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welcome welcome back it's a boy I read read it back at it again with some more entitled parents tomfoolery now today's story is gonna be extra spicy so throw a shrimp on the barbie and sit back relax and enjoy the ride fellas and Sheila's I hope you love these ones our first two stories today come from the years of exploding show tunes and the title of this one is entitled parent uses my mum as a free babysitter then beats her up at school for making fun of me okay so this is my fiance's story I've had his mum and dad confirm it was real and I'll do my best to retell it here from what they told me and I hope you enjoy now introducing our cast bean is my fiance as a little first grade bean and his kick butt mum entitle mother you know who they are an entitled kid is the entitled mother's crotch fruit so when beam was in first grade entitled mother would send her entitled kid to beans house often without confirming would be okay with the mother first he would be there until 9:00 to 10:00 at night every time he was over well past bedtime for her first grader my mum would have to call the mother just to come and get her a kid and he just lived down the street and she was actually her mall day so they were just using my mother as a free babysitter so she wouldn't have to deal with him being in the entitled kid would play and carry on like kids normally would but the entitled kid was incredibly aggressive then when it came to school he would make fun of bean and act like he was the black sheep and singled him out and tell him he wasn't allowed to hang out with him and would still would proceed to play with him after school the entitled mother was no better on school grounds as she and her Posse would make fun of many kids when dropping off or picking up their own kids from school calling some of them the r-word idiots and being remembers once said that one looked like a Mongol the school didn't do anything to stop this and none of the parents wanted anything to do with it or were too scared to do anything about it one day when dropping off being at school the entitled mother and her Posse decided today was the day to pick on him according to beans mother they were calling him fat and stupid and said that the mother was a parent for it oh the mother overheard this and she had had enough the mother weighed until almost all the kids were inside but not before beam was as she confronted the entitled mother and said listen here you jerk I'm gonna punch you and I'm gonna punch you hard this is Ben's new fee mother one of the nicest people I've ever met who was gone full mama bear rage mode and as she said she would punch the entitled mother in the face they both proceeded to fight on the ground in a bare-knuckle brawl complete with scratching biting hair pulling you know all the moves you'd see on ESPN or your local playground the principal eventually came out broke it up and the police were called the mother and the entitled mother were escorted off school property and told to go home later that night the cops showed up had been in the mother's house they asked questions about what happened and of course the mother told them all about how they were harassing all the kids on school property and since the school wasn't doing anything she decided to defend her child the cops left without harassing her but in the next couple of days she had a summons to court because the entitled mother decided to press charges the mother never bothered going as she knew she was in the ride and surprisingly never had to pay any charges parents who saw or heard about what had happened congratulated her and said that they were glad someone finally stood up to the entitled mother however the mother entitled mother did not go unscathed from the incident both the mother and the entitled mother were banned from being on school property for the rest of the school year which is kind of sad being had a play and she had to stand in the back of the field to watch it oh yeah also the entitled kid stopped coming over if he can believe it edit thanks guys for the gold and the comments and the stories I'll just clear things up that being just remembered but please remember I'm not at all familiar with the legal system or how it works I've only been involved with police once for a missing person so nothing on assault I was also confused by the fact that nothing happened when M got a summons but we're assuming that the entitled mother dropped the charges after finding out legal fees or something or maybe she had a change of heart if possible yeah nah Ben also recall his mother's mugshot getting taken but we don't know when before or after they showed up to their house so the police do have the case on file and she probably has a record for it but I'm not sure for those of you wondering what happened in the new school year when the band was dropped they are still living in the same house as before down the street and being moved to a new school because they didn't want to deal with the entitled mother now that she was back he has a good story about a teacher there which I will post but I don't know what serrated put it in stay tuned all right our second story is also by exploding show tunes titled entitled mother demands my disabled dad moves his car from the street because her son likes to park in that spot so my dad told me the story today that happened yesterday and I thought you guys would enjoy it some backstory our neighbors across the street and not well neighborly and odd I've grown up with them living there for most of my life but I cannot distinguish who exactly lives there and who doesn't because they always have guests over and not very distinguishable I don't know if it's a cultural thing as to this they're Indians I believe I won't go into great detail but a few examples are a member of this family is they were basically not at all concerned for their children if they ran out onto the street which my parents witnessed them almost getting hit a few times and they would also steal my basketballs or soccer balls when I was a kid and claimed it to be theirs because it's now their property they weirdly got the same dog as us because they said they liked how he had a puppy face despite him being 10 years old which isn't entitled but I just thought I'd mention it since it's kind of funny anyway the most annoying and entitled thing that bothers my parents is that they would refuse to use their own driveway to keep it open for guests park it outside of the street and sometimes borderline go in our driveway they unable to park on their side as it's