r/Entitledparents Destroy my FOOT? I DESTROY your bank account!

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g'day there fellas and Sheila's it's a boy I read read it back at it again with some more entitled parent stories now if you're new to the channel don't forget to smash that subscribe button sit back relax and enjoy the show I think you're gonna love it our first story comes from user Arkham Knight three for two titled woman tries to get me kicked out of the store for using the trial ps4 grab some popcorn guys this one's a little long all the speech was in a wreck I've just translated it into English for y'all this happened five days ago so I live in Saudi Arabia and there's a huge chain of stores called Sharia bookstore they sell everything from electronics books office suppliers and stationery I never imagined I'd end up meeting an entitled mother in Saudi Arabia but here we go our cast are me meatball eater eeehm entitled mother EK entitled kid and SM staff member so I had to take some of my relatives out for shopping as my family thinks I'm very mature I'm anything but that lamell so we go to the aforementioned jariya bookstore and I get pretty bored as I realize I forgot to charge my phone I then see a trial ps4 that had spider-man running on it there were two kids there the entitled kid and the innocent younger brother I'd say there were seven and five years of age I stand there waiting for my turn as I felt like a dick when I thought about asking two little kids to leave the ps4 before my own confrontation with the entitled mother she had come with some chairs from the office section one of the guys at a nearby helpdesk informed her that it wasn't allowed but she of course ignores them and places the chairs down anyway she then left to go to the shop and the staff later took the kids chairs when she came back she was real act off by the chairs no longer being there but she didn't freak out just yet now comes the part where I became the target of the entitled mother enter staff member hey you waiting to use that ps4 yeah but I can just wait for these kids to finish trust me those kids been going for their better part of an hour now here you should take turn the staff member then tries to explain to the entitled kid that he's been playing for a while and that other people deserve to turn he indicates to me at this point the entitled kid runs off bawling while his confused brother runs after him both the staff member and I realized that the entitled mother is going to return at any point now and crucify us for doing that I take my place at the ps4 and play for roughly three or four minutes before the entitled mother does return she goes how do you think you are kicking my children off the ps4 like that the staff member was still there he told me that it was best if he stuck around in case Karen came back and he goes ma'am your children were using the ps4 for practically an hour it's not fair to other people who want to turn the entitled mother then shoves the staff member to the side and goes batshit crazy on me and goes yo immature child can you let my kids enjoy themselves you should be doing something productive with your life go read a book or are you too dim-witted to do that much listen lady as the staff members stated your kid had a long turn and they should let the others have a turn the entitled mother starts pretty much yelling obscenities at me and starts demanding the nearby staff members that I be removed from the store she ended up being the one removed along with her children it was a pain in the butt but hey the chill staff member gave me a $100 gift card for my trouble what I find funny about these stories was they call the ope immature when it's in fact the entitled mothers that are the most immature in the situation like they're looking for a fight always our our next story was posted by user Shadow Phoenix titled really you cannot wait for the bus driver to get out of the bus so this just happened and I thought it would fit here perfectly currently I'm on my way home after a day of work break yeah finally the weekends I was waiting at the train station which is also a bus station for my bus to arrive all is chill and ice the bus coming so I get ready and walk to the platform where it will depart from it's a big bus station so we have multiple platforms for at least 15 buses to depart from when I was standing at the platform I could see the bus was packed and the bus driver wanted to get out as well me being me decided to wait before getting in so that then the bus driver can get out without having to work his way through a whole load of people mind you I have headphones on listening to music when I hear people behind me complaining people were also pushing me to get into the bus fortunately I have a history of being a water polo goalie so I have pretty strong legs and I'm able to stand my ground I'll let the bus driver out and got in the bus the only thing I'm seeing right now are people giving me filthy looks I'm sorry but if you're in a hurry you shouldn't take public transport that bus won't drive away without a driver so we'd have to wait anyway for the other driver to get seated honestly these entitled people a next story was posted by user a theory on one-nine-five titled entitled dad tries to cut and rush through line has to pay thousands short background this happened like three years ago so I don't remember every detail - a hundred percent and this whole story won't have much of actual conversation in it it just sums everything up the story happened on a train ride from my hometown where my family lives - the city of my own place where I work halfway across the country which is roughly 350 kilometres away on a Sunday evening since I was visiting my family over the weekends and since it had a rather bad connection I had to switch trains three times on every trip and each trip took about five hours in total my foot was injured which is important later I don't really know why anymore though and I was in training at work therefore I didn't earn that much which is also important later now - the details of the story it was starting to get to winter and as you would expect the National Train company was taken by its surprise as always huh so many