we're embarrassed to even go out to a restaurant with him because he will throw a fit over something in his food to try to get a free meal i try to avoid interactions with him when i can because i can't stand him with the lockdown my sister got laid off and they moved in with a friend a few months ago to save up on money especially because they found out my sister is pregnant three months ago now my sister tells me dale and his friend got into some dispute so they can't live there anymore she's asking if it's okay if they stayed with me for a while but i don't think that's going to happen aside from dale being a jerk in general i've heard he's an even bigger pain to live with before the lockdown there was a whole drama with the landlord at his old place dale stopped paying rent and then was refusing to leave even after being given an eviction notice no idea how it went down but he managed to stay there longer until a landlord could go through the whole court process to get him out my sister told me all about it because she was having fights with dale trying to get him to just leave already the last thing i want is to invite that possible headache into my home knowing what a freeloader he is might even be harder right now if i decided i didn't want him in my house anymore with some places still putting evictions on hold i told my sister my concerns she swears dale wouldn't do that but she couldn't even convince him to move out of the last place he was staying at now i get she's pregnant and i told her i'd be more than happy to give her a place to stay just not dale she's pretty mad i'm not willing to help him out as well and for not trusting them they're supposed to be moving out by next week with still no place to go i told my sister my offer still stands for her but i can't accept dale with his history she says i'm an awful brother and can't believe how badly i'm acting in their time of need am i being a jerk for going down this route well what would you do in this situation would you let them come stay at your house or not please let us know no way i would offer them directions to the nearest motel 6. i've heard they leave the lights on for you i got a male karen a chad arrested i 20 female run a retail store with only one other person another 20 year old female and some guy comes in and cussed at her literally the first thing he said to her was forget you i took over and told the man somewhere in his 50s we wouldn't help him if he was going to talk to us like that he made fun of me for telling him he couldn't swear and i just ignored him and gave him the solution to the problem he was coming in about i watched him run outside to his truck check his back seat multiple times important to remember and after about 15 to 20 minutes he came back in he sat down and just glared at me my co-worker was helping someone else i asked him what he needed he said he'd tell me after our only other customer left i told him he could tell me now he stood up and said i will leave when she leaves i responded saying listen i've been nothing but pleasant with you and your entire time of being here you've been incredibly hostile i'm giving you two options you can either talk to me right now so i can try to help you or you can leave because at this point what you're doing sitting down and saying nothing is loitering he was angry he got right up in my face to intimidate me and gave me the most evil look i'd ever received i stared right back at him what is it going to be he broke eye contact and said i'll leave he walked out the door but he did not leave he sat in the front of his truck and kept looking through our window at us waiting for our only customer to leave i pointed this out to both my co-worker and the customer an older woman the older woman told me to call the cops immediately and that the man was not mentally sound i was hesitant but she was right i called the cops but in the meantime the man kept checking his back seat over and over again when the cops arrived they said hi to me first and then went outside to speak to the man after about five minutes i saw mr karen trying to fight the cops one of them later came back in and told me the situation so he's going to jail tonight there was something in the backseat of his truck that he's going to jail for he was actually a wanted man are you all good here one of us can stay here if you don't feel safe i told him that we were fine he had me write up a witness report makes me wonder what was in the back of this guy's truck am i the jerk for not letting my boyfriend drive my dad's ferrari my dad is wealthy not like mega rich billionaire wealthy but pretty darn wealthy my dad owns this ferrari v12 supercar that he loves he takes it out to drive a few times a month when he can and usually likes to take it to a local track he's very protective of that car and doesn't want anyone driving it he let me drive it once at his track and i had like a race car driver instructor with me but honestly i'm sort of afraid of it it's really powerful and just more car than i can handle anyways i'm dating this dude and he saw my dad's car when he was over and he asked me if he could drive it i told him he would have to ask my dad because it's not mine and that i don't think he would want to let him drive it because my dad doesn't really want anyone driving it anyways he left it alone he brought it up to my dad later but my dad said no my dad said he let me drive it once at a track with a race car driver in the passenger seat and then he just doesn't trust anyone else to drive it so my dad went out of town and now my boyfriend is asking me to let him drive the car while my dad is gone he keeps asking me where the keys are and can he just take it for a spin and i keep telling him no and it's making me uncomfortable he keeps asking finally he got mad at me and started calling me names and said i should be supportive of him that i should understand he doesn't have a rich family and will probably never have this opportunity again and that if i loved him i would do this for him i don't know i get that he doesn't really have another opportunity to drive this car but like it's just a car and my dad would be really upset if i let him am i the jerk i believe i might be the jerk because my boyfriend can't afford a car like this on his own and i feel bad that i'm denying the opportunity to drive one which is something he really wants and i am denying his dream edit so that people know i did take the keys and put them in my dad's safe about 30ish minutes after this post went off a lot of people have mentioned he doesn't see a long-term relationship with me because he said this is the only chance i'll get i honestly didn't register that but yeah it's got me thinking well what would you do in this situation would you let him drive the car or not please let us know ob you need to break up with this guy he sounds like a manipulative little entitled jerk kind of reminds me of myself before i went to that keren's retreat am i the jerk for not supporting my daughter and grandchild my husband 51 male and i 49 female have a daughter who's 21 amanda we plan for our children's future with a college fund and a small amount of money to get them started as a teacher i've always believed that college is not always for everyone and did not want to force this if our kids were not interested we also let them know that this money was not their money but ours and we would not be using it so they could just live we raised our kids to be responsible for their actions and the consequences of said actions which brings us to the issue about two years ago while at college amanda met a guy tony who was 24. tony was not a student but he lived in the college town