Hazzard but it bothered my dad to no end that they had a perfectly good driveway and weren't using it most of the time it was mostly annoying for use I mean they can park on their side but they have a driveway but this became a problem when we kids were old enough to five and had cause of our own and now have to park a good few meters down the street because that's how far they would take over our side my dad also became disabled and now can't walk far so having to park down the street was physically painful and for him to walk back here we go my dad figured out a system that we would park on outside of the street by our house when it was free and if one of us were using that car we would have to replace said car with another this worked perfectly for a little bit and then yesterday while my dad was working in the garage the neighbor our entitled mother who my dad has had many wonderful encounters with comes over excuse me uh yeah can you move your car she pointed his car in the street why my son likes to park there and he's coming home soon well why doesn't he park on your driveway he likes to park there it's in front of my house why doesn't he park down the street why don't you because it's my house and I'm disabled I can't walk far your aunt looked disabled get off my property your son's perfectly able to walk down this street move your car my son likes that spot I don't care you have a spot on your driveway either make him park there or he can walk the entitle mother just Huff's realizing she's not able to do anything about it and goes back to our house I'll update you folks if anything else happens Jesus can you imagine the nerve on some people anyway our next story is from Simba sweet titled entitled mum stalks me through the grocery store for my bag so this happened a couple days ago and the more I think about it the more disturbed I get for some backstory I'm a huge musical theater node and a few years ago I got to see the Phantom of the Opera in Seattle and as a souvenir I bought a tote bag but the plays logo printed all over it but I'm still very fond of now the show was playing in a theater in my area and there's been a lot of local buzz about it I went to see it this weekend and decided to carry my phantom tarp for a while since my love of the show has been bolstered and the bag is a great conversation starter for other theater nerds I may meet in public who recognized the show that my bag references now let's set the stage a couple of days ago I went to the grocery store near my apartment to stock up on some pretty standard foodstuffs and when I walk in I saw a cashier I'm friendly with working the self checkout kiosk so I stopped to talk to him for a few minutes my bag was hanging over my shoulder within clear view of the doors after a couple of minutes into my chat I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to address whoever was trying to get my attention and found a relatively normal looking woman average sized normal clothing normal hair style nothing to indicate this woman was a caring type in any way she says to me is that a Phantom of the Opera on your bag me being happy to chat about one of my favorite musicals replies yeah do you like the show it's fine I took my daughter last weekend to see it at insert local theatre she loves musicals ah me too I thought it was a really great show the cast did a really great job and she then cuts me off and goes did you buy that bag there I didn't see that back at any of the booths oh no actually I got this in Seattle when I saw the show a few years ago oh because they really weren't any souvenirs it's showing my daughter liked well she would love that bag and then she looked at me expectantly um I realized what she wants and I say I'm sorry your daughter didn't find that he keepsakes she wanted she was so disappointed she didn't have anything to remember the show by she would love your bag love it well I know I love this bag I hope the next time your daughter sees a show she finds a souvenir she likes I'm pretty nervous at this point because I'm very non-confrontational and I've read plenty on the subreddit to know the entitled parents like causing scenes I gripped my bag very tightly trying to hold it against my body with my elbow and with both hands tightly on the straps I've got to go do my shopping now excuse me to my pleasant surprise she didn't say anything else so I really thought I'd gotten away without any crazy happening I grabbed the basket and went to the cereal aisle as I'm putting Cheerios into the basket the entitled mom also enters the aisle she doesn't have a cart or a basket and she doesn't try to approach me again instead she just stares at me I decided to try and ignore her and go about my business as usual grabbing the things of my shopping list every aisle I go to she follows me into every single one just staring at me I'm certain she was just waiting for me to let my guard down I go through self checkout and she hangs by the discount bread rack nearby still watching knowing she's probably not going to give up this is when I leave this store I flagged down my acquaintances working the self checkout kiosk and tell him I'm pretty sure the entitled mother is going to follow me to my car he's wary of her and walks me and my purchases out to the parking lot and doesn't leave until my bags are loaded and I'm in the car with my doors locked I was still keeping an eye on the entitled mother and sure enough she left the store when I did watching me as I got to my car I saw her get into her own car still watching me my acquaintances who walked me out went back to the store and I was left alone in my vehicle caught in an awkward staring match with the entitled mother who's also in a car she didn't even try to hide the fact that she was watching me it dawned on me that the entitled mother was likely to follow me her so instead of taking my usual exit that would take me back to my apartment I drove over to the exit that turned off onto the more major street entitled mother followed me like I expected i sat there for a couple of minutes and least waiting see there's an intersection at the corner of the grocery store with really long light times so cars end up lining up a fair amount I waited until the last possible second until that light turned green and unleashed a wave of cars turning right just before they hit leaving the entitled mother's stranded to wait for them to pass if she wanted to follow me I drove up the street and got onto the highway then took the exit for the next neighborhood over and took the back way to my apartment my car's pretty noticeable it's bright orange