trains will late or completely canceled I started my travel at 6 p.m. to theoretically arrive at roughly 11 p.m. at my desired arrival station then winters struck and my first train got there 10 minutes late on a 15-minute ride this caused me to rush to the next train in pain because of my foot as luck will have it the connecting train either already left or never even came so I had to wait an hour for the next one this one also arrived the next stop with the delay of 45 minutes so I arrived there at about 9:45 p.m. the last train to my destination was leaving at roughly 8:30 p.m. for that day there was another at 10:30 p.m. but I would have only arrived the next morning at roughly 6 a.m. since this was a very big train station in a big city and the fact that the train company was forced to give me compensation for their failure to transport me I stayed there instead of ending up in some small village station or I wouldn't be guaranteed to get a hotel or even to get away from the train station itself since I didn't have much money to pay a taxi and the fact that those small stations usually don't have any personnel or ATMs so I headed to the information counter and that's where this story unfolded our cast are me he whose name shall not be told entitled dad EDD ta train station assistant plus many more who will not get abbreviations let's go so I come up to the desk and tell the lady my story and my demands per their company's policy and the law which includes them having to pay for the night in their contracted hotel near the train station and changing my ticket from tied to certain trains to open so that I could get to my destination without having to purchase a new ticket pretty standard stuff while I was speaking to the train station assistant the entitled dad and his two kids came up behind me the kids didn't do anything there and even though there are clear signs and posters all around the information desk it tells people to exercise discretion and weight behind an indicated line the entitled dad comes up crouching right beside me it annoyed me but I figured that I had a bad matchup against him with my bad foots in the case that I confronted him but then he started to slowly scurry towards me and slowly pushed me out of the way with his bodyweight in small steps at that point I had enough and pushed him away and the following discussion ensued dude what's wrong with you can't you read the sign clearly states that you should stay back there and pushing me away well I'm still talking is a jerk move shut up I have two small kids and you were taking way too long anyway they are tired and they need to get to a hotel room soon you're young you can walk to another hotel hey no you shut up I have exactly the same right to that hotel room as you and I was here first so get back in line and learn to behave like a normal adult the train station assistant chimes in and says sir please step behind the line and stop bothering the passenger we weren't finished yet shut up I said we need a room fast then he turns to me and goes and now get out of my way freak off jerk he kicks my leg away causing me to fall hard on the granite floor with my elbow and now completely twisting my injured foot the train station assistant then yells out security please be reminded that one security guy another train station assistance and two other passengers were standing right next to us on the second counter during the whole situation and they saw everything well the security guy grabs and fixes the entitled dad to the ground the entitled dad's kids are crying and scared as to be expected the tarry train station assistance tried to console them and called the police and the other passengers helped me as I was in severe pain and called an ambulance the police took statements and identification from everyone and let everyone else go since they had no reason to arrest him immediately then the whole after story hit him full force I had to stay the nights and next full day and night in a hospital for checks and was then let go on crutches my ankle was sprained but my elbow was fine I only hit the funny bone since I still couldn't walk well enough and was in too much pain to take the train I had to call a taxi to drive me the 250 kilometers to my own place in hindsight it would have been better to get back to my family but well you're always smarter afterwards my parents quickly send me money for it via PayPal after they heard the story and my plans so I didn't have to go to work for a month since that job required me to stand and walk all day and had time to get a lawyer my parents lent me money for this since I could never have afforded a lawyer and sue the guy in civil courts I didn't try Criminal Court since it wouldn't have brought any personal gain to me in the end the judge granted me a damage pay of roughly 400 euros for the pain and another half of my monthly pay for financial loss because the guy behaved like a d-bag in court insulted me in the judge lying screaming etc and of course the entitled dad had to pay his and my lawyer costs and the court costs as is standard the thing is I didn't even have a high financial loss since my employer still had to pay my salary while I couldn't work I just had to order enough food for the next few weeks since I couldn't go grocery shopping that well the entitled dad felt like this was unfair and appealed well let's just say the next judge up to the damage paid by roughly a hundred euros because the entitled dad still behaved like a d-bag he didn't try a next round so to sum it up he most likely lost four lawsuits two against me one against my health insurance and one against my employer had to pay around 500 euros roughly half of my salary for my financial loss another 500 euros my taxi bill for the long ride home special long-distance taxi some more expensive plus the drivers ride back into the original city or his operation zone around an extra 850 euro my lawyers costs 3000 euros court costs also easily a few hundred euros his own lawyer most likely not cheaper than mine probably all my hospital bills the crutches painkillers etc my actual salary and all the lawyer and court costs for those lawsuits I said probably for the medical and salary payments because I don't know