we met him a few times and were not impressed by him or his life goals she and i are close and a few times over the course of the relationship she mentioned issues that were red flags to me when she asked for advice i was honest and if she told me to back off i would when lockdown classes went virtual so dorms closed tony invited her to move in with him and his family we would have rather she had come home in the summer tony suggested that they move in with us because his family had taken our daughter in for three months i should probably mention that our home is a few blocks from the ocean and a couple of towns from a popular summer hangout we told our daughter she could come home but not tony tony was very upset by this and said if she came without him it was over she ended up staying with him and found out she was pregnant last july she and tony arrived with a plan the plan was basically us supporting them as they would be raising our grandchild we rejected this plan and i was able to get my daughter alone i explained the reality of what her life would look like with tony and their child i let her know that while we would still pay for college we would not pay for a place to live child care tony baby expenses etc i also let her know that while she could always visit she could not return home full time with a baby as we're nearing retirement and a baby is just not part of that plan we talked about options and i let her know that she was free to do what was right for her and tony but that they should not plan on any support from us beyond what a grandparent would do she talked to him and went ahead with a pregnancy amanda has always understood that her actions are her responsibility but tony has not seemed to grasp the concept he asks weekly for favors and help that we already said we would not do tony's family thinks we are the jerks for not providing more help and his mother thinks that we are punishing them for not doing things the right way most of my family thinks we are right because amanda and tony knew what we would provide before moving forward with the pregnancy and if they were not in the position to have a child then they shouldn't have had one well what do you think is opie a jerk or not please let us know actions always have consequences let this be a lesson to always stay away from people like tony also don't be like him am i the jerk for telling my father that my ex wouldn't give me my bracelet back my ex 19 male and i 18 female broke up last wednesday after six months it was very abrupt and he never fully explained why other than saying he forgave me i tried the best i could with my emotional control issues to make sure the relationship was healthy but it was hard because i was his first love and he didn't know how to communicate properly he messaged me on saturday saying he was sorry for ignoring me and i started asking him questions about what happened and how he could already be over me he refused to answer and just kept telling me he didn't love me i asked for my bracelet back and he told me he would give it back soon i asked more questions which i now realize made him uncomfortable but instead of telling me this he just blocked me once more i didn't want to just move on because i've had the bracelet since i was 12. so i messaged his brother and he talked to him for me he messaged me three hours later we arranged to meet today but last night he said his family was sick so i couldn't come over and that we should reschedule i understood and asked when we could meet up and that i didn't even have to come over it was late so he said we could talk about it in the morning i woke up to a message from him saying he didn't want to see me and that he didn't think he should give back the bracelet because i gave it to him as a way of me always being with him and he didn't want me to vanish from his life i tried to contact him but i had no luck and started to have a panic attack because of how important the bracelet was to me i got it from my nan who recently passed for my 12th birthday my dad got home when i was having my panic attack so i told him everything he got my ex's number from my phone and called him he told him to give the bracelet back or he would call the police i thought calling the police was an overreaction my ex messaged me saying he would give it back and we agreed to meet up tomorrow i feel like i never should have told my father and i didn't want to cause trouble for him i just wanted my bracelet back am i the jerk for telling my dad my ex wouldn't give me my bracelet back edit i forgot to mention i gave it to him temporarily while we were together he said he would be sure to give it back if we broke up well what do you think was opie the jerk for telling her dad or not please let us know of course not that's what dads are for if you get mixed up with a psycho part of dad's job is making things right by the way where did you meet that boyfriend the guy sounds like he needs to be locked up somewhere karen harasses me in my own home and makes a fool of herself i live in a ground floor apartment in the middle of my little town with a small courtyard at the back there's a lovely set of glass sliding doors that open from the living room into said courtyard and on the other side of the courtyard fence is the public footpath with a public car park behind it it's lunchtime here at the moment so there's a person walking past every five minutes or so it's also useful to know for context that i'm physically disabled and use a walking stick my genetic disorder ehlers-danlos syndrome also makes me look significantly younger than i am so despite being 31 years old i'm often mistaken for a teenager especially by karen's for whom i seem to be a magnet anyway on to the story so i was sitting on my sofa watching tv and eating my lunch when i spotted one of those little black millipedes on the carpet we get a lot of them at this time of the year so i used an empty box to scoop it up and chuck it over the fence so that it hopefully won't come back into the apartment no big deal right there was this karen walking along the footpath a fair way down from our fence and she yelled something like i saw what you just did i didn't think she was barking at me since i hadn't done anything wrong or unusual so i went back inside she then appeared at our back gate shouting at me for throwing rubbish over the fence and littering i told her i had thrown a millipede over the fence that i'd found on the carpet she accused me of lying and said she'd seen me throw a box i opened the fly screen and held up the empty box and said you mean this one she froze and stammered a bit before saying well obviously you threw something else then like i was being the idiot here i said then where is it and this lady actually started scouring the flower bed between the footpath and the car park for the imaginary rubbish she was adamant i'd thrown i guess she found nothing she could reasonably accuse me of having thrown out there because she came back to the fence and barked if i ever catch you littering again missy you'll be dealing with the police so i said sure i'd love to tell them about you harassing a disabled woman in her own home we'll see how that goes for you and she stormed off what the heck i get dealing with carrots in the wild but in my own home wish i'd thought to snap a photo of her just in case hindsight is 20 20. please do us a huge favor and come watch this video 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Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 35,520
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: Ah5Gx5J2sUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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