and I didn't want to take any chances the entitled mother may recognize my car by going back the way I came it seems that successfully ditched her because no one has come banging on my door demanding I give them my phantom tote needless to say I will be leaving that bag at home from now on TL DR entitled mum stalked me through a grocery store and almost followed me home because I didn't want to give her my tote that she wanted for her daughter damn Simba sweet I didn't think people like this actually existed Lucky's survived and died you're not dead that wouldn't have been good sir our next story is by the user literal square titled you won't give me a discount I have AIDS I had the fortune of personally witnessing this several years ago and it has never left me I was shopping at an appliance store and waiting in line to be served at the counter entitled father a very tall fit looking guy with a loud voice says so how long will it take for my refrigerator to ship cashier replies are about four weeks your title is a generic for refrigerator price that I don't specifically remember sir here's your warranty and your receipt is there anything else I can help you with that much with a month shipping time you didn't charge me for shipping right cashier replies back um yes sir with your warranty tax and $30 shipping is the total price that's insane do people or insane you're seriously gonna charge me 30 bucks for a month of white time of shipping yes it's um uh it's it's a typical delivery price yes you are giving me attitude you should give me a discount for having a deal with this I can't do that sir I'm sorry you feel that way where is your manager okay for real he said this the manager who was standing like five feet away the entire time and heard the whole thing says how can I help your worker is giving me attitude I can't believe you hire people like this I am clearly owed some sort of discount to my fridge well sir I'm afraid we can't you can't what give prosper customer service I'm going to have to call your franchise office once again slamming his wrist in the counter quite loudly I call them if you like sir but you're making my employees feel unsafe and I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store oh I'm unsafe now well you're right because I have AIDS the other customers clearly paying attention now and twelve this year old daughter with him looking very embarrassed and he keeps going saying and no I can't believe you would discriminate against someone like me come on daughter and he storms out of the store still banging his hands on that bloody counter he never did call any higher franchise or corporate office he did get his refrigerator and his family was able to enjoy it for a few years before he got a divorce and ended up losing the house along with all of its appliances it's because I am the daughter and though he does not have AIDS what what is this time Thank You literal square what's going on oh my god and our final story of today is titled why do you a health professional not want to date my son mobile yadda yadda English is my first language in all that okay so I'm currently studying towards becoming a nurse and I've been working on a ward that sees all kinds of patients but the most common person we get a young men Oh teens in their 20s I'm still quite young and vaguely attractive so I occasionally get attention from clients who don't always keep it professional but for the most part everyone is chill but we know entitled parents have no chill so here we go here's our cast and crew boys and girls me meteor explosion e/m entitled mother yes entitled son and the best nurse in person in the industry so the entitled son about 17 years old was impact you post anaesthetic care unit when I started my shift I and another nurse went to retrieve him but he was still very groggy and honestly a little too touchy-feely but I'd put it down to him being a half asleep and not being in his right mind I come back later when he's fully awakened to OBS the whole time I know he's flirting with me but I gently rebuff him and keep things professional until the very end entitled the son says to me hey so I'm thinking when I'm out of here do you want to go get a coffee sometime um thanks but no thanks I'm here doing my job and it's unprofessional to be involved with clients outside of their care he seems to drop it with a little attitude but I thought I got my point across no more than 20 minutes later the entitled mother storms up to the nurse's station demanding to see whoever had interacted with the entitled son I say hi is everything okay with the entitled son I can come with you to his room if you need to discuss his care means he'll mom just says entitled son just told me how rudely you have treated him and you should be reported for neglectful care I'm very taken aback and honestly probably looking like a deer in the headlights and say I'm sorry I dare you tell my son he is ugly he doesn't have a chance in heck with you he should have just said yes on the spot because he is so out of your league you know and even that pretty and you're fat and I don't want him dating you anyway um excuse me I would never say anything like that all I said was notice what's going on this bimbo nurse was completely rude to my son and I want her to apologize to him right now I'm sure there's some miscommunication here I can assign someone else to the entitled son right now some more conversation goes down where the nurse manages to convince the entitled mother that the entitled son was exaggerating a tad and that I would have has stayed within my professional boundaries she grumbles a lot but takes what she can get for the rest of the stay however I got death stares from the entitled mother but nothing more than sheepish glances from the entitled son because he knew he'd been call out on his BS I just thank my lucky stars he never asked me for a bed bath ill anyway thank you for sharing that one and I'm really appreciate it and I'm gonna wrap the episode up here guys really glad that you stuck around to the end uh sorry I had a 2-day hiatus there I'm glad you're here with me now tell me what you think in the comments let's have a good chat about this one I'll reply and I want to see you guys next episode I'm gonna start posting a lot more from now have a good day guys I'll see you later bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 27,739
Rating: 4.8566308 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, mr reddit, reddit cringe, entitled, parents, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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