if they sued or if everything was paid for by his insurances which is highly unlikely and that his premiums on his health insurance had gotten higher so yeah I alone got roughly five thousand euros from him plus all the rest that he and his insurance had to pay phew you made it through this novel congratulations and sister apologies for me for this long wall of text edit - to add to the backstory the train company pays as compensation 25% of the ticket price if you arrive greater than one hour late at your destination and 50% if you're greater than two hours late other than that they either have to get you a hotel room and one if they're contracted hotels for free or you pay the taxi in hotel up to a certain amount if you get them yourself that is it's very complicated since some rules negate each other or make exceptions etc and applying for the ticket refund is hell without an online ticket and the app that tracks every tiny detail it would be impossible to fill out the form to apply for that detail a next story comes from user perks of being crafty titled entitled mother tries to buy my car for $1000 when my asking price is twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars I'm selling my Range Rover which is a 2017 model I bought two years ago for twenty eight thousand five hundred dollars I've listed it online and today I got an offer for a thousand dollars from a mum with this exact message I'd like to offer $1000 for this vehicle is this vehicle still available my husband and I really need a new car and I currently can't go to a car dealership because of my insurance but I need something because I have an 11 month old I responded by saying that she's literally offering 3% of my asking price and that no unfortunately I can't agree to this update this is slightly anticlimactic but her new message says yes ma'am but I'm also willing to do financing options as well I can promise to pay at most $1,000 every month so I'm not sure how long she intends to do this for two and a half years and I'm not a bank dude how would I make sure she pays me at this point I think I'll just stop responding unless anyone has suggestions sorry she's not more of a psycho and this didn't get to be entertaining for everyone edit - I had originally thought to post this on choosing beggars but I read their pinned post and they literally gave this example of someone offering a super low price for your car as a kind of purse they don't accept and an update I've now sold the car for $26,000 damn should have been taken the offer for $1,000 of monta and our last post comes from user how to be a popsicle titled don't mess with grandma AKA entitled mom's shames my mom for having a child at her age in which the child was mine hello hello so context my son was born May 11th we both had doctor's appointments so I brought my mom along to have an extra set of hands my name was called first and I had some things that I wanted to talk to the doctor about seriously and didn't want to be distracted with the baby so I decided to let grandma keep squish in the waiting room while I went in this all happened while I was talking to the doctor so it's old that I was told by my mom let's go our cast our squish my wonderful baby boy grandma my mom which is squishes grandma entitled mummy Shama Karen so after I left grandma was watching squish while he played in his car seat she was talking to him and playing too and they were just overall minding their own business the Karen and her daughter who was an angel as grandma said stepped out of the elevator and into the office grandma didn't pay attention to her and her kid took a particular liking to squish she wanted to see him and hold his hand she was very gentle with him after checking in Karen came over and sat across from Grandma and rolled her eyes sweetie come here we don't know what kind of defects that baby has excuse me you're far too old to be having babies your child probably has a ton of defects I don't want my daughter to play with defective children are you serious do you hear how incredibly crazy you sound I'm not the crazy one he waited too long and now your baby is defective that's why you hear isn't it well I hate to break it to you but no doctor can fix your stupid mistake listen lady that is my grandson and I don't know who you think you are to tell me or anyone else when to have a child you are not any sort of authority to me I don't answer to you the only one I answer to is God and enemy and he doesn't take too kindly to people like you who judge others from what grandma told me Karen's mouth hung open as grandma went on with her rent she quoted Bible verses like Matthew seven one two two and Luke 6:37 basically saying that God was gonna judge his lady hard for what she was saying but my favorite part was how she ended her rent no I will forgive you for your judgment because I don't know what challenges God has put before you but I hoped you use this as a starting point to get yourself in check and figure out why you feel the need to judge others in the first place this went on for a while with Grandma cutting off Karen anytime she tried to speak by the time I got out of my appointment things had settled but he could have cut the tension with a knife Karen sat with her arms and legs folded teary eyes and a red face while I think my grandma could have been a little less harsh I know that her intentions were clear and that God can forgive her hopefully Karen I hope Karen finds peace in herself someday edit Karen thought that squish might have defects because as a woman gets older the chance of birth defects go up however that chance is still very minimal alright guys I hope you enjoyed that episode tell me what you thought of it in the comments and we can have a chat about it anyway I hope you enjoying the next episode and I'll see you then have a good day bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 29,353
Rating: 4.8316402 out of 5
Keywords: entitledparents, reddit, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitled people, r/entitledparents, parents reddit, reddit stories, reddit top posts, subreddit, entitled, compilation
Id: xTh1oa